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Jenna North

LIS 4934

Dr. Richard Austin


BSIS Program Review (Part 2)

For this assignment I will be discussing the 3 assignments that I felt were the

most important or useful in my time at USF in the Information Science major. I have

mostly chosen assignments from this semester not only as they are the freshest in my

mind but also as the courses I am taking this spring are, in my opinion, the most

important classes in the major. These assignments will be LIS 3361’s overall website

development but also more specifically the iFrames lesson, LIS 4365’s weekly website

updates, and this course LIS 4934’s e-Portfolio or the event reports.

LIS 3361 is WWW Page Design/Management. This course is the beginner’s

course to being able to create your own website, make it look professional, and get it

launched. I loved the whole course as it gave us the main knowledge, we needed in

order to not only build our own websites but also many useful tools that we can use in

our general information science careers. My current favorite assignment for this class

have been our projects where we follow along with the lessons and learn step by step

how to develop our web pages as well as edit them as we go so, they look more

professional and put together. To be a bit more specific my favorite part of these lessons

have been working with iFrames and being able to integrate multiple files into the same

page. We used this to be able to make an integrated menu on the sidebar of our site.
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This was extremely helpful as I would definitely use this method in future sites as it

made navigation a lot easier for our users. I would love to experiment with this method

and see if I could get it to do other things as well such as headers with menus or even

footers with different tabs or contact information that could be carried through each

page. This would be a great use for this function and would make consistency much

easier from page to page.

LIS 4365 is Web Design Technologies and is similar to LIS 3361. However, it

goes a lot more into detail about the development and different ways to make your web

page more useful as well as look better. The assignment, or in this case assignments I

have chosen as the most important in this course were the weekly module website

updates. In this course we would have weekly assignments where we would have to

integrate a new piece of code into our website in its own page. Each of these

assignments would bring in a new piece of code whether that be with HTML, Java, or

PHP and show us how to integrate it into our websites and how it could be useful for us

in the future. One of the most useful assignments was our most recent module 9

assignment. In this assignment we were to create a database and then connect it using

MySQL to our site using a form for user input. We created a database with, in my case,

a first name, a last name, and an age then a form with those same fields and once

connected when the user would enter data into the fields of the form it would get sent to

our database. This assignment I initially struggled with as there was little information on

how to actually connect the two but once I figured it out it was evident how useful this

would be in the future! Say you were a company that wanted to gain general information

on your demographics you could use a form in order to gather information such as or
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gender and it could be sent to your database where you could from there analyze your

user base.

Lastly my favorite assignment and the one that seems the most useful from this

course LIS 4934 is our e-portfolios which compile all of our papers into one site where

they can be viewed by our teachers but also our future employers. Every assignment

we complete on any subject we have to post here which gives any user a general

overview of not only everything we have learned in this major but also our general

writing capabilities. For instance, one of my favorite portfolio entries we did was for our

event reports where we were supposed to attend two separate events in information

science and then report on them and analyze how they would impact the information

science career. My first event report discussed two ted talks about UI design and its

both positive and negative psychological impacts on users. This assignment opened my

eyes into my chosen field and gave me some good insight into some of the ways that

certain UI choices that keep users interested can actually be bad for their mental health.

This is extremely important as when working with web design or UI in general in the

future I can learn from these and correct or change them to be both beneficial to the

companies I work with as well as for the user themselves.

Overall, I’ve learned so much from my time in the Information Science major and

there are many other assignments that I could write about but that would probably be a

very long paper. LIS 3361, LIS 4365, and LIS 4934 have been my favorite classes

overall and I’m very happy that I get to end my time at USF with them. They are also

probably best to take last as they will allow for the concepts to stick with you more as
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you go on to your corporate positions. They all provide great insight into the world of

web development as well as information science in general.

Also, it was in the assignment details to put the PDF versions of these assignments on

the e-portfolio however I don’t have PDF versions as they are all websites so I will

include the links here and, on the e-portfolio!

LIS 3361:

LIS 4365:

LIS 4934:

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