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Application overview:


StartAll ProgramStartupKimSubProcessController (This is the IP software)




IMAGE PILOT: User ID: unitea

Password: (Blank)

Search Screen: All patients

Registration screen: Today’s patients (Worklist or new patient entry)

Department, Doctor, Physician, Technologies are configured in the Service Tool

Split/Merge (Mark as unnamed)

This is to assign the image to the correct patient. This is common if you have more
than one patient opened and system is scanning.

1. Right click on image

2. Select mark as unnamed, click yes
3. Complete patient and return to registration screen
4. Click on the “!” symbol.
5. Find the correct patient and double click
6. Return to list and click yes.

Batch output:

To burn on a DVD/CD or to send to PACS

Export to Media:

ModeGenericCD/DVD only with Dicom Images

ModePDI (Portable Dicom Image) Web option or simple viewer

Send to PACS

Because IP doesn’t use exam description, if we need to send to PACS, right click
on the image and select image detail. Fill out the information needed. When the
image is sent to the PACS this data will be sent with the study.

Reset to default Resets window and level

Reset to original Resets Window/level, annotation and all other data

Regius 110: Error 24000 (SRC: DST:

There are three passwords: Where can be done?

1234  End User Server/ Client

5678 Service Server/ Client

2923 Reader/ Update Software Server Only

To get in to Service tool the IP application must be closed in the Server and

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