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Journal o f Hydrology, 152 (1993) 1 - 1 2

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Modelling the hydrochemistry of catchments: a

challenge for the scientific method

N i l s C h r i s t o p h e r s e n *'a, C o l i n N e a l b, R i c h a r d P. H o o p e r c
aDepartment of lnformatics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1080, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
bInstitute of Hydrology, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingl"ord, OXIO 8BB, UK
~Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, 3030 Amwiler Rd., Suite 130, Atlanta, GA 30360, USA


The development and testing of coupled hydrological and chemical models for describing the impact of
acid deposition on soil water and surface water chemistry are reviewed. Two problems fundamental to the
modelling of environmental systems are identified. First, calibration data generally do not contain enough
information uniquely to determine model parameters; this leads to an apparently good fit between observa-
tions and predictions, but provides only a weak test of the hypothesized processes. Second, state variables
contained within the model are often difficult to relate to field observations, because of spatial heterogeneity
or a 'conceptual' model structure being imposed on the system. This difficulty can prevent application of the
scientific method to model development. Within hydrochemistry, more testable and thus better posed
models can be built by using chemical signals to constrain the hydrological structure. More generally for
environmental systems, the use of synthetic data analysis is suggested as a means to determine the minimal
field observations necessary to identify the model parameters and to test the model. Still, given the
measurements that can be performed, there may be fundamental limitations to the modelling of environ-
mental systems that cannot be overcome. Probing such questions is vital to the future of environmental


Computer simulation models have been increasingly relied upon to describe

a variety of environmental impacts over the past few decades. These have
ranged from limnological models relating nutrient input to eutrophication
of freshwaters, to catchment models describing the impact of acid deposition
on soil and surface water chemistry. Regional acidification models, such as the
RAINS model (Hordijk, 1991), moved to the continental scale and related not

* C o r r e s p o n d i n g author.
2 N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

just deposition, but energy use scenarios to acid deposition effects. A further
increase in scale is occurring with the extension of general circulation models,
which operate at the global level, to assess the effects of greenhouse gases on
climate. Within these large efforts, models often seem to take on a life of their
own. As an example from acidification research, Krug (1991) quotes Ann
Bartuska in her review of the U.S. EPA's Aquatic Effects Research Program
(AERP), part of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program:
'Models seem to be the driving force of the EPA projects, rather than a desire
to obtain quality data describing processes. The panel members feel that
several projects, and thus the AERP, will be faced with the situation of
data not matching the model predictions, and it is our feeling that the data
would be rejected rather than the model.' This statement is an astute one and
should certainly be a cause for concern and debate within the scientific
The sting of this observation can be partially taken out by the realization
that there are frequently two distinct goals within acidification research. One,
the scientific goal, describes the process of catchment acidification. The other,
the environmental management goal, involves the application of models that
describe the extent of the acidification problem, the potential environmental
impacts and the potential amelioration strategies. A fundamental problem
within the acid rain debate has been the lack of a clear distinction between
these two objectives. In the former case, all the rigors of the scientific method
come into play. This implies that the models are seen as sets of hypotheses that
must be subjected to the most extensive tests possible through an active
interplay with field programmes. In the management case, a more applied
'engineering' type approach has to be taken because of the need for input
for policy decisions in the presence of uncertainty. The modelling exercise may
be considered worthwhile in this respect provided the model is based on
accepted concepts and professional judgement. From the management
standpoint, the modelling results will take priority over detailed process
explanations: emphasis is placed on the predictions.
At present, the first generation acidification models, while extended, have
not been superseded to any great extent. Why should this be the case given the
vast expenditure in the acid rain field? Can models not be founded on a
stronger scientific basis given the increasing amount of data coming from
field studies? In this paper, these questions are addressed. Our experiences
in the acid deposition field are reviewed to assess which scientific route now to
take. The aim is to spark a discussion that leads to a more efficient utilization
of resources, a further advancement of knowledge, and a clearer understand-
ing of the uncertainties behind the predictions.
Many of the modelling issues raised here are c o m m o n to both hydro-
N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

chemistry and hydrology. Indeed, because the earth sciences rely primarily on
observational rather than experimental data, these issues are as old as the
debate over the Copernican and Ptolemaic models of the solar system.
Some problems, such as the integration of processes that occur at scales
smaller than that on which the model is posed, have direct analogues in
hydrological modelling (see Dooge, 1986; Beven, 1989). Other problems,
such as the multitude of disciplines required to describe the relevant pro-
cesses, are worse for hydrochemical models than for hydrological models
(Klemes, 1986). Our discussion raises many of the same warnings advanced
by these hydrologists, and suggests solutions specific to hydrochemical mod-
els. Implications for other areas of environmental concern are also high-

A scientifically rosy beginning

From the late 1960s, concerns were raised over acidic deposition adversely
affecting stream and lake ecology in Scandinavia. As one outcome of the
research effort, the Birkenes model was formulated (Christophersen et al.,
1982). The model was conceptually simple, and it was able to reproduce the
daily and seasonal variations in streamwater quality for solutes of environ-
mental concern. It represented stream flow as a mixture of soil water from two
homogenous, ideally mixed reservoirs: the soil and groundwater areas. Each
of these reservoirs obeyed simple equations that were representative of
controlled laboratory conditions and that conformed to the classic soil
science literature. The agreement between model predictions and stream-
water observations was considered good. Here was a method, with what
was then considered to have a strong scientific foundation, that exemplified
the importance of hydrological within-catchment controls in determining
streamwater quality.
After the inception of the Birkenes model, another model, MAGIC
(Modelling Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments), was formulated.
It described the long term (decadal) rather than the short term fluctuations in
inorganic stream chemistry (Cosby et al., 1985). Here, no distinction was
made between reactions in the soil and groundwater zones. Rather, all the
processes were lumped together within one homogeneous reservoir. The reac-
tions used within the model largely corresponded to those used in the Birkenes
model. However, they were expanded to take into account changes in the
chemical composition of the soil solid phase. Here was a relatively simple,
scientifically based model that could reproduce past acidification trends based
on diatom records from lake sediments (Wright et al., 1986).
4 N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

These are but two of many acidification models that have been developed.
Others include the Enhanced Trickle Down model (Nikolaides et al., 1989),
ILWAS (Gherini et al., 1985), and PULSE (Bergstrom et al., 1985). All these
models are aimed at reproducing stream or lake water chemistry, and are
based on a number of homogenous reservoirs. Again, all these models were
able to reproduce observed features of surface water chemistry.
However, none of the models was tested against internal catchment data
(e.g. soil water chemistry, ground water table elevations). Scientifically, this
was the logical and necessary next step in model development, given the
critical role of internal catchment processes, present in all models, in control-
ling the outflow chemistry. Little information of this kind was available from
the study sites in the mid-1980s. Indeed, why should one worry? The model
outputs matched main features of the observations, and the equations used
were from the classical soil science and hydrology fields. This seemed at the
time sufficient justification for their use. The models were applied at an
increasing number of sites and confidence was placed in the results.

A growing uncertainty

By the late 1980s, new kinds of field data, including soil solution chemistry
from lysimeters and conservative tracers in runoff and rainfall (such as stable
isotopes of water), had been collected for the purpose of model improvement.
However, instead of supporting the models, inconsistencies frequently arose.
Chemically, the cation exchange and mineral equilibrium formulations used
within the models did not seem to fit field evidence (Mulder et al., 1989; Seip et
al., 1989; McMahon and Neal, 1990; Neal et al., 1990a; Neal, 1992) and no
alternative formulations were available for use within the models. Further-
more, large variability was observed within the soil horizons that were
modelled as homogeneous (Mulder et al., 1991; Neal, 1992), a fact well
known in soil science (e.g. Bolt and Bruggenwert, 1978). Determinations of
soil parameters based upon soil samples also proved uncertain because of the
operationally defined nature of soil laboratory techniques (Neal et al., 1990a).
For the hydrological models, conservative tracers indicated that stormflow
was not dominated by rainwater, as was traditionally believed in hydrology
(Sklash and Farvolden, 1979). Structural analysis of the models also indicated
overparameterization with respect to fitting the runoff signals (Hooper et al.,
1988). Overparameterization facilitates a good fit to the observations, which,
incorrectly, could increase confidence in the models. It was also argued that
there were several alternative model structures that could equally well fit the
runoff signals (Neal et al., 1988). On detailed study, a complex and highly
N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12 5

interactive relation among the chemical, hydrological and biological processes

became apparent. Determination of the controlling processes was exacerbated
by the highly heterogeneous nature of catchments (e.g. complex flow routing,
soils of varying thickness and type). Thus, ironically, as data accumulated, it
became harder and harder to quantify the processes needed to improve the
model because the observations were representative of a different scale than
the model. The 'scientific loop' of hypothesis and testing was broken because
the information learned at the small scale could not be incorporated at the
lumped scale of the model.
This is not to say that the models have not been useful as learning tools and
scenario generators. However, this utility should not lull us, as scientists, into
complacency. One should not, for example, argue that although catchments
are highly heterogeneous, the models deal with averaged or lumped systems,
and therefore the incompatibilities between the detailed field information and
the models are not critical. By doing so, the fundamental link between model
construction and observation is weakened, and models may start taking on a
life of their own. At present, it is vital to confront these issues and to explore
what the small scale variability means in quantitative terms for the behaviour
at the catchment scale.

Fundamental questions

The problem for both hydrological and chemical modelling is our inability
to measure the key properties at the same scale that is needed to model the
catchment. For example, the chemical models include non-linear equations,
such as chemical equilibria, that have been derived for homogeneous environ-
ments, not for lumped averages over heterogeneous conditions. The relation-
ships between lumped properties would, at least in theory, be different. This
problem in model formulations has recently received attention (Neal, 1992;
Rastetter et al., 1992; Neal and Robson, 1993) but needs to be more fully
explored in quantitative terms.
For hydrology, a description of streamflow generation, starting from first
principles, is not available because the simplifications generally used for
describing flow through porous media cannot be applied to the shallow
surficial soils in upland catchments of most interest in acidification studies.
For example, these soils are anisotropic and contain macropores as important
conduits. Such complications are solvable in principle if the properties of the
porous media could be measured, but the lack of definitive in situ measure-
ments of soil properties, such as unsaturated conductivity, at the appropriate
scale has so far made the problems insurmountable. There are long-standing
6 N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

and ongoing fundamental questions in hydrology as to how water moves in a

catchment (see Beven, 1989). For the chemical aspects there is no adequate
thermodynamic theory that partitions the chemical transfers between the
mobile and immobile soil water environments.

Towards scientific models -- h o w c a n o n e proceed?

Given these basic difficulties, how can progress be made? It follows from the
discussion above that there is no easy route to a next generation of catchment
models based more on field evidence. More data, per se, does not solve the
problem. Although future advances in instrumentation may provide measure-
ments at a larger scale (such as the effective conductivity of a hillslope), there is
much that can be done today on the modelling side to bridge the difference in
scale between models and observation. Here two approaches are suggested
that should be useful in this respect, and this is followed by considering
modelling of environmental systems in a larger setting.
In the first approach, an 'ad hoc' technique is presented to make catchment
modelling more measurement based. This approach, however, is specific to
catchment research. The second approach comprises synthetic data analyses
that can be used to test how the variables and concepts in a model can be
related to measurable quantities and to explore how measurements taken at
one scale may be related to the physics and chemistry on other scales.
Although discussed in the context of catchment acidification, this approach
applies generally to models of environmental systems.
The ad hoc approach correlates observed temporal variations in stream-
water chemistry with the chemistry of observed soil water solutions. Soil
waters often have a distinct chemical fingerprint because they arise from
horizons that have chemically different solid phases because of natural soil
formation. At some catchments, streamwater can be described as a dynamic
mixture of these soil solutions, which are called end-members (Christophersen
et al., 1990; Hooper et al., 1990; Neal et al., 1990b).
By viewing soil solutions relative to streamwater, a measure for their varia-
tion can be established. Suppose the end-member chemical variations in time
and space are small relative to the temporal variations in streamwater, and
that the end-members are well separated in a chemical sense. Then, an end-
member and the soil environment from which it arises, can be considered
homogeneous enough from the point of view of explaining the origins of
streamwater. The end-member units may then form the basis for a
hydrological model, as the relative contributions from the end-members to
the stream can be computed and used to infer the temporal changes in hydro-
N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

logical routing through the catchment (Hooper and Christophersen, 1992;

Neal et al., 1992). The hydrological structure is constrained by measured
soil solution chemical properties, instead of imposing a priori a 'conceptual'
lumped hydrological model on the catchment. Information on the hydrology
is therefore obtained implicitly by using the chemical signals. An analogy from
hydrology is the use of stochastic analysis for river basin planning (e.g.
Loucks et al., 1981, pp. 138-158). In both cases, a process-based hydrological
model was unnecessary to solve the problem at hand.
In the end-member approach, nothing is stated about how the end-member
chemistry arises or how it will evolve through time. However, because these
soil environments are defined through measurements, their actual physical
locations are known and they can be examined to determine the within-end-
member variability, and hence the appropriateness of applying an equilibrium
chemical model. The end-member approach has only been applied to catch-
ments with areas on the order of 1 km 2. Its applicability to larger catchments
is not known, although it is an active area of research. Nonetheless, this
approach provides an example of a measurement based method that gives
information on the internal catchment hydrochemistry at the appropriate
The second approach uses synthetic data to establish more scientifically
based models. In hydrology, for example, the approach could involve gener-
ation of an 'artificial' catchment as defined by the model under investigation
for a given set of parameters. From the model, one could then generate
'observations' comprising, for example, runoff and water table elevations.
Binley and Beven (1989) provide an example of this approach for a headwater
hillslope. The necessary, but not sufficient, condition from the scientific view-
point is that the model is well enough posed so that all the parameters to be
calibrated can be determined unambiguously from the 'observations'
(properly error corrupted) given another set of initial calibration parameter
values. The synthetic data exercise determines the type and density of
measurements required. The practicality of implementing the required field
programme can be assessed, or, conversely, the utility of the information
gained from a certain level of effort in the field can be assessed. After passing
this test, the hydrological model is applied to the field. One is then in a much
better position to perform a more stringent test of the relevance of the model
structure and its parameters to the real environment.
A synthetic data exercise for the hydrological part of the Birkenes model
along these lines was carried out by Hooper et al. (1988). Here, the model
could not pass the first test because some of the parameters, even in this simple
model, turned out to be ambiguous given only the runoff and chemically
conservative tracer signals. Synthetic data have been used in hydrology
8 N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

elsewhere (Ibbitt and O'Donnell, 1971; Gupta and Sorooshian, 1985; Wheater
et al., 1986). Our proposal is simply that environmental models routinely be
subjected to such tests before they are applied and that efforts be directed
towards development of the necessary software tools, including parameter
identification methods.
On the chemical side, synthetic data have proved useful in assessing the
methods for determining the presence or absence of chemical equilibria in
natural waters (Neal, 1988 a,b; Christophersen and Neal, 1989). In addition,
such procedures are beginning to be used to assess the reliability of a lumped
representation by investigating the properties of measurements representing
averages over a non-homogenous environment. One example is the chemical
properties of soil water collected in lysimeters (Neal, 1992; Neal and Robson,
1993; Taugbol and Neal, 1993). These devices (typically on the decimeter
scale) are made of a porous medium that allows sampling of the soil solution
by applying suction. If the soil is not homogenous on the decimeter scale, the
solution sampled will be drawn from a heterogeneous environment. By assum-
ing it is a mixture of water from homogenous micro-environments, each
obeying equilibrium chemistry, one can investigate the properties of the aver-
age using a computer. In such situations, the results so far do provide some
basis for the lumping procedure used to date whereby average soil properties
are related to average soil water chemistry through the same type of equi-
librium equations used in the homogenous case (Neal, 1992; Neal and
Robson, 1993; Taugbol and Neal, 1993). The results of Kirchner (1992) and
Kirchner et al. (1992), using real data, point in a similar direction. These
authors have tested the runoff chemistry from several catchments, and state
that chemical equilibrium relationships for homogenous systems could still be
applicable at the catchment scale. The use of large scale field studies perturb-
ing catchments will also be useful in assessing these questions. At present,
however, more work is needed before it can be said from a process based
viewpoint how lumped chemical properties should be related at the
catchment scale.
The difficulties discussed here are not limited to hydrochemistry. Peters
(1990) gives an account of related problems in limnology. In that area, long
term field studies and modelling efforts aimed at quantifying the processes
behind lake eutrophication have been carried out. The development of process
based models is problematic for many of the same reasons as discussed here.
However, from the management viewpoint, there are in limnology reasonably
reliable methods for predicting lake response to nutrient (i.e. phosphate)
inputs. These techniques, developed by Vollenweider and others, are empir-
ically based (see OECD, 1982). Given enough observations, empirical models
will often be sufficient from a management viewpoint - - after all, the methods
N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

used in managing the complex systems encountered in agriculture and forestry

are empirical in nature.
Within acidification research, a related empirical approach has been
described by Henriksen (1980). However, in the acidification case, the impor-
tant processes take place on larger spatial and temporal scales than in lim-
nology. If one has to wait some years to see the effects of a change in
phosphate inputs to a lake, the response time of a stream, regarding a change
in sulphate deposition, is rather measured in decades. This implies that
considerably more time and effort are needed to arrive at useful empirical
relationships. Considering global climatic change, these concerns are again
magnified - - see Hauhs (1990) for a discussion of empirical vs. process based
approaches to the problem of ecosystem management.
Given this backdrop, one might well ask to what degree process based
models will be able to quantify the behaviour of lakes, catchments and
other environmental systems at the scale of interest. There could be funda-
mental limitations that cannot be overcome, given the measurements one can
perform, i.e. how modellable is the environment? Probing such questions is
vital to the future of environmental modelling.


F r o m this presentation, the following recommendations are advanced:

a) When fitting a model to observations, the limited information content of
the calibration signals must be recognized. For hydrology, this implies that
modelling advances can only be made through the incorporation of
chemical signals, groundwater elevations or other 'internal' state variables
in addition to runoff. Thus fitting a model to the output signal of a complex
environmental system (e.g. runoff measurements for catchments) is a
necessary, but weak, condition and does not give scientific credibility to
the mechanisms contained within the model. Such a fit only represents a
starting point in model development.
b) The internal structure of current hydrochemical models has not been tested
at the catchment scale. Recognition of this may serve to focus research
efforts to advance the understanding of how ecosystems function. Exten-
sions of current models without addressing their internal structure (for
example, adding nitrate cycling to existing acidification models) should
not be construed as scientific advances.
c) To progress within catchment science, studies of intensively and extensively
monitored sites are needed where the internal structure of the catchment is
10 N. Christophersen et al. / Journal of Hydrology 152 (1993) 1-12

d) T o p r o g r e s s within e n v i r o n m e n t a l m o d e l l i n g , fuller use o f synthetic d a t a

m u s t be m a d e b o t h f o r tying m o d e l s to o b s e r v a t i o n s a n d f o r e x p l o r i n g the
o b s e r v a t i o n s themselves. T h e c o m p u t e r s i m u l a t i o n s will offer i m p o r t a n t
l e a r n i n g t o o l s in their o w n right.
e) I m p r o v e d m o d e l l i n g o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l s y s t e m s is n o t a t e c h n o l o g i c a l
p r o b l e m in t h a t m o r e d a t a will necessarily give us b e t t e r m o d e l s . R a t h e r ,
there c o u l d be f u n d a m e n t a l l i m i t a t i o n s to the m o d e l l i n g o f these s y s t e m s
t h a t are critical to u n r a v e l .


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