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Hi there! My name's Emily, and I'm going to tell you about my

daily routines. Every morning, I wake up at [1] __________ and
start my day by brushing my teeth and washing my face. Then, I
head to the kitchen for breakfast. My favorite breakfast is [2]
__________ with berries and a glass of orange juice. After
breakfast, I get dressed and pack my backpack for school.

At [3] __________, I walk to school with my friends. We talk and

laugh all the way there. School starts at [4] __________, and I have
classes until lunchtime. For lunch, I usually bring a sandwich,
some [5] __________, and a yogurt cup from home. After lunch,
it's time for recess. I love playing [6] __________ with my friends
on the playground.

School ends at [7] __________, and I walk home with my friends.

When I get home, I do my homework and then have some free
time to play or read. At [8] __________, my family sits down for
dinner together. We talk about our day and enjoy a delicious
meal prepared by my mom.

After dinner, I help with the dishes and then relax for a bit
before [9] __________. I brush my teeth, put on my pajamas, and
climb into bed with a book. My mom reads me a bedtime story,
and then it's lights out. I drift off to sleep, dreaming of all the
adventures tomorrow will bring.

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