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 Narrator
 Andy the Ant
 Gus the Grasshopper


[Narrator introduces the scene, describing Andy busy collecting food while Gus plays
his guitar.]

Narrator: In a sunny field, Andy the Ant worked diligently, gathered food for the
winter. Nearby, Gus the Grasshopper relaxed in the warmth, strummed his guitar and
sang songs.

Andy: [busily gathering food] Hi, Gus! Are you thinking about getting food for
the winter?

Gus: [casually strumming his guitar] Oh, hi, Andy! Why worry about winter
now? Let's enjoy the sunshine and music!

Narrator: Despite Andy's concern, Gus remained carefree, unconcerned about the
approaching winter.

[Time passes, and winter arrives. Andy is warm and well-fed in his cozy home, while
Gus is cold and hungry outside.]

Gus: [shivering] Andy, I'm sorry for not listening to you. I'm cold and hungry.

Andy: [compassionate] It's okay, Gus. Come inside and share my food. We'll get
through the winter together.

Narrator: And so, Andy's kindness and preparedness helped them both survive the
winter. They learnt that it's important to plan ahead and help friends in need.

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