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Word Unit No Page Definition PoS Example CEF IPA

road rage 11 103 anger or violence between drivers, o en caused by difficult driving condi ons noun Road rage has been around since the moment there was more than one car on the road rəʊd reɪdʒ
symptom 11 103 any single problem that is caused by and shows a more serious and general problem noun A symptom of 21st century city living, it seems. C2 ˈsɪmp.təm
hassle 11 103 (a situa on causing) difficulty or trouble noun But who’s to blame for the hassle and stress? ˈhæs.l̩
death wish 11 103 a desire for death noun Sometimes I think they actually have a death wish and want to get run over deθ wɪʃ
lethal 11 103 able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous adjective Let’s face it, cars are lethal weapons, but too many motorists tend to forget that C2 ˈliː.θəl

indicate 11 103 to show other road users that you intend to turn le or right when you are driving a vehicle verb They don’t even indicate when they’re about to turn. ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt
have a go 11 104 to cri cize someone phrase Yesterday I was late for work and my boss really had a go at me. hæv ə gəʊ
shout at 11 104 to express anger at someone or something in a loud voice phrase She shouted at me really loudly. ʃaʊt ət
lose (your) tember 11 104 to suddenly become angry phrase She’s someone who loses her temper quite easily. B2 luːz jə ˈtempə
get worked up 11 104 become upset or very excited about something phrase She gets really worked up if things don’t go her way. get wɜːkt ʌp
keep (your) cool 11 104 to stay calm in a difficult situa on phrase She manages to keep her cool no matter what’s happening. C2 kiːp kuːl
stay calm 11 104 remain peaceful and without worry phrase She always stays calm even when someone else is letting off steam. steɪ kɑːm
let off steam 11 104 to do or say something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy phrase She always stays calm even when someone else is letting off steam. let ɒf s ːm
keep the peace 11 104 refrain or prevent others from disturbing order. phrase She finds a way to keep the peace and not argue back. kiːp ðə piːs
bite sb's head off 11 104 to speak to someone in a quick, angry way, for no good reason phrase I asked him to lend me something and he just bit my head off. baɪt ˈsʌm.wʌnz hed ɒf
bite (your) tongue 11 104 to stop yourself from saying something that you would really like to say phrase I didn’t say anything – I just bit my tongue. baɪt jə tʌŋ
Upcycling is the process of converting old or discarded materials into something useful and often
discarded 11 106 thrown away because it is no longer needed or wanted. adjective beautiful. dɪˈskɑːdɪd
Recycling takes consumer materials and breaks them down so their base materials can be remade into a
base 11 106 the main part of something adjective new consumer product. C2 beɪs
inferior 11 106 not good, or not as good as someone or something else adjective Their base materials can be remade into a new consumer product, often of inferior quality. C1 ɪnˈfɪə.ri.ər
fashion 11 106 to make something using your hands verb You might be refashioning it but it’s still made of the same material as when you started. ˈfæʃ.ən
repurpose 11 106 to find a new use for an idea, product, or building verb In those days, things were repurposed over and over until they were no longer useful. ˌriːˈpɜː.pəs

sack 11 106 a large bag made of strong cloth, paper, or plas c, used to store large amounts of something noun Sacks would be turned into dresses and an old doors, transformed into a new dining room table. C1 sæk
any material, such as oil, co on, or sugar in its natural condi on, before it has been processed for Raw materials are expensive so people use what they can find to create bowls, baskets, jewellery and
raw material 11 106 use noun other useful or decorative items. rɔː məˈtɪə.ri.əl
heap 11 106 an un dy pile or mass of things noun When you upcycle, that’s one item less that ends up on the global waste heap. C2 hiːp
If you brew tea or coffee, you add boiling water to it to make a hot drink, and if it brews, it The colour of the clothes varies depending on the kind of tea in the bag and how long the tea was
brew 11 106 gradually develops flavour in the container in which it was made verb brewed for. bruː

strip 11 106 a long, flat, narrow piece noun She gets old pairs of jeans from people she knows, washes them and then tears them into strips. C1 strɪp
resistant 11 106 not harmed or affected by something adjective Denim is a tough and resistant material, so she finds that her covers last a long time. rɪˈzɪs.tənt
upcycle 11 107 to make new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste material verb We can upcycle this tyre and make shoes from it. ˈʌp.saɪ.kl̩
to copy or move programs or informa on into a computer's memory, especially from the internet
download 11 107 or a larger computer verb I’ve downloaded a new programme. A2 ˌdaʊnˈləʊd

upload 11 107 to copy or move programs or informa on to a larger computer system or to the internet verb Can you upload your photos please? B1 ʌpˈləʊd
upgrade 11 107 To raise to a higher grade or standard verb We got upgraded to a better room in the hotel. B2 ʌpˈgreɪd
If you downsize a company or organiza on, you make it smaller by reducing the number of
downsize 11 107 people working for it, and if it downsizes, it becomes smaller in this way verb The company downsized – it made twenty people redundant. ˈdaʊn.saɪz
to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new informa on or
update 11 107 changing its design verb This version’s old, you should update it. B2 ʌpˈdeɪt
to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or posi on, or to cause something to be
downgrade 11 107 considered less important or valuable verb The flood alert has been downgraded from severe to medium risk. ˌdaʊnˈgreɪd
downplay 11 107 to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is verb The government is trying to downplay the problem. ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ
squarely 11 108 directly and firmly adverb Arrows were drawn back in longbows and aimed squarely at the aircraft buzzing overhead. ˈskweə.li

stance 11 108 a par cular way of standing noun Behind the two men stands another figure, possibly a woman, her stance seemingly defiant. stɑːns

defiant 11 108 proudly refusing to obey authority adjective Behind the two men stands another figure, possibly a woman, her stance seemingly defiant. dɪˈfaɪ.ənt
scattered 11 108 covering a wide area adjective There are about a hundred groups of people, scattered over the Earth. C2 ˈskæt.əd
The history of contact between indigenous tribes and the outside world has consistently been an
indigenous 11 108 naturally exis ng in a place or country rather than arriving from another place adjective unhappy one. ɪnˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.nəs

logger 11 108 a person who cuts down trees for wood noun Some of these outsiders – loggers, miners, cattle ranchers – are even prepared to kill the tribespeople. ˈlɒg.ər

wipe out 11 108 to destroy or be destroyed completely phrasal verb the tribes can be wiped out by diseases like the common cold to which they have no resistance. ˈwaɪp.aʊt

extinction 11 108 a situa on in which something no longer exists noun Unless we want to condemn yet more of the Earth's peoples to extinction, we must respect their choice. C1 ɪkˈstɪŋk.ʃən

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