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is the activity of staying in
a tent on holiday.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
1. Have you ever been camping?
2. What do you like/dislike about nature?
Vocabulary building
No Word Meaning Sentence

1 Campsite Lokasi perkemahan We'll be at the campsite in 20 minutes if we don't often stop.

2 Tent Tenda Maria, could you help me with the tent? I can't do it by myself.

3 Backpack Tas punggung I forgot where I'd put my backpack at. I can't lose it!

4 Cooler Alat/ kotak pendingin Let me carry the cooler to reduce the weight you have.

5 First aid Kotak pertolongan pertama Do we have some bandages in the first aid box?

6 Campfire Perapian Steve said he would play guitar later tonight near the campfire.

7 Camp stove Kompor untuk kemah Did anyone bring a camp stove that night? You might've left it there.

8 Match Korek api Oh, dear God! The matches are wet. I didn't bring them in last night.

9 lantern lentera How many lanterns do you have now, Sam? Will they be enough?

10 Scenery Pemandangan I have never seen such a beautiful scenery in my life.

Listening for gist
1. How do they both feel at the beginning
of the video?

2. Why was Shelley so frightened at the

end of the video?
Shelley: This is so relaxing!
Johnny: Yes, it sure is. It’s so (1) ________ here. I love the sounds of the birds chirping.
Shelley: What is that over there? It’s eating our (2)______________!
Johnny: Oh, how cute! It’s a raccoon!
Shelley: What do you mean “cute”? Cute? Are you crazy?! Raccoons aren’t cute! They eat garbage and they are
(3)__________ ___________!
Johnny: Well, I think it’s cute. It’s harmless.
Shelley: Please get it out of here. I’m really freaked out.
Johnny: Okay, okay. Hey! Get out of here! Get out of here! See. No problem. It’s gone now. No big deal. Just relax.
Shelley: Let’s make something to eat. I’m in the mood for a hamburger.
Johnny: Okay, I’ll grill some hamburgers and some chili.
Shelley: Wow, that sounds awesome.
Johnny: Can you please slice some (4) _______ and ________ for the burgers?
Shelley: Sure. Ouch! I cut my finger. Oh no, it’s bleeding.
Johnny: (5) _______________? Let me get a bandage for you.
Shelley: Oh my God! It’s a bear! A bear is eating our food!
Johnny: Just stay calm. (6) _______ __________. Everything will be okay.
Sentence Building
Make sentences from the words below

Campsite, Campfire, Tent, First aid, Match, Scenery, Freak out, etc.)
1.) Have you ever gone camping before? Where was it? Tell us more.

2.) Going camping doesn't really give any benefits. Do you agree with it?

3.) What should we prepare or make sure first before deciding to go camping?

4.) When Spongebob and Patrick went camping , there was a sea bear. Do you
think mythical creatures are real and still exist in nature?

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