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 EVINVIRONMEN – the palce people , things , and nature that surround any living organism

 Natural environment – both biotic and abioltic conditions existing on the earth
 Lithosphere - solid crust or hard top layer of the earth
 Hydrosphere – domain of water
 Atmosphere – above the biosphere , protect us from harmfull rays from the sun
 Biosphere – it is a narrow zone of the earth where land , water , and air interact with each
other to support life
 Ecosystem - it is a system formed by the interaction of all living organisms with each other
and with the physical and chemical factors of the environment in which they live , all linked
by transfer of energy and material


 CRUST[1%]- Uppermost layer, thinnest , about 35km on the continental masses[SIAL] ,5km
on the ocean floors[SIMA]
 MANTLE [84%]- Beneath the crust , depth =2900km
 CORE[15%]- innermost layer , radius= 3500km[NIFE] ,it has very high temp, pressure
 ROCK – any natural mass of mineral matter that makes up the earths crust
 Igneous rocks – when molten magma cools it become solid [ primary rocks]
 Intrusive – magma cools down deep inside the earth’s crust. Eg – granite
 Extrusive – magma cools down on the surface of the earth. Eg – basalt [ deccan plateau]
 sedimentary

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