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வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம ைற ல ெபா ம க

இ-ேசைவ வ யாக இைணயதள ேசைவ ல ள

25 வைகயான சா க வழ க ப வ ற .

வ.எ சா க ப க எ

1 வ மானí சா த க 1
2 இ ட சா த க 5
3 வê ட சா த க 7
4 ê / வசா சா த 8
5 ெபய சா த 11
6 இய ைக இட பா களா இ தப /க 12
சா த க இர டா ப ெப வத கான சா த

7 ஆ ழ ைத இ ைல எ பத கான சா த 13

8 மண ஆகாதவ எ பத கான சா 15

9 ேவைல லாதவ எ பத கான சா 17

10 வசா வ மான சா த 18
11 கணவனா ைக ட ப ேடா சா த 19
12 தைவ சா த 20
13 ஜா சா த 21
14 ற இற சா த 22
15 ெதாைல டப /க க சா 23
தைட ைமíசா
16 ஒ ைண த சா த 24
17 வா சா த 40
18 ெபா ளாதார ந த ன கான சா த 50

19 ெஜ மத தவ கான ê பா ைம ன சா த 58

20 ஆதரவ ற தைவ சா த 64
21 ெசா ம சா த 69
22 கல மண சா த 76
23 த ப டதா சா த 89
24 இதர ப ேடா வ ன சா த 100
25 சா சா த க 138

வ மானíசா எ ப ண பதார ம அவர ப

உ ன க ஆ ேயா க அைன ல ஆதார க

ைட ப ஆ வ மான ைத உ ப த மா ல அரசா

வழ க ப ஆ கார வ ஆவண ஆ .

 வ மானíசா த ழக அரசா இைணயதள ேசைவ ல

வழ க ப ற .

 வ மானíசா ெச ப யா கால ஒ ஆ ஆ .

 வ மானíசா ேகா இைணய வ ண

ண பதார க க ட ஆவண க சம க ேவ

1. ண பதார ைக பட

2. கவ கான ஏேத ஒ ஆதார

3. TIN எ

4. ெசா தமான ல க த பர க

5. ெசா தமான க த பர க வா வா யாக

6. பஅ ல ன அ ைட

7. ண பதார ய உ ெமா

8. ச பளí (Pay Slip) (ச ப ய நக )

9. PAN அ ைட

வ மானíசா ேகா ெபற ப ண ப க ெதாட பாக

ச ப த ப ட ராம வாக அ வல , ம தார ம ெபா ம க ட

கள சாரைண ேம ெகா ள ேவ . சாரைண ேம ெகா

ேபா வ மான ெதாட பாக க ட ஆவண கைள ைறயாக

கண ெகா ள ேவ என ì த தைலைம ெசயலாள ம

வ வா வாக ஆைணய , ெச ைன அவ க ற ைக

எ .1/2018, நா .27.07.2018- அ த ப ள .

1. பë உ ளவ க வழ க ப ட ச பளí (Pay Slip)

2. ப ன உ ள ல ெசா க ம ல ெசா க

ல ெபற ì ய வ மான

3. வ மான வ கண தா க ெச ளரா?

4. வாடைக ல ெபற ப வ மான

5. இதர வ க இ ெபற ப வ மான ஏேத இ

ண பதாரரா அ க ப ண ப ரம வாக

அ வரா ப க ப வ வா ஆ வாள அ ப ப ற .

வ வா ஆ வாள ப லைன ற ம டல ைண

வ டா êய அ ப ப ம டல ைண வ டா êயரா

ஒ த / ராக ெச ய ப ற . வ மானíசா

ண ப ைன ெச ட 15 நா க கால அவகாச

வழ க ப ள .




க உத ெதாைக ம அரê நல ட உத க ெபற
ணய ெச ய ப ள அ கப ச வ மான வர வர க
அ கப ச
வ.எ நல ட ெபய
வ மான வர
ஆ ரா ட நல ைற ல
வழ க ப க
1 உத ெதாைக
ெம .2.50 ல ச
ேபா ெம .2.50 ல ச
2 இலவச ைதய இய ர .72,000

3 இலவச மைன ப டா .72,000

க ேசர

ஆ ரா ட மாணவ/
.2.50 ல ச
மாண ய க

.வ/ . .வ/ .ம மாணவ/

.2.00 ல ச
மாண ய க

ஈ.ேவ.ரா மëய ைமயா

5 ைன தைவ மக .72,000
மண த ட

அ ைன ெதரஸா ைன
6 ஆதரவ ேறா மண .72,000
த ட

டா ட .த மா பா ைன
7 தைவ ம மண மண .72,000
த ட

தலைமíச இர ெப
8 .72,000
ழ ைத பா கா ட

அ கப ச
வ.எ நல ட ெபய
வ மான வர
டா ட .ச யவாë
அ ைமயா ைன இலவச
9 .72,000
ைதய இய ர வழ

தலைமíச ெபா
10 .48,000

11 ைல லா ேத ெப .1,00,000

12 ைல லா ைதய இய ர .1,00,000

13 ெப க ஊ க ெதாைக .1,00,000

க க உத ெதாைக
14 .2,50,000

15 ஆ ைழ ண அைம க .3,00,000

ராம – .
க கட 98,000
(ê பா ைம ன ம ) நக ற – .
ப க - மாணவ /
17 .2,00,000
மாண ய ேசர
க க - மாணவ /
18 .2,00,000
மாண ய ேசர
ேதêய ê பா ைம ன க
உத ெதாைக
1. ப ப –9 வ த .1,00,000
12 வ வைர .2,00,000
2. ப ேம ப – 11,12 ம
கைல ம அ ய ப .2,50,000
3. ெதா க ம
ஆரா ê ப


ஆ ரா ட நல – ய க வன க (ê பா ைம ன

வன க உ பட) அைன தமான ப க இலவச / க டண

இ ைக ப ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய வ

ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க அர ய த ய

க க கான க டண ண க க டண க ம அர

ண க க டண க ேபா றவ ைற வழ த – வ கா

ெந ைறக – ெவ ட ப ற .

ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல (ஆ ந -3) ைற

அரசாைண ( ைல) எ :92 நா : 11.09.2012

ஆவë 26, வ வரா 2043

ப க :-

1. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ . 1485, ச கநல ைற, நா 23.7.1985.

2. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ . 265, உய க ைற, நா 12.5.1997.

3. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .85, உய க ைற, நா 16.4.2010.

4. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .6, ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற,

நா 9.1.2012.

5. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .63, ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன

நல ைற, நா 25.06.2012.

ஆைண :-

ேமேல 4 கா அரசாைண 2011-2012-ஆ ஆ த ய

க வன க (ê பா ைம ன வன க உ பட) அைன

தமான ப க இலவச / க டண இ ைகக ப ஆ ரா ட /

பழ ன மாணவ / மாண ய க க வன க ெச த ேவ ய
க டண க அரசா அ க க ப ட ப க அர ய த ய

க க கான க டண ண த க க டண கைள ம

அவ க ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ வ மான .2.00 இல ச

காம இ ப ச அ க டண கைள ைமய அரê உத ெதாைக

ட ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன மாணவ க வழ க அரசா

ஆைண ட ப ட . ேமேல 5 கா அரசாைண 2012-13-ஆ ஆ

த மா ல அரê 10 ஆ வ ேம ப ட க உத ெதாைக

ட , மத மா ய வஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க

ேம க ட ட ைத ப , அர ஆைண ட .

2. ேம க ட அரசாைணகைள ற பட ெசய ப த ெச த அர

க ட வ கா ெந ைறகைள வழ ஆைண ற .

1. ய ெதா க க உ ள அரசா அ க க க ப ட

ப க , த யா ய ெதா க க க டண ண காக

அைம க ப ட ஓ ெப ற உய ம ற ப தைலைம லான

ண க டண க வழ க ப . (க டண வர க இைண 1

இைண க ப ள )

2. ய கைல ம அ ய க க , ச ட க க ,

பா ெட க க ம இதர ய க க உ ள அரசா

அ க க ப ட ப க அர ண த க க டண க

வழ க ப . (க டண வர க இைண 2 இைண க ப ள )

3. இ வ க ஆ க ஒ ைறí சாளர கல தா ல

ெத ெச யப ய க க ப ெபா ய / ம வ

ம ம வ சா த ப க / க ய மாணவ / மாண ய க

ெதா ப இய கக / ம வ க இய கக / க க இய கக

ல ய க க கான க க டண ணய ண தக

க டண க வழ க ப . ெதா ப இய கக /ம வக இய கக

/ க க இய கக தன வாக ப ட அைன ய

க க மாணவ / மாண ய க எ ë ைக ம க டண

வர கைள ேசக , ெதா , ேதைவ ப ெதாைக ைன ேநர யாக

ஆ ரா ட நல ஆைண ட ெப உ ய க வழ க

ேவ . கல தா ேபா சா íசா ம வ மானí சா த கைள

ச பா த ள மாணவ / மாண ய கைள ெத ெச ய ஒ ைறí சாளர

கல தா நட ைற அ வல க , ஆ ரா ட நல ைறையí சா த

அ வல க உத வ .

4. ய கைல ம அ ய க க / பா ெட

க க ம ஏைனய க க ப ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன

ம வ மத மா ய ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க க

க இய கக / ெதா ப க இய கக ல அர ண த க

க டண க வழ க ப (க டண வர கைள இைண 2

இைண க ப ள ). க க இய கக / ெதா ப க இய கக

அைன ய க க மாணவ / மாண ய க எ ë ைக

ம க டண வர கைள ேசக , ெதா , ேதைவ ப ெதாைக ைன

ேநர யாக ஆ ரா ட நல ைற ஆைண ட ெப உ ய

க வழ க ேவ . க ேச ைக ேபா (Admission)

சா íசா ம வ மானí சா த கைள ச பா த ள மாணவ /

மாண ய கைள ெத ெச ய க வாக ெதாட ைடய மாவ ட

ஆ ரா ட நல அ வல உத வ .

5. அ ணாமைல ப கைல கழக ப த ளஆ ரா ட

/ பழ ன ம வ மத மா ய ஆ ரா ட மாணவ /

மாண ய க அர ய த ய க க கான க டண ணய

ண த க க டண க ம வழ க ப . அ ணா

ப கைல கழக நட த ப Self supporting Courses ப த ள

ஆ ரா ட / பழ னம வ மத மா ய ஆ ரா ட மாணவ /

மாண ய க அர ய த ய க க கான க டண ணய

ண தக க டண க ம வழ க ப .

6. ஆ ரா ட நல ஆைணய அவ க , ஒ ெவா க ஆ

இ ட ேதைவயான ெதாைக ைன ஆ ெதாட க ேலேய

ெதாட ைடய இய கக வழ க ேதைவயான நடவ ைககைள எ க

அ தப றா .

7. ஒ ெவா ஆ அரêனா க உத ெதாைக

ட க காக வர ெசல ட ஒ ெச ய ப

ெதாைக ைன 32 மாவ ட ஆ ரா ட நல அ வல க ெபய த ெபய

ைவ கண வ அவ ப ைவ ெசல ட அ ம ப ேபால,

இ வ ஆ க அவ ேறா ஆைணய , ெதா பக / இய ந ,

ம வ க /இய ந க க / இய ந ச ட க ேபா ற

அ வல க ெபய த ெபய ைவ கண வ அவ ப

ைவ ேம க ட ட ைன ெசய ப த ேதைவயான நடவ ைககைள

எ கஆ ரா ட நல ஆைணய அ தப றா . ன வ டஇ

அைன ைறக ட பய í சா த ைன ெப அர சம க

ஆ ரா ட நல ைற ஆைணய அவ க ேக ெகா ள ப றா .

8. ய க வன க ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன ம

வ மத மா ய ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க க

வன க ெச த ேவ ய அர ய த ய க க கான

க டண ண த க டண கைள மாணவ / மாண ய ேச ைக

ேபா அவ க ட வ க ìடா . மாறாக மாணவ / மாண ய க

ெச த ேவ ய ேம க ட க டண கைள ெதா ப க இய கக /

ம வ க இய கக / க க இய கக ேதைவ அ பைட

ஆ ரா ட நல ஆைண ட க ஆ ெதாட க ேலேய

ெதாைக ைன ெப , தன வாக உ ள அைன ய

க க வழ க நடவ ைக எ க ேவ .

9. இ ட ப ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ வ மான

.2.00 இல ச காம உ ள த ள ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன /

மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க ட எ த த

க க டண கைள ெதாட ைடய ய க வன க

வ கìடா எ பைத ச ம த ப ட க ைலய இய க க

உ ப ெகா ள ேவ .

10. ஏ கனேவ ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ வ மான .2.00

இல ச காம உ ள த ள ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத

மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க அ த த மாவ ட

ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல அ வல வழ க ப வ க

உத ெதாைகயான (Scholarship) அேத ைற ேலேய ெதாட வழ க ப .

11. ஒ ைறí சாளர கல தா கல ெகா த யா ய

க க ேச ைக ெப ற, ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ வ மான

.2.00 இல ச காம உ ளஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய

வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க ட அர ய த ய

க க கான க டண (Presently Justice N.V. Balasubramanian Commission)

ண த க க டண ைத வ க ìடா என ச ம த ப ட த யா

ய க வன க அ த ப றா க ஒ ைறí சாளர ைற

ய க க ேச மாணவ / மாண ய க த தைல ைற

மாணவ க க க டண வழ ட ைன ேபா ,

இ ட கல தா ேபா க டண ண த க

க டண ைத ல க ெதாட ைடய ய க ேச ைக ெச ய

ேவ . கல தா ேபா மாணவ சா íசா ம வ மானí

சா த கைள ச பா ேம கா ச ைக வழ க ேவ . ற ைறகைள

ப ய க க ேச ைக நைடெப த ண க அர

ண த க க டண கைள மாணவ / மாண ய க ட க

வன க வ க ìடா .

12. சா த கைள ச பா ப , தவறான சா த க அ

மாணவ ம ெப ேறா நடவ ைக எ ப , மாணவ எ த வைகயான

க ப ல அ ம க ப டேரா அதைன அ ம த அ வல / அைம தா

நடவ ைக ெதாடர ேவ .

13. ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய வஆ ரா ட

மாணவ / மாண ய க , ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைறயா

வழ க ப க ெதாைக ெதாட பான ெபா க ம வ கா

ெந ைறக ப , அர வழ க ச ைகக ஏேத ஒ ைன

ம ேம பய ப த இய . உதாரணமாக ெதா க ப த

தைல ைற ப டதா மாணவ க க க டண ைத (Tution Fees) அரேச

ஏ ெகா ட ம ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன

நல ைறயா வழ க ப க க டணí ச ைக ட இவ ஏேத

ஒ ம ேம த ேக ப மாணவ க பயனைடய இய . ேம இ த

க ஆ ைன ெபா தவைர ம (2012-2013) ெப ேறா / பா காவல

ஆ வ மான .2.00 இல ச காம உ ள ஆ ரா ட /

பழ ன / மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ மாண ய க ,

ெதா க ப த தைல ைற ப டதா மாணவ க கான ட

ஏ கனேவ பயனைட தா த ள ெதாைக ைன (உதாரணமாக

.40000/- .20000= .20000/-) இ ைற ய க க டணí ச ைக

ட ெப ெகா ளலா .

14. ேம மா தலைமíச ெபா வாரண

வழ க ப க உத ெதாைக ெப வ க ம வசா க

ழ ைதக / இற த அர ஊ ய க வா க / இரா வ ர க

ழ ைதக / னா இரா வ ர க ழ ைதக ேபா ேறா

வழ க ப க உத ெதாைக ேபா றவ ைற ெப ஆ ரா ட /

பழ ன / மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ மாண ய க ,

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ஆ ரா ட நல ைற க க டண கைள ெப ட

பய ெபற இயலா .

15. 2012-2013-ஆ க யா ேம க ட ட பய ெபற

த ள ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட

மாணவ மாண ய க ஏ கனேவ க டண கைள ெதாட ைடய ய

க க ெச இ அ க டண க (அர ய த ய

க க கான க டண ண த க டண ம ) க

வன களா அ மாணவ க ப வழ கப . 2012-2013-ஆ க

ஆ ைன ெபா தவைர க உத ெதாைக (Scholarship) ெப

ைற ைன ேபாலேவ அ த த ய க வன க த ள

மாணவ கைள ெத ெச அவ க அ க ேவ ய க

க டண கைள இைணய தள ல ெதாட ைடய மாவ ட ஆ ரா ட நல

அ வல க ண , க க டண கைள ெப மாணவ /

மாண ய க அ க ேவ .

16. ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ வ மான .2.00 இல ச

அ கமாக உ ள ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய வ

ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க , இ ட பயனைடய இயலா .

அ தைகய மாணவ க த தைல ைற ப டதா க உய க

ைறயா அ க ப க க டணí ச ைகைய ெப ெகா ளலா .

17. இ டமான ய க வன க உ ள அரசா

அ க க ப ட ப க வாக ஒ ப (Management quota)

ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ /

மாண ய க அர ய த ய க க கான க டண

ண த ெதாைகயான வழ க ப . ெப ேறா / பா காவல ஆ

வ மான .2.00 இல ச காம உ ள ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன /

மத மா ய வ ஆ ரா ட மாணவ / மாண ய க இ

ெபா .

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18. ேம இ ட ைன க காë க இர டா ைல

அ வல க அட ய க காë ைன ய ெதாட íêயான

க காë இ ட ைன ெசய ப த ஆ ரா ட நல ஆைணய

அவ க ேக ெகா ள ப றா .

3. இ வாைண உய க ைற அ.சா.எ .16981/J1/2012 நா

6.9.2012/ ம க ந வா ம ப நல ைற

அ.சா.எ .31865/MCA1/2012 நா 3.9.2012. ஆ யவ ஒ த ெப

ெவ ட ப ற .

//ஆ ந ஆைண ப //

ஆ. . வர ன ,

அர ெசயலாள .

ெப ந

ஆைணய , ெதா பக , ெச ைன-25.

இய ன ,ம வ க ,ெச ைன-10.

இய ன ,ச டக ,ெச ைன-35.

இய ன ,க க ,ெச ைன-6.

த ைமí ெசயலாள ,

உய க ைற/ ம க ந வா ம ப நல ைற / ச ட ைற

தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன-9.

ஆைணய ஆ ரா ட நல ைற, ெச ைன-5.

இய ந , பழ ன நல , ெச ைன-5.

அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க / அைன மாவ டஆ ரா ட ம

பழ ன நல அ வல க .

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நக :-

ெசயலாள , ெபா ய மாணவ ேச ைக,

அ ணா ப கைல கழக ெச ைன-25.

ேத ,ம வ க இய கக ,ெச ைன-10.

அைன ய ெபா ய க க ,

(ெதா பக ஆைணய ெச ைன-25. வ யாக),

அைன ய ம வக க ,

(ம வக இய ந , ெச ைன-10 வ யாக)

அைன ய ச ட க க (ச ட க இய ந , ெச ைன-35

வ யாக)

அைன ய கைல ம அ ய க க (க க இய ந ,

ெச ைன-6 வ யாக) ெச ைன-6.

/ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற /

அ வல .

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2. இ டí சா
இ ட எ ப ஒ வர ற ட ைன பதா .

இ டí சா , மாணவ / மாண ய க வன க ேசர ,

இதர ப த ப ேடா சா ெபற , ேவைல வா

அ வலக க ப கைள ேம ெகா ள , அரê நல ட கைள

ெபற ,இ டí சா வழ க ப ற .

ட கவ ெதாட íêயாக ஐ வ ட க

ேமலாக பவ க இ ட சா ெபற த ைடயவ க .

ஐ வ ட ேமலாக ைலயாக வê ப உ ய ஆவண க

சம க பட ேவ . அதாவ ப அ ைட, வா காள அ ைட,

ம க ெதாைக கண ெக ப ய , ரய ப ர ,வ ர த யன

ைலயான இ ட ைன பத கான ஆவண களா -

ம தார க மா சா த ைலயான இ ட ைன

பத கான ஆவணமா .

ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா

2. ப அ ைட

3. வா காள அைடயாள அ ைட

4. வ ர

5. ற சா

6. க சா

7. ேபா ேடா

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வ ைச ேக ள க

1 இ ட சா ம தார 5 வ ட க ேமலாக
வழ ைலயாக வê வ வ ைன
ேம ெகா ள பட உ ெச ட ப அ ைட,
ேவ ய ஆ ஆதா அ ைட, ம க ெதாைக
வர க எ ன? கண ெக ப ய , வ
ர , ம தார ெப ேறா
ற டம, ம தார / ெப ேறா
வê ட வர தா ெமா ர தர
அைசயா ெசா அைம ட ,
க ப ற இட , மண
நைடெப ற இட ஆ யவ ைன
ஆ ெச இ ட சா
வழ க ேவ .




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3. வê ட சா
வê ட எ ப ஒ வர த கா க வê ட ைன

பதா .

ஒ இட ஓரா ேமலாக வê வ பவ க

இíசா வழ க ப ற .

ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா .

2. ட கவ த கான சா றாவண

3. ேபா ேடா




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4. ê வசா சா வழ வத கான ரண

கண வத கான வ ைறக ம அ டவைண

ê வசா :

1. ê வசா எ ; 2.5 ஏ க ந ெச ல அ ல 5 ெச ல ைக ப றாக

இ க ேவ .

2. ந ெச ம ெச ஆ ய இர வைக ப இ ப ச

ைக ப றாக இ ந ெச ல ைத அ கப சமான 2.5 ஏ க ல க

ன ைட ரண ைத 2 ஆ ெப ைட ரண

5ஏ க ைறவான அள ெச இ க ேவ .

வசா :

1. வசா எ 1.25 ஏ க ந ெச ல அ ல 2.5 ெச ல

ைக ப றாக இ க ேவ .

2. ந ெச ம ெச ஆ ய இர வைக ப இ

ப ச ைக ப றாக இ ந ெச ல ைத அ கப சமான 1 . 25

ஏ க ல க ன ைட ரண ைத 2 ஆ

ெப ைட ரண 2.5 ஏ க ைறவான

அள ெச இ க ேவ .

இ த சா ண க க ட ஆவண கைள ண பதார க

சம கேவ .
1. ஆதா
2. கவ கான ஏேத CSC
ஒ ஆதார
3. அட க
4. ê டா
5. ரய ப ர
6. ப அ ைட


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ந ெச ம ெச ைக ப றாக இ ேபா ê வசா

கண ெச வத கான அ டவைண:

அ கப ச அள ெச அ கப ச
ைக ப உ ள
ைக ப றாக ைவ ெகா ள அள
ந ெச ரண ;
கண ைற ெச

1 2 3

0.25 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 0.25 ஏ க = 2.25 ஏ க 2ஏ க

2.25 ஏ க X 2 = 4.5 ஏ க

0.5 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 0. 5 ஏ க = 2. ஏ க 1.5 ஏ க

2. ஏ க X 2 = 4. ஏ க

0.75 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 0.75 ஏ க = 1.75 ஏ க 1ஏ க

1.75 ஏ க X 2 = 3.5 ஏ க

1ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 1 ஏ க = 1.5 ஏ க 0.5 ஏ க

1.5 ஏ க X 2 = 3 ஏ க

1.25 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 1.25 ஏ க = 1.25 ஏ க 0ஏ க

1.25 ஏ க X 2 = 2.5 ஏ க

1.5 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 1.5 ஏ க = 1 ஏ க 2ஏ க

1ஏ க X 2= 2ஏ க

1.75 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 1.75 ஏ க = 0.75 ஏ க

1.5 ஏ க
0.75 ஏ க X 2 = 1.5 ஏ க

2ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 2 ஏ க = 0.5 ஏ க
1ஏ க
0.5 ஏ க X 2 = 1 ஏ க

2.25 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 2.25 ஏ க = 0.25 ஏ க

0.5 ஏ க
0.25 ஏ க X 2 = 0.5 ஏ க

2.5 ஏ க 2.5ஏ க - 2.5 ஏ க = 0 ஏ க

0ஏ க
0ஏ க X 2= 0ஏ க

அ டவைண உ ள 1வ கல 3வ

கல உ ள ரண அளேவா அ ல

அத ைறவாக இ க ேவ .

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ந ெச ம ெச ைக ப றாக இ ேபா

வசா கண ெச வத கான அ டவைண:

ைக ப
அ கப ச அள ெச
உ ள அ கப ச அள
ைக ப றாக ைவ ெகா ள
ந ெச ெச
கண ைற
ரண ;

0.25 ஏ க 1.25ஏ க - 0.25 ஏ க 1 ஏ க 2ஏ க

1ஏ க X 2= 2ஏ க

0.5 ஏ க 1.25ஏ க - 0. 5 ஏ க = 0.5. ஏ க 1.5 ஏ க

0.5 ஏ க X 2 = 1. ஏ க

0.75 ஏ க 1.25ஏ க - 0.75 ஏ க = 0.5 ஏ க 1ஏ க

1.75 ஏ க X 2 = 3.5 ஏ க

1ஏ க 1.25ஏ க - 1 ஏ க = 0.25 ஏ க 0.5 ஏ க

0.25 ஏ க X 2 = 0.5 ஏ க

1.25 ஏ க 1.25ஏ க - 1.25 ஏ க = 0 ஏ க 0ஏ க

0ஏ க X 2= 0ஏ க

அ டவைண உ ள 1வ கல 3வ

கல உ ள ரண அளேவா அ ல

அத ைறவாக இ க ேவ .

ê வசா சா ஏ க கண

ெச ய ப வதா ரண அள ஏ க

ெகா க ப ள

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5. ப இட ெபய சா
த நா ஒ மாவ ட ேவ மாவ ட
ெதா த காரணமாக ல ெபய தவ க அ ல மணமா
ெவ மாவ ட ள கணவ இட ெபய மைன
ேவைலவா ப ைன மா த ெச ய இíசா வழ க ப ற .
த க
மணமா கணவ இ ல இட ெபய தவ க கணவ
ப அ ைட இட ெபற ேவ . ய கவ ஆதா ம
வா காள அைடயாள அ ைட மா த ெச க ேவ . ெதா
காரணமாக ல ெபய தவ க ய கான ஆதார
ஆவண கைள சம க ேவ .
ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ய வê ட கவ கானஆதார
2. ேவைலவா அ வலக ப அ ைட
3. ெதா காரணமாக ல ெபய தவ எ பë
வன சா
4. ஆதா
5. ப ைக பட




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6. இய ைக இட பா களா இ தப /க

சா க நக ெபற சா த

(Certificates for loss of School Records due to disasters)

இய ைக இட பா களா க / ப க ேசத அதனா ப

க சா த க ேசத ேபா ெதாட ைடய ப க

மாணவ க இைணய வ ண ேம ப சா க நக

ர கைள ெப வத வ வா ைற ல வழ க ப .

இைணய வ ண ேபா ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேதைவ ப

ஆவண க

1. ைக பட

2. கவ கான ஆதார (ஆதா அ ைட / ப அ ைட)

3. யஉ ெமா ப வ

4. ேசத ற சா க நக

5. த தகவ அ ைக (ப ெச ய ப )

6. ேம ப சா வ டா êயரா ம க சாசன ப

ண த 15 நா க வழ க ப ற .




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7. ஆ ழ ைத இ ைம கான சா
ச க நல ைற ல ெசய ப த ப நல ட க பய ெப
ெபா இíசா வழ க ப ற .
த க
1. ஆ ழ ைதக இ லாத ெப ேறாராக இ க ேவ .
2. கைடê ழ ைத ற த ேத 3வ ட க க தைட
அ ைவ ê íைச ேம ெகா க ேவ .
ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா
2. ப அ ைட
3. பஉ ன க அட ய
ைக பட TAH VAO
4. க தைட சா
5. ற சா த க


வ.எ ேக ள க
1 ெப ழ ைதக ற சா வழ கலா . க தைட
க தைட ê íைச ெச வத ê íைச ெச ெகா ட
ஆ ழ ைத ற ற அவ க உ ட
இற தா இíசா ெப ழ ைதக ம ேம
வழ கலாமா? இ க ேவ .
2 எ தைன ெப ஆ ழ ைத இ லாம
ழ ைதக இ தா எ தைன ெப ழ ைதக
இíசா வழ கலாமா? இ தா இíசா
வழ கலா .
3 கணவ (அ ல ) மைன சா வழ கலா .
யா க தைட ê íைச
ேம ெகா தா
இíசா வழ கலாமா?

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8. மண ஆக ைல சா
ேகா க மண ெச ெகா ேநா க , மண ைன
ப ெச ட , இரா வ பë ேசர பா ேபா , சா அ ல ஒ ைற
அ த ேதைவ ப êல ேவைலக ண க சா
வழ க ப ற . இíசா றான ண க ப ட 15 நா க வழ க ப .
த க
மண ப அ ல மண ெச ய இíசா ேகா னா அர
க ப ஆ /ெப உ ய வய ைன ெச க ேவ .
ஒ வ ட வய ேம மண ஆக ைல எ றா ,
மண ெச ய ப இ ைல எ மா இ தா இíசா
வழ கலா .
ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா CSC
2. ப அ ைட
3. ம தார ைக பட
4. மா சா த
5. க யாண ப ைக
6. இரா வ
ெபற ப ட அைழ பாைண

வ ேக ள க

1 கணவைர இழ த ெப / மைன ைன மண ஆக ைல
இழ த கணவ ேகா க ம மண என சா
ெச ெபா இíசா ேகா வழ க இயலா .
வாக னரா ேக க ப வதாக ெத
ண றன . இ ேந
வழ கலாமா ?
2 07.06.2023 அ மண என மண ஒ ப ெச ய ìடா .
ப ைக ட ப 06.06.2023 ஒ ப ெச நாள
மண ஆக ைல சா அவ மண
ண ஆனா வாக .
காரண க னா 06.06.2023 அ
சா ஒ ப க இயலாத ைல
ஏ ப ட ேப 07.06.2023 அ
ஒ ப ெச யலாமா?
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9. ேவைல ைம சா
ேவைலவா ைற ல வழ க ப ேவைலவா ைட காத

நப க உத ெதாைக ெப வத காக இ த சா

வழ க ப ற .

த க

மாவ ட ேவைல வா அ வலக தன க த ைன ப

ெச க ேவ .

ெதா ப தவ க இ த சா வழ வ ைல.

ேவைல வா அ வலக ப ெச த ன இ 5

ஆ க க ேவைல வா ைட க ைல எ ம

இíசா ெபற இய .

ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா

2. ப அ ைட

3. ேவைல வா அ வலக ப அ ைட

4. மா சா த

5. Family Income



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வசாய வ மானíசா ம ய, மா ல அரê ட க மா ய
ெப த , வ க கட ெப த உ ட காரண க காக மா ல
அரசா வழ க ப அ கார வ ஆவண ஆ .
 வசாய வ மானíசா ெச ப யா கால ஒ ஆ ஆ .
 வசாய வ மானíசா த ழக அரசா இைணய தள ேசைவ ல
வழ க ப ற .
 ல உடைமதார க ம ல தைகயாள ஆ ேயா ண கலா .
இ த சா ண க க ட ஆவண கைள
ண பதார க சம கேவ .
1. ண பதார ைக பட
2. கவ கான ஏேத ஒ ஆதார
3. கைடêயாக வைட த பச ஆ கான அட க
4. ண பதார யஉ ெமா
5. ê டா
ண பதாரரா அ க ப ண ப ராம வாக
அ வரா ப க ப வ வா ஆ வாள அ ப ப ற .
வ வா ஆ வாள ப லைன ற ம டல ைண
வ டா êய அ ப ப ம டல ைண வ டா êயரா
ஒ த / ராக ெச ய ப ற . வ மானíசா
ண ப ைன ெச ட 15 நா க கால அவகாச
வழ க ப ள .



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11. கணவரா ைக ட ப ேடா சா
ச க பா கா ட உத ெதாைக ெபற இதர
நல ட க ச ைக ெபற இíசா வழ க ப ற .
த க
7ஆ க ேமலாக கணவரா ைக ட ப ட ெப க இíசா
ெபற த ைடயவ ஆவ .
ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா
2. ப அ ைட
3. மண ஆதார
4. ைக பட
5. ழ ைதக ற சா த

வ ைச
ேக ள க

1 ம ற ல வாகர ெப ற மனெமா த வாகர ெப ற
ஒ வ இíசா ேகார இய மா? ைல இíசா ெபற இயலா .
2 கணவ காணாம ேபா த சா வழ க இயலா . த தகவ
தகவ அ ைக ப ெச ய ப ட அ ைக ப ெச 7
ைல 7வ ட க ற ஆ க ற ம ற தா
மைன இíசா ேகார மா? காணாம ேபானவ இற தவராக
அ க ப வா .




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12. தைவ சா
 ைர:

கணவ இற ற ம மண ெச ெகா ளாத

ெப க இíசா வழ க ப ற . ஆதரவ ற தைவ சா
ெபற , இதர அர ச ைக ெபற இíசா வழ க ப ற .
த க
ம மண ெச ெகா ளாத நபராக இ த ேவ .
 வ ைறக :
இைணயதள ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா
2. ப அ ைட
3. கணவ இற சா
4. மண ப சா அ ல மண ெச தத ஆதார
 சா வழ அ வல :
ெதாட ைடய வ டா êயரா இíசா இைணய வ
வழ க ப ற .




ேம க ட ஆவண க ட இைணய வ ண க ேவ

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13. ஜா சா
ம ற காவ உ ளஒ வைர ைணய ட ம ற தா
எ தைன நப க ஜா தார களாக ெபா ேப க ேவ என
உ தர ட ப ளேதா அ தைன நப க உ டான ெசா ம
சா வழ வ ஜா சா என அைழ க ப ற .
ஜா தார களாக ெபா ேப நப க அ ராம உ ள அைசயா
ெசா க ராம வாக அ வல ராம கண ைள ஆ ெச ,
ல க சா ைன ப லைன ெச ஜா தார ெசா ைடய த கால
ம ைன ெத சா வழ வா . அíசா ைன வ டா êய ஆ
ெச ேமெலா ப ெச வா .
ப லைன ெச யேவ ய ஆவண க -
1. நாள ேத வைர லான அைசயா ெசா த ல க சா .
2. ஜா தார ைடய அைசயா ெசா தான உ ைம ெதாட பான
ராம ஆவண க .
3.ெசா ம ேகா நாள ஜா தார ைடய ெசா வ ,
வ ம
க டண ஆ யவ ைற நாள ேத வைர அர ெச த ப டத கான
இர க .
4. ற சா ட ப டவ ற த சாரா ச ,
5. ஜா தார ைடய ஆதா ம ப அ ைட நக .




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14. ற - இற சா
 ைர:

ற சா த எ ப ஒ ழ ைத த உ ம ம அத
அைடயாள ைத வத கான த ப யா . ற சா த கா
பய பா க காக ெபற ப ற .
ற சா
 ப ேச ைக
 ேவைல கான வய சா றாக
 மண வய í சா காக
 ெப ேறா பர அ ெகா ள
 வா காள ப ய ேச வத கான வயைத வத காக
 கா வன க காக வயைத பண ெச ெபா
 கட í ெபற
இற சா
 வா சா ெபற
 அர வாரண உத க / அர ச ைகக ெபற
 இற தவ ெபய உ ள அைச /அைசயா ெசா கைள அவ கள
வா தார க ெபற
 இற தவ ப ன அர வழ ச ைககைள ெப வத
 கணவ இற தைவ மைன ம மண ெச
ெகா ள/அர பëக ைம ெபற

ற ம இற ப க ச ட 1969(ம யச ட 18/1969)- ப
ற இற வர க ப ெச ய ப ற . 1.1.2000 ஆ த
த நா உ ள அைன மாவ ட க , த நா ற ம இற
ப க 2000- ப ற இற ப வாள க லமாக ப
ெச ய ப இைணயதள ப ேவ ற ெச ய ப ெபா காதார ைற
லமாக இைணய வ சா க வழ க ப ற .
ற இற க க ராம க ராம வாக அ வல ,
ேப ரா ê ப க ேப ரா ê ெசய அ வல , நகரா ê ம மாநகரா ê
ப க ச ப த ப ற இற ப வாள அ வலக க
ேம ெகா ள ப ற . 2018- ஆ த இைணயதள லமாக ேம ப
அ வலக க ற இற வர க ப ெச ய ப சா த க
இைணயதள வா லாகேவ வழ க ப வ ற .

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 ற அ ல இற த தகவ ற இற ப வாள ட க நட த
நா 21 நா க ப ெச ய படேவ (த நா ற
ம இற ப க 2000, எ .5)
 21 நா க அ கமானா அதாவ க நட த நா 30
நா க ப ெச தா தாமத க டணமாக .100 ெச ப ெச
ெகா ளலா . (த நா ற ம இற ப க 2000, எ .9(1)
த ப ட )
 30 நா க ேம ஒ வ ட இ க கைள ப ெச ட
ச ப த ப டஅ வல ட இ ெபற ப ட எ லமாக உ தர ம
ப க டணமாக .200/- ெச ப ெச ெகா ளலா . (த நா ற
ம இற ப க 2000, எ .9(2) த ப ட )
 ஒ வ ட ேம ப ட க கைள ப ெச ட ச ப த ப ட
உ ேகா ட வாக ந வ /வ வா ேகா டா êய ைல ைறயாத
அ வல ட இ எ லமான ஆைண ெப .500/- தாமத
க டண ெச ப ெச ெகா ளலா . (த நா ற ம இற
ப க 2000, எ .9(3) த ப ட )
 ற í சா த ழ ைத ெபய ற த ேத இ ஒ
வ ட ெப ேறாரா அ க படேவ . இத காக ெப ேறா ஒ
ரகடண (Declaration) ைகெயா ப ெச தா க ெச ய ேவ .
 ஒ வ ட ளாக ப ெச ய ப ெபய ப க க டண
இ ைல.
 ஒ ஆ ேம 14 ஆ க வைர தாமத க டண .200/-
ெச த பட ேவ .(1.1.2000- ப ெச ய ப ட ற
ப க ெபய ப ெச யவத கான காலெக 31.12.2024 வைர
க ப ள .)
 01.01.2018- ற த ழ ைதக ம ெபய ைன ச ப த ப ட
மாநகரா ê , நகரா ê ம ேப ரா ê அ வலக க ப ெச ய ப ட
ன ற சா த கைள ெச ைன மாநகரா êைய சா தவ க எ ற இைணயதள கவ வா லாக இதர
நகரா ê ம ேப ரா ê உ ேளா எ ற இைணயதள
வா லாக ப ற க ெச ெகா ளலா .

ற இற ப க டண ெச த ேவ ய கண தைல
 ைற – 01101
 கண எ – 007060800AB22708

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 2018- ஆ த ம வமைனக ம ற இதர இட க இ த ற
ம இற அைன ெம ெபா லமாக ப ேவ ற ெச ய ப
வ வதா ற இற சா த கைள ெபா ம க க ட இைணயதள
கவ லமாக ப ற க ெச ெகா ளலா .
2. ( நகரா ê ம மாநகரா ê ப க )
ேம ப இைணயதள கவ லமாக இலவசமாக எ தைன நக க
ேவ மானா எ ெகா ள வ வைக ெச ய ப ள . ேம ப
சா த க உ ள QR Code சா த க உ ைம த ைமைய உ
ெச ய ற .
 30 நா க ேம ஒ வ ட வ தாமத ப கைள ப ெச
ேபா கா ப ய கல எ .3- ட ப ளஅ வல ட
இ எ வமான அ ம ெபற படேவ .( எ .9 u/s 13)

வ.எ . உ அ கார அைம அ வல

(1) (2) (3)
1. ராம பîசாய ராம பîசாய தைலவ
2. ேப ரா ê ெசய அ வல
3. க ேடா ெம ெசய அ வல
4. நகரா ê ஆைணய
5. மாநகரா ê ஆைணய
6. ெந ேவ ென தைலைம காதர அ கா
கா ேரச

 ற இற ப க ெதாட பாக ற க ப உ தர க
ேம ைற ெச ய நப க உ தர ற க ப ட நா 30
நா க கா ப ய கல எ .3- ள
அ வல ட ேம ைற ெச ெகா ளலா .

வ.எ . உ அ கார அைம அ வல

(1) (2) (3)
1. ராம பîசாய தைலவ
வ வா ேகா டா êய
2. ெசய அ வல
3. வ வா ேகா டா êய
4. ெசய அ வல , மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ
க ேடா ெம

31 | P a g e
வ.எ . உ அ கார அைம அ வல
(1) (2) (3)
5. ஆைணய - நகரா ê
6. மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ த ைம ப வாள ற (ம)
7. ஆைணய மாநகரா ê இற
8. த ைம ப வாள ற
(ம) இற

 ற சா தைழ ெபா தவைர ற ெதாட பான பர க ப வ 1-

லமாக ச ப த ப ட நப ட இ தகவ ெபற ப இைணயதள
வா லாக ப க ேம ெகா ள ப சா த க வழ க ப றன.
 இற ெதாட பான பர க வ வா ைறí சா த ற இற
ப வாள க ( ராம வாக அ வல ) ல ப ெச ய ப ேபா ெபற பட
ேவ ய ஆவண க பர .
 இற ேபான நப ஆதா அ ைட நக
 ப அ ைட நக
 வா காள அைடயாள அ ைட நக
 ம வமைன அ ம க ப ê íைச ெப வ த
ைல (உ ேநாயா ) இற எ ம வ ஒ ப ட ì யப வ
எ .4(த நா ற ம இற க 7)
 ê íைச காக ம வமைன ெச வ sெகா தவரா (ெவ
ேநாயா யாக) இ ம வ ஒ ப ட ì யப வ 4A(த நா
ற ம இற க 7)
 ப / ச ேதக மரண எ ச ப த ப ட காவ ைலய ப ய ப ட
த தகவல ைக நக
 இற தவ உட எ ட ப ட மயான ர
 ேதைவ ப ராம ெபா ம க வா ல
 இற ப ெச ய ேகா பவ ஆதா அ ைட நக



32 | P a g e
15.ெதாைல டப /க க சா
தைட ைமíசா வழ த

ஒ வ ப /க சா ெதாைல டதா அத
இர டா ப ெபற தைட ைமíசா ேகா க ட ஆவண க
ண ப ெச ய ேவ .
1. காவ ைற னரா ப ெச ய ப ட த தகவ அ ைக நக ம
ெதாைல க íசா ேத பா ைட க ெபற ைல
எ பத கான காவ ைற ன சா .
2. ப த ப /க ப றத கான (Bonafide Certificate) சா .
ண ப ெச ய ப ட ட ராம வாக அ வல , வ வா
ஆ வாள க அ ைக ப வ வா வ டா êய சாரைண
அ பைட ேம ப தைட ைமíசா ண ப ெச த 15
ன க வ வா வ டா êயரா வழ க பட ேவ .




33 | P a g e
16. ஒ ைண த சா
அர பë இ ேபா இற ேபா அர ஊ ய வா தார க
க ைண அ பைட பë யமன ெப வத காக ஒ ைண த சா
வ வா வ டா êயரா வழ க ப ற .
இíசா த
1. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய வர க ,
2. அர ஊ ய இற த ேத
3. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய ைலயான கவ
4. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய மைன /கணவ ம மண ெச
ெகா ளாதத கான சா
5. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய ப ேவ எவ அர ம
த யா ைற பë ய ைல எ பத கான சா
6. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய ப ன ெபய ள அைச
ம அைசயா ெசா க த வர க
7. அர ஊ ய இற த ற அவர ப ன ெமா த ஆ
வ மான
8. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய ப வ ய ைல உ ளத கான
9. இற ேபான அர ஊ ய வா தார க த வர , ஆ யைவ
உ ளட .
அரசாைண எ . 33 ெதா லாள நல ம ற ேம பா ைற, நா .
08.03.2023- க ைண அ பைட பë யமன வழ வ ெதாட பாக
ெத க ப ளவ ைறக ேம ப ஒ ைண த சா வழ க பட
ேவ யப வ இைண க ப ள .



34 | P a g e
Rules – Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules,
2023 – Notify

G.O.(Ms.)No.33 Dated : 08.03.2023

ப வ டம் , மா 24
வள் வர் ஆண் 2054

G.O (Ms) No.18 Labour and Employment Department, Dated 23.01.2020

In the Government Order read above , the Government have examined the
whole issue of compassionate ground appointment in detail and issued comprehensive
2. Based on the 110 announcement of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu on the floor of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly on 07.09.2021, the
Government after careful examination , decided to issue the rule viz., Tamil Nadu
Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules , 2023 , to provide
compassionate ground appointment to the legal heirs of the deceased / medically
invalidated Government servants.
3. Accordingly, the appended notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette Extraordinary.
4. The Director, Tamil Development and Information (Translation)
Department, Secretariat , Chennai – 600 009 is request to send the Tamil Chennai –
600 079 for publication in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.
5. The Works manager, Government Central Press, Chennai – 600 079 is
requested to send 1,000 copies of the Notification to the Labour Welfare and Skill
Development Department , Secretariat , Chennai – 600 009.
35 | P a g e
The Works Manager, Government Central press, Chennai – 600 009. (2 copies)
(for publication of the notification in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
The Secretary to Government , Tamil Nadu Development and Information
(Translation) Department , Chennai – 600 009 (2 Copies).
The Law Department , Chennai – 600 009.
All Secretary to Government , Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009.
The Secretary to Government , Revenue and Disaster Management Department ,
Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009 (for issue necessary instruction with reference to ceiling
of annual income for determining indigent circumstances).
All Departments of Secretariat , Chennai – 600 009.
The Secretary , Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat , Chennai – 600 009.
All Heads Department.
All Collectors / District Judges / District Magistrates(Judicial)
The Registrar , High Court , Chennai – 600 104.
The Accountant General , Chennai – 600 018.
The Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai -600 035.
The Secretary , Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission , Chennai – 600 003.
The Pay & Accounts Officer (North), Chennai – 600 079.
The Pay & Accounts Officer (South), Chennai- 600 035.
The Pay & Accounts Officer (East), Chennai – 600 005.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009.
All Treasury Officers.
The Human Resources Management (G) Department, Chennai – 600 009.

Copy to
The Chief Minister’s Office, Chennai – 600 009.
The Special Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister for
Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department , Chennai – 600 009.
The Senior Personal Assistants to All Ministers, Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009.
The Principal Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government,

36 | P a g e
Chennai – 600 009.
The Senior Private Secretary to Secretary to Government,
Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department , Chennai – 600 009.
The Law (LW &SD – Sty.) Department, Chennai – 600 009.
All Officers / All Sections in Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department,
Chennai – 600 009.
Stock File / Spare Copy / Clean Copy to file.


37 | P a g e
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India,
the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following rules, namely:-
1. Short title. – These rules may be called the Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Appointment on
Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 2023.
2. Definition .- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise require,
(a) “ district” means a Revenue district ;
(b) “Form” means a form appended to these rules;
(c) “Government” means the state Government;
(d) “Government Servant” means a person who has been appointed to any service or post
in connection with the affairs of the State and includes a probationer , an approved probationer
and a full member of a service:
Provided that the following persons shall not be considered as a Government Servant for the
purpose of these rules, namely:-
(i) a person who is retained in service under clause (c) of Sub – rule (1) of rule 56 of the
Fundamental Rules;
(ii) a person who is on extension of service or re – employment ;
(iii) a person who is appointed on casual , ad-hoc or contract basis on consolidated pay or daily
(iv) a person who is not placed under regular time scale of pay ; and
(v) a person who is appointed to any post on special time scale of pay.

Explanation.- A Government servant whose services are placed at the disposal of a company ,
corporation , organization , local authority , another State Government or the Union Government
shall , for the purpose of these rules, be deemed to be a Government servant notwithstanding
that his salary is down from sources other than the consolidated Fund of the State;
(e) “Head of the Department” means the principal officer of the department who is
directly Subordinate to the Government , whether or not he has been declared to be the head of
the department for the purpose of these rules;
(f) “Family” means,-

38 | P a g e
(i) in the case of a deceased or medically invalidated married Government
Servant his legally wedded spouse, son, daughter including adopted son or daughter , who were
dependant on the Government servant at the time of his death or medical invalidation;
(ii) in the case of a deceased unmarried Government servant his father, mother ,
brother or sister;
(iii) in the case of a medically invalidated unmarried Government servant , his
brother or sister;
(iv) in the case of a medically invalidated widowed or divorced Government
servant, his son , daughter including adopted son or daughter , who were dependant on the
Government servant at the time of his death or medical invalidation;
(v) in the case of a deceased widowed or divorced Government servant, having no
children or having minor children who could not quality for appointment under rules, his father or
Provided that , if the father and mother had crossed the maximum age limit specified in
sub- rule (1) rule 6, brother or sister of the Government Servant , as may be nominated by the
father and mother.
(vi) in the case of a medically invalidated widowed or divorced Government servant
having no children or having minor children who could not qualify for appointment under these
rules, his brother or sister as may be nominated by the father or mother.

(g) “medically invalidated” means , a Government servant ordered to be retried from service
with not less than five years of left over service , on medical invalidation in the public interest under
Fundamental rules 56 (2) read with rule 24 (b) of rule for procedure in the case of Government
Servant”, made under Fundamental Rule 74 and ‘medical invalidation ‘ shall be construed
(2) Words and expressions used not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning
assigned to them in the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016
(Tamil Nadu Act 14 2016).

3. Eligibility for appointment.- (1) The members of the family of the following
categories of Government Servants are eligible for appointment on compassionate grounds, namely

39 | P a g e
(a) Governments servants including those who are under suspension who died in harness;

(b) Government servants, who retired on medical invalidation , with noth less than five years of
left over service; and

(c) Missing Government servants, who are declared to be dead with effect from a date anterior to
the date of their superannuation , by a competent Court under sections 107 or 108 of the Indian
Evidence Act, 1872 (Central Act I of 1872).

(2) The Following members of the family of a deceased or medically invalidated Government
Servant , in the order of priority given hereunder , are eligible for appointment on compassionate
grounds, namely:-
(a) Legally wedded spouse :
Provided that where there are more than one legally wedded spouse as permitted by the personal
law , one among them , based on the No Objection Certificate given by the other spouses;
(b) Son or daughter of the deceased or medically invalidated Government Servant , including adopted
son or daughter;
(c) Parents of the deceased or unmarried Government servant or divorced or widowed Government
servant, whose children could not be provided appointment due to health condition or having no
children or having minor children.
(d) Brother or sister of the deceased or medically invalidated unmarried Government servant or
divorced or widowed Government servant , whose children could not be provided appointment due
to health condition or having no children or minor children.

(3) The Eligibility of the family of a deceased of medically invalidated Government servant , for
appointment on compassionate grounds, are subject to the following conditions , namely :-

(a) The family must be in indigent circumstance.

(b) No Member of the family shall be in regular employment in Government or any private

Provided that where a member of the family in military service shall not make the family

40 | P a g e
(c) For the purpose of clauses (a) and (b) , and Integrated Certificate in Form – II Shall be
obtained from the Tahsildar , where the Government servant lastly resided or resides , as the case
may be:

Provided that in the case of a Government servant , who was or is a native of other State, the
certificate shall also be obtained from the Revenue Divisional Officer or the Deputy Collector
Concerned of his native State.

Explanation . – For the purpose of this rule, “ a family is in indigent circumstance” means , a
family having an income of not more than rupees three lakh per annum from all sources :

Provided that the family pension of the deceased Government Servant or the pension of the
medically invalidated Government servant , as the case may be, shall be excluded.

(4) For removal of doubts, it is hereby clarified that,-

(a) employment on casual , adhoc or contracts basis, on daily wages or consolidated pay, of
any member of the family of a deceased or medically invalidated Government servant, is not a bar
for the family to apply for appointment under these rules;

(b) remarriage of the spouse of the deceased Government servant , who had applied for
appointment under these rules, before being provided with an appointment , shall not make the
spouse ineligible for the appointment.

4. Nomination .- (1) In case , the spouse of a deceased or medically invalidated Government

servant could not apply for appointment , due to health condition , appointment may be provided
to a son or daughter , as be nominated by the spouse , subject to eligibility under rule 3.

(2) Where a parent of a deceased unmarried Government servant could not apply for
appointment due to health condition , appointment may be provided to a brother or sister of the
deceased Government servant as may be nominated by the parent, subject eligibility under rule

(3) Where a deceased , divorced or widowed Government servant, has no children or minor
children or such deceased Government servant’s child could not be provided appointment due to
health condition and the parents of the deceased Government servant also could not apply for

41 | P a g e
appointment due to health condition, appointment may be provided to a brother or sister of the
deceased Government Servant , as may be nominated by the parent , subject to eligibility under
rule 3.

5. Time limit to make application.- Every application for appointment under these rules shall
be made within a period of three years from the date of death of the Government servant of from
the date of retirement on medical invalidation or from the date of receipt of court order declaring
the missing Government Servant as dead, under sections 107 or 108 of the Indian Evidence Act,

6. Age limit. – (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules governing the post for
which appointment on compassionate grounds is to be made, on the date of application for

(a) the spouse of the deceased or medically invalidated Government servant or the parent of
the deceased Government servant, must not have completed fifty years of age ; and

(b) the son, daughter , brother or sister of the deceased or medically invalidated Government
servant must not have completed forty years of ago.

(2) Notwithstanding contained in these rules governing the post for which appointment on
compassionate grounds is to be made, there shall be no minimum age limit for the applicant on the
date of application for appointment:

Provided that appointment shall not be provided unless the application completes eighteen years of
7. Educational qualification .- An applicant for appointment under these rules , must possess the
educational qualification prescribed for the post applied for including adequate knowledge in tamil
,on the date of application .
8. Application for appointment.- (1) The eligible member of the family of the deceased or medically
invalidated Government servant may make an application for appointment under these rules in
Form - I through online in the designated web portal or website of the department or in writing
addressed to the Head of Office in which the Government servant , was working at the time of his
death or retired on medical invalidation , as the case may be.
(2) The following certificates shall be enclosed along with the application namely :-
42 | P a g e
(a) Death certificate of the Government servant or order of retirement on medical invalidation , as
the case may be
(b) Legal heirship certificate in the case of a deceased Government servant.
(c) Integrated certificate in Form – II
(d) Certificate of the birth of the applicant
(e) certificates of educational qualification of the applicant .
(f) Registered deed of adoption in the case of an adopted son or daughter .
(g) Certificate of undertaking :-
(i) in the case of a son or daughter of the deceased or medically invalidated Government
servant , that he shall , on appointment, maintain his sibling and his parents ;
(ii) in the case of a brother or sister of the deceased or medically invalidated Government
servant, that he shall , on appointment , maintain his parents and the children of the deceased or
medically invalidated Government servant, as the case may be.
(3) The post applied for, as mentioned in form – I, shall not be permitted to be altered subsequently,
for any reason whatsoever.
9. Alternative application .- An applicant, within a period of one year from the date of
making the application for appointment under these rules, on the ground of his ill health or for any
other reason, on his request in writing, may be permitted by the appointing authority to nominate
any other member of the family to make an alternative application, subject to eligibility in the order
of priority specified in sub-rule (2) of rule 3:
Provided that , no such alternative application shall be permitted to be made more than once:
Provided further that, no such application shall be permitted to be made after the appointment of the
original applicant.
(2) In the case of death of an applicant before being provided with an appointment under these
rules, the other eligible member of the family, as per the order of priority specified in sub- rule (2) o
rule 3, may make an alternative application for the appointment.
10.Posts filed up under appointment .- Appointment shall be confined to posts in Group “C” or
Group “D” depending upon the educational qualification of the applicant on the date of application.
Explantion.- For the purpose of these rules , Group “C” or Group “D” posts would mean the
which are classified as such in schedule – XII to the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions
of Service) Act, 2016 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 2016).

43 | P a g e
11.Rule of reservation .- The rule of reservation provided in section 27 of the Tamil Nadu
Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act , 2016 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 2016) Shall not
apply to appointment made under these rules.
12.Ceiling on appointment.- (1) The total number of persons appointed on compassionate grounds
in a Department , at any point of time, shall not exceed five percent of the total sanctioned strength,
whether permanent or temporary , of all the categories of posts included in Group “C” in that
(2) There shall be no such ceiling in respect of Group “D” posts.
13. Order of priority in appointment .-
Appointment on compassionate grounds shall be made from among the eligible applicants, in the
order of the date of death of the Government servant or the date of death as declared by the Court
under sections 107 or 108 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Central Act of 1872) or the date of
retirement on medical invalidation as the case may be.
14.Producedure for processing for applications .- (1) The head of the office where the deceased
Government Servant was working at the time of his death shall immediately report the death of a
Government of a Government servant to the Head of the Department and shall furnish the
particulars to the head of the Department within on month.
(2) As soon as may be, but in any case not later than thirty days from the date of death of the
Government servant , the head of office shall inform the provision of the scheme for appointment
on compassionate grounds to the family of the deceased Government servant in writing under
proper acknowledgement.
(3) On receipt of application for appointment, if any , from any member of the family of the
deceased or medically invalidated Government servant under sub-rule (1) of rule 8, the Head of
Office shall examine as to whether the applicant fulfill all the requirements for appointment under
these rules , and if so, forward the same to the Head of the Department along with his report , also
indicating the vacancy position for such appointment within a period of one month from the date of
receipt of the application.
(4) In case the applicant does not fulfill the requirements for appointment under these rules ,
the Head of Office shall pass an order of rejection within a period of one month from the date of
receipt of the application and communicate the same to the applicant.

44 | P a g e
(5) The applicant , if aggrieved by the order of rejection under sub-rule (4), may prefer an
appeal to the Head of the Department within a period of two months from the date of receipt of the
Provided that in respect of an order of rejection passed by the Head of the Department, an
appeal shall lie to the Secretary to Government of the Department concerned of the Secretariat.
(6) On receipt of the application from the Head of Office under sub- rule (3) the Head of the
Department shall ensure that the applicant fulfills all the requirements for appointment under these
rules and issue an order of appointment , appointing him in any of the vacancy in the office in
which the deceased or medically invalidated Government servant was working at the time of his
death or in any other office under his administrative control, within fifteen days from the date of
receipt of the report from the Head of Office:
Provided that , if no vacancy is available or vacancy is not likely to occur within a period of
three months, the Head o Office to the collector of the district in which the deceased or medically
invalidated Government servant last worked .
(7) In case the spouse of the deceased Government servant , who had applied for appointment
under these rules, rules , gets remarried , the appointing authority shall issue an order of
appointment only after obtaining an undertaking from the spouse that he shall maintain the children
and the parents of the deceased.
(8) The Collector of each district shall maintain a register indicating the number of applications
received and are pending under these rules in the order of seniority . The Collector shall send a
Quarterly report in this regard to the Government in Labour Welfare and Skill Development
Department before the 15th of the month following the end of the quarter.
(9) Only after obtaining a Certificate of non-availability of candidate in the Register maintained by
the District Collector concerned , the Head of Department shall provide vacancies in Group “C” or
Group “D”posts , to be filled up by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or the Directorate
of Employment and training.
(10) The Departments of Government in the secretariat , the Heads of the Departments and the
District Collectors shall maintain a separate online web page in their respective website, showing
the applications , separately for appointment to Group “C” and Group “D” posts , received under
these rules, in the format prescribed in Form –III. The pendency details shall be updated on the first
day of every month.
(11) Appointment under these rules shall not be granted to more than one member of the family.

45 | P a g e
(12) Appointment under these rules shall be made only against the actual vacancies and no
supernumerary posts shall be created therefor.
(15) Special provisions for secretariat departments.- (1) In the departments of Secretariat , when
an applicant is qualified for appointment to any of the posts in Group ‘C’ and there is no vacancy in
such posts,-
(a) he may be appointment to a lower post in Group “D” in the Tamil Nadu Secretariat ,
Subject to his willingness and on giving an undertaking that he shall not make a claim for
appointment to a Group ‘C’ post , later on ; or
(b) the application may be forwarded to the collector of Chennai District , for appointment to
a suitable post in Group ‘C’ available in other departments.
(2) In the Departments of Secretariat , appointment under these rules:-
(a) to be posts of Assistant , Typist and Personal Clerk , shall be made by the Human Resources
Management Department . The department concerned shall process the application in accordance
with these rules and remit the case to the Human Resources Management Department along with
its recommendation for issue of appointment order; and
(b) to the posts of Office Assistant and Record Clerk shall be made by the department concerned
16.Regularzation of appointment .- Each appointing authority shall regularize the service of the
person appoint under these rules within a period of one year from the date of his joining service ,
subject to eligibility .
17.Power to relax.- where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to
do , it may by order , for reason to be recorded in writing , relax any of the provisions of these rules
with respect to any person where the operation of these rules causes any hardship:
Provided that educational qualification prescribed for appointment to any post shall not be
relaxed .
18. Interpretation .- If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be
referred to the Government and the decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
19. Saving .- Nothing contained in these rules shall adversely affect any person , who has made an
application for appointment on compassionate grounds or who has been appointed to any post on
compassionate grounds, on the date of coming into force of these rules.

46 | P a g e
From –I
(See rule 8 (1))
Application From for appointment on compassionate grounds
1 Name of the applicant
2 Date of birth (Birth certificate to be attached)
3 Age (as on the date of application)
4 Date of application
5 Educational qualification
(as on the date of application)
(Certificates to be attached)
6 Whether the applicant possess adequate knowledge in
Tamil ?
7 Residential Address
8 Relationship to the deceased / medically invalidated
Government servant.
(If adopted , adoption certificate to be attached )
9 Marital Status
10 Name of the post applied for (Group C or Group D to be
11 Name of the deceased / medically invalidated Government
12 Date of death/ Medical invalidation / Date of death declared
by the competent Court order.
13 Designation, Place and the Office at which the deceased or
medically invalidated Government Servant was working at
the time of death or medically invalidated.

14 Date of retirement (Had he continued in Service but for his

15 Age at the time of death of the deceased Government

47 | P a g e
16 Length of service as on the date of death or medically
invalidated Government Servant
17 Age at the time of retirement (in the case of medical
18 Whether any charge is pending against the deceased /
Medically invalidated Government Servant
19 Details of Family members.
(Name , Age, Relationship , Marital Status , Occupation to
be mentioned).
20 Details of income from all sources of the family (Including
income from pension received by the other dependents ,
Movable immovable property)
(Certificate from the authority concerned to be attached).

21 Whether any other dependant member of the deceased

/medically invalidated Government servant is in regular
employment in Government / Private enterprise.
22 Whether No Objection certificate obtained from other
dependants (if , applicable).
23 Any other information which the applicant desires to give.

I ………………………………………… do hereby declare that the particulars given
above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief . I also agree to the appointment
secured by me on compassionate grounds under these rules being terminated without
notice and assigning any reason therefore in the event of finding any misrepresentation
or suppression of material fact on my part.
Place : Signature of the Applicant.
Counter signed
Head of Office

48 | P a g e
[see rule 8(2)(c)]
Integrated Certificate for Compassionate
Ground Appointment

6. Thiru/Tmt/Selvi……………….……. who was working as …………..….… in the office of the

…..……….. died on……………………………………………………..while in service.
7. His/Her permanent residential address is ……………He/She last resided at……………………….
8. The details of the legal heirs of the deceased Government servant are as follows:-
Sl. Name. Age. Relationship. Marital Educational Employment details Employer Monthly Annual
No. status. qualification. (State details. salary. income.
Govt./Private etc.) (Rs.) (Rs.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

I. The deceased Government Servant has no other husband/wife.

Legal heir/legal heirs of the deceased Government servant was employed even
before the date of death of the Government servant and is/are living separately
supporting/not supporting the family.
1. The details of Immovable properties possessed by the deceased Government
servant..…………….. and his/her legal heirs areas follows:-
Sl. Name. Age. Aadhaar Immovable Properties, Land and Buildings including Annual Income
No. Number Residential Houses derived including
(Description in respect of each property has to be Rental income.
given separately). (Rs.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

District. Revenue Survey Extent. (In case of

village. number. Land) Total
value (Rs.)
(In case of
house its

1. Name of

49 | P a g e
2. Legal heir –
3. Legal heir –

1. The details of movable properties held in the name of the deceased Government servant and
his/her legal heirs are as follows:-
Sl. No. Name Property Present Annual Income derived
Details Value from such property
(Rs.) (Rs.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Name of the
2. Legal heir – 1

3. Legal heir – 2 etc.

2. The family of the deceased Government servant is receiving a family

pension of Rs…………... per mensum. The annual value of the family pension is
Rs……………... The annual Income of all the legal heirs of the deceased Government
servant from all the sources is Rs… ...................... (excluding Family Pension)
3. After the death of the Government servant, the family of the deceased Government servant is
in / not in indigent situation.
4. I ………………..….. Tahsildar ………..……….…….. Taluk ..................................... District
has verified all the documents produced
before me and that after a detailed enquiry, issued this Integrated Certificate to
Thiru/Tmt/Selvi…………..(Name of the applicant who is seeking appointment under
compassionate grounds).

This Certificate is issued to the individual, for the purpose of seeking appointment on
compassionate grounds.


50 | P a g e
Form – III
[ See sub-rule (10) of rule 14 ]
List of applications for appointment on compassionate grounds to
Group – C Posts.
Position as on the 1st day of ………………………..
Serial Name of the deceased Date of death Name of the applicant Date of Present
No. medically invalidated medical and relationship, application stage.
Government invalidation/ seeking and age
Servant declaration of death Appointment
by the Court
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

List of applications for appointment on compassionate grounds to
Group – D Posts.
Position as on the 1st day of ………………………..
Serial Name of the deceased Date of death Name of the applicant Date of Present
No. medically invalidated medical invalidation/ and relationship, application stage.
Government declaration of death seeking and age
Servant by the Court Appointment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

// True copy //

Section Officer.

51 | P a g e
17. வா சா
ஒ ப இற ேபான ஒ நப வா க யா ? யா ?
எ ப ைன ள வத காக வா சா வழ க ப ற . க ைண
அ பைட பë யமன ெப ட, ெசா க ப மா ற ெச ட,
வ க உ ள இற ேபான நப அடமான நைககைள க, ப
வாரண , தலைமíச ெபா வாரண , ந ேதா நல ட உத ெதாைகக
ெதா லாள நல வா ய உத ெதாைகக ெபற இíசா வழ க ப ற .
அரசாைண எ . 478 வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம ைற
வ வா வாக RA3(2). நா . 29.09.2022 ஒ ப இற ேபான
நப யா வா தார களாக ள ைக ெச ட ேவ என
ஆைண ட ப ள . அத ப
இற ேபான நப வா தார க
த ைத இவ க Living

மணமான நப மைன status ெத க

மக ேவ
தா இவ க Living
த ைத status ெத க
மணமாகாத நப
சேகாதரர ேவ

ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ண பதார ஆதா
2. ப அ ைட
3. இற சா
4. வா தார க ஆதா
5. இற தவ ஆதா TAH VAO
6. வா தார க யாேர உ ட
இ ைல எ அவ கள இற சா
7. த ெத த ழ ைத வா எ
அத கான ச ட வ சா
8. ேபா ேடா HQDT RI
9. வா க ழ ைதக எ ற
சா த

52 | P a g e
வ.எ ேக ள க
1 த மைன உ ட இ ேந , த த
. இ ெபா 2வ ம ற ைன நா வா க
மண ெச ெகா ட நப ஏ ப ெகா ள
இற த அவர ம தார ெத கலா .
வா கைள எ வா
அ ப ?
2 த மைன இற த தா / த ைத த
. 2வ மண ெச மைன ழ ைதக 2வ
ெகா ட நப வா க யா ? மைன 2வ மைன
ழ ைதக
3 கணவ ம மைன பல கணவ மைன
. ஆ களாக வா , வகார ெபறாத வைக
அ ெப ேவ நபைர இ வ கணவ மைன ைய
மண ெச ெகா அ ெப ேவற நபைர
வா ழ அ ெப ë இர டாவ மண
த கணவ இற டா ெச தா இற ேபான
அவர வா சாக ெப கைள நப அ ெப
அ கலாமா? வா தார ஆவா .
4 இற ேபான நப ஒேர ைமன வா தன
. ைமன வா எ அ த பா காவல லமாக வா
வா சா சா ண கலா .
ண க இய மா?
5 ஒ நப ைலயான ஒ இற சா த
. கவ , ேவ ைலயான கவ என
ப ெச அ ட ப ள
இற ேபானா வா சா ப ப ட வ டா êயரா
எ வழ க ப ? ம ேம வா சா வழ க
இய .

53 | P a g e
WRITS – W.P.Nos.25247 of 2021, 16946 of 2020, 12962, 15138, 16922, 18901, 22259, 25418, 26883,
27062, 27231, 27239, 27445, 27664, 28247 & 28350 of 2021, 679, 797, 860, 1098 & 1254 of 2022 and
W.P.Nos. 35697 of 2019, 1910, 2655, 2913, 3186, 3230, 3275, 3498, 4117, 4335, 4443, 4878, 5192,
5608, 5695, 5747, 6642, 6727, 7005, 7090, 7521, 8259, 8262 & 8438 of 2022 and connected W.M.Ps. –
Filed by Thiru.P.Venkatachalam and 44 others before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras – Legal Heir
Corticate – New guidelines – Orders – Issued

G.O.(MS) No.478 Dated : 29.09.2022

ப வ டம் , ரட்டா 12,
வள் வர்ஆண் 2053
Read :

1. G.O.(Ms) No.2906, Revenue Department, dated 04.11.1981

2. G.O.(Ms) No.581, Revenue Department, dated 03.04.1987
3. Government letter (Ms) No.1534, Revenue Department, dated 28.11.1991
4. From the Additional Cheif Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Circular No.
9/2019, dated 24.09.2019
5. Hon’ble High Court order dated 17.06.2022 in W.P.No.25247 of 2021 and batch cases
6. Government Letter No. 9633/RA-3(2)/2022-4, Recenue & Disaster Management Department,
dated 30.06.2022
7. From the Additional Chief Secratary / Commissioner of Revenue Administration letter No.
RA.5(3)/17167/2020, dated 19.07.2022
8. Hon’ble High Court Common Order daed 12.08.2022 in W.P.No.25247 of 2021 and batch cases.
In the Government Order first read above, the Government have ordered that, the
Tahsildar/Independent Deputy Tahsildar concerned will be authorised person to issue Legal Heir

54 | P a g e
2. In the Government Order second read above, the Government, among other things, have
ordered that the issue of Legal Heir Certificate is one of the duties of Tahsildars.
3. In the Government Order third read above, the Government have issue certain guidelines
for the issue of Legal Heirship Certificate.
4. In the reference fourth read above, the Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of
Revenue Administration have issued detailed revised circular/instructions in respect of issuance
of Legal Heirship Certificate.
5. In W.P.Nos.25247 of 2021, 16946 of 2020 and etc. filed by Tvl.P.Venkatachalam and 44
others arising out of non-issue of Legal Heir Certificate by the Tahsildars concerned by
identifying class II Legal heirs, the Full Bench of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras comprising
of the Honourable Mr. Justice P.N. Prakash, the Honourable Mrs. Justice R. Hemalatha and the
Honourable Mr. Justice A.A. Nakkiran, by order dated 17.06.2022 has ordered as follows:-

“xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

65. To sum up, our answers to the questions formulated in paragraph 10, (supra), are us under:
A. Legal Heirship is a status governed by the respective personal law of parties through various
statutes. The certificates issued by the Tahsildar amount to nothing more than a relationship
certificate reflecting the opinion of the Tahsildar as to the relationship of the applicant and others
named therein with the deceased. Consequently, the certificate issued by the Tahsildar does not
affect the legal right of any party and has no bearing on the status of a legal heir which is
conferred on an individual under his/her personal law.
----xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----
----xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----
G. Consequently, the Government of Tamil Nadu is directed to issue a fresh Government
order in lieu of Circular No.9 of 2019 without the anomalies pointed out, supra, in particular the
usage of the expressions “Class-1” and “Class-II” legal heirs under the Hindu Succession Act,
1956. The Government will also consider incorporating a father, blood brother/sister as eligible
applicants for unmarried deceased, as also the administrative remedies of appeal and revision
found in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the existing Circular No.9 of 2019. This exercise shall be
completed within a period of six weeks from today.

55 | P a g e
66. The order of reference dated 19.01.2022 is, thus, answered on the aforesaid terms. Post
the matter on 29.07.2022 for reporting compliance.”
6. In the reference sixth read above, the Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of
Revenue Administration was requested to send a detailed report and proposal along with draft
guidelines so as to enable to implement the said orders of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras.
7. In the reference seventh read above,the Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of
Revenue Administration has sent his report to issue guidelines for Legal Heir Certificate as
I. Dispensing the classification of heirs as Class I and Class II.
II. Legal Heir Certificate henceforth may be issued to any family members of the deceased and it
should be issued by including only the family members of the deceased as provided hereunder,
along with their living status, irrespective of the deceased person’s Religion, Gender.
Legal Heirship Certificate of the deceased (in case of married person) will include the
following members:-
1. Father of Deceased
2. Mother of Deceased
3. Spouse of Deceased
4. Sons of Deceased
5. Daughters of Deceased
III. Legal Heir Certificate of the deceased (in case of unmarried persons) will include the
following persons:-
1. Father of Deceased
2. Mother of Deceased
3. Brothers of Deceased
4. Sisters of Deceased
IV. Further, it is also recommended to incorporate the following appeal provisions:-

56 | P a g e
Existing Provisions Proposed Provisions
1. Appeal Provision :- Appeal Provision :-
If any disputes arise on the Existing provision may
Legal Heir Certificate issued, an appeal be continued.
petition shall be filed to the respective
Revenue Divisional Officer within a
period of one year from the date of
issuance of the certificate.
2. Power of Revision:- Power of Revision:-
The power of revision lies with The power of revision
the District Collector and Revision lies with the District Revenue
petition shall be filed by the applicant Officer and Revision petition
within a period of the appeal order. shall be filed with in a period
of 3 years from the date of
passing of the appeal order.

8. The Hon’ble High Court in its Common Order 12.08.2022 in W.P.Nos.25247 of

2021, 16946 of 2020 and etc. filed by Tvl.P.Venkatachalam and 44 others has ordered as
“Pursuant to our directions, the Government has submitted a draft notification for the
issuance of Legal Heir Certificates in the State, which we find to be, by and large, in consonance
with what we have held in our order dated 17.06.2022.
2. Mr.R.Neelkandan, learned Additional Advocate General, seeks six [6] weeks time for
issuing and notifying the Government Order. The same is recorded.
3. We direct the Registry to post the individual Writ Petitions after eight[8] weeks before the
Hon’ble Single Judge who holds this subject roster, for disposal inaccordance with the law laid
down by us in our order dated 17.06.2022 and the light of the new Government Order that would
be passes by the Government as stated above.”
9. The Government have examined the detailed and comprehensive order of the Full
Bench of Hon’ble High Court of Madras in its order dated 17.06.2022 and 12.08.2022 comprised
of the Honourable Mr.Justice P.N. Prakash, the Honourable Mrs.Justice R.Hemalatha and the

57 | P a g e
Honourable Mr. Justice A.A.Nakkiran in W.P.No.25247 of 2021 and 16946 of 2020 & 44 others.
Based on the principles enunciated in the High Court order referred above, the Government have
decided to accept the recommendations of the Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of
Revenue Administration with some modifications and hereby issues the guidelines and
procedures in supercession of the orders issued earlier in the reference 1 to 4 read above for
issuance of Legal Heir Certificate as per the annexure.
10. The Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of Revenue Administration is requested
to issue instructions to all the District Collectors to follow these guidelines and procedures for
issuing Legal Heir Certificate. The Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of Revenue
Administration is also requested to ensure that the Time Chart and Review Chart prescribed by
the Government are scrupulously adhered to by the subordinate officers.

(By Order of the Governor)

Kumar Jayant
Principal Secretary to Government.
The Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of Revenue
Administration, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
All the Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary,
Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.
All District Collectors.
Copy To
The Commissioner of e- Goverance,
Directorate of e- Goverance,
P.T.Lee Chengalvarayan Naickar Building, 2nd Floor,
807, Anna Salai,
Chennai-600 002.
Stock file/Spare copy.
// Forwarded by Order //
Section Officer

58 | P a g e
Annexure to G.O.(Ms) No.478, Revenue & Disaster
Management [RA-3(2)] Department, Dated 29.09.2022.

Guidelines and of Procedures for issuance of Legal Heir Certificate:-

1. The petitioner can apply electronically online to the Tahsildar in whose

jurisdiction, the deceased person “ordinarily resided” before his / her death. (If the
person has resided for less than 6 months, then the Tahsildar shall obtain a report from
the Tahsildar in whose jurisdiction the deceased resided for more than a year).
2. The Legal Heir Certificate shall be issued as a common document applicable to
everyone without any difference based on religion or gender.
(i). Legal Heirship of the deceased (in case married person)Will include only the
following members (alongwith their living status):-
1. Father of deceased
2. Mother of deceased
3. Spouse of deceased
4. son(s) of deceased
5. Daughter(s) of deceased
(ii). Legal Heirship of the deceased (in case unmarried person) will include only the
following persons (alongwith their living status):-
1. Father of deceased
2. Mother of deceased
3. Brother(s) of deceased
4. Sister(s) of deceased
3. Any one of the legal heirs mentioned in Clause 2 above may apply for this certificate
on behalf of others. The applicant should submit the following details while submitting
the application:-
(1) Death Certificate of the deceased or Late Registration of Death Certificate
from Revenue Divisional Officer.
(2) In the case of person treated as dead, (person who is missing for a period of 7
years or staying away from the family), the order of the competent court declaring the
person as dead.

59 | P a g e
(3) Any one of the following documents should be submitted as a proof of residence of the
deceased person:-
i. Aadhaar Card;
ii. Voter ID Card;
iii. Passport;
iv. Bank Pass Book/Postal Savings Book;
v. Driving License;
vi. Pension Payment Order;
vii. Any other similar document.
4. For proving relationship of the legal heirs with the deceased, the following
documents can be submitted.
1. Marriage Registration Certificate; or
2. Passport; or
3. Voter ID; or
4. Aadhaar card; or
5. Community certificate; or
6. Driving license; or
7. Birth Certificate of all children; or T.C. of all children,
8.Any other similar document.
5. In case, no Adult legal heir is surviving, a minor legal heir can apply for Legal Heir
Certificate through his/her guardian or through the brother(s) or sister(s) of the deceased
6. Adopted Children:-
In case of issue of Legal Heir Certificate to an adopted child, the Tahsildars
should issues Legal Heir Certificate after confirming that the individual has been
adopted legally.
7. The following provisions for Appeal / Revision is provided for the aggrieved
Against the order of the Tahsildar, an appeal petition can be filed to the
respective Revenue Divisional Officer within a period of one year from the date of
issuance/rejection of the application, as the case may be.

60 | P a g e
7(2). Revision:-
The power of revision over the orders passed by the Revenue Divisional
Officer lies with the District Revenue Officer and Revision petition shall be filed within
a period of 1(one) year from the date of passing of the order in appeal.
8. Legal heir applications will be processed by the following system:-
1. Applicant will apply on the Online system
2. The application will be routed to Village Administrative
Officer / Revenue Inspector
3. The Village Administrative Office / Revenue Inspector must verify the applied
documents and recommend with reasons for acceptance / with modifications, if any,
and forward to the Revenue Inspector/ Tahsildar in one week. Revenue Inspector has to
enquire within one week and certificate will be issued by Tahsildar within one week
after the receipt of report from the Revenue Inspector.
4. The applicant can download the Legal Heir Certificate from the web on
receipt of a SMS.
9. General instructions:-
The Tahsildar / Independent Deputy Tahsildar should not impose any
restrictive conditions while issuing the Legal Heir Certificate such as,
(a) this certificate is valid for only six months.
(b) should not fix any other specific time limit.
(c) as not valid in the Civil Court etc.
10. Where it comes to the notice of the Issuing Authority that the Legal Heir Certificate
has been obtained by furnishing false information/suppression of material facts, the
same shall be liable to be cancelled by the Issuing Authority.

Kumar Jayant
Principal Secretary to Government.

// True Copy //
Section officer

61 | P a g e
18. ெபா ளதார த ய ன கான சா
(EWS Certificate)
இ ய அர பëக ேவைலவா ,ம ய அர க வன க 10% இட
ஒ .
இ ய அரசா ஏ கனேவ இட ஒ வழ க ப ள SC / ST ம OBC
இட ெபறாத ெபா ளாதர ந த ன வழ ெபா
ெபா ளாதார ந த ன கான சா வழ க ப ற .
த க
1. ஆ ரா ட / பழ ன / இதர ப த ப ேடா ப ய இட
ெபறாதவ களாக இ க ேவ .
2. இட ஒ ேகா பவ ப ஆ வ மான 8.00 இல ச
ைறவாக இ க ேவ -
(இ ப எ ப இட ஒ ேகா பவ தா , த ைத 18 வய ைறவாக
உட ற க மைன ம 18 வய ைறவான ழ ைதக
உ ளட யதா )
வ மான எ ப ப உ ன க அைன வைகயான ஊ ய ,
வசாய , ெதா , வëக ஆ யவ லமாக ைட வ மான ஆ .
ண ப ெச ெகா ஆ ைதய யா வ மான
கண ெகா ள பட ேவ .
ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா / ப அ ைட
2. வ மான சா
3. யஉ சா
4. TN Number Trade / PAN கா
5. ெசா தமாக உ ள ல க த ஆவண க
6. ெசா தமான உ ள க த ஆவண க
7. ேநா ட ப உ ெமா ப ர
8. ஊ ய சா
9. Photo
10. ண ப ெச ெகா ஆ ைதய யா வ மான வ
கண தா க ெச ய ப அத நக ,

62 | P a g e



வ. ேக ள க

1 EWS சா ேகா பவ EWS சா ேகா பவ ப ன
. ெசா தமாக ல 5 ஏ க வசாய ல இ தா
இ கலாமா? EWS சா வழ கலா .
2 EWS சா ேகா பவ 1000 ச.அ பர பள ைறவான அள
. ெசா தமாக இ கலாமா? இ தா EWS சா வழ கலா
அ க ப ட நகரா ê ப க 100 ச ர
கஜ அள ைறவான அள
இ தா EWS சா வழ கலா
அ க ப ட நகரா ê அ லாத ப க
200 ச ர கஜ அள ைறவான
அள இ தா EWS சா
வழ கலா
3 EWS சா வழ க ப ட சா வழ க ப ட உட அத
. ேம ெகா ள பட ேவ ய வர ைன மாவ ட இைணய கவ
நடவ ைக ஏ உ ளதா? ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ . மாவ ட
ஆ êய ல EWS சா வழ யைம
ப ைக ெச ெவ ட
ேவ .
4 ற ைக வ வா வாக ம ேப ட
ேமலா ைம ைற ì தல தைலைமí
ெசயலாள /வ வா வாக ஆைணய
அவ க ற ைக க த RA5(3)/.
40521. /2017. நா .04.05.2019.
63 | P a g e
Lr.No. RA 5 (3) /40521/2017, dated 04.05.2019
Circular No. 4 / 2019
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

Sub: Certificates – Issuance of Income and Asset Certificate for Economically Weaker Sections
(EWSs) – Instructions Issued.

Ref: 1) From the Joint Secretary to Government, Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Letter No. F. No.
20013/01/2018-BC-II, dated.17.01.2019.
2) From the Joint Secretary to Government of India,inistry of Personnel, Personnel
Grievance And Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training Lr No. 360399 / 1
/2019 / Estt. (Res), dated 19.01.2019.
Attention of the Collectors is invited to the references cited.
2) In pursuance of insertion of clauses 15(6) and 16(6) in the Constitution of India vide the
Constitution (One Hundred and Third Amendment) Act, 2019 and in order to enable the
Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) who are not covered under the existing scheme of
reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally
Backward Classes, to receive the benefits of reservation on a preferential basis in civil posts and
services in the Government of India and admission in Educational Institution, Government of
India have notified to provide 10% reservation to EWSs in Central Government post and
services and for admission in Educational institution.
3) As per the Government of India Memorandum in reference 1st cited, persons who are not
covered under the existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled

64 | P a g e
Tribes and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose family has a gross
annual income below Rs.8.00 lakh are to be identified as EWSs for the benefits of reservation.
4) Moreover, the person whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be
excluded from being identified EWSs irrespective of the family income.
I. 5 acres of agricultural Land and above;
ii .Residential flat of 1000 sq.ft and above;
iii.Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv.Residential plot of 200sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified
5) Family for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefits of reservation, his/her
parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age
of 18 years.


6) The income should include income of the members of family from all sources i.e salary,
agriculture, business, profession etc., and it will be the income for the financial year prior to the
year of application.
7) The income and assets of the families as mentioned above has to be certified by the taluk
Tahsildars in the format prescribed in Annexure –II along with Annexure–III. Certificate issued
without this Annexure will become invalid. The Tahsildars while issuing the income and asset
certificate, should carefully verify all relevant documents as per the G.O.(Ms) No.1509, Revenue
department, dated 27.11.1991, wherein detailed guidelines have been issued regarding
documents to be verified for issuance of Income Certificate.
8) The property held by the family in a village / town has to be verified by the concerned VAO,
Besides verification of village accounts, Village Administrative Officers should also conduct
local enquiry. Revenue Inspector, Deputy Tahsildar Should also conduct discreet enquiry before
recommending for issuance of the EWS certificate.
9) Tahsildar should obtain a self declaration in the prescribed format from the applicant duly
authenticated by the Notary Public as in annexure I to this Circular along with application in
Format I to ensure the genuineriess of the information furnished by the applicant,

65 | P a g e
10) Immediately after issue of the income and asset Certificate by the Tahsildar, all such
Certificates must be uploaded in the District website. A press release may also be issued by
Collector to disseminate information about certificates issued.
11) Therefore, all the District Collectors are directed to instruct the concerned officers to follow
the above guidelines scrupulously without any omission while issuing the income and Asset
Certificate for Economically Weaker Section.
12) The receipt of the circular may be acknowledged.

Sd/-K. Satyagopal
Additional Chief Secretary /
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

All Collectors
(Name Cover)

Assistant Commissioner VI
For Additional Chief Secretary /
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

66 | P a g e
19. ெஜ மத ê பா ைம ன சா

அரசாைண எ .(M.S.) No.125, வ வா (RA3(2)) ைற. நா .12.03.2015

த ழக உ ள ê பா ைம ச க ன அதாவ , க ,

வ க உ ட ê பா ைம ச க ன க உத ெதாைக

ல ச ைகக வழ க ப வ ற . ê பா ைம ன நல ‘ஆைணய ல

இ யா ம ேதêய ê பா ைம ன ெபா ளாதர ேம பா கழக ல

கட ட க த ேபா த ழக வê ெஜ ச க

ப த ப ள .

எனேவ, ேம க ட ட க ல ெஜ ச க ன பய ெபற அர

ணய த ப வ ப உ ய ச பா ற சமண மத ê பா ைம

சா த வழ க அ ைர வழ க ப ள .

ற ைக

வ வா ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம ேப ட தë ைற, ற ைக

எ .R.C.No.R.A(3)/22832/2014. நா .29.122017.

த ழக உ ள ெஜ ச க ைதí ேச தவ க வ டா êய

லமாக மதê பா ைமí சா த கைள வழ ேபா ப ற பட ேவ ய

வ ைறக க டவா ெத க ப ள .

ெஜ ê பா ைம சா த ேகா பவ ண ப ட இைண க பட

ேவ ய ஆவண க .

ண பதார த ப ட பர க ஏ கனேவ ப ைர க ப ட ப வ

ெபற பட ேவ .

a) ண ப ஒ ட பட ேவ ய ண பதார ைக பட .

b) கவ ஆதார (ஆதா அ ைட/வா காள அைடயாள அ ைட/ ஓ ந உ ம /

வ கண தக /ஓ ய ெச உ தர )- இவ ஏேத ஒ .

c) ண பதார ெப ேறா ெஜ மத ê பா ைம சா த நக .

67 | P a g e
d) ெஜ ேகா /ெஜ தான /ெஜ பவ ஆ யவ அ க க ப ட

நப ட ைகெயா ப ெச ெப ற ப ட சா த .(ெப ேறா ட

ேம க ட சா இ லா டா இ த சா க டாய ேதைவ).

ேம க ட ேகா , தா பவ ேபா ற அைம க மாவ ட ஆ ê

தைலவ ட ப ெச சா ெப க ேவ .

e) தா , த ைத மதí சா .

f) ண பதார யஉ ெமா .

வ டா êயரா ப ற பட ேவ யவ ைறக

A. ண பதாரரா சம க ப ட ெஜ சா த மாவ ட வா தா ப

ெச ய ப ட அற க டைள / ச க தா வழ க ப டதா எ பைத ச பா க பட

ேவ .

B. கள ச பா .

i. ெப ேறா ெஜ சா த நகைல ண பதார சம காத ப ச

வ டா êய கள ச பா ேம ெகா ள பட ேவ .

ii. ஆ அ வல அேத ப ையí ேச த ெஜ மத ைதí சா த ைற தப ச

ஜ நப க ட அ ைக ெபற ேவ .

iii. ண பதா ெப ேறா ஏ கனேவ வ டா êயரா ெஜ சா த

ெகா தா கள ஆ த கலா . ேம க ட ெப ேறா சா தைழ

சா பா பத ல ண பதா ேகா ைக ைன ஏ கலா .

ஆ அ ைக ப வ

1. ஆ ெச த ேத .

2. சாரைன ெச ய ப ட நப க பர க .

3. ெஜ மத ைதí ேச த 5 நப க ட ெப ற பîசனாமா.(Panchanama)

4. சாரைன பர .

5. சாரைன அ ைகக , ஆவண க Scan ெச ய ப ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட

ேவ .

(சா த இைணயவ வழ க ப )

68 | P a g e
6. ண பதார அ த ப ய யதாக வê பவ எ பதா ெஜ ேகா /

அற க டைள/ தானí வழ ய ெஜ சா தைழ ண பதார சம க

யா டா ண பதார ெஜ சா த ஏ கனேவ ஜ

ஆ க வê த ப உ ள வ டா êய ட ெஜ

சா த ெப சம க பட ேவ .

சா த வழ வத கான கால

a) ண பதார த ைத (அ) தாயா ஏ கனேவ வ டா êயரா சா

வழ க ப தா அ த ண பதார சா தைழ நா ேவைல

நா க வழ க பட ேவ . (CSC –வ டா êய (4 நா க ))

b) ண பதார ெப ேறா ட ர தரí சா த இ லாத ப ச , ராம

வாக அ வல ம வ வா ஆ வாள ஆ ேயா உ ய கள ச பா ெச

வ டா êய ல ஏழ ேவைல நா க சா த வழ க பட ேவ . (CSC

– ராம வாக அ வல (2 நா க ) , வ வா ஆ வாள ( 2 நா க ), வ டா êய

(3 நா க ),




69 | P a g e
Certificate – Issue of Certificate for jain Religious minority – Residing in Tamil Nadu –
Orders Issued.

Revenue [RA3(2)] Department

G.O.(Ms) No.125 Dated 12.03.2015

Thiruvalluvarandu 2046
1. Government Letter (Ms) No. 65, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes &
Minorities Welfare Department, dated 01.10.2014.
2. From Thiru.U.Sudhir Lodha, State Minorities Commission Member,
Letter dated: 25.03.2014.
3. From the Additional Chief Secretary/ Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Letter
No.RA-5(3)/22832/2014, dated 17.11.2014

In the Government letter first read above, the Government have ordered that the
privileges offered by the State Government to the Minority Communities namely
Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) are extended to be
members of the Jain Community, residing in the State of Tamil Nadu.
2. In the letter second read above, the State Minorities Commission Member has
requested the Government to issue Jain Community Certificate for availing benefits
from the State and Central Governments.
3. In the letter third read above, the Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of
Revenue Administration has sent a proforma for Minority Community Certificate and
also requested to clarify in specific terms as to which are the privileges offered by the
State Government to the Jain Community is entitled so that the Tahsildars would be in a
position to issue Minority community Certificates without any ambiguity.

70 | P a g e
4. The proposal of the Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue
Administration was examined in detail and it is clarified that the privileges now offered
to the other Minority Communities i.e. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis
by way of Scholarships by the Government of India through the Commissioner of
Minorities Welfare and Loan schemes by the National Minorities Development and
Finance Corporation through Tamil Nadu Minorities Economic Development
Corporation are now extended to the Jain Community residing in Tamil Nadu.
5. The Government has decided to accept the proposal of the Additional Chief
Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue Administration and hereby orders in the format
prescribed for issue of certificate to Jain Religious Minority as annexed to this order.
6. The Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue Administration is
requested to give necessary instructions to all District collectors to issue the Jain
Religious Minority Certificate after due verification as per the format prescribed by the
7. This order issues with the concurrence of Backward Classes, Most Backward
Classes & Minorities Welfare Department vide its U.O. No. 1905/MWRU/2015, dated
(By Order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government.
The Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of
Revenue Administration, Chennai-5 (w.e)
All District Collectors (w.e)
Copy to:
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9 (w.e.)
The Member, State Minorities Commission, Chennai -2 (w.e.)
The Secretary to Governor, Guindy, Chennai – 32 (w.e)
The Special Personal Assistant to the Minister for Revenue, Chennai -9 (w.e.)
The Special Personal Assistant to the Minister for

71 | P a g e
Backward Classes & Minorities Welfare, Chennai -9 (w.e.)
The Private Secretary to Secretary to Government, Revenue Department,
Chennai -9 (w.e.)
// Forwarded by Order //
Section Officer

72 | P a g e
R.Dis............./20 Dated .................20
நி. .............. நாள் ............. மாவட்ட எண். ..................
சான் தழ் எண். ............ District Code ..........
Certificate No. ............. வட்ட எண்...................
Taluk Code...................
ராம எண்...............
Village Code .................

ANNEXURE TO G.O.(Ms) No. 125, Revenue Department, dated 12.03.2015

பான் ைம சமண மதத் ன க்கான சான் தழ்

................................. மாவட்டம் ................................. வட்டம் .................................... ராமம் /

நகரம் , / ம / ெசல் வன் / ெசல் ................................ தகப்பனார் / கணவர் ெபயர்
............................... / .................................. என் பவ க் அர க த (நிைல) எண். 65,
ற் ப த்தப்பட்ேடார், கப் ற் ப த்தப் பட்ேடார் மற் ம் பான் ைம னர் ( நஆ )
நலத் ைற, நாள் 01.10.2014-ன் ப சமணர் பான் ைம மதத் ைனச் சார்ந்தவர் எனச்
சான் றளிக்கப்ப ற .
This is to certify that .......................................... Son / Daughter of Thiru ................................ of ............................ Village /
Town ..................... Taluk ................................ District of Tamil Nadu belongs to Jain Minority Religion vide Government
Letter (Ms) No. 65, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare (MWRU) Department, dated
/ ம / ெசல் வன் /ெசல் .............................................. என் பவ ம் அவ ைடய
ம் பத் ன ம் த ழ் நாட் ல் ...................................... மாவட்டத் ல் ..................... வட்டத் ல்
..................... ராமத் ல் / நகரத் ல் வ த் வ றார்கள் எனச் சான் றளிக்கப் ப ற .
It is Certified that Thiru / Tmt / Selvan / Selvi ..................................................... and his / her family Ordinarily
reside (s) at ...................... Village / Town ....................... Taluk ....................... District of Tamil Nadu.
இச்சான் தழ் ................................... ேநாக்கத் ற் காக மட் ம் வழங் கப்ப ற .

This Certificate is issued for the Purpose of ................................. only.

த் ைர ைகெயாப்பம் :
Seal Signature :
நாள் :
Date :
ெபயர் (தனி எ த் க்களில் ):
Name (In Capital Letters) :
பத :
Designation : Tahsildar

Secretary to Government.
// True Copy //

Section Officer

73 | P a g e
20. ஆதரவ ற தைவ சா
 ைர:

ஆதரவ ற ைல உ ள தைவக அர ேவைல வா

ைம ெப ெபா ஆதரவ ற தைவ சா

வழ க ப ற .

 வ ைறக :

த க

1. தைவயாக இ க ேவ .

2. மாதவ மான .4000 காம இ க ேவ .

3. வ மான ஈ ட ì ய 18 வய ேம ப ட ஆ மக இ க

ìடா .

4. ம தார ெபய ேலா, ம தாரா கணவ ெபய ேலா ெசா க இ க

ìடா .

5. ெபா ளாதார ைல ஆதரவ றவராக இ க ேவ .

இைணயதள ப ேவ ற ெச யேவ ய ஆவண க

1. கணவ இற சா

2. வா சா /ம மண ய ைல எ பத கான சா

3. வ மான சா / தைவ சா

4. ஆதா / ப அ ைட

5. ெசா ஏ இ ைல எ பத கான ராம வாக அ வல சா

6. ைக பட

சா வழ அ வல :

ெதாட ைடய வ வா ேகா டா êயரா இíசா இைணய வ

வழ க ப ற .

74 | P a g e
ஆ ேபா வ டா êய கவ க ேவ யஅ ச க

1. ம தார அவர தா /த ைத ப ன லமாக ெபா ளாதார

லான ஆதர உ ளதா? ம தார கணவ ப ன லமாக

ெபா ளாதார லான ஆதர உ ளதா? என ஆ ெச த

2. ம தார வ கண ேட ெம ஆ ெச த

3. ம தார வாடைக வர க

4. ம தார அ றாட வா ைக ைன கட ைலக





75 | P a g e
From To
The Principal secretary / District Collectors,
Commissioner of Revenue Administration, All Districts.
Ezhilagam, Chepauk,
Chennai 600 005.
Lr. No. RA 5 (3)/42676/2021, dated : 29.01.2022
Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Certificates – Destitute Widow Certificate – Complaints
received – Instructions to abide by the Government Orders –
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.395, P&A.R(Per-S), Department,
2. G.O.Ms. No. 89, P&A.R Department, Dated. 05.07.2006
3. The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
Letter No. 2563/PSD-E2/2020 Dated. 02.11.2021
I invite your attention to the reference cited.
2) In view of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission letter cited first above, it is
informed that, Government in its revised instructions in the matter of giving preference to
“Destitute Widow” in the appointment of public Services by Deleting the explanations in Rule
12(d) and 56 of General Rule in G.O.395, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Per.S)
Department, Dated 04.11.1993 have defined “destitute widow” as a widow whose total monthly
income from all sources is not more than Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) including any
family pension or other receipts including income from private practice in the case of
professional and also claimed divorcee will not, however, be treated as a widow and empowered
the Revenue Divisional Officer as an issuing Authority.
3) Government in its orders in G.O.Ms.No.89, P&A.R Department, Dated.05.07.2006 has
issued order of amendment to the expression to 12(d) of the General Rule of Tamil Nadu State
and sub ordinate Service Rules by substituting the expression of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One
Thousand only) to Rs.4000/- (Rupees Four Thousand only)

76 | P a g e
4) Hence, it is requested to instruct all the Revenue Divisional Officers to issue the
Destitute Widow Certificate to the eligible persons whose monthly income is Rs.4000/- or below
as per orders in G.O.Ms.No.89, P&A.R Department Dated.05.07.2006. It is also informed that,
any deviation in this regard will invite disciplinary action against the concerned officials.
5) The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- N.Venkatachalam,
Commissioner – (SSS)
for Principal Secretary
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

// forwarded by order //

77 | P a g e
From To
The Additional Chief Secretary / All District Collectors
Commissioner of Revenue Admiration,
Chepauk, Chennai -5
Letter No. R.A.V (3) / 40521/2017 Dated : 17.03.2023
Sir Madam,

Sub: Destitute Widow Certificate – Issuance of Destitute widow certificate through online
– service implemented as pilot scheme on few Districts – extended to all districts –
Issuance of instructions – Regarding.
Ref: 1. This Commissionerate Letter No. R.A.5(3) /40521 /2017,
2. E-mail dated.06.10.2021 received from Tamil Nadu e-Governance
3. This Commissionerate Letter No. R.A.5(3) / 40521/2017, Dated.
4. E-mail dated 23.02.2023 received from Tamil Nadu e-Governance
I invite attention to the reference cited.
2) The Destitute widow Certificate was rolled out as a pilot project in
Chengalpattu, Ranipet, Vellore and Tirunelveli Disticts. Now, the Tamil Nadu e-
Governance Agency had been instructed to extend the service to all districts and it has
been informed vide reference4th cited that the service has been extended to all districts.
3) Hence, All Districts Collectors are hereby requested to instruct all the Revenue
Divisional Officers under their control to dispense with the practice of issuing Destitute
widow certificate Manually and henceforth the said certificate has to be applied and
issued only through online. It is also requested to give wide publicity to the public to
apply for this certificate through Common Service Centres / e-SevaiCentres.
4) Further, It Must be ensured that the already pending applications are cleared
without fail. A compliance report in this regard should be sent to this Commissionerate
Yours Faithfully,
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

//forwarded by order//

78 | P a g e
21. ெச வ ைலí சா (ெசா ம சா )
அர ஒ ப த பëக ேம ெகா வத காக ஒ ப ததார க

இíசா வழ க ப ற .

த க

1. ெசா ம சா ேகா அள கான ம ைடய ெசா க

ெசா தமாக இ க ேவ .

2. ெசா அரê ெச த ேவ ய வ க வ நாள

ேத வைர ெச த ப க ேவ .

ப ேவ ற ெச ய பட ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா

2. ப அ ைட

3. கட í அள ைக பட

4. அச ைரய ஆவண (ெசா கான அச ப ஆவண )

5. ê டா (அ) ப டா

6. 13 வ ட ல க சா

7. வ கா ப ேவ ப யான ம

8. வர ெசல டஅ ைக

9. ெசா வ (க ட / லவ நாள வைர ெச த ப ட இர

10. அரê ெச த ேவ ய க டண கான சலா

11. க ட ம சா , அச வைரபட ம DTCP அ ம

ெப தா அத அச .

12. ய உ ெமா ஆவண

13. க டஉ த ைம ெபா யாள சா

79 | P a g e

வ. எ ேக ள க
ெசா ம சா ெபற த 50,000 வைர ,100/-
அரê ெச த ேவ ய அ த த 50,000 ,200/-
க டண எ வள ? (எ.கா) ெசா ம 3,00,000/-
1. ெச த ேவ ய க டண
த 50,000 – .100
அ 5•50,000 – 5•200=1000
ì த – . 1100
ல ெசா ம எ வா அர வ கா ப ேவ
கண ட பட ேவ ? ப யான ம அ பைட
ெசா ம கண ட
க ட ம எ வா ெபா பë ைற ல க ட
கண ட பட ேவ ? ம சா ெபற ேவ .
3. க ட உ த ைம
ப ெப ற ெபா யாள ட சா
ம வைரபட ெபற ேவ .
ெசா தான வ அடமான கட அ ல அடமான
அ ல கட ெதாைக ைன க ெகா
ஈ ைவ க ப தா ெசா ெசா ம சா வழ கலா .
ம சா வழ கலாமா?
ெசா தான இ வ ெபய ம தார அíெசா உ ள
ì ப டாவாக இ தா ப வர ஆவண கைள
5. ெசா ம சா ப லைன ெச அ ப ய
வழ கலாமா? ம ெசா ம சா
வழ கலா .
த ைத ெபய ெசா இ த ைத ச ட வமான எ
6. மக ெபய ெசா ம லமான ஒ த ேப
சா வழ கலாமா? வழ கலா .
தைக ல க ெசா வ வைக இ ைல.
ம சா வழ கலாமா?
ம தார ஒ மாவ ட ஒ ெசா எ த மாவ ட வ ட
வ ட வê வ உ ளேதா அ தா ெசா

80 | P a g e
வ. எ ேக ள க
அவ கான ெசா ேவ ம சா வழ க ேவ .
மாவ ட ேவ வ ட
இ தா எ ெசா ம
சா வழ க ேவ ?
வன ைற ெதாட பான வன ைற ெதாட பான
ஒ ப தார க ெசா ம ஒ ப ததார க வ டா êயரா
9. எ வா வழ க ேவ ? ெசா ம சா வழ க ப
மாவ ட வ வா அ வலரா
ேமெலா ப ெச ய பட ேவ .
வழ க ப ெசா ம ெசா ம சா த
சா கால வைரயைற எ ன? காலவைரயைற 6 மாத எ ப ர
10. ெச ய ப த சமய நாள
ேத கான சா த என
வழ க ப ற .
அரசாைண வர வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம
11. ைற, வ வா வாக அல ,
அரசாைண எ .504 வ. .3(2) .




81 | P a g e

ெசா ம சா த – ெசா ம சா த ஆ மாதகால வைரயைறைய

இர ெச த – நாள ேத கான ெசா ம சா தழாக வழ த – ஆைண

ெவ ட ப ற .


வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம ைற,

வ வா வாக அல வ. .3 (2)

அரசாைண ( ைல) எ . 504 நா : 20–10-2022

ப வ ட , ஐ பê – 3

வ வ ஆ 2053.

ப க :-

1. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .1509, வ வா ைற, நா 27.11.1991

2. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ . 97, வ வா ைற, நா 15.02.1994

3. அரசாைண ( ைல) எ . 95, வ வா ைற, நா 20.02.2003

4. அ ல இ ய ெபா பë ைற ஒ ப ததார க ெபா

நலíச க ம நா .02.05.2022.

5. த ைமí ெசயல /வ வா வாக ஆைணய க த ந.க.எ . வ.

5(3)/1/171/2022, நா 31.05.2022



ேமேல ஒ ப க ப ட அரசாைண ெசா ம சா த

காலவைரயைற ெவ ட ப ட நா ஆ மாத கால என

ணய ெச ஆைண ெவ ட ப ட .

82 | P a g e
2. ேமேல இர டாவதாக ப க ப ட அரசாைண , ெசா ம

சா த க டண .50,000/- வைர .50/- என . 50,000/- ேம

ஒ ெவா . 50,000/- .50/- என ணய ெச ஆைண

ெவ ட ப ட .

3. ேமேல றாவதாக ப க ப ட அரசாைண , ெசா ம

சா த க டண .50,000/- வைர .100/- என . 50,000/- ேம

ஒ ெவா . 50,000/- .200/- என ம ணய ெச ஆைண

ெவ ட ப ட .

4. ேமேல ஐ தாவதாக ப க ப ட த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா

வாக ஆைணய க த , அ ல இ ய ெபா ப ைற

ஒ ப த கார க ெபா நலíச க , த ழக வ 6,000- ேம ப ட

ஒ ப ததார க ெபா பë ைற ஒ ப ததார களாக ப ெப பëயா

வ வதாக , ெபா பë ைற 3 வ ட ஒ ைற த க ப

க ப ற என , வ வா ைற ல வழ க ப ெசா

ம í சா த த ேபாைதய நைட ைற ஆ மாத ஒ ைற என

ெபற இய என , ேம ப ைற உ ள நைட ைற ê க க காரணமாக

தா க பல êரம உ ளா ேறா என ெத ளன . ேம ,

ேம ப ைற ைன மா ற ெச வ ட ஒ ைற ெசா

ம í சா த ைறைய ஏ ப த க இட கைள கைள

வா ைவ êற க ெச த மா ேக ெகா ளன என ெத ளா .

ேம த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய க த , அ ல

இ ய ெபா பë ைற ஒ ப ததார க ெபா நலí ச க ம

ப லைன ெச ய ப ட ெசா ம சா த 1994-ஆ ஆ

ெசா ம சா த க டண .50,000/- வைர .50/- என .

50,000/- ேம ஒ ெவா .50,000/- .50/- என ணய

ெச ய ப ட . ன 2003-ஆ ஆ ெசா ம சா த க டண

.50,000/- வைர .100/- என . 50,000/- ேம ஒ ெவா .

83 | P a g e
50,000/- .200/- என ம ணய ெச ய ப ள . ெசா

ம í சா த காலவைரயறையைற ஆ மாத கால என ணய

ெச ய ப ள . ெசா ம í சா த ைலயான ெசா க

ம ேம வழ க பட ேவ என வ கா த க வழ க ப ள .

ைலயான ெசா ம மா த ைம ெகா டத காரணமாக ெசா

ம சா த ணய ெச ய ப ள ஆ மாத கால வைரயைற

ட ெசா ஆ மாத கான ம டாக கண ெகா ள வா க

உ ள . என த ைமíெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய , தன

க த ெசா ம í சா த ஆ மாதகால வைரயைற க ெச ,

ெசா ம í சா த ேம ப சா த வழ க ப நாள ேத கான

சா தழாக மா ற ெச அரசாைண வழ மா

அரைச ேக ெகா ளா .

5. த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய ப ைரைய

அர ந கவன ட ப , அதைன ஏ அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .

1509, வ வா ைற, நா 27.11.1991-இ ப ெசா ம சா த

காலவைரயைற ஆ மாதகால என ணய ெச ய ப டைத இர ெச ,

ெசா ம சா த வழ க ப நாள ேத கான சா தழாக

வழ காலா என என அர ஆைண ற .

6. ேமேல ப 5-இ கா ஆைண ண க த க நடவ ைக

ேம ெகா அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க த க அ ைரகைள

வழ மா ì த தைலைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய

ேக ெகா ள ப றா .

(ஆ ந ஆைண ப )

மா ெஜய ,

அர த ைமí ெசயலாள .

84 | P a g e
ெப ந

ì த தைலைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய ,

ேச பா க , ெச ைன – 600005

அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க .


மா அைமíச (வ வா (ம) ேப ட ேமலா ைம)

அவ க ேந க உத யாள ,

தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன-9

வ வா (ம) ேப ட ேமலா ைம ைற த ைமí

ெசயலாள த ைம த í ெசயல ,

தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன-9

வ வா (ம) ேப ட ேமலா ைம (அ.ந. -2) ைற, ெச ைன-9

இேகா/உ க

// ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற //

அ வல

85 | P a g e
22. கல மண சா
 ைர:

ஒேர மத ைன ேச த இ ேவ சா ன இைடேய நைடெப

மண க கல மண க ஆ .

 வ ைறக :

த க

1. ப ய ன வ அ ல பழ ன வ ைன ேச த ஒ வ ,

இதர வ னைர ேச தஒ வ நைடெப மண .

2. ப ய ன வ அ ல பழ ன வ ைன ேச த ஒ வ ,

ப த ப டவ னைர ேச தஒ வ நைடெப மண .

3. ப ய ன வ அ ல பழ ன வ ைன ேச த ஒ வ ,

க ப த ப டவ ைப ேச தஒ வ நைடெப மண .

 இைணயதள ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா

2. ப அ ைட

3. கணவ மைன இ வ ì டாக உ ள ேபா ேடா

4. ர தர சா சா த (இ வ ைடய )

5. மண ப சா த

 சா வழ அ வல :

ெதாட ைடய வ டா êயரா இíசா இைணய வ

வழ க ப ற .

 அரசாைணக ம க த க :
1. G.O.(2D).No.17. AD &TW. Dated:16.8.1994
2. G.O.(Ms).No.477. Social Welfare Department. Dated:27.6.1975

86 | P a g e
வஎ ேக ள க
1. ப த ப ட வ ைன ேச த BC – MBC / DNC கல
ஒ வ க ப த ப ட மண ஆகா .
/ தர ன வ ைன ேச த
ஒ வ நைடெப மண
கல மண ஆ மா?
2. இ ேவ மத ைன ேச தவ க மத க அ பைட
மண க கல மண ெச ய ப மண க கல
ஆ மா? மண க ஆகா .
3. கல மண சா ெப ற கல மண ெச
அைனவ ேவைலவா ெகா இ வ ஒ வ
ைம ேகார மா? ப ய / பழ ன தவராக
இ தா ம ேம
ேவைலவா ைம
ச ைக ைட .



87 | P a g e
Children born to inter-caste married couple - Determination of Community – Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.477 DATED 27.6.1975.
The Government have been extending certain concessions to the members of Scheduled Tribes,
Scheduled Castes and Back ward Classes from time to time. A question has arisen about the
determination of the community of the children born of inter-caste marriages.
2. The Government after carefully examining the question, direct that the children born of
inter-caste marriages, that is marriage:
(i) between a person of a Scheduled Tribes and another of a Scheduled Caste or
Backward Class or Forward Class;
(ii) between a person of a Scheduled Caste and another of a Backward Class or Forward Class; and
(iii) between a person of a Backward Class and of a Forward Class
Shall be considered to belong to either the community of the father or the community of the mother
according to the declaration of the parents regarding the way of life in which the children are brought
up and that the declaration in respect of one child will apply to all children.
The Director of Backward Classes, Madras-5.
The Director of School Education,Madras-6.
The Director of Collegiate Education, Madras-6…etc.

/ true copy /

88 | P a g e
Government Orders of Interest to Citizens

Issue of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes Community Certificate to Off- Springs of Inter-Caste
married couple – Instructions – Issued in G.O. (477), Social Welfare Department, dated 27-6-75-
Modification orders – Issued.
G.O. (2D ) : 17 Dated : 16-8-1994
Read again :
1. G.O. (Ms) No. 477, Social Welfare Department, dated 27-6-75
2. from the Government of India (Ministry of Welfare ) Lr.No.
12017/1/91 SCD-R Cell, dated 8-4-91 and 17-1-94.
In the Government Order read above, Government ordered that children born of Inter – Caste
marriage shall be considered to be belonging to either the community of the father or the mother
according to the declaration of parents regarding the way of life in which the children are brought up
and that the declaration in respect of one child will apply to all children.
2. The Government of India in their letter read above have informed that it is the recognition
and acceptance by the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe society of the children born out of a
marriage between a member of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe with an outsider, which is the
main determining factor irrespective of, whether the Tribe is matriarchal or patriarchal and that the
final result will always depend on whether the child was accepted as a member of the Scheduled
Caste / Scheduled Tribe or not. The Government of India have further informed that infact the
present Government order read above would affect the interest of genuine Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe persons in the matter of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe benefits provided to
them. Hence, the Government of India have suggested that the Government order read above may be
89 | P a g e
withdrawn and Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe claims of the off-springs of inter-caste married
couple may be decided in accordance with legal position circulated by the Government of India.
3. In modification of orders issued in G.O.Ms. No. 477, Social Welfare Department, dated
27.6.75, the Government direct that Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe certificates to the off–springs
of inter-caste married couple, where one of the spouses is a member of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled
Tribe community will be issued after verification of the acceptance given by the members of
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe community living in that area.
4. This order takes effect from the date of issue.
5. The Principal Commissioner and Commissioner of Revenue Administration / Director of Adi
Dravidar and Trible Welfare is requested to issue suitable instructions all concerned adhere to the
above instructions scrupulously and to make it clear to them any default will be viewed seriously. A
copy of the instructions issued may also be sent to Government.
6. The receipt of this order should be acknowledged.


90 | P a g e
23. த ப டதா சா
அரசாைண ைல எ .85 உய க (ேஜ2) ைற நா .16.04.2010 ப

2010/2011 க ஆ த அர , அர உத ெப ம த யா

ெதா க க க ஒ ைற சாளர கல தா ல ேச ைக ெப

த தைல ைற ப டதா க க க டண ச ைக ெப ெபா

வ வா ைறயா இíசா வழ க ப ற .

த க

 ஒ ப உ ள உ ன க த ைறயாக ப ட ப ப

நப இíசா வழ க ப ற .அ ப ேவ எவ ப ட ப

ப க ìடா .

 ப உ ன எ பவ க ண பதார த ைத, தா , த ைத ம

தா ஆ ேயா ெப ேறா ம ம தார உட ற தவ கைள .

இ-ேசைவ லமாக இíசா ெபற ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ைக பட

2. ஆதா

3. ப அ ைட

4. ண பதார த ைத/தா அவ கள ெப ேறா க உட ற த

சேகாதர, சேகாத க க த ட ண பதார

உ ெமா .

5. அைன பஉ ன க மா íசா த அச

6. உட ற தவ க க வன க ப வத கான ஆள í சா

7. ம தார மா íசா த /ம ெப சா த

8. க த சா இ லாத ெப ேறா க உ ெமா

91 | P a g e

வ. எ ேக ள க

1 ஒ ப ள ஒ அர க த எ 9275/ேஜ2/2010-1,

உ ன த ப டதா சா நா .31.05.2010 ப ண பதார

ெப அíச ைக ைன ப யாேர ஒ வ

அ ப காத ைல , ம ெறா ப ட ப ப அ த

உ ன த ப டதா ப ட ப ைன காம

சா வழ கலாமா? டா , த ேபா

ப ட ப ைன ப ெகா

இ தா இíசா வழ க ப .

2 ம வ சா த ப ட அரசாைண ைல எ .85 உய க

ப க இíசா (ேஜ2) ைற நா .16.04.2010 ப அர

வழ கலாமா? ம த யா ெபா ய க ,

ம வ க , ப ம வ க ,

கா நைட ம வ க ,

ச ட க உ ட ெதா க

ப அைன மாணவ க

இíசா வழ க ப .

3 ப உ ன ஒ வ த ப உ ன ஒ வ ப ட ப

ப டதா சா ெபறாம ஒ இíசா வழ க

பாட இள கைல வ வைக இ ைல. ேம அரசாைண

ப ட ப , ம ெறா ைல எ .142 உய க (ேஜ2) ைற,

பாட ஒ நா .09.06.2010 ப ப டய ப

இள கைல ப ட ப ப ேநர இர டா ஆ

ேபா இíசா ேகா னா ெதா க ேச ைக ெப

வழ கலாமா? மாணவ க இíசா

வழ க ப .

92 | P a g e
4 இர ைடய க அர க த ( ைல) எ

இ தா இ வ 315, நா .13.11.2017 ப

சா வழ கலாமா? இíசா ேகா த

இர ைடய க இ வ

êற னமாக க இíசா

வழ க ப .




93 | P a g e

உய க 2010-11-ஆ க யா த அர , அர உத ெப ம
த யா ெதா க க ஒ ைறí சாளர கல தா ல ேச ைக ெப
த ப டதா மாணவ க – க க டணí ச ைக வழ த – ெந ைறக
– ஆைணக – ெவ ட ப ற .
உய க (ேஜ2) ைற
அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .85 நா 16.04.2010
ê ைர 3, வ வ ஆ 2041
2010-ஆ ஆ ஜனவ க ஆறா நா அ ச டம ற ேபரைவ
ஆ ந உைர க டஅ ெவ ட ப ட :
“அர ம த யா ெபா ய க க , ம வ க க ,
ப ம வ க க , ேவளா ைம க க , கா நைட
ம வ க க , ச ட க க ஒ ைறí சாளர ைற
ேச ைக ெப மாணவ க அவ க ப இ வைர யா ப டதா கேள
இ ைலயானா அ த மாணவ க ெதா க ப பைத
ஊ பத காக, சா பா பா ய வ மான ைத கண எ
ெகா ளாம வ க யா த அவ க ெச த ேவ ய
க க டண வைத அரேச ஏ ெகா ”
2. ேம க ட அ ைன ெசய ப த ெச த அர , 2010-2011-ஆ
க யா த இ வைர ப டதா கேள இ லாத ப ஒ ைற சாளர
ைற ெதா க ப ல ேத ெப ற மாணவ க சா பா பா ,
வ மான ைத கண எ ெகா ளாம , அ மாணவ க ெச த
ேவ ய க க டண (Tuition Fee) வைத க ட
ப தைனக ப ஏ ெகா ள ெச , அ வாேற ஆைண ற .
1) 2010 – 2011 – ஆ க யா த ப டதா கேள இ லாத ப ைதí
ேச த ெதா க ப மாணவ / மாண க க க டண (Tuition
Fee) கான ெசலைவ ம ேம அர ஏ . (க க டண எ ப , அர ம
அர உத ெப ெதா க க அரசா ண க ப

94 | P a g e
க டண ைத , ய ெதா க க த யா ய
ெதா க க க டண ணய காக அைம க ப ட ஓ ெப ற
உய ம ற ப தைலைம லான ண க க டண ைத
ம ப கைல கழக க நட பாட க அ ப கைல கழக க
ண க டண ைத .)
2) 2010-2011-ஆ க யா த அர நட ஒ ைறíசாளர ைற
அர , அர உத ெப ம த யா ய ெதா க க
ப ல த நா ைடí ேச த ப டதா கேள இ லாத ப ைதí சா த
த ப டதா மாணவ க ேக இ ட ெபா . ஏ கனேவ ைதய
ஆ க ேச ைக ெப ப வ மாணவ க இ ட
ெபா தா .
3) ப நப க எ ப ச ப த ப ட ப ள த ைத, தா அவ க
ெப ேறா ம மாணவ / மாண உட ற கைள .
4) இíச ைக ைன ெபற த கள ப ப டதா கேள இ ைல எ பதைன
உ ெச வைக மாணவ வê ப வ வா ைற
தைலைம ட ைண வ டா êய த ைறயாத அ வல ட
சா த ெப அ க ேவ . (சா த மா ப வ இ வாைண
இைண -1- உ ள ).
5) மாணவ க ெதா க ேச ைக கான ண ப ைன
சம ெபா ண ப ட ப த தலாக ப ட ப
ப மாணவ எ ற சா தைழ உ ெமா ப ர ைத அ க
ேவ .
6) சா த கைள ச பா ப , தவறான சா த க அ மாணவ ம
ெப ேறா நடவ ைக எ ப மாணவ எ த வைகயான ெதா க
ப ல அ ம க ப டாேரா அதைன அ ம த அ வல / அைம தா
நடவ ைக ெதாடர ேவ .
7) ஒ ைறíசாளர கல தா கல ெகா அர அர உத ெப ,
ப கைல கழக க க ம த யா ய ெதா க க
ேச ைக ெப ற ப த ப டதா மாணவ க ட
க க டண (Tution Fee) வ க ìடா என ச ப த ப ட அர , அர
உத ெப க த வ க , ப கைல கழக ப வாள க ம த யா
ய ெதா க வாக க அ த ப றா க . ேம
அ மாணவ க கான க க டண ைத (Tuition Fee) அ க வன
அரêட ெபற, அ க வன எ த ைற வ றேதா, அ த

95 | P a g e
ைற இய நகர ண ப ெச ய ேவ [(உ ). ெபா ய
க க ெதா ப க இய நகர ண க ேவ )].
8) தம ப ப டதா எவ இ ைல என ேம ள
சா த ட மாணவ / மாண அவர ெப ேறா ேச ì டாக ஒ
உ ெமா அ க ேவ . (மா ப வ இ வாைண இைண II-
உ ள )இ த உ ெமா சா த தவறான எ ெத யவ தா
ப ைன த ன ெத யவ தா , தவறான தகவ அ தத காக
மாணவ க ற ய நடவ ைக எ க ப . ேம மாணவ க
அ க ப ட ச ைகக மட காக ச ம த ப ட
மாணவ க ட ேதா அ ல அவர ெப ேறா ட ேதா வ வா
வ ச ட ப வ க ப . ேம இíச ைக ைன ெப
மாணவ / மாண ெப ேறா க ட உ ெமா ெபற அத ஏ வான
உ ெமா வைர ப வ ,வ வா ைற ன ட ெபற ேவ ய
சா த ப வ ஆ யைவ ெதா க கான மாணவ ேச ைக கான
ண ப ப வ ட அ க ப .
3. ேமேல ப 2- உ ள ட கான ெசல ன க ட கண
தைல ப ைவ க ப .
உய க ைற:
2251 00 தைலைமí ெசயலக – ச க பëக – 090 தைலைமí ெசயலக –
ப ெனா றா ஐ தா ட பëக – II மா ல ட JF த
தைல ைற ப டதா க கான க க டண ைத அ த 12
ப த ெதாைகக (த.ெதா. . 2251 00 090 JF 1291)
ேவளா ைம ைற:
2401 00 ப வள 800 ஏைனய ெசல – ப ெனா றா ஐ தா ட
பëக – II மா ல ட – KH த தைல ைற ப டதா க கான
க க டண ைத அ த – 12 ப த ெதாைகக ப ê
உத ெதாைகக -09 ஏைனயைவ. (த.ெதா. , 2401 00 800 KH 1297)
ச ட ைற:
2202 ெபா க – 03. ப கைல கழக க உய க – 107
ப த ெதாைகக – ப ெனா றா ஐ தா ட பëக – II மா ல
ட – JH. ச ட க ப த தைல ைற ப டதா க கான க
க டண ைத அ த – 12 ப த ெதாைகக ப ê உத
ெதாைகக – 09 ஏைனயைவ. (த.ெதா. . 2202 03 107 JH 1296)
கா நைட பராம ைற:

96 | P a g e
2202 ெபா க 80 ெபா – 107 ப த ெதாைகக – ப ெனா றா
ஐ தா ட பëக - II மா ல ட – JI த தைல ைற
ப டதா க கான க க டண ைத அ த – கா நைட
ம வ அ ய - 12 ப த ெதாைகக ப ê உத ெதாைகக
– 09 ஏைனயைவ (த.ெதா. . 2202 08 107 JI 1219)
ம க ந வா ம ப நல ைற:
2210 ம வ ெபா காதார 05 ம வ க , ப ê ம
ஆரா íê 105 ஆ ல ைற ம வ – ப ெனா றா ஐ தா
ட பëக – II மா ல ட – KA த தைல ைற ப டதா க கான
க க டண ைத அ த – 12 ப த ெதாைகக ப ê
உத ெதாைகக – 09 ஏைனயைவ (த.ெதா. 2210 05 105 KA 1291)
4. இ ட க க டண ச ைக ைன ெப மாணவ க கான
க க டண ைத, க வன க அரê கண ெப
வழ க, அ த க வன எ த ைற வ றேதா, அ தத த ைற
தைலவ க அ கார வழ க ப ற ,
5. இ வாைண ைற அ.சா. எ . 126/Secy (E) / 10 / க -1, நா
16.04.2010- இைச ட ெவ ட ப ற .
(ஆ ந ஆைண ப )

அர த ைமí ெசயலாள
ெப ந
ெதா ப க ஆைணய , ெச ைன -25
ம வ க இய ந , ெச ைன – 10
ச ட க இய ந , ெச ைன -35
ேவளா ைற இய ந , ெச ைன -5
வள ைற இய ந , ெச ைன – 18
ப வாள , அ ணா ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன / íêரா ப / ேகாய /
ெந ேவ
ப வாள , கா நைட ம வ ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன -7
ப வாள , த நா ேவளா ைம ப கைல கழக , ேகாய .
ப வாளா , த நா டா ட அ ேப கா ச ட ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன -28
ப வாள , த நா டா ட எ . .ஆ .ம வ ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன -32
தைலைமíெசயலாள , ெச ைன -9
த ைமíெசயலாள , ம க ந வா ம ப நல ைற, ெச ைன -9

97 | P a g e
த ைமíெசயலாள ம ேவளா ைம உ ப ஆைணய , ெச ைன -9
ெசயலாள (ெபா), ச ட ைற, ெச ைன -9
ெசயலாள கா நைட பரமா ம வள ைற, ெச ைன -9
த ைமíெசயலாள , வ வா ைற, ெச ைன -9
த ைமíெசயலாள , ைற, ெச ைன -9
ஆைணய , வ வா வாக ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம தë ைற,
ெச ைன -5
அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க (வ டா êய க உ ய ஆைணக ற
ெபா )
மா ல கண காய , ெச ைன – 18/ 35.
நக :
மா தலைமíச அ வலக , ெச ைன – 9
உய க ைற அைமíச ைல ேந க உத யாள , ெச ைன -9
(க -1 / ேவளா ைம / உ II / கா நைட பராம , ம க ந வா (ம)
ப நல / வ.ெச.) ைற, ெச ைன -9
அைன ெபா ய க க (ெதா ப க ஆைணய , ெச ைன -25
வ யாக)
அைன ம வ க க (ம வ க இய ந , ெச ைன – 10
வ யாக)
அைன ச ட க க (ச ட க இய ந , ெச ைன – 35 வ யாக)
அைன ேவளா க க (ேவளா க இய ந , ேகாய வ யாக)
அைன கா நைட ம வ க க (ப வாள , கா நைட ம தவ
ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன -7 வ யாக)
இ.ேகா./ உ க

//ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற //

அ வல

98 | P a g e
உய க ைற
ெச ைன – 9
க த எ . 9275/ெஜ2/2010-1நா .31.05.2010
அ ந
. .கேணச .இ.ஆ,ப
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள

ெப ந
மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ ,
அைன மாவ ட க

ஐயா / அ ைம ,

ெபா : சா த – 2010-2011-ஆ க யா த ெதா

க க ஒ ைறí சாளர கல தா ல ேச ைக ெப
த ப டதா மாணவ க க க டணí ச ைக ெபற
வ வா ைற சா த வழ வ ெத ைரக –
ெதாட பாக
பா ைவ: அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .85, உய க (ேஜ2) ைற.
நா 16.04.2010
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள , உய க ைற, ேந. .க. எ .
427/ ேஜ2/2010-1, நா 16.04.2010
த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ெச ைன-5 ேந. .க எ .வ. .5 (3) /25864/2010 நா .
அர க த எ . 8483/ ேஜ1/2010, உய க ைற, நா
ம ைர மாவ ட , நாகமைலையíேச த .ஆ . ரíசா
அவ கள 25.05.2010 நா டம .

99 | P a g e
பா ைவ ஒ கா அரசாைண அர / அர உத ெப ம

த யா ெபா ய க க ,ம வ க க ,ப ம வ க க ,

ேவளா ைம க க , கா நைட ம வ க க , ம ச ட

க க ஒ ைறíசாளர ைற ேச ைக ெப மாணவ க அவ க

ப இ வைர யா ப டதா கேள இ ைல எ றா அ த மாணவ க

ெதா க ப பைத ஊ பத காக, சா பா பா ய வ மான ைத

கண எ ெகா ளாம வ க யா த (2010-2011) அவ க

ெச த ேவ ய க க டண வைத அரேச ஏ ெகா

என ஆைண ட ப ள .

2. பா ைவ கா ேந க க த மாணவ க அ ல

மாணவ க ெப ேறா / பா காவல க ேம ட சா த ெப வத காக

ண ப ெச தா அ ண ப த த சாரைண ேம ெகா ,

அ ண பதார க ண ப ெபற ப ட நா க சா த

வழ க , இ ன க அ க ைம அ நடவ ைக

ேம ெகா ள , இíசா வழ வ ê ேத காலதாமதேமா அ ல

அêர ைதேயா இ கலாகா என சா அ க அ கார பைட த

வ வா ைற அ வல க (வ டா êய க ம ைண வ டா êய க )

த கஅ ைரக த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய அவ களா

வழ க ப ள .

3. பா ைவ நா உ ள அர க த D.M.E., D.E.E., D.C.E, ம D.Pharm.

ேபா ற ப டய ப கைள (Diploma) ப ட ப இைணயாக க த இயலா

இ ப க ப ட ப இைணயான அ ல. எனேவ இ ெதாட பாக

வ டா êய த தஅ ைரக வழ மா ேக ெகா ள ப ள .

4. த ெபா êல வ டா êய அ வலக க ண பதார க

உட ற ேதா க க க ப ட ப ைன ப வ வதா

வ டா êய க / ைண வ டா êய க , ப டதா இ லாத ப ைனí

சா தவ என சா வழ க ம பதாக அர தகவ க ெபற ப ற .

100 | P a g e
இ ைல ம தார ப யாேர ப ட ப ைன ப

ப ட ப ைன காம டா அ ல ப ட ப ைன ப

ெகா இ தா ம தார ப டதா இ லாத ப ைதí சா தவ

எ தா க த பட ேவ . எனேவ இ ெதாட பாக வ டா êய க த த

அ ைரக வழ ப த கைள ேக ெகா ள பë க ப ேள ,

த க உ ைம ள,

அர த ைமí ெசயலாள காக,


த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய , எ லக , ேச பா க ,

ெச ைன – 5

ெதா ப க ஆைணய , ெச ைன-25.

ப வாள , அ ணா ப கைல கழக , ெச ைன-25 / íêரா ப /

ேகாய / ெந ேவ

இ.ேகா. / உ .

101 | P a g e
24. இதர ப த ப ேடா வ கான சா த
 இ ய அர பë ட க கான யமன க ம ஒ ய அர க

வன க மாணவ / மாண ய ேச ைக ஆ யவ காக 27% இட

ஒ இதர ப த ப ட வ ன வழ க ப ற . த நா ள

இதர ப த ப ேடா ப ய உ ள சா க வர இைணயதள

உ ள . URL: https//

 இதர ப த ப ேடா சா ெப ற ேத மா í 31 வைர ம ேம

ெச ப யா . அதாவ சா ெப ள யா மா í 31 வைர ம ேம

ெச ப யா .

இதர ப த ப ேடா கான சா த , இ இட ெப றவ க

வளமான ைன வழ க ப ற ,

த நா கான இதர ப த ப டவ வ கான ப ய இ ய

அரசா அ ைகயாக ெவ ட ப ள . (1 – Central list)

இதர ப த ப ேடா சா ெபற த ைடயவ க

 இதர ப த ப ேடா ப ய இட ெப ளவ க , ள

காரண க அ பைட வளமாக னராக (Creamy layer)

க த ப பவ கைள த ர ம றவ க இதர ப த ப ேடா சா ெபற

த ைடயவ க ஆவ .

 இதர ப த ப டவ சா வழ வத வளமான னைர (Creamy

layer) க ெச வைத ெதாட பாக ம ய அரசா ள இன கைள

வளமான னராக அ க ப ள . (2- ப த ப ேடா ,

க ப த ப ேடா ம ê பா ைம ன நல ( நê ) ைற அர க த

எ .1002988/ நê /2021-2 நா .24.08.2021

I. அரசைம ச ட பத க (Constitutional Posts)

II. பëயாள வைக பா (Service Category)

A. ஒ ய அர ம மா ல அர பëக ஆ யவ A / த ைல

அ வல க (ேநர யமன க )
102 | P a g e
B. ஒ ய அர ம மா ல அர பëக ஆ யவ B / இர டா

ைல அ வல க (ேநர யமன க )

C. ெபா ைற வன க பë ேவா

III. ைண பைடக உ ட இரா வ பë (Armed Forces including Paramilitary


( ைம பë பத க கலாக) (Pesorns holding Civil Posts are not included)

IV. வா ய சா த ெதா ேவா , வëக , ெதா சாைல ஆ யவ

ஈ ப தவ க (Professional Class and Those Engaged in Trade and Industry)

I. ம வ , வழ ைறஞ , ப ைடய கண க , வ மான வ ஆேலாசக ,

அ ல ேமலா ைம ஆேலாசக , ப ம வ , ெபா யாள , க ட கைலஞ ,

கë வ ந , ைர பட கைலஞ ம ைர பட ெதா இதர

கைலஞ க , லாê ய , நாடக ஆê ய , ைளயா ர , ெதா ைற

ைளயா ர , ெதா ைற ெச யாள அ ல இ ேபா ற ற

ெதா க ஈ ப டவ ,

II. வëக , ெதா ம ெதா சாைல ஆ யவ ற ஈ ப டவ க

(இ த அ டவைண VI-வ ட ப ள வைரயைறக இத

ெபா )

V. ெசா டைமயாள க (Property Owners)

A. வசாய ல உைடைமக

B. ேதா ட க

I. கா , ர ப

II. மா பழ , ஆ

C. நகர , நக ற க உ ள கா மைனக ம அ ல க ட க

வ மான / ெசா ம

VI. வ மான / ெசா ம (Income / Wealth Test)

ேம , இதர ப த ப ேடா சா ேகா ம தார ெப ேறா ம ய

ம மா ல அர பëக (3- ப த ப ேடா , க ப த ப ேடா

103 | P a g e
ம ê பா ைம ன நல ( நê ) ைற, அர க த எ .4938/ êê/2011-1

நா .20.07.2011

அ. ெப ேறா இ வ ேநர யமன ல Class I / Group A அ வலரா பë

யமன ெப தா

ஆ. ெப ேறா க யாராவ ஒ வ Class I / Group A அ வலரா பë யமன

ெப தா

இ. ெப ேறா க இ வ Class I / Group A அ வலரா யமன ெப

அவ க ஒ வ இற டா அ ல ர தர மணமா டா ம

ஈ. ெப ேறா ஒ வ அ ல இ வ Class I / Group Aஅ வலராக ேநர

யமன ல ய க ப , அ ஒ வ இற தா அ ல

ர தர இயலாைம னா பா க ப வத ஐ வ ட ேம UN,

IMF, World Bank ேபா றப னா வன க பத வ தா .

உ. ெப ேறா இ வ ேநர யமன ல Class II / Group B அ வலரா

யமன ெப தா

ஊ. ெப ேறா க இ வ ேநர யமன ல Class II / Group B அ வலரா

யமன ெப அவ க கணவ ம 40 வய Group I / Class I

அ வராக பத உய ெப தா

எ. ெப ேறா க இ வ Class II / Group B அ வலரா ேநர யமன ல

யமன ெச ய ப அவ க ஒ வ இற ேதா அ ல ர தர டமா

ட ைல ம ற ஒ வ , IMF, World Bank ேபா ற ப னா வன க

பத வ தா .

ஏ. ெப ேறா க கணவ Class I / Group Aஅ வலராக ேநர யமன லேமா 40

வய பத உய லேமா பë யமன ெப அவர மைன ேநர

யமன ல Class II / Group B அ வலராக யமன ெப அவ இற டா

ஐ. ெப ேறா க மைன Class I / Group Aஅ வலராக ேநர யமன லேமா 40

வய பத உய லேமா பë யமன ெப அவர கணவ ேநர

104 | P a g e
யமன ல Class II / Group B அ வலராக யமன ெப அவ இற


இவ க வளமான னராக க தலா .

இதர ப த ப ட வ ன சா த ெப வத ெப ேறா ஆ

வ மான . 8 ல சமாக ணய ெச ய ப ள . இ த ஆ

வ மான ஊ ய ம ேவளா ைம வ மான கண

ெகா ள ìடா .

ேம , இதர ப த ப ட வ ன சா í சா த வழ ெபா

வளமான ன க ெச வ ெதாட பாக ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான -

8 ல ச அ கமாக இ க ìடா எ பைத கண வ த

ள க க . இைவ இ ய அர ெவ ள பாைணக உ ளம ற

இன க ெபா தா .

(4- ப த ப ேடா , க ப த ப ேடா ம ê பா ைம ன நல

( நê ) ைற அர க தஎ .1002988/ நê /2021-2 நா .05.07.2021)

உதாரண –1

ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல ,

1. ஊ யவ மான – . 3 இல ச

2. ேவளா ைம வ மான – . 4 இல ச

3. இதர வைக வ மான – . 3 இல ச

ேம ìற ப ட ெமா த வ மான ,10 இல ச எ ப ஊ ய

வ மான ைத ,

ேவளா ைம வ மான ைத கண எ ெகா ள படாம , இதர

வைக உ ள வ மான ைத ம அதாவ .3 ல ச எ பைத கண

ெகா அவ க இதர ப த ப ட வ சா í சா த

வழ க படலா .

105 | P a g e
உதாரண –2

ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல ,

1. ஊ யவ மான – . 25 இல ச

2. ேவளா ைம வ மான – இ ைல

3. இதர வைக வ மான – இ ைல

ேம ì ய ஊ ய வ மான ம ேம உ ள . இ த வ மான . 8

இல ச அ கமாக இ ஊ ய வ மான ைத கண எ

ெகா ள படாம அவ க இதர ப த ப ட வ சா í சா த

வழ க படலா .

உதாரண –3

ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல ,

1. ஊ யவ மான – இ ைல

2. ேவளா ைம வ மான – . 50 இல ச

3. இதர வைக வ மான – இ ைல

ேம ìற ப ட ேவளா ைம வ மான ம ேம உ ள . இ த வ மான

. 8 இல ச ைத கட இ , ேவளா ைம வ மான ைத கண

எ ெகா ள படாம அவ க இதர ப த ப ட வ சா í

சா த வழ க படலா .

உதாரண –4

ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல ,

1. ஊ யவ மான – . 4 இல ச

2. ேவளா ைம வ மான – . 3 இல ச

3. இதர வைக வ மான – . 8.10 இல ச

ேம ìற ப ட இதரவைக வ மான . 8 இல ச ைத கட இ ற ,

எனேவ இதர ப த ப டவ சா í சா த வழ க படமா டா .

106 | P a g e
ப ேவ ற ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க

1. ஆதா .

2. ப அ ைட

3. வ மான கான ஆதார சா ( ஊ ய சா ,வ மான சா )

4. சா í சா

5. வ மான வ அ ைக

6. ேபா ேடா


வ.எ ேக ள க

1. Class I / Group A அ வல களாக ள க க படமா டா

யமன ெப ற ெப ேறா இ வ
அ ல ெப ேறா க ஒ வ ஓ
ற இற டாேலா அ ல ர த
டமா டாேலா இவ க வளமான
ள க க ப மா?
2 Class II / Group B அ வல களாக ள க க படமா டா
யமன ெப ற ெப ேறா இ வ
அ ல ெப ேறா க ஒ வ ஓ
ற இற டாேலா அ ல ர த
டமா டாேலா இவ க வளமான
ள க க ப மா?
3 Class II / Group B அ வல களாக ள க க படமா டா
யமன ெப ற ெப ேறா இ வ
அ ல ெப ேறா க ஒ வ இற
டாேலா அ ல ர த டமா
டாேலா ஆனா இற பத UN,
IMF, World Bank ேபா ற ப னா
வன க பத வ தா
இவ க வளமான
ள க க ப மா?
4 ெப ேறா க பë இ ேபா ஆ . வளமான
வளமான னரான க த ப ன களாக

107 | P a g e
வ.எ ேக ள க

அவ க ஓ ெதாட க த ப வா க .
அவ க வளமான னரான
க த ப வா களா?
5 ெப ேறா க கணவ ேநர வளமான னரான
யமன ல Class III / Group C க த படமா டா க .
அ ல Class II / Group B பëயாளராக
யமன ெப 40 வய Class I
/ Group A அ வலராக பத உய
ெப றா வளமான னரான
க த ப வா களா?
6 ம தா ேநர யாக Class I / Group A வளமான ன எ ப
அ வலராகேவா அ ல Class II / Group B ெப ேறா பë அ ல
அ வலராக ேநர யமன ெப 40 ஆ வ மான
வய Class I / Group A அ வலராக அ பைட ணய
பத உய ெப ற ைல இவ ைடய ெச ய ப வதாக ,
பë த ைம அ பைட இவ வளமான ம தார பë த ைம
னராக அ க ப வரா? அ பைட ணய
ெச ய ப வ ைல
7 இதர ப த ப ேடா ப ய வளமான னராக
இட ெப ள ஒ வ ேநர யமன க த படமா டா .
ல Class I / Group A அ வலைர
மண ெச ெகா டா அவ
வளமான னராக க த ப வரா?



108 | P a g e
Backward Classes, Most Backward
Classes and Minorities Welfare (BCC)
Department, Secretariat,
Chennai – 9.

LETTER NO.11587/BCC/2008-1 dated : 14/11/2008

Secretary to Government .
The Commissioner of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5 (We)
The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes
and Denotified Communities, Chennai -5 (W.e)
The commissioner of Minorities Welfare, Chennai -2 (We)
The Special Commissioner and
Commissioner for Revenue Administration, Chennai -5(We)
The Member Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission,
212, R.K.Mutt Road, Mylapore,Chennai-4(We)
Sub : Reservation for OBCs in Civil Posts and services under the Govt of india –
Exclusion of Creamy layer from the benefit of OBC reservation – Annual
income limit for the determination of creamy layer- Enhancement in the
income limit- Amendment to the criteria for exclusion of creamy layer
communicated in G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward
Classes Welfare Department dt.28.3.94- issued.
Ref : 1. From the Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)
O.M.No.36012/22/94-Estt SCT dt8.9.93.

2. From the Govt. of india, Ministry of Welfare Resolution

No.12011/68/93-BCC( c) dt.10.9.93
3. G.O.Ms.No12, Backward Classes and most Backward Classes
Welfare Department dt 28.3.94

4. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and

Pensions O.M.No.36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 9.3.2004
5. Government Lr.No.8209/BCC/2003-7, Backward Classes Most
Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department dated

109 | P a g e
. 6. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions (Dept of Personnel and Training) O.M.No.36033/5/2004-
Estt(Res), Dated:14.10.2004.
7. Government Lr.No.10829/BCC/2004-2, Backward Classes Most
Backward Classes and minorities Welfare Department dated
8. From the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources
Development, O.M.No.1-1/2008-U.IA dated 13.10.2008
9. From the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions (Dept of Personnel and Training)
O.M.No.36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2008.
The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) in their office Memorandum first cited have issued
orders, reserving 27% of the vacancies in civil posts and services under the Government of India
for Other Backward Classes. They have also prescribed certain criteria in the said office
Memorandum for the exclusion of creamy layer (advanced Persons/ Sections) from the benefit of
reservation for Other Backward Classes in respect of Central Services. In the criteria prescribed
for exclusion of creamy layer, among other things, the Government of India have ordered that
sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs.1.00 lakh or above for a period
of three consecutive years fall within the creamy layer and are not entitled to get the benefit of
reservation available to Other Backward Classes. The Government of India, Ministry of Welfare,
in their resolution second cited, have notified the list of the Backward Classes for the purpose of
availing 27% reservation under central services. The Government in their order third cited, have
communicated the list of Other Backward Classes for the State of Tamilnadu notified by
Government of India,criteria for removal of creamy layer from the benefit of 27% reservation for
Other Backward Classes in civil posts and services under Government of India etc. to the
Collectors, Heads of Departments and all certificate issuing authorities. Subsequently , the
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in their O.M.
fourth cited have revised the annual income ceiling for the exclusion of creamy layer from
Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs. 2.50 lakhs and the same has been communicated to all the concerned in the
Government letter 5th cited. The 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes has been extended
to the educational Institutions under the control of Government of India and the concept of
creamy layer was followed in the same manner as in the case of appointments.
2. The Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of
Higher Education, in their Office Memorandum 8th cited, has stated that the recommendation of
National Commission for Backward Classes was accepted and the annual income limit for
determining the creamy layer among Other Backward Classes has been revised from Rs. 2.50
lakhs to Rs.4.50 lakhs in respect of admission into Central Educational institutions.
110 | P a g e
3. The Govt. of India , Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of
Personnel and Training) in their O.M. 9th cited has reported that the Government of India has
been decided to raise the income limit from Rs. 2.50 lakhs to Rs. 4.50 lakhs per annum for
determining the creamy layer amongst the Other Backward Classes. They have also stated that
the following entry is hereby substituted for the existing entry against category VI in the
schedule to their O.M. dated 8.9.93

Category Description of Category To whom the rule of exclusion will apply

VI Son(s) and daughters(s) of
(a) Persons having gross annual income of Rs.4.5
LIST lakh or above or possessing wealth above the
exemption limit as prescribed in the wealth Tax
Act for a period of three consecutive years.
b) Persons in Categories I, II, III (and VA who are
not disentitled to the benefit of reservation but have
income from other sources or wealth which will bring
them within the income wealth criteria mentioned in
(a) above.
Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be

The Government of India also reported that the provisions of the above Office
memorandum shall take effect from 3.10.2008.
4. In the Circumstances stated above I am to communicate a copy each of Government of
India, Ministry of Human Resources Development Office Memorandum No.1-1/2008-U.IA
dated 13.10.2008 and Government of India , Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions O.M.No.36033/3/2004 Estt (Res) dated 14.10.2008 and to request you to follow the
memorandum dated 8.9.93 of Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and to
issue Other Backward Classes certificate taking into consideration of the revised income limit
prescribed for the exclusion of creamy layer for availing the benefit of for reservation for Other
Backward Classes in admission to educational institutions under the control of Government of
India and appointment to civil posts and services under the Govt . of India.
Yours faithfully,
For secretary to Government
Copy to:
All Collectors We)
District Revenue Officers(We)
Heads of Departments(We)
District and Sessions Judges (We)
The Registrar, High court, Chennai -104(W.e)
The Secretary,
111 | P a g e
Tamilnadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-2(We)
All Departments of Secretariat(We)
All District Backward Classes and Minorities welfare Officers (We)
The Secretary to Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi(We)
The Secretary to Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, New Delhi(We)
Senior Personal Assistant to Minister (BC), Chennai-9(We)

112 | P a g e


Letter No.4938/BCC/2011-1 dt 20.07.2011
Thiru G.Santhanam, IAS.,
Secretary to Government
All District Collectors (W.e)
Sub: Reservation – Reservation for Other Backward Classes in civil posts and services under the
Government of India- Exclusion of creamy layer from the benefit of Other Backward
Classes reservation – Clarifications issued -Reiterated.
Ref: 1. G.O. Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes Welfare Department
dated 28.3.1994.
2. Government Letter No. 627/BCC/97-33, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes
and Minorities Welfare Department dated 24.4.2004
3. Government Letter No.10829/BCC/2004-2, Backward Classes, Most Backward
Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, dated 10.11.2004
4. From the General Secretary, All India Federation of Other Backward Classes
Employees Welfare Association, representation dated 23.06.2011 addressed to the
Chairman, National Commission for Backward Classes.
I am directed to invite attention to the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and pensions O.M.No.36012/22/93- Estt(SCT) dated 08.09.1993 communicated in the
Government order 1st cited wherein the Government of India have informed that sons and daughters of
the persons falling under the following categories will be considered as creamy layer by virtue of the
posts held by their parents subject to certain exemptions specified therein:-
a) Holding Constitutional Posts.
b) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited class I / Group A Officers.
c) Parents, either of whom is directly recruited class I / Group A Officer.
d) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited class I / Group A officers, but one of them
dies or suffers permanent incapacitation.
e) Parents, either of whom is a directly recruited class I / Group A officer and such parent
dies or suffers Permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation has
had the benefit of employment in any international organization like UN, IMF, World
Bank etc., for a period of not loss than 5 years.

113 | P a g e
f) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited class I /Group A officer and both of them
die or suffer permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation of
the both either of them has had the benefit of employment in any international
organization like UN, IMF, World Bank etc., for a period of not less than 5 years.
g) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited class II/ Group B officers of Central and
State Services.
h) Parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited class II / Group B officer and
he gets into class I/ Group A at the age of 40 of earlier.
i) Parents, both of them are directly recruited Class II / Group B officers and one of them
dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and either of them has had the benefit of
employment in any International Organization like UN,IMF, World Bank etc., for a
period of not less than 5 years.
j) Parents of whom the husband is a Class I / Group A officer (direct recruit or pre- forty
promoted) and the wife is a directly recruited class II/Group B officer and the wife dies or
suffer permanent incapacitation.
k) Parents of whom wife is a class I / Group A officer (direct recruit or pre-forty promoted)
and the husband is a directly recruited class II/ Group B officer and the husband dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation.
The Government of India have also informed that the creamy layer status in respect of others will
be determined by applying that “Income / Wealth Test” specified against category VI of the Schedule
contained therein. The Government of India have clarified by means of an explanation provided under
category VI that income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed.
2) In this connection, I wish to draw your attention to the reference 2ndcited wherein the
Government have informed while issuing Other Backward Classes Certificates, the income from
salaries should not be taken into account for the purpose of calculation of annual income for exclusion
of creamy layer. Similarly, the agricultural income also should not be included for the above purpose.
3) In the instructions issued by Government of India , Ministry of Personnel Public
Grievances and pensions in their Letter No.36033/5/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2004 which was
communicated in the reference 3rd cited, it has been clarified, among other things, that while applying
the income/Wealth Test to determined creamy layer status of any candidates as given in Category IV
of the schedule to the O.M dated 08.09.1993, income from salaries and income from the agricultural
land shall not be taken into account Copies of reference 2nd and 3rd cited are enclosed herewith for
4) It has been brought to the notice of the Government that despite the clear instructions
issued in respect of exclusion of creamy layer, there has been difficulty in obtaining Other Backward
Classes Certificates from the authorities concerned on the ground that the annual salary of their
parents exceeds Rs.4,50,000 and other Backward Classes Certificates were denied to their sons and
daughters. It has also been informed to Government that in view of the attitude of the officials. Many
eligible Other Backward Classes candidates are not able to avail the reservation benefit intended to
them in Central Services and Educational institutions under the control of Government of India.

114 | P a g e
5) In this connection, I wish to inform you that the Government reiterate the instructions
already issued in respect of calculating the Annual Income for exclusion of creamy layer in their
orders 1st and 2nd cited I am therefore to request you to issue suitable guidelines to the Tahsildars, who
are the Other Backward Classes Certificate issuing authorities to issue Other Backward Classes
Certificates to the eligible persons without taking into account of income from salaries and income
from agriculture land and to avoid any complaints in the matter.
Yours faithfully,

For secretary to Govrnment

The Member Secretary,
National Commission for Backward Classes,
Trikoot –I, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi 110066.
The Director of Backward Clases Welfare, Chennai -5.
The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes
And Denotified Communities, Chennai-5.
The Commissioner of Minorities, Welfare, Chennai-5.
The Principal Commissioner & Commissionerate of
Revenue Administration, Chennai-5.

115 | P a g e

Letter No.10828/BCC/2004-2 dt 10.11.2004

Thiru A.Nagarajan I.A.S.
Secretary to Government
The Director of Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Chennai-5 (We)
The Special Commissioner and Director,
Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities,
Chennai -5 (W.e)
The Special Commissioner and Commissioner of Revenue Administration,
The member Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission
212 R.K Mutt Road, Mylapore, Chennai -4.
Sub: Reservation for OBCs in Civil posts and Services under the Govt of India – Criteria
Prescribed for the Exclusion of creamy layer from the benefit of OBC reservation
certain clarifications issued by Govt of India – Communicated.
Ref: 1. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) O.M.No.36012/22/93 –Estt SCT dt 8.9.96
2. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution No.12011/88/93-BCC(C) dt
3. G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes Welfare Department,
dt 28.3.94
4. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
O.M.No.38033/3/2004-Estt (Res) dt 9.3.2004.
5. Govt Lr.No.B209/BCC/2003-7, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes &
Minorities Welfare Department, dt.21.9.2004
6. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) Lr.No.36033/5/2004-Estt (Res) dt.14.10.2004.
The Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) in their office Memorandum first Cited have issued
orders, reserving 27% of the Vacancies in civil posts and services under the Govt of India
for Other Backward Classses. They have also prescribed in the said office memorandum
certain criteria for the exclusion of creamy layer (advanced persons / Sections) from the
benefit of reservation for Other Backward Classes in respect of Central Services. The Govt
of India, Ministry of Welfare, in their resolution second cited, have notified the list of Other
Backward Classes for the purpose of availing 27% reservation under central services. The

116 | P a g e
Govt in their order third cited, have communicated the list of Other Backward classes for the
state of Tamilnadu notified by Govt of India, criteria for removal of creamy layer from the
benefit of 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes in civil posts and services under
Govt of India etc. to the collectors, Heads of Departments and all certificate issuing
2. The Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, in their
O.M. fourth cited have revised the annual income celling for the exclusion of creamy layer
from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.2.50 lakh and the same has been communicated to all concerned in the
Govt letter 5th cited.
3. The Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, in their
letter 6th cited have now issued certain clarifications in regard to the exclusion of creamy
layer , I am to enclose a copy of the above reference for information and necessary action
and to request you to keep in mind the above clarifications and to issue OBC Certificate to
the eligible Persons.
Yours faithfully,

For Secretary to Govt

Copy to
All Collectors(We)
(They are requested to communicate this to all
Certificate issuing authorities under their control)
The Head of Departments (W.e)
District Revenue Officers (W.e)
District and Sessions Judges(W.e)
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai -104 (W.e)
The Secretary,
Tamilnadu Public Service Commission,
All Departments of Secretariat,(We)
All District Backward Classes and Minorities
Welfare Officers (We)
The Secretary to Govt of India,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
New Delhi(We)
The Secretary to Govt of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pension, New Delhi(We)
Senior Personnel Assistant to Minister (BC),

117 | P a g e
Copy of
New Delhi, Dated the 14th October 2004
The chief Secretaries of all the states /Union Territories
Sub: Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs.
I am directed to invite your attention to the Schedule to this Department’s OM.No.
36012/22/93 –(SCT) dated 8th September 1993 which contains the criteria to determine the creamy
layer amongst the OBCs In regard to the children of the persons in civil services of the central and the
state Government, it provides that Son(s) and daughter(s) of
(a) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/ Group A Officers,
(b) Parents, either of whom is directly recruited Class I /Group A Officer
(c) Parents, both of whom are direct, recruited Class I /Group A Officers, but one of them dies or
suffers Permanent incapacitation.
(d) Parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/ Group A Officer and such parent dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation has had the
benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF World Bank etc., for a
period of not less than 5 years.
(e) Parents, both of them are directly recruited Class I / Group A Officers, and both of them die
or suffer permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation of the both,
either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like
UN,IMF, World Bank etc for a period of not less than 5 years.
(f) Parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II / Group B officers.
(g) Parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited class II/Group B Officer and he gets
into class I / Group A at the age of 40 or earlier.
(h) Parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class II/ Group B Officers and one of them dies
or suffers permanent incapacitation and other of them has had the benefit of employment in
any International Organization like UN, IMF, World Bank etc., for a period of not less than 5
(i) Parents of whom the husband is a Class I/ Group A Officer (Direct recruit or pre-forty
promoted) and the wife is a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer and the wife dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation and
(j) Parents, of whom wife is a Class I/Group A Officer (Direct Recruit or pre-forty promoted) and
the husband is a directly recruited Class II / Group B Officer and the husband dies or suffers
permanent incapacitation.

Shall be treated as falling in creamy layer

118 | P a g e
2. The Schedule further provides that sons and Daughters of

(i) Parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I /Group A
Officer(S) and such Parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation.
(ii) Parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/ Group B Officers and one of
them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation.
(iii) Parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II / Group B Officers and both
of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation , even though either of them has
had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF,
World Bank etc., for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or
permanent incapacitation.

Shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer.

3. The criteria prescribed for determining creamy layer status of sons and daughters of
persons in Government service mutatis mutandis applies to the sons and Daughters of persons holding
equivalent of comparable posts in PSUs, Banks, Insurance Organization, Universities, etc., and also
holding equivalent of comparable posts and positions under private employment. “The Creamy layer
status of the sons and daughters of employment of organizations where evaluation of the posts on
equivalent or comparable basis has not been made is determined on the basis of Income/Wealth Test
given in the Schedule. The Income/Wealth Test prescribes that the sons and Daughters of persons
having gross annual income of Rs. 2.5 lakh or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit
as prescribed in the wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years would be treated to fall in
creamy layer. An explanation is given below the income/ Wealth Test which provides that Income
from salaries or agricultural land will not be clubbed.
4. Following questions have been raised from time to time about the application of the above
provisions to determine creamy layer:
(i) Will the Sons and Daughters of parents either of whom or both of whom are directly
recruited Class I / Group A Officer(s) and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer
permanent incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the
creamy layer?
(ii) Will the Sons and Daughters of Parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II /
Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffer permanent incapacitation after
retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy layer?
(iii) Will the Sons and Daughters of Parents both of whom are directly recruited Class
II /Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation after
retirement even though either of them has had got the benefit of employment in any
International Organisation like UN,IMF, World Bank etc., for a period of not less
than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation be treated to be
excluded from the purview of creamy layer?

119 | P a g e
(iv) Will the sons and daughters or parent(s) who retire from the service on the basis of
which their sons and daughters fall in creamy layer, continue to fall in creamy layer
after retirement of the parent(s)?
(v) Will the sons and daughters or parent(s) whom husband is directly recruited Class
III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the
age of 40 earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer.
(vi) Will a candidate who himself is a directly recruited Class I / Group A Officer or a
directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer who got into Class I/Group A at the age
of 40 or earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of his service
(vii) Will a candidate who has gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possesses
wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act a period of
three consecutive years be treated to fall in creamy layer?
(viii) The instructions provide that a lady belonging to OBC category who has got
married to a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer shall not be treated as
falling in creamy layer on the basis of her marriage. Will a man belonging to OBC
category who is married to a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer / be treated
as falling in creamy layer on the basis of his marriage?
(ix) How will be the income/Wealth Test apply in case of sons and daughters of
parent(s) employed in PSUs etc. in which equivalence or comparability of posts has
not been established vis-à-vis posts in the Government?
(x) What is the scope of the explanation, ‘income from salaries or agricultural land
shall not be clubbed’ given below the income/Wealth Test?
5. It is clarified in regard to clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of para 4 that the sons and daughters of:
(a) parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A
Officers and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation
while in service:
(b) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of
them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation while in service and
(c) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of
them die or suffer permanent incapacitation while in service even though either of
them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organization like UN,
IMF, World Bank, etc, for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or
permanent incapacitation.

are not treated to be falling in creamy layer. But if the parents/dies/die or suffers/suffer
permanent incapacitation in such cases after retirement from service, his/their sons and
daughters would be treated to be falling in creamy layer and would not get the benefit of
6. In regard to clause (iv) of para 4, it is clarified that sons and daughters of parents who are
included in the creamy layer on the basis of service status of their parents shall continue to be treated
in creamy layer even if their parents have retired or have died after retirement

120 | P a g e
7. In regard to clause (V) of para 4, it is clarified that the sons and daughters of parents of
whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class iii Group B officer who gets into Class Group A at
the age of 40 or earlier are treated to be in creamy layer to the father is directly recruited Class
III/Group C of Class IV /Group D employee and lur gets into Class 1/Group A at the age of 4D or
earlier, his sons and daughters shall not be treated to be calling in creamy layer.

8. In regard to clauses (VI),(VII) and (VIII) of para 4, it is clarified that the creamy layer status
of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents and not on the basis of his own
status or income or on the basis of status or income, of his/her spouse. Therefore, while determining
the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her
spouse shall not be taken into account

9. In regard to clause (IX) of para 4, it is canned that the creamy layer status of sons and
daughters of persons employed in organizations where equivalence or comparability of posts vis a vis
posts in Government has not been evaluated is determined as follows

Income of the parents from the salaries and from the other sources (other than salaries and
agricultural land) is determined separately. If either the income of the parents from the salaries
or the income of the parents from other sources (other than salaries and agricultural (and)
exceeds the limit of Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years, the sons and
daughters of such persons shall be treated to fall in creamy layer. But the sons and daughters
of parents whose income from salaries is less than Rs 2.5 lakh per annum and income from
other sources is also less Sian Rs.2.5 lakh per annum will not be treated as falling in creamy
layer even if the sum of the income from salaries and the income from the other sources is more
than Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years. It may be noted that income
from agricultural land is not taken into account while applying the Test.

10. In regard to clause (X) of para 4, it is clarified that while applying the Income / Wealth Test
to determine creamy layer status of any candidate as given In Category-VI of the Schedule to the OM.
Income from the salaries and income from the agricultural land shall not be taken into account. It
means that if income from salaries of the parents of any candidate is more than Rs.2.5 lakh per
annum, income from agricultural land is more than Rs.2.5 lakh per annum, but Income from other
sources is less than Rs.2.5 lakh per annum, the candidate

shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of Income/Wealth Test provided his
parent(s) do not posses wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a
period of three consecutive years.

11. You are requested to bring the contexts of this letter to all concerned
in the State
Deputy Secretary Govt of India
//True copy//

Section Officer.
121 | P a g e



Letter No.4923/BCC/2013-1 dt.31.07.2013

Dr. K. Arulmozhi, IAS.,
Principal Secretary to Government.
The Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Backward Classes Welfare,

The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes

and Denotified Communities, Chennai -5(w.e)

The Commissioner of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2. (we)

The Special Commissioner and

Commissioner for Revenue Administration, Chennai-5. (we)

The Member Secretary,

TamilNadu Backward Classes Commission,
212, R.K.Mull Road, Mylapore, Chennai-4, (we)


Sub: Reservation for OBCs in Civil Posts and Services under the Govt. of India
Exclusion of creamy layer from the benefit of OBC reservation Annual
income limit for the determination of creamy layer - Enhancement in the
income limit Amendment to the criteria for exclusion of creamy layer
communicated in G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward
Classes Welfare Department dt.28.3.94 Issued,
Ref: 1. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions (Department of Personnel and
Training) O.M.No 36012/22/94-Estt SCT dt.8.9.93.
2. From the Govt of India, Ministry of Welfare Resolution
No.12011/68/93-BCC(c) dt. 10.9.93.
3. G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes
Welfare Department dt 28.3.94.
122 | P a g e
4. From the Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and
Pensions OM.No.36033/3/2004 - Estt (Res) dated 9.3.2004.
5. Government.Lr No.8209/BCC/2003-7, Backward Classes Most
Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department dated
6. From the Govt.of India, Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and
Pensions (Dept. of Personnel and Training) O.M.No.36033/5/2004-
Estt.(Res.) dated.14.10.2004.
7. Government. Lr.No. 10829 / BCC / 2004- 2, Backward Classes Most
Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department dated
8. From the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources
Development, O.M. No. 1-1/2008-U.IA, dated 13.10.2008.
9. From the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel,Public
Grievances and Pensions (Dept. of Personnel and Training)
O.M.No.36033/3/2004 - Estt. (Res.) dated 14.10.2008.
10. Government.Lr No.11587/BCC/2008-1,Backward Classes Most
Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department dated
11. From the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions (Dept. of Personnel and Training)
O.M.No.36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) dated 27.05.2013.
12. From the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources
Department, OM No. 11-13/2012-U, Policy. dated 31.05.2013


The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training) in their office Memorandum first cited have issued
orders, reserving 27% of the vacancies in civil posts and services under the Government of
India for Other Backward Classes. They have also prescribed certain criteria in the said
Office Memorandum for the exclusion of creamy layer (advanced persons / sections) from
the benefit of reservation for Other Backward Classes in respect of Central Services. In the
criteria prescribed for exclusion of creamy layer, among other things, the Government of
India have ordered that sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of
Rs.1.00 lakh or above for a period of three consecutive years fall within the creamy layer
and are not entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to Other Backward Classes.
The Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, in their resolution second cited, have notified
the list of Other Backward Classes for the purpose of availing 27% reservation under Central
Services. The Government, in their order third cited, have communicated the list of Other
Backward Classes for the State of Tamil Nadu notified by Government of India, criteria for

123 | P a g e
removal of creamy layer from the benefit of 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes in
civil posts and services under Government of India etc. to the Collectors. Heads of
Departments and all certificate issuing authorities. Subsequently. the Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in their O.M. fourth cited have revised
the annual income ceiling for the exclusion of creamy layer from Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs2.50 lakh
and the same has been communicated to all concerned in the Government letter 5th cited.
The 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes has been extended to the educational
institutions under the control of Government of India and the concept of creamy layer was
followed in the same manner as in the case of appointments.

2. The Government of India Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department

of Higher Education, in their Office Memorandum 8th cited, has stated that the
recommendation of National Commission for Backward Classes was accepted and the
annual income limit for determining the creamy layer among Other Backward Classes has
been revised from Rs.2.50 lakh to Rs.4.50 lakh in respect of admission into Central
Educational institutions and the Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) in their O.M. 9th cited has reported that the
Government of India has decided to raise the income limit from Rs.2.50 lakh to Rs.4.50 lakh
per annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other Backward Classes and the
same has been communicated to all concerned in the Government Letter 10th cited. The
Government of India also reported that the provisions of the above Office Memorandum shall
take effect from 3.10.2008.

3. The Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training) in their O.M. 11th cited has notified that the
Government of India has decided to raise the income limit from Rs. 4.5 Lakh to Rs. 6 Lakh
per annum for determining the Creamy Layer amongst the Other Backward Classes in civil
posts and services under the Government of India and the Government of India, Ministry of
Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education in the Office Memorandum
12th cited has stated the recommendation of National Commission for Backward Classes was
accepted and annual income limit for determing the creamy layer among Other Backward
Classes has been revised from Rs. 4.50 lakh to Rs.6.00 lakh in respect of admission into
Central Educational institutions.

4) The Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training) in their O.M. 11th cited has reported that the
Government of India has been decided to raise the income limit from Rs.4.50 lakh to Rs.6.00
lakh per annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other Backward Classes.
They have also stated that the following entry is hereby substituted for the existing entry
against Category VI in the Schedule to their O.M. dated 8.9.03.

124 | P a g e
Category Description ofTo whom the rule of exclusion will apply
INCOME/ Son(s) and daughter(s) of
VI (a) Persons having gross annual income of

Rs 600lakh or above or possessing wealth above

the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax
Act for a period of three consecutive years.

(b) Persons in Categories I, II, III and VA who are

not disentitled to the benefit of reservation but have
income from other sources or wealth which will bring
them within the income / wealth criteria mentioned in
(a) above.


Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be


The Government of India also reported that the provisions of the above Office Memorandum
shall take effect from 16.05.2013.

5. In the circunstances stated above I am to communicate a copy each of Government

of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development Office Memorandum O.M No.11-
13/2012-U, Policy, dated 31.05.2013 and Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions O.M.No.36033/1/2013-Estt (Res) dated: 27.05.2013 and to
request you to follow the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions OM. 36012/22/94 Esst SCT dated 8.09.1993 to issue Other
Backward Classes certificate taking into consideration of the revised income limit
prescribed for the exclusion of creamy layer for availing the benefit of for

reservation for other Backward Classes in admission to educational institutions under the
control of Government of India and appointment to civil posts and services under the Govt. of

Yours faithfully.

for Principal Secretary to Government

125 | P a g e
Copy to.

All Collectors.(we)
District Revenue Officers (we)
Heads of Departments. (we)
District and Sessions Judges.(we)
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai-104 (we)
The Secretary,
TamilNadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-2.(we)
All Departments of Secretariat (we)
All District Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Officers (we)
The Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. New Delhi (we)
The Secretary to Govt of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, New Delhi (we)
Senior Personal Assistant to Minister (BC),Chennai.9.(we)

126 | P a g e
No. 36033/1/2013 Estt. (Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personel Training

North Block, New Delhi,

Dated: the 27th May, 2013


Subject: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections

(Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward
Classes 17013 OBC)-reg

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's office

memorandum No 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 which, inter-alia
provided that sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs. 1 lakh or
above for a period of three consecutive years would fail within the creamy layer and would
not be entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to the Other Backward Classes. The
aforesaid limit of income for determining the creamy layer status was subsequently raised to
Rs. 2.5 lakh and Rs. 4.5 lakh and accordingly the expression "Rs. 1 lakh" under Category-VI
of Schedule to OM dated 8th September, 1993 was revised to "Rs. 2.5 lakh and to "Rs. 4.5
lakh" vide this Department's OMS No. 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated 09.03.2004 and dated
14.10.2008 respectively.

2 It has now been decided to raise the income limit from Rs. 4.5 lakh to Rs. 6 takh per
annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other Backward Classes Accordingly,
the expression "Rs 4.5 lakh" under Category VI in the Schedule to this Department's
aforesaid O.M. of 8th September, 1993 would be substituted by Rs. "Rs. 6 lakh".

3. The provisions of this office memorandum have effect from 16th May, 2013

4. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this office
memorandum to the notice of all concerned
(Sharad Kumar Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
1. All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India


127 | P a g e
2. Department of Financial Services, New Delhi.
3. Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi.
4. Railway Board, New Delhi
5. Union Public Service Commission/Supreme Court of India/Election Commission of
india/Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Cabinet Secretariat/Central
Vigilance Commission/President's Secretariat/Prime Minister's Office/Planning
6. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
7. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

8. National Commission for SCs/National Commission for STs, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New
9. National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, R. K
Puram, New Delhi Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
10. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10 Bahadur Shah Jafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002.
11. Information and Facilitation Centre, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi (100 copies).
12. The NIC, DOPT with a request to upload it at the website of this Department in OMs &
Orders > Estt. (Res) SC/ST/OBC and in 'What's New’.

Copies forwarded to:

The Chief Secretaries of all the States/Union Territories for information and
necessary action

128 | P a g e
No. 11-13/2012-U.Policy
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated 31 May, 2013.

Subject: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons / section

(Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward
Classes (OBCs) in admissions to Central Educational Institutions
Ref: OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dt. 8/9/1993 of Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT)
OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) dt. 09/03/2004 of Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions, DOPT
OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res) dt. 14/10/2008 of Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions, DoPT
OM No. 1-1/2008-U1A dt 13/10/2008 cit Ministry of Human Resource

Attention is invited to O.M.No 36012/22/93-Est (SCT) dated 8th September. 1993 of

DoPT which, inter-alia, provided that sons and daughters of persons having gross annual
income of Rs. 1 lakh or above for a period of three consecutive years would fall within the
creamy layer and would not be entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to the Other
Backward Classes. The aforesaid limit of income for determining the creamy layer status was
subsequently raised to Rs.2.5 lakh and Rs.4.5 lakh and accordingly the expression "Rs 1
lakh under Category-VI of Schedule to OM dated 8th September, 1993 was revised to Rs 2.5
lakh' and to Rs 4.5 lakh vide DoPT's O.M. No 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated 09.03.2004 and
dated 14.10.2008 respectively Vide OM No 1-1/2008-U1A dt 13/10/2008 of Ministry of
Human Resource Development, the Central Government specified that as per the above-
mentioned DoPT O.M. dated 14.10 2008, the income limit for determining the "creamy layer”
among OBCs shall be Rs 4.5 lakhs for reservation in admissions to Central Educational
2. The DoPT, vide OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt (Res) dt. 27th May, 2013 has now notified
that the limit of income for determining ‘creamy layer’ status amongst the OBCs is raised
from Rs 4.5 lakhs to Rs.6 lakhs per annum with effect from 16th May, 2013 and that the
expression "Rs. 4.5 lakh under Category VI in the Schedule to OM No 36012/22/93-Estt
129 | P a g e
(SCT) of 8th September, 1993 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) is substituted by "Rs. 6 lakh"
3. Accordingly, with the approval of the competent authority, the revised expression of
"Rs. 6 lakh" under Category VI in the Schedule to the OM dt. 8/9/1993 of DOPT shall be the
limit of income, with effect from 16" May, 2013, for determining 'creamy layer status amongst
the OBCs for reservation in admissions to Central Educational Institutions.
4. The provisions of this OM are in supersession of this Department's OM No. 1-1/2008-
U1(A) dt. 13/10/2008

(Amit Shukla)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


1) All Central Educational Institutions

2) All the Ministries/ Departments of Government of India.
3) Chief Secretaries of all States
4) Administrators of UTs.
5) National Commission for Backward Classes
6) All Regulatory Councils responsible for maintenance/ determination of
standards of higher education
7) Webmaster (NIC), MHRD for uploading of the same on MHRD's website.

130 | P a g e
Backward Classes, Most Backward
Classes and Minorities Welfare (BCC)
Department, Secretariat,
Chennai – 9.

Letter No.6001/BCC/2017-1, Dated 10.10.2017

Thiru .A.karthik, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government.
The Commissioner of Backward Classes Welfare,
Chennai-5 (w.e)
The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes
and Denotified communities, Chennai – 5, (w.e)

The Commisssioner of Minorities Welfare,

Chennai-2 (w.e)

The principal Secretary / Commissioner,

Revenue Administration, Disaster management
and Mitigation,
Chennai -5. (w.e)
The Member Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Backward Classes commission,
212, R.K.Mutt Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 4 (w.e)
All District Collectors. (w.e)
Sub : Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Service
under the Govt. of India – Revising the annual income sealing for
the exclusion of creamy layer amongst the other Backward Classes
from Rs.6.00 Lakh to Rs.8.00 Lakh per annum – Communicated –
Ref : 1. From the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel Public
Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and
Training) O.M.No.36012/22/94-Estt SCT dated 8.9.93.

2. From the Government of India, Ministry of Welfare

Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC © dated 10.9.93.

131 | P a g e
3. G.O.Ms.No.12, Backward Classes and Most Backward
Classes welfare Department, dated 28.3.94.

4. From the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel Public

Grievances and Pensions Department
O.M.No.36033/1/2013- Estt. (Res) dated 13.09.2017.

I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Government of India, Office Memorandum 4th
cited and it has been reported that the Government of India has decided to raise the income limit from
Rs.6.00 lakhs to Rs.8.00 lakhs per annum for determining the creamy layer amongst the Other
Backward classes. They have also stated that the following entry is hereby substituted for the
existing entry against Category VI in the Schedule to their O.M. dated 08.09.93.
Category Description of To whom the rule of exclusion will apply
VI INCOME/ Son(s) and daughter (s) of
WEALTH LIST (a) Persons having gross annual income of Rs.8.00
lakh or above or possessing wealth above the
exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act
for a period of three consecutive years.
(b) Persons in categories I, II, III and VA who are
not disentitled to the benefit of reservation but have
income from other sources or wealth which will
bring them within the income / wealth criteria
mentioned in (a) above .
Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be

The Government of India also reported that the provision of the above Office Memorandum
shall take effect from 01.09.2017.
2. I am, therefore to request you to follow the above Office Memorandum to issue Other
Backward Classes certificate taking into consideration of the revised income limit prescribed for the
exclusion of creamy layer for availing the benefit of for reservation for other Backward Classes in
admission to educational institutions under the control of Government of India and appointment to civil
posts and services under the Government of India.
Your faithfully,
For Secretary to Government
Copy to :-
All District Revenue Officers. (w.e)
Head of Departments. (w.e)
132 | P a g e
All District and sessions Judges. (w.e)
The Registrar, High Court of Madres, Chennai – 104. (w.e)

ப த ப ேடா ,
க ப த ப ேடா ம
ê பா ைம ன நல ( நê ) ைற,
தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன-9.
க தஎ .1002988/ நê /2021-1, நா .05.07.2021

அ ந
.ஆ.கா , இ.ஆ.ப.,
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள ,

ெப ந
ì த தைலைமí ெசயலாள /ஆைணய ,
வ வா வாக , ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம
ேப ட தë ைக ைற,
ெச ைன -5. (இைண ட )

அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க (இைண ட )

அ யா,
ெபா : ப த ப ேடா நல –இ ய அர வழ இதர
ப த ப டவ ன (Other Back ward Classes) 27 %
இடஒ – சா í சா த வழ த –அ ைர
வழ த – ெதாட பாக.
பா ைவ : 1. இ ய அரê அ வலக பாைன எ .36012/22/93-
Esttt-SCT , நா . 08.09.93 .
2. அர க தஎ .10829/BCC/2004-2, நா . 10.11.2004.
3. அர க தஎ .4938/ BCC/2011-1, நா .20.07.2011.
4. இ ய அரê அ வலக பாைன
எ .36033/1/2013- Estt- (Res), நா .13.09.2017.
5. அர க தஎ .6001/ நê /2017-1, நா .10.10.2017.


பா ைவ கா க த க த க கவன ஈ க ப ற .இ ய
அர பë ட க கான யமன க ம ஒ ய அர க வன க
மாணவ க ேச ைக 27% இட ஒ இதர ப த ப ட வ ன

133 | P a g e
(OBC) வளமான னைர (creamy layer) வழ க ப ற .த நா கான இதர
ப த ப ட வ ன ப ய இ ய அரசா அ ைகயாக
ெவ ட ப ள . ேம , வளமான னைர வத கான ெந ைறக
இ ய அரசா ெவ ட ப ள . வளமான னைர க ண க ப ள
வ மான வர ைப கண ேபா ஊ ய ம ேவளா ைம வ மான ைதí
ேச க ìடா என வ கா ெந ைற ள க அ க ப ள . 1993
ஆ ஆ ண க ப ட ெப ேறார ஆ வ மான வர .1
ல ச ப ப யாக அ க க ப 2017 ஆ ஆ .8 ல ச என
ணய ெச ய ப நைட ைற உ ள .
2. ேம ெசா ன ஒ ய அரê வ கா ெந ைறகைள ப இதர
ப த ப ட வ ன சா சா த வழ ப மாவ ட ஆ ê
தைலவ க ேக ெகா ள ப ளா க . இ இதர ப த ப டவ
சா சா த ெப வ êரம இ பதாக அரê கவன ெகா
பர ப ள . இதனா இ ய அரê 27% இட ஒ பய ெபற இயலாத
ைல ஏ ப ற .
3. இதர ப த ப ட வ ன சா சா த வழ க ப வ
இ ய அரê அ வலக பாைணக ம வ கா ெந ைறக
இ ட இைண அ ப ப றன. இ த அ வலக
பாைணக கா வ கா ெந ைறக ப த யான நப க
வளமான னைர க ெச வத காக ண க ப ள .8 இல ச எ ற
ெப ேற ஆ வ மான ைத கண ெபா ஊ ய ம வசாய
ஆ யவ ெப ற வ மான ைத கண ெகா ள படாம , இதர
ப த ப ட வ ன சா சா கைள கால தாமத இ வழ ப சா
சா வழ அ கா க த த அ ைரக வழ ப அைன
மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ க ேக ெகா ள ப றா .
4. பா ைவ 1 ம 4இ க ட பாைணக ள
இன கைள த ஏைனய இன க , இதர ப த ப ட வ ன சா í
சா த வழ ெபா வளமான ைர க ெச வ ெதாட பாக
ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான கண வ த ள க க (illustrations)
தகவ காக இைண க ப ளன,
5. இ த அர க த ெப ெகா டத ஒ ைக அ ப ேக
ெகா ள ப ற .
த க உ ைம ள,
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள காக,

134 | P a g e
இதர ப த ப ட வ ன சா í சா த வழ ெபா வளமான
ன க ெச வ ெதாட பாக ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான .8 ல ச
அ கமாக இ க ìடா எ பைத கண வ த ள க க , இைவ
இ ய அர ெவ ள பாைணக உ ள ம ற இன க
ெபா தா .
உதாரண -1
ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல –
1) ஊ ய வ மான : .3 இல ச
2) ேவளா ைம வ மான : .4 இல ச
3) இதர வைக வ மான : .3 இல ச

ேம ìற ப ட ெமா த வ மான .10 இல ச எ ப , ஊ ய வ மான ைத ,

ேவளா ைம வ மான ைத கண எ ெகா ள படாம , இதர வைக
உ ள வ மான ைத ம அதாவ .3 ல ச எ பைத கண ெகா
அவ க இதர ப த ப டவ சா í சா த வழ க படலா .
உதாரண -2
ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல –
1) ஊ ய வ மான : .25 இல ச
2) ேவளா ைம வ மான : இ ைல
3) இதர வைக வ மான : இ ைல

ேம ì ய ஊ ய வ மான ம ேம உ ள , இ த வ மான .8
இல ச அ கமாக இ , ஊ ய வ மான ைத கண எ
ெகா ள படாம , அவ க இதர ப த ப ட வ சா í சா த
வழ க படலா .

உதாரண -3
ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல –
1) ஊ ய வ மான : இ ைல
2) ேவளா ைம வ மான : .50 இல ச
3) இதர வைக வ மான : இ ைல
ேம ìற ப ட ேவளா ைம வ மான ம ேம உ ள . இ த வ மான .8
இல ச ைத கட இ , ேவளா ைம வ மான ைத கண எ
135 | P a g e
ெகா ள படாம , அவ க இதர ப த ப ட வ சா í சா த
வழ க படலா .

உதாரண -4
ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான டவா இ ைல –
1) ஊ ய வ மான : .4 இல ச
2) ேவளா ைம வ மான : .3 இல ச
3) இதர வைக வ மான : .8.10 இல ச

ேம ìற ப ட இதரவைக வ மான .8 இல ச ைத கட இ ற ,
எனேவ, இதர ப த ப டவ சா í சா த வழ க பட மா டா .

ஆ.கா , இ.ஆ.ப.,
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள ,
//உ ைம நக //
அ வல

136 | P a g e
ப த ப ேடா ,
க ப த ப ேடா ம
ê பா ைம ன நல ( நê ) ைற,
தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன - 9

க தஎ .1002988/ நê /2021-2, நா 24.08.2021

அ ந
ஆ.கா , இ.ஆ.ப.,
அர த ைமí ெசயலாள ,

ெப ந
ì த தைலைமí ெசயலாள / ஆைணய ,
வ வா வாக , ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம
ேப ட தë ைக ைற,
ெச ைன -5

அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க ,

அ யா,
ெபா : ப த ப ேடா நல – இ ய அர வழ இதர
ப த ப ட வ ன (other Backward Classes) 27%
இடஒ – சா í சா த வழ த –அ ைர வழ த
ெதாட பாக.
பா ைவ: 1. இ ய அரê அ வலக பாைன எ .36012/22/93-
Estt.SCT, நா 8.9.93.

2. அர க தஎ .10829 /BCC/2004-2, நா 10.11.2004.

3. அர க தஎ .4938/BCC/2011-1, நா 20.07.2011.
4. இ ய அரê அ வலக பாைன எ .36033/1/2013-
Estt.(Res), நா 13.09.2017.
5. அர க தஎ .6001/ நê /2017-1, நா 10.10.2017
6. அர க தஎ .1002988/ நê /2021-1, நா 05.07.2021.

பா ைவ ஆ கா க த , பா ைவ 1 ம 4இ க ட
பாைணக ள இன கைள த ஏைனய இன க , இதர
ப த ப ட வ ன சா í சா த வழ ெபா வளமான னைர

137 | P a g e
க ெச வ ெதாட பாக ெப ேறா ஆ வ மான கண வ த
ள க க (Illustrations) தகவ காக ெகா க ப டன.

2. ஒ ய அர ேம ெசா ன பா ைவ 1 ம 4-இ கா பாைனக

வளமான ன களாக இன க ட ப ள .

(i) அரசைம ச ட பத க (Consitutional Posts)

(ii) பëயாள வைக பா (Service Category)

A) ஒ ய அர ம மா ல அர பëக ஆ யவ A /
த ைல அ வல க (ேநர யமன க ).

B) ஒ ய அர ம மா ல அர பëக ஆ யவ B / இர டா
ைல அ வல க (ேநர யமன க )

C) ெபா ைற வன க பë ேவா .

(III) ைண பைடக உ ட இரா வ பë (Armed Forces including Paramilitary Forces)

( ைம பë பத க கலாக) (Persons holding Civil Posts are not included)

(IV) வா ய சா த ெதா ேவா , வëக , ெதா சாைல ஆ யவ

ஈ ப தவ க (Professional Class and Those Engaged in Trade and Industry)

(I) ம வ , வழ ைறஞ , ப ைடய கண க , வ மான வ ஆேலாசக ,

அ ல ேமலா ைம ஆேலாசக , ப ம வ , ெபா யாள , க ட கைலஞ ,
கëë , வ ந , ைர பட கைலஞ ம ைர பட ெதா இதர கைலஞ க ,
லாê ய , நாடக ஆê ய , ைளய ர , ெதா ைற, ைளயா ர ,
ெதா ைற ெச யாள அ ல இ ேபா ற ற ெதா க ஈ ப டவ .
(ii) வëக ெதா ம ெதா சாைல ஆ யவ ஈ ப டவ க .
(இ த அ டவைண VI-வ ட ப ள வைரயைறக இத
ெபா )

(V) ெசா ைடைமயாள க (Property Owners)

A) வசாய லாஉைடைமக
B) ேதா ட க :
(I) கா , ,ர ப
(II) மா பழ ,ஆ

138 | P a g e
(C) நகர , நக ற க உ ள கா மைனக ம ற அ ல க ட க
வ மான / ெசா ம

(VI) வ மான / ெசா ம (Income/ Wealth Test)

3. இ ைல ஒ ய அரê ேம கா பாைணக , ேமேல ப 2-

இ ள வளமான ன களாக க ெச ய ப ள இன க
5.7.2021 ேத ட க த ள ஆ வ மான கண வத காக
அ க ப ட ள க கைள ம கண ெகா இதர ப த ப ேடா
சா í சா த வழ க ப ைல உ ளதாக ெத யவ ற .

4. ேம கா ைல , ேமேல ப 2- ட ப ள வளமான
ன களாக க ெச ய ப ள இன க இதர ப த ப ேடா (OBC)
சா த வழ க வ வைக ைல. வ மான ைத ம ேம கண இதர
ப த ப ேடா வ சா த வழ இன க ம ஏ கனேவ
பா ைவ ஆ கா க த அ த ள க க ெபா .

த க உ ைம ள,

அர த ைமí ெசயலா காக

139 | P a g e
25. சா சா த க
க வன க மாணவ/மாண ய ேச க ப ல ,

ேவைலவா க ெபற , அரê நல ட கைள ெபற ர தர

சா சா த வழ ைற 1988- ஆ த நா

நைட ைற ப த ப ட .

த சமய ஆ ைம ட ல , இ-ேசைவ ைமய வ யாக

இைணயதள வ சா சா த க வழ க ப வ ற .

1. ப த ப ேடா வ ன கான சா சா த

2. க ப த ப ேடா வ ன கான சா சா த

3. ப ய னவ ன கான சா சா த

4. பழ ன வ சா சா த

5. இதர ப த ப ேடா வ ன கான சா த

6. ெஜ இன தவ கான ê பா ைம ன சா த

ப த ப ட/ க ப த ப ட/ மர ன வ ன கான சா சா த

த க

த நா வê பவராக இ அவர சா யான ப த ப ேடா

/ க ப த ப ட/ மர ன வ ன கான சா ப ய க இட

ெப அவ ப த ப ேடா சா சா ெபற த ைடயவ ஆவா .

BC சா வழ ட அ கார ெப ற அ வல

சா வழ ட
வழ க ப அ ம க ப ட
வஎ அ கார ெப ற
சா அரசாைண எ
அ வல

1 BC/MBC/DNT ைண வ டா êய அரசாைண ைல எ .516

(ம டல ைண வ வா ைற

வ டா êய ) நா .17.04.1986

140 | P a g e
இைணயதள வ யாக சா ெபற இ-ேசைவ ைமய ப ேவ ற
ெச ய ேவ ய ஆவண க
1. ஆதா அ ைட
2. ப அ ைட
3. சா ைன பத கான இர த உற ைறக சா சா த
4. ம தார ைக பட
5. ம தார உ ெமா
சா த வழ வத கான காலவர - 7 நா க



வஎ ேக ள க

1 த நா அர பëயாள அ ம தார க ெவ நா
ேத வாைணய ேபா ற ைம ெபற ைல
ேத க ண எ பத கான சா றாவண ெப
ம தார அ ல அவ கள ெகா அவ கைள
ெப ேறா ற ட ேவ இ மா ல ைன ேச த
மா லமாக இ அவ கள ப த ப ட வ னராக க
தாைதய க த நா ைட ச ைகக வழ கலா .
ேச தவ களாக இ தா ,
அவ கள தாைதய க
ப த ப ட வ னராக
இ தா அ ம தார கைள
இ மா ல தவ களாக க
அ வ ய ச ைகக
வழ கலாமா?

141 | P a g e
2 இ மத ைன ேச த ப ட இ மத ைன ேச
வ ன / க ப ட ப த ப ேடா / க
வ ன / மர ன வ ப த ப ேடா / DNC / ஆ ேயா
மத மா னா அவ கள வ மத மா னா
எ வைகயான சா சா அவ க ப த ப ட
வழ க ப ? வ ன சா சா ம ேம
வழ க ப ( னவ ,
ப வதராஜ ல , ப டவன ,
ெச ப ேதவ , பறவ , வ ,
ைகய கலாக)
3 தவறான சா சா த வ டா êய / மாவ ட ஆ ê
வழ க ப ட ெத யவ தைலவ
ேபா அíசா ைன ர ெச
அ கார ெப ற அ வல யா ?
4 சா ச க க அ வழ க ìடா
சா அ பைட சா
வழ கலாமா?

த நா உ ள ப த ப ேடா இன தவ கான ப ய

இைண க ப ள .

ப ய ன தவ கான சா சா த த க
அரêயலைம (ப ய ன தவ ) உ தர நக 1956 XVI-
த நா உ ளப ய ன த க தப ய ெவ ட ப த .
இத ப 76 சா க ப ய ன தவ ப ய ேச க ப த .
2021 ஆ இ ய அரசா க ச ட ம ைற ல
அரêயலைம (ப ய ன தவ ) உ தர க 1950 கான த ப டச ட 2021
ஒ த அ க ப அத ப ,ச ட XVI- த நா கான
ப ய ன தவ சா ப க டவா த க ேம ெகா ள ப ட .

வ.எ ேம ெகா ள ப ள த
17 (ேதவ ர ேதேவ ர ல ேவளாள
ல தா ) i. ேதேவ ர ல தா
ii. கைடயா ( ெந ேவ , , நாக ப ன ,
ராமநாத ர , ேகா ைட,

142 | P a g e
தîைச, வா மாவ ட க கலாக)
iii. க லா
iv. ப
v. ப ள
vi. ப ணா
vii. வா ய
26(கைடயா ) ெந ேவ , , நாக ப ன , ராமநாத ர ,
ேகா ைட, தîைச, வா மாவ ட க ம
28. க லா க ப ட
35. ப க ப ட
49. ப ள க ப ட
54. ப ணா க ப ட
72. வா ய க ப ட

ப ய ன தவ சா அ த இ , ய , த மத ைன
ப பவ க ம ேம வழ க பட ேவ . (அரசாைண எ .60,
ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற, நா .13.03.1991)
ப ய ன தவ சா சா உ ைம த ைம ைன ஆ
ெச வத கான மாவ ட அள லான க காë / மா ல அள லான
க காë ம அவ ெசய பா க மா யைம க ப அரசாைண
எ .108, ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற (CV-1) நா .12.09.2007-
ஆைண ட ப ள .

மாவ ட அள லான பëக

க காë
மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ தைலவ சா சா உ ைம த ைம
ஆ ெச இ உ தர
ற த . ேம ைற ெச ைன
உய ம ற அ ல ம ைர
உய ம ற ைள,
உíச ம ற
மாவ ட ஆ ரா ட உ ன
ம பழ ன நல
அ வல
மா ட யலா உ ன

143 | P a g e
ெச ைன த ைம ெசயல ம வ வா வாக ஆைணய அவ க
க த எ .RA 5(3)/49079/2018, நா . 18.11.2019- ற அ பைட
ப ய ன தவ சா சா ேகா ேகா ைகக ட அ ச கைள
கவ க ேவ என ெத க ப ள .
சா ேம ைற அ வல ைற அ வல

ப ய ன தவ வ வா ேகா டா êய மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ .

அரசாைண எ . 235 வ வா (RA (3) ) ைற, நா . 26.06.2015.

1. சா சா ேகா பவ / அவ ெப ேறா சா íசா ேகா சா ைன
ேச தவ களா?
2. மா ல ப ய ன தவ சா ப ய ேம ப சா இட ெப ளதா?
3. ட சா ன உ ள மா ல ப ைன ேச தவரா?
4. இ அ ல ய மத ைன சா தவரா? ஆ யவ ைன ப லைன ெச
சா வழ க ேவ .

த நா வê பவராக இ அவர சா யான ப ய ன தவ கான

சா ப ய க இட ெப அவ ப ய ன தவ கான சா சா

ெபற த ைடயவ ஆவா .

SC சா வழ ட அ கார ெப ற அ வல

வ.எ வழ க ப சா வழ அ ம க ப ட

சா அ கார ெப ற அரசாைண எ

அ வல

1 SC வ டா êய அரசாைண எ 1888

வ வா ைற,

நா .10.11.1983

அரசாைண எ .50 ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற (TD2)

நா .29.04.2009- ப , ப ய ன தவ கான இடஒ ச ட 2009-
அ ய சா ன êற உ ஒ ெச ப ய ன தவ கான
இடஒ க 2009 ஏ ப த உ தர ட ப ள .

144 | P a g e
ள க
100 கா ட க இ 18 இட க ப ய ன த ஒ
ெச ய ப ள .
2 32 66
6 36 72
12 42 76
16 52 82
22 56 86
26 62 92

இ வ.எ .2,32,66 அ த ய கான ெச ய ப உ ஒ டா .

ப ய ன தவ (அ த ய ) எ ப அ த ய , ச ய , மாதா , மா கா,
பகாைட, ேதா ,ஆ ஆ ரா ஆ ய சா கைள உ ளட யதா .




145 | P a g e
பழ ன கான சா சா த த க
த நா வê பவராக இ அவர சா யான ப ய ன தவ கான
சா ப ய க இட ெப அவ ப ய ன தவ கான சா சா ெபற
த ைடயவ ஆவா .
ST சா வழ ட அ கார ெப ற அ வல

வ.எ வழ க ப சா சா வழ அ ம க ப ட
அ கார ெப ற அரசாைண எ
அ வல
1 ST வ வா ேகா டா êய அரசாைண எ . 2137
ஆ ரா ட நல ைற,
நா .11.11.1989
அரêயலைம (பழ ன உ தர க 1950 XVI த நா ள
பழ ன த ப ய ெவ ட ப த . இத ப 36 சா க
பழ ன தவராக ப ய ேச க ப த . 2022 ஆ இ ய
அரசா க ச ட ம ைற ல அரêயலைம பழ ன உ தர
1950 கான த ப டச ட 2022 ஒ த அ க ப அத ப ச ட XVI
த நா கான பழ ன சா ப ய தாக க ப த ப ேடா
ப ய இ 2 சா க பழ ன சா யாக மா த
ேம ெகா ள ப ட .
தாக ேச க ப ட சா க
1. ந றவ
2. கார
இைவ த நா கான பழ ன சா ப ய வ ைச எ . 37 ஆக
ெச ய ப ள .
ெச ைன த ைம ெசயல / வ வா வாக ஆைணய க த எ .
RA5(3) -49099-2018, நா 18.11.2019- ற அ பைட
பழ ன சா íசா ேகா ேகா ைகக ட
அ ச கைள கவ க ேவ என ெத க ப ள .
5. சா சா ேகா பவ / அவ ெப ேறா சா íசா ேகா சா ைன
ேச தவ களா?
6. மா ல ப ய ன தவ சா ப ய ேம ப சா இட ெப ளதா?
7. ட சா ன உ ள மா ல ப ைன ேச தவரா?
8. இ அ ல ய மத ைன சா தவரா? ஆ யவ ைன ப லைன ெச
சா வழ க ேவ .
146 | P a g e
பழ ன இன ைதí ேச தவ எ த மத ைத ப னா அவ
பழ ன சா ைன சா தவராகேவ க த ப வா . (அரசாைண எ . 60
ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற, நா . 13.03.1991)
பழ ன சா ைன சா த ஒ வ இ அ ல தவ
மத ைத சா த பழ ன அ லாத நபைர மண ெச ெகா
ேந அவ கைள பழ ன ச க அ க ப ச அவ க
இ வ பழ ன சா னராகேவ க த ப வ . ேம , அவ க
ற ழ ைதக பழ ன சா னராகேவ க த ப வ .
சா ேம ைற ைற அ வல
அ வல
பழ ன மாவ ட மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ ம
ஆ ê தைலவ மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ
அவ க தைலைம லான
க காë
அரசாைண எ . 235 வ வா (RA (3) ) ைற, நா . 26.06.2015.





மர ன கான சா சா த
ச க , ெபா ளாதார த யவ க என த ழக அரசா
அைடயாள ப த ப டவ கேள மர ன வ ைன ேச தவ களாவ . த நா
மர ன சா ப ய 68 சா க ேச க ப ள .
ì த தைலைம ெசயல ம வ வா வாக ஆைணய , க த எ .
RA5(3)/17145/2013.நா .13.08.2019- இ ய அரê நல ட க ெப
வைக ேம ப 68 மர ன சா னைர மர ன ப ய ன தவ என
க தால எ , மா ல அரê நல ட கைள ெபற மர ன எ ேற க தலா
என , ெத க ப ள . இத அ பைட DNC/DNT என சா சா
வழ க ெத க ப ள .
147 | P a g e



கல மண ெச தவ கான ழ ைதக கான

சா சா த
கல மண ெச தவ க கான ழ ைதகைள ெபா தவைர தா

அ ல த ைத எவேர ஒ வ சா ைன ப அ பைட ,

ெப ேறா உ ெமா அ ெப ெகா ளலா . ஆனா த

ழ ைத ெபற ப அேத சா தா ம ற அைன ழ ைதக

சா ெபற . (G.O.Ms.No.477, SW, நா .27.06.1975) (G.O.2D.No.17, AD & TW,

dated: 16.08.1994)

தவ ெப ேறா ற ழ ைத வ மத ைதí சா தேத

எ , ற வ ன இ வாக மா னா இட

ஒ ய ச ைககைள ெப வத த ைலெய ,

உíச ம ற êற அ ம எ .27571/99, நா .25.01.99- ெவ ட ப ட

ட ப ள . ேம ப அ பைட ற பா

வ ன இ வாக மா னா ஆ ரா ட சா ெபறேவா இட

ஒ ய ச ைககைள ெபறேவா த ைலெய ஆ ரா ட

நல ைற க த எ .81, நா .19.09.2000- ெத ைர வழ க ப ள .

அேத ேபா ற பா வராக இ ன இ மத மா ய

MBC/DNC ன அ வ க ய சா சா ெபற யா எ

அவ க BC சா ம ேம ெபற . ( ப த ப ேடா /MBC-DNC

நல ைற க த எ .13, நா . 16.04.2004)
148 | P a g e

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department Verification of the genuineness of Community
Certificate issued as Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes - Constitution of District Level Vigilance
Committee and State Level Scrutiny Committee - Modification and guidelines-Issued. -

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (CV-I) Department

G.O. (2D) No. 108 Dated:12.09.2007


1) Government Order (2D) No.18, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Dated 1.4.97
2) Government Order (Ms) No.21, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Dated 20.05.99.
3) Government D.O. Letter No.32610/ADW-2/99-1 Dated 27.12.99
4) Government Order (Ms) No.111, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Dated 6.7.2005

Pursuant to the orders issued in Civil Appeal No.5854/94 dated 2.9.94 of the Supreme Court of
India in Kumari Madhuri Patil and another -Vs- Additional Commissioner, Tribal development and
others, the Government in the order first read above have constituted District Level Vigilance
Committees at District Level and State Level Scrutiny Committee at State Level to verify the
genuineness of the Community Certificates issued to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and issued
guidelines for the functioning of those committees. In the order second and in the D.O. letter third read
above, certain modifications thereof have been made. In the order fourth read above orders have been
issued for the reconstitution of District Level Vigilance Committee.
2. In order to protect the welfare of the genuine Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes people from the
false claimants, the Government have been examining the matter to frame suitable guidelines based on
the guidelines issued by Supreme Court of India to suit the conditions prevailing in Tamil Nadu, so
that they could work out in a systematic manner without facing any difficulty in its implementation.
accordingly in supersession of the orders and guidelines issued on the subject, the government have
now decided and ordered to modify the constitution of the above two committees as well as their
functions as detailed below:-

District Level Vigilance Committee Functions

District Collector Chairman To scrutinize the genuineness of the community
District Adi Dravidar and Tribal Member certificates issued as Scheduled Caste and to
welfare Officer. Secretary pass final orders. If aggrieved by the orders,
An Anthorpologist Member appeal will lie only with the High Court, Madras
under Article 226 of the constitution of India
and then with Supreme Court under Article 136
of the Constitution of India.

149 | P a g e
State Level Scrutiny Committee Functions
1. Secretary to Government Chairman To scrutinize the genuineness of the Community
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Certificates issued as Scheduled Tribes and to
Welfare Department pass final orders. If aggrieved by the orders.
appeal will lie only with the High Court,
2. Distri Member Madras, under Article 226 of the Constitution of
Director/Commissioner Secretary India and then with Supreme Court under Article
Tribal Welfare 136 of the Constitution of the India
3. An Anthropologist Member

The guidelines and the action to be taken by the District Level Vigilance Committee / State
Level Scrutiny Committee in their business of verification of the genuineness of the Community
Certificates as stipulated in the Supreme Court of India order dated 2.9.94 in C.A No.5854/94 in
Kumari Madhuri Patil and another -Vs- Additional Commissioner, Tribal Development and others are
annexed to this order.
3. The decision taken by the District Level Vigilance Committee re-constituted in Government
Order (Ms) No.111, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Dated 6.7.2005 for verification of the
genuineness of Community Certificate issued as Scheduled Tribes is final for the cases which were
remitted to the three member District Level Vigilance Committee by the State Level Scrutiny
Committee as per Court direction up to the date of issue of this order. The individuals who have
already appealed to the State Level Scrutiny Committee against the orders passed by the reconstituted
3 member District Level Vigilance Committee in G.O. (Ms) No. 111, Adi Dravidar and Tribal
Welfare, dated 6.7.2005, in case of the certificate issued by the Deputy Tahsildar / Tahsildar be
directed to initiate proceedings under Article 226 of the Constitution of India before the High Court,
Madras. The appeal petitions already received by the State Level Scrutiny Committee against the
orders passed by the two member District Level Vigilance Committee and which were not remitted
back to the reconstituted three member District Level Vigilance Committee by the Government as the
cases are challenged before the court and thereby pending before the State Level Scrutiny Committee
be enquired only by the State Level Scrutiny Committee irrespective of the certificates issued as
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes. In respect of cases pending before the Court and not remitted to the
State Level Scrutiny Committee, the outcome of such cases have to be awaited,
4. All the HODs, District Collectors, Universities, Educational Institutions, Central / State / Public
Sector Undertakings in respect of persons belonging to their institutions and other recruiting agencies
which are implementing constitutional reservation benefits to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes are
directed to follow the orders issued in para 2 and 3 above strictly for the verification of the
genuineness of Community Certificates issued as Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes.
5. All the District Collectors are requested to create awareness among the Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes people by publishing notification through widely read news papers regarding
the Supreme Court of India guidelines contained in the annexure.


Secretary to Government

150 | P a g e
The Commissioner, Revenue Administration and Disaster Management and Mitigation, Chepauk,
The Director, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Chepauk, Chennai-5.
The Commissioner, Tribal Welfare Department, Chepauk, Chennai-5.
All Head of the Departments
All District Collectors
The Director, Tribal Research Centre, M. Palada, Udhagamandalam - 4.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-2.
The Commissioner of Employment and Training, Guindy, Chennai-32.
The Director, School Education/ Collegiate Education / Medical Education, Chennai. Registrar,
Madras / Madurai-Kamarajar / Manonmani Sundaranar / Periyar marathiar/Bharathidasan / Alagapa
/Annamalai / Anna / Thiruvalluvar / Tamil Nadu Agricultural / Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Science/
M.G.R Medical / University.
The Director, Teacher Recruitment Board, Chennai.
The Director, Police Recruitment Board, Chennai.

Copy to

All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.

Secretary to Chief Minister, Chennai-9.
All District Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Officer.
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (CV-2, CV-3) Department, Chennai-9.
G.O.(MS).No.18, Adi Dravider and Tribal Welfare, Dated:1.4.97.
G.O.(MS).No.21, Adi Dravider and Tribal Welfare, Dated:20.5.99.
G.O.(MS).No.111, Adi Dravider and Tribal Welfare, Dated:6.7.2005.

151 | P a g e
Annexure to G.O. (2D) No. 108 Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Dated 12.9.2007.

1. Petition / Application / Scrutinisation for verification of the caste certificate by the District
Level Vigilance Committee / State Level Scrutiny Committee shall be filed at least six months in
advance before seeking admission into educational institution or an appointment to a post by the
individual/parent concerned.

2. The District Level Vigilance Committee / State Level Scrutiny Committee concerned, on
receipt of Petition / Application shall call for a report from the concerned local revenue authority by
whom such Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificate was issued. On receipt of the report the
District Level Vigilance Committee / State Level Scrutiny Committee, if found the claim for social
status to be "not genuine" or "doubtful" or spurious or falsely or wrongly claimed / issued, the
committee concerned should issue a show cause notice supplying a copy of the report of the
verification authority to the candidate by a registered post with acknowledgement due or through the
head of the concerned educational institution in which the candidate is studying or employed. The
notice should indicate that the representation or reply, if any would be made within two weeks from
the date of the receipt of the notice and in no case on request not more than 30 days from the date of
the receipt of the notice. In case the candidate seeks for an opportunity of hearing and claims an
inquiry to be made in that behalf, the committee on receipt of such representation reply shall convene
the committee and the committee shall give reasonable opportunity to the candidate/parent/guardian to
adduce all evidence in support of their claim. If any person or association opposes such a claim, an
opportunity to adduce evidence may be given to him/it. After giving such opportunity either in person
or through counsel, the Committee may make such inquiry as it deems expedient and consider the
claims vis-à-vis the objections raised by the candidate or opponent and pass an appropriate order with
brief reasons in support thereof.

3. In case the report is in favour of the candidate and found to be genuine and true, no further
action need be taken except where the report or the particulars given are procured or found to be false
or fraudulently obtained and in the latter event the same procedure as is envisaged in para 2 be

4. Notice contemplated in para 2 should be issued to the parents/guardian also in case candidate
is minor to appear before the Committee with all evidence in his or their support of the claim for the
social status certificates.

5. The enquiry should be completed as expeditiously as possible preferably by day to day proceedings
within such period not exceeding two months. If after inquiry. the caste scrutiny committee finds the
claim to be false or spurious, they should pass an order canceling the certificate issued and confiscate
the same. It should communicate within one month from the date of the conclusion of the proceedings
the result of enquiry to the parent/guardian and the applicant.
6. The committee should ensure that in case, the certificate obtained or social status claimed
found to be false, the parent/guardian/the candidate should be prosecuted for making false claim. If the
prosecution ends in a conviction and sentence the accused, it could be regarded as an offence involving
moral turpitude. disqualification for elective posts or offices under the State or the Union or elections
to my local body, legislature or the Parliament.

152 | P a g e
7. As soon as the finding is recorded by the Scrutiny Committee holding that certificate obtained
was false, on its cancellation and confiscation simultaneously, it should be communicated to the
concerned educational institution or the appointing authority by registered post with acknowledgement
due with a request to cancel the admission or the appointment. The principal etc. of the educational
institution responsible for making the admission or the appointing authority should cancel the
admission/ appointment without any further notice to the candidate and debar the candidate for further
study or continue in office in a post.
8. The order passed by the committee shall be final and conclusive only object to the
proceedings under Art.226 of the Constitution. In case of the Writ Petition AP/matter is disposed of by
a Single Judge, then no further appeal would lie against at order to the Divisional bench but subject to
Special Leave under Article 136.
9. No suit or other proceedings before any other authority shall lie.

Secretary to Government
/ True Copy/

Section Officer

153 | P a g e
Act - The Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyars (Special Reservation of seats in Educational Institutions including
Private Educational Institutions and of appointments or posts in the services under the State within the
Reservation for the Scheduled Castes) Act, 2009 - Date of coming into force of the Act, framing of Rules
and appointment of Competent Authority - Notified.

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (TD2) Department

G.O. (Ms). No. 50 Dated 29.4.2009

த் ைர 16, வள் வர் ஆண் 2040

The following Notifications will be published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 29th April 2009.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Tamil Nadu
Arunthathiyars (Special Reservation of seats in Educational Institutions including Private Educational
Institutions and of appointments or posts in the services under the State within the Reservation for the
Scheduled Castes) Act, 2009 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 2009), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby
appoints the 29th day of April 2009 as the date on which the said Act shall come into force.



The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai - 79

(for the publication of Notification and send 50 copies
to Government)
All Secretaries to Government,
Stock File / Spare Copy


154 | P a g e

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyars (Special
Reservation of seats in Educational Institutions including Private Educational Institutions and of
appointments or posts in the Services under the State within the Reservation for the Scheduled Castes)
Act, 2009 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 2009), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following
Rules, namely:-
1. Short title. These rules may be called the Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyars
(Special Reservation of seats in Educational Institutions including Private Educational Institutions
and of appointments or posts in the Services under the State within the Reservation for the
Scheduled Castes) Rules, 2009.
2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
a) "Act" means the Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyars (Special Reservation of seats in Educational
Institutions including Private Educational Institutions and of appointments or posts in the
Services under the State within the Reservation for the Scheduled Castes) Act, 2009 (Tamil
Nadu Act 4 of 2009);
b) "Arunthathiyars" means the castes, Arunthathiyar, Chakkillyan, Madari, Madiga, Pagadai,
Thoti and Adi Andhra within the list of 76 Scheduled Castes notified by the President of India
under Article 341 of the Constitution of India by the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order,
1950 as amended from time to time.
3. Reservation of seats for Arunthathiyars. In the sixteen per cent of seats offered to Arunthathiyars
within the seats reserved for Scheduled Castes for admission in Educational Institutions including
Private Educational Institutions and of appointments or posts in the services under the State, the first
seat shall be offered to Arunthathiyars as illustrated below:-

Out of 100 seats, 18 seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes in the following rotation:-

2 32 66
6 36 72
12 42 76
16 52 82
22 56 86
26 62 92

The seats to Arunthathiyars shall be offered in the rotation 2, 32 and 66.

4. Powers and functions of the competent authority.- The competent authority shall have the
power to inspect the Private Educational Institutions as to whether the seats offered to Arunthathiyars
155 | P a g e
as provided in the Act as well as in Rule 3 is implemented in those institutions. He shall also make
enquiry when ordered by the Government.

5. Period within which report under sub-section (1) of section 10 to be

submitted. The competent authority shall report to the Government the result of the enquiry made or
the proceedings taken by him within 30 days from the date of order.


`In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Tamil Nadu
Arunthathlyars (Special Reservation of seats in Educational Institutions including Private Educational
Institutions and of appointments or posts in the services under the State within the Reservation for the
Scheduled Castes) Act, 2009 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 2009), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby appoint
the District Adi Dravidar Welfare Officer of every District to be the competent authority for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder in respect of
private educational institutions in the respective District.



156 | P a g e
Dr.R.Chirstodas Gandhi, IAS Planning Development & Special
Development Commissioner Initiatives Department,
Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.
Telephone: (044) 2567 3040

D.O. Letter No.1-PER/P&D/2010, dated: 12-10-2010

Dear Thiru Dhanavel,
Sub : Issue of Community Certificates - Directions - Issued
While a Community Certificate is being issued, categorically instructions have been given that
only the name as reflected in the scheduled list shall be entered in the appropriate coloum of the
Certificate. But in innumerable cases, especially from the districts of Tirunelveli and Chennai,
Tahsildars while certifying Scheduled Castes: do mention fanciful names like "
1. மத மா ய ப ள .
2. இ பைறய ,
3. மத மா ய இ ப ள .
4. வ மத இ மத மா ய அ த ய ”
and so on and so forth. Instructions have been reiterated to all Collectors to avoid such mention in the
Community Certificates for which there is no validity.
Knowing full well that this practice is causing enormous hardships and hassles to the
individuals, it appears that certain revenue authorities are bent upon doing this deliberately.
I request the Secretary, Revenue Department to issue yet again strict instructions to all
Revenue Authorities for writing only the names as mentioned in the scheduled list to be incorporated
in the Community Certificate.
I also request that the Secretary, Revenue Department to conduct a thorough
scrutiny of certificates that have been/ are being issued in the districts of Tirunelveli and Chennai
and pull up the wrong doers. (I am enclosing herewith a sample certificate issued by Tahsildar,
Yours sincerely

(Dr. Christodas Gandhi)

Thiru K. Dhanavel, IAS.,
Secretary to Government,
Revenue Department,
Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.
Copy to:
All Collectors/The Tahsildar, Sankarnkoil, Tirunelvell District.
157 | P a g e
MOST IMMEDIATE Letter No. 14547/Fors.III/A1/2012 -1,
Public (Fors.III) Department,
Secretariat, Chennai 600 009.
Dated: 06.07.2012.

Kumar Jayant, I.A.S.
Secretary to Government.

The Registrar,
Anna University, Sardar Patel Road, Chennai-25.
The Registrar, Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003.
The Registrar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046.
The Registrar, Bharathidasan University.
" Palkalaipperur, Tiruchirappalli 620 024.
The Registrar, Madural Kamaraj University,
Palkalai Nagar, Madurai 625 021.
The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.
Abidelkappatti, Tirunelveli627 112.
The Registrar, Mother Theresa Women's University.
Kodaikanal 624 104.
The Registrar, Periyar University.
Government Engineering College Campus, Salem 635 011.
The Registrar, Tamil University,
Tiruchi Main Road, Vagaiyur, Thanjavur 613 005.
The Registrar, Madras University, Chennai 600 005.
The Registrar, Dr. MGR Medical University, Guindy, Chennai-32.
The Registrar, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai.
The Director,
Directorate of Government Examinations, College Road, Chennai-6.
The Director, Directorate of Technical Education, Guindy, Chennal-25.
The Director, Directorate of Teachers Education Research and Training,
College Road, Chennai-6.


Sub : Certificates - Authentication - Verification of genuineness- Report to be sent

within 5 working days - Instructions - Reiterated-Regarding.
Ref : 1. Government letter No.38201/2005-1, Public (Foreigners-III) Department,
dated 29.08.2005.
2. Letter No. 24426/Fors.II/A1/2010-1, Public (Foreigners.III) Department dated
158 | P a g e
I am directed to Invite attention to the Government letters cited and to state that several
candidates /general public approach the Government for authenticating their educational
certificates for seeking higher studies/employment abroad.
2. It has been brought to the notice that Inordinate delay occurs in getting the verification of
genuineness report in several cases. Due to the delay in getting attestation, candidates/general
public are unable to submit their documents within the time prescribed by the Foreign
Employer/Government/Foreign Institution which causes them to loose their
3. It is therefore once again requested that your report on the genuineness of the certificates along
with the Xerox copy sent to you, should be processed on top priority basis and the reports to be
sent to Government duly verified within 5 working days from the date of receipt, by speed
post/special messenger/courier.
4. I am to request you to follow the instructions scrupulously and avoid inordinate delay in the
matter, in future.

Yours faithfully,

for Secretary to Government

Copy to:

The Secretary to Government,

Higher Education Department, Chennai-9.
The Secretary to Government,
School Education LAIT Collectors
Department, Chennai-9.
All collectors - with a mention to follow the instructions given in
All Commissioner of Police para-3 above and act accordingly.
The Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi,

159 | P a g e
ைனவ . . த , இ.ஆ.ப., வ வா வாக ,
ì த தைலைமí ெசயல / ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம
வ வா வாக ஆைணய ேப ட தë ைற,
எ லக , ெச ைன-600 005.
ெதாைல ேபê : 28524981,
க : 2851 1593,
ேந. .க.எ .வ 5(3) /50509 /2012 நா 27.12.2012
அ பா த ம . ெஜய ,
ெபா :- சா சா – பழ இன ம க பழ இனíசா த
வழ த – ெதாட பாக.
பா ைவ:- 1. இ வ வலக ற ைக எ . 01/2011 – வ .5(3) 2958/2011, நா
2. அர இைணí ெசயலாள ேந. .க.எ .31986/வ. .3(2)/2012/1,
வ வா ைற நா 02/11/2012.
பா ைவ கா ற ைக ம அர க த த க கவன
ெகாணர ப ற .
2) த ேபா நைட ைற உ ள அர ஆைணக ப பழ ன
சா சா த வழ அ கார வ வா ேகா ட அ வல க , மாவ ட
ஆ ரா ட நல அ வல க வழ க ப ளன.
இ வ வலக ற ைக சா சா த க வழ வ தாமத ைத த ப
அ ைரக ஏ கனேவ வழ க ப ளன. எ சா íசா த
வழ க ச ம த ப ட அ வல களா ம க ப ற அ ல
தாமத ப த ப ற எ ற கா க சா íச க க ட அ வ ேபா
வர ெப றன. ேம பழ ன வ சா த வழ வ வ வா
ேகா டா êய களா ெபா ம க அைலக க ப றன எ ற கா க
சா íச க க ட பாக த நா கா நாய க , ம ,
பழ ம க ேன ற ச க , த நா ேபாய ேன ற ச க ேபா ற
ச க க ட ெதாட வ தவ ண உ ளன. இ வா சா சா த க
வழ ட ம பதா ,தாமத ப வதா க , ம ேவைல வா
ச த ப கைள பழ மாணவ -மாண ய இழ றன எ ற
கா க பழ ன வ சா த வழ வ வ வா ேகா டா êய க
காலதாமத ெச வதாக அ கா ம க ெத க ப ளன. ேம இ
ெதாட பாக தகவ அ உ ைமí ச ட ம க ெபற ப றன.
எனேவ பழ இனம க ட , இனíச ேக வர ெப ம கைள
ேந யாக ஆரா , த ளவ க சா சா த க காலதாமத
அ னம க த க மாவ ட வழ க ப றதா எ பைத உ
ெச ெகா மா , இíசா கைள வழ வ காலதாமத நடவ ைக

160 | P a g e
ேம ெகா மா ேகா டா êய க த த அ ைரக வழ மா
ேக ெகா ேற .
த க உ ைம ள,

( . . த )

ெப ந
ம .ச.ெஜய ,இ.ஆ.ப..,
மாவ ட ஆ ê தைலவ
க மாவ ட .

161 | P a g e
Revenue Department,
Chennai -600009

Letter No/5780/RA3(2)/2012, dated 28.12.2012

Thiru. A.S. Sourienarayanan, M.A.,
Joint Secretary to Government.

All the District Collectors,

Sub : Community Certificates - Instructions to issue the Community Certificates to
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe people - Regarding.

Ref : 1. D.O. Letter No.4/ADW2/2001-7, dated 14.02.2002 of the Secretary to

Government AD&TW Department.
2. G.O (D) No.240, AD&TW Department, dated 27.6.2012.
3. G.O (D) No.460, AD&TW Department, dated 26.10.2012
I am directed to invite your kind attention to the references cited, and to state that, in the
reference first cited, the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department has Issued instructions to all the
District Collectors to issue the Community Certificates to the Adi Dravidar people within two days and
to Scheduled Tribes within a week and within 15 days in suspicious cases.

2. In G.O.(D) No.240, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, dated 27.6.2012, the
Government have formed a team of officers for making a spot study and to report on the genuineness
claims of Kattunayakkan Community in Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur and Madurai District.

3. In G.O.(D) No.460, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, dated 26.10.2012, the
Government constituted an Adhoc Committee consisting of the Chairman, Member Secretary and
Special Representative to enquire into the basis Characteristic synonymous of the Kuruma, Kurumba,
Kurumba Goundaer, Kurumban and Kurumbar in Tamil Nadu.

4. Despite the several Instructions issued to all District Collectors in respect of Community
Certificates to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe people, it was brought to the notice of the
Government that Community Certificates are not issued in time. I am, therefore, to request you to
instruct the subordinate offices concerned in all Taluk Offices and Revenue Divisional Officers to
adher the instructions issued to take speedy action to issue the Community Certificates to the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
162 | P a g e
people without delay. A copy of the instructions issued to all Taluk offices may also be sent to
Government immediately.
Yours faithfully,

for Joint Secretary to Government.

Copy to:

The Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of

Revenue Administration, Chennai-5.
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Chennai - 9.
Revenue (RA III) Department, Chennai-9.

163 | P a g e
வ வா வாக ,
ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம
ேப ட தë ைற
ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5.
ந.க.எ , வ.ë 5(3) / 16969 /2014
ற ைக எ . 04/2014 நா : 16.07.2014
ைனவ . . . த , இ.ஆ.ப.,
ì த தைலைமí ெசயல / வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ற ைக
ெபா : பழ ன நல – த நா வா பழ ன
ம க சா íசா த ைர வழ வ
மா ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற
அைமíச அவ க தைலைம நைட ெப ற
ஆ ì ட – ெதாட நடவ ைக ேம ெகா த –
அ ைரக வழ க ப ற .
பா ைவ : ì த தைலைமíெசயல / வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ஆவ க ற ைக எ . 3/14 வ. 5(3) / 16969/14
நா 16.05.14

பா ைவ கா ற ைக த கள கவன ெகா வர ப ற .
2) த நா வா பழ ன ம க காலதாமத ஏ படாம
ைர சா íசா த வழ வ , மா ஆ ரா ட ம
பழ ன நல ைற அைமíச அவ க , தைலைம 16.06.2014 அ
ஆ ì ட நைடெப ற . ேம ப ஆ ì ட ெத க ப ட
ள க க த கவன ெச , அவ ைற ெசய ப த
அைன வ வா ேகா டா êய க அ மா அைன மாவ ட
ஆ êய க ேக ெகா ள ப றா க .
அ) பழ ன கான அர உ உைற ட ப க ப மாணவ /
மாண ய க , ஆறாவ வ த சா சா த க வழ க நடவ ைக
எ மா
ஆ) வ வா ைற னரா நட த ப வ ஜமாப க ேபா
பழ ன சா சா த க வழ மா
இ) மாத ேதா நைடெப மாவ ட வ வா வாக (DRA) ì ட
ச ப த ப ட ேகா டாíêய க ட , பழ ன கான சா íசா தைழ
உடன யாக வழ க நடவ ைக ேம ெகா ள .
ஈ) பழ ன சா சா த வழ க இயலாத காரண ஏ இ , அதைன
உடன யாக ம தார ெத மா
உ) க ேவ இட ெபய தவ க உடன யாக
சா சா த வழ க நடவ ைக எ மா ,

164 | P a g e
ஊ) க , ேவைலவா ேபா றவ அர பழ ன க ைம
அ பதா , த த சாரைண ேம ெகா வதா ஏ ப காலதாம ைத த
இதைன ேபா காலஅ பைட ெகா க நடவ ைக எ மா
ெத க ப ற .
3) ேம ள அ ைரகைள கவன ெகா ெசய ப மா
த க க பா ள அைன வ வா ேகா ட அ வல க ம
மாவ ட ஆ ரா ட நல அ வல க த க அ ைரக வழ மா
ேம இ பë ைன ெதாட க காë மா , மாதா ர ì ட க
ஆ எ ெகா மா ேக ெகா ள ப ற .
4) இ த ற ைகைய ெப ெகா டைம கான ஒ ைகைய உட
அ ைவ மா அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க ேக ெகா ளப றா க .
ஓ /- . த
ì த தைலைமíெசயல /
வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ெப ந
அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க
(ெபய ட ப ட உைர ) (ப வîச )
நக :
1) அர ெசயல வ வா (வ. .3(1) ைற ,
தைலைமíெசயலக ,
ெச ைன -9
2) இய ந ,
ஆ ரா ட நல ைற,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5
3) இய ந ,
பழ ன நலஇய க ,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5
4) இ ேகா .

//ஆைண ப அ ப ற //

க காë பாள

165 | P a g e
வ வா வாக ,
ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம
ேப ட தë ைற
ேச பா க , ெச ைன -5.
ந.க.எ .வ. 5(3) /16969/2014 நா : 16.07.2014
ற ைக எ .04/2014
ைனவ . . . த , இ.ஆ.ப.,
ì த தைலைமí ெசயல / வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ற ைக)
ெபா : பழ ன நல –த நா வா பழ னம க
சா íசா த ைர வழ வ ' மா
ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற அைமíச அய க
தைலைம நைடெப ற ஆ ì ட – ெதாட நடவ ைக
ேம ெகா த -அ ைரக வழ க ப ற .
பா ைவ : ì த தைலைமí ெசயல / வ வா வாக ஆைணய
அவ க ற ைக எ . 3/4 வ. .5(3)/16969/14, நா .
ப ைல கா ற ைக த கள கவன ெகா வர ப ற .
2) த நா மள பழ ன ம க காலதாமத ஏ படாம ,
ைர சா íசா த வழ வ மா ஆ ரா ட ம
பழ ன நல ைற அைமíச அவ க தைலைம 16.06.2014 அ
ஆ ì ட நைடெப ற . ேம ப ஆ ì ட ெத க ப ட
ளக க த கவன ெச , அவ ைற ெசய ப த
அைன வ வா ேகா டா êய க அ மா அைன மாவ ட
ஆ êய க ேக ெகா ள ப றா க .
அ) பழ ன கான அர உ உைற ட ப க ப
மாணவ/மாண ய க , ஆறாவ வ த சா சா த க வழ க
நடவ ைக எ மா
ஆ) வ வா ைற னரா நட த ப வ ஜமாப க ேபா
பழ ன சா சா த க வழ மா
இ) மாத ேதா நைடெப மாவ ட வ வா வாக (DRA) ì ட
ச ம த ப ட ேகா டா êய க ட , பழ ன கான சா íசா தைழ
உடன யாக வழ க நடவ ைக ேம ெகா ள .

166 | P a g e
ஈ) பழ ன சா சா த வழ க இயலாத காரண எ இ , அதைன
உடன யாக ம தார ெத மா ,
உ) க ேவ இட ெபய தவ க உடன யாக
சா சா த வழ க நடவ ைக எ மா ,
ஊ) க , ேவைலவா ேபா றவ அர பழ ன க ைம
அ பதா , அவ க தைல ைற ேக சா சா த ெப த வதா ,
த த சாரைண ேம ெகா வதா ஏ ப காலதாமத ைத த இதைன
ேபா கால அ பைட ெகா க நடப ைக எ மா ெதா க ப ற .
3) ேம ளஅ ைரகைள கவன ெகா ெசய ப மா உ க
க பா ள அைன வ வா ேகா ட அ வல க ம மாவ ட
ஆ ரா ட நல அ வல க , த க அ ைரக வழ மா ேம
இ பëைய ெதாட க காë மா , மாதா ர ì ட க ஆ
எ ெகா மா ேக ெகா ள ப ற .
4) இ த ற ைகைய ெப ெகா டைம கான ஒ ைகைய உட அ
ைவ மா அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க ேக ெகா ள ப றா க .
ஓ /- . . த ,
ì த தைலைமí ெசயல /
வ வா வாக ஆைணய
ெப ந
அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க
(ெபய ட உைற ) (ப வîச )
நக :
1) அர ெசயல வ வா (வ. 3(1) ைற,
தைலைமí ெசயலக ,
ெச ைன-9,
2) இய ந ,
ஆ ரா ட நல ைற,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன -5.
3) இய ந ,
பழ ன நல இய கக ,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன -5.
4) இ ேகா ,
// ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற //

க காë பாள

167 | P a g e
வ வா வாக
ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம ேப ட தë ைற

அ ந ெப ந
. ர யாத இ.ஆ.ப., அைன மாவ ட ஆ ê
தைலவ க ,
ஆைணய , (இைண ட ) (ப தபா ல )
(ச க பா கா ட ),
எ லக , ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5
ந.கவ. 5(3)/17479 / 2014, நா 10.12.2014
அ யா / அ ைம ,

ெபா : சா íசா த – நாக ப ன மாவ ட - .

இரா.ப ெச வ – ர தரமாக ST சா íசா
ெப றவ க ம ய அர பëக ேத ெச ய ப
ேபா வழ சா íசா உ ய ப வ
ேகா டíêயா க சா த வழ க ேகா ைக – ெதாட பாக
பா ைவ: 1. அர க தஎ . 16608/சா.ெம1/2013-1, நா 25.10.2013

2. இய ந பழ ன நல இய நரக க த எ . ந.க
எ . ப.ேம / ஆ2 / 3362/2013, நா 30.04.2014.

பா ைவ கா க த க த க கவன ஈ க ப ற .
2) பா ைவ 1- கா அர க த நகெலா அத
இைண க ட இ ட இைண அ ப ப ற . அர க த எ .
12025/2/76/STs, நா 22.03.1997 ம க த எ .13/2/74/Est (SCT), நா
05.08.1975- ெத ைரப ைமய அரசா ெவ ட ப form of caste
cerfificate- சா த வழ மா த கள க பா ள ேகா டíêய க
உ யஅ ைரக வழ மா ேக ெகா ள ப ற .

த க ந ைக ள,

ஓ /- ர யாத ,
ஆைணய (ச.பா. )

168 | P a g e
நக :
1. அர ெசயல ,
ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற,
தைலைமíெசயலக - ெச ைன – 9
2. இய ந
பழ ன நல ைற,
ேச பா க ,ெச ைன -5
3. இ ேகா -3

// ஆைண ப அ ப ற //

க காë பாள

169 | P a g e
ஆ ரா
ட ம பழ ன
நல ைற,
தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன –

க தஎ . 16608/சா.ெம12013-1, நா 25.10.2013

அ ந
ம .க ண பா யநாத , இ.ஆ.ப.,
அர ெசயலாள

ெப ந
இய ந , (ெபா)
பழ ன நல ைற,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன – 600 005. (இ)

அ யா,

ெபா : ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற – பழ இனíசா
– ர தர சா íசா ெப றவ க ம ய அர பë ைறக –
வழ சா íசா ப வ ேகா டíêயா க சா த வழ க
ேவ எ ப – ெதாட பாக
பா ைவ : . இரா. ப ெச வ , ெபா íெசயலாள , த நா , கா நாய க
(பழ ன ) ஜனநாயக தí ச க , நாக ப ன எ பவர
ம நா 26.09.2013

பா ைவ கா ம நக த க நடவ ைக காக இ ட
இைண அ ப ற . இ ம , பழ இன தவ க , ம ய அர
பëக ேத ெச பë அம தப ேபா , ச ப த ப ட ைற லமாக
சா íசா த ப வ வழ க ப , இ ப வ ேகா டêய அவ க ட சா
ெப வ மா ம தார க வ த ப றன . என , ச னதப ட ம ய அர
பë ைறயா வழ க ப ட ப வ சா வழ மா வ வா ேகா டêய ட
ேக டா பழ இன தவ க ஒ ைற ர த சா சா வழ க ப டதா ,
இைட ேவ எ த சா வழ க க இட ைல என , ஆதலா
ப வ (format) சா வழ க அ கார ைல என ேகா ட êய க
அ றா க என ெத ளா . எனேவ ைமய அர / ெபா ைற
வன க ேவைல í ெச த ய க ைமய அர க த எ .
12025/2/76/SCT-I நா 2203.1997 ம க த எ . 13/2/74-Est (SCT) நா
5.8.1975- ெத ைர ப , த ய ைமய அரசா ெவ ட ப

170 | P a g e
form of caste certificate- சா த வழ மா அைன மாவ ட
ஆ ê தைலவ க லமாக அைன ேகா டêய க அ ைர வழ மா
த கைள ேக ெகா ேற .

2. இ ெபா ெதாட பாக எ க ப ட நடவ ைக த அ ைக ைன

அர அ மா ேக ெகா ேற .

த க உ ைம ள

அர ெசயலாள காக

.இரா.ப ெச வ ,
ெபா íெசயலாள ,
த நா கா நாய க (பழ ன ) ஜனநாயாக தíச க ,
நாக ப ன

171 | P a g e
வ வா வாக
ேப ட ேமலா ைம ம ேப ட தë ைற
அ ந ெப ந
. ர யாத இ.ஆ.ப., அைன மாவ ட ஆ ê
தைலவ க ,
ஆைணய , (இைண ட ) (ெபய ட உைற )
(ச க பா கா ட ),
எ லக , ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5
ந.கவ. 5(3)/16969 / 2014, நா 04.03.2015
அ யா / அ ைம ,

ெபா - சா – பழ ன ம க சா í சா வழ வ -
ெதாட பாக
பா ைவ - 1. இ வ வலக ற ைக எ . வ. .5(3)/16969/2014, நா
2. அர ேந கக தஎ . 4/ஆ ந.2/2001, நா .14.02.2002
3. 10.02.2015 நா ட னகர நா த ெச ந .

பா ைவ கா க த க த க கவன ஈ க ப ற .
2) ப ய இன தவ ம பழ ன ம க சா íசா
வழ வ ைறக பா ைவ 1 ம 2- கா க த க ல
த க அ த ப ட . இ ைல பா ைவ 2- கா (நக
இைண க ப ள ) னகர நா த ெச ந ப ய இன தவ
ம பழ ன மாணவ / மாண க சா íசா க ச யாக
வழ க படாததா ெபா ேத ப ேக க யாத ைல உ ளதாக
ெத க ப ள .
3) ேம கா ைல , ெச ந ேம கால தா தாம
உட ட வர ெப ம க சாரைண ேம ெகா த ள
ெம த ைம ம க ம உடன யாக சா íசா த வழ மா
ேக ெகா ேற .
த க உ ைம ள,

ஒ /- ர யாத ,
ஆைணய (ச க பா கா ட )
172 | P a g e
அர ெசயலாள ,
ஆ ரா ட ம பழ ன நல ைற,
ெச ைன -9

//ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற //
க காë பாளா

173 | P a g e

From TO
Dr. T.S. Sridhar, I.A.S.. All the District Collectors, (we)
Additional Chief Secretary/ (By name cover)
Commissioner of
Revenue Administration,
Ezhialgam, Chennai-600005
Letter No. RA.V(3) /26698/ 2015 Dated 29.06.2015
Sir/ Madam.
Sub : Certificates - Issue of Community Certificates - Providing
Appellate Authority - Orders - Issued.
Ref : G.O.(Ms) No. 235, Revenue (RA 3(2)) Department dated
A copy of the G.O. cited above, providing the appellate authority for the issue of Community
Certificate is enclosed for necessary action at your end.

2) I request you to acknowledge receipt of this G.O. immediately.

Yours faithfully

Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration
Copy to

1) The Secretary to Government,

Revenue (RA 3(2)) Department,
Secretariat, Chennai - 600 009.

2) Private Secretary to
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration
Revenue Administration Disaster Management and
Mitigation Department,
Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.

// forwarded by order//

174 | P a g e
Revenue Administration – Certificates – Issue of Community Certificates – Providing appellate
authority – Orders – Issued.
Revenue [RA3(2)] Department
G.O.(Ms) No.235 Dated 26.06.2015
Aani, 11
Thiruvalluvarandu 2046


1. G.O.(Ms) No.581, Revenue Department, dated 03.04.1987.

2. G.O.(Ms) No.921, Revenue Department, dated 15.06.1991.
3. G.O.(2D) No.108, AD &TW Department, dated 12.09.2007.
4. Orders of Hon’ble Madurai Bench of Madras High Court
in W.P.(M.D.) No.1355 of 2015, dated 05.02.2015
5. Orders of Hon’ble Madurai Bench of Madras High Court
in W.P.(M.D.) Nos.6340 & 6341 of 2015, dated 15.06.2015

In the Government Order first read above, the duties and responsibilities for certain
functionaries with executive functions such as Revenue Divisional Officer/Tahsildars/ Deputy
Tahsildars/ Revenue Inspectors with a view to tone up the administration in the Revenue Department
at the district and lower levels and to ensure normal standards of efficiency along Revenue Officials
were prescribed.
2. The Hon’ble Madurai Bench of Madras High Court in the order fourth read above
has ordered as follows:-
“All the caste certificate cases which naturally require a factual adjudication, at least
one appeal remedy for “Scheduled Caste”, “Scheduled Tribes” and “Backward Class” should be
provided which may be in the form of scrutiny by the District Level Vigilance Committee. We thus
call upon the Secretary, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Government of Tamil Nadu to
look into the matter and provide for an appeal remedy for the factual scrutiny for even other cases.
............ compliance”.

3. Based on the observation made by Hon’ble Madurai Bench of madras High Court in
W.P.(MD) No.1355 of 2015 that there is a need to have one appeal remedy for issue of Community
Certificate to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Backward

175 | P a g e
Classes at the District Level. Government have examined the issue with reference to
Government orders issued earlier and Revenue Department's Citizens Charter 2007. Though there are
general provisions for appeal against orders passed by subordinate to the immediate higher authority in
the hierarchy and such provisions are being used by the public for redressal of grievances, as there is
no specific mention of appellate authority in case of community certificates. The existing arrangements
for Issue of certificates are given below:-
S.No. Community Issuing Authority Redressal of Grievances
1. Backward Backward Zonal Deputy District Collector
Classes/Most Backward Tahsildar
Classes/ Denotified
2. Scheduled Castes Tahsildar District Collector

3. Scheduled Tribes Revenue Divisional District Collector & Chairman

Officer District Level Vigilance Committee

4. In light of the observation made by the Hon'ble Madurai Bench of Madras High Court. the
Government hereby orders that the appellate authority for appeal remedy with regard to issue
of community certificates are as follows:-
S.No. Community Issuing Authority Appellate Redressal of Grievances
1. Backward Classes/ Zonal Deputy Tahsildar District Collector
Most Backward Tahsildar
2. Scheduled Castes Tahsildar Revenue District Collector
Divisional Officer
3. Scheduled Tribes Revenue Divisional District Collector District Collector &
Officer Chairman District Level
Vigilance Committee
5. This order issues with the concurrence of the Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department
vide its U.O.No.4886/CV-1/2015-5, dated 26.06.2015.

(By Order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government.
The Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of
Revenue Administration, Chennai-5.
All District Collectors.

176 | P a g e
Copy to:

The Additional Chief Secretary/Commissioner of Land Administration, Chepauk, Chennai - 5,

The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner of Land Reforms,
Chepauk, Chennai - 5. The Director of Survey and Settlement, Chepauk, Chennai - 5.
The Commissioner of Urban Land Ceiling and Urban Land Tax, Chepauk, Chennai - 5.
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, Chennai - 9.
The Senior Personal Assistant to Minister (Revenue), Chennai-9. The Private Secretary to Secretary
(Adl-Dravidar and
Tribal Welfare Department), Chennai-9. The Private Secretary to Secretary (Backward Classes, Most
Classes and Minorities Welfare Department), Chennal-9.
The Private Secretary to Secretary (Revenue), Chennai - 9.
All Departments in Secretariat, Chennai-9.
All Sections in Revenue Department, Chennai-9. SF/SC.

//Forwarded by Order//

Section Officer.

177 | P a g e
Dr.Girija Valdyanathan, I.A.S., Revenue Administration,
Additional Chief Secretary/ Disaster Management and
Commissioner of Land Mitigation Department,
Administration and Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
Commissioner Phone :2852 3299
of Revenue Administration Fax : 2851 1593.
(i/c) 2851 1594
2854 6624

D. O. Lr. No. RA 5(3)/44844/2012, dated 15.09.2015

Sub: Certificates - 2015-16 Issuance of certificates to school students -

instructions given to all District Collectors -Reg
Ref: This office Letter No.RA5(3)/44844/2012
dated 27.08.2015.

Your attention is drawn to the reference cited, wherein it was informed that the
process of collecting applications for certificates le. Community, Nativity and Income
Certificates from students studying in 6th, 10th and 12th standard should commence as
scheduled and the detailed instructions on processing of applications would be issued later.

2) You must be aware that "e-District has now been stabilized and community, nativity,
income certificates etc., are being issued as e-certificates on filing applications through
Community Service Centres (CSCs). The advantages of e-certificates are that these can be
printed anywhere at any time and genuineness of these certificates can be easily verified
online at a later date, and the process also reduces the workload / time involved for all
officials concerned. Hence, it has now been decided that only 'e-certificates' would be issued
to all the students in the current academic year before 31.12.2015. This would also avoid last
minute rush for certificates during June/July of next year.

3) In order to issue the electronic certificates in a time bound manner, the following
steps should be ensured by you:

1. Identification of Nodal Schools: A quick estimate of the number of expected

applications in each Taluk should be made. For every 3000- 4000 students, a nodal
school shall be selected within the Taluk for uploading the applications. In large
Taluks, more than one Nodal school can be selected (subject to a maximum of 4
Schools per Taluk). While doing so, any Government/ Government-aided or Private
school can be selected as Nodal School. The nodal schools shall be selected by the
178 | P a g e
Chief Educational Officer, keeping in mind the availability of infrastructure such as
computers, scanners, printers, internet connectivity etc. Hardware and manpower shall
also be pooled from other nearby schools also to the nodal schools for this purpose in
order to avoid delays. The entire process of selection of nodal schools and getting log-
in ids for nodal schools from Director, e-Governance must be completed before 30th
September 2015. However, it must be ensured that no charge is collected from any
student of any school for issue of the certificates.

2.Collection of application forms: To facilitate collection of the required information

and quick data entry into the software, a model application form has been developed
(Annexure 1, CAN Form). This form shall be used for collection of applications. Since
incorrectly filled applications forms lead to difficulties in data entry and processing.
meetings should be held for the Head Masters/nominated teachers from each School
at the Taluk level to explain the form and procedure. Jurisdictional revenue officials
such as the Village Administrative Officer, Revenue Inspector and other officials from
the Taluk office shall also guide the schools in filling up the forms correctly. All such
applications shall be collected school-wise with a covering letter by the Head
Master/Principal with the list of applicants. Districts which are using any other forms or
would like to modify the forms, to meet the requirement of generation of CAN Number
may do so under intimation to this office.

3.Data entry of the collected forms: The uploading can be done at the nodal schools
within the Taluk. Even assuming that only 100 students' applications are uploaded per
computer per day (half a day work output), the uploading process can be completed in
less than 2 months time. The uploading should be done for each school sequentially
and the physical applications stitched and preserved for follow-up and future
reference. At the time of uploading, the CAN ID/ Application ID generated shall be
noted for each application form for future follow up and also for printing the certificates.

4. Issue of certificates: Once the uploading is done, the applications enter the regular
e-District software and are counted under the pendency. The pendency of applications
is already being closely monitored by you. The clearing of the applications should be
periodically checked. Once all the certificates pertaining to a school are cleared by the
Revenue officials, printout of the certificates should be taken at the nodal schools and
distributed to the concerned schools through Head Masters/ nominated teachers.

4) In the earlier manual process, the applications had to be sorted manually and sent
to the Taluk where the applicant is residing / has permanent address for issue of the
certificate. In the electronic process, this is not necessary and the application will be
forwarded to the concerned District/ Taluk/ Village Administrative Office automatically on
submission of application online.

179 | P a g e
5) The e-District software has provisions to designate special Tahsildars / Deputy
Tahsildars / Revenue Inspectors to share the workload. You may use this provision, if
required by issuing necessary proceedings for the same.

6) In case of Taluks where no schools are available with facilities to be Nodal Schools,
the applications should be collected and data entry done at the Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV
Corporation limited, Common Service Centres in the Taluk office premises. It has also been
decided in consultation with Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation
limited, and Director, e-Governance that service charges for each application would be
Rs.10/- and would be paid out of the funds available with the District e-Governance Societies.
In this case also, the distribution of the printed certificates to the schools would be the
responsibility of the Education Department Officials.

7) The collection of applications, uploading, processing and issue of certificates

should be done in a systematic and staggered manner so as to complete the exercise before
31.12.2015. I hope you will bestow your personal attention in making this exercise a grand
success in coordination with the School Education Department.

8) You are requested to send your action taken report along with the annexed Format
before 5th October, 2015.

Yours sincerely,

Sd/-Girija Vaidyanathan
All District Collectors,
Copy to:

I. The Principal Secretary to Government,

School Education Department,
Chennai -9. (for issuing instructions to officials concerned)

II. The Principal Secretary to Government,

Information Technology Department,
Secretariat,Chennai-9. (for information)

III. The Secretary to Government,

Revenue Department, Secretariat, Chennai -9. (for information)

180 | P a g e
IV. The Director of e- Governance,
Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency,
Chennai 18. (to issue log-in ids to schools before 30th
September, 2015 positively)

V. Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation limited, Nungambakkam,
Chennai 34. (To issue necessary instructions to all CSCs.)

for Additional Chief Secretary/

Commissioner of Land Administration and
Commissioner of Revenue Administration (i/c)

181 | P a g e
Issue of Community / Income / Nativity Certificates through Schools 2015-16
Format 1: Estimate of Certificates to be issued
District :
Nodal Number Number
Name of Schools of of Number of certificates for which applications
the Taluk for Schools Students received
which covered covered
Community Income Residence/Nativity Total

Total for the


182 | P a g e
gŸëfŸ _y« rh tUkhd« ÏU¥Ãl¢ rh‹¿jœfŸ bgWtj‰fhd xU§»izªj
é©z¥g got«
fšé kht£l F¿p£L v© gŸë F¿p£L v©

é©z¥Ã¡F« rh‹W ( brŒaΫ) rh tUkhd«

khzt® khzé tF¥ò ÃçÎ
bga® jäêš
Name in English

Ãwªj nj FL«g m£il v©

kj« rhÂ
tF¥ò(o¡ brŒaΫ)

bg‰nwh® bga® jäêš Name in English



Ë nfhL : ifngÁ v©

tUthŒ »uhk« tUthŒ t£l«

bg‰nwh® rh tF¥ò

183 | P a g e
bg‰nwh® bjhêš khj tUkhd«
FL«g¤Â‹ bkh¤j tUkhd« (%)

nk‰T¿a étu§fŸ mid¤J« c©ik vdΫ bghŒahd Mtz§fŸ rk®¥ÃJŸsjhf

Ëd® bjça tªjhš v‹ ÛJ vL¡f¥gL« r£l ó®tkhd elto¡if¡F f£LgLnt‹ vd
eh‹ Ra ãidÎl‹ cWÂ më¡»nw‹.
khzt®/ khzé ifbah¥g« bg‰nwh® / ghJfhty®
jiyik MÁça® / jiyikahÁçia

njit¥gL« Mtz§fŸ( Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs Mtz§fis brŒaΫ)

rh¢rh‹W FL«g m£il efš gŸë kh‰W¢rh‹¿jœ (T.C) jhŒ/jªij/cl‹
Ãwªnjh® rh¢rh‹W

tUkhd¢rh‹W FL«g m£il bg‰nwh® muR/jåah® gâæš ÏU¥Ã‹ r«gs¢rh‹W

efš efš (pay Certificate)

ÏU¥Ãl¢rh‹W FL«g m£il efš

To be filed by CSC operator


184 | P a g e

அ க 2017-2018-ஆ ஆ கான மா வ வா ைற அைமíச
அவ க ய அ க - ைர சா த க ண த
48 மëேநா வழ த - ஆைண ெவ ட ப ற .
வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம (வ. .-3(2) ைற3
அரசாைண ( ைல) எ .259
நா : 17.08.2017

ேஹ ள வ ட ,
ஆவë பாத 1-ஆ நா ,
வ வ ஆ 2048
ப க:

த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய அவ க ட ெபற ப ட

க த ந.க.எ . வ. . 5(3)/ 28410/ 2017, நா : 26.07.2017.

மா வ வா ைற அைமíச அவ க ச டம ற ேபரைவ 2017-

2018-ஆ ஆ கான வர -ெசல ì ட ெதாட , 10.07.2017 அ
நைடெப ற வ வா ம ேப ட ேபலா ைம ைற மா ய
ேகா ைக ேபா ெவ ட ய அ க , றவ ட க ட
அ ைன ெவ ளா :-
“ ைர í சா த க ண த 48 மë ேநர வழ த ",
“சா í சா த கைள ெபா ம க பாக ப மாணவ க ைரவாக
எ தாக ெபறேவ எ ற ேநா த க டமாக த ேபா
ப த ப ட ம க ப த ப ட வ ைனச த
ண பதார க , அவ க ப எவேர ஏ கனேவ
இைணயவ ன ேசைவ லமாக சா íசா த ெப அத
வர ட இ-ேசைவ ைமய க லமாக ைர í ேசைவ க டணமாக
.250/- ெச ண ப ச ண த ேநா
48 மëேநர சா íசா த வழ க ப "
த. .பா..


185 | P a g e
2. அரசாைண ைல) எ .524 வ வா [வ. -2(2)] ைற, நா .14.10.2010- ப
ஆ ைம ட வ í சா த க (பழ ன வ í சா
கலாக) இ-ேசைவ ைமய க வ யாக இைணயதள ல , ெபா ம க
வழ க ப வ ற எ ேப ப வ í சா த க , இைணயதள ல -
ண த 7 நா க வழ க ப வ ற எ ேபா ேத ,
பë யமன ம அவசர ேந க உடன யாக வ í சா த ேதைவ ப
நப க , 48 மëேநர வ íசா த வழ வைக ைர
வ í சா த வழ ய நைட ைறைய ெதாட கலா எ இத
ண ப க டா .250/- என ணய ெச யலா எ , இ வா
ெச த ப ண ப க டண .250/-இ .75/-ஐ இைணயதள ல
சா த க வழ த நா னா ைம கைம அ கலா எ
த ள .175/- இ சர ம ேசைவ வ (GST) ெச ய ேபா தமா
ெதாைக ைன, அர வ வா ைற கண வர ைவ கலா எ
த க டமாக, த ேபா ப த ப ட, க ப த ப ட ம மர ன
வ ைனí ேச த நப க , அவ க ப ன எவேர இைணயவ
ன ேசைவ லமாக வ í சா த ெப , அத பர ட இ-
ேசைவ ைமய க ைர ேசைவ (Tatkal Service) லமாக ண ப
க டணமாக .250/- ெச ண ப ச , ம தார ஆதார
ஆவண கைள ச ப த ப ட ம டல ைண வ டா êய ப
ெபா ம க ண த ேநர இ 48 மëேநா , வ í
சா த கைள (BC, MBC & DNC) னா ைம ட இைணயதள ல
வழ கலா என ப ைர ெச உ ய அரசாைண வழ மா ேமேல ப க ப ட
க த த ைமí ெசயலான / வ வா வாக ஆைணய அரைச ேக
ெகா ளா .
3. த ைமí ெசயலாள / வ வா வாக ஆைணய க ைன
அர கவன ட ப லைன ெச ப த ப ட, க ப த ப ட ம
மர ன வ ைனí ேச த ப ன எவேர த ேபா நைட ைற
உ ள இைணயவ ன ேசைவ லமாக வ í சா த ெப ,
அத வர ட இ-ேசைவ ைமய க ைர ேசைவ (Tatkal Service) லமாக
ண ப க டணமாக .250/- ெச ண ப ச , ம தார
ஆதார ஆவண கைள ச ப த ப ட ம டல ைண வ டா êய ப
ெபா ம க ண த ேநர இ 48 மëேநர ,. வ í
சா த கைள (BC, MBC & DNC) னா ைம ட இைணயதள ல
வழ க அர ெச , அ வாேற ஆைண ற .

4. ேமேல ப 3-இ ட ப ள இ-ேசைவ ைமய க

லமாக ெபற ப ண ப க டண .250/- , .75/-ஐ
இைணயதள ல
த. .பா..

186 | P a g e
சா த க வழ த நா னா ைம கைம அ ட , த ள
.175/- சர ம ேசைவவ (GST) ெச ய ேபாக ன ெதாைக ைன
அர வ வா ைற கண வர ைவ க பட ேவ .

(ஆ ந ஆைண ப )

ச தா ேபாக .B

அர ெசயலாள

ெப ந :
த ைமí ெசயலாள /
வ வா வாக ஆைணய ,
ேச பா க , ெச ைன-5
த ைமí ெசய அ வல ,
த நா -ஆ ைம கைம,
ஆ வா ேப ைட ெச ைன-18
அைன மாவ ட ஆ êய க ,
தகவ ெதா ப ைற, ெச ைன-9
வ வா ம ேப ட ேமலா ைம ைற
அைன க
அைன ைறக ,
தைலைமí ெசயலக , ெச ைன-9


மா வ வா ைற அைமíச அவ க
ேந க உத யாள , ெச ைன-9
இ : ேகா / உப நக

//ஆைண ப அ ப ப ற //

187 | P a g e



From To
Dr. K, Sathyagopal I.A.S., The Commissioner of e-Governance and Cheif
Additional Chief Secretary / Executive Officer,
Commissioner of Revenue Tamil Nadu e-Governance,
Administration Ezhilagam, P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Building,
Chennai – 600 005. 807, Anna Salai,
Chennai 600 002.

Lr. No. R.A.5 (3) / 017145 / 2019, dated : 13.08.2019

Sub : Most Backward Classes & De-notified Communities Welfare Department
Change of nomenclature form Denotified Communities (DNC) as Denotified
Tribes (DNT) – Instructions issued to the Collectors – Issue of online
certificate – Provision in the online Portal for DNT regarding.
Ref 1. G.O (Ms) No. 26, BC, MBC & MW (BCC) Department, dated 08.03.2019
2. G.O (Ms) No. 28, BC, MBC & MW (BCC) Department, dated 08.03.2019.
3. Directorate of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities
Welfare, Chennai – 5 R.C. Letter No. D2/6285/18-1, dated 14.05.2019

I invite attention to the Government Orders Cited.

2) In the G.O 1st Cited, Government have orderd that Denotified Tribes and
Denotified communities are synonymous and indicates one and the same groups of
communities affected by the erstwhile Criminal Tribes Act. It was also ordered that for the
purpose of availing state communal Reservation and benefits under State Welfare Schemes,
the 68 communities classified as Denotified Communities would continue to be called as
Denotified Communities and the said 68 communities would be called as Denotified Tribes
for the purpose of availing the benefits of Government of India Welfare Schemes.

3) As of Now, the issue of community certificate is made online and in the existing
system the 68communities which are being mentioned as Denotified community in the
community certificate.

4) In order to implement the G.O 1st Cited and to enable the Denotified
communities to avail the benefits of Government of India Welfare schemes, I request that
necessary provisions may be made online to issue a separate DNT Certificate for those
requesting it to avail Government of India welfare schemes. They may also be issued with
another certificate simultaneously mentioning DNC for availing Government of Tamil Nadu
Welfare Schemes.

188 | P a g e
5) Those who are already in possession of DNC Certificate may also require DNT
Certificate for availing Government of India Welfare schemes. For those persons an option
may be added in online to record whether they are already in possession of DNC certificate
and after uploading that certificate DNT certificate may be issued to them. A model form for
DNT certificate to be issued is enclosed.

6) Necessary action may be taken accordingly and report compliance.

Yours faithfully,

Additional Cheif Secretary /
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

Copy to:
All District Collectors

// forwarded by order //


189 | P a g e

Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare

Department - Withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated.
30.7.1979 - Orders - Issued.

Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes & Minorities

Welfare(BCC) Department

G.O. (Ms) No. 26 Dated:08.03.2019

Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2050
Vilambi Aandu Masi 24


5) G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated 30.7.1979

6) G.O.Ms.No.73, BC, MBC & MW Department, dated 13.11.2018
7) R e p o r t o f t h e C o m m i t t e e t o e x a m i n e t h e r e q u e s t f o r the
change of nomenclature from DNC to DNT,
dated 4.3.2019.


In the reference first read above, based on the report of the Working
Group on Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes during Medium Term
Plan 1978-83 of Government of India, the Government ordered that the word
"Tribes" shall not be used for the Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic
Tribes" in future. Instead they shall be called as "the Denotified, Nomadic and
Semi-Nomadic Communities", only.

2) In the reference second read above, considering the request from

Denotified Communities Associations, the Government had
constituted a Committee to examine the withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social
Welfare Department, dated. 30.7.1979 in which orders were
issued for change of nomenclature from Denotified Tribes to Denotified
C o m m u ni t i es, unde r t h e C ha i rma nsh i p of Pr i ncip a l S e cr e t ar y t o
Government, Revenue and D isast er Management De p art me nt ,
Secretariat, Chennai.

3) The Committee, in its report dated 4.3.2019, has observed that as the
matter is relating only to withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare
Department, dated 30.7.1979, without any change i n the

190 | P a g e
reservation percentage and roaster system or any other principle of social inclusion,
it may not jeopardize the Tamil Nadu Act 45 of 1994. The Committee is of the
conclusion that the term Denotified Communities used in Tamil Nadu identifies
only the Denotified Tribes and none else. Both the terms Denotified Tribes
and Denotified Co mmunities are
synonymous to indicate one and the same groups of communities affected by the
erstwhile Criminal Tribes Act and the Committee recommends that
G.O.Ms.No.1310, Social Welfare Department, dated. 30.7.1979 be
withdrawn as it is only a change in nomenclature reviving the old name for the
purpose of getting benefits of Government of India for Denotified Tribes.

4) The Government after careful consideration decided to accept the

recommendation of the Committee that Denotified Tribes and Denotified
Communities are synonymous and indicates one and the same groups of
communities affected by the erstwhile Criminal Tribes Act and to withdraw
G . O . Ms. No.1310 , S oci a l We lf a re D ep a rt m e nt , d at ed 30. 7.1979.
Accordingly, the Government hereby withdraw the said Government Order. It
is also ordered that for the purpose of availing State Communal R e s e r v a t i o n a n d
b e n e f i t s u n d e r S t at e w el f a r e sc he m e s, t h e 6 8 communities classified as
Denotified Communities would continue to be called as Denotified Communities
and the said 68 communities would be called as Denotified Tribes for the
purpose of availing the benefits of Government of India welfare schemes.



The Principal Secretary to Government,
Revenue and Disaster Management,
Secretariat, Chennai-9
The Additional Chief Secretary /Commissioner
Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitiga tion,
Chepauk, Chennai - 5
The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5. The
Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified
Communities, Chennai -5.
The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes
Commission, Chennai - 4.
The Director of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2. The
Director of Technical Education, Chennai -25. The
Director of Medical Education, Chennai -6.
The Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Chennai -5. The
Director of School Education, Chennai -6.
The Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai -6.

191 | P a g e
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai
All District Collectors.
All Head of Departments.
All Public Sector Undertakings.
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai -104
All District Magistrates and District Judges.
The Registrar, University of Madras I Annamalai University
Chidhambaram 1 Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai /
Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore / Bharathiyar University,
Tiruchirapalli / Tamil University, Thanjavur / Alagappa University,
Karaikudi / Mother Theresa University,
Chennai -35 / Anna University, Gunidy, Chennai -25.
The Registrar, MGR Medicial University, Chennai.
The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. The
Registrar, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Chennai -7.
All Departments of Secretariat.
The Director of Information and Public Relations, Information and
Tourism Department, Chennai -9.
The P& AR Department, Chennai
The Principal Secretary II to Hon'ble C.M., Chennai -9. The Law
Department, Chennai -9.
Copy to
The Hon'ble Chief Minister Office, Secretariat, Chennai — 9. The
Private Secretary to Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Chennai-9.
Senior Private Secretary to Secretary to Government,
Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare
Department, Chennai-9.

// Forwarded by Order //

Section Officer

192 | P a g e

Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare -Issuance

of DNC Community Certificate - Clarifications - Issued.

Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes & Minorities

Welfare(BCC) Department

G.O. (Ms) No. 28 Dated: 08.03.2019

Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2050 Vilambi
Aandu Masi 24

Read :

1. G.O.Ms.No.95, BC, MBC & MW Department, dated 28.10.2009.

2. Report of the Committee to examine the request for the change of
nomenclature from DNC to DNT, dated 4.3.2019.


In the Government order first read above orders were issued that the
members of communities notified as BC, MBC or DNC with area restrictions as
and when they migrate to the other area may be issued same community
certificate in the migrated area as in their originating areas.

2. The Government carefully examined the observation of the committee

that although in Government Order first read above, order was issued to mitigate the
difficulties being experienced by the people of such communities which have been
notified as BC, MBC or DNC in specific Districts and Taluks to get the same
category of community certificates in other parts of the State, there are still
widespread grievances of non issuances of DNC certificates to families who have
migrated to districts not notified in the list.

3. T he T am i l N a d u S e co nd B ac k w a r d C l a s s e s C o m m i s s i o n
( A m b a sa nk ar Com m i s s i o n ) ha s r e co r d ed t he pr e v a l e n c e o f DN C
population in Districts other than notified DNC Districts. Accordingly,
considering the existence of the DNC population outside the notified territorial
areas in the year 1983, as per the Ambasankar Commission's Caste Based Socio-

193 | P a g e
Educational cum Economic Survey, the Government clarifies that DNC
community certificates may be issued to these communities in such non DNC
notified districts identified as per 1983 Ambasankar Commission Survey.

4. The Commissioner of Revenue Administration is requested to give

suitable instructions to the community certificate issuing authorities to follow the
clarification issued in para 3 above while issuing community certificate to migrated
Denotified Communities.



The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue
and Disaster Management,
Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Additional Chief Secretary /Commissioner of Revenue
Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation, Chepauk,
The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5. The
Director of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities,
Chennai -5.
The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes
Commission, Chennai - 4.
The Director of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2.
The Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Chennai -5. All
District Collectors.

Copy to
The Principal Secretary II to C.M., Chennai -9. The
Hon'ble Chief Minister Office, Chennai-9
The Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister Office, Chennai-9. The
Special PA to Hon'ble Minister for Backward Classes and
Minorities Welfare,Chennai-9.
The Chief Secretary to Government Office, Chennai – 9.
The Law Department, Chennai – 9.

//Forwarded/By order//
Section Officer


194 | P a g e

From TO
Dr.J.Radhakrishnan, I.A.S. All District Collectors,(w.e)
Principal Secretary/ (BY Name Cover)
Commissioner of Revenue
Chepauk, Chennai-5.
Lr. No. RA 5(3)/49099/2018, dated: 18.11.2019

Sub : Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department Issuance of
Community Certificates Community Certificates issued to
Scheduled Tribes as belong to Backward Classes Issue of
instructions to the - Revenue Divisional Officers-Sub-
Ref : 1. From the Government of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs, letter No:35/1/72-R.U (SCT.V) dated
2. Letter from Thiru. Ambeth Rajan, Ex.Member of
Parliament, Nagapattinam District dated 27.08.2018.
3. Additional Chief Secretary to Goverment letter
No:18606/CV1/2018-1, dated 15.11.2018.
I invite attention to the reference cited.

2) In the reference 3rd cited, the Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Adi-Dravidar and
Tribal Welfare Department has informed that the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs in
their letter first cited had clarified that where a person claims to belong to a Scheduled- Castes or
Scheduled Tribes by birth, it should be verified on the following aspects.

(i) that the persons and his parents actually belong to the community claimed.
(ii) that the community is included in the Presidential Orders specifying the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in relation to the concerned State.
(iii) that the person belongs to that State and to the area within that State in respect of which the
community has been scheduled.
(iv) if the person claims to be a Scheduled Castes, he should profess either the Hindu or the
Sikh religion.
(v) If the persons claims to be a Scheduled Tribes he may profess any religion.

3) It is therefore informed that the Scheduled Tribes persons may prefers any religion and he has
therefore requested, this Commissionerate to issue necessary instructions to all the certificate Issuing
authorities by circulating by the above Government of India instructions for strict adherence.

195 | P a g e
4) The Collectors are hereby directed to follow the instructions of Government of India by suitably
instructing the certificate Issuing authorities and send an action taken on this matter to the Government
and to this Commissioner ate at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
Principal Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

Copy to:
The Additional Chief Secretary to Government,
Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Chennai-600 009.

//forwarded by order!!


196 | P a g e

Letter No.18606/CV1/2018-1, Dated: 15.11.2018




The Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration,
Disaster Management and Mitigation,
Ezhilagam, Chepauk, Chennai-5 (we)

Sub : Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department - Issuance of
Community Certificates - Community Certificates issued to
Scheduled Tribes as belong to Backward Classes – Issue of
instruction to the Revenue Divisional Officers / Sub-Collectors-
Ref : 3. From the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs,
Letter No.35/1/72-R.U. (SCT.V) dated 2.5.1975.
4. Letter from Thiru. Ambeth Rajan, Ex. Member of
Parliament, Nagappattinam District, dated 27.8.2018.

I enclose copies of the references along with its enclosures for your reference in the reference
2nd cited, it has been alleged that one T. Sheeba D/o Thankan belongs to Kaniyan, Scheduled Tribe
was issued with a Community Certificate as she belonged to Backward Class Kaniyan by the
Additional Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar, Vilavancode Taluk and therefore requested the authorities
to address the Revenue Divisional Officer, Padmanabhapuram ic rectify the same and issue a fresh
certificate as belongs to Kaniyan a Schedules Tribe Community Certificate, which is pending with him
since 2012.

2. In this regard I state that the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs in their letter first cited
had clarified that, where a person claims to belong to a Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes by birth,
it should be verified.

(i) that the persons and his parents actually belong to the community claimed
(ii) that the community is included in the Presidential Orders specifying the scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in relation to the concerned State.
(iii) that the person belongs to that State and to the area within that State in respect of which the
community has been scheduled.
197 | P a g e
(iv) if the person claims to be a Scheduled Castes, he should profess either the Hindu or the
Sikh religion.
(v) if the person claims to be a Scheduled Tribes he may profess any religion.

3. It is therefore that the Scheduled Tribes person may profess any religion I therefore request you
to issue necessary instructions to all the certificate issuing authorities by circulating the above
Government of India instructions for strict adherence and also instruct the District Collector,
Kanyakumari to direct the Revenue Divisionin Officer, Padmanabhapuram to issue a fresh Scheduled
Tribes Community Certificate the applicant belongs to Kaniyan as her representation pending before
him since 2012 and report to the Government. The action taken on this matter may please be intimated
to the Government at the earliest.

Yours faithfully,

for Additional Chief Secretary to Government

Copy to
The District Collector,
Kanyakumari District.

Thiru. Ambeth Rajan,

Ex. Member of Parliament,
Thillaiyadi Valliammai Nagar
Nagapattinam District.


198 | P a g e

From To
Thiru K. Phanindra Reddy, I.A.S., All district Collectors.
Additional Chief Secretary/ (w.e)
Commissioner of Revenue Administration
Chennai - 5
Letter No. RA 5(3) / 19355 /2021 dated: 15.6.2021
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Certificates – Issue of online certificates – Issue of community to the
Devendrakulathan, Kadaiyan, Kalladi, Kudumban, Pallan, Pannadi and Vathiriyan
under common name of “DevendrakulaVelalar” (ேதேவ ர ல ேவளாள )
through online – regarding.
Ref: G.O (Ms) No.50, Adi dravidar and Tribal Welfare (CV-1) Department, dated:
2. D.O letter No.8968/CV1/2021-1 dated: 10.6.2021 from the Principal
Secretary to Government, Adi dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Secretariat, Chennai-9.
I invite your attention to the references cited.
As per G.O (Ms) No.50, Adi dravidar and Trible Welfare (CV-1) Department, dated:
1.6.2021, (copy enclosed) it has been informed that the Central Act 8 of 2021 has been
brought into force with effect on and from the 15th day of may 2021 and consequent on the
commencement of the said Act, the certificate issuing authorities have to adopt the revised list
with correct name of Scheduled Castes while issuing community certificate to eligible and
genuine persons belonging to Scheduled Castes.
The Chief Executive Officer, TNeGA has been requested to carry out necessary
changes in the list of Scheduled Castes as per the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order
(Amendment) Act, 2021 as follows:
d) for Entry 17, the following entry shall be submitted, namely “. Devendrakula Velalar
[Devendrakulathan, Kadiyan (excluding in the coastal areas of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,
Ramanathapuram, Pudukkottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam Districts), Kalladi,
Kudumban, Pallan, Pannadi, Vathiriyan]”;
e) Kadaiyan (in the districts of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Ramanathapuram, Pudukkottai,
Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam)”;
f) entries 28, 35, 49, 54, and 72 shall be omitted”
In this regard, I request that the above amendment may be taken to the notice
of the Certificate Issuing authorities under your control and instruct them to adopt the revised

199 | P a g e
list while issuing community certificates to eligible and genuine persons belonging to Scheduled
Castes. The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- K.Phanindra Reddy
Additional Chief Secretary /
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

Copy to:
The Principal Secretary to Government,
Adi dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Chennai 600 009.

For Additional Chief Secretary /

Commissioner of Revenue Administration

200 | P a g e
Communities - Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes - The Constitution Scheduled
Castes Orders, 1950 Amended - The Scheduled Castes (Amendment) Orders,
2021 - Issued -The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2021
(Central Act 18 of 2021) -Published and came into force- Republished and communicated
for general information - Orders issued.

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (CV- 1) Department

G.O.(Ms).No.50 Dated: 01.06.2021
லவ வ ட ,
ைவகாê மாத 18-ஆ நா ,
வ வ ஆ 2052,

1. G.O.(Ms)No.1773, Social Welfare Department, dated 23.06.1984.

2. G.O.(Ms)No.1597, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare
Department, dated 27.09.1990.
3. G.O.(Ms)No.21, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
dated 04.03.2019
4. Government of India, Ministry of Law and Justice (LD), Gazette of
India, Extraordinary No. 24, dated 13.04.2021.
5. From the Commissioner, Adi Dravidar Welfare, letter
R.C.No.H4/5077/2019, Dated:19.04.2021
6. From the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment No.RL-12016/1/ 2020-
RL-Cell, dated 17.05.2021 and Gazette of India
Extraordinary No. 1734, Dated 17.5.2021.


On receipt of large number of representations, a committee was constituted in the

Government Order third read above, for examining and to recommend the Government for
grouping of Scheduled Castes namely Kudumban, PaIlan, Devendrakulathan, Kadaiyan,
Pannadi and Kalladi under one common name "Devendrakula Velalar".

201 | P a g e
1 Thiru. Hans Raj Verma, I.A.S., Chairman
Additional Chief Secretaryto
Government, Rural Development
and Panchayat Raj Department.
2 Additional Chief Secretary to Member
Government, Adi Dravidar and
Tribal Welfare Department.
Secretary, Law Department.
3 Member

4 Director, Adi Dravidar Welfare, Member Secretary


The Committee submitted its report on 28.11.2020 and recommended the

following to Government:-

"The six sub-castes Devendrakulathan (SI.No. 17), Kadaiyan(26) (excluding Kadaiyan

who call themselves as `Pattamkatti Kadaiyan' living in the coastal areas of Tirunelveli,
Thoothukudi, Ramanathupuram, Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam
Districts), Kalladi(28), Kudumban(35), Pallan(49) and Pannadi(54) and Vathiriyan(72) be
grouped together and assigned a common nomenclature as "Devendrakula Velalar"
(‘’”ேதேவ ர ல ேவளாள ” in Tamil). Consequently "Pattamkatti Kadaiyan" to be included as
a separate entry (sub-caste) in the Scheduled Castes List.

2. The above recommendation of the Committee was examined and accepted by

the Government and the same was sent to Government of India for passing legislation. The
Government of India examined the above recommendation and passed Central Act 18 of
2021. As per the Act, the sub-castes of Scheduled Castes Devendrakulathan, Kadaiyan,
(excluding in the coastal areas of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai,
Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagappattinam districts), Kalladi, Kudumban, Pallan, Pannadi
and Vathiriyan are brought under one common name of "Devendrakula Velalar
viz., entry 17 and the Kadaiyans in Tirunelveli,
Thoothukudi, Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam
Districts as "Kadaiyan" viz., entry 26.

3. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2021 (Central

Act 18 of 2021), which was passed by the Parliament and received the assent of the
President of India on 13.04.2021 has been published in the Gazette of India, dated the
13th April 2021, in the reference fourth read above.

202 | P a g e
4. In the reference sixth read above, the Government of India have informed that
the said Central Act 18 of 2021 has been brought into force with effect on and from the 15th
day of May 2021. Consequent on the commencement of the said Act, the certificate issuing
authorities have to adopt the revised list with correct name of Scheduled Castes while
issuing the Community Certificate to eligible and genuine persons belonging to the
Scheduled Castes. It has, therefore, become necessary to bring to the notice of all the
authorities concerned, the enactment of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order
(Amendment) Act, 2021 (Central Act 18 of 2021), which has been brought into force on and
from the 15th day of May 2021. A copy of the said Act is annexed as Annexure Ito this
order. A revised list of Scheduled Castes, as amended by the said Act, is annexed as
Annexure — II to this Order.

5. The Collectors and Heads of Departments concerned and the certificate

issuing authorities under their control are requested to adopt the list of Scheduled Castes
in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 as amended by the said Central Act
18 of 2021 strictly. The receipt of this Order shall be acknowledged.

(By Order of the Governor)

Dr. K. Manivasan,
Principal Secretary to Government.

The Principal Secretary to Government,
Revenue and Disaster Management Department,
Secretariat, Chennai — 9.
The Principal Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue
Administration, Commissionerate of Revenue
Administration, Chepauk, Chennai-5. The Commissioner,
Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Chennai-5. The
Director, Tribal Welfare Department, Chennai — 5.
All District Collectors.
All District Revenue Officers,
All Heads of Departments.
All District Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Officers.
The Director, Tribal Research Centre, Udhagamandalam - 4.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
The Director of Stationary and Printing, Chennai-2.

203 | P a g e
The Works Manager, Government Central Press,
Chennai-79. (For publications)
The Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
New Delhi. The Director of Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes
Shastri Bhavan, Chennai-6

Copy to
The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Chennai — 9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Minister
(Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare) Chennai-9.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.
All Sections of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Chennai-9.
Stock file/Spare copies.

//Forwarded by Order//

Section Officer.

204 | P a g e
received the assent of the President on the 13th April 2021 and is hereby re-
published for general information:-


(Legislative Department)
New Delhi, the 13th April, 2021/Chaitra 23, 1943 (Saka)

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 13th
April 2021, and is hereby published for general information:-
No.18 OF 2021.
April, 2021] An Act further to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 to
modify the list of Scheduled Castes in the State of Tamil Nadu
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventy — second Year of the Republic of India as
1. (1) This Act may be called the Constitution (Scheduled Short title and
Castes ) Order (Amendment) Act, 2021.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
2. In the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, in the Amendment of
Schedule, in Part XVI. — Tamil Nadu, - Constitution
(a) for entry 17, the following entry shall be substituted,Castes) Order,
namely:- 1950
"17.Devendrakula Velalar [Devendrakulathan, Kadaiyan
(excluding in the coastal areas of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,
Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Thanjavar,
Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts), Kalladi,
Kudumban, Pallan, Pannadi, Vathiriyan]";
(b) for entry 26, the following entry shall be substituted

"26. Kadaiyan (in the districts of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,

Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Thanjavur,
Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam)";

(c) entries 28,35,49,54 and 72 shall be omitted."

205 | P a g e
Secretary to the Government of India
(Re-published by order of the Governor)
Dr. K. Manivasan,
Principal Secretary

//True Copy//

206 | P a g e
1. Adi Andhra
2. Adi Dravida
3. Adi Karnataka
4. Ajila
5. Arunthathiyar
6. Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
7. Baira
8. Bakuda
9. Bandi
10. B e l l a r a
11. Bharatar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
12. C h a k k i l i y a n
13. C h a l a v a d i
14. C h a m ar , M uch i
15. C h a n d a l a
16. C h e r u m a n
17. Devendrakula Velalar [Devendrakulathan, Kadaiyan (excluding in the coastal
areas of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Ramanthapuram, Pudukoffai, Thanjavur,
Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts), Kalladi, Kudumban, Pallan, Pannadi,
18. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano
19. D o m b a n
20. G o d a g a l i
21. G o d d a
22. G o s a n g i
23. H o l e y a
24. J a g g a l i
25. J a m b u v u l u
26. Kadaiyan (in the districts of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Ramanthapuram,
Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam)
27. Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
28. O m i t t e d
29. Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris district)
30. Karimpalan
3 1 . Kavara (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
32. K o l i y a n
33. K o o s a
3 4 . Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
35. O m i t t e d
3 6 . Kuravan, Sidha na r
207 | P a g e
37. Madari
38. Madiga
39. Maila
40. Mala
41. Mannan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
42. M a v i l a n
43. M o g e r
44. M u n d a l a
45. Nalakeyava
46. N a y a d i
4 7 . Padannan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
48. P a g a d a i
49. O m i t t e d
50. P a l l uva n
51. P a m b a d a
5 2 . Panan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
53. Panchama
54. O m i t t e d
55. Panniandi
5 6 . Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar
5 7 . Paravan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
5 8 . Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
5 9 . P u l aya n, C her a ma r
6 0 . Puthirai Vannan
61. R a n e y a r
62. Sa mag a ra
63. S a m b a n
64. S a p a r i
65. Semman
6 6 . Thandan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
67. T h o t i
6 8 . Tiruvalluvar
69. ValIon
70. Valluvan
7 1 . Vannan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
72. Om itted
73. V e l a n
7 4 . Vetan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tiruneiveli district)
75. Vettiyan
7 6 . Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli
Dr. K. Manivasan,
Principal Secretary to Government.

//True Copy//
Section Officer.

208 | P a g e

From To
The Additional Chief Secretary / All District Collectors.
Commissioner of Revenue Administration, (w.e)
Ezhilagam, Chepauk,
Chennai 600 005.
L.r.No.RA 5(3)/14028/2021, dated: 23.04.2021
Sir / Madam,
Sub : Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare –
Issuance of Community Certificate of the parents belonging to two different
castes – reg.
Ref : G.O.(Ms).No.8, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities
Welfare(BCC) Department, Dated.09.02.2021.
I invite your attention to the reference cited
2) In the reference cited, the Government have issued orders that the children born out of
marriage between parents of two different castes shall be considered to belong to either the caste
of the father or the caste of the mother based on the declaration of the parents.
3) In this regards, the aforesaid Government Order is circulated to all District Collectors to
instruct the competent authority to issue appropriate ‘Community Certificates’ (Backward Classes /
Most Backward Classes / Denotified Communities / other Backward Classes / Scheduled Classes /
Scheduled Tribes for Government of Tamil Nadu / Government of India to such children according to
their eligibility, by virtue of belonging to such caste.
4) I also request you to acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- N.Venkatachalam,
Commissioner (SSS)
for Additional Chief Secretary /
Commissioner of Revenue Administration.

// forwarded by order //

209 | P a g e
Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare - Issuance of Community
Certificate of the children born to the parents belonging to two different castes - Clarifications -

Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes & Minorities

Welfare (BCC) Department
G.O. (Ms) No.08 Dated: 09.02.2021
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2052
Charvari, Thai 27.
Read :
G.O(Ms) No. 477, Social Welfare Department, dated 27.06.1975.
Vide G.O read above, Government have been extending certain concessions to the
members of Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Backward classes from time to time and orders
were issued stating that children born out of inter-caste marriages, shall be considered to belong to
either the community of the father or the community of the mother according to the declaration of
the parents.
2) Various requests have now been received by the Government to issue community
certificates to children born out of inter caste marriages, based on the caste of either the father
or the mother.
3) The Government after careful examination hereby clarifies that the children born out of
marriage between parents of two different castes shall be considered to belong to either the caste of
the father or the caste of the mother based on the declaration of the parent/s.
4) Based on this declaration of the parent/s, Revenue authorities are hereby instructed to
issue appropriate ‘Community Certificates' (Backward Classes/Most Backward Classes/
Denotified Communities/ Other Backward Classes/ Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe for
Government of Tamil Nadu/ Government of India) to such children according to their eligibility,
by virtue of belonging to such a caste.
5) The Commissioner of Revenue Administration is requested to give suitable instructions to
the Community Certificate issuing Authorities as per the clarification issued in para 4 above.
The Principal Secretary to Government,
Revenue and Disaster Management Department,
210 | P a g e
Secretariat, Chennai-9
The Additional Chief Secretary /Commissioner
Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation, Chepauk,
Chennai - 5
The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Chennai -5.
The Commissioner of Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, Chennai -.
The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission, Chennai-4
The Director of Minorities Welfare, Chennai-2.
All Department of Secretariat.
All District Collectors.
All Head of Departments.
All Public Sector Undertakings.
The Director of Technical Education, Chennai- 25.
The Director of Medical Education, Chennai -6.
The Director of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Chennai -5. The Director of School
Education, Chennai -6.
The Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai 6.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai -3.
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai -104
All District Magistrates and District Judges.
The Registrar, University of Madras / Annamalai University Chidhambaram Madurai
- Kamaraj University, Madura' / Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore I Tiruchirapalli
Tamil University, Thanjavur Alagappa University, Karaikudi Mother Theresa
University,Chennai -35 /
Anna University, Guindy, Chennai -25.
The Registrar, MGR Medical University, Chennai.
The Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai -7.
The P& AR Department, Chennai -9.
The Principal Secretary II to Hon'ble C.M., Chennai -9. Copy to
The Chief Minister's Office, Secretariat, Chennai 9. Special Personal Assistant to
Hon'ble Minister for Backward Classes & Minorities Welfare, Chennai-
Senior Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to
Government, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare
Department, Chennai-9.
Stock file/ Spare copy

//Forwarded by Order //
Section Officer

211 | P a g e

From TO
Thiru.K.Phanindra Reddy., I.A.S... The all District Collectors
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration,
Ezhilagam, Chepauk, Chennai 600 005.

Lr.No. RA 5 (3)/41484/2021, dated: 03.09.2021

Sir/ Madam.

Sub : Certificates To Issue Online Scheduled Tribes Certificates -

Certificates - Instruction Issued Regarding.
Ref : 1. Government Letter No.8624/CV-1/2019, Adi Dravidar
and Tribal Welfare Department,Dated.24.05.2019.
2. This Commissionerate Letter No.R.A.5(3)/19417/2020,
3. This Commissionerate Letter No.R.A.5(3)/41484/2021.
4. Email dated. 17.08.2021 received from Tamil Nadu e-
Governance Agency.

I invite your attention to the reference cited.
2) The Government vide reference 1st cited have requested to take necessary action to issue
Scheduled Tribes Community Certificates online forthwith as per the procedure followed or the
Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes Community Certificates by following
the Government of India / State Government guidelines issued then and there.

3) Accordingly, Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency had been requested to enable the Issuance
of Scheduled Tribes Community Certificate through Online.

4) In the reference 4th cited, Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency has informed that the
Scheduled Tribes Community Certificate has been made available online.

5) I therefore request you to give suitable instruction to the Revenue Divisional Officers to
issue Scheduled Tribes Certificate through online and to dispose the pending Scheduled Tribes
Certificate applications on merits immediately.

6) Further, it is requested that necessary publicity may be issued to sensitize the public for
applying Scheduled Tribes Certificate through online and it is also reiterated that the practice of

212 | P a g e
receiving applications for Scheduled Tribes manually should henceforth be stopped and the applicants
may be requested to apply online for obtaining Scheduled Tribes Certificate along with relevant
supportive documents.

Yours faithfully
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

Copy To

1. The Principal Secretary to Government,

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Secretariat, Chennai-09.

2. The Chief Executive Officer,

Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency,
807, 7th floor, P.T.Lee
Chengalvarayan Naicker Building,
Anna Salai,Chennai-600 002.

//forwarded by order//


213 | P a g e
A.Karthik, I.A.S., Backward Classes, Most
Principal Secretary to Backward Classes and
Government. Minorities Welfare (MW1)
Secretariat, Chennai -9.
D.O.Letter No.1582713/MW1/2021-1, dated 29.10.2021
Dear Dr.Prabhushankar,
Sub:Welfare of Minorities – Issuance of Minority Certificate
to the Members of Minority Communities – Instruction
issued –Reg.
Ref:From the Secretary, National Commission for
Minorities, D.O Letter No.Misc/DL/3/2015,dated
I draw your attention to the reference cited (copy enclosed) wherein it has been
informed that the Government of India has notified six Communities as Minorities
viz.Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Buddist and Jain. The National Commission for
Minorities has been receiving several complaints regarding members of Minority
Communities facing hardships while obtaining Minority Certificates from their respective
States/Districts. In this regard, it is informed that Minority Certificate is not Mandatory
for getting the benefits of the Welfare schemes being implemented by the Ministry of
Minority Affairs. Though Self – declaration Certificate is valid for getting the benefits of
the welfare schemes which are being implemented by the Ministry Affairs, the Minority
Certificate is required for availing benefits like bank loan etc.
2. Hence, you are hereby instructed to issue Minority Certificate on obtaining Self
Declaration from the Minority Person (Copy enclosed), expeditiously to the Members of
Minority Communities.
3. I request you to bestow your personal attention and treat this matter as “Most
Yours sincerely,
Dr.T.Prabhushankar, IAS.,
District Collector,
Karur - 639 007.

214 | P a g e
D.O. No. Misc/D1/3/2015 19th September 2021

Kindly refer to my predecessor's letter of even no. dated 26.07.2013 regarding

issuance of Minority Certificate to members of Minority Communities.
As you are aware, Govt. of India has notified six Communities as Minorities viz
Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Parsi. Buddhist and Jain. The Commission has been receiving
several complaints regarding members of Minority Communities facing hardships while
obtaining Minority Certificates from their respective States/Districts. In this regard it is
informed that Minority Certificate is not mandatory for getting the benefits of the
welfare schemes being implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs. A self-
declaration of the Minority person should be accepted. Letter dated 18.05.2015 issued
by Ministry of Minority Affairs i this regard is enclosed. Though Self-declaration
Certificate is valid for getting the benefits of the welfare schemes which are being
implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, the Minority Certificate is required
for availing benefits like bank loan etc.

Therefore, I would request you to issue necessary instructions to all the

Collectors/Deputy Commissioners at District level to issue the Minority Certificates
expeditiously to the members of Minority Communities in the format prescribed by the
Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India in this regard.

Yours sincerely,
(S.K. Dev Verman)

Dr. V. Irai Anbu,

Chief Secretary,
Government of Tamil Nadu,
Secretariat, Chennai-600009.

215 | P a g e
Revenue and Disaster.
Management Department,
Revenue Administration,
Wing, ‘RA.3 (2)’ Section,
Secretariat, Chennai - 9.

Letter No. 1412/R.A.3(2) / 2022-1, Dated 04.02.2022

Thiru. Kumar Jayant, I.A.S.,
Principal Secretary to Government,

All District Collectors (w.e)


Sub: Issuing circulars to all the District Collectors – To Issue Yadava Community
Certificate – to the members of Yadhavar Kalvi Nidhi – Necessary Action –
Ref: 1. Common Order dated 22.12.2021 in WMP (MD) Nos. 18282, 18278. 18279,
18280, 18281, 18284, 18286, 18289, 18290 and 18291, of 2021 in W.P(MD)
Nos. 14362, 14569, 14570, 17982 and 21311 of 2019 passed by the Madurai
Bench of Madras High Court.
2. From the Administrator, ( Appointed by High Court) Judge, (Retd) High Court,
Madras dated 06.01.2022 (Received on 11.02.2022)

I am Directed to enclose a copy of the reference cited and to state that the Administrator
(appointed by High Court) has Stated that the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has requested him
to give an opportunity to the members of yadhavar Kalvi Nidhi (Society) to produce Certificate, issued
by Jurisdictional Tahsildar concerned to establish that they belong to Yadhava Community. The
Learned Judge in the Common Order dated 22.12.2021 further observed that a letter may be addressed
to Secretary to Government, Revenue & Disaster Management Department to Issue a circular to all the
District Collectors intimating them that when a request is made by a member of the above said society
to issue Yadava Community Certificate, such request is to be processed with much care and the
official would be held accountable, in case of issue of any false certificates.
The relevant paragraphs in the above said common order are as follows:
“12.The Administrator may also address the Secretary to Government, Revenue and Disaster
Management Department, Secretariat. Fort St.George, Chennai, to issues a circular to all the District
Collectors impressing upon them that when any request is received to issues a Community Certificate
is received, such application for such request should be processed with much care and the official
should be processed with much care and the official should be put on notice that if they issue a
false certificate, they would be held accountable.

216 | P a g e
13. A Direction is also given to the secretary to Government, Revenue and Disaster
Management Department, Secretariat, Fort St. George Chennai to assist the learned Administrator, a
Former Judge of this court, Mr.Justice, S.Rajeswaran, who is discharging an onerous duty on request
of the Court”
2. The Administrator (Appointed by High Court) has further requested to issue necessary
circulars to the District Collectors as observed by the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court in the
Common order dated 22.12.2021.
3. In this Connection, I am Directed to request you to take appropriate action on the common
order dated 22.12.2021 by the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court and to direct that when any
request received to issue a community certificate namely Yadava Community Certificate is received,
such application forward request should be processed with much case and the official should be put on
notice that if they issue a false certificate they would be hold accountable and send compliance report
to the Administrator (Appoineted by High Court) under initimation to Government.
4. This may be treated as “Most immediate”

Yours faithfully,

for Principal Secretary to Government.

217 | P a g e

From TO
The Additional Chief Secretary / The all District Collectors
Commissioner of Revenue Administration
Ezhilagam, Chepauk,
Chennai 600 005.
Lr.No. RA 5 (3)/O/2/2023-2 dated: 23.05.2023
Sir/ Madam.
Sub : Certificates - Issue of community certificate to newly included communities of
Kurivikkaran, Narikoravan"through online mode – Instructions – Regarding.
Ref : 1. Government of India, Ministry of Law and justice (Legislative
Department) the Gazette of India, Extraordinary No.1/2023 dated
2. G.O.(Ms).No.38 Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (CV1) Department
dated 17.03.2023
3. The Government Lr No.357/ RA 3 (2)/2023-1 Revenue and Disaster
Management, Revenue Administration Wing. RA 3(2) Section dated
I invite attention to the reference cited.

2) In the reference 1st cited, the Government of India, Ministry of Law and justice
(Legislative Department), have amend the Constitution (Schedule Tribes) order 1950 to modify the list
of Scheduled Tribes in the State of Tamil Nadu in the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second
Amendment) Act, 2022. No 1 of 2023 by including the Narikoravan, Kurivikkaran In the Constitution
(Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, in the Schedule, in Part XIV.- Tamil Nadu, after entry 36 i.e SI.No.
37. Accordingly the Government of Tamil Nadu have issued G.O vide reference 2nd cited. Further, the
TamilNadu e-Governance Agency has included the above communities in the list of Scheduled Tribes
in online.
3) Therefore, you are requested to instruct the Sub-Collector / Revenue Divisional officers to
issue community certificate as Narikoravan. Kurivikkaran for the applications received through online
mode by duly following the procedures / rules in force without any delay.
Yours faithfully
Sd/-S.K. Prabakar
Additional Chief Secretary/
Commissioner of Revenue Administration

/forwarded by order/

218 | P a g e
Communities — Scheduled Tribes — The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order. 1950 -Amended — The
Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Act 2022 (Central Act 1 of 2023) -
Published and came in to force — Republished and communicated for general information - Orders
— Issued.


G.O. (Ms) No.38 Dated 17.03.2023
ப வ டம்
பங் ளி மாதம் 3-ஆம் நாள் ,
வள் வர் ஆண் 2054
1. Government of India, Ministry of Law and justice (Legislative
Department) Gazette of India, Extraordinary No.1 . dated :
2 F rom t h e Di r e ct o r , T ri ba l W el fa r e i n L e t t er R C
No/TD/B2/7320/2022, dated 06.01.2023_
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2022 (Central Act 1 of
2023) which was passed by the Parliament and received the assent of the President of India on 02.01.2023
has been published in the Gazette of India, dated 03.01.2023 in the reference first read above.
2 . The certificate issuing authorities have to adopt the revised list with correct
name of Scheduled Tribes while issuing the Community Certificate to eligible and genuine persons
belonging to the Scheduled Tribes. It has, therefore, become necessary to bring to the notice of all the
authorities concerned, the enactment of the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2022
(Central Act 1 of 2023), which has been brough into force on and from the 3rd day of January 2023. A
copy of the said Act is annexed as Annexure - I to this order. A revised list of Scheduled Tribes, as
amended by the said Act, is annexed as Annexure II to this Order.
3. The Collectors and Heads of Departments concerned and the certificate issuing authorities
under their control are requested to adopt the list of Scheduled Tribes in the Constitution (Scheduled
Tribes) Order, 1950 as amended by the said Central Act 1 of 2023 strictly. The receipt of this Order shall
be acknowledged.


219 | P a g e

The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue and
Disaster Management Department. Secretariat. Chennai -- 9.
The Additional Chief Secretary / Commissioner of
Revenue Administration,
Commissionerate of Revenue Administration, Chepauk, Chennai — 5.
The Director, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Chennai — 5.
The Director, Tribal Welfare Department. Chennai — 5.
All District Collectors.
All District Revenue Officers,
All Heads of Departments.
Ali District Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Officers.
The Director, Tribal Research Centre, Udhagamandalam - 4.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-3.
The Director of Stationary and Printing, Chennai-2.
The Works Manager, Government Central Press,
Chennai-79. (For publications)
The Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi.
The Director of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
Shastri Bhavan, Chennai-6
Copy to
The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Chennai — 9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Minister
(Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare) Chennai-9.
The Personal Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government,
Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Personal Secretary to Secretary to Government,
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Chennai-9.
All Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.
All Sections of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department,
Stock file/Spare copies.

//Forwarded by Order//

Section Officer.

220 | P a g e

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the

President on the 2nd January 2023 is hereby re-published for general
(Legislative Department)
New Delhi, the 3 January, 2023 / Pausa 13, 1944 (Saka)

The following Act of parliament received the assent of the

President on the 2nd January, 2023 and is hereby published for
general information.
No.1 OF 2023
An Act further to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
to modify the list of Scheduled Tribes in the State of Tamil Nadu.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the seventy-third year of the
Republic of India as follows:-

1. This Act may be called the Constitution (Scheduled Short

Amendment Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Act. 2022. title
of 2. In the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order. C.0.22
Constitution 1950, in the Schedule, in Part XIV. — Tamil Nadu.
(Scheduled after entry 36, the following entry shall be inserted,
Tribes) namely :-
Order, 1950. "37. Narikoravan, Kurivikkaran.


Secretary to the Government of India.

(Re-published by order of the Governor)


//True Copy!!
Section Officer.

221 | P a g e
Part XIV - Tamil Nadu
1. Adiyan
2. Aranadan
3. Eravallan
4. Irular
5. Kadar
6. Kammara (excluding Kanayakumari district and Shenkottan taulk of
Tirunelveli district
7 . Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari district and shenkottah taulk of
Tirunelveli district
8 . Kaniyan, Kanyan
9 . Kattunayakan
1 0 . Kochu Velan
1 1 . K o n d a K a pu s
1 2 . Kondareddis
13. Koraga
1 4 . Kota (excluding Kanyakumari district and shenkotta taulk of Tirunelveli
1 5 . Kudiya, Melakudi
1 6 . Kurichchan
1 7 . Kurumbas (in the Nilgiris district)
18. Kurumans
1 9 . Maha Malasar
2 0 . M a l a i A r ay a n
2 1 . M a l a i Pa n da r a m
2 2 . Malai Vedan
2 3 . M a l a k k u r av a n
24. Malasar
2 5 . Malayali (in Dharmapuri, North Arcot, Pudukottai, Salem, South
Arcot and Tiruchirappalli districts)
2 6 . Malayakandi
27, Mannan
28. Mudugar, Muduvan
29. M u t h u v a n
30. P a l l a y a n
31. P a l l i y a n
32. P a i l i y a r
33. P a n i y a n
34. S h o l a g a

222 | P a g e
35. Toda (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taulk of Tirunelveli
36. U r a l y
37. Narikoravan, Kurivikkaran.

// True Copy II
Section Officer.

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