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Unit 3: Food READING: What do you have for breakfast?

For breakfast, I have some coffee and some

bread with a little butter or a little cheese.
Sometimes I have a fruit milkshake. I usually put
a few strawberries in my milkshake.
GRAMMAR: a few, a little

a little butter, cheese, milk, sugar…

Unit 3: Food

a few strawberries, apples, oranges, grapes…

a little + uncountable nouns

a few + countable nouns (plural form)
GRAMMAR: a few, a little

Complete with: a few, a little

Unit 3: Food

1. I like to drink tea with _______ sugar.

2. I have _______ biscuits for the snack.
3. Samira eats _______ bread. She’s on a diet.
4. You need _______ eggs for the cake.
5. Amine usually adds _______ cream to his coffee.
GRAMMAR: a few, a little

Complete with: a few, a little

Unit 3: Food

1. I like to drink tea with a little sugar.

2. I have a few biscuits for the snack.
3. Samira eats a little bread. She’s on a diet.
4. You need a few eggs for the cake.
5. Amine usually adds a little cream to his coffee.

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