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VOCAB 詞語 10


B. 填同義詞/反義詞 30



1. WHY 為什麼 35
2. MEANING 意思題 41
同場加映:選擇題(一) 45
3. ANALOGY 類似 47
4. IRONY 諷刺 50
6.1 WRITER’S POV 作者的觀點 53
6.1.1 同場加映:選擇題(一):有關作者的觀點 55
6.1.2 同場加映:選擇題(二): 有關情緒的形容詞 56
6.2 OTHER’S POV 其他人的觀點 58
7. CONFLICTS 衝突 59
8. CENTRAL MESSAGE 主旨/ 段意 60
同場加映:選擇題—配對段落與文意 60





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STORY / POETRY 故事/詩詞 96


2. STORY 故事: 2014 年試卷 96
3. POETRY 詩詞: SAMPLE PAPER (2012) 98

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(只限 Part A 及 Part B2 的分析)

年份 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Vocabulary ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
True/False/Not ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Error Correction ✓ ✓ ✓
Long questions
Why ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Meaning ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Analogy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ironic ✓ ✓ ✓
Open-ended / ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Yes -No
POV ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Conflicts ✓ ✓ ✓
Central Message ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Summarization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Similarities & ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shorter questions
Referencing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T/F/NG ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Who says what? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Statistics ✓

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如何在文章 locate 答案?
1. 找尋文章和題目的關鍵字,答案一般在關鍵字附近:
1.1. 有些題目旨在重複關鍵字:
年份/題號 答案 解釋
2013/11. The colours were exposed “…most of the colours did not survive the crucible of time-or
According to to air (lines 52-53). the exposure to air that comes with discovery and excavation”
paragraph 5, why (lines 52-53),答案緊隨關鍵字。破折號後的 “or”有「換句
did the colours of 話講」的意思。
the warriors not

2012/16. Parents want children to “Parents want pastimes that will keep their children away from
According to Pat, get back into more the TV and computer…They’re trying to get back into more
why do parents interactive things and get interactive things now” (lines 122-125) 答案緊隨 “keep their
want to keep families together. children away from the TV and computer”
their children
away from the
TV and

1.2. 如果專有名詞的話,請好好把握
年份/題號 答案 解釋
2020/11. 請看下述 Vocab 該分部 Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron 是建築師,因此同學主
Vocab 要在第 5 段鎖定 答案。

1.3. 有些題目會出現文章關鍵字的同義詞:
年份/題號 答案 解釋
2013/39. Some users are revealing 文章的“unwittingly” (line 6) (adv. 不知情地)與問題的 “by
According to undesirable personal traits accident”(phr.偶然)相吻合。
paragraph 2, what to their peers by accident.
are some users
doing by

1.4. 有些題目會出現文意接近的關鍵字:
年份/題號 答案 解釋
2012/6. Their life was fast- 文章的“opened the café…one month ago”與 問題的“before
What was Pat’s paced/busy/hectic. they opened the café”意思相近。文章中,line 15 寫道: “to
and Dee’s life slow down the pace of life a little bit” ,那就是她們的生活
like before they 很繁忙。
opened the café?

2019/46(v). Thommo was a thief. “One day the police came to the classroom and made Thommo
T/F/NG open his Globite school case. It was full of stolen treasures…”

當 Thommo 被警察要求打開佢個袋,發現佢個袋裝滿偷來
的贓物( “stolen treasures”) “thief” 與 “stolen treasures” 意

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1.5. 短句/句子次序可能有調換
年份/題號 技巧 解釋
2015/64(iv). 後句調到前句 題目: Rather than being a participant, there is a preference to be
Text-editing a competitor
原文: “The inquirer has taken the guise of the sophisticated
(often ironic) spectator, rather than the messy participant in
continuing experiments…”

1.6. 比較的句式
年份/題號 技巧 解釋
2012/8. 用另一個角度說明比較 題目: Pat thinks computer games are not as challenging as some
board games (i.e. computer games < board games). (2012/8.)

原文: Pat says, “I found a lot of interesting board games that were
more challenging than anything on the computer (i.e. board
games > computer games)(2012, A, para 9, lines 46-47)

2021/63. 比較的程度不一樣 題目: Prof. Lee believes that life on Earth is more important
than life from other planets. (2021/63)

原文: Life independent of Earth deserves valuation equal to

that of our world and those landscapes deserve to be spared
from our meddling even if they are not home to any life.
(2021, B2, para 6, lines 30-31)

1.7. 數字/時間可能會用文字的方式表達
年份/題號 技巧 解釋
2013/48. 數字轉化為文字 題目用 “1970s”, 而原文用 “nineteen seventies” (line 12)

2018/17. 十年為一個單位 “decades” = “10 years”

2016/6. 一百年為一個單位 “centuries” = “100 years”
2015/64(ii) “last half-century” = since 1950s
N.A 提及數年過去 3 years later
2012/18. 星期一至五/ 星期六日的 Weekdays = Monday to Friday
Vocabulary 另外一個教法 Weekends = Saturday and Sunday
2018/61(iii). 用數字去體現一個概 題目:Willie and his family have always been successful with
T/F/NG 念:如多或少 their honey harvest.
原文:“Some years he gets nothing at all. But today he gets
2,500 pounds of honey.”
“2,500 pounds”可以視作成功

1.8. 答案或許會以連接詞/標示語分割,同學也可以從連接詞/relative pronouns 得到

序號 句式 年份/題號 解釋
1. …and…(一) 2015/42; “and”可以是並列複句,
2013/45; § 故 “and”前後的 phrase 將會是答案; 而且
2016/64(i) § “and”前後的 phrase 格式應該都是一樣的, 即如
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e.g. 題目:one pursues truth, the other pursues exuberance
原 文 : “Liberal education in America has long been
characterized by the intertwining of two traditions: of critical
inquiry in pursuit of truth and exuberant performance in
pursuit of excellence” (lines 31-32)

2. …and…(二) 2014/26. “and”也可以是因果句,故 “and”後的 phrase 將會是結

3. …and…(三) 2012/63. “and” 也可以是比較句:“In fact, China is suffering a glut
of college graduates who can’t find appropriate jobs, and a
shortage of blue-collar workers.” (lines 36-37)

4. …or…(一)/ 2020/3. “or” 是二擇一的句子, “or”前後的選項很大機會呈相反意

Either…or… 2021/57. 思
5. …or…(二) 2012/11. “or”也可以是列舉性質相似的概念,前後的選項意思近
6. also… PP/4. “also” 及 “even”有遞進的意思,所以附近的字句都會是
even… 答案。
7. Not only…but…and PP/46. “not only A but also B” 是指「不只 … 還 …」,說明 A
與 B 同樣牽涉在內,不過作者更強調後者,即 B。
8. With…, S+V+O 2013/19. “With”是用來以修飾後面的句子,有「有著、由於、隨
9. Relative pronoun: PP/63. “which” 後的資料是用來修飾主語
…who… 2016/60. “who” 後的
10. …to… 2014/32. “to” 表示「目的」,所以 “to”後的部分將是將是目的
11. More importantly, … 2016/16. “More importantly”、 “ Instead”、 “Perhaps most
Instead…Perhaps important of all”這些字把論點獨立出來,而這些字也透
most important of 露了它們是作者的論點。
12. A while B 2018/14 “while”前和後的主體一般會呈相反意思
13. A when B 2016/75 “when”前和後的主體一般會呈相反意思
“The food media continues to treat these as a new form of
cuisine and some sort of breakthrough invention when they
are nothing more than a way to deliver food to
consumers…” (lines 37-39);

14. …but… 2021/21. “but”的句子有轉折的意思

§ 可以看到態度上的轉變

1.9. 留意標點符號的涵義:

序號 句式 年份/題號 解釋
1. 破折號 2016/27. 留意破折號,破折號後面的資料能為前述代詞提供多一
2. 冒號 2018/57. 用作分說、解釋或說明以及總結上文。
3. Quotation marks 2016/55 Quotation marks 可以有以下用途:

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1.10. 留意句式的含義:
序號 句式 年份/題號 解釋
1. 反問句 2017/8. “But how much difference does it make?”
透過問題 highlight 一些論點
2015/31. Why aren’t people happier with what they’ve done” (lines
2. 設問句 2014/73. “Does one really want to side with such apoplectic bores? I
should know, I often catch myself being one…”(lines 44-45)
3. If… (一) 2021/63(i). If…的句式有不確定的意思
原文:If life is present on another world, the introduction
world, the introduction of terrestrial life forms would be an
ecological disaster as well as an immense loss to science

4. If…(二) 2019/56. If…也可以是條件句,講一些假設性的句子出來。

5. Active & Passives 2013/20. 留意主動句和被動句主語的位置,不要搞錯對象
題目:a…has been developed to hold together the soil
原文:Rong bo, the museum’s head chemist, who helped
develop a binding agent that holds the soil together.

2. 整理資料:
2.1. 完整節錄重點;
2.2. 分析資料,瞭解問題的重點;

3. 如果遇到艱深難懂的 vocab 時,應該怎麼辦呢?

3.1 靠詞性去估

詞性 用途 字尾
Parts of Speech Function Suffix
Noun 名詞 帶出句子的主體、突出 s, cy, sy, ty, y, age, an/ian (人), ist (人), er (人), or (人),dom, en,
人、事、物、概念 et, ette, hood, ice, ic, ing,
ism(意識形態), ment, ness, ship, th, ce, ant, ent, ry, ion

Adjective 修飾名詞 ed, ing, ful, ous, less (缺乏), ant, ent, al, y, ish, ary, ic, ical,
形容詞 like, able (能力), ible, ive, en, ate, ar

Verb 顯示動作 n, ed, s


3.2 運用前文後理
§ 定義可見該詞逗號(,)後的文字
o E.g. People are using sandbags to create levees, movable barriers against
incoming floodwaters.
§ 約莫的定義也可以在該詞的前面
o E.g. Many people died in the accident; the car crash is a catastrophe.
à 我們可以知道 “catastrophe” 與多人喪生的事件有關

§ 留意輔助性的詞語(如:”which/who”, “or”, “also known as”, “or known as”,


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o 一般來說,這些詞後面連著的字就是該詞的意思
§ E.g. A pharmacist is someone who dispenses medical drugs.
§ E.g. Ketamine, or “Super K”, is an illegal substance.

§ 留意 “and”的用法
o “and”一般連結著意思相似或性質相似的字
§ E.g. I like eating confectioneries and all kinds of sweet food.

§ 留意標示語 (如:”This means that”; “It is”, etc.)

o 一般來說,這些標示語後面連著的字就是該詞的意思
§ The Chinese values filial piety. This means that we ought to respect
and obey our parents.

3.3 (一般不建議背誦)可以透過前綴(prefix)去估
Prefix Meaning Examples
ab- away from absent
anti- against antithesis
bene- good beneficial
bi- two; double bicycle
bio- life biology
cent- hundred century
circum- around circumvent
co-, com-, con- with, together commercial
de- reverse, remove delete
dis-, dif-, di- separation, away, apart disbelief, difficult
em-/en- cause to emphasize
fore- before foreclosure
inter- between international
mid- middle midday
mis- wrongly mistreat
non-, un-, im-, in-, il-, ir- not; opposite meaning nonchalant
pre- before prevent
re- again re-examine
semi- half semi-finals
sub-/un- under submarine/underestimate
super- above supersede
trans- across transform

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A. Fill-in-the blanks 填充題

一般來說,同學會覺得這個部分是整份 Paper 1 最困難的題型之一。以下,我會提出幾

Ground 0: 熟讀題目及問題格式,節省找出答案的時間
§ Sub-headings 可以給你答案範圍的提示
第一步: 在原文找尋問題中的:-
§ 關鍵字、關鍵字的其他詞性(2012/67)
§ 專有名詞(如人名、地名)、
§ articles (尤其是 “an”, 因為它限制後面的名詞為”a”/ “e”/ “I”/
“o”/ “u” 開頭的)
第二步: 善用同義詞 (e.g. contest & competition [2021/27/iv])、意義相近的短語
(e.g. “all new staff need to & will be mandatory for all new employees”

第三步: 留意特別的句子結構,例如:
§ 條件句(conditionals)
§ Either…or… (2021/57.)
§ 由主動句換成被動句 (2013/20.)
§ 比較型(comparisons) (2013/48): A 是這樣,B 就是它的相反
留意標示語 (2021/57.)
§ A different type of (2021/57.)
§ First, second, third…
第四步: 理解段落的大意
第五步: 要注意題目對字數的限制:no more than ONE word, no more than FOUR
words, etc.

詞性 句子結構
n. § 形容詞後:a cute baby
§ 動詞前: the baby cries
§ This/that/these/those 後: Those boys are naughty.
§ 代名詞(his, my, etc.)後: His phone is not charging.
§ Articles 後: A cat is purring.
v. § 主語/名詞後: She plays the piano.
§ to 後: We can’t afford to buy that smartphone.
§ Modal verbs 後: You must wear uniforms to school.
§ Adverbs 前/後: You need to sing softly.
adj. § 名詞前面: A caring mother
§ Verb to be (is/am/are/was/were/be)後:He is smart.
adv. § 動詞前/後: He snores loudly.
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§ [1]形容詞或[2]另一個副詞的前面: [1] He is very ill. [2] He works
very hard to get his present job.
Prep. § 動詞之後/名詞之前:
o Phrasal verbs, e.g. specializing in (2012/18.)
Conj. § 句子或名詞中間

§ 有時候,題目的文字與原文的次序可能不同
§ 問題要求同學的答案是 “grammatically correct” + “meaning accurate”,同學需
- 有時候需要留意如何把數字轉換成文字
- 使用反義詞(e.g. 2018/6)
- 改詞性(Parts of Speech) ;
- 歸納句子意思並自行填寫 vocab;
- 單眾數轉換;
- Comparative and superlative form (2018/6)
- 主動式/被動式轉換 (2013/20); 及
- 用正確的 verb forms (i.e. 字尾加 “s”/ “ed”/”ing”)
§ 有時候,你會發現題目的橫線比文章中找到的 vocab 少。在這個時候,你需
要選取最為相關的 vocab 並摒棄修飾的字眼:-
- Adjectives 形容詞
- Adverbs 副詞

[1] 2021 年 A 第 26 題
(提示: using a maximum of two words)
題號 答案 解釋
i. buyers’ consortium (n.) 辨識同義詞
(line 9) “create”與 “develop” (line 9)意思相近,再確認答案: 看 lines 10-11
“First, Star Resort will develop a buyers’ consortium with a few premium
hotels…” i.e.即宣揚可持續性的捕魚技巧

ii. certified (v.) (line13) 辨識同義詞

我們可以發現 “certified as environmentally-friendly corporations”(line
13)與題目中的 “to prove their green credentials”意思相近

iii. more environmentally- 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義

friendly (line 14) “That means more food companies in Singapore will become
environmentally-friendly, creating a ripple effect.” (line 14)
特別留意 “ripple effect” (line 14) (i.e. 漣漪效應)的涵義,即影響會造成

iv. herbs (n.) (line 16) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

“Last year, Star Resort’s garden provided about 2 kilograms of herbs a
day…” (line 16)

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[2] 2021 年 A 第 27 題
(提示: writing one word)
題號 答案 解釋
i. engagement (n.) (line 留意文中句式 “Central to our stewardship program, however, is
18) employee engagement” (lines 18-19)即透露了員工的參與是他們管理項

ii. training (n.) (line 21) 辨識意思相近的字

留意表述近似的字。 題目的“will be mandatory”與文中的 “need to”
(line 21)意思相同

iii. rewards (n.) (line 23) 留意字義方向不同的字

題目 “employees like to receive”與文中的 “we should provide” (line 23)

iv. innovation (n.) (line Line 24 說明該比賽(“contests”)與革新(“innovation”)有關


[3] 2021 年 B 第 57 題


題號 答案 解釋
i. ferry (line 18) 留意 “either…or…”句式 (lines 18-19),暗示兩個選項:
“These greenhouse-gas machines would either have to be ferried to Mars
ii. made out of materials or made out of materials already located on the planet.”
already located on the
planet (line 19)

iii. solar-powered (line 17) 題目提及 “energy source” 即能源來源,“solar-powered”已表示機器的


iv. emit carbon dioxide 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

and other greenhouse 題目中的 “purpose” 與文中 line 17 的 “purpose”一樣
gases into the “Their sole purpose would be to emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
atmosphere (lines 18- gases into the atmosphere.”

v. Absorb carbon dioxide 辨識同義詞/意思相近的字

and emit oxygen (lines 我們知道第二台機器已經出現的字句: “a different type of…” (line 21)
21-22) 引申關鍵字: “another type of”; “there comes…”

vi. photosynthetic bacteria 辨識同義詞/意思相近的字

and algae (line 22) 留意透露有“額外”意思的關鍵字: “could also be used” (line 22)
“Photosynthetic bacteria and algae could also be used alongside these
greenhouse-gas machines.” (lines 22-23)

vii. thickened atmosphere 題目說這裡是 “desired environmental conditions on Mars” ,即講出火星

(line 16) 環境的優點。 原文說明 “One option for thickening the atmosphere of
viii. higher temperature Mas and raising the temperature of the planet would be to set up solar-
(line 16) powered, greenhouse-gas producing machines” (lines 16-18)。這裡透露了

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[4] 2021 年 B2 第 65 題
§ “main argument for / against”就是述明論點
o 找出主題句,因為論點一般隱含在主題句中
§ “reason / example”就是述明證據
o “because”就是提示同學填原因

題號 答案 解釋
i. lead to biological 說明探索外星會威脅其他太陽系恆星,以來自地球的生物污染( “the
contamination (line 6) ever-increasing scope of our space exploration efforts threatens the other
planets in our solar system with biological contamination from Earth”)
(lines 5-6)而這個事宜是最貼近證據的概念。

ii. bring benefits to 一般來說,例子前就是主題句。

unspoiled 留意 “the national parks service of the USA illustrates (v. 闡明)”(lines 10-
environments (lines 10- 11) ,述明這是例子,它的前面是主題句。

iii. the national parks


iv. the invasion of the “We cannot simply land on other planets” 有道德的考量。
Americas by 這裡唯一與此論點有關的例子便是歐洲人入侵美洲的例子
Europeans (lines 19-

v. be made livable and 這裡說明人類的職責,關鍵字是 “we need to…” (line 24)。

comfortable (line 25) 例子是人類需要使世界更適宜居住及舒適(line 25),同樣的職責也在
其他星球適用 (i.e. “but all other worlds around us too”) (line 25)。

vi. human beings can /

make the Earth a better
place (line 24)

vii. destructive to endemic 題目講述我們不應該在其他星球降落,並問我們原因。這裡有講述原

ecosystems (line 28) 因,即 “…because they may carry with them the potential to destroy
endemic ecosystems” (lines 28-29)。我們不能完全直抄。然而,我們需

viii. an equal right (line 30) 這裡說明所有生物值得同等的評價 (i.e. “Life independent of Earth
deserves valuation equal to that of our world…”) (lines 30-31)

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[5] 2020 年 A 第 11 題


題號 答案 解釋
“Initial design” 最初的設計
同義詞為 “first proposal” (line 19), 我們可以知道有關的答案會在第 4 段出現
i. bamboo scaffolding 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
(n. 棚架) (line 20) “The first proposal called for a spindly tower inspired by bamboo
scaffolding” (lines 19-20)
“Inspiration” (n. 靈感)與 “inspired by” 有相同意思 (line 20)

iv. views (line 22) 辨識意思相近的字

“…and it was furiously rejected by nearby residents, who said it would
ruin their views and overshadow the venerable old buildings” (lines 21-

“obstruct”與 “ruin” 意思類近 (line21)

“eventually”(最終)與 “Final design”有差不多意思 (line 22)
答案仍然在第 4 段出現
ii. leather jewellery boxes 辨識意思相近的字
“Both are clad in black aluminium blocks that give them the appearance
of leather jewellery boxes” (lines 26-27)

“give them the appearance” (line 26) 與 “look like” 意思類近

iii. an art gallery (line 25) 推論
“houses” 同 “容納”
auditorium (n. 禮堂) 已經出現
Jacqyes Herzog and Pierre de Meuron 係建築師, 所以看第 5 段:-
Question v. 留意 “original version” (line 30) 知道填左欄
Question vi. 留意 “final design” (line 38)知道要填右欄
v. Switzerland 推論
這一題比較 tricky ,同學要理解何謂 “Hong Kong has neighbourhoods
worse than Switzerland,that they would complain such a radical
transformation” (lines 31-33) 。言下之意,香港比瑞士差, 因為香港會
vi. goal 辨識意思相近的字
“toned down their new design” 即係 “less radical” 啦,後面連住 “but
with the same goal of opening a space that had long been sealed off to the
general population” (lines 38-39),有轉折意思

[6] 2020 年 A 第 12 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. missteps (line 47) 由於這道題目指向性太多,建議先完成餘下題目再返回這道題目
ii. collapsed (line 47) 辨識意思相近的字

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留意關鍵字 “during an attempt to reinforce it” (lines 47-48),即是指 “在
鞏固牆壁的過程中”,與題目的 “while working on…”吻合

iii. cells (line 49) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

尋找與題目關鍵字相符/相同的字,如 “preserve” (line 48)及 “graffiti”
(line 49),配搭對句子的理解,加上介詞 “in”的限制,就知道在監牢

iv. criticized (line 48) 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義

原文提及 “loss of the original patina of the heritage buildings” (lines 50-
51) ,由此可見,這可以引申出它是批評的話語

[7] 2020 年 B2 第 57 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. calm down (lines 52- 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義
53) 這裡講 David 當下的情況,即對他將要出發去瑞典此事存有憂慮,甚
至恐懼(line 47), Norton 道出 David 並非去火星,叫他毋需擔心。
所以,Norton 叫他保持鎮定

ii. Skype home (line 56) 當 David 在旅途中感到寂寞,他可以如何做呢?原文 line 55 講 “There

will be lonely nights when you miss your friends and family”。Norton 建
議 David 聯絡家人同朋友— “…but this is 2020 so you have the luxury of
calling or Skyping them”
iii. don’t give up (line 62) 辨識意思相近的字
當 David 遇到困難的時候(line 62),Norton 於 line 62 建議 David 不要
一下子放棄 (i.e. “Persevere and make sure that if or when you leave it feels
like a decision you are in charge of rather than simply running away”)
iv. return home (lines 62- 基於(iii)的推論, Norton 沒有叫 David 在無論甚麼情況下都不可以放
63) 棄,所以 David 是有放棄的權利

[8] 2019 年 A 第 8 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. organized (adj.) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
原文 line 32 的“pile of paper”是關鍵詞
ii. random (adj.) 辨識同義詞
原文的“think of” (line 33)是題目 “consider”的同義詞, 原文的“it’s
not a random pile”(line 34)是 題目的“this is not the case”的同義詞
iii. bottom (n.) 辨識意思相近的字
原文的 “The stuff that you don’t touch sinks to the bottom of the pile”
(line 33)— “That stuff that you don’t touch” 與題目的 “For example,
when you stop using the material, it will move to the bottom.”— “stop
using the material” 意思相近
iv. list (n.) (line 36) 辨識同義詞
原文的“to-do list”(line 36) 是題目的“a list of things to do”的同義
v. clear (adj.) /
請留意,題目中的三個 numbered paragraphs(i.e. 1.,2.,3.)對應文中三個 advantages,可以注意到作者用
了標示語 (signposting): “Number one” (line 32), “The second advantage is…” (lines 34-35) 及 “The third
advantage is…”(line 37)。這些可以幫助同學節省尋找 vocab 的時間。

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[9] 2019 年 A 第 16 題

題 答案 解釋

i. unstick (v.) (line 辨識同義詞
16) Action 欄指出人可以在一項
疇(“focusing on something
different when facing a
difficulty on a project”), 而
Consequence 欄則要求考生
“allows” (v.允許)(line
思,與題目的 “You will be
able to”意思相近。

ii. understand (v.) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字 +

(line 28) 句式次序對調
system”(line 29)而你會發現
iii. desks (n.) (line 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
58) 關鍵字差不多完全一樣:
“…people really hate being
told what they can or can’t
with their own desks” (lines

iv. control (v.) (line 辨識同義詞

59) 留意同義詞: 題目的“they
lose”與原文的 “It destroys”
(line 59)

[10] 2019 年 B2 第 56 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. defects(n.)瑕疵 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
“character”(line 39)是關鍵字
原文的“Having a character that consists mainly of defects”(line 39)與題
目的 “…there are many defects in his own character”意思一致
ii. desisted (v.)停止 Conditional 句式(二)+辨識意思相近的字
iii. sugar-ants(n.) 請留意,這句是 conditional 條件句式:條件 + 結果
à “…but if the sugar-ants could have spoken to me, I would have desisted
soon enough” (lines 38-39)

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另外,文中的“spoken to me” (line 39) 與題目的 “received some feedback
iv. limits (n.) 辨識意思相近的字
“hauling on one’s own boot-straps”(phr.) 是指靠自己的努力取得成功
同學可能不懂這個 phrase 的意思,如果知道這個 phrase 的意思,就會
知道 “improve ourselves by our own effort”是“hauling on one’s own boot-

[11] 2018 年 A 第 6 條

題號 答案 解釋
i. difficult (adj.) 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義
原 文 的 “the brain hasn’t really evolved to take in abstract
information or spend prolonged periods thinking about one thing”
(line 9)已經透露大腦無法長時間專注一件事。 原文的“hasn’t
really evolved”即未進化,而我們可以理解大腦對此有困難。
ii. slow (adj.) 反義詞的運用
請注意,原文討論的是 “unconscious system”。原文提及 “It
also operates faster.” (line 13)其實,這句隱含了 “the conscious
iii. significant / important(adj.) 辨識意思相近的字
(line 12) 原文的“anything our senses pick up”(line 11)與問題中的 “it helps
people to notice anything”意思相近。
iv. senses (n.) 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義
原文的 “So when you hear a noise when you are alone at home,
you’re paying attention to it long before you consciously notice
it…” (lines 13-14)是在描述其中一個感官(i.e.聽覺)對周圍環境
v. still (line 16) 辨識意思相近的字
“It’s still very much online”(line 16) 與 題 目 的 “The system
is …functioning”意思相近。
vi. stimulating (adj.)(line 18) 句式次序對調 +辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
原 文 的 “This means that a distraction doesn’t need to be as
stimulating to divert your attention to something else” (lines 18-19)
與 題目的“We are easily distracted by unexpected noises even
when the distraction is not as…as the task we are engaged in”意思
vii. stronger (adj. comparative) 辨識同義詞
原 文 中 “And if what we’re doing is unpleasant or dull…the
unconscious attention system is even more potent” 的 “dull” (line
17)與 題目的“boring”是同義詞。另外, “potent”意思是有力的,
而答題簿上用了 “even”,同學要記得用 comparative form。

[12] 2018 年 A 第 17 條

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圍,如 “early” (line 42)、 “over decades” (line 44)

題號 答案 解釋
i. limitations (n.) (line 42) 辨識同義詞
“used for early game consoles” (line 42)與題目中的 “at the start”
ii. simplistic (adj.) (line 42) 相符

另 外 , 文 中 的 “fairly”(adv. 相 當 )(line 42) 與 題 目 中 的

“somewhat” (adv. 有點)意思相符
iii. entertaining (adj.)(line 44) 辨識同義詞
文中的 “refined” (line 43)與題目的 “improved”大致相同
iv. distracting (adj.)(line 44)

v. technology (n.)(line 46) 辨識同義詞

文中的 “as technology progresses”(line 46)與題目中的 “with
vi. balance (n.)(line 48) advances in” 為同義。
文中的 “the challenge will be to” (line 47)與題目的 “the difficulty

[13] 2018 年 B 第 53 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. *surprising (adj.)令 數字轉化為文字
人驚訝的 原文的“first early in the 2000s, and again in 2011” (line 13),這裡,兩
項 interviews 相隔 10 年。另外, “the apple harvest was 30-40 percent
greater” (line 15)一句則有 題目的“a hike”的意思。所以,答案是在
這兩句當中;而在意思上,這些 report 的結果讓人吃驚 (i.e. 原文的
“what they learned was a shocker” (line 14)
ii. absent (adj.) 缺席的 轉換詞性
(line 15) 承上,這裡說明,於 lines 14-15: “First the apple farmers reported that
apple production was not hurt by the absence of bees.” 即使蜜蜂不再出
現,蘋果的收成將上升。同學要懂得轉換 “absence”(line 15)的詞性
i.e. 由名詞轉換至形容詞。
iii. blossom (n.) (line 16) 辨識同義詞
原文的“Human pollinators were better at getting to every blossom”(line
16) 與 題目的“…they are able to access each”意思相近。
iv. dry (adj.) 反義詞的運用 +反義詞的運用
首先, 原文的“fussy workers”指蜜蜂。這樣就可以對應原文 “They
don’t like working when it’s wet, they sleep a lot and they don’t like the
cold” (lines 18-19).從這一句,我們可以得出蜜蜂喜歡乾燥且溫暖的
v. diversity (n.) 辨識同義詞
原文中, “let’s not get hung up on” (lines 22-23)意即對…憂心忡忡,
與問題的 “we should spend less time and energy worrying about”, 而原
文 “biological diversity”對應原文的 “diversity of life”。

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[14] 2018 年 B 第 60 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. bodies (n.)(line 13) 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義
Line 12 把養蜂人比喻作戰士,同學需要留意暗示戰士的字眼
“armour”,而 line 13 則說明這類型的裝束完全覆蓋他們的身軀
(“…which zips across the body and then across the back to close up the
net-fronted hood”),即是與題目的 “protect their…like a warrior”)不謀
ii. hood (n.)(line 13) 推論
題目說 “Instead of a helmet” ,即是說養蜂人頭上戴著除頭盔以外的
“hood”就是風帽,我們也可以透過原文的 “across the neck to close
up the…”(line 13)得知這裏談論的是脖子以上的衣物。
iii. restricted (v., 透過描述/比喻理解內在涵義
passive)(line 15) 題目帶出這類的裝束帶來的後果,而文章則說明養蜂人在這身裝束
中如太空人般行動 (i.e. “walks around like a spaceman”) (line 14),而
line 15 則說明 “Boots and gloves restrict some movements”有些衣物
iv. fast (adv.) 反義詞的運用
題目說明養蜂人笨拙並非全然是壞事(i.e. “this is not such a bad
的話,就會亂作一團 (i.e. “all hell breaks loose”) (line 16)。

[15] 2017 年 A 第 8 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. carbon emissions 辨識同義詞
(碳排放) 先理解意思:
Line 31 提及環保組織再三向市民保證(assures)回收減低碳排放。在
Line 32 中 , 作 者 則 提 出 質 疑 (“But how much difference does it
字:”fewer”(line 31)與題目的 “reduction”意思相近
ii. recycle plastic 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字 +轉換詞性
因為題目有專有名詞,建議先找出關鍵字: “E.P.A” (line 30);
再理解意思:E.P.A.鼓勵人做什麼呢? Line 29 則指出 “recycling
plastic (回收塑膠)”是不二法門;
最後,由於有 “to” 字在前,我們知道這涉及 to-infinitives,在作答前
轉 verb form, i.e. recycling à recycle
iii. Difference (line 31) 反問句
反問句已經凸顯立場: 原文的“But how much difference does it
make”(lines 31-32) 即肯定回收未能帶來太多改變。而題目中, “it
does not necessarily make much of a…”相符。
iv. hot water (line 39) 辨識同義詞
“He calculates that if you wash plastic in water that was heated by coal-
derived electricity…”(line 39) 與問題的“The matter becomes worse if
people rinse their recyclables…”意思相近;
“water that was heated by…” (line 39) 簡單來說就是 “hot water”
v. coal (line 39) 辨識同義詞

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“coal-derived electricity” (line 39) 與 問 題 的 “coal-burning power
station”相約。 “coal-derived”指由煤所衍生的

[16] 2017 年 B2 第 49 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. community- 題目的“they are unique”與 原文的“their specialness”(line 29)意
minded(adj.)(line 31) 思相近;而 原文的 “their special status”(line 30)更是指向
“their specialness”。原文中, “Millennials have translated their
special status into an ability to contribute to societal conventions”
(lines 30 – 31)。答案在下一句出現。
註:由於 Howe and Strauss 與 Twenge 持有相反意見,建議同

ii. individualistic (adj.) 自我的 原文有此字詞,惟同學要理解文意:”the individual is of

(line 36) ultimate importance”(line 35)。答案因此在下一句

iii. believe/follow (line 31) 原文中,“they are community-minded citizens who believe in,
and tend to follow, societal conventions because they believe in
the rules…”(lines 30-31),而題目是 “Millennials’ reaction to
rule is…”

iv. 原 文 中 , “this generation is less likely to care about others’

flaunt/challenge (line 38)
opinions’ opinions, and more likely to flaunt society’s
conventions.” (lines 37-38)
有關以下兩題,請留意問題的前半部分: “The pressure on Millennials to succeed will lead them to…”。
這裡說明想成功的壓力讓他們有以下情況,留意 原文的“create[d]”(line 47) (v. 引起)等字眼。
v. be confident/ believe that 原文說明 “Though Howe and Strauss admit that the Millennials
they will be both financially feel pressure to succeed, they contend 【 意 思 指 Howe and
and socially successful (line Strauss 】 that this confident, achieving generation [ 即
42) Millennials] believes that they will be both financially and
socially successful.” (lines 41-43)
vi. create unrealistically high 原文的第 9 段說明千禧世代存有不切實際的期望。
expectations of themselves 同學不能寫 “leave their exuberant confidence behind as they
(lines 48-49) leave childhood”

[17] 2017 年 B2 第 51 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. Changing make-up of 透過例子推敲重點
the nuclear family “e.g.” 很重要,從例子推敲答案。這裡的例子道出由兩名父母過度

ii. Take part in 辨識關鍵字

discussions 關鍵字— 有關變化的原文字眼 i.e. “led to” (line 55)
題目: “Children have more opportunity to…”
原文的“children are included in family discussions” (line 56),即表示他
iii. friends 辨識同義詞
題目: “Millennials see their parents and other adults as…”

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把意思大概表達出來: “…views his/her relationship with other adults
as peer to peer relationship” (lines 54-55),而 parents 也是
我們可以看到 “see”同 “views”意思差不多; “peer to peer
relationship” 等於朋友 (friends)

[18] 2017 年 B2 第 52 題

看到表格類的題目,請細心審閱欄目的描述, 才能知道該如何填寫表格

題號 答案 解釋
i. the explosion of 辨識關鍵字+透過例子推敲重點
tattoos and piercings 先尋找答案範圍,我們可以從 “expressing one’s identity”差不多意思
的字開始找起,如: “enthusiastic self-expression has flourished” (line
60)。接著找 “example”等表示例子的字眼 (line 61)

ii. Twenge (line 61) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

先找專有名詞。原文的 “cites” (line 61)指引用,通常的用話是引用

iii. workplace (line 61) 這一欄要填 “aspect of life” (人生的範疇)。既然學者的名字已出

現,他的看法/研究所得應該會在他的名字附近。原文的 “In the
workplace” (line 61) 很顯然是一個人生的範疇。

iv. expect their views to Tips: 千萬不要寫 “paying dues/ working up the corporate ladder”因為
be valued (lines 62) Raines 的看法是這個相法是 “foreign” (陌生的),即人們不會這樣
v. education (line 63) 這裡問的是 aspect,即範疇。我們需要找與人生範疇相關的字眼。
原文的 “In education” (line 63)就正正說明這是一個範疇
vi. Twenge (line 65) 了解學術性文章的引用方法
(Twenge, 2006)是常見引用文獻的方法。“Twenge” = 學者名稱;
2006 = 文獻出版的年份

[19] 2016 年 A 第 12 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. why some people 原文的 lines 24-25“I started to examine why some people consistently
consistently encounter chance opportunities whereas others do not”中的 “I started to
encounter chance examine”,即他表他希望研究的題目(=研究目的)
opportunities (lines

ii. questionnaire (line 辨識意思相近的字

27) 原文的“I first asked volunteers to complete a questionnaire to determine
if they considered themselves lucky or unlucky”(line 27)(註:
lucky/unlucky 是兩組不同的參加者),即是用問卷去測試參加者;
與問題的 “used a …to divide people into lucky and unlucky groups”不
iii. newspaper (lines 29) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
原文的 “Then I gave each group a newspaper, and asked them to look
through it and tell me how many photographs were inside” (lines 29-

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31);而題目是 “Gave a…to both the lucky and the unlucky group to
look at.” 句子的用字差不多一樣
iv. the number of /
photographs (lines

v. message (line37) /

vi. spot the message 辨識同義詞

(line 41) 問題的 “Lucky people were able to…”與文章的“…the lucky people
tended to spot it”(line 41)意思相近

vii. they are less tense 反義詞的運用

(line 43) 文中的 “Personality tests revealed that unlucky people are generally
tense and anxious than lucky people” (line 43); 然而題目要求我們填
“lucky people”的特質。兩者的特性呈相反

[20] 2015 年 A 第 17 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. soaps (line 34) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
原文說明 “Q: How about Korean soaps? A:I don’t like drama stuff”
(lines 34-35),而 “I”即是受訪者 Daniel。問題寫道 “Daniel doesn’t
like Korean…”, 關鍵字 “Korean”, “don’t/doesn’t like”差不多全中

ii. rich (line 36) 辨識同義詞

原文寫到 “beautiful girl from poor family marries rich guy”(line 36);
而題目則是 “with a …man meeting…”。其中, “guy“與 “man”是同義

iii. beautiful (line 36) 辨識同義詞

原文寫到 “beautiful girl from poor family marries rich guy”(line 36);
而題目則是 “with a rich man meeting a…lady”。其中, “girl“與 “lady”
iv. poor (line 36) 辨識意思相近的字
原文寫到 “beautiful girl from poor family marries rich guy”(line 36),
而題目表示“with a rich man meeting a beautiful lady who comes from
a…background”。題目的 “background”與原文的 “poor family” (line

v. marry (line 38) 文章說最後他們結了婚才得以成功: “what’s the best way to become

wealthy or to achieve status? Sadly, it’s to marry someone”(lines 37-38)

[21] 2014 年 B 第 70 題
題號 答案 解釋
i. fame 辨識同義詞+轉換詞性
原文寫道 “Ever since I can remember I had dreamt of being famous”
(line 21); 而問題則是 “When the writer was young, he desired…” 問題
中的 “desired”的同義詞為 原文的“dreamt of” (line 21)。由於橫線前
面是動詞,根據文法規則,我們要把 “famous” (line 21)的詞性從形
容詞轉為名詞 “fame”

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ii. appearance (line 24) 辨識同義詞
問題寫道:It is a common worry that society now places less importance
on ability than on…”。我們需嘗試找出問題中的“ability”在原文的同
義詞。於原文第 23 行: “many hands are daily wrung at the supremacy
of appearance over achievement” 中 的 “achievement” 一 字 就 是
“ability” 的 同 義 詞 。 同 時 , 我 們 可 以 看 到 比 較 的 句 式 , 如
“less…than”, 嘗 試 在 原 文 找 出 類 似 的 句 式 。 我 們 不 難 發 現
“supremacy of appearance over achievement” (line 24)其實意思相同

iii. delusional (line 24) 辨識同義詞

問題 “Where it may seem obvious that wanting to be a celebrity is
superficial and…”中的 “superficial”與原文中 “To desire fame argues a
shallow and delusional outlook ” (line 24)中的 “shallow”(line 24)意思

iv. clearly (line 26) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

原文中敘述 “we can also see just clearly that…” (line 24), 而題目則以
“it can also be…seen”字眼接近完全一樣

v. dazzled/ trapped/ 辨識同義詞

entramelled (line 27) 問題寫道: “it can also be clearly seen that more and more youths
are…by fame every year”. 而原文則寫道: “as each year passes a
greater and greater proportion of the western’s youth is becoming
entramelled in that snare and dazzled by that delusion” (line 27)

[22] 2013 年 A 第 17 題

的時間呢?同學可以留意一些獨特的字眼。在這題目中, “Shen Maosheng”是專有名詞,我建議同

題號 答案 解釋
i. clay quivers 找出 Pronoun 指的是哪個主題
題後一句,同學會發現 “which have a similar appearance to
即 “Shen Maosheng leads me past what look like terra cotta
backpacks…They are, in fact (實際上), clay quivers”(line 89-
91) 。留意 pronoun “they”指的是 “what look like terra cotta
backpacks”;而 “in fact”則有說明特質的意思
ii. chariot (n.) 辨識同義詞
原文“Shen and I skirt the remnants of a freshly excavated
chariot” (line 92) 的 “fresh excavated” 與 問 題 的 “Shen
Maosheng first shows the author…and a recently unearthed…”
的 “recently unearthed”同義
在答題簿上,我們可以看到 “real find”是有特定意思,可以預計在原文中看到此詞,我們可以預計在
下一段(即第 9 段)尋找答案。在這一段,我們可以識別 “shield”及 “military drum”是我們需要的答

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iii. shield 在 (iii)填寫 “shield”因為 “shield”只有一個字;同時,由於
iv. military drum (iv)的答題處後有 “still in one piece”作為描述,而“still in one
piece”則與 原文的“intact”意思相近。

[23] 2013 年 A 第 20 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. Rong (line 116) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
題目中的 “challenge for”提示答案應該與人物/組織有關,我們可以
找出何人正在面臨挑戰;也可以找出關鍵字 “next challenge”於原文
(line 116)的蹤跡

ii. find (line 117) 辨識同義詞

題 目 中 “The next challenge for Rong is to…a procedure” 的 “a
procedure”的同義詞就是原文 “The next challenge, Rong says will be
to find an acceptable method for reapplying this colour to the warriors”
(lines116-118)即 “method” (line 117)

iii. reapplying (line 118) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

題 目 中 “The next challenge for Rong is to find a procedure
for…colour”的用字與問題“The next challenge, Rong says will be to
find an acceptable method for reapplying this colour to the warriors”

iv. binding agent (line 句式變異

115) 問題: “…now that a…has been developed to hold together the soil”
原文: “…says Rong Bo, the museum’s head chemist, who helped
develop a binding agent that holds the soil together so the color won’t
be lost” (lines 113-116)

[24] 2013 年 B 第 48 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. Rebecca Stead (line 9) 找出 Pronoun 指的是那個主題
題目中 “The novel When You Reach Me takes place in New York City
where…grew up” 的 “where…grew up“給了我們提示,答案應該與
人物有關。參考 line 13, 原文 “Rebecca Stead chose to set her
children’s novel When You Reach Me – winner of the 2010 Newbery
Medal – nineteen-seventies New York partly because that’s where she
grew up”提及的“that’s where she grew up”。我們要找出 “she”指出

ii. crime rate (lines 19- 推論
20) 題目中的 “1970s”同原文的 “nineteen-seventies” (line 12)。縱使作者
沒有明確說明 1970 的社會狀況,但是只要我們細心留意,就能發
iii. freedom (line 18) 現,此句式又是比較型的句式。故此,我們可以從 line 18 所述的
iv. safer (line 22)
現今社會狀況推論出 1970s 的狀況。
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v. controlled 理解 “The world of our hovered-over (在上空盤旋) teens and preteens
may be safer” (lines 20-21)的意思,我們可以聯想到直升機父母。就

[25] 2013 年 B2 第 51 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. first 推論
在回答這道題目之前,要理解 “trilogy”的意思,即是三部曲。這裡
在問這本書的序次。Line 34 說明 “Mockingjay”是第三部 (i.e. The
fervently awaited third installment in the triology”);lines 37-38 說明
The Hunger Games and Catching Fire 是 前 兩 部 (“…and there are
currently in print more than 2.3 million copies of the previous two books,
The Hunger Games and Catching Fire)

ii. future (line 27) 推論

題目中的 “took place some time in the…”應該填有關時間的字詞。
根據原文 line 27 “…which depicts a futuristic North America broken up
into twelve districts”的 “futuristic”, 答案該是 “in the future”

iii. each 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

題目用字 “Two children from…district are forced to compete in the
Hunger Games.” (注意 “district”不是眾數,因為這名詞是 countable
但是字詞後面沒有加 “s”);
原文用字 “Every year, two children from each district are forced to
fight to death…”
題目的用字與原文 lines 28-29 接近完全一樣,可以直抄

iv. outdoor arena (line 題目中的 “held in an”應該連結上有關地點的詞彙。

31) 文中的 line 31 說該比賽在 “huge outdoor arena”進行。可是,題目只
有兩條橫線,我們要挑選最有用的兩個字;題目中的 “an”限制了答
案必須是 “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”。那我們只好剔除 “huge”

v. on television 辨識意思相近的字
題目 “The contest is held in an arena and shown…”中的 “shown”講述
Line 30 “Every year, two children from each district are forced to fight to
death in a televised contest called the Hunger Games” 中的“televised”

vi. wins (line 32) 辨識意思相近的字

原文 lines 31-32 講述 “The winner of the contest is the last child left
alive”的 “last child left alive”, 與題目的 “The sole survivor…”意思相

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[26] 2012 年 A 第 18 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. Crystal Design Centre 透過對格式的理解,同學應該知道這裡應該填地址,地址一般在開
(line 130) 首或結尾

ii. specializing (line 28) 留意介詞,因為它可以縮窄答案的範圍,甚至猜到答案能與 “in” 湊

成 phrasal verb

iii. 40 (line37) 從問題可見,答案將是與數字有關

iv. drink 推論
接著,看 “and for that price you get to try out any game for an hour”
(lines 34-35); “Buy another drink and play for another hour” (lines 35-
36) 由此我們可以推斷一杯飲料包一小時桌遊遊玩時間。

v. comfy (adj.) (line 23) 題目中的 “chairs”收窄了答案範圍,我們可以嘗試在文中找出與

“chair”相連的形容詞,即 “It’s a suitably friendly and homey place –
comfy chairs, wood floor.”(lines 22-23)

vi. dice (n. 骰子) (line 9) 題目的 “roll a pair of” 是很大的提示。如果英文底子較好的同學或許

vii. cards (line 10) 同上,“a deck of”一般都會連著 “cards”

viii. low-tech (line 3) 要知道題目中的 “whizzy”的意思,即高科技的。我們應該知道這篇

案應該就是 “whizzy”的相反詞

ix. at home (line 55) 可以先大膽假設,一個訪客如果很喜歡某款遊戲,不是在現場玩,


題目: “If you really like our games, you can buy them to play…Games
cost between Bt500 and Bt3000”.

同學亦可以從原文找關鍵字 “Bt500” 及 “Bt3000”去找出答案的範圍

x. Friday 原文提及 “weekdays” (line 131),即星期一至五
xi. 9pm (line 132) /
xii. Saturday 原文提及 “weekends” (line 131),即星期六及日
xiii. Sunday
xiv. 11am /
xv. website 同學應該知道 是一個網站。

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[27] 2012 年 B2 第 67 題

題號 答案 解釋
i. jobless grads (line 37) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字
問 題 “The new underclass is China’s…” 。 從 原 文 找 出 關 鍵 字
“underclass”— “These jobless grads comprise an unusual underclass”
(line 37)

ii. high-paying (line 39) 嘗試找出關鍵字的其他詞性: “expectations”(line 39)為 問題中


iii. skills (line 39) 辨識意思相近的字

問題說畢業生 “lack (缺乏)even the basic skills”,而原文則說畢業
生有 “too few (太少)practical skills” (line 39) 。 “Lack”及 “[have] too

iv. shortage (line 37) 辨識關鍵字完全一樣的字

從原文尋找題目關鍵字 “blue-collar workers”(line 36),答案就在附
近— “In fact, China is suffering a glut of college graduates who can’t
find appropriate jobs, and a shortage of blue-collar workers” (lines 36-

v. high school (line 47) 先看問題的格式:有一些學生放棄一些事情而作某些事情。
vi. college entrance 處理第(v)題,問題中的 “encourage” (v.鼓勵)後面一般會跟人,而橫
examinations (line 線旁邊連著 “students”。從這些線索,我們可以知道答案跟學生的
47) 級別/種類有關。
vii. vocational schools
處理第(vi)及(vii)題,我們可以看到 lines 46-47 說少了人考公開試
(line 49)
(“saw a decrease in…”),而多了人修讀藍領職業的課程 (“By contrast,
applications to blue-collar vocational schools jumped”) (lines 48-49)

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B. Multiple Choice Questions 選擇題
1. 選項要與 Theme (主題)一致
2. 選項一般不是 literal meaning (字面意思 )
3. 選項內容一定要涵蓋原文全部內容,不可以只是涵蓋一個或兩個 point

年份/ 選項 答案及解釋
2020/3. A. broke the law 留意代名詞所指的是什麼
What does B. fell off a wall A.
“fell on the C. made the wrong Step 1: 剔除字面義的選項
wrong side decision 在 4 項選項中,B 是最接近字面的意思
of it” (line D. put something in Step 2: 看上下文找出線索
3) mean? the wrong place
“or” (line 3)- “unless you enforced the law or fell on the wrong side of
ð “fell on the wrong side of it”的 “it”是指法律,因此,fell on
the wrong side of it” 指違反法律

2017/6. A. a time when a A

Which difficult or important Step 1: 剔除與前述文字無關的字
definition of decision must be 在 4 項選項中, B、C 及 D 似乎與主體無關
“crisis” is made Step 2: 看上下文找出線索
closest to the B. a sudden change “If you believe recycling is good for the planet and that we need to do
meaning in the course of a more of it, then there’s a crisis to confront” (lines 21-22) 及
used in line serious illness, for “…the costs rise sharply while the environmental benefits decline
22? better or worse and sometimes vanish (lines 20-21)
C. an emotionally ð 總括而言,Recycling 帶來不討好的結果
stressful event or
personal tragedy
D. the point, as in a
play, at which
conflict reaches its
highest tension

2017/50. A. hope B.
Which word B. argue 如果知道 “contend”的意思,當然會立刻知道答案。
can replace C. accept 若不知道 “contend”的意思,可以從前後文推敲答案:
“contend” D. disagree “…Howe and Strauss admit that the Millennials feel pressure to
(line 41)? succeed, they contend that this confident, achieving generation
believes that…” (lines 41- 42)
Howe and Strauss 承認一個論點,他們同時亦 “contend ”,那
“contend” 只能解釋為爭論
2015/65. A. the obsession A.
Which with 嘗試從原文的意思剔除不合理的選項
phrase can B. the problem of Line 37: “…but fetishizing disbelief as a sign of
replace the C. the hatred of intelligence…” , ”fetishizing”是以 “disbelief”緊接著,我們可以剔
meaning of D. the experiment 除C及D
“fetishizing” with
in line 37?
2012/11. A. fun D.
What is the B. lazy “dreary” 是形容詞,意思是枯燥乏味的。
meaning of C. happy Lines 56-57: “They’re great for parties, lazy afternoons or dreary
“dreary” D. boring family get-togethers.”
(line 57)? “or”這個字隱含著它前後的短句有近似(而非一樣)的意思。
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可 以 剔 除 B (lazy) 因 為 該 詞 與 前 面 的 字 意 思 一 樣 ; A(fun) 和
C(happy)也是,因為意思與 “lazy afternoons” 相差太遠

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C. Synonyms/Antonyms 填同義詞/反義詞

§ 兩者意思需要吻合
§ 題目與原文的詞性必須相同
§ 如果牽涉動詞的話,動詞的形式(verb forms)、時態(tenses)及主動/被動
§ 如果涉及眾數的名詞的話,答案需要是眾數的
o 有 “s”的名詞、眾數的字眼(e.g. children, geese, etc)
§ 如果涉及一個 expression 的話,配搭的詞性需要吻合
o 如:expression 是由形容詞及名詞組成,那答案就要有形容詞及名詞
§ 如果答案涉及從屬的性質,如 “his bag” 、”Jenny’s earrings”,那答案需要有從
屬關係(i.e. ______’s/ Its)
§ 嘗試把你找到的答案套進原文位置作覆卷
§ 毋須按次序做, 邊做邊找,務求在最短時間內填滿橫線

年份/ 問題 答案 解釋
2021/15. Find a word in disdain (n.) (line 9) 尋找名詞
paragraph 3 that
has a similar
meaning to

2021/24. Find a word in clout (n.) (line 5) 尋找名詞

paragraph 2 which
has a similar
meaning to

2021/48. Find a word or our celestial neighbour 尋找名詞

phrase in (line 1)
paragraph 1 that
means “the

2021/61. Find a word or indigenous (adj.) 尋找形容詞。而題目中的 “native”有原住民

phrase in (line 20) 的意思,所以後面應該跟著人的意思
paragraph 4 which *有超過一個答案
has a similar
meaning to

2019/9.(i). very (adv.) highly (adv.)(line 42)// 尋找表示程度的副詞

incredibly (line 47)
2019/9(ii). Unusable (adj) dysfunctional (adj.) 尋找表示無用途的形容詞
(line 42)
2019/9(iii). Acceptable (adj.) fine (adj.) (line 45) “fine” 有過得去的意思
2019/9(iv). Mentally (adv) psychologically (adv.) 表示精神方面的副詞, 一般是 “ly”為字尾的
(line 48)
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2019/9(v). completed (v. done (v., passive) 尋找表示完成的動詞+被動式
passive) (line 49)
2018/1(i). free (adj.) (ad 1) complimentary 需要找出形容詞
Ad 1 是有關試堂的安排
2018/1(ii). Schools (n.,plural) academies 找尋眾數的名詞,找有 “s”字尾的名詞
(ad 2)
2018/1(iii). Teach (v.) (ad 3) coach 找出與教育有關的動詞
2018/14. Find a word in impedes (v.) (line 32) 找出 有 “s”的動詞;
paragraph 8 which 再者,可以從對比的句式 “A while B”找出答
can be replaced by 案會是 “increases”的相反詞。
2018/50. Find a word in hurt (v., passive) “affected negatively”有被動的意味
paragraph 3 that (line 15)
can be replaced by (“was not hurt”是典型
“affected 的 passive voice 句式-
negatively”. be +p.p.)

2016/62. Find a word or a smaller wonder (phr.) 找出形容詞或短語

phrase in (line 70)
paragraph 11 that
could be replaced
by “unsurprising”?

2015/72. Which word in crave (v.) (line 56) 找出賦予高程度的動詞

paragraph 12
means “really

2014/78. Which word in tedious (adj.) (line 55) 找出含有 “boring”及 “frustrating”二字特性的
paragraph 8 means “ious”提示該詞是形 形容詞
“boring and 容詞

2013/8. Find a word in monochrome (adj.) 找出形容詞

paragraph 4 that (line 33)
means “not “mono”有單一的意思

2013/59. In paragraph 7, apocalypse (n.) (line 找出名詞,看看有沒有 articles 在前面,有

find a word which 124) “the” (line 124)
means “a major *有超過一個答案

2012/9. Find a word in creativity (n.) (line 52) 找出名詞

paragraph 10 that

2012/63. Find a word in glut (n.) (line 36) 尋找名詞

paragraph 7 with “and”的句式—凸顯前後矛盾的意思:
the opposite 原文: “In fact, China is suffering a glut of
meaning of college graduates who can’t find appropriate
“shortage” jobs, and a shortage of blue-collar workers.”
(lines 36-37)

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1. 理解段落的整體意思
2. 逐句睇,找出關鍵字
3. 注意細節:
a. 次序不同 (2020/14(i))
b. 性質不同 (2020/14(ii))
c. 程度不同 (2020/14(iii))
d. 數量相反 (2015/64(ii))
[1] 2020/14.
題號 錯處 改正 解釋
(i) final first/inaugural 題目:The final exhibition held at Tai Kwun was chosen to
celebrate its new private role in the community.
原文:Tai Kwun’s new life as a public gathering space was one
of the reasons its inaugural heritage exhibition, 100 Faces,
focuses on its presence in the surrounding neighbourhood (lines

分析:展覽的次序不同。可以試著尋找關鍵字 “exhibition”

(ii) private public 題目:The final exhibition held at Tai Kwun was chosen to
celebrate its new private role in the community(lines 57-58).
原文:Tai Kwun’s new life as a public gathering space was one
of the reasons its inaugural heritage exhibition, 100 Faces,
focuses on its presence in the surrounding neighbourhood.

分析:性質不同。可以試著尋找關鍵字 “new”
(iii) √ N.A.
(iv) disturbed affected 題目:Called 100 Faces, it told the stories of both famous and
more ordinary people whose lives had been disturbed by the
prison and police station.
原文: “Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, who was
jailed…” (lines 60-61) “But other stories are more humble in
scope.” (lines 61-62)

分析:程度不一樣— “disturbed” 較為負面而 “affected”則較


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[2] 2019/4.
題號 錯處 改正 解釋
(i) √ NA 題目:A common theme is the idea that there are advantages in
accepting the things we can measure.
原文: There are lots of different things that I’m discussing in
the book, but I suppose what they have in common is they are
arguing for … (lines 20-21)


(ii) can cannot 題目:A common theme is the idea that there are advantages in
accepting the things we can measure.
原文:There are lots of different things that I’m discussing in the
book, but I suppose what they have in common is they are
arguing for the virtues of the stuff that doesn’t fit into the
standard categories…(lines 20-22)

分析: “accepting the things we can measure” vs. “virtues of the

stuff that doesn’t fit into the standard categories”
(iii) calm anxious (line 23) 題目:Such things usually make people feel calm as they feel
they have lost control.
原文: These things tend to make us feel anxious.

(iv) hate like 題目:Instead, people hate having a target to achieve, a script to
原文: We feel that we should have a script; that we should have
a number; we should have a target… (lines 23-24)

分析:“we should have”有我們較為傾向的意味

(v) messy tidy 題目:Instead, people hate having a target to achieve, a script to
follow, or a messy workstation.
原文:We feel that we should have a script; that we should have
a number; we should have a target; that we should have a tidy
desk (lines 23-24)

分析: “we should have”有我們較為傾向的意味

(vi) easy hard 題目:Naturally, such things have their benefits but so too do all
those situations that are easy to predict.
原文: Of course, those things have their place, but there’s virtue
in all the ambiguous, all the unquantifiable and all the imperfect
stuff as well (lines 24-25)

分析: “benefits”與 “virtue”是同義詞; “ambiguous” 有不明確

的意思。其實,如果不知道 “ambiguous”的意思,憑 “and”的
句式,同學應該知道 “ambiguous”、 “unquantifiable”及
“imperfect stuff”都有差不多的意思,即無法理順的

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[3] 2015/64.
題號 錯處 改正 解釋
(i) exuberance excellent 題目:one pursues truth, the other pursues exuberance (n. 熱情洋
(n. 熱情洋溢) 溢)
原文:“Liberal education in America has long been characterized
by the intertwining of two traditions: of critical inquiry in pursuit
of truth and exuberant performance in pursuit of excellence”
(lines 31-32)
的短句— “in pursuit of”, 與題目中的 “pursues”有差不多意
思,所以我們在作答時是要抄錄 “in pursuit of” 後的字。當
然,如果你一開始就知道 “exuberance”的意思,就會知道

(ii) less more 題目:Since the 1960s, there has been less emphasis on the
原文:“In the last half-century, though, emphasis on inquiry has
become dominant” (line 33)
§ “last half-century” = 1950s 開始
§ “emphasis on inquiry has become dominant” = 人們著

(iii) √
(iv) competitor spectator 題目: Rather than being a participant, there is a preference to be a
原文:“The inquirer has taken the guise of the sophisticated
(often ironic) spectator, rather than the messy participant in
continuing experiments…”
分析: 語句次序調換,後句換到前句,確立題目的前句正確

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1. WHY 為什麼
“Explain why…” (2013/49.)

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/12. Because they are losing 本身 “win you back”的意思是重新獲得。 理解前述內
Why do the customers, so they want to win Lines 1-2 講 multinational packaged-food 容的意思
food giants the market share back companies 損失了市場上$4 billion 。作者問
want to “win *有超過一個答案 文章下列的例子可以重新獲得消費者的青
you back”
(line 2)?

2021/19. Processed food was designed to 首先,我們要理解 “a strange turn of events” 歸納文章意
Why does the prevent food poisoning but it is 的意思,即戲劇性的變化。再看在這裡提及 思、站在作
writer suggest regarded as unhealthy today. 的變化:一開始, 人們加入防腐劑的目的是更 者的角度思
the changes *有超過一個答案 好地保存食物, 讓它不易變壞 (line 16); 可 考
taking place
是, 如今人們覺得這種處理手法會讓人們吃
are “a strange
turn of events” 了變得不健康 (lines 16-17),就此,我們可以留
(line 15)? 意人們對經處理食物態度上的變化。

2020/15. The prison was the quietest place 要帶出原因和預期成效: 了解事件的

According to so he would stop crying. (lines 1) 為何母親會希望帶家人到大館睡 前因後果
paragraph 11, 63-65) 覺?
why did the *有超過一個答案 ð 帶出大館的內在好處
mother decide
to spend the 2) 帶出此舉的預期效果
night at
Lane, next to
the prison?

2020/44. Because their concerns are 呢 條 題 目 預 設 咗 讀 者 應 該 會 獲 得 ”a kind 歸納文章意

Why do some usually self-obsessed whingeing, word”而非 “a tongue lashing” 。言下之意, 思、站在作
readers not genuine concerns 問題在於讀者。我們可以留意上下文章。於 者的角度思
receive a “a *有超過一個答案 lines 15-16 , 我 們 會 見 到 “And in a 考
way,…urgent cries for help stand out all the
lashing” (lines
12-13) instead
of “a kind 此推論下,我們可以得出以下結論:有些讀
word”? 者經常無病呻吟。

2020/50. Because it is harsh to point out 首 先 , 我 們 需 要 找 出 “issues described in 歸納文章意

Why does that there is no solution to their paragraphs 9-10”。之後,我們要分辨有哪些 思、站在作
Norton problem “response”。於 lines 28-29: 這兩句講 “part of 者的角度思
consider such *有超過一個答案 me thinks”,即係講 “response”,跟住講 “and 考
a response to
beyond that there’s not much more to say
the issues
described in
paragraphs 9- 決方法,問題出自讀者身上
10 to be “a bit
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brutal” (line

2019/12. High-functioning production lines 前述說明 “for reasons that are often not very 留意有關猜
Why do (lines 53-54) clear” (line 52),後面拋出幾個可能性高的原 測原因的字
managers *有超過一個答案 因: 眼
want their
§ “Maybe it’s just aesthetic (adj. 美觀
offices to
“look like a 的)” (line 52)
magazine § “…how high-functioning precision
shoot” (line engineering production lines work”
53)? (line 53-54)提升效率

2019/15. Being messy could improve 問題中 “surprised”有偏離一般人想法的含 理解文章的

Why would things. 義。末段綜合整篇文章,點明文章的主旨: 主旨、
the “reader” *有超過一個答案 有時候,不整齊可能會為人生帶來進步 半抄半用自
be surprised 己的字
(line 69) by an

2019/48. The demonstration of rebellious 第二段說明若 Clive 想要向其他人證明自 運用自身的

According to qualities would have to be done in 己,文章有提及 “I tried to prove that I, too, 想像力
para 2, why front of the class. could be rebellious…any demonstration of
was sitting at *有超過一個答案 these qualities would have to be made in front
the back of the of the class” (line 16-17)。問題中,“sitting
classroom a at the back”此舉與 原文的“demonstration of
challenge for
these qualities” 存有矛盾,讓 Clive 無法實踐
the writer?

2019/49. He didn’t want to be a teacher’s 第二段說明 Clive 希望 “become the centre of 歸納文章意
Why did the pet. attention in some way more acceptable 思、站在作
writer *有超過一個答案 than…throwing my hands in the air, crying 者的角度思
consider it ‘Sir! Sir! Sir!’。在這裡, “throwing my hands in 考
undesirable to the air, crying ‘Sir! Sir! Sir!”。此行為可以歸
shout out “Sir! 納為成為 “teacher’s pet” (line 14) 。此意味著
Sir! Sir! (lines
Clive 不想再成為老師的寵兒,而原因是作
20-21) and
provide the 者上述曾說明他希望 “into [his classmates’]
correct favour” (line 15),即被同學接納

2018/15. There is variation in musical “Given the extreme variation in musical 尋找與原因
Explain why preferences. preferences from person to person” (line 33) 中 相關的關鍵
playing only *有超過一個答案 “Given”有「由於」的意思,同學會發現高 字
one type of 亮部分可以用來作答
music in a
would “end up
with mixed
results (line

2018/49. It was free to have bees pollinate “When they disappear, the work they did for Pronoun 的分
Why does “the but now humans are paid to free suddenly expensive” (line 10),同學需要 辨 + 聯想力
work” (line pollinate. 知道文中 “they”代表蜜蜂 (在 line 10,蜜蜂
10) become 也被稱為 “pollinators”)。在作答時,同學
more 需要聯想為何蜜蜂消失,給花授粉的工作會

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expensive than 成為人類的工作,而人類工作是會有薪金的
before? 支出。從免費到收費,當然是貴了

2018/55. Because heather honey is highly 當我們看到題目的時候,我們大概會猜 透過前文後

Why does prized heather moor 有一些特色導致 Willie 一直在 理推敲
Willie keep *有超過一個答案 那 裡 養 蜜 蜂 。 從 lines 3-5 (i.e. “Heather
beehives on honey, with its unique gel-like texture and
the heather room-filling fragrance, is one of the most
moor? prized in the world.”) , 我 們 可 以 得 知
heather honey 很珍貴

2018/69. Bees can attack the bee-keeper “A hole in the finger-tip of a glove, a stray stitch 句子結構
Why is “a through the stray stitch. on the seam…” (line 35)這句羅列了兩個例
stray stitch *有超過一個答案 子。通常,若例子以並列的方式呈現,我們
(line 35) a 可以理解兩者的意思是同一個性質。若同學
problem for a 不理解 “a stray stitch”,可以嘗試 理解 “a
hole in the finger-tip of a glove”,可以推論出

2017/55. Prensky shows that millennials Lines 77-79 “To describe Millenials as having 類似的表達
Why should can stay/spend extended time in short attention spans denies the evidence that 方式
Millennials sharply focused activity when they can spend extended time in sharply focused
not be playing video games activity when playing high-tech video games”
described as 即係說此講法否定年輕人可以專注打機此研
having short 究所得。

2016/7. People want to control their 留 意 “Superstition represents ( 代 表 ) 了解關鍵字

Why do destiny by warding off bad luck people’s attempts to control their destiny…” 的意思
people believe while enhancing the good (lines (lines 10-11) 中 “represent” 一 詞 有
in 11-13) “superstition”隱含的意思。
superstitious? *有超過一個答案

2015/9. To overcome/forget their 要回答這道問題,我們要理解 Han 的涵義: 套用原文用

Why did sadness/sorrow/burden/oppression “Han is a burden, oppression or an injustice you 來解釋情況
Koreans drink can’t correct. Its cause never goes away but you 的框架
a lot and sing can temporarily forget about it by pursuing all-
raucously at out, maniac fun” (lines 15-17),即説明一些沉
traditional 重的事情需要用狂歡的情緒掩蓋。我們需要
funerals? 把葬禮套進此設定中。

2015/68(i). At first they see this as some old 答案通常在關鍵字附近,嘗試在 “put their 尋找關鍵字
Why do the guy’s failure to grasp their skills devices away” (line 42)附近尋找 /expressions
students think at multitasking (line 44).
Michael Roth *有超過一個答案
asks them to
put away their
phones and

2014/61. He thought people would Line 2 說明作者已經期望有人靠近 (i.e. “How 綜合文章內

Why did the recognize him because he ought I to treat those who approached 容分析
writer think he appeared on The Cellar Tapes/ a me…?”),而前一句也說明了 “[t]he morning
would be major television show. after The Cellar Tapes was aired on BBV” (line
approached? *有超過一個答案
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2014/64. He thought people who watch 我們要嘗試瞭解作者的動機和心理狀態:他 代入作者想

Why did the television would recognize him. 的目標是希望別人認出他(第一段及第二 法
writer hang *有超過一個答案 段)。他走到一堆電視雜誌旁(line 11) ,他後
around the 來提及 “by definition these persons must have
listings been television watchers”(lines 12-13)。我們
magazines? 可以嘗試代入作者的想法,這一堆「大龍

2013/11. The colours were exposed to air 答 案 緊 隨 “…most of the colours did not 重複關鍵字
According to (lines 52-53). survive the crucible of time-or the exposure to
paragraph 5, air that comes with discovery and excavation”
why did the (lines 52-53),破折號後的 “or”有「換句話
colours of the 講」的意思。
warriors not

2013/19. So much colour and artistry 看上下文,答案通常在前幾句或者後幾句。 答案位置一

According to imprinted on the soil // 我們要找出為何保育專家要保育泥土。 般在附近
Rong Bo, why The ancient paint adheres to dirt Lines 108-109: With so much colour and
should the more readily than to lacquer artistry imprinted on the soil—the ancient paint,
earth be (lines 108-109) alas, adheres to dirt more readily than lacquer.
treated like an 這兩句講述兵馬俑的顏色和藝術技巧印在泥
artifact (lines

2013/49. The world is conducive to Lines 24-25 彷彿在回應 The Hunger Games 炙 答案位置一
Explain why adventures. 手可熱。那就要看前述的句子:lines 22-23 般在附近
many *有超過一個答案 說明 “it’s also less conducive to adventure, and
teenagers like therefore to adventure stories”
reading The
The Hunger Games 是 adventure stories

2013/53. They enjoy the book. However, **要小心看清楚題目。題目問的是為何該 理解問題的

Why is the the books end in cliff-hangers. comment 被描述為 “half-mocking” (半嘲笑 關鍵字
comment, *有超過一個答案 的) 而非為何讀者會留這樣的一個言論
首先,要知道何謂“half-mocking”, 那就是
(lines 54-55) 第 二 步 , 把 “SUZANNE, ARE YOU
“half- FANS!?!?!?”這句話的涵義套用在第一步得
mocking”? 框架。留意此短語的特色:大寫、誇張的用
字(i.e. “torturing your fans”)。那我們要理
解為何有些 fans 會說 Collins 在虐待他們。
Lines 51-52 說明故事以 cliff-hangers(留下
懸念)作結。這就是為何 fans 評論她是在折

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情節引人入勝,而 fans 不希望故事爛尾。

2013/63. The books are 我們要嘗試理解 dystopian fiction 的特性: 代入有關的

Why do you scary/fearful/violent. violent, gloomy,再從父母的角度出發,說 持份者
think some *有超過一個答案 明為何父母會反對孩子閱讀這裡書籍
parents might
disapprove of
their children

2012/16. Parents want children to get back 答案通常在關鍵字附近 。要知道,有些作 答案位置一

According to into more interactive things and 者不習慣在原因前加 “because”, “as”, “since” 般在附近
Pat, why do get families together. 等等提示原因的字眼
parents want
to keep their
children away
from the TV
and computer?

2012/19. They want to slow down the pace 問題問為何桌上遊戲再度流行。同學只需於 /

Why are board of life. 文章找出有關桌上遊戲的優點
games making *有超過一個答案
a comeback?
Give one
reason from
the text to
support your

2012/46. Western mums are less strict// 這道題目問的是為何有些人會假設 要知道問題

In lines 11-12, Chinese mums are stricter. (“presume”)在西方國家長大的孩子比在中 的重點
Chua “insists *有超過一個答案 國社會長大的孩子要快樂
that Western
children are Lines 10-11 隱約透露了中國式的管教方式
no happier
(以 Chua 作為代表)是比較嚴厲。由此推
than Chinese
ones…” Why 斷,西方教育是比較寬鬆的,故孩子在西方
would some 的教育模式下生活得比較快樂
presume that
children are
happier than

2012/47. There is a cost for 同 學 要 先 理 解 何 謂 “cautionary tale” 。 瞭解問題的

Why does the success/achievement. “Cautionary Tale” 意即警世故事。Lines 13- 關鍵詞
writer suggest *有超過一個答案 14 在述明上述 Chua 所陳述的故事(在 lines
reading 13-14 中,Chua 交代她的女兒成為大家艷羨
Chua’s book
的對象)需要付出很大代價(line 14)
as a

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2012/49. Many Chinese parents’ parenting 同學可以先往下閱讀,看看有沒有線索。 找出原文一
Why might styles are not as strict as Chua. 參考第二段,我們會發現這裡用了“One real 些不尋常的
“the response *有超過一個答案 Chinese mum” 去形容 Guo Jing(與 Chua ,一 字眼
from what
名居住美國的華人 ,形成對比),在 line 7,
should surely
Guo Jing 說她不會成為 Amy Cha。我們可以
be the Wild
Kingdom of 推斷很多真正的中國人並非如 Chua 般嚴
‘tiger moms’ 厲。回到題目裡去,試題是在問我們對中國
surprise 式的父母有什麼既定印象,Guo Jing 的意見
readers (lines 也許會出乎我們的意料

2012/69. Outside the home, they are 從原文找出與題目意思相約的 expressions。 從原文找出

According to encouraged to think Lines 52-53 說明 “The rote learning that she 與題目意思
the passage, independently (line 53) stresses at home might for her daughter because, 相約的
why might the outside the home, they are encouraged to expressions
“tiger mum” think independently”
approach to
parenting be
successful in
the US than in

2012/70. People are not encouraged to 原文沒有解釋為何他們會作出這樣的評價。 理解某詞隱

According to think independently (line 53)// 但是,我們仍然可以把答案推敲出來。我們 含的意思
the passage, Creativity is stifled (line 54) 要先理解 “Bill Gates”象徵什麼。常識告訴
why is there *有超過一個答案 我們 Bill Gates 是一名充滿創新和創意的科
no “Bill Gates
of China”
(line 56)? 意的人呢?Lines 53-55 已經告訴我們答案—
“But in China, where authoritarian parenting is
coupled with an ossified higher-education
system resistant to change, creativity is stifled”

2012/71. Because the West offers a more 從 原 文 找 出 與 題 目 意 思 接 近 的 phrases: 從原文找出

According to rewarding research environment. “where they had relocated in order to enjoy the 與題目意思
the passage, more rewarding research environment abroad” 相約的
why do many (lines 58-59)。其中, “relocated”一詞透露了 expressions
Chinese-born 遷移到內地的意思
scientists go to
work in the

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2. MEANING 意思題

§ What does…suggest about…attitude (2016/9, 2019/66)
§ What do…suggest? (2021/49.)
§ What does…illustrate (2016/13)
§ Why is…referred to as… (2015/7)
§ What does…imply/mean (2015/28, 2020/52.)
§ Why did the writer say…? (2014/66)
§ The writer mentions…to show… (2013/12)
§ Why does the writer mention…? (2016/48)
§ Why does the writer describe…? (2018/64)

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/10. Visiting//stopping//eating//going 這一道題目當然不能只看 title。我們可以理 綜合文章內
What does to the Food Garage 解文章大意及搜索文章不同部分去尋找線 容分析
“Parking up” *有超過一個答案 索。整體而言,這篇文章是講述作者及其朋
in the title 友和朋友的家人一同到訪美食車 Food Garage
“parking up”二字的蹤影,可以推測“parking
up”的解釋為到訪 Food Garage

2020/58. You visit the barber less often// 我們可以用常識理解“A longer fringe may also 代入作者的
What does Having long fringe will block help”。Lines 69-71 述明有關讀者找到他心目 角度
Norton imply your sight, so you can ignore 中完美的髮型師,但他唯一的缺點是他在理
when he says the nose-picking problem 髮時挖鼻子。呢句有雙重意思(pun):
“A longer *有超過一個答案
[1] Norton 於是建議叫該名讀者嘗試不要看,
fringe may
also help” 她可以選擇用她的頭髮擋住雙眼; 或者
(line 76)? [2]把髮蔭流長,言下之意,即減少剪頭髮的

2019/66. Plans how he cultivated his Lines 60-62 “I lapped it all up, but could see even 代入作者角
What does the contrary reputation on his own at the time that such talk would do me no good 度
last sentence account with the locals, unless I cultivated a contrary
in this text *有超過一個答案 reputation on my own account.” 說 明 作 者
(lines 60-62) Clive 知道母親的那段話有機會抹走他所付出
suggest the 的努力,所以他要加倍努力建立他的壞孩子
next 形象
would be

2018/62. The top box is heavy. “heaves”的字典意思是用力拉動。如果同學本 了解關鍵字

What does *有超過一個答案 身知道這個詞彙的解釋,那在作答時就會有 的意思
“heaves” (line 較大的優勢。不過,若剛好不認識此詞彙,
22) suggest 段落四的字裡行間中也透露
about the top

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2018/64. The harvest is unpredictable 首先,我們需要知道 “drama”的特質,即充滿 綜合文章內
Why does the *有超過一個答案 起伏。我們可以從段落找出有關起伏的蛛絲 容分析
writer 馬跡,如 “some years you get next-to-nothing”
describe the
(即零收穫) (line 24),而 “and it is boom time”
harvesting of
(line 25)及 “2,500 pounds” (line 30)則透露大豐
honey from
beehives as a 收的時節。
“drama” (line
30)? 接著,我們需要綜合此等細節,得出收穫是

2016/9. He doesn’t think superstitions “magical rituals and bizarre behaviours” 中 , 留意用詞是
What does the work. “bizarre” (adj. 古怪的)一詞帶有貶義,可以知 褒義還是貶
phrase 道作者不相信迷信 義
rituals and
(lines 20-21)
suggest about
the writer’s

2016/13. The way lucky people and 乍看之下,第 13 題的答案涵蓋範圍廣泛。同 主題句與例

What does the unlucky people dealt with ill 學也可以參考第 14 題,此收窄答題範圍。一 子之間的關
example of fortune in their lives. 般來說,一個例子是用來闡明主題句。在 係
the Olympic *有超過一個答案 Section 4, “imagine competing in the Olympic
Games in Games” 提示前一句就是此部分的主題句
Section 4

2016/48. To show the challenges of the 其他美食車也在競爭取得最有利的位置,所 從描述/例子

Why does the food truck business 以有些人會早於 3:30a.m.去霸位,因此是在展 歸納重點
writer *有超過一個答案 述營運業務時遇到的困難
trucks leaving
at 3:30 in the
morning to get
a good
parking spot?

2016/60. The chefs are low-skilled. 首先,同學需理解題目引用的字眼的意思。 Quotation

What does *有超過一個答案 其後,同學需結合文意去找出作者的態度。 marks 的用法
“wanna-be “Wanna-be ‘chefs’”指想要成為廚師的人,而
‘chefs’ (lines)
“chefs”此詞有引號。通常, 若一個詞有引
suggest about
號,此詞有相反意思。後來, “…who can’t
the writer’s
opinion of actually start a restaurant” 中 用 到 relative
food truck pronoun “who”,即說明 “who”後的部分是為
chefs? 補充 “wanna-be chefs”的特質。此句則帶出廚

2016/71. They are dirty/filthy. “Roach”(n. 蟑螂)帶有貶義,把 “roach”用

What does the *有超過一個答案 在 “coaches” 上則說明這些 “coaches”與蟑螂
term “roach 有共同特質
coaches” (line
81) suggest
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about food

2016/74. She wants her readers to think 承上, “chow down on sth.”在字面上即吞,而 了解關鍵字
What does the seriously about her arguments. 意思即細細咀嚼意思。引申到此文字中,作 的意思
writer want *有超過一個答案 者希望讀者細細咀嚼他的文字
her readers to
do when she
says, “Chow
down on
that.” (line
2015/7. It is the warmth between people Line 14: 請注意破折號的用法。 破折號的用
Why is jeong and mutual sacrifice. 破折號是用來為補充說明某詞語之處。所 法
referred to as 以,後面的文字是答案
“the invisible
hug”(line 13)?

2015/23. British are cold and cynical 猜想一下 “cold” 的意思,既可以解釋為寒 了解關鍵字
What does “In (line 48) 冷,也可以解釋為人的冷漠。 的意思
from the cold” *有超過一個答案 嘗試在文中找出有關上述猜測指的是什麼。
in the suggest 我們可以找到 line 48 有關韓國人和英國人不
about Britain?

2015/24. Daniel// the writer himself 首先,理解 “Geek”的涵義,即土包子。一般 了解關鍵字

Who or what 來說,自貶一般用在自己身上。所以是作者 的意思
does “Geek” 自己
in the title of
Daniel’s book
refer to?

2015/28. There is a greater interest in Lines 13-14 是 Evan Ramstad 的 comment。他 了解關鍵
What does reading about North Korea than 說 “list of must-read books…is far longer”。作 “expressions”
Evan South Korea. 者在此推介有關北韓的書籍 的意思
Ramstad’s *有超過一個答案
about North
Korea in lines
13-14 imply?

2015/68(ii). They enjoy the film/lesson. Lines 48-49: “encounter these unexpected 留意用詞是
When sources of inspiration”,我們可以理解成同學 褒義還是貶
Michael Roth 在此電影有所得著,並喜歡它 義
says that the
class even
“forget” their
phones and
tablets, what
does this

2015/70. Inability to understand an 先瞭解 “blindness”的意思,即盲目。我們要 反義性質的

What does experience from another’s point 看上一句 “overcoming…blindness by trying to 內容
Michael Roth of view. understand an experience from another’s point of
mean by *有超過一個答案 view” 。畫線部分說明克服盲目的方法,即是
“blindness” 摒棄前者,即畫線部分的相反
(line 52)?

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2014/66. Finally, someone recognized 第一步,先理解前文: “Excuse me, excuse 代入作者角
Why did the him. me!” (line 18)及 “I turned to see an excited young 度 +綜合文章
writer say “At *有超過一個答案 girl” (line 19)。第二步,套進作者的目的 – 希 內容分析
last” (line

2014/79(i). He feels ashamed. 前述說明他嫉妒 Rowan Atkinson 的名氣(line 代入作者角

What does *有超過一個答案 60: “…caused the most intense excitement in me, 度
“Oh, Stephen” combined with a sick flood of fury and
(line 61) resentment that no one, not one single person,
suggest about recognized me or wanted my pictire”),而後述
the writer’s 說明他為何對此羞於啟齒(lines 61-62: “Oh,
feelings? Stephen. I have clicked on and selected that
sentence, deleted it, restored it, deleted it and
2014/79(ii). Because he doesn’t want others restored it again.”)
Why does he to know how desperate he
feel like this? wanted to be famous.

2013/9. He achieved a lot during his 看問題所在前述的句子。 參考前述內

What does reign. 容的意思
“Qin Shi *有超過一個答案 Lines 37-38 說明他是第一位統一中國的: “The
Huang Di first emperor to unify China under a single
packed a lot dynasty. ”
into his earthly
reign” (lines
38-39) tell us
about the first

2013/12. How quickly the paint begins to Lines 58-59 說明油漆在 15 秒和 4 分鐘之間剝 從描述/例子
In line 61, the curl/flake off 落。作者用一隻雞蛋的時間去作比喻,換句 歸納重點
writer 話說,比喻用了很短的時間就能讓色彩褪卻
boiling an egg
to show…

2012/66. Chinese students are lack of 首先,要知道 “anecdote”的意思,那就是軼事 從描述/例子

The anecdote practical skills (lines 38-39) 的意思。正如許多段意/主旨的題目(詳情請 歸納重點
of the Chinese 參閱第 8 部分),我們一般會看在有關故事/
student has 例子前面的論點,或從例子中推斷有關論
been included
to illustrate
which point in 們看到那位學生不懂如何使用洗衣機,結果
para 7? 搞出了大龍鳳。我們可以推斷出有關高分低

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年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/21. D. Lines 17-19: “Shoppers still value the convenience 留意 “but”的句
What does the Shoppers place less value that food processing offers but the pendulum has 式
phrase “the on convenience and worry definitely shifted in their minds. They have more
pendulum has more about health and more questions about why this bread lasts 25
definitely days without going stale.”
shifted” (line 從上述句子我們可以看到消費群重視的東西有改
18) mean? 變

2021/49. B. 理解題目中的“tiny, cramped and fragile collection of 從描述/例子歸

What do the The journey was metal and wiring”隱含的意思帶有不良好、不健全 納重點
words “tiny, uncomfortable and 的意思。
cramped and dangerous. 再看原文: “Armstrong, together with Buzz Aldrin
and Mike Collins, made the improbable 400,000-
collection of
kilometre journey to our nearest celestial neighbour in
metal and
a tiny cramped and fragile collection of metal and
wiring” (lines
wiring” (lines 6-8)。其中, “improbable” 一字帶出有
7-8) suggest?
關旅程的難度,而 “tiny cramped”則描述了旅程的

2020/52. A Line 40 說大家應該樂觀面對挫折和難題 代入作者的角

What does Do not take yourself so Line 41 “God knows everybody else does”只能解釋 度
Norton imply seriously. 為大家都是這樣做的啦, 沒有甚麼大不了
when he says
“God knows
everybody else
does” (line

2019/10. B. 參考前述句子的意思: “If Benjamin Franklin can feel 參考前述內容

What does Judge ourselves less guilty about not getting enough stuff done because 的意思
“cut ourselves harshly he’s messy”
some slack” 我們可以理解當一個名人也會有凌亂此壞習慣時,
(line 50) 我們只是普通人,自然也逃不過凌亂此習慣

2019/14. D. 首先,要先搞清楚 “nudging”的意思, 即輕推 了解關鍵字的

When Harford Encouraging people to 及後,可以看後續的文字: “nudging the pendulum a 意思
says “nudging rethink their attitudes little bit more toward mess”,即更傾向凌亂
the pendulum”
(line 67) he

2019/42. A. 首先,看附近文字的意思: “…I ceased being the 綜合文章內容

What does it Clever in an annoying way class half-wit and became class smart-alec instead.” 分析
mean to be a (line 1)其中,“ceased being”有暫停成為的意思,
“smart-alec” 即 Clives 再也不是愚蠢的,那自然就是聰明的了
(line 1)?

2018/13. C. 先 了 解 問 題 中 的 “it really is down to personal 從原文找出與

When the People focus better preference” 的 字 面 意 思 , 即 視 乎 個 人 喜 好 。 隨 題目意思相約
writer says “it listening to music they 後,看前述和後述的句子,看看哪一句比較與問 的 expressions
really is down enjoy. 題有關。Line 32 提及 “Music you like increases
to personal
(line 32),

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2018/57. C. 選項 C 的字面意思是蜜蜂不會在無合理原因下叮 運用冒號

What does the Bees don’t sting without 人;
writer mean good reason 留意“Honey bees left alone do not sting”後連著 “:
when he stinging might harm the intruder but it also kills the
writes, bee”(lines 6-7)。冒號(:)有補充前述文字的用途。
“Honey bees
left alone do
not sting” 人害己的行為,因此蜜蜂不會肆意這樣做
(line 6)?

2016/8. D. 原文的 “At least it doesn’t work in the way most NA

What does the people think it does” (lines 16-17)的意思是迷信並非
sentence “At Most people don’t 如人們所想般運作。換句話說,人們誤解了迷信
least it doesn’t understand how
work in the superstitions work.
way most
people think it
does” (lines
16-17) imply?

2015/5. D. 首先,要知道有關 “radar”的比喻。 “radar” 指雷 了解關鍵字的

What does unknown 達,而不讓雷達找到就相等於說明希望保持低調 意思
Daniel mean
by “off the
radar” (line

2012/64. A. 當然,知道 “flummoxed”的意思是 “困惑的”是最 從描述/例子歸

What does confused 快捷的。然而,我們仍然可以把答案推敲出來 納重點
“flummoxed” 的。
(line 43) Lines 43-44: “…he was so flummoxed by the knobs
mean? and levers on the washing machine that he phoned his
mom back in China for help”。此句說明這名學生不

2012/68. B. “Ossified”的意思是僵化的。 參考後述

Which word is inflexible 看 “ossified” 附近的文字。 Lines 53-54: “But in “expressions”的
closest in China, where authoritarian parenting is coupled with 意思
meaning to an ossified higher-education system resistant to
“ossified” change”。 “ossified higher-education system”後面以
(line 54)? “resistant to change”修飾著,即說明有關的教育系

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§ Why does…compare A to B?
§ Why does…describe…as…?
§ Why do you think these comparisons help to describe…? (2020/62.)
§ Which/What metaphor does…use to …? (2014/76.) Explain the meaning of this metaphor.
§ What did…represent?
§ What does the simile suggest…? (2013/55.)
§ How are… a good comparison for…(2021/18.)
§ What does the writer compare A to? (2014/75.)
§ What is…a metaphor for? (2014/81.)
§ The…refers to…? (2012/48.)

1. 想一想喻體有什麼意思
2. 為何會用此喻體形容本體呢?
3. 先找出本體和喻體的共同點
4. 把答案套進喻體中,看看能不能成理

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/18. The Big Food companies 首先,我地要理解什麼是 “melting icebergs” (融化的 聯想
How are are losing reputation 冰山), 即氣勢不再。在這個情況下, “Big Food
“melting *有超過一個答案 companies”名譽受損
icebergs” (line
13-14) a good
for what is
happening in
the food and

2021/50. (i). one footstep made by 這一條題目是與比喻有關。月球一小步,人類一大

What do the Neil Armstrong 步大家耳熟能詳:即太空人月球漫步是人類航天史
phrases “One *有超過一個答案 上的一大突破
small step for
man” and (ii). The breakthrough
“One giant made by human beings
leap for *有超過一個答案

2020/62. Norton’s advice is 首先,我們要理解醫生的職責。同時,我們要綜合

Throughout helping people 我們對 Norton 的理解,找出兩者的共同點。
the text *有超過一個答案 據我們的認知,醫生是醫治病人,而 Norton 的工作
Norton often 也是解答讀者的奇難雜症。兩人都在幫助別人
himself to a
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doctor. Why
do you think
help to
Norton’s role
as an agony

*2019/50. A train that moved along 我們要理解第三段描述的情景:桌子上有前人留下

What did the tracks. 來 的 火 車 軌 道 痕 跡 , 而 “fragments of pencil,
“fragments of penholders or chalks” 可以被 “pushed” 。我們可以想
pencil, pen 像一個學生推著一堆文具在火車軌道上移動
holders or bits
of chalks (line
23) represent
in the writer’s

2018/59. The beekeeping suit 學生可以運用想像力,找出 Willie 及太空人的共通

Why does the looks like a spacesuit. 點—他們的著裝
writer *有超過一個答案
Willie to “a
(line 14)?

2018/64. Harvest is unpredictable. 首先,“drama”意即戲劇。一般而言,若我們說一件

Why does the 事有戲劇性,通常就是它出乎意料。而這一句的前
writer 一 句 是 說 明 “Some years…nothing at all. But
describe the today…2,500 pounds of honey” (line 29),意思有時候
harvesting of
honey from
beehives as a
“drama” (line

2017/53(i). (i). digital natives 第一,要尋找 Prensky 意見的位置à可以從問題尋找

Which (ii). It refers to people 蛛絲馬跡:Q.53(ii) lines 75-76,可以從第 13 段尋
metaphor does who have grown up with 找。
Prensky use to technology. 第二,要瞭解 Prensky 對 Millennials 的看法: 找到
describe (iii) the society
“analogy” (i.e.類同)此關鍵詞。
Millennials? *(ii)及(iii)有超過一個
第三,找到喻體後,我們要瞭解這個 term 的意思
2017/53(ii). (i.e. “digital natives”數碼原住民),即是生於斯長
Explain the 於斯
meaning of
this metaphor.

2014/75. Amazonian rainforest 留意喻詞 “as…as”便能找到喻體 明喻

What does the (line 47)
writer *有超過一個答案
diverse culture

2014/76. A puma (n.獵豹) and a 有時候,作者會繼續以有關的比喻貫穿整個段落/整 Extended

caterpillar (line 48) 個篇章,留意與此比喻有關的喻體 metaphor

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metaphor does
the writer use
for comparing
Mozart and
Miley Cyrus?

2014/81. Personal thoughts 首先,我們需要知道 “entrails”的意思,即內臟。在 聯想

What is “drag out their entrails for public inspection” 此
“entrails” (line expression 中,我們可以聯想到粵語有句俚語,拉高
64) a
metaphor for?

2013/3. The pieces of the terra- 首先,要知道何謂“ancient jigsaw puzzle”,那其實是

What is the cotta army (line 16) 古老的拼圖玩具,我們可以先作出猜測。當然,我
“ancient *有超過一個答案 們 需 要 有 耐 性 多 看 幾 行 去 確 認 。 Lines 14-15 有
jigsaw “What Yang and her friends are doing, in fact, is piecing
puzzle” (line together the 2,200-year-old mystery of the terra-cotta
army…”。 “In fact”透露了作者將會解釋幾位女士在
做 什 麼 。 在 作 答 時 , 同 學 需 要 加 上 “fragments,
pieces” 等字眼以貼合拼圖的特性—即是把碎片拼回

2013/55. The book was 本體是書籍 The White Mountains ,而喻體是 flu。Flu
What does the infectious/ It was 的特性是高度傳染性。接著,想一下為何會形容 The
simile “like a popular. White Mountains 為高度傳染。當中合理的解釋是此
wicked strain *有超過一個答案 書大受歡迎,所以在同學間傳開了
of the flu”
(lines 68-69)
suggest about
the book The

2012/48. B. 看前述及後述句子。Line 1: “ ‘Chinese moms in China Extended

The “Wild China aren’t raising superior kids, actually” 說明 Amy Chua 有 metaphor
Kingdom” 中 國 背 景 , 也 接 受 中 國 方 式 的 教 育 。 “Wild
(line 4) refers
Kingdom“ 指 野 生 國 度 , 是 老 虎 的 extended
metaphor 。Lines 5-7: “One real Chinese mom is 39
year-old Guo Jing… ‘I won’t be like Amy Chua’”。這
呼應 line 4 的 “might surprise you”

2012/72. Because these mothers 同學需要找出老虎和母親的共通點:兇殘、可怕等 聯想

Why is the are fearsome/fierce.
word “tiger” *有超過一個答案
used to

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4. IRONY 諷刺

§ What is ironic about…? (2017/16.)
§ What is the irony in…? (2015/25.)
§ Describe the irony in…? (2018/18.)
§ 當目標與實際情況有衝突/矛盾
§ 情況出現兩難,或者說兩種情況無法並存
§ 文章內容字面上出現前後矛盾/ 語句的字面意思與說話者想表達的意思呈相反

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2018/18. Composers have to stay 這裡關鍵字 “the challenge” (line 47)及 “which is 兩種情況在現
Describe the focused to produce music ironic” (lines 48-49)說明這裡出現會呈現矛盾的兩 實生活中無法
irony in para which doesn’t distract 種狀態。這裡說明作曲家需要專心致志去寫一首 並存
12 game players (lines 47-49) 讓遊戲玩家專心遊戲的歌曲。兩種狀態在現實中

2017/16. While recycling is “Recycling operations”出發點是保護環境,然而, 目標與實際情

What is ironic supposed to protect the 在實際操作中,如車輛、污染與環境保護背道而 況有衝突/矛盾
about the environment, recycling 馳。
outcome operations have their
described in environmental costs.
para 15? Use
your own
words to

2015/25. Daniel is one of the most 第一段說明 Daniel Tudor “most influential”(最具 文章內容字面
What is the influential correspondences 影響力),後來卻又說 “one of the least known” 上出現前後矛
irony in para but also one of the least (i.e.匿名出版),這就是前後矛盾之處。 盾
1? unknown (lines1-2) .

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§ Do you think…? Provide evidence from the text…
§ Can…? Give one reason to support each point of view (2012/20)

§ 綜合文章內容分析
§ 答案一般在附近

§ 立場得 1 分,解釋得 1 分。不過,同學在作答時需要給立場和原因,即使解釋未能得
分,同學仍可得 1 分。
§ 同學不能只回答立場而不給予解釋。
§ 選取與你立場相符的論點/論據

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2019/44. Yes, the writer was able to 段落一提及 Mr. Slavin “couldn’t help smiling upon 綜合文章內容
According to answer questions correctly. anyone who knew how to answer the questions” (lines 分析
para 1, did Mr. *有超過一個答案 3-4),而我地得知作者是一個 “smart alec” (剛愎自
Slavin like 用的人),應該懂得答問題。所以,我們可以推敲
Clive? Give a Mr. Slavin 應該喜歡作者 Clive
reason for
your answer
from the text.

2016/14. Bronze. (1 mark) 同學要先分析這個有關季軍及殿軍的事例是要證

According to If they had performed 明此論點: 幸運的人與不幸的人如何看待
the research, slightly worse, they would
are lucky not have won any medal.
people more (1 mark)
like the silver
medal winners
or bronze
Explain your
answer. (2

2015/77. Yes, because she thinks (1 首先,我們要仔細分析 Laura 的評論,她說明破

Does Laura mark) it is easier to take 壞一些結構只需要一段很短的時間。
agree with apart the structure of an 第二,我們要回想有關 Michael Roth 的立場 i.e. 學
Michael? Give argument than it is to build 生不要只顧著批評 (第 1 段及末段)
a reason for one. (1 mark) *有超過一
your answer. 個答案

Open-ended questions 開放式題目

2019/57. Yes. He went further than 段落六說明 “I was not allowed to cross Rocky Point
Was the the first attempt. *有超過 Road” (line 47)
writer’s 一個答案

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second 選取與你立場
attempt at 或者 相符的論點/論
running away No, because he didn’t 據
from home a cross Rocky Point Road.
success or a
failure? Give a
reason for
your answer
based on
paragraph 6.

2017/20. Yes. 或者 這條問題要同學分析回收的成本效益

Do you think No
recycling is a
waste of time?
evidence from
the text to
support your

2012/20. Yes 或者 No 從原文找出桌遊可取之處/ 缺乏的元素

Can board Yes: board games are
games more interactive
compete with No: board games are too
computer low-tech
games? Give
one reason to
support each
point of view

2012/73. Yes-one needs both 同學需要知道中式和西式教育方式的不同之處。

Do you agree pressure and “father- 有關的不同之處可以從第 9 段看出
that the key to knows-best” guidance
success is a from parents and teachers,
“hybrid of but also room for each
East and individual to develop their
West”? own abilities.//
Explain. No- creativity is best
developed with Western
education , and there is
little to be gained from rote

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6.1 WRITER’S POV 作者的觀點

§ What was the writer’s view on…(2017/3.)
§ What does the phrase…suggest/ imply about the writer’s attitude? (2021/8)
§ What is the writer critical of…?
§ What assumption (n.假設) about…did the writer have…?(2014/65, 2021/16.)?
§ Why does the writer feel that…? (2016/57)
§ [MC] the writer uses … to show that … is…? (2017/9)
§ [MC] what does the writer think is the reason…? (2017/11)

作答提示(也適用於第 6.2 部分):

§ 先從原文找出作者所用比較特別的用字
§ 接著,想一想為何作者會這樣說
o 有沒有任何預設,該預設有沒有改變
§ 嘗試找出作者在該議題上的取態:支持/反對/中立
o 留意他的用字(褒貶/極端的意思)
o 留意透露其個人觀點的用字, 如 “I think that”, “I agree/disagree” (不過文章一般
o 有時候,作者喜歡把自己的見解與一般人的見解劃分,以顯示他不會流於泛泛
§ 嘗試把有關資訊放在一起,看看是否吻合

年份/題號 問題 答案 解釋
2021/8. What does the Eating fast food makes 第一步,理解問題字眼 “guilt-free”的意思,即沒有
phrase “guilt-free the writer feel guilty// 罪疚感。
(line 18) imply Thinks that fast food is 第二步,理解段落的意思。 第 5 段說作者在享用
about the writer’s unhealthy. The Food Garage 的膳食後感到 “fabulous and guilt-
attitude to fast food
in general?

2017/3(i). What was the Recycling is costly. 第一步,尋找關鍵字 “1996”(line 6),訊息在第二

writer’s view on *有超過一個答案 段出現。
recycling in 1996? 第二步,從字裡行間尋找作者的觀點: “arguing
that…was wasteful” (line 6-7)。在這裡, “arguing”

2017/3(ii). Why did his It was unfair to rush to 第二段中的 “defenders” (line 7) 透露了他們持相反
opponents disagree judgment because the 意見
with him?
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recycling movement
had just begun.

2016/9. What does the He thinks superstitions 留意作者的用詞是否有褒貶的意味。作者的用詞

phrase “magical are outdated. “bizarre” (adj.古怪的)帶有貶義。我們可以斷定作
rituals and bizarre 者對迷信反感。我們可以看附近有關作者的觀
behaviours” (lines 點。
20-21) suggest
about the writer’s
attitude towards

2016/52. What is the writer The overall trend of 從作者的用字去揣摩他的想法: “astonishingly

critical of in food trucks is stupid trends”(line 35)、”worst offenders” (line 35)、
paragraphs 7 and 8? ridiculous and morally “ridiculous” (line 37)及 “morally reprehensible” (line
reprehensible (1 mark) 37)。這些極端的貶義詞透露了作者對 food trucks
and media treating
food trucks as a new
form of cuisine (1
mark). *有超過一個答

2016/57. Why does the They are afraid to go to 留意關鍵字 “I think that”(line48)示意這是作者的想
writer feel that ethnic restaurants (lines 法。Lines 49-50 說明有些人選擇美食車外賣的原
certain people 49-50) 因是他們害怕堂食
prefer buying ethnic *有超過一個答案
food from food
trucks rather than
buying from ethnic

2015/31. What does the Koreans have achieved “Why aren’t people happier with what they’ve done”
question Daniel a great deal (1 mark) (lines 19-20)此反問句說明人們對自己獲得的不
poses at the end of but they aren’t content 滿。作答時,同學需要用自己的文字作答
his book suggest with their success. (1
about his view of mark)
Koreans and their

2015/57(i). In lines 1-2, the Rousseau is a depraved 首先,同學需要知道問題關鍵詞 “undermine”的意

student points out animal because he too 思 (v. 顛覆)。同時,我們解讀 “the man who reflects
that Jean-Jacques is reflecting. is a depraved (adj. 墮落的) animal” (line 2)此句。同
Rousseau “is *有超過一個答案 時,我們知道 Rosseau 正在進行反思。於是,他說
himself”. Why does
the student think

2015/57(ii). Why might the The student thinks he’s 這裡,同學需要自己聯想一下,代入那名學生的

student feel smart. 思路:找出繆誤後沾沾自喜

2014/65. What assumption Television confers 有時候,我們可以從前後題答案的位置猜測有關

about television did instant fame. 題目的答案範圍,如前一道題是在 lines 10-13, 而
the writer have *有超過一個答案 後一道題是在 line 19,那這一道題很大機會在 line
which turned out to 13 與 line 19 之間。 “This was most strange” (line
be not true?
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6.1.1 同場加映:選擇題(一):有關作者的觀點
年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/16. A. Like fresh organic food. 嘗試看看前後文。Lines 9-11: 綜合文章內容
What “In fact, you may even belong to the growing 分析
assumption is consumer class that has some of the world’s biggest
the writer and best-known food companies scrambling to
making about change their business.” 這個組別讓大型的食品製
the “growing 造商改變它們的生意方向。
consumer 從 line 1: “Multinational packaged-food
class” (line
10)? They are companies…”,我們知道這些公司製造的是預先
people who… 包裝的食品。那這個消費群不就是不喜歡預先包

2018/51. D. Get the reader to stop 參考前述的內容,即有關的發現顛覆人們的想 參考前述的內

Why did the and think about a 像:蜜蜂消失並非全然是一件壞事 (lines 19-20) 容
writer use the surprising statement. “The economists seemed to turn the moral of this
word “Woah” story on its head. They argued that destroying and
(line 21)? replacing the free gifts of nature could be an
economic benefit.”

2017/9. B. is not very effective Lines 33-34:要回收巨額數量的塑料瓶才能抵銷一 由例子推斷觀

The writer 程航班 (“To offset the carbon impact of one 點
uses the passenger’s round-trip flight between New York and
example of London, you’d have to recycle roughly 40,000 plastic
flying to show bottles, assuming you fly economy”),即係話回收

2017/11(i).* Recycling is a question of Line 41 為主題句: “To many public officials, 找出主題句
What does the morality recycling is a question of morality, not cost-benefit
writer think is *有超過一個答案 analysis.”。
the reason 通常在例子前面,我們會找到主題句。接著,再
politicians 審視例子是否與主題句一致
support a
“zero waste”
policy (line

2016/55. C. Lines 44-45 想帶出有些人對美食車的食物趨之若 歸納例子

What does the They are over-estimating 鶩(“People act as if tacos, dumplings, or brick oven 留意 quotation
writer imply the originality of food pizzas have somehow been ‘discovered’ by food marks 的用
when he trucks. truck cooks”) ,即事實上,美食車並沒有發現 法,很多時候
writes, (“discovered”)這些地道菜式 都在講述意思
“People act as
if tacos, 相反的概念。
dumplings or
brick oven
pizza have
somehow been
by food truck
cooks” (lines

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6.1.2 同場加映:選擇題(二): 有關情緒的形容詞

1. 先留意作者/講者的遣詞
2. 判斷有關詞語是否有褒意還是貶義的意思
3. 如有,先剔除與之相反的形容詞選項
4. 最後,double-check 你所選的答案

Positive Negative Neutral

1. Amusing 1. “Seriously” – Ridiculous 1. Reflective
從 Norton 回應 P Smith 的字句來看, 首先,我們會分析那 4 個選項。很顯然, 從 行 文 字 眼 “I remember the
他好像是在作弄 P Smith 一般, 尤其 選項 B. very serious 是字面義,所以一般 competition for top desk… I
是”What comes out of the top of your 不會是答案。根據我對英語的瞭解, remember the housing scheme…I
head? Steel wool?” (line 74) 及”A “seriously” 一般有難以置信的意味。 don’t know exactly why they
moved…wonder when the
longer fringe may also help.” (line 76) 綜觀第 9 段, “seriously”前述的文字說 food
兩句的語氣都有點輕浮。(2020/59.) choices got made we don’t
trucks 為 LA 帶來一些可負擔的民族的美
remember making” (Sample/60)
2. Excited 食;而“seriously”後段的文字說明 LA 已 看出有關字眼似乎是在說教/人
在文章開首,作者寫道:那是一個 經有大量售賣民族美食的餐廳。由此可 生大道理一般
“dazzling” (adj.耀眼的) spectacle (n. 見,後段的文字旨在質疑前段文字的真
奇觀)。這裡, “dazzling” 是一個褒 確性。(2016/56) 2. Humourous
義詞,而段落的其餘部分說明現在 第 11 段雖然說明作者對美食車
的科技能讓文物重現光明 (2013/1) 2. “Seriously”-Doubtful 的隱憂。然而,問題在問作者
歸納描述/例子 在第 21 段, “all very nice” 指那些桌上遊 的 “tone”(即語氣)。當中,
在這裡,speaker 寫道:他換上一個 戲 雖 然 很 有 趣 , “come one” 指 「 少 來 “FOOD is risky”是主題句,而隨
甜 美 的 笑 容 , 並 確 保 “there were 了」。作者問桌上遊戲如何與 Ipad 及 後有諸多例子,如 “choke on a
pens in my pocket for Xbox Kinect 相提並論 (2012/15) hot dog” 、 “poisoned by a
autographs.”( 有 人 將 會 向 他 索 取 簽
pizza”、” “die slowly from years
名)。在此之前,speaker 在幻想自己 2. Sarcastic / ironic
of eating too much”等問題而美食
曝光度上升後會有什麼待遇及他該 從 lines 87-91 中,問題牽涉句子的前段文
如何反應, 包括:練習微笑、裝出 字在說明當政府在鼓勵消費,而這樣會
誇張,營造幽默感 (2016/64)
一副吃驚的樣子及帶備書寫工具供 製造很多垃圾,這與政府打算整頓那批
簽名之用。這說明他很期待。 回收部隊有點無法銜接 。我們再看看選
(2014/60) 項,A. indifferent 指漠不關心的,而 B.
sarcastic (adj.諷刺的)則比較貼近該情況
3. Fondness (PP/67)
John Thornton 來回搖晃 Buck,並且
低聲罵 him “lovingly” (PP/78 ) 我們 3. Anger
可以看出這名主人寵溺他的狗。 在 Lines 51-52,我們得知 Winston 蹦起
來 , 而 他 口 中 大 喊 “THAT
SCOUNDREL” ,當中這些字是大寫的,顯
們可以想像當他知道 Karl 對他做的事
情,他應該是憤怒的。 (2014/11)

4. Exasperated (adj. 惱怒的)

Lines 104- 105 的“Oh, geez” 有「哦天哪」
的意思,而 “fine”在口語中有「隨便啦」
Winston 被機械人的要求煩倒。因此,他
展現出惱怒的表情。 (2014/23)
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5. Reluctant 不情願
C. reluctant to move away from family
“I’ve never been away from home for this
long before and I’m terrified”
ð 說明 David is reluctant to move
away from family

• Satisfied (滿意) • Confused (困惑) • Cautious (小心翼翼)
o 稱讚、正面的字眼 o 有一點惘然、不知如何 o 不是太敢表態
• Confident (有自信的) 才好、拿不定主意 • Concerned (關注的)
o 無懼、正能量、甚 • Bitter (憤恨地) o 很多問題、表
至會說 “I can do it/ I o 用字酸酸的、帶有不滿 達關心
can make it.” 的情緒 • Don’t know
• Indifferent (漠不關心的) o “who knows?”
o 不在乎、對有關的主題
甚至說 “I don’t care.”

Agree Disagree
1. Opinion is congruent/ compatible 1. Challenge its usefulness 質疑其有效性
“It takes months or years to design and build a structure, and “But how much difference does it make?” (2017/8(i))
most are incapable of doing this; however, it takes hours and ð 這是一句反問句
less skill to wreck it.” = the writer finds the means useless
(2015/77.) 2. Neutral…but wait!
表面扮中立, 但是提出大量反面論據
“I’m not sure who it was that once claimed there are no
problems, only solutions. All I can say is they’ve never
opened my Pandora’s postbag of woes…let me tell you, it is a
pretty disturbing sight” (lines 4-6) (2020/43.)
ð B. Norton disagrees with the statement “there are no
problems, only solutions” (line 4)

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6.2 OTHER’S POV 其他人的觀點

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/59. A. 可以先審閱主題句: “The ever-increasing scope of 留意作者特別的用字
What is the critical our space exploration efforts threatens the other
tone of Prof. planets in our solar system with biological
Lee in contamination from Earth.” (lines 5-6)
paragraph 2? ð 可以知道 Prof Lee 不太同意太空探索

2018/22(i). Disagrees “I find it impossible to work with any music

Laura playing at all” (line 54)
2018/22(ii). Disagrees “Are you kidding me?” (line 57) = 你是在開玩笑
Sandy 吧!(一副難以置信的表情)

2018/22(iii). Agrees “I can’t study without my brain being blasted by 留意原文意思

John my tunes” (line 60)
2018/22(iv). Neither agrees “Who knows?” (line 62) 句式特定的意思
Leo nor disagrees - 誰知道?就是沒有人知道的意思

2015/8. Jeong is 同學需要考慮 “It’s nonsense”中的 “It”指的是什 留意作者特別的用字 + 辨

What does uniquely Korean 麼。我們需要推前看。那就是 line 14 所展示的 識 Pronoun 所指的是什麼
Daniel think is (line 14)
“nonsense”? *有超過一個答

2015/18. They are 可以先有一個大膽猜想,再審閱前述的句子去 N/A

Why does obsessed with 把有可能的內容找出來
Daniel think education (line
that Gangnam 39)
mothers are *有超過一個答
“scary” in line 案

2015/76. He disagrees 我們要理解 Tom 的留言,留意他的重點和不斷 辨別重覆出現的關鍵字/例

What is Tom’s against Liberal 強調的文字,如$60,000 的補習費(“$60,000 子
stance towards Education (1 taken out in student loans for tuition”);價值$1.50
Liberal mark) because it 的 借書罰款 (“with maybe $1.50 in late fines
Education? is a waste of
when you are finished”)。從這些數字中,我們可
Summarize his money; it
opinion in doesn’t help you 以得知 Tom 對錢的金額耿耿於懷
your own get a job; it is
words. better to study
STEM subjects.
(1 mark)

2014/3. She thought the 從 A 所說的(i.e. “don’t buy anything”) 及 B 的回 從對話去推敲各人話語的

What does robot wanted to 應(i.e. , “I am not here to sell you something”) 去 意思
Elizabeth think sell things to 推測 A 的看法 (2014/3)
the robot is them
trying to do?

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§ Explain the conflict…(2019/61.)
§ What conflicting ideas did…have to consider…(2020/49.)
§ What is the contradiction between A and B? (2015/30.)

§ 人與人之間的衝突:當兩人持相反意見
§ 內心的衝突:一個人的內心交戰
§ 同一件事的對立角度

宜加入 “On one hand A; on the other hand B” 或者 “A while B”

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2020/49. On one hand, Norton thinks 首先,要考慮 Norton 縱觀整件事情會考量的事 找出對立點
What her friends are correct and 宜,而這兩個角度會有對立面。
conflicting the relationship is not going 及後,分辨關鍵字, 如:
ideas did to work but on the other
§ “I think to myself” i.e. 自己內心的考量
Norton have to hand, they might live
consider when happily ever after. § “they are right, probably”
responding to *有超過一個答案 § “but not definitely” i.e. 這裡有舉棋不定的
the problem in 情況,顯示 Norton 的掙扎
paragraph 8? 最後,按自己對事件的理解,如:libarian 與義大
Norton 贊同 libarian 朋友的講法,另外,他亦提
及: “hers could be the one young Italian farmer
scenario that ends happily ever after” (line 23)

2019/61. He wanted compliments 首先,我們要清楚作者的處境及瞭解作者的心 代入作者的心

Explain the but he also wanted rebel. 理:Clive 的母親將兒子與其他鄰里的兒子作攀 境
conflict the *有超過一個答案 比,然後,他說了一句 “I lapped (v.舔食) it all
writer up…but could see… do me no good” (line 60-61)。
“such talk” 第三,由此,我們知道兩者存有衝突。
(line 61) from
his mother.

2015/30. Unending desire for new 理解何謂 “contradiction”,從原文找出 success 及 找出對立點

What is the and trendy gadgets and love of trendy gadgets 的對立點
contradiction fashion and yet the tunnel-
between how like view of what
Koreans see constitutes a successful
success and life.
their love of
trendy gadgets
and fashion?

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§ What is the main purpose/ idea of paragraph…?
§ 找出主題句:(1)第一句及最後一句,或(2)事例、數據的前一句
§ 分辨一些經常出現的例子及主題;
§ 找出佔文章篇幅較多的主題/圍繞著探討的主題 (2017/60.);
§ 找出文章與題目的同義詞;及
§ 摒棄一些無可能的選項。

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2013/58. To compare/contrast adult 留意 lines 105-106 中寫了年輕人版本的故事與成 辨識意思相近
What is the and youth dystopian 年人的版本分道揚鑣—“The youth-centered 的字
main purpose fictions. versions of dystopia part company with their adult
of paragraph *有超過一個答案 predecessors in some important respects.” 。節錄中
7? 用了 “part company”二字,說明了兩個版本不

2012/54. Chinese people are 第 4 段提及一個問卷。據資料顯示,大部分中國 主題句與數據

What is the familiar with strict 網民同意他們遭受父母嚴厲的教育方式。 相關
main idea of parenting guidelines.
para 4?


年份/題號 解釋 答案
2021/66. (i). Text 6: E
§ 講述 Armstrong 登月的事件; Looking Back at
§ 題目中的 “Lunar”有月亮的意思 the Lunar Mission

(ii). Text 7: A
§ 第一段:NASA 發現火星有生命的跡象。讓火星變得更適宜人 Transforming
類居住的過程是 “terraforming” Mars
§ 第四段:講述改變火星的細節

(iii). Text 8: F
§ 第一段:改變火星引發有關逛星球的道德爭議 Should We Set
§ 從 Prof Cheung 及 Prof Lee 的爭議看出他們的爭議點 Foot on Other
2020/51 (i). Para 12 B
§ 比上不足,比下有餘的心態及摒棄矯枉過正的心態會讓人活得 Being a better
更好à 講述人變得更好的方法 person.

(ii). Para 13 D
§ 最好的辦法還是自己幫助自己 (“you need to search deep inside Helping yourself
yourself for your own solution” (lines 35-36) is the best
§ 留意 “but, in truth” (line 35) 這類字透析作者的真實想法,或事情 approach

(iii). Para 14 E

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§ 人們常常以為是到了世界末日 People believe
§ 留 意 “But you haven’t” (line 37) 及 作 者 諷 刺 某 類 人 的 字 句 : problems are
“Unless you actually have… you should really call the Healthcare worse than they
Advice Line” (lines 37-38) really are

(iv). Para 15 A
§ 留意作者建議: “so pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and Positivity is the
smile, smile, smile” (lines 39-40) key
§ 留意重複的字 “smile” (line 40), “chuckle” (line 40), “wink at” (line
40), “laugh at” (line 40),都是一些很正面的字

2019/18 (i). “You know, I’ve just read an interview which says we could be astonished to 15
see how messiness might make our lives better”
§ 這段對白指出雜亂使生活更精彩,為此他們感到驚愕
§ 原文:”we might well be surprised by how that improves things”
(lines 68-69)

(ii). “Really? How would that work? Last night I spent 30 minutes looking for my 7
chemistry homework because I hadn’t put it in the right folder on my desk.”
§ 這段對白帶出沒有效率的整理系統導致他浪費許多時間
§ 原文: “But you filed it so quickly that you don’t really understand
your own filing system” (lines 28-29)

(iii). “Well the interview gave one or two famous historical examples where really 11
messy people achieved great things.”
§ 這段對白提出有關訪問包含歷史例子,講述生活習慣混亂的人
§ 原文:”In the book, I write about Benjamin Franklin…” (lines 46-
o 提示:找出有歷史人物名稱的一段

(iv). “But that can’t really work for everyone, can it?” 10
§ 這段對白指出此方法並非適用在每一個人的身上
§ 原文: “Everybody has their own system” (lines 44-45)

(v). “You know, it could save you looking for your chemistry homework next time. 8
The writer describes how a mountain of documents has a system to it so you
can quickly find exactly what you need.”
§ 這段對白指出文件堆有系統,讓人可以快速找到他們所需的文

§ 原文:”Your pile of paper is self-organizing” (line 32)

2017/60. II 第二分部說明:
(Para 2) Millennials 誕生的世代 (para 2) B
(Para 3) Millennials 的特質,如 “adored from infancy”, “lived in an era of Defining the
relative peace”及 “also lived in an era of relative prosperity” generation
ð 即是在介紹 Millennials

III 第三分部:
(Para 4) Millennials 往往自命不凡 F
(Para 5) 在說明 para 4 所述誕生的原因 Special status
(Para 6) Para 4 所述的特質所帶來的正面影響
(Para 7) Para 4 所述的特質所帶來的負面影響

IV 第四分部: E
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(Para 8) Millennials 的自信帶來各種成功 Self-belief
(Para 9) Millennials 的自信可能在長大後開始沒落,甚至帶來負面效果

V 第五分部: A
(Para 10) 帶出 Millennials 與人相處的議題 Relating to others
(Para 11) 說明 Millennials 與成年人會比較以比較朋輩式的方式相處
(Para 12) 舉例說明 Millennials 認為自己與其他人平起平坐
ð 全部都與人的關係有關
VI 第六分部: D
(Para 13) 介紹科技此議題 Technology
(Para 14) 說明科技與 Millennials 息息相關,而且如何改變了人的價值觀

2016/18. (i). / X
(ii). Misconceptions about Superstition 2

(iii). Dealing with Bad Luck 4

第四分部的主題句是 “Another important principle revolved around the way
in which lucky and unlucky people dealt with the ill fortune in their lives”
(lines 62-63),即人們如何處理壞運氣

(iv). The Power of Superstition 1


(v). Chance Opportunities 3

第三分部主題句 “My research revealed that lucky people are more skilled at
creating and noticing chance opportunities” (lines 56-58),即他們能製造機

2016/75. (i) How regulators keep cheap food out of hungry mouths. Text 10

Text 10

Para 11-14 講述有關美食車所帶來有關事物安全的問題,para 15 則說明

(ii) Food trucks fueled by fusion cuisine X

(iii) Food trucks are more than foodie hype (n.不實宣傳) Text 9

Text 9

“The food media continues to treat these as a new form of cuisine and some
sort of breakthrough invention when they are nothing more than a way to
deliver food to consumers…” (lines 37-39);
“One major magazine recently suggested that food trucks had brought
affordable minority cuisine to the people of Los Angeles—seriously?” (lines
“But these practical food trucks are nothing new…” (lines 56-57);
“More a fad than a trend…” (line 62)
ð 這些都說明美食車言過其實,不是太新穎

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(iv) Food truck business pushes a new model Text 8

Text 8

標題:Mexicue Moves Beyond the Food Truck

2014/84. Para 4 這裡,作者表達一個矛盾的情緒。首先,他承認自己有幻想過出名: F

“Ever since I can remember I had dreamt of being famous” (line 21)。 The writer’s desire
後來,他卻說大家都知道名利是陷阱及錯覺: “To desire fame argues a to be a celebrity
shallow and delusional outlook…fame is a snare and a delusion” (lines 24-25) despite negative
views of fame
Para 5 這裡要區分作者的看法和其他人的看法。 D
“My counter-argument to this would be” (line 30)凸顯作者的駁斥。之後, Worshipping
他立刻舉例 20 世紀的故事中的女主人翁也有如斯的渴望。之後的一句 celebrities is not
“The propensity to worship idols is not new”歸納出明星夢並非只是這個年 unique to our
Para 6 這裡要看主題句: “is it not a rule in life that no one is quite as stupid as we E.
would like them to be” (line 36)。隨後,此句獲得 lines 40-41 的確認: A love of
“…you will see that it is possible to be a fan of reality TV, talent shows and celebrities does
bubblegum pop an still have a brain” 。 not automatically
make someone

Para 7 要理解作者的舉例- Miley Cyrus 及 Mozart,以及他有關多元化叢林的比 A.

喻,充分凸顯多元化的重要性 Choice is
important in a
healthy society

Para 8 “the problem…but they want it for themselves” (lines 51-52) 此句說明有些 G.
人會希望出名 People nowadays
desire to be

Para 9 Lines 56-60 在講述他在一個首映禮上希望自己得到他人的垂注的事件, B.

凸顯他希望出名的渴望的事例。 An example of the
writer’s own
由於該例子佔了很大篇幅而段落後半部分並沒有與該例子有很大的分 obsession with
歧,因此我們知道作者對名氣的沈迷 celebrity

2013/24. Para Para 2 講述幾名中年女士的發現及拼湊 B.

2-3 Para 3 講述專家需要幾天時間去拼湊兵馬俑 Locals putting
pieces together
Para Para 4 講述兵馬俑的由來 A.
4-5 Para 5 講述兵馬俑的特質 The Emperor’s
colourful army

Para Para 6 講述專家把機緣巧合及新穎的方法合拼才能重現兵馬俑的原來色 C.

6-7 彩 New preservation
Para 7 講述中國學者和德國的人員合作,研發出一種名為 PEG 的防腐劑 methods

Para Para 8 講述作者在 Shen Maosheng 的帶領下看到一些剛出土的文物 D.

8-10 Para 9 繼續介紹那些文物 Colourful artifacts
Para 10 講述很多文物的顏色拓印在泥土上 and colourful earth

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Para Para 11 講述博物館展開了兩個為期很長的挖掘項目 F.
11 Future discoveries
Para Para 12 講述一個兵馬俑與裂痕將一同在博物館展出 E.
12-13 Para 13 講述一開始,瑕疵會被修飾展覽品才能展出 (lines 138-139), 而 Preserving the
後來則說明瑕疵會保留讓歷史的真實面貌得以展現 (lines 141-143) cracks

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§ What is/are…? (2012/41.)
§ What does [sb] think/believe?
§ What are…? Give one advantage of each. (2017/15)
o [1]先留意有沒有標示語,如 First, Second, Third,…
o [2]再留意有沒有關鍵字
§ What are … examples of? (2021/14)
§ Which…is…? (2012/57.)

題型 問題字眼 關鍵字/解釋 答案
PURPOSE/AIM what is the purpose of “[do sth] to [achieve sth] (2013/15) 2013/15: to keep in the protective
(line 80) moisture

STATE What fear of David’s “but…if”: “…but I still have an idea The fear is that things do not work
is Norton responding in my head that if things don’t work out he will have failed in some way
to here out with this move I’ll have failed in (lines 45-46)
(2020/56.) some way.” (lines 45-46) *有超過一個答案

先將 David 的來信分成兩個部
(1) 害 怕 到 了 瑞 典 面 臨 失
(2) 會想念家人

其後,再把 Norton 的建議拼一


State TWO ways in “I also found out the exposed wood (i). running around with a magnifying
which the writer has was susceptible to friction.” (line glass (line 25)
played with fire 24) (ii). Rubbing the end of the box-wood
according to “I had learned something of what ruler against the edge of one of the
paragraph 3 pieces of wood could do to each tracks (lines 26-27)
(2019/51.) other” (line 25)

Who is Charmaine N/A a reporter

Chan? (2015/1.)

“What are two (i) 或(iii)題:“modern”是關鍵字, (i) Modern well-lined landfill

alternatives to 因為 “modern”一字含有嶄新及未 (ii) Capture methane to generate
recycling mentioned 曾有過的涵義 electricity (line 64)
in para 14? Give one (iii) Modern incinerators
advantage of each. (iv) Release fewer pollutants
(2017/15.) (line 65)

What opinion do both Line 33 說明 Psy 取笑 Gangnam 而 Gangnam is superficial

Daniel and Psy share? 受訪者也認為 Gangnam 過分招搖
(2015/13.) (lines 32-33): “He’s funny and
cheeky, in a Robbie Williams kind
of way, and making fun of Gangnam
[an affluent district of Seoul],
which is superficial and flashy.”

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What are Chinese 需要了解文章的主體,即有關管 parenting
moms “superior” at? 教孩子的模式 *有超過一個答案

What would the 我們要理解 “intense discussion ” Whether Chinese mothers are indeed
“intense discussion” 的意思,即熱烈的討論。接著, superior (這句句子預設了中方母
(line 2) be about? 我們要留意前述的內容去了解有 親是略勝一籌的立場)
(2012/42.) 什麼主題值得那麼熱烈的討論。 *有超過一個答案
Lines 1-2 說 明 了 “Why Chinese
Mothers Are Superior”。那麼,熱

Which Confucian 辨識關鍵字 Education is a top priority (line 27)

belief is the reason 可以找出哪些內容提及儒家思 *有超過一個答案
behind the success of 想。Lines 26-27 明顯提及儒家思
students in Asia? 想,可是這兩句沒有太大幫助。
我們可以往下看。Line 27 中說明
“Education thrives in
China…because it is a top
“because”則有透露原因的 hint

DESCRIBE According to 反義詞的運用 They have thick crust and a heavy

paragraph 4, what are Lines 13-14 講述 “the pizza bore no layer of cheese (line 14)
the pizzas from the resemblance (phr. 不 相 似 ) to
late-night deliveries those served at late-night
usually like?
上外賣的不相同。Line 15 立即說
“[t]his version consisted a thin crust
and a light layer of cheese”, 而
“[t]his version”是指 “the pizza” 。

FROM E.G. TO “what are…examples 第一步,先留意例子前述句子的意 Packaged food

T.S. of?” (2021/14.) 思。Line 1 提及 “[m]ultinational *有超過一個答案
packaged-food companies”身陷囹
What are the terms 圄
listed on lines 4-7
第二步,指出 lines 4-7 中的 “canned
examples of?
food; pre-packaged lunch; frozen
TV dinners; soft drinks containing
artificial colors and flavours”有什
例子都是以包裝的食物/ 經處理

REASONS “what are two reasons 關鍵字 – “to make sure”及 “value”: • prevent food poisoning
why…” (2021/20.) • convenience
• can last longer

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According to • “to make sure the (任何兩項)
paragraph 5, what are food…didn’t give us food
TWO reasons people poisoning” (line 16)
buy processed food? • “value the convenience
that food processing
offers” (line 17)
“to make sure”及 “value”這兩字帶

“what three factors?” “By and large ( 總 括 而 言 ), the • Child-centered society;

(2017/46.) Millennials are considered the • Era of relative peace;
children of the Baby Boomers.” • Era of relative prosperity
(line 12)。後面一般連著原因說明 *有超過一個答案
為 何 “Millennials are children of
the Baby Boomers”
“They have…They have…They
have also…” (lines 12-16)

Reasons for… (1)營運美食車的原因與其優點有 •cheaper

(2016/51.) 關 (lines 9-10) •offered lower risk than
opening a restaurant
(1)Opening the food *有其他答案
(2)The company’s
initial success (2)“initial success”的同義詞 “saw • good parking spots
explosive growth” (即目睹了爆炸 • early adopters
(13) Challenges faced
by the company 性增長) (line 13) *有其他答案
(14) Changes made to • “as early adopters” (line
the company’s 13)
operations • “parked in midtown
Manhattan surrounded by
the skyscrapers” (lines 13-

(3)“the odds were stacked against •competition is ferocious

them” (形勢對…不利) (line 17)
• finding good parking spots
(line 18)
• police handing out tickets
(line 21)

(4)“…made a U-turn…”即掉頭, • opened their first brick-and-

亦指一些改變 mortar store (lines 22-23)
• the truck serves food at
festivals , corporate events
and even weddings (line 29)

INFERENCE “if xxx is the second Lines 2-3 講述 NASA 找到證據證 • the planet Earth
home, what is …” 明 火 星 上 有 水 源 “The National
(2021/52.) Aeronautics and Space
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If Mars is the “second Administration (NASA) has
home” (line 3), what discovered hints of a warmer past on
is the first home? Mars, possibly, one in which water
has flowed and life might have
existed”, line 3 “With evidence
showing that water exists in a frozen
state on Mars, the human race could
one day make Mars its second
home.” 接著說火星有機會成為人

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§ 找出關鍵字: e.g. “part company” (2013/60.)
§ 若沒有關鍵字,找出兩個主體的特色,看看是否能作出比較,
o 如 A 很好,但 B 比 A 更好 (2015/10.)
o A 及 B 是完全相反:A 好但 B 壞 (2014/77)
o A 沒有而 B 有 (2015/29)
§ 需要審題找出是站在 A 還是 B 去作出比較
§ 答題的時候,可以用以下字眼去表示比較:
o “On one hand, A…; on the other hand, B…”
o “A…while B…”

§ A 擁有此特質而 B 也同時擁有此特質(2015/10)

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2016/53. (i) food courts are an 留意美食車與美食坊的比較,尤其一些關鍵字, 辨識意思相近
According to outdoor version of food 如 “become an outdoor version of…”。 的關鍵字
para 8, how courts (line 41)
are food (ii) food trucks have a
trucks limited menu (line 43-44)
different from *有超過一個答案
food courts
restaurants? (2

2015/10. Difference 文章說韓國人會以較誇張的方式表達自己的喜怒 辨識特別用字

According to § Sadness and 哀樂 (line 22): “Somehow, sadness and happiness 背後的涵義,
para 5, name happiness both both seem to be magnified in Korea.” 找出比較的方
one similarity seem to be 向
and one magnified in
difference, Korea
between Similarity
Koreans and § Koreans and 文章也說一開始別人以為亞洲人是充滿壓抑和節
Westerners, as Westerns are 制,但是原來韓國人也充滿情感 (lines 20-21:
seen by expressive and “Often when Westerners think of East Asians, the
Daniel. open with their stereotypes of stoicism and self-control-the so-called
feelings “inscrutable oriental”-come to mind. But Koreans in
fact tend to be very expressive and open with their
實並非如此— “But Koreans in fact tend to” 帶出韓

2015/29. Daniel’s book pushes into 留意 Daniel Tudor 所寫的書比 Michael Breen 所寫 留意特別的字
How does the new social and economic 的多了什麼內容或缺乏什麼內容? 眼
content of territory (Line 15) 提示:字眼 “new”,即史無前例
Copyright© 2022 English Creed 69
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Tudor’s book
differ from

2014/77. (i)this generation wants 嘗試理解描述背後的重點; A 及 B 是完全

In para 8, fame for themselves and 找出兩個組別的對立點,也可以在作答時補上:- 相反:A 好但
identify two not just worship celebrities Lines 53-54 說明真人騷讓這代人渴望當名人(“they B壞
differences the (lines 53-54) want it for themselves)而非看雜誌 (“flick through
writer (ii)this generation wants to
mentions go straight to fame and fan magazines”),我們可以進一步把此理解成追星
between this fortune while the previous 的行為;
generation and generation was more
previous ones. hardworking (lines 54-55) 另外,lines 54-55 說明他們希望直接得到名與
利,而非繁複的考慮如奮鬥及才能 (“short-
circulating tedious considerations like hard work and
2013/60. (i) the young-adult ones 第一個挑戰就是要找出答案的範圍。Line 105 就 辨識意思相近
How is young- are happier while the adult 提示了第 7 段就是答案的所在地: “The youth- 的關鍵字
adult ones are grimmer (line centered versions of dystopia part company (分道揚
dystopian 110);
鑣) with their adult predecessors (前任,i.e. adult
versions) in some important respects”。我們需要找
different from (ii) the young adult
adult dystopia novels are more 出兩者不同的地方,通常是一正一反。
dystopian reluctant to depict the
fiction? Find extinction of hope within
two their stories (lines 117-
differences 118) while the adult
mentioned in dystopia extrapolates from
the text. the present to show readers
how terrible things will
become if our deplorable
behaviour becomes
unchecked (lines 112-115)

2013/61. To warn us about the 同上,找出答案的範圍,即 lines 126-128: 破折號的運用

Find one dangers of some current “Sambell’s observation implies that dystopian stories
similarity trend (lines 128-129) for adults and children have essentially the same
between purpose – to warn us about the dangers of some
young-adult current trend.”。
dystopian 同時,注意破折號的用途,即可以起解釋說明的
fiction and 作用。
mentioned in
the text.

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§ 留意 reference 前置的字,判斷該 reference 的走向, 到底是褒意還是貶義
§ 查看前一句的主體
§ 理解那句的意思
o Tips: 有時候,文中可能沒有答案,要代入作者身處的環境 (2014/67.:在文中,
我們知道 speaker 走到一家 news agent (報紙檔)前,然後有一個女生跟他說他忘
了找贖。我們可以推論 “the girl”是一名店務員。)
§ 留意後面跟著的字
o Tips: 有時候,代詞與比喻的喻體相通
o 留意破折號
§ 少部分艱深的題目要求同學在代名詞後面找答案(例如 PP/69., 2016/27)
§ 嘗試把答案代入代詞中 (例如 2014/69.)

代名詞/一般性的詞彙 答案的範圍
he/she 一個人物(男/女)
it 一件死物/一隻動物
them/these/those 一群人/一堆死物
us 如果講話者是人,而且 “us”並非出現在對話內容中,那就是指全人類
you 普羅大眾 (要視乎情況) e.g. 2014/82
*His/her/their/its XX 的(講屬性) __’s
This/ this + n. / such + n. 一個概念、一個行為、一個現象等,一般以短句/整句方式顯示

年份/題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2021/1. A. Their meal 看 前 後 文 的 內 容 。 Lines 1-2: “Have you ever 綜合前述內
What does the watched the way teenagers eat when they’re out? They 容,找出主體
phrase “what’s constantly check their phones and pay little attention
in front of to their environment, let along what’s in front of
them (line 2) them…”; 而 lines 2-3 則是 “You may think taking
refer to? them to a restaurant would be a waste of time and
money…” 把前後文一併理解,知道此段正講述年

2021/60. Planetary park system 第一步:理解 “approach”的意思,即 “方法”。 理解 reference

What does *有超過一個答案 第二步:尋找文章哪裡有提及任何方法。一般來 本身的特性
“this 說,我們會看前幾行
(line 17) refer

2021/62. Human beings / N/A

Who or what *有超過一個答案
does “we”
(line 24) refer
Copyright© 2022 English Creed 71
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2021/64. A. 第一步:理解 “landscapes”的意思,即 “陸上風 理解 reference
What does 景”。 本身的特性
“those 第二步:理解段落意思,即 地球以外的生物值得
(line 31) refer

2020/16 (i) Yeung 前 述 一 定 提 及 這 個 “she” 是 誰 , 再 看 前 一 句 : 前述主體

“she” *有超過一個答案 “One of Yeung’s favourite is from the owner of a
Sheung Wan printing press” (line 62)

2020/16 (ii) Tai Kwun 首先,要理解何謂 “the site” (n. 地址),可以縮窄 理解 reference
“the site” *有超過一個答案 範圍至地點,顯然而見,這裡唯一一個地點就是 本身的特性

2020/47. The librarian’s friends 可以審閱前面幾行: lines 21-22: librarian 的朋友認 前述主體
“they” (line *有超過一個答案 為她瘋了, 而 Norton 亦表示他同意 “they”的講法,
22) 所以 “they”代表 librarian 的朋友

2020/55. The fun he would have 將第 18 同 19 段綜合來看,我們會知道 Norton 正 綜合前述內

“it” (line 57) experienced in Sweden 在說服 David 去瑞典。Norton 亦道出,一開始, 容,找出主體
*有超過一個答案 David 可能會不習慣,但之後,他會希望他可以與

2019/7. piling up paper on their 前述提及一個方法,就是把紙張堆積 (i.e. “Let’s 綜合前述內

“this” (line desk (line 30) contrast that with someone who keeps piles of paper 容,找出主體
31) *有超過一個答案 on their desk. You would think, ‘Well that’s a
problem. That’s not very efficient.’ It turns out this is
highly efficient.” 而這種方法驟眼一看,降低效

2019/13. People’s organizational Lines 64-66: 主體一直是 organizational systems, 下 分析何謂真正

“them” (line systems 一句的 “they”也是指 organizational systems 的主體
66) *有超過一個答案

2019/43. caning 首先,理解“treatment”的意思—處理。前述講述 理解 reference

“the *有超過一個答案 暫委校長負責進行 Thommo 的鞭笞。作者說他們 字眼的意思
treatment” 只能靜靜地聽著暫委校長施行的處理手法,很顯
(line 8) 然,就是鞭笞

2019/52. His classmates’ eyes 在前文中,我們得知 speaker 正在生火,而那裡正 靠推理

Whose eyes *有超過一個答案 在冒煙。我們要靠推理找出他成了誰的焦點。
are referred to 我們知道他身處教室,老師 Mr. Slavin 在起火後才
in line 27 發現(lines 27-28)。那麼,剩下的最有可能是答案
when the
mentions that
“Eyes turned
towards me?”

2019/53(i). caning (line 29) 前述說明 Mr. Slavin 進行了 4 下的鞭笞,顯而易 把行為與意思
“pain” (line *有超過一個答案 見,此舉帶來痛楚 聯想在一起
2019/53(ii). being socially accepted 前述述明作者的目標是得到同學的認同 前述主體
“glory” (line (line 32)
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2019/59. Clive’s mother and Nola 前述講述作者的母親和鄰居 Nola Huthnance 正在 綜合前述內

“both” (line Huthnance 聊天,那 “both”只是那兩人 容,找出主體
2018/5. the idea that music helps 前述說明一個說法,就是背景音樂有助人們專 前述主體
“that” (line 5) people focus (line 4) 注,而人們普遍認為此舉不合常理

2018/9. The unpleasant task 前一句述明當我們認為我們做的事情,而破折號 歸納能力

“it” (line 17) 內的文字旨在補充前一句

2018/16. Musical pieces without 這 裡 用 了 暗 喻 : “musical pieces without words 暗喻

“working words we listen while might be better working companions” 。 於 是 ,
companions” working. “musical pieces” 即 “working companions” (i.e. 工
(line 36) *有超過一個答案 作夥伴)

2018/54. Allowing profits to 第六段說明保育人士讓市場主導保育政策。這呼 前述主體

“logic of the control. 應了第五段:損害生態平衡或許能換來更大的經
market” *有超過一個答案 濟利益

2018/63. Skills: keeping bees for 首先, “skills”及 “luck”從字面看,指養蜂技巧和 從後句找出主

“skill and over 50 years 運 氣 因 素 ( 如 天 氣 ) 。 Line 25 “This year 體,由於前句
luck” (line 25) *有超過一個答案 everything worked…” 此句是一句總結句,我們要 已經總結
往下閱讀,之後應該會有一些展釋。Line 26 提及
Luck: good weather 好天氣,而 line 26 則為他的優勢:家族多年的養
2016/15. “My” research 段落開首,作者 說他的研究為運氣帶來新的詮 理解 reference
“It…” (line *有超過一個答案 釋。Line 87 “It demonstrates that much of the good 本身的特性/意
87) and bad fortune we encounter is a result of our 思及關鍵字的
thoughts and behaviours”中的 “demonstrate”(v.證明) 意思
暗示“It” 會是能夠帶出此信息的死物
2016/49. Schillace and Kelly 同學要理解 “duo”的意思,即雙人。前述的兩人就 理解 reference
“duo” (line 只有 Schillace 及 Kelly。 本身的特性/意
26) 思

2016/68. Eithopian food 第 13 段說明記者嘗試那些食物。 “It”後面跟著 前述主體

“it” (line 76) *有超過一個答案 “had not killed her”, “kill”在這裡不是指殺死,而是

2015/4. Other Westerners in Korea 請留意,這文章是一篇訪問稿,形式是一問一 綜合前述幾行

“they” (line 9) *有超過一個答案 答。訪問者會承接受訪者的答案再問一些問題。 的內容,找出
前面提到 “nobody else is really doing it”, 而前面的 主體
問題是為何當其他“Westerners in Korea”都在教英

2015/12. 3rd Line Butterfly “Be friends with”指結交朋友,那應該是人物。前 理解 reference

“them” (line 述提及的人物只有 3rd Line Butterfly (lines 30-31) 本身的特性

2014/5. Future Industries Line 27 說明 Karl 在 Future Industries 上班 (“We 前述主體

“they” (line worked together at CommaTech, then he got a great
28) job at Future Industries. I applied to work there, but
they never called back”,而 Winston 也申請在那上

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班,不過他們沒有回音,那答案一定是 Winston
申請上班的公司,即 Future Industries

2014/7. Winston’s identity card “It”只可能是動物或死物。 理解 reference

“it” (line 35) 本身的特性 +
Lines 32-33 提到機械人要求 Winston 確認他的身 前述主體
分,而他便出示一張卡 (“An identicard reader on its
side lit up. “Please confirm your identity.”)。正常來

2014/15. the job at Future Industries “It”只可能是動物或死物。 理解 reference

“it” (line 66) 本身的特性 +
Line 65 說明 Winston 極度希望得到他在 Future 前述主體
Industries 的工作 (“He had wanted that job so badly
back then.”) ,下一句則說明如果他得到那份工
作 , 工 作 就 會 變 成 是 他 的 全 部 了 (“But if he’d
gotten it, then Future Industries would be his life.”)

2014/67. Shop assistant of “Excuse me, excuse me!”… 從人物對話猜

Who was the newsagent “You forgot your change…” 測講話者的身
girl (line 19)? *有超過一個答案 (lines 18-20) 其中一句話提及零錢,我們可以猜測 分

2014/73. apoplectic bores (line 44) 在 line 44, 作者問了一個問題: “Does one really 設問句自問自
“one” (line want to side with such apoplectic bores?”,在下一 答
45) 句,他立刻回答 “I should know, I often catch myself
being one…” (i.e. 他應該知道,因為他常常成為其

2014/82. Everyone 要看後續的句子: “I was living proof that you could N/A
“you” x readers want to be famous and want to do the work, you could
relish the red carpet and relish working into the early
hours cranking out articles…” 這句說話有訓示的意
味, 好像在告誡世人大家可以發明星夢, 但同時也
要付出努力, 所以應用在所有人, 並非只是讀者

2013/4. transforming a heap of 要參考前述句子: “It usually takes Yang and her co- 前述主體
“the task” clay fragments into a full- workers many days to transform a heap of clay
(line 23) size warrior (lines 20-22) fragments into a full-size warrior, but today they are
*有超過一個答案 lucky, accomplishing the task in a matter of hours.”
(lines 20-24)

2013/47. dystopia (line 6) 參要考前述句子: “For young readers, dystopia isn’t 前述主體
“it” (line 6) a future to be averted; it is a version of what’s already
happening in the world they inhabit.” (lines 6-9)

2013/62. Children not taking control 留意 “this”前置的字 “sting of” (蜇傷),暗示有關的 前述主體
“this” (line of the world (lines 137- 遭遇是負面的,找出前述有什麼事情是負面的:
139) 138) *有超過一個答案 “Children, however, don’t run the world, and
teenagers, especially, feel the sting of this.” (lines 137-

2012/10. Germany (line 50) 留意 reference “it”前述句子的主體: “Germany is 前述主體

“It” (line 52) the pioneer when it comes to new and interesting board

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2012/55. (a) Piano practice 第 4 段說明中國人民已經習慣父母的嚴厲管教,
What might (b) Homework 說他們不如別人家的孩子。我們需要參考段落裡
“this” or 舉的例子:piano practice、unfinished homework。
“that” (line
22) refer to?
Find TWO
given in para

2012/59. Americans/ people in the “We”這個代詞與說話方有相對關係。說話方是 靠推理

“we” (line 28) West Nicholas Kristof,一名西方的代表。他讚揚中方的
*有超過一個答案 教 育 理 念 , 並 說 明 “we have plenty to learn
from”(line 28)。我們需要向中方學習,即 “we”不
們可以合理推論 “we”是西方代表。

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True False Not Given

題目與原文的意思相同/相似 題目與原文有部分內容呈相 題目的內容在原文沒有提及或
§ 運用同義詞 反、矛盾或難以共存 原文和題目的事物可以共存,
§ 句子部分可能的調換 § 反義詞 即可以是對的,也可以是錯誤
§ 意思不一樣 的
§ 範圍闊窄不一樣 § 有時候,出題者希望誤

如何 locate 答案範圍 ?
§ 請見方框
§ 一般而言,我們都是在原文中找與題目一模一樣的關鍵字或意思相近的關鍵字

True False Not Given

1. 同義詞 1. 內容矛盾/相反 小心陷阱:
[1] 原文 : In New York City, … food- [1]原文: The skill at unmasking error, § 完全沒有提及 (2021/4(i))
truck licences available has created a or simple intellectual one-upmanship, is § 有提及事情,但所提及的與主
black market (phr. 黑市交易 )…(2016, not totally without value. (2015, B2, 體不一樣
B2, para 12) para 5, line 17)
題目: People illegally buy and sell food 題 目 : The writer thinks that being
truck licences in New York. critical has no use. (2015/62)
(2016/65) i.e. not totally without value (= has
some value, despite being minimal) vs.
[2]原文: …good music in Korea …and no use
doesn’t go outside of Korea (=衝出韓
國,國際化). (2015, A, para 7, lines 29- [2] 原 文 : In 2011 the museum
30) launched two long-term excavation
題目: Daniel thinks some good Korean projects on the flanks of the 250-foot-
music isn’t well known internationally. high central burial mound. (2013, A,
(2015/14(iii)) para 11, lines 122-125)
題目: In 2011, the museum completed
[3]原文:The robot was … plain-looking. the excavation of the central burial
(2014, A, lines 6-7) mound. (2013/21)
題目: The robot does not appear to be i.e. launched vs. completed
very impressive.
(2014/6(i)) [3] 原文: But the pace of discovery is
quickening. (2013, A, para 11, lines
[4] 原 文 : “I’ve felt bad …I’m really 121-122)
sorry.” (2014, A, lines 47-49) 題目 : The speed of discovering new
題目: Karl admits feeling guilty for what artifacts is slowing down. (2013/21)
he did. (2014/9(iii).) i.e. quickening vs. slowing down

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[5] 原 文 : All sixteen-year-olds [4] 原 文 : And, of course, most
conform…universal standard of American schoolchildren are at some
prettiness. (2013, B2, para 4, lines 45- point also assigned to read one of the
47) twentieth century’s dystopian classics
題 目 : Teenagers conform…standard for adults, such as Brave New World or
prettiness …(2013/52(ii)) 1984. (2013, B2, para 5, lines 76-80)
題目: Brave New World or 1984 were
2. 意思相近的字 written for American schoolchildren.
[1] 原文: “One day the police came to i.e. adults vs. American schoolchildren
the classroom and made Thommo open (2013/52.)
his Globite school case. It was full of
stolen treasures…” (2019, B2, para 1, [5] 原文: … these guests reported that
lines 10-11) they were engaging in more
題目: Thommo was a thief. (2019/46.) conservation-related behavior since
their dolphin show experience. They
3. 有關數量的同義詞 also retained what they had learned.
[1]原文: less than one percent(2013, A, (PP, A, para 4, lines 41-45)
題目: People do not remember much
para 11, line 119)
題目: a small portion (2013/21(i)) of what they have learned after
watching a dolphin show. (PP/6)
4. 有關時間的同義詞
[1] 原文: improving the good fortune in 2. 涵蓋範圍不一樣
their lives for many centuries. (2016, A, [1]原文內容覆蓋範圍較題目闊/窄:
Section 1, lines 5-6) 原 文 : We have three proposals to
題 目 : Superstitions have existed for increase both the supply and demand
hundreds of years. (2016/6(i).) for sustainable food resources.
(2021, A, Text 3, para 3, line 8)
[2]原文: A drink for trying out a game, 題 目 : “Three recommendations for
another drink for another play (2012, A, promoting sustainable fishing are
para 8, lines 35-36) mentioned in the news letter”
題目: Customers can play board games (2021/25(i))
for two hours if they buy two drinks.
3. 後面句子推翻前面
5. 比較的表述方式不一樣 注意一些不太起眼的句子
[1] 原 文 : Pat says, “I found a lot of [1] 原文:I agree that the activities of
interesting board games that were more human beings can damage the
challenging than anything on the environment and cause other negative
computer (i.e. board games > computer consequences, but these are
games)(2012, A, para 9, lines 46-47) exceptions. (2021, B2, Text 8, para 5,
題目: Pat thinks computer games are not lines 21-22)
as challenging as some board games (i.e. 題目:Prof. Cheung believes that most
computer games < board games). (2012/8.) human activities damage the
environments of Earth and Mars.
6. 推敲答案 (2021/63(v))
[1]原文: In overdeveloping the capacity to “These are exceptions” 中嘅 “these” 係
show how texts, institutions, or people fail
to accomplish what they set out to do, we
may be depriving students of the chance
to learn as much as possible. (2015, B2, 4. 數量不一樣
para 5, lines 19-21) [1] 原文: Thommo had to be recaptured
題目: Students could learn more if they after each stroke. (2019, B2, para 1,
were less critical. (2015/62) lines 8-9)
題目: Thommo would only escape from
[2] 原文: I won’t be like Amy Chua…I Deputy Head after six strokes of the
don’t want to pressure them. (2012, B2, cane. (2019/46)
Text 4, para 2, lines 7-8) (i.e. 1 stroke vs. 6 strokes)

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題目: Chua forces her children to do
certain activities. (2012/51.) 5. 次數不一樣
[1] 原 文 : “I played nothing but
7. 由例子/細節歸納論點 Monopoly, Uno and Snakes &
[1]原文:Tim is an economist, journalist Ladders,” says Pat. (2012, para 9, lines
and broadcaster. (= 3 jobs) (2019, A, 42-43)
para 2, line 4) 題目: Pat never played Monopoly, Uno
題目:Harford has more than one job. or Snakes & Ladders as a child.
(2019/1(ii) (2012/8)
(i.e. play nothing but vs. never played)

6. 比較的意思不同
[1]原文: Life independent of Earth
deserves valuation equal to that of our
world and those landscapes deserve to
be spared from our meddling even if
they are not home to any life.
(2021, Text 8, para 6, lines 30-31)

題目 : Prof. Lee believes that life on

Earth is more important than life
from other planets. (2021/63)

詳見 2016/65)

(tips: 若題目出現極端的字眼-
“never”, “no”, “all” 等等都很大
機會是 F)

年份/題號 題目 原文及解釋 答案 Reference

2021/4(i). The writer enjoys watching Cool 完全沒有提及 NG N/A
Food. Line 8 只表達作者收看電視節目 “Cool

2021/4(ii). The Food Garage is a TV show. Pronoun F Line 8-9

“I first learned of the Food Garage after
watching an episode of the TV show, Cool
Food. At that time, it was just a humble
food truck…”

作者道出他在收看了電視節目 “Cool
Food” 之後認識 Food Garage。Lines 8-
9: “It was just a humble food truck” 中嘅
“It”是指 Food Garage。所以,Food
Garage 是美食車而非電視節目

2021/4(iii). The Food Garage is a food truck “After the show aired, fans flocked to the T Line 10
and a restaurant truck, and the business has since also
opened a restaurant on 90 Wellesley St.
West, in the City Works district.”

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Food Garage 開了一家餐廳。因此,
Food Garage 既是美食車又是餐廳

2021/25(i). Three recommendations for 涵蓋範圍不一樣 F Para 3-5

promoting sustainable fishing are Line 8 指出他們有三項有關 “both the
mentioned in the newsletter. supply and demand for sustainable food
(i) Star Resort 可以與酒店發展
(ii) Star Resort 要求其他食物供
(iii) Start Resort 可以在自家農


2021/25(ii). There are currently no 極端用字 F Para 4

environmentally-friendly food Lines 10-11 指出他們有方法分辨哪些海
companies in Singapore. 產賣家用環保方式去捕魚,言下之意,
新加坡已經有固有的食品供應商 (“This
consortium should be able to identify
which seafood vendors use
environmentally-friendly fishing
techniques and restrict our purchases of
fish to only these vendors.”)


2021/25(iii). Star Resort is the largest seafood 小心陷阱 NG N/A

importer in Singapore. 文章會出現一些題目陳述句包含的字眼
如 “Star Resort”,但有關句子與題目陳

2021/63(i). Prof. Lee provides evidence of life “If life is present on another world, the F Line 6
forms on other planets. introduction world, the introduction of
terrestrial life forms would be an ecological
disaster as well as an immense loss to

意思有異+ “if”句式
Prof Lee 用富有不確定性的措辭,如 “if
life is present on another world”,反映他

2021/63(ii). Prof. Cheung believes that “In response to your point that human T Lines 14-15
planetary park system would solve exploration would alter natural
the ethical problems related to conditions on other planets, I propose a
exploring other planets. planetary park system…”
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Prof Cheung 提議興建一個 “planetary
目的,回應 Prof Lee 提出的道德問題

2021/63(iii). Prof. Lee believes that the landing “I propose a planetary park system that T Lines 16-17
of spacecraft could cause the would bar the landing of spacecraft in
spread of mircroorganisms across protected areas to prevent destruction of
the surface of the planet. the environment” (landing of spacecraft à
destroy environment)

“You know the microorganizms can be

spread across the planetary surface by
dust storms, for example, so this approach
would not protect non-park areas from
human contamination.”

Microorganisms 可以透過 dust storms 擴

散至星球表面。上述 lines 14-15 則講述
穿梭機的降落可能導致 dust storms, 從
而最終導致 microorganisms 擴散到星球

2021/63(iv). Prof. Cheung believes that NASA is 沒有提及 NASA 的看法 NG N/A
supportive of the application of
environmental ethics to space

2021/63(v). Prof. Cheung believes that most “I agree that the activities of human beings F Lines 21-22
human activities damage the can damage the environment and cause
environments of Earth and Mars. other negative consequences, but these are

(most vs. these are exceptions)
火星的環境;而原文則說明 Prof Cheung

2021/63(vi). Prof. Lee believes that life on “Life independent of Earth deserves F Lines 30-31
Earth is more important than life valuation equal to that of our world and
from other planets. those landscapes deserve to be spared from
our meddling even if they are not home to
any life.”

原文:Life independent of Earth (=life on
other planets) = life on Earth
題目:Life on Earth > life from other

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2020/6(i). The compound is officially named “officially re-christened with its former T Line 6
Tai Kwun. nickname, Taikwun”


2020/6(ii). The compound was unknown to “…closed off site that Hong Kong people F Line 9
the public previously. were familiar with…”

(unknown vs. familiar with)
原 文 話 香 港 人 對 呢 個 地 方 很 熟 悉 (“a
closed site that Hong Kong people are
familiar”); 但係題目話 “unknown to the

2020/6(iii). The compound displays traditional / NG N/A

Hong Kong art in the art galleries.

2020/45(i). Norton planned to become an “Well not really, my calling has been F Line 9
agony uncle. thrust upon me”

(planned vs. thrust upon)
“My calling”意指感召,而原文說這種感
召是被猛推落下來,所以佢成為 “agony

2020/45(ii). Norton is reluctant to offer people “But I am ready to serve…” F Lines 9- 10

(reluctant vs. ready to)
題目中 “reluctant”(adj. 不情願的)同原文
“ready to serve” (phr. 準備做某事) (=佢自

2020/45(iii). The advice Norton provides may “my tough love diagnosis isn’t for T Line 11
be unpopular with some people. everyone…”

原文 :my tough love diagnosis isn’t for
everyone (即不是所有人都可以承受得
題目:他給予 “unpopular advice” (不受

2020/45(iv). Norton often gives medical advice. 小心陷阱 NG N/A

眼 , 例 如 : “plaster”, “diagnosis” 及

2020/45(v). Some of Norton’s readers might be “…who have written to me in the T Lines 12-13
surprised by his advice. expectation of a kind word and a couple of

Copyright© 2022 English Creed 81

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aspirin and have instead received a tongue-
lashing and a slap in the face”

同義詞-比喻 +
“expectation” 同埋 “instead”,留意比喻
“tongue lashing”與“a slap in the face”

2019/1(i). Harford encourages his readers to “He is currently promoting his latest F Lines 8-9
be very tidy. book, ‘Messy’…”

原文話 Harford 推廣 “Messy” (凌亂的),


2019/1(ii). Harford has more than one job. “Tim is an economist, journalist and T Line 4

原文話 Harford 係 “economist, journalist
and broadcaster”,所以係多重職業

2019/1(iii). Harford’s first book is called “He is the author of ‘Fifty Things That F Lines 5-6
“Messy”. Made the Modern Economy’ and the
million-selling ‘The Undercover
Economist’ ”

因 此 , “Fifty Things That Made the
Modern Economy”, “The Undercover
Economist” 是他寫的。加上,我們知道
他最新的作品是 “Messy”,所以這本書

2019/1(iv). Harford is friends with many 小心陷阱 NG N/A

famous creative person. Line 13 中,有提及好多有創意嘅人都
適用 “messy”這個策略

2019/1(v). Harford thinks it is good to be “But when someone is stuck on an issue T Lines 15-16
involved with more than one involved in one project, having another
project at a time. to focus on allows that person time for the
brain to unstick itself…”


2019/46(i). Mr. Slavin’s attention was often “Most of the heat was focused on an T Lines 4-5
drawn towards Thommo. unfortunate called Thommo…”

“Most of the heat was focused” 的意思是
大部分的注意力去咗 Thommo 度,問題
Copyright© 2022 English Creed 82
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2019/46(ii). Mr. Slavin enjoyed punishing / NG N/A

2019/46(iii). Thommo’s classmates were forced “We used to sit silent while the Deputy F Lines 7-8
to watch when the Deputy Head Head gave Thommo the treatment
caned him. outside in the corridor”

當 Thommo 在課室門外被打時,Clive
James 和同學習慣靜靜地坐著。由此,

2019/46(iv). Thommo would only escape from “…because Thommo had to be recaptured F Lines 8-9
the Deputy Head after six strokes after each stroke”
of the cane.
題 目 的 關 鍵 字 係 “would…only after
six”,而原文中,Thommo 在每一下之
Thommo 每打一下都會逃走(不用等到

2019/46(v). Thommo was a thief. “One day the police came to the classroom T Lines 11-12
and made Thommo open his Globite school
case. It was full of stolen treasures…”

當 Thommo 被警察要求打開他的袋,發
現 他 的 袋 裡 裝 滿 偷 來 的 贓 物 ( “stolen
treasures”) “thief” 與 “stolen treasures”

2018/61(i). Smoke makes bees more likely to “The smoke can help lull the bees.” F Lines 19-21
(more likely to sting vs. lull)
• 煙可以使蜜蜂平靜(“The smoke
can help lull the bees”)
• 蜜蜂以為有緊急狀況,食用蜂
蜜並且變得不那麼好鬥 (“less
所以,蜜蜂並非 “more likely to sting”

2018/61(ii). As soon as Willie lifts the first box “…he heaves off the top box…its weight T Lines 22-23
he knows how successful the reveals the exact extent of the haul”
harvest is.

2018/61(iii). Willie and his family have always “Some years he gets nothing at all. But F Lines 29-30
been successful with their honey today he gets 2,500 pounds of honey.”

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們有 2,500 磅收穫。這證明他不是常常

2017/4(i). The writer is more optimistic about 意思相反 F Paras 2-3

the recycling industry than he was 這裡要看段落大意—於 2006 年,作者不
in 1996. 看好資源回收,他說他仍然持此看法
i.e. “not much has changed at all” (line

2017/4(ii). Supporters of recycling are / NG N/A

disappointed that the industry hasn’t

2017/4(iii). Sending household waste to “…it’s still typically more expensive for F Lines 14-15
landfills is typically more costly local governments to recycle household
than recycling it. waste than to send it to a landfill”
(sending waste to landfills > (recycling > sending waste to landfills)

2017/4(iv). The business of some recycling “The slump has forced some recycling T Lines 17-18
companies has suffered. companies to shut plants and cancel plans
for new technologies.”


2017/45(i). Howe and Strauss were first to use “Authors Neil Howe and William Strauss T Lines 2-3
the term, “Millennial Generation” are widely credited with coining the term
‘Millennial Generation’…”

“coining the term” (phr.創造這個詞)有第

2017/45(ii). Research by Howe and Strauss has “Since their landmark research on T Lines 3-4
been influential. generational types, many authors have
built on Howe and Strauss’ work.”

許多作者建立在 Howe 及 Strauss 的研究

2017/45(iii). Some themes on Millennials are in “Many of these themes…are T Lines 6-7
conflict with each other. complementary, and even those in conflict
with one another find they have common


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好 多 主 題 是 輔 助 性 的
(“complementary”) , 亦 有 有 衝 突 的 研

2017/45(iv). Experts agree that Millennials were 內容矛盾/相反 F Para 2

born within the same time period. 大部份學者學者將 Millennials 界定為生
於 1980-2000 , 但 有 個 別 學 者 ( 如
Twenge ) 則 也 把 誕 生 於 1970 的
Millennials 也 包 括 在 內 , 所 以
Millennials 並非於同一段時間誕生

2016/6(i). Superstitions have existed for “People have searched for an effective way T Lines 4-6
hundreds of years. of improving the good fortune in their lives
for many centuries.”

人類喺幾個世紀(“for many centuries”)都
“for many centuries”對應 “for hundreds of

2016/6(ii). Superstitions are only found in “Lucky charms…have been found in F Lines 6-8
some countries. virtually all civilizations.”

(some countries vs. all civilizations)
(“all civilizations”)同 “only found in some

2016/6(iii). Superstitions are becoming less / NG N/A


2016/65(i). San Diego makes it harder for food “Miami makes it extremely hard for them to F Lines 71-72
trucks to operate than Baltimore. operate, as do Baltimore and Chicago.
(San Diego > Baltimore) Rochester Pittsburgh and San Diego are
nearly as stern.”

Miami 令美食車難以經營,Baltimore 同
Chicago 都係一樣(i.e. “as do Baltimore
and Chicago”) 。 另 外 , Rochester,
Pittsburgh 及 San Diego 都差不多嚴峻
(“stern”) 。 所 以 並 非 San Diego 比
Baltimore 令美食車難以經營,最多只是

2016/65(ii). People illegally buy and sell food “In New York, a cap on the number of T Lines 72-73
truck licences in New York food-truck licences available has created a
black market”

market”) 的 存 在 。 “Black market” 同
Copyright© 2022 English Creed 85
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“illegally buy and sell food truck licenses”

2016/65(iii). Baltimore has more food trucks / NG N/A

than Miami.

2015/14(i). Daniel is a friend of Psy. 小心陷阱 NG N/A

作者同 Psy 做過訪問,但不代表他們一

2015/14(ii). 3rd Line Butterfly is a K-pop group. “Generally K-pop is for teenagers. I’m not F Lines 27-
saying it’s wrong…But I like music player 28,30
by people who mean what they’re writing.”.
“One of my favourite bands is 3rd Line

作者表示他會選擇除 K-Pop 以外的音
樂,而他又透露對 3rd Line Butterfly 的
喜愛,我們可以推測 3rd Line Butterfly
不是一個 K-pop group

2015/14(iii). Daniel thinks some good Korean “…but there’s really good music in Korea T Lines 28-30
music isn’t well known that’s not superficial or played on the radio
internationally. or on TV and doesn’t go outside of Korea”

識。原文的 “doesn’t go outside of Korea”
與 題 目 的 “isn’t well known
internationally” 相吻合

2015/62(i). The writer thinks that being critical “ The skill at unmasking error, or simple F Line 17
has no use. intellectual one-upmanship, is not totally
without value…”

由例子/細節歸納論點 +內容矛盾/相反
(has no use vs. not totally without value)
可言 (“not totally without value”)。同問
題中的沒有用途 (“has no use”)存在矛盾

2015/62(ii). Students could learn more if they “In overdeveloping the capacity to show T Lines 19-21
were less critical how texts, institutions or people fail to
accomplish what they set out to do, we may
be depriving students of the chance to learn
as much as possible from what they study.”


2015/62(iii). Students don’t enjoy books, music 小心陷阱 NG N/A

and experiments in the classroom. 雖然 Lines 24-25 中出現 “books, music
and experiments”這類字眼,但這裡並非
Copyright© 2022 English Creed 86
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2014/6(i). At first glance, the robot does not “The robot was one metre tall, grey, squat, T Lines 6-7
appear to be very impressive. plain-looking.”

(“plain-looking”), 呼 應 問 題 (“does not
appear to be very impressive”)

2014/6(ii). Rachel knows who Kark is. “Rachel pulled at his [Winston’s] shirt F Lines 24-25
sleeve. ‘Daddy, who’s Karl?’”

Rachel 問 爸 爸 誰 是 Karl? 那 即 是 說
Rachel 不知道誰是 Karl 啦

2014/6(iii). Karl and Winston both wanted to “We worked together at CommaTech, then T Lines 26-28
work at Future Industries. he got a great job at Future Industries. I
applied to work there, but they never called

Winston 與 Karl 在同一間公司工作。
Karl 隨後到 Future Industries 工作, 而
Winston 都向該公司提交申請。言下之
意,Winston 都希望到 Future Industries

2014/9(i). Winston does not recognize the “The man in the video had more grey and F Lines 40-41
man in the video. less hair, but it was definitely Karl”

疏,但那人必定是 Karl (“was definitely
註:“definitely” 有肯定的意味

2014/9(ii). The job at Future Industries was to / NG N/A

build robots.

2014/9(iii). Karl admits feeling guilty for what “I’m really sorry. I hope you can forgive T Lines 49-50
he did. me.”

Karl 在此不停道歉,承認他為自己所做

2013/6(i). The three women in the persimmon / NG N/A

orchard are the same age.

2013/6(ii). The burial complex remains a “…three middle-aged women are hunched T Line 9
mystery. over an ancient jigsaw puzzle”

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“jigsaw puzzle”指拼圖,比喻一些未解

2013/6(iii). It usually takes a few hours to “It usually takes Yang and her co-workers F Lines 20-22
piece together a complete terra- many days to transform a heap of clay
cotta warrior. fragments into a full-size warrior…”

Yang 與他的同伴需要用幾日時間去修
hours” (幾個鐘) )相違背

2013/21(i). Only a small portion of the tomb “With less than one percent of the vast T Lines 119-
has been excavated. tomb complex excavated so far, it may take 121
centuries to uncover all that remains

“one percent”即數量很少,所以題目為

2013/21(ii). The speed of discovering new “But the pace of discovery is quickening” F Lines 121-
artifacts is slowing down. 122
slowing down vs. quickening 二字意思相

2013/21(iii). In 2011, the museum completed the “In 2011 the museum launched two long- F Lines 122-
excavation of the central burial term excavation projects on the flanks of 125
mound. the 250-foot-high central burial mound”

completed vs. launched

2013/52(i). The Hunger Games is the only “Collin’s trilogy is only the most visible F Lines 39-41
example of the current popularity in example of a recent boom in dystopian
dystopian fiction. fiction for young people.”

(is the only example vs. is only the most
visible example)
並非指唯一的例子(“the only example”)

2013/52(ii). In the Uglies, teenagers conform to “…all sixteen-year-olds undergo surgery T Lines 43-47
a standard prettiness by to conform to a universal standard of
undergoing surgery. prettiness determined by evolutionary

16 歲嘅年輕人進行整容手術以符合當時

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2013/52(iii). Most participants of the Internet / NG N/A
discussion board are teenagers.

2013/52(iv). Brave New World and 1984 are “And, of course, most American F Lines 76-80
written for American schoolchildren are at some point also
schoolchildren. assigned to read one of the twentieth
century’s dystopian classics for adults,
such as Brave New World or 1984”

(written for American schoolchildren vs.
dystopian classics for adults)
為美國學生(“American schoolchildren”)

2012/8(i). Customers can play board games “The drinks at Polar Café cost around T Lines 33-36
for two hours if they buy two Bt80 (approx. HK$20) and for that price
drinks. you get to try out any game for an hour.
Buy another drink and play for another


2012/8(ii). You need good English to play “There’s little foreign text to slow you F Lines 39-41
games imported from Germany or down, and anyway you get Thai
the US. instructions and the staff can help with the

幾乎沒有外文(“foreign text”)阻你前進
(“slow you down”)。你毋需好的英語水

2012/8(iii). Pat never played Monopoly, Uno “I played nothing but Monopoly, Uno and F Lines 42-43
or Snakes and Ladders as a child. Snakes & Ladders when I was a child.”

次數不一樣+ 極端用字
Pat 說 自 己 除 了 (“played nothing but”)
Monopoly, Uno 同 Ladder & Snakes 之
外,甚麼都沒有玩。由此, 她並非未曾

2012/8(iv). Pat thinks computer games are not “…I found a lot of interesting board games T Lines 47-49
as challenging as some board that were more challenging than anything
games. on the computer”

(computer games < board games) 比較的表述方式不一樣

原 文 中 : Board games (A) > Computer
games (B) (i.e.“A more challenging than

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題 目 中 : B < A (i.e. “B are not as
challenging as A”)

2012/51(i). Chua was born in the Philippines. 小心陷阱 NG NA

Line 6 只說明 Amy Chua 是中菲混血,
但沒有說明 Amy Chua 的出生地

2012/51(ii). Chua forces her children to do “I won’t be like Amy Chua…I don’t want T Lines 7-8
certain activities. to pressure them…”

Guo 表示自己不會好像 Amy Chua 般對
待自己的孩子,她不會做的就是 Amy
Chua 會做的

2012/51(iii). Guo is unhappy her sons are “Guo says she believes her sons love their F Lines 10-12
learning painting and weiqi. extracurricular hobbies, such as painting
and learning how to play weiqi…not
because she forces them into it, but
precisely because she does not.”

Guo 表示學習畫畫及圍棋是出於自願,

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§ 由於與人物名稱有關,而人名是專有名詞,因此可以輕易從文章中直接找到該名字和
o 然而,若人物的名稱重複出現,那就要看看其姓氏是否也有出現 (因為作者可
o 同時,請也理解那些代名詞 (pronouns)所指的人物
§ 理解對白的內容,尤其是關鍵字的部分
§ 如果是敘事性的文章,同學可以把自己對每個角色的理解融入分析題目的語句中
§ 切忌只留意 quotation marks 內的內容

年份/題號 人名 所講過的說話/角色的設定 答案
2020/19. (i). Winnie Yeung “Never have we done such a large scale B
conservation and revitalization project all The size of this kind of project
in one go” (lines 70-71) is unheard of in Hong Kong

(ii). Herzog & de “But the feedback made them realise that E
Muron what people valued about Tai Kwun was It was important to recognize
its low-rise character in a high-rise city” the needs of the community
(lines 33-35)

(iii). Katty Law “Many people feel they are totally out of D
place and I personally think they’re too The design of the new buildings
heavy” (line 40) is not appropriate for the site

(iv). Fredo Cheung “The point is not to mimic the old but to G
distinguish the old from the new” (lines Sticking to the original building
45-46) design is too limiting

(v). John Batten “But over time, the buildings will evolve A
into a new appearance and function” Although the renovation was
(lines 52-53) quite heavy-handed, Tai Kwun
will take on a new life as a

2019/65 (i). Clive James 班中的學霸,不受同輩喜愛,希望得到 F

同學的愛戴 Initially I was distrusted by my
(ii).Clive’s mother 為自己的孩子感到驕傲 E
Clive can do no wrong
(iii). Thommo 班中的搗蛋鬼,被師長教訓,最後被趕 D
出去,但是他受同學歡迎 I routinely suffered at the hands
of the staff
(iv). Mr. Slavin 只愛戴學霸 A
Clive clearly enjoys his learning
2018/71 (i). D “Stings are just an occupational hazard”
• 原文: “You go with a quiet
tread, or all hell breaks loose” N/A
(Text 6, lines 15-16)

(ii). F “The bees always arrive in time to

pollinate our apple farms.”

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(iii).E “The bees themselves are irreplaceable.”
• 原文: “New stories were written
about this, with the obvious
conservation moral: see,
biologists said, this is what
happens when we don’t take care
of the little creatures…When they
disappear…” (Text 5, lines 9-11)

(iv). B “It’s exhausting and the pay is not really

that good. Some days I get home soaked to
• 原文: “Human pollinators were
better at getting to every
blossom…and could work in
windy, rainy weather.” (Text 5,
lines 16-17)

(v).C “Hand pollination in Maoxian County is

all about the numbers. Perhaps the world
doesn’t need bees any more.”
• 原文:
[有關 “all about the numbers”]
“First the apple farmers reported
that apple production was not hurt
by the absence of bees. In fact,
the apple harvest was 30-40
percent greater…” (Text 5, lines
[有關 “the world doesn’t need
bees”] “The economists said there
are some critters we humans don’t
really need to have around to lead
a good life.” (Text 5, lines 20-21)

(vi).A “Our window is so short that there are only

five days before the blossoms drop, so we
need all our available hands on deck.”
• 原文:”Hired hands worked full
shifts” (Text 5, line 7)

2017/19. David Steiner “If you believe recycling is good for the F
planet and that we need to do more of it, It’s more difficult to make
then there’s a crisis to confront.” (lines 21- money from recycling than
22) people might think
“Trying to turn garbage into gold costs
a lot than expected…” (line 23-24)

Chris Goodall “if you wash plastic in water that was D

heated by coal-derived electricity…could Recycling can cause more
be more carbon in the atmosphere” pollution
(lines 39-40)
這裡講出回收帶來有關環境的代價 –碳

Bill de Blasio “This is the way of the future if we’re B

going to save our earth” (line 43)
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這句鼓舞人心,說明回收能保護地球 Cites need to recycle all waste
to safeguard the planet’s future

Winston Porter “He advised state officials that no more A

than 35 percent pf the nation’s trash was There is a limit to effective
worth recycling” (lines 50-51) recycling
不超過一個國家 35%的廢物值得回收♻

2017/59 See the right column 問題: “I’m a young entrepreneur and I (i). Howe and Strauss
agree with the research that says
Millennials are high-achieving and want to
make a difference in society.”

過可以留意是否有同義詞 e.g. successful,
achievements, etc (lines 43-44)

問題: “As a Millennial, I find her view (ii). Twenge

of young people negative and destructive.”

Twenge 的言論比較負面 (e.g. para 9 –

“high levels of depression, anxiety and

2015/59. (i). Michael Roth “Instead of trying to find mistakes in the C.

texts, I suggest we take the point of view “Isn’t it more interesting to put
that our authors created these apparent ourselves in a frame of mind to
‘contradictions’ in order to get readers find inspiration in them?” (line
like us to ponder more interesting 9)
questions” (lines 5-6)

“Yes, there’s a certain satisfaction in being

critical of our authors, but isn’t it more
interesting to put ourselves in a frame of
mind to find inspiration in them?”(lines 8-
ð 作者的立場是先不要顧著批評,

(ii). Ralph Waldo “Ralph Waldo Emerson’s call for self- B.

Emerson reliance…” (line 3) “How can we stand on our own
feet while being open to
理解 “self-reliance”的意思, 即是依靠自 inspiration from the world
己、自力更生,等同 “stand on our own around us” (lines 7-8)

2014/30. See the right column (i) .“Cherisse Deveraux, born March 20, Robot
提到 Winston 錄製了一段道歉的話給
Cherisse Deveraux,所以,下一個收到

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(ii). “Don’t worry about the past dear, Winston’s wife// Mrs. Sinclair
focus on the present”
分析: “dear”這個字有親暱的語調,應

(iii). “I cried so much when you left” Cherisse


(iv). “Put me down, I want to play with the Winston’s daughter


(v). “I couldn’t stop thinking that I ruined Karl

your career.”

2012/14. Benson “It promotes sharp wit and logic, skills D.

which I can use in my marketing job” These games have helped me to
(lines 83-84) improve my skills in the
(遊戲的技巧有助講者提升自己在工作上 workplace
Aey “…says she was never big on games but C.
she’s really taken by the fun she’s found I didn’t really like games very
here…” (lines 85-87) much until I started coming to
the café.

Pat “…points out that, while the chief appeal A

of parlour game is in the pleasant It’s not about winning but
socializing – getting together with friends
which usually trumps the drive to win-”
(lines 99 –101)
Dee “It can also improve children’s E.
vocabulary, especially when they play Anyone can play, and learn
with their parents…” (lines 117-118) new words at the same time.

The writer “…but come on, girls – seriously – have B.

you seen the latest iPad and Xbox Who would have guessed that
Kinect? How can you compete with that?” tiles and wooden tokens could
(lines 120-121) go head to head with a
作者難以相信桌遊可以與電子遊戲相提 keyboard and console?

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年份/題號 答案 解釋
2017/13.(i) 34 Line 52: “in recent years”同 “current”

2017/13.(ii) 25 Line 49: 字眼幾乎完全一樣 “the goal set by an E.P.A.”,可以先 locate

專有名詞 E.P.A.
2017/13.(iii) 50 Line 51: “some ignored him and set goals of 50% and higher”, “some”
指 “state officials” (line 50)
2017/13.(iv) 35 Line 50: “no more than 35% of the nation’s trash was worth recycling”
最多可以回收有價值的廢料不可以超過 35%,與 “maximum
percentage…trash useful to recycle”意思相約

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§ 睇題目,大概估下個故事/首詩在說什麼
§ 看完整個故事,找出經常出現的主題,嘗試聯想有關類型的故事/詩詞有什麼教訓,思
§ 如果這個技巧不 work,可以思考主角有什麼成長或者學到的教訓

1. General literary devices 一般修辭手法

Literary devices 修辭手法 Explanation 解釋
Simile 明喻 以具體的喻題描述抽象的主體,讓讀者更容易明白作者想表達的
【抽象】is like 【具體】
Metaphor 暗喻 以具體的喻題描述抽象的主體,讓讀者更容易明白作者想表達的
Personification 擬人法 賦予死物/動物一些人類的特質,這樣,文章會更有趣
e.g. The grass is waving at me in the wind.
Onomatopoeia 擬聲 讓讀者身置於所描述的環境/情境入面
e.g. My cell phone just buzzed.

2. Story 故事: 2014 年試卷

題號 答案 解釋 技巧
2014/2. They were nearly 首先,我們要知道 Winston 不滿意機械人的地 答案緊接論點
Why doesn’t impossible to get rid of. 方,即要找出機械人的缺點。Line 4 接著 line 3
Winston like (line 4) 說明 Winston 希望來者並非推銷機械人的原因—
sales robots? 很難纏

2014/12(i). Elizabeth 首先,要閱讀前一句: THAT SCROUNDREL (line 代入故事角色

Who says *有超過一個答案 52)。 的處境+
“Winston!” § 大寫的字有特殊含義:激動、聲量大 措辭本身的特
(line 53) 徵
Karl 出賣,並從中推斷他的情緒。我們可以想像

2014/12(ii). He might scare Rachel. 承上,同學要想像為何妻子會講出這樣的話 代入故事角色

Why? *有超過一個答案 的處境+

2014/21. The apology was not × 很多同學會寫 “value of new apology…within 了解語句背後
What does it serious/sufficient enough plus or minus twelve percent of value…” (line 95- 的涵義
mean when compared to Karl’s. 96)。但是,這問題是在問 “insufficient value”的意
the robot says, 思是什麼

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value” (line

2014/26. Winston was scared of 答案在論點前面

Why did being close (and ran way) 需要嘗試代入 Winston 的角度
Winston stop (lines 124-125)
contacting *有超過一個答案

2014/27. To deliver apologies (1 這條問題是要求同學歸納機械人在這短篇故事中 歸納文意

What is the mark) and to record 所扮演的角色。
robot’s apologies (1 mark)

2014/28. It is never too late to make 要透析故事教訓,同學需要從故事標題入手: 找出文章主旨/

What is the an apology (1 mark) “Apologies all around”。從此標題,我們可以知道 故事教訓(i.e.
message because it can make people 此故事與道歉有關。同學可以先預計這故事希望 moral of the
behind the feel better about 帶出什麼道理,如鼓勵道歉。然後,再看看故事 story)
story? themselves (1 mark)
Cherisse 道歉及(2)他道歉後的反應 – “Winston felt
good, lighter…” (line 128)。

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3. Poetry 詩詞: Sample Paper (2012)
Features 特徵 Explanation 解釋
Stanza 節 好像散文般的段落
Line 行 每一句
Rhyme 押韻 通常在句末,讀起來有一部分聽上去是相同的 (e.g. cat/bat,
Tone 語調 詩歌反映作者的態度:
e.g. playful, humorous, regretful, relaxed

題號 答案 解釋
60. C. reflective 被問及首詩的語調,我們可以考慮以下步驟:-
What is the 1. 理解首詩發生的事實
tone of the a. 有關選擇及選擇帶來的後果
poem? 2. 嘗試代入作者/詩人當下的心情
a. 兩人一開始有相同的起跑點;
b. 在某一個時間點,因為 Mary 父親的決定,詩人
與 Mary 有不同的選擇
3. 留意一些有色彩的字眼或措辭
a. “not that I envy her, really” (line 42)
b. “I think of those prizes that were ours…we don’t
remember making” (lines 45-47)
68. 其中一個可能的答案: • 考慮轉捩點+為何有相同起點的人會有不同的終點
What do you Wants families to reflect • 選擇是沒有對錯
think is the carefully on how their
writer’s decisions can influence
message? their children’s lives

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