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But How Could Babies “Attract” Unwanted Experiences?

Questioner: But how do you attract terrible experiences when

you are only nine months old?

Abraham: Even though you are only nine months old in your
physical body, you are a very old and wise creator focused in that
baby’s body. And you came with powerful intentions to experience
contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational
Reality for the purpose of expansion.

People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words, the
child could not be the creator of its own experience, but it is our promise
to you that no one else is creating your experience. Children emanate
Vibrations—which are the reason for what they attract—even from their
time of birth.
Most children are born into situations that do not challenge
their natural tendency to remain aligned with their own Vortices.
Most children are not influenced out of their Vortices by those
who surround them in the early days of their physical experience.
But sometimes, when you have come into the physical experience
with a powerful intention to teach Well-Being, you intended, even
before your birth, to have early exposure to contrast that would
stimulate your desire early on in your physical experience, because
you understood the power of the asking that would come out of
that experience. When you really know what you do not want, you
ask with greater clarity for what you do want—and your Vortex
expands more rapidly as a result.
You also understand, from your Non-Physical perspective
before your birth, that the true source of discomfort or negative
emotion or sickness or all things unwanted, is misalignment with
your Vortex, misalignment with who-you-really-are. And so, there is
actually an eagerness on the part of all Beings coming into physical
bodies to have early contrasting experiences in order to project
rockets of desire to their Vortices of Creation, because the more
powerfully the Vortex spins, the louder the call of Source. All Non-
Physical Beings understand that when wanting is higher, awareness of
resistance is greater; and so, since resistance is the only thing that ever
thwarts joyous creation, then the greater the awareness, the better.
We understand that if you are still standing outside of your
Vortex, disconnected from the powerful Being that has emerged
from the contrast that you have lived, none of this explanation
will be satisfying. But it is our promise to you that as you look for
more reasons to feel good; as you try to give your parents, or anyone
who has hurt you or betrayed you, the benefit of the doubt; as you
move into your Vortex, you will then understand. For when you
merge with the evolved, expanded part of you, surrounded by the Vibrational
equivalent of everything that you have been asking
for and that you have Vibrationally become—you will harbor no
ill will toward anyone who helped you achieve that. In fact, you
will stand in appreciation for the part they played in your joyous

Why Are Some Children Born Autistic?

Jerry: What would cause a child to be born with an unwanted

physical condition? For instance, there seems to be an almost epidemic
number of children being born with the condition called
autism. At what point before its birth could a baby be thinking
thoughts of lack?

Abraham: From your physical perspective, you often do not remember

the immense value of contrast and difference, while from
your Non-Physical perspective before your birth, it is often a very
big factor in the choices that you make. Many parents and teachers
who have forgotten the value of contrast and differences have a
powerful desire that their children “fit in,” which has resulted in a
truly troubling epidemic of conformity. And so, many Beings come
into the physical experience with an express intention of being
different enough that they cannot be controlled into conformity.
All Non-Physical Beings coming forth into the physical experience
are clear and eager and sure, and they never come from a position
of lack. No exceptions.

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