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Each person has several guides who stay with him and guide him throughout many

lifetimes. In addition, one has teacher-guides who stay during times of specific
learning and are chosen because of that specific learning. For example, if you are
learning to be an artist, you are bound to have a few artist-type guides around for
inspiration. In whatever kind of creative work you are involved in, I am sure you
are inspired by guides who are connected to that type of work in the spirit world,
where the forms are more perfect and beautiful than we are able to manifest on the
earth plane.
To contact your guide, simply sit in the quiet, peaceful understanding that you are
one with God, that a spark of God exists in every part of your being and that you
are perfectly safe. This attitude allows you to reach a state of inner quiet that
allows you to hear.
In general, when entering a lifted state for guidance, I go through the following
internal experience.

I feel an excitement because I sense the presence of a guide full of light and
love. Then I become aware of a beam of white light above me, and I start lifting
myself up into it. (One might say, I go up into it with my mind’s eye.) My
excitement diminishes as I become aware of a pink cloud of love coming down over
me. I become filled with a feeling of love and security. I then feel myself being
lifted into a higher state of consciousness. At this point, my body may make a few
adjustments, like the pelvis curling under more (to the forward position), and my
backbone straightening more. I may involuntarily yawn to help my throat chakra
open. (This is the chakra through which one hears one’s guides.)
After more lifting, I enter into a state of holy serenity. Then I will usually both
hear and see the guides. Throughout the beginning of the reading I will continue
lifting. I usually have about three teachers that guide me. The person who has come
to me for help will usually be accompanied by his guide or guides.
It is the experience of light, love and serenity that confirms your connection to
the guides. If you do not have it when trying to channel, then you are most likely
not connected to your guides.
The guide will communicate in whatever form is easiest for you to receive. It will
either be in a general concept, direct words, symbolic pictures or direct pictures
of happenings like past experiences or past lives. When one form of communication
does not reach you, or you become afraid of what is being conveyed, the guides will
simply shift to another form or approach the subject from another angle. For
example, if I fear that the words that are coming through have a certain meaning,
or if someone has asked a particularly controversial question, I will “run away”
from that place of inner peace and harmony and no longer be able to hear what the
guide is saying. I then have to take a minute or two to find that place inside
again. If I cannot pick up the words again, the guides will probably send me a
general concept that I then try to explain in my own words. This slowly merges with
their words again, and I am “back on line.” If that doesn’t work, they will come in
with a picture that I will begin describing and allow the client to help find the
meaning of the symbolic picture for himself.

My internal experiences of verbal channelling is as follows. I sit in a cross-

legged position, palms down on my thighs. First I center myself. To me this means
kinesthetically anchoring in my body. It feels as if I build a strong energetic
foundation around my lower half. Once this foundation is set, I begin to lift my
consciousness by kinesthetically feeling it raise and visually focus upward into
the light. I also turn my palms upward when I do this. At a certain point when I am
lifted, contact with the guide is made. Again I feel it kinesthetically. I see the
guide behind my right shoulder, and I hear the first few words from that direction.
When I and the guide are ready to begin, I lift my hands and hold fingertips
together in front of my solar plexus or my heart. This balances my energy field and
helps maintain a lifted state. The rasp nasal breath also helps. At this point, I
usually begin to channel verbally. At first the words come from the right shoulder
area. The more connected to the channelling process I become, the closer-in the
words are. The guide also appears to come closer. Soon, there is no lag time
between hearing and speaking the words, and the apparent direction they are coming
from moves to above and inside my head. The guide also visually appears to fit over
me like a glove. The guide begins to move my arms and hands in coordination with
the conversation. “He” also uses my hands to balance my energy field and to run
energy into my chakras while “he” is talking. This keeps the energy high and
focused. My personality self seems to be floating off and above, listening and
watching it all. At the same time, I feel merged with the guide, as if I am the
guide. As the guide I feel much bigger than the personality me, Barbara.

At the end of the conversation, my experience is one of the guide lightly

disconnecting and lifting off, while my consciousness sinks downwards into my body
and my personality self. At this point I am usually quite shy.

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