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If you choose not to intervene or express your desire for a roman c rela onship, there are several

possible outcomes:

1. Remain friends: You may con nue to maintain a platonic friendship with the person without
any roman c involvement. This could mean enjoying each other's company, sharing
interests, and suppor ng each other without any escala on of roman c feelings.

2. Misinterpreta on or uncertainty: The other person might misinterpret your lack of ac on as

disinterest or assume that you're content with just being friends. This could lead to a
situa on where both of you con nue to interact as friends without exploring the possibility
of a roman c rela onship.

3. Poten al for missed opportunity: By not expressing your roman c interest, you risk missing
out on the chance to explore a deeper connec on with the person. They may not be aware
of your feelings, and without communica on, the opportunity for a roman c rela onship
might slip away.

4. Con nued ambiguity: Without clarity on your inten ons, the dynamics of your rela onship
may remain ambiguous. This could lead to confusion or frustra on on both sides, especially
if one person starts developing roman c feelings while the other remains silent about their

5. Emo onal distance: If one person starts developing roman c feelings but feels unsure about
the other person's inten ons, it could create emo onal distance or strain in the friendship.
Uncertainty and unspoken desires can some mes lead to tension or discomfort in the
rela onship.

Ul mately, the outcome depends on the individuals involved, their feelings, and how they navigate
their interac ons moving forward. If you're considering pursuing a roman c rela onship, it's
generally advisable to communicate openly and honestly with the other person about your feelings
and inten ons. This can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both par es are on the same
page regarding the direc on of the rela onship.

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