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​Behavior and Mental Processes ​ ​Explaining Behavior An example of how psy-

chologists apply the goals of psychology can

​Psychology is the scientific study of human be seen in the case of Alex Rodriguez, third
behavior and mental processes. Behavior is baseman for the New York Yankees. In 2000,
any action that people can observe or measure. Rodriguez became the highest-paid athlete in
Behavior includes activities such as walking sports history. He won many awards for his
and talking, pressing a switch, turning left or hitting and fielding, including Player of the
right, sleeping, eating, and drinking. Behavior Year in 2000 and 2002. He even earned the
also includes automatic body functions such distinction of becoming the youngest player
as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and in baseball to hit 500 home runs. However,
brain activity. Behavior can be measured by in time Rodriguez gained notoriety for
simple observation or by laboratory instru- another kind of behavior: an inability to pro-
ments. For example, brain activity can be duce hits in the postseason. Most famously,
measured by scientific instruments such as he was criticized for his performance in the
the electroencephalograph (EEG). 2004 American League Championship Series
Cognitive activities are mental processes. against the Boston Red Sox. In game six of the
These activities include dreams, percep- series, Rodriguez hit a ground ball to the Red
tions, thoughts, and memories. Brain waves Sox pitcher for an easy out. He compounded
that indicate dreaming can be measured, but his weak performance by swatting the ball
dreaming itself is a mental process—dreams out of the pitcher’s glove just before he was
are known only to the dreamer. In addition, tagged out—in clear violation of the rules. The
activity of the cells in a person’s eyes can be umpires called Rodriguez out, and he left the
measured as they respond to color, but only field to the boos of the New York fans.
you can see your own mental image of the Losing one’s “cool ” and failing to perform
world. Memories, too, are private mental pro- effectively in a crucial situation—such as
cesses that cannot be measured. during an important game or while taking
Psychologists are also interested in study- a major test—can be very hard on a person.
ing people’s emotions, or feelings. Emotions This type of failure can hurt an individual’s
can affect both behavior and mental processes. self-esteem and self-confidence.
For example, you might experience anxiety Sports psychologists can help athletes
when you think about presenting a report in such as Alex Rodriguez handle performance
front of your class. Your heart might even race problems by applying the goals of psychology.
a bit at the thought. Your heart activity is an First, they observe and describe the behav-
example of behavior, but your thoughts about ior. By measuring athletes’ heart rates and
presenting the report are private mental pro- other body processes, psychologists know that
cesses. We would be unable to observe or mea- problems may occur when athletes are highly
sure your thoughts directly. In this situation, excited. Interviews with athletes reveal that
researchers might use psychological constructs they often feel anxious during big games.
to learn more about human behavior. These They may become distracted by the cheers or
constructs are used to talk about something jeers of the crowd and lose their concentra-
we cannot see, touch, or measure directly. ​ tion. They cannot focus on the jobs they are
supposed to be doing.
​Summarize What do psycholo- Psychologists then explain the behavior
gists study?​ in terms of the feelings of anxiety and the
distractions that hinder the athletes’ perfor-
​The Goals of Psychology​ mance. The relationship between anxiety and
performance is somewhat complex. A little
​Scientists seek to observe, describe, explain,
anxiety is often a good thing. It motivates us
predict, and control the events they study.
to practice for a game or to study for a test. It
Similarly, psychologists observe and describe
makes us alert and ready. On the other hand,
behavior and mental processes to better
too much anxiety is harmful. It may make us
understand them. This process enables psy-
shaky and distract us from the task at hand.​
chologists to explain, predict, and help clients
control their behavior.​


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