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ME 021 – Class Schedule

Summer 2023
The following schedule is subject to change throughout the semester with updates announced in class. Due dates posted
on other materials (such as the homework assignments) supersede those here. The class is online. See announcements
for the zoom link. Save the classes in your calendar.

Program Week Day Chapter/topic due
W June 21 Section 1 Reading 1
Week 1 F June 23 Section 2
Labs W1 Lab assignment I - VII
M June 26 Section 3.1 - 3.7 Reading 2
W June 28 Sections 3.8 - 3.13
Week 2
F June 30 Section 4 Homework 1/Quiz 1
Labs W2 Lab assignment I - V
Python M July 3 Sections 5.1 - 5.10 Reading 3
W July 5 Sections 5.10 - 5.14
Week 3
F July 7 Section 6 Homework 2
Labs W3 Lab assignment I - IV
M July 10 Sections 7.1 - 7.5 Reading 4
W July 12 Sections 7.6 - 7.12
Week 4
F July 14 Sections 7.13 - 7.20 Homework 3/Quiz 2
Labs W4 Lab assignment I
M July 17 Section 8 Reading 5
Week 5 W July 19 Section 8
F July 21 Section 9 Python project
M July 24 Section 10 Reading 6
Week 6 W July 26 Section10/11
F July 28 Section 11 Homework 4/Quiz 3
M July 31 Section 12 Reading 7
Week 7 W August 2 Section12/13
F August 4 Section 13 Homework 5/Quiz 4
M August 7 Section 14 Reading 8
Week 8 W August 9 Section 16 Homework 6
F August 11 Section 16 Matlab project

Textbooks and resources:

Mandatory Main Text:

Our class is using a zyBook text combining Python and Matlab material. Access to our text is via CatCourses. Use the link
supplied on the Reading 1 assignment to subscribe. It may be worth checking if it is less expensive to buy in the
bookstore or via a link in CatCourses. This text is not optional.
For help regarding zybooks see links below:
Does zyBook offer temporary subscrip�ons?
How to submit assignments on CatCourses?
NOTE: When submi�ng a homework assignment or ac�vity on zybook *always* click on the link posted on catcourses to
access to it.

Supplemental Texts (op�onal):

Python: The canonical reference for Python is online at We are using Python 3.x. Hint: When looking for a
reference on how to use a par�cular func�on, google python <func�on> and the results that are at will o�en
be useful. One might also find it useful to google for any of the many Python tutorials out there, which can be a great
help in ge�ng started. There are also online books that are o�en intended for those with programming experience in
other languages, like Python® Notes for Professionals.
Matlab: An Engineer’s Guide to MATLAB® With Applica�ons from Mechanical, Aerospace, Electrical, Civil, and Biological
Systems Engineering (2011) 3rd Edi�on, by Edward B. Magrab et al., Pren�ce Hall. This is an excellent text for learning
Matlab. However, many students find the lecture notes and online resources to be adequate without the text.

Other resources:
Python Tutorials:
Python for Non-Programmers
The Python Tutorial

Online Python Compilers:


Online Matlab Compiler:

htp:// (note that GNU Octave isn't Matlab, but it is nearly iden�cal)

Assessment and Policies Grading Weights:

Readings are ac�vi�es to be completed before the class, typically before Monday’s lecture.
Homework and zyBook ac�vi�es: 55% (probably 45% and 10%)
Projects: 20% (1 Python and 1 Matlab project, 10% each)
Quizzes: 25%
ME-021 has no final exam. There are no dropped exams, quizzes, assignments, etc. Extra credit is unlikely.
NOTE: Except as necessary to submit assignments on CatCourses, no permission is given to upload, post, etc. any course
materials online.

NOTE WELL: Unless specifically stated otherwise, all assignments and projects turned in are to be each student's individual
work. Do not work on assignments or projects with other students. It is NOT acceptable to share code or turn in code that
duplicates (whether wholly or in part) another student's code. Obviously, this also applies to code found online. It is
similarly unacceptable to allow others to copy one's own code. We have so�ware that we will run periodically to catch
such things on some assignments and projects. When assignments contain evidence of substan�ally duplicated code,
zeroes grades are earned for all such assignments, regardless of any earlier assigned grades, regardless of who wrote the
original. (Obviously, duplicated work with changed variable names, spacing, comments, etc. is s�ll duplicate work.)

Missing Assignment or Quiz / Excep�ons / Late Assignments / re-grading / etc.

• Students are responsible for turning assignments and projects on �me and being present for in-lecture or in-lab
quizzes. Excep�ons only for:
o Prior arrangement with documenta�on. Announced quiz/homework/project dates are prety firm, so
check ahead of �me and make arrangements early if you will be unable to take a quiz or complete an
assignment on the dates announced. Requests a�er a quiz, etc. for an excep�on are not considered.
o Documented medical emergency. Emergency documenta�on (with a date) should be emailed within a
week of the event.
• Unexcused missed or late assignments, quizzes, and exams are graded zero. (They may s�ll show up as blank on
CatCourses and not shown in course averages. The zeroes will s�ll be filled in at the end of term.)
• NOTE WELL: The due dates for assignments will typically be at end of the second lab session of the week, whenever
that is. That means that it will differ for the different lab sec�ons. Students are responsible for ge�ng their
assignments in on �me, regardless of whether CatCourses shows a due date.
• The so�ware needed for this course is available on the lab PCs and the lab PCs are the primary resource for
comple�ng assignments. Students may use so�ware installed on their own PCs and/or online compilers when
available. However, ample �me is available to complete assignments during lab and difficulty in using other
resources will not excuse late assignments.
• Grading mistakes can happen - remedy them right away! If an assignment, quiz, or exam grade is misgraded or the
grade is posted incorrectly to CatCourses, please bring the item in ques�on to the instructor's aten�on a�er class
or during office hours and confirm via email within one week of the item's return or grade pos�ng. DO NOT wait
un�l near the end of term to bring such issues up.

Office hours and instructors:

Rajan Das:
Labs: T and Th: 6:30pm – 9:15pm
Office hours: TBD

Dr. Jose Cobena:

Lectures: M, W, F: 4:00pm – 5:50pm
Office hours: Tuesdays: 3:00-4:00pm

Ques�ons may also be answered by pos�ng to the CatCourses Discussions area. Addi�onal office hours may be arranged
by email, as needed.

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