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Synthesis 101
Task 1

(1) What are the key theoretical frameworks commonly employed in qualitative
research, and how do they shape the research process and interpretation of
-The key theoretical frameworks commonly employed in qualitative research is that it is
characterized by its interpretative nature, it allows researcher to interpret the meaning of
some terms or things involved in their research. It enables researchers to uncover the
meanings. And patterns in human behaviour and interactions. They shape the research
process and interpretation of findings crucial as it expands our understanding of human
behavior and social dynamics and it gives the complexities of lived experiences and

(2) How do researchers integrate theoretical perspectives into the design and analysis
of qualitative studies to generate insights into social phenomena?
-Through non-numerical data such as words, images and observations. It often utilizes
techniques like interviews, focus groups, and participant observation.

(3) Can you discuss the role of reflexivity in qualitative research, and how researchers
navigate their own biases and assumptions within the theoretical frameworks they
-Reflexivity involves examining your own judgments, practices and belief. Systems
during the data collection process. You must be prepared question your research. Own
assumptions as it to acknowleger your role in the research
Task 2
Question: Think of a phenomenon for which a qualitative inquiry can be utilized and
explain the role of the said method in arriving at answersas regards the problem of the
phenomenon.(Minimum of Three (3) Paragraphs)

Answer: One phenomenon that could benefit from qualitative inquiry is the experience
of social stigma among individuals with mental illness. Qualitative inquiry, such as
interviews or research studies, helps researchers to delve deeply into the subjective
experiences, emotions, and perceptions of those affected by stigma. By employing
open-ended questions and allowing participants to share their stories in their own
words, researchers can gain a nuanced understanding of how stigma manifests in
different contexts and its impact on individuals' lives.

Qualitative inquiry plays a crucial role in uncovering the complex dynamics underlying
social stigma. Through complex interviews or participant observation, researchers can
explore the multifaceted nature of stigma, including its origins, mechanisms, and
consequences. This method allows researchers to capture the diversity of individuals'
experiences, shedding light on the various ways in which stigma intersects with other
social factors such as gender, race, and socioeconomic status.

What's more , qualitative inquiry can inform the development of interventions and
policies aimed at reducing stigma and improving the well-being of individuals with
mental illness. By highlighting the perspectives and voices of those directly affected,
researchers can identify key areas for intervention, such as raising awareness,
promoting education, and fostering social support networks. Overall, qualitative inquiry
serves as a powerful tool for advancing our understanding of complex social
phenomena like stigma and for shaping more effective strategies for addresing them.

Writer's note: I myself suffer with stigma against adhd and although adhd isn't
technically an illness, it does meet the criteria. I believe that the social stigma around
people like me could benifit from proper qualitative research and raise awareness that
could hopefully promote better education and more effective strategies for people like
Task 3


(1) How do researchers navigate the tension between maintaining the natural
context of social phenomena and ensuring methodological rigor in qualitative
-It is best achieved to navigate the tension through thoughtful and deliberate planning,
Honest Communication between the researcher and the audience regarding the study
and it’s results.

(2) In what ways do researchers mitigate potential biases and subjectivity introduced
by their own involvement in qualitative research, particularly when their
interpretations significantly influence the analysis and conclusions drawn from
the data?
-You should ensure questions clear, neutral and not leading you to a particular side. If
you reduce bias your data sources, questions then you can increase, the credibility of
your research and have some of your participants review you questions and to have
witness in your data to lessen the bias
Sapine, Mike Jolo
Albaracin, Ruffa Mae
Avelino, Ellaiza Vera
Ibañez, Joselle
Metucua, Shaira
Vitor, David Zeb

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