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I took a test two days

16. The students are going to have another test Thursday.

17. Are you going to be home afternoon around three?

18. My little sister arrived here month.

19. She is going to leave two weeks.

20. year Yuko is going to be a freshman in college.


.. .
( a ) Sam arrived here o n e (OR:a) year ago. - .-...--.-
-- -1---.
-;ed in time expressions with
(b) Jack is going to be here in fwo minutes. ago and in.
( c ) I talked to Ann three days ago.

(d) I saw Carlos a couple ofmonths ago. A c o u p k o f and a f e w are also commonly
( e ) He's going to return to Mexico in a couple qf used. A couple of means "two." A couple of
months. months ago = two months ago.
( f ) I got a letter from Gina a f e w weeks ago. A few means "a small number, not a large
(g) I got a letter to see Gina in a f e w weeks. number." A few weeks ago = three, four, or five
weeks ago.

(h) I began college last year. I'm going to graduate Frequently the word m o r e is used in future time
in fwo more years. My sister is almost expressions that begin with in.
f ~ s h e dwith her education. She's going to
graduate in afow m o r e months. She's going
to graduate in three m o r e months.

EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences, using information from your own life. Use the words
in italics. Use ago or in. Use numbers (one, two, three, ten, sixteen, etc.) or the
expressions a coup& of or ajew.

1 . days We studied Chapter s a couole of davs aao/three davs aao/etc.

2 . days We're going to finish this chapter ln a few more davs /
in three or four day5 / etc.
3 . hours I ate breakfast

4. hours I'm going to eat lunch/dinner

5 . minutes We finished Exercise 9

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