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 As an observer or while helping our resource teacher, I catch the kids' attention by being clear and
structured when I teach, working during breaks, utilizing nonverbal communication, and giving the
children a job to do. Routines and processes were used before, during, and after the class. Simple
greetings like "good morning/afternoon class" are offered while entering the classroom. There is also
a prayer. Third, submitting work that is late or insufficiently. The fourth phase is a discussion in the
classroom. The sixth idea is a conversation starter. Let's go back to the class discussion for number
six. the task assigned to the seventh. The class should be dismissed as the seventh stage. The ninth
step, behavior management, includes giving warnings, taking action, and getting in touch with
 After putting classroom norms into place, I think my performance improved. I changed something to
make our session better, and I saw that my pupils were more cooperative and gained more knowledge
as a consequence. They were all given the chance to finish all of the exercises on time, so they all
received a
 My pupils engage in and contribute to the activities | have them complete in class. They are free to
voice their thoughts and impart what they have discovered. According to what | can determine, there
have been some adjustments. Some of them arrived late to class at first for a variety of reasons, but as
I pressed them to be on time, I saw that they were anxious to join my class. It takes more than
winning awards, in my opinion, to develop relationships with pupils.
 I received praise from my resource teacher for a job well done.
 Yes, things have changed since I started using my teaching methods. The work may be finished by
my students. They are on time for class, per his or her time table. Additionally, they are listening and
taking part in the discourse.
 My resource teacher complimented me on a job well done.

1. Time restraints, consistency, and preserving a positive learning environment are all important
considerations when creating routines for the classroom.

2. Yes, our classroom management greatly improved when I followed my processes.

3. By promoting active learning, classroom routines have significantly improved the learning
environment. This would be one of the first things I would need to focus on if wanted to design a
class where students could participate in the activity and engage with one another. After addressing
these problems, I saw a change. They want to learn and engage in class fully.

 My involvement in this educational experience made me understand how crucial classroom routines
are to making sure that our kids are capable of learning, engaged, and developing a healthy mind.
These routines assist us in developing wholesome daily routines that encourage self-care. To sustain
happiness and feelings of fulfillment, we may plan our time around the things that are essential to us.

 Inconsistent behavior, a failure to deliver on commitments, and, most importantly. a failure to

communicate expectations clearly.

 To begin, must get to know my pupils. Additionally, I must plan my classes in advance. The third
step entails making learning experiential, rewarding good behavior with praise rather than
reprimands, and lastly, following the example.
 By engaging them, I'm seeking to develop relationships with my pupils. I think so. The best approach
for instructors to maintain classroom discipline is to develop connections with their students. Positive
relationships between teachers and their students reduce the likelihood of misbehavior. As a result,
your chances of getting to know your classmates will be improved

 "Building Connections to Enhance Classroom Routines."

It was a great experience to finally teaching, the grade 12 leviticus that has a positive spirit that makes
you feel a teacher because of their active participation in the discussion. I’m anxious at start to what
strategy should I use and asking myself if they will listen to the lesson that I made. From the time I start,
greeting them and pull out my motivation (activity), it become smooth and I felt relief as it was
successfully landed on the students. After the discussion, I have heard some praises which my heart
flutter and thinking to be greater the next time.
I followed the listed routines:
1. Greetings
2. Please Introduce me.
3. Understanding my pupils
4. A Good Lesson
5. Activity
6. A quick analysis

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