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Ministry of Higher Education

Higher Institute of Engineering Civil Engineering

& Technology
Sheet 1 Irrigation and Code Spring
Drainage Engineering CVE2205 2023-2024
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamdy
Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Abd-Elkhalek

Question No.1

A. Define the following:

Irrigation science - Hydrology Science - Watershed area - Catchments area –

Precipitation - Infiltration - Evaporation - Transpiration - Surface Runoff -

confined aquifer - unconfined aquifer.

B. Define and sketch: Hyetograph - Hydrograph - Pollutograph,

Question No.2

A. Discuss the volume of surface and subsurface water on the Earth’s.

B. What is the role of hydrology plays on water resources planning.

C. Draw the hydrology cycle and discuss the water budget equation.

D. State the difference types of precipitation.

E. Compare between Surface water, and Ground water hydrology.

Question No.3

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 2500 km2 received 1.3 m of

precipitation. The average rate of flow measured in a river draining the

catchment was 30 m3/s.

1) How much total river runoff occurred in the year (in m3)?

2) What is the runoff coefficient?

Ministry of Higher Education
Higher Institute of Engineering Civil Engineering
& Technology
Sheet 1 Irrigation and Code Spring
Drainage Engineering CVE2205 2023-2024
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamdy
Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Abd-Elkhalek

3) How much water is lost due to the combined effects of evaporation,

transpiration, and infiltration (in m)?

Question No.4

In a given year, a 10,000 mi2 watershed received 20 inches of precipitation. The

average rate of flow measured in the river draining the area was 6,000 cfs.

Calculate the combined amounts of water evaporated and transpired from the

region during this year?

Question No.5

A vertical wall reservoir has an area of 500 acre. During a day, the inflow was

100 cfs and the evapo-transpiration was 1.0 inch.

1) Is water stored in the reservoir?

2) If yes, calculate the stored water?

2024-2-21 ‫أخر معاد للتسليم يوم االربعاء الموافق‬


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