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8 marks

(h) Discuss the impact of transaction tracking on the information that individuals see online.(8)
Transaction tracking customizes online content based on purchasing behavior.
Personalized ads, recommendations, and search results enhance user experience.
Privacy concerns arise due to collection and analysis of personal financial data.
Filter bubbles form, restricting exposure to varied viewpoints.
Smaller businesses face challenges competing with data-driven entities.
Balanced regulations are crucial to protect privacy and ensure fair competition.

(f ) Hugh uses a desktop computer to write, create and distribute his music.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to Hugh of selecting a desktop computer rather than a
laptop, smartphone or tablet computer. In your answer you should consider: components,
portability, connectivity, cost and maintenance.(8)

Components – Desktop components can perform way better than other devices which means it
can be faster while editing his audio files.
Portability – Desktops aren’t portable like laptops and tablets because they are made up of
separated components such as keyboards and mouse. Laptops, tablets, and smartphone are more
portable than desktop. Those devices can be easier to use when you’re on the move.
Connectivity - Most of desktops use a wired connection. Because it’s more reliable and the
sharing of the files can be quicker.
Cost – Desktop is cheaper than other devices and desktop can be custom built.
Upgradability and maintenance – Desktop computers can be upgraded easily but laptops cannot
upgrade easily. If you upgrade for future-proof components, it can also reduce long-term costs.
Power – Desktop needs power supply but laptops have rechargeable battery. Desktops have
longer battery life due to its less power consumption.

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