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CHUMBERVIC QUIZ How does frustration influence decision-making and

WEEK 13 problem-solving?
What are the critical components of human behavior? –– Enhances decision-making and problem-
–– Emotion, conflict, depression, stress, solving abilities
How do emotions influence decision-making and social
What is the driving force behind our thoughts and actions? interactions?
–– Emotion –– Influence both decision-making and social
How many components are there in emotional intelligence?
–– 5 How does criminal behavior relate to conflict?
–– An indicator of conflict within the person
Who popularized the term emotional intelligence?
–– Daniel Goleman Lisa, a schoolteacher, has a strong sexual attraction to her
young students and engages in inappropriate activities with
What is a stressor? them. What paraphilic disorder does Lisa's behavior
–– An event that strains an individual's coping suggest?
ability –– Pedophilia

What is the BEST definition of stress? Jesusa has been feeling overwhelmed with her workload,
–– Natural response to challenges and she's experiencing persistent stress. She has noticed
that her stress affects her ability to concentrate and make
The purpose of a stressor is to _____. decisions. Which component of Emotional Intelligence is
–– exceed an individual's coping ability most relevant to Jesusa’s situation?
–– Self-regulation
How does stress affect cognitive processes?
–– Decreases cognitive abilities WEEK 14-15
Defense mechanisms are primarily used to _____.
What is the term for stress that lasts for a short period? –– react to frustration
–– Acute
What is the main focus of defense mechanisms?
What type of stress is associated with elevated levels of –– Maintaining self-image
–– Chronic According to Freud, defense mechanisms are _____.
–– unrealistic strategies used by the ego to
What are the two types of stress? discharge tension
–– Eustress and Distress
What is the main difference between neurosis and
Camille has been promoted at her job, and she's excited psychosis?
about the new opportunities. However, she's also feeling –– Presence of delusions and hallucinations
stressed about the increased responsibilities. What type of
stress is Camille likely experiencing? Which is a symptom of neurosis?
–– Eustress –– Impaired vocational functioning

The purpose of strain theories about stress and crime is to Gian, a criminology student, has been arrested multiple
______. times for setting fires intentionally. He experiences a sense
–– explain the causal relationship between of relief and satisfaction after starting fires, which he cannot
stress and crime control. What is the likely diagnosis for Gian?
–– Pyromania
Depression is defined as a ______.
–– feeling of hopelessness Eduard has been dealing with an impulse control disorder
that involves the recurrent failure to resist aggressive
What are the symptoms of depression? impulses, leading to violent outbursts. He recently had an
–– Changes in eating and sleeping habits explosive episode at work, causing damage to office
property and putting his job in jeopardy. What is the likely
How is depression different from normal feelings of diagnosis for Eduard?
sadness? –– Intermittent Explosive Disorder
–– Lasts longer
John Nathan has a history of repeatedly stealing items he
What is the impact of depression on behavior? doesn't need and can afford, leading to legal issues and
–– Leads to withdrawal and reduced strained relationships. Which impulse control disorder is
functionality John Nathan most likely dealing with?
–– Kleptomania
Which is NOT a form of depression?
–– Major Depressive Disorder David, a schizophrenia patient, experiences extreme
emotional instability and exhibits inappropriate emotional
Conflict was defined as a _____. responses. He often laughs inappropriately during serious
–– stressful condition caused by incompatible conversations. What kind of schizophrenia might David be
goals diagnosed with?
–– Hebephrenic
What are the types of conflict?
–– Internal conflict and social conflict John has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and exhibits
disorganized thinking and speech, often jumping between
unrelated topics and having difficulty focusing on a single
thought. Which characteristic of schizophrenia is he primarily What is NOT the significance of the scientific study of
displaying? victimology?
–– Disturbance of thought and attention –– Provide prevention of being victims of crime

After a breakup, an individual constantly criticizes their ex- What is the primary goal of the victim's "Right to Restitution
partner to anyone who will listen, even though they still have from the Offender"?
strong feelings for them. What defense mechanism is at play –– Compensate and reintegrate victims for their
here? losses and expenses
–– Reaction Formation
What are the three kinds of crime victims?
Rebecca, who recently lost her mother, has been feeling –– Primary, secondary, and tertiary
overwhelmed with grief and sadness. She starts to exhibit Direct, indirect, and tertiary
aggressive and violent behavior towards others. How might
her situation be related to stress and crime? Mike, a 75-year-old man, was conned out of his life savings
–– Stress can lead to violent crimes when not by a fraudulent telemarketing scheme. Which class of victim
managed properly does Mike belong to?
–– Old
A person deals with their unresolved childhood issues by
seeking professional therapy, addressing their emotional John is a victim of a financial scam that left him with
problems, and making positive changes in their life. Which substantial economic losses. Which theory of victimization
defense mechanism are they using for personal growth? can help explain his situation?
–– Post-traumatic growth –– Lifestyle Exposure
Victim Precipitation Theory
A person who has experienced a traumatic event often has
flashbacks, nightmares, and a constant sense of dread. Jack was walking in a high-crime neighborhood while
Which defense mechanism might they be using to cope with carrying valuable items. A criminal targeted him, and he
their trauma? became a victim of theft. Which theory of victimization can
–– Dissociation explain Jack's situation?
–– Lifestyle Exposure
The term introjection refers to _____. Deviant Place
–– identifying with someone else's qualities
Sarah was walking home alone at night when she was
Mary has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. She attacked and robbed. Sarah can be classified as a _____.
is constantly suspicious of others and believes people are –– direct crime victim
plotting against her. What type of schizophrenia is Mary most
likely suffering from? Emily was attacked by her abusive partner, leading to
–– Paranoid physical injuries. What type of victim is she?
–– Tormentor
Sarah is experiencing a severe mental illness characterized
by a loss of contact with reality, marked disturbances of
thought and perception, and bizarre behavior. She often
believes that she has extraordinary powers and frequently
hears voices that aren't there. What kind of symptom is
Sarah most likely exhibiting?
–– Delusions and Hallucinations

A student has struggled with a challenging course and

upcoming exams. They hit the gym daily to relieve stress
and improve their mood. Which coping mechanism are they
–– Sublimation

Maria, a 25-year-old, has been struggling with an impulse

control disorder that involves compulsive hair-pulling, which
has led to noticeable hair loss and social distress. What is
the name of the impulse control disorder that Maria is
–– Trichotillomania

An employee who constantly complains about their workload

and job responsibilities but never takes action to improve
their situation is demonstrating which coping mechanism?
–– Help-rejecting complaining

Maria is a young immigrant unsure of the rules of conduct in
her new surroundings. She becomes a victim of a hate crime
due to racial prejudice. Which victim class does she belong
to, according to Von Hentig's classification?
–– Immigrant
Which theory of victimization focuses on the idea that some
individuals may actively contribute to their victimization?
–– Victim Precipitation

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