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General notes:

- Choose ONE task only.

- The data you choose for your assignment can be in either English or Vietnamese. However, your assignment must be written in good precise
- You will be assessed on how you critically and creatively think about certain topics and how rich your background knowledge is to support
your arguments.
- You may structure your assignments as you wish, but it must not be in note-form.
- The extra questions are optional but you will get bonus point for your good answers.

1. Take an extract of a talk show with participants using different varieties of English.
a. What differences among these varieties of English can you find in this extract? (You may look at the differences in features of grammar, vocabulary
and pronunciation)
b. What are the positive and negative effects of using these varieties of English in this talk show? (You may think about the political and social effects of
this choice)
c. Extra question: What are your suggestions to limit the negative effects, if there are any?
Note: The participants may use different Standard Englishes or different dialects/accents.
2. Collect transcript of one episode of a reality show featuring both male and female judges (for example Master Chef, American Idol)
a. Do the following observations apply to the judges’ speech (you can choose to focus on one observation): women’s speech is characterized by the use of
rising intonation at the end of statements, the more frequent use of hedges and tag questions while men tend to use more assertive forms, “strong”
language and direct speech acts.
b. What could be the effects of following/not following the observations of gendered speech in this reality show?
c. Extra question: How would you suggest the judges to improve their judgments?
3. Collect transcripts of conversations between men and women in movies
a. Are the following observations valid in the conversations: (You can choose to focus on one feature)
- Features of women’s speech facilitate the exchange of turns while the right to speak or “having the floor” is treated as the goal in men’s
- In cross-gender interaction, men are much more likely to interrupt women.
- Women use more back-channels
b. What could be the positive and negative effects of following/not following the observations of cross-gender interaction in these conversations?
c. Extra question: Do you expect any changes to limit the negative effects, if there are any?


1. Take a conversation from a TV show (Ai La Trieu Phu, for example).

a. Closely analyze the conversation and see who is more powerful in the conversation.
b. Do you agree or disagree with this power relation.
c. Do you expect any changes?
(Guideline: You may want to see who talks more? Who asks more questions? Who changes the topic? Who uses more hedges? Who interrupts the other?
and so on. If the data you get is a video, or if you have accompanying pictures, you may also find clues from the visual elements.)
2. Closely look at Facebook communication data.
a. Do you think that you read or see any discrimination? If yes, can you collect about 10 statuses/ comments which reveal some discrimination and
explain why you think discrimination exists in those statuses/ comments?
b. What do you think might be the effects of discrimination in language use on Facebook?
c. How would you suggest the writer of those statuses/ comments to change in order to avoid discrimination?
Note: Discrimination may be based on age, gender, origin, family background or any other physical/ mental features. The discrimination should be
shown in language choice, not in the content.
3. Select two videos of interaction between teacher and learner(s), one in Vietnam and the other in another country.
a. What do you think about the power relation between teachers and learners in these two videos? Are there any similarities or differences?
b. What may be the reasons for these similarities and differences?
c. Do you expect any changes in this power relation?

- Your group is expected to submit the final product within one week before the session of the coming week. Zip or Winrar your full package and
submit it on MS Teams. Subject of your email: Group_Class_Sociolinguistics or CDA_Task. If the file is too large, upload and send the
teacher the link.
- Your ppt slides must have the following information: Group members, class, topic, task, References in APA style.
- Your submission includes:
o A group essay on one of the task given in the list which you chose for your presentation.
o Individual report: each of the group members need to submit a writing in which you as an individual (1) report the preparation and the
implementation of the project with allocation of work within your team and working timeline, and (2) reflect and comment on, but not
restricted to, your experience, e.g. teamwork, interesting/boring things to learn about the project or the course as a whole, and so on.
o All the materials you have for your presentation: slides, handouts and keys, audios/videos plus transcript of the data with highlighted
details that you have used in your analysis, references, appendices.


- Word count for group essay: approximately 1.500 words (4-6 pages+/- 10%), not including the References and Appendices.
- Page size: A4
- Font styles: 13 point Times New Roman in black
- Alignment: Use justified text alignment throughout the paper
- Line spacing: Use 1.5-line spacing throughout the paper


• Cheating is an offence course to University disciplinary procedures.

• Plagiarism in oral, written or visual presentations is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person, without appropriate
referencing, as though it is one’s own.
• Failure to acknowledge the use of another person’s work or ideas may result in charges of academic misconduct which carry a range of penalties
including cancellation of results and exclusion from your program
• Works detected plagiarism will be marked down to 0.

Late submission:
Late work will receive lower mark. One mark will be reduced from the final result for each day the assignment comes late.

1. Essay: 50%

Number Criteria Description Weighing

1. Analysis Rich information, strong arguments, clear illustration, good analysis of data/ 70%
examples, interesting ideas, etc.

2. Language Good English: concise grammar, rich vocabulary, good coherence and 20%
expression, etc

3. Organization Well structured assignment, concise citation and reference, prescribed format 10%

2. Presentation/Facilitation: 50%

Presentation Marking Rubric (Group)

4 3 2 1 Mark

Visual Appeal There are no errors in spelling, There are some errors in There are many errors in spelling, There are many errors in spelling, 10%
grammar and punctuation. spelling, grammar and grammar and punctuation. Too much grammar and punctuation. The slides
Information is clear and concise punctuation. Too much information was contained on many were difficult to read and too much
on each slide. information on two or more slides. information had been copied onto them.
Visually appealing/engaging. slides. Minimal effort made to make slides
Significant visual appeal. appealing or too much going on. No visual appeal.

Extensive knowledge of topic. Most showed a good Few members showed good Presenters didn’t understand topic. 10%
Members showed complete understanding of topic. understanding of some parts of topic.
Comprehension understanding of assignment. All members able to answer Only some members accurately Majority of questions answered by only
Accurately answered all questions one member or majority of information
most of audience questions. answered questions.

posed. incorrect.

Presentation Regular/constant eye contact, The Most members spoke to majority Members focused on only part of Minimal eye contact by more than one 10%
Skills audience was engaged, and of audience; steady eye contact. audience. member focusing on small part of
presenters held the audience’s The audience was engaged by Sporadic eye contact by more than audience.
attention. the presentation. one presenter.
Appropriate speaking volume & Majority of presenters spoke at a The audience was distracted. The audience was not engaged.
body language. suitable volume. Speakers could be heard by only half
Some fidgeting by member(s). of the audience. Majority of presenters spoke too quickly
Body language was distracting. or quietly making it difficult to

Inappropriate/disinterested body

Content The presentation was a concise The presentation was a good The presentation was informative but The presentation was a brief look at the 10%
summary of the topic with all summary of the topic. several elements went unanswered. topic but many questions were left
questions answered. Most important information Much of the information irrelevant; unanswered.
Comprehensive and complete covered; little irrelevant info. coverage of some of major points. Majority of information irrelevant and
coverage of information. significant points left out.

All presenters knew the Slight domination of one Significant controlling by some Unbalanced presentation or tension 10%
information, participated equally, presenter. Members helped members with one minimally resulting from over-helping.
and helped each other as needed. each other. contributing.
Multiple group members not
Extremely prepared and Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but with some participating.
Group Dynamics rehearsed. dependence on just reading off
slides. Evident lack of preparation/rehearsal.
Dependence on slides.

Total /50%

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






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