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Presented by Grupo B:

Ignacio T. Alarcon Montenegro

Lillian Elena Arce Pérez

Kevin Ignacio Soto Soto

Carlos Andres Pérez Herrera

Presented to:

Marcela A. Studier Briones

Centro de Formación Técnica Cenco

Public Administration




The need for educational change and the contribution that technologies provide us for

this, thus allows us to understand and consider the use of ICTs in learning environments to be of

real importance, thereby promoting the effective use of digital skills, which that will facilitate the

emergence and maintenance of new learning initiatives among students and teachers, who must

stay up to date on technologies to educate students, which generates a great impact,

strengthening the participation of the community itself.

In this way, innovation, collaborative work, creativity, conflict resolution, among other

skills, will be reinforced and enhanced, which will strengthen education for the digital age in

which we currently live.

Characteristics of the Online Teaching and Learning Process

In current educational environments, different technological means have been

incorporated either in the classroom itself or in other places in the establishment, such as digital

whiteboards, televisions connected to Wi-Fi, the Internet, data, among others. If we bring these

advances to learning, we can understand that the educational system faces challenges and needs,

because being able to integrate these digital tools in classrooms facilitates cognitive and

interactive learning in a didactic way, allowing the teacher to encourage students and prepare

them for the digital era that is in place. in constant evolution.


In Chile there are support pages for teachers, directly linked to digital learning, providing

teaching material and classes in different areas, to keep teachers up to date with digital skills

which are constantly evolving, opting for more learning possibilities. and educational innovation,

allowing them to have more tools and didactic and educational material, through online support

platforms, as well as study texts, etc., in this context the Ministry of Education through its online

platform www.Mineduc. cl, constantly updates and uploads content, such as interactive videos

for teachers and students, keeping up to date in the digital age.


1.- PART I : Infographic



We can conclude that it is more than clear that digital skills play a fundamental role in

current education; these tools not only promote educational innovation, but also take a

transcendental leap and give a twist to the already traditional teaching method by digitizing the

pedagogical and evaluation practices.

We must be clear that this change, which, although true, has been going on for several

years, is not an easy task and there are those who have their apprehensions, even more so in

terms of evaluations, it is important to also make it clear that teachers are the ones who play the

role. a crucial role in guiding, supporting and providing students with the skills in digital

competencies that allow them to adapt as well as the knowledge necessary to get ahead in this

new era.

PART II: Role Play


Context: Ignacio(I) goes to pick up his boyfriend Carlos(C) at the airport after his vacation.

I: Hi Carlos, how was your vacation in Peru?

C: Pretty good Ignacio, thank you for coming to pick me up at the airport.

I: See you've come in more tanned…

C: Yes, I went to a beach near the capital

I: How great, did you meet a lot of people when you went?

C: Yes, there were a lot of tourists on the beach, and you? Did you go to the beach this summer?

I: No, I didn't go anywhere this summer, I had a lot of work

C: But, do you have days to go out and rest?

I: Yes, I have my vacation saved. But I'd like to go back to where we went last year, would you?

C: Sure, it reminded me of the place I visited a few days ago before coming back

I: Seriously? They also kissed you that reminded you of it?

C: Ha ha ha ha, don't be jealous

I: Don't worry, I was just kidding. Are you tired?

C: Yes, I'm so tired, it was a tiring flight

I: Okay, let's go to your apartment, do you remember where you kept your keys?

C: Yes, at the bottom of my suitcase... Shit

They both continue walking toward the airport parking lot…



Rodríguez Illera, J. L. (2013). Aprendizaje y educación. In Aprendizaje y educación en la

sociedad digital (p. 190). Universidad de Barcelona.


Wikipedia. (2024, 02 04). Competencias Digitales. Wikipedia. Retrieved 03 17, 2024,



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