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MONOGAMY – is a relationship with only

POLITICS one partner at a time, rather than multiple
KINSHIP – systems refer to how we connect with b. POLYGAMY – is a type of relationship that
each other through blood or marriage. typically involves a person marrying more
than one partner
kinship is based on blood or birth between  POLYGNY – marriage one man more than
parents and children as well as siblings. one woman.
DESCENT – the tracing of kinship relationships  POLYANDRY – marriage between one
through parentage. woman and more than one man.
A. BILATERAL DESCENT – if one can trace union of several husbands and several
his/her descent through both paternal and wives.
maternal ancestors.
B. UNILATERAL DESCENT – if one lineage 3. FICTIVE KINSHIP – refers to ritual
either paternal or maternal is traceable. relationship that is brought about through
 PATRILINEAL DESCENT – is a system in adaptation or through some other rituals or
which family descent is reckoned through ceremonies like baptism, confirmation, or
the blood links of males and typically, marriage and relationship is extended to
names and property follow the male line of one’s godfather or godmother or
descent. goddaughter or godson.
 MATRILINEAL DESCENT - is a form of
FAMILY – is a group of persons united by the ties of
unilineal descent that follows a female line.
marriage, blood, adaptation, any sexually expressive
Individuals are relatives if they can trace
descent through females to the same
female ancestor. FAMILY STRUCTURE

2. AFFINAL KINSHIP – it refers to the bond A. NUCLEAR FAMILY - a group of people who
between husband and wife and caused by are united by ties of partnership and
marriage. parenthood and consisting of pair of adults
and their socially recognized children.
MARRIAGE – is a legal foundation of family that
exists in all cultures, although there are some  FAMILY OF ORIENTATION – is the nuclear
varieties. It is legal contract between two people family into which one is born and where the
committing themselves in a permanent affinal major part of socialization occurs.
kinship.  FAMILY OF PROCREATION - Is the nuclear
family you create when you marry and have
MARRIAGE SELECTION or adopt children.
 BLENDED FAMILY - Is created from earlier
a. ENDOGAMY – is the practice of marrying
separations experienced by one or both
within the same ethnic, cultural, social,
religious, or tribal group.
b. EXOGAMY – is a social phenomenon of
marrying outside one’s own community,
tribe or social group.

B. EXTENDED FAMILY - Household consists of POLITICAL SCIENCE - is the study of politics and
two or more generations of kin or one or power from domestic, international, and
more nuclear families living together and comparative perspectives. It entails understanding
functioning as a social unit. political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies,
processes, and behavior, as well as groups, classes,
government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war.
 PATRIARCHAL - The authority is vested in GOVERNMENT - is the term generally used in
the oldest male in the family, often the referring the formal institutions through which a
father. group of people is ruled or governed and the term
 MATRIARCHAL - The authority is vested in extends to include the people and organizations that
the mother or the mother’s kin. make, enforce, and apply political decisions for a
 EGALITARIAN - The husband and wife society.
exercise a more or less equal amount of
authority. GOVERNANCE - is commonly defined as the exercise
of power or authority by political leaders for
BASED ON RESIDENCE attainment of the well-being of their country’s
 PATRILOCAL - A newly married couple may citizens or inhabitants.
be expected to live in an extended family, POWER - Is the ability to accomplish desired
which is usually the family of the husband. objectives even if there is resistance or opposition
 MATRILOCAL - A newlyweds live with the from others.
family of the wife.
 NEOLOCAL - May establish a nuclear family AUTHORITY - This is the power that people vest in or
in a new place of residence of their own. place in someone that they agree to follow.
 BILOCAL - Residence gives the couple a
choice of staying with either the groom’s
parents or the bride’s parents.  TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY - This is a form of
leadership in which the authority of an
organization or a ruling regime is largely
LEGAL SEPARATION - Is the separation of married tied to tradition, custom, and convention.
husband and wife. Unlike a divorced or annulled  RATIONAL – LEGAL AUTHORITY - The
couple, legally separated husband and wife cannot power is derived from rules and regulations
remarry. that are enacted legally. People follow the
laws, not because of the leader’s charisma
ANNULMENT - It nullifies a marriage completely as if but because of the legitimacy and validity of
it has never existed. However, a married couple laws bestowed upon all members of society.
must present valid grounds before the court first  CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY - This type of
before they can have their marriage annulled. authority is concerned with how a political
DIVORCE - Is a court decree that terminates or institution can be maintained by the
dissolves marriage. Divorced individuals are given leader’s personality. A charismatic leader
back their single status and may again remarry. has a charisma to galvanize a diverse group
of people to follow his/her political course
of action.


POLITICS - The activities of the government,  BANDS - Are made of up a family or small
politicians, or political parties and the study of these number of extended families, usually
activities. nomadic, that cooperate to survive by
foraging or hunting. A form of political
organization associated with foraging
groups, involves flexible membership and The members of the ruling elite do not necessarily
no formal leaders. receive their titles by birth, like in a monarchy.
 TRIBES - A form of political organization
DEMOCRACY - It is a government in which all citizens
that comprises several bands or lineage
have the equal right to have their voices heard and
groups, each with a similar language and
determine state policy through elected
lifestyle and occupying a distinct territory.
representatives. Laws passed by the state (ideally)
 CHIEFDOM - Is headed by a chief, is a form
reflect the will of the majority of the population.
of political organization that includes
permanently allied tribes and villages under As to extent of powers exercised by the central or
one chief, a leader who possesses power. national government:
 STATE - Is a centralized political unit
encompassing many communities, a UNITARY - Refers to one in which the control of
bureaucratic structure, and leaders who national and local affairs is exercised by the central
possess coercive power. or national government.

ELEMENTS OF THE STATE FEDERAL - Refers to the one in which the powers of
government are divided between two sets of organs,
 PEOPLE - The state is a human institution. one for national affairs and the other for local affairs,
So population is its primary element. There each organ being supreme within its own sphere.
is no hard and fast rule about population.
 TERRITOTRY - A definite and more or less As to relationship between the executive and the
permanent territory is also regarded as an legislative branches of the government:
essential element of the state. In modern PRESIDENTIAL - It implies that the executive and
times, the citizens are bound together by legislative branches are separate. It can also imply
residence on a common territory. Land, that their establishment and the time they remain in
water and air space comprise the territory power are separate. The president normally serves
of a state. as both the head of state and the head of
 SOVEREIGNTY - It denotes the supreme government, and is elected by popular vote.
power or the final authority from which
there is no appeal. PARLIAMENTARY - The parliamentary system
 GOVERNMENT - people occupying a typically has clear differentiation between the head
definite territory cannot form a state unless of government and the head of state, with ate the
they are politically organized i.e., unless former being the Prime Minister and the latter, the
they possess a government. Government is President.
the political organization of the state. It is
the concrete and visible instrument of state
power. EXECUTIVE POWER - is exercised by the government
under the president who is referred to as the chief
As to number of persons exercising sovereign
The primary role of the Executive branch is to
execute or implement laws.
MONARCHY - is a government where a single person
The official title of the president is the “President of
(the monarch) rules the government. The title of the
the Philippines” with honorific “Your Excellency,” or
monarch is hereditary, this means one inherits the
“His/Her Excellency.”
Official residence and office of the President of the
OLIGARCHY - An oligarchy is a government where a
Philippines is at the Malacañang Palace located in
small, elite groups rules all over society.
the country’s capital - Manila City.
President of the Philippines is elected by direct vote Senator thus elected shall serve only for the
by the people for a term of six years. He may only unexpired term.
serve for one term, and is ineligible for re-election.
 natural-born citizen of the Philippines
In case of death, permanent disability, resignation  at least thirty-five years old
or removal from office, the Vice President becomes  is able to read and write
president until the expiration of the term.  a registered voter
 a resident of the Philippines for not less
 Executive Power
than two years before election day.
 Power of Appointment
 Power of Control Lawmakers composing the House of Representatives
 Military Power are called Representatives or
 Diplomatic or Foreign Relations Power Congressmen/Congresswomen.
 Natural born Filipino;
The House of Representatives shall be composed of
 A registered voter;
not more than two hundred and fifty members,
 Must be able to read and write;
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected
 40 years of age at the day of the election;
from legislative districts apportioned among the
 Must have resided in the Philippines ten
provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila area
years before the election is held
in accordance with the number of their respective
The Vice President of the Philippines is elected by inhabitants.
direct vote by the people for a term of six years, and
A Representative can serve for not more than three
may run for re-election once. The term of the Vice
consecutive terms. In case of vacancy in the House of
President of the Philippines starts at noon of the
Representatives, a special election may be called to
30th day of June after a regular election is held.
fill such vacancy in the manner prescribed by law,
According to the constitution, the vice president may but the Member of the House of Representatives
concurrently assume a cabinet position should the thus elected shall serve only for the unexpired term.
President of the Philippines offer the former one.
 a natural-born citizen of the Philippines
The vice president can become a Cabinet member
 at least twenty-five years old
concurrent to the position of vice president if
 is able to read and write
appointed by the President.
 except the party-list representatives, a
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH registered voter and a resident for at least
one year in the district where s/he shall be
LEGISLATIVE POWER is vested in a bicameral elected
Congress: The Senate and the House of
Representatives. Legislative Power
Power of Taxation
The Legislative branch is authorized to make laws, Power of Appropriation
alter, and repeal them through the power vested in Power of Impeachment
the Philippine Congress.
Lawmakers in the Senate are called Senators. The
Senate is composed of 24 senators elected-at-large JUDICIAL POWER is vested in the Supreme Court of
by the people. The senators are limited to a term of the Philippines as the highest judicial body and
6 years and only up to 2 consecutive terms allowed. including all other lower courts.

The Senate President is its leader, elected at least by The Judicial branch holds the power to settle
a majority of its members. In case of vacancy in the controversies involving rights that are legally
Senate, a special election may be called to fill such demandable and enforceable.
vacancy in the manner prescribed by law, but the

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