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T,n,111011 f rH D1•d11t·ti1m ut Smm·, & 1'/u; .

l'~ C
••P·I7 ; r pt'rir1d for pU)'ltttnt 11 r di
C11//m1a11 ur \,,
. · ""• (T[)S a11J res, 579
P■rtkulan p1 ,_ .........._ap, I) f/ft 1 111 I h . i ' tel 1/J.Jr IS
Secdell b) the assesscc, 1 t e income of th trnon 191(2)1. 1
1 l)S 111 c.i,e o
fin •onll: fn1m 111fras1ructurc deb1 17 4 P()
' · · ·1
, P,.;-·
6{,N Ji~tlYflcr 1he Ist doy of Apnl, 202 1 mc:licttla,c,,es'-:c man) oJse -~ic: ~_:}i:_r~mc-1.1,
er J d I • ' ~ lhc m ,,_, 11..-gmnmg
fund -~-- . - .- . __ J ,~ .
uon 17 •
(1)(v1) an sue 1 specified sccur1t~ 0
d r, cd
coni.: of 1hc nature ~pc:1:1r. d
, r \Weat equ I ha ,1c in o
b . wav ofmtcf(,I trnm Indian ~ompuny 17 4 p (. ~ ,,..: e is olloltc or rrans err. d1r~ctly or ind1rec1I b I Y~ rn referred tu in the said
l1K,>IP~ ~ • - · · · t~)
m;;;;~pJymc~ ~n-R.:,1dc111 11.4 .;:---"r-~ c1auS start-UP re ferred to 10 sec lion 80-IAC ti Y Ythe _~urmn cmplo•-rr being 3n
IlI·gtbblIC. bY the ossesscc wit' hm
· ,ounccn
day~ IC income ,•• ' ' shall be
-..,. on suc:h income
19SA ln,om.:- ~"'\c~
PJphk .Tax .. 17.4 -
u -~612
,·~ ~ .
Tl)S from mcon~ from unit~ of offshore Fund 17.4 v. ~~ p$, i) oiler the expiry of forty-c1gh1 month.\ from the
1968 ( year: or cnd of the relevant a;;e"mcm
196C' I TDS irom Income from Foreign cummcy Bonds 17.4.~ - ~
, or Share, ,,1 Indian Compan) 616 ') from the dale of the 'lnlo of such ,pecilied
(II asscsscc: or ..ecurny or .\weal cqu11y ~e by the
j i=os- ~ncomc . of Foreign lnstllutiona l
ln1 c,lors from Sccunnes
17.4.x -
~. n rrom the date of the assessee ceasing to be thc 1
( 11 alloned or transferred lum such specified !;<:Cunt emp O)-CC or the employer who
Ccrnficatc for no O.:ducuonldcduction of 1a.x at a ,. Yor ;,,.eat cqu11y ~lwc.
197 17.5,a
ICII\Cr rat~ , ~-ver is lhe eorhest.
198 T9\ O.:duc1cd is Income Recovered 17.5.b.
""'''"' 17.3 Paler is deemed lo be in default (&plattatinrr to.Section l9l)
619 Where any pcr.;on {payer) v.ho i, liable to deduct w 41 sour.:e- ·
Credit for Ta~ Deducted

!Duty or Pmoo Deducting TBA
Cerrificate for Tax Deducted

• foils to deduct whole or any pan of the tax. or
• af\cr so deducting faili; to pay or does 001pay v.bole or any p:,rt of =h 1.1,
203A ITax Dcducaoo and Collection Account No. 17.5.h 625- Then payer shall be deemed to be an 11Ssessee mdefouh
Where there is a fn1lute on the pan ol the as,e:,scc (payer) to deduct u, u: sow,:c
203AA IFurnishing of Statement of Tax Deducted by 17.5.1. 625 Ihm the Income Tax authonty shall examme whethct direct payllh!nl uf ta.\ !w been
i Income Ta, Authonty 1113dc bv the n:c,picnl or not. And wh= no such p3pn.,nt is nudt lbcn [n.."tlme T,n
205 Bar Again,1Direct Demand on Assessee J7.5.j 616 .uthority sbnJI proceed to enforce the demand against the ==· (C-,n· Bi.1rrk ,· err
206C : Ta., Collection nt Source 17.6 6!9 12003) 259 ITR 377 (Born)]
17.4 Pro,lsions regarding Deduction of t:o 1!!._~un:c
TIIX Dtduction at Souru (TDS) ISl'cti1111 /90-20.16AJ I Ge11erul Pri11ciple: TDS 1s the fir.;1 exccpt1on to the genmil pnoopk. lha1 inrome
17.1 P■ymeat oftu In the relennt pre,ious year [Section 1901 earned during the Previous Ycar 1~ chargeable to ta.\ in tht im~ately romtng
The general pnnciplc under lncomc-111x Act 1s thal income earned dunng tlr A•-.?ssmcnt Ycar, or TDS is another ltll!lhod of cclkction of 11, by c-, Central
PIC\1ous Y= " chargc3ble to tax m the immediately coming AssesNment Yci: Government in the form of Pre-paid ta.,es.
Therefore, we can say that though regular assessment regardmg any mcome is 10 b( m,d,: Any person (payer or dcductor) \\ho 1s paying any 1ncomc'Drrl?un1.10 :'"°th.:r ~
in 1he immcdia1ely coming. Ass~smeru Year bu1 the ta:-t on such income shall be payJ!.!t (payee or dcductee) shall deduct the i.a., at the so111Ce a1 iM tune ot m.wni; p,i~= F
in the relevant pre,ious year 11selfby· 1his,
J .
the payer shall follow the procedure for d""ucting IJ\ 1!'<'11
1 =' ,,
Jhc Liv.
U) deduction or collection at source, or • I le should ha\e TDCAN (Ta., Oi!duct1on nml Col111Cn,,n JI <;oun:t Mrount
(ii) ad\ance paymcm tpre-paid ta.~cs). No,):
• Ile has 10 deduct tax from lacom~·nnx>Wll pJ)lll>k 1'' 1~ pa~.~; _ ~.,, th.:
17.l Dlnct P■)ment (Section 191(1)J I
· I \\ illun tit~ pre-.:nNJ ~ u - W
In case of income: • The amount so deducted mus1 be d~1'1'' ""
credit of ihe Cc111rol Go,emm(OI,
• where lhcrc ISn<1 provision for deduction of tux at the umc ofpnymeni,cr • Th~ payer should make a qwirterl~ ,tal~nttnl.l , 11 " c, tt, for i MmW rate of
• th·en: IS a· pro\l~IOn
· · for dcducuon of tax UI SOUICC but taJC hR> not(fill
i,.<, '1"n
•uS Hatt'· Nomllll TDS rn1es ;II"\: ~ 1"
•n in pl111 •. O . J ~-
(P,l'ttl oth,'f"I"' t1, .Jl3 v<
P . . . Ill JCj;Ordancc with the proV1s1 . . on of Chapter xvii Ins. the payL-e 11111st. tum1sh
de(! .
his P.\N t(I th~ J.:duct(lr hi ,tier. further tl'J( p \ ', .,r the
r 'tl'' \lht,hC\C! ,,111<kn,·c
~ . ~ • ~ •c
ro\'1~1un); ucted ut the normul rn1c or rJIC o • • . anJ 1J<,cumen1 e,,"ini; ·
lkdu I .., m c,cn et11TC>1"
thcn incoi:ne till\ shall be paynble by a~w,see direc tl y in the liinn of ad\~n,: IJ' be c l'e (puy~c) m1i,1 be nicn1wn.-u ·
or uthcfl\ 1sc. 111cen 1hc dcdurtor and dcJuc1cc
ln~l-rtcd b) 1hc I uuUtc<' WI. !O!O
580 r,,, n•
. .
Tll.1.:t1tm lain
·,Ju.-tit,n Ill ~•mm·,, & / ,ir C,,11,., '"111 at S<,urrr (T{JS unJ l'O) 18 I
l,w· 11111-1.1: I
S.n-lw~ •11 TDS1M.1•rnl\ i11rin( ,1..,w,unt Ch~p. 17
lbc AmNIJII ofu, fill dcdu,tcd. m the c;U,· ol a non-resident pcr1on (oth,,. liq
~ , I. !hAII t,c, ,n.:=.<;:d h1 a s1m·hargc· . _
(al ,n 1~ as.- or ~,-.:11- mdi11J1cl or IIU! or ll.<'CJC1a11nn of persons or bud
' :,


. ~•"'
·1JI )Cilf
• ti
•nl ts
"'"""· '" ""''"w~
. """' ""'h•
' """ ...,., "' ,.~ ~
••- ,, U. ,_,""""'"hod '"
b dd d
IDdi\l,hws, "hctb.-r ,n,-,>l)'OnllcJ "' no,. 01 c,cry artI!ic111I Jllnd,cul
bcnll! a non-~rJcn1, chl,u:.,,,~
(I) Al the ra1~ <>i ten rc,wnt of ,uch ta,.
\\here the mcon1c or the ugl!h: ,. ,
,, ,, "'"
•-' u>••
10 ' '

,h,11 do/~ """"" •• •· ,..,_, •I U. ~
" " ,,,. '"'"""fro• "''•' '"' _, ,,. " .... ..., •
~ ->•
thcr uch cs,1 mated salary exceed, the exempted
perso~ for th., Financial YC'.ll
- - l1mi1- - - -,
~h m.:~mc, (\ll.t ,,r li~cl} 11, be p.11d und subJL'Ct to lhc dcduci cf cur
filh WJi l'UJ>c'."- but Jot-,. 001 cxc«d nnc crorc ntpccs; 100
tc....i1 ,,here~ • Limit I A1~1m,n1
8 ilr t:,emphon \tar 20U-~l1 I
ltil DI dir rate of lilkcn ixrccnt: of such tax, where the income or the agl!l'e
of ~u.:h m..'Ol!h.--,. pJtd or hkcly 10 be paid and subJc.:1 10 the clcd~
c,«'C'd, Jnc m,rc IUfl'"C< but d1>Cs nol exceed twu crore rupees,
IL p 1 ------------2_
(lu) DI ~ nue llf "'cn~·-fi,e pcreen1. or ~uch tnx, where lhc 1ncorne or lhc Jnd1v dual
• 1super senior cu -en (80 )'ears 01· more1
11 Ij 51lf1000
, · · _- -,
aw,:pie ,o r ~u,h mc:omh paid or likely to be [lntd and subject to the Res• den I senior clll7en
Rcs1den , (60 ,•ears (If more but IC'ls than I. 3,IMl.Ol..iQ
deduction C\Cc,-ds l\\11 crore rurx,-cs but does not exceed live crore rupe,'1;; ROl
111·) 11 lhc r.11r of 1h,ny-,ewn percent. or ,uch tax, where lhe income or lht Al._iy other mdtvidual
~ l e of such mcomes paid or hkely to be pa,J nnd ~ubjcc1 lo Lie Hmdu undivided family 2J0,l)l)Q
deduc"lion cxcc..-ds li~e Cl\lro rupees;
(I>) m the CN' of C\'Cf)' co-operutiw society [ Cllmpany __
t1) 11 the rn1c of ;even percent, ot such incomc-tnx where cooperative ~ocl~y Firm
bu • tow income e ,1.'CCd1ng one cron: rupee, but no1 exceeding ten cnn ~A~ofpcrsonsorbodyorin. a;,.,..L _ L_, !
~Local Authonty ____ ____ ~
hi) 11 the r.lle of l\<·ol\·c l>L'"'"nt wh,re coopcmh,e society hns o 101al income Amficilll jundical person - 2.Sn,O(M) j
cxcmim& lCII cron: rupee,.
(Cl In lhc asc of the finn 31 the rote of mclw percem of such mcome•UL\ where
rurther, the person who 1s puymg 1hc salllf)' mearu lhe cl!lJllo~u ,.ht,b
be the ccntrul government or company, ond so on. hnther. th., babtlit)I oi the
lhc tinn has J toul income e.,c«ding one c.rore rupees:
employer 10 deduct tax •~ absolute, 1hmfore, ,r lhtrc \lo .tn Jgre=1 ~cm
(d) In 1hr case of !:\Cf)' Ioctl aulhonty, al lhe role of twelve percent of such the employer and the employee \\hereby the cmplo) et WJdcrul..-. to Ji.:~
IIICOmc-tu"bcrc lhc local authoril) ha, J total 111come exceeding one crore lus own tax hnbihty then ii l'oOUld not nITect lite employer·, IIJl,1h~· to dcdu<t
(cl In lhc asc of <"'Ct)• company, other than a domesuc company, calculated:
' la.t 011 no11-monetary p~rq11isitt ISeNion /9J(t. I)): \\nm :m cmri<')cr 11;1;
(ti ai lbc: rilC of se-.·cn percent. of such lnx. where 1he income or lhc aggrc11me
given non-monetnry pcrt]uisue to the emplo~ee then h: nuy l"I-11• on "!to)!e
of such rnco~ paid or hkely to be paid and subject 10 the deducttcn or pan or such mcome w11hou1 detlucung ia., at so=. Hg""''-r. diem ,o!"'il,ds ooc crorc ru~ but does not c~cccd ten a,orc rupee.,,
by lhc employer is not taxable m the hand> or the (mploi~<
I1i) 11 lhc rat: of "'·ch-c percenL of such ta.,, when: lh.: income or the aggregate
' TDS by a11 tligibl~ start-up reftmd to in s«tion 80-1 IC JSrrdu~ l 9J1/0I':
of ludi t i l e ~ paiJ or likely 10 be paid aud ,ubjec1 to the dcductlm
c,ccan 1cn crore rupee, r B T • • 1J. t; ~ l,c .i...!11<14\l 31 ~,,nm]
' DS ratdsfior a salon• J&ction 191(1 1I: '"' · ' · , f···•-
Rcgm1c Slab Ratr a, vplN"'• 1hr rtl:f'""C<
!i,o twcharge wiJJ be ia'led on deJucuun, in other cnscs Slab Rate (or) New Ta,
• WUO<O,
12) ll~t,1, d EdllCation Cru~ ·IJcallh and f'ducauon C'ess" shall continue 10 Ii<
lC\lCd 11 lbc: l'1l.: of four perccn1., ofincome ta, meludmg sun:harge wherever npplicablc, I . ' I '"~""'Lt.\ unJcf" ~ub""'--'1lt.wt
""'1cd by Finuncc Act, 2010: h•r lhc purp,>-<-s of lkl!U<1 Q8 , ..:H- ,wt"'!' rtkrml Ill.,
111 lhc UlQ of pcnom n-iidcnt In India Indud1n~ companies olhor than a dorne;uc IIJ t,,m~ Ill <~·'' '
... ,_,. ~•_K't: •'.•"" ,.._
coq,wiy ICCtior IUb-,cction (IA) a.s 1ht case In:i1· be, • I"'""'-W ,;.:
u•• !L..,"'4"'-c;...., - . t''"1._,...
in,..,.., "'"
11,-1,o. TlJ.\'f,,,,.. s.,1.,, 1-li~ctiun 1921 . on RO-IAC, teSJ>Un"ble for pa~m~ •n1 ,,1,,,01 "' lb< "''°"""" -·
~rt! SP',."'\.1ficd an ~"Cllt'n 11(:?)(\I) '" .1-11\, ri:~cJ~t,lf Pl~- ihlbc: I.I,--( nt.l) l'c. u~ ._,ti
Any pcnoo raporuiblc for ~;1ng •ny rnc,1111c ch.i,g, ,1ble under the heit "S0lanes ''lllllling nn ur nftor 1he 1>1 Ja,, 111 ~ml, :?II.I.
d 1
wll, at lhc IUnc of payment. deduct 1ncome-1u on the umouni pay,tblc nt the n,cmG< "'h 1l<On,c -.,1hm founccn dly,, .•., -d 1,/ tl>< rtf,-;lllt 1'"""""'1. ~.'~--
•I i.. hvntu~·••· · ~t,\w\'la.~..,
rille of 111Comc-w computaJ OD Ilic oo,i. of the nit'-'$ m 1urcc for 1hc fin.ind.•I >~ur ,n 111 nncr the expiry ul t,111y-<1sh1 tt•"11,., 11_ ·unt• '" _,,.. 04\lll)'
----- ---~
hups: ...,.,. ~ gov 1n'nc...:.,in;ub,r.(~l ,21122 J)<JI

·' rru,11 the ll,11c ol the ,nk of,u,•h 'fl'-"' rJ "' .

1 • ,,1 di< pei""1. th
, N ihi: (01' ,,~"\.i.: ... ·W m ~ht\'.b c 1-11
rnn} lhL· d~uc uf1hc a.,..c,,i.'\" H"$' 1"N 1' . 1.t' fi,i tfl~• 1,ru:ti,:
•~be, ci I\ 1111,.· c,arlh.~-.t., ,m 1hc b11,1111 \ol " 11' ' in. 11"'., ua:-1 .. f:nTI.t
11,... ~•
·1-rl'11t.... 1 .
1 • t!l· al 1,11 1"'~ ~
\'U •l·..·urh)I tH "'wc~11 '-""1""~ '1.m.::
{tJ.\ f)t•cl11c t10 11 at Sm,rc:e &
11 ra., G II·
C<//011 at ~iurt i
Ta.n11i1111, 1)1P' ,Jormution Regarding Other Jnco,n ,. TnS und TCSJ 5,t3
582 . • . C'hup, I?
fflf the rurJIO'" otTOS from -.;ilnry Junng the hnnncml year 2018-1 9 su11: , ~o/Jif p,oputy" ISectio~ 191(28) a,~; ::1e'~~i8tdt1ththtad ~/ncnrntfrflrn
,snot arphc-al>k, Jlowc,cr. cd11cu11un cel-~ at the rate of 2 percent of lO~rg, Where assessee receives income nde,
~,,n,laiy 1111J higher ,-Juc:111011 ccss ~t the rate ol I percent of 'l'Ds Wi) ¾l prop1:rty, profit, and gains of bu\in~,\ 0 /~Y other head of 1nccime !house
!tpplic:iblc. If any employee: does not furnish has PAN to the employer, tl:ul be rrorn other sources) or los~ under the he! .~essaon, capnal gam or mcomc
,. L~ .a~uctcd either .it the normal rates or at the rate of20 pcrtem wh· · la~ (nOt any other loss) during same hnancaal year; ncome from llou.-e Property"
""' 11 l'<CU< . , ICht•1
b !uglier. r,\N llf the employee: should be mcnlloned on any correspondc tl
then he may give such inCorma11on 0 3
and document ,1hich ts nchanged berween the employer and the employeet , ~ rescnbed manner to his employer ded " plam paper vrnficd 10 the
P UC1mg lU and 'iOUl'CC
;. TDS ;,o,oll11trrrtJ1: Such c!stimatc:d mcome-tax is to be divided into II nu be
roomh, of cmpl.,,mcn1 (gencr.illy 12) dunng that Fmnnciol Year and t•~ m r or
Jc!duc.tcd 10 10,tallments
s uch employer shall take into account such
under 1he head "Income from !louse Property"
against mcome under salary.

any Head or los,
'shall be adJ~•ed
; ,{oc>Het ,im11/tane11usly empfoyed by lll'o or more l'mployers (St'ction l9l(Z)
Therefore, tax from mcome under any head of Income may be deduckrl bv
\\~ the as.,essee ts simultaneously . employed by two or more employ~wI
the employer provided
"' deta1l.s given b\· the a,,-•-
__.._~.. "" 'hcrc:b. on1,.. 1oss·
has changed tus employmi:nt dunng_ the_relevant previous yeor then that assessec
under the head lncome from House Property" ,hall beadJll51cd D)"the cmpto,cr
may. Jcrcnding upon his cbo1cc, give mfonna11on nlgardtng salary received
and not the loss under any other head of mcome '
rccci\'.tble from one employer to another employer in the prescribed form (Foor
t-:o. 128) After receiving the Form No. 128 11 becomes lhe ob1Jga11on of su: ,. Statement by the E_mploy~r l11 Enrploytt fSwion 191(1() and R11/t 16 fl :
anotht'T employer (to whom mforrnation is gl\'cn) to deduct the tax at sourrc Employer shall furnish 10 his employee a Sllltement gnmg correct JDd arnpfetc
a.Iler taking into account deta1b of salary from the first employer Howe1ec. la.\ parttculors o f salary. perqu1s1tes, and profit 1n lieu of SJlat}· provided to 5llCh
sha.11 be deducrcd from lhnt month onwards m which informauon is submtttcd. employee and their value in prescribed form i.e.
Where informn11on was submitted in the month of October, iax ,tut I be (a) Statement ofTDS from salary - Form 16.
deducted from the month of October at the average rate determined after !Blong (b) Statement of perquisites and profit m lieu of sabry- Fomt 12.B.~.
mto account details of salary mentioned in Form No. 128 [CIT v Mo11i0011 , Adju1tment by employer (S<'ctio11 191(3)1: Employer who is Jcducnng CJ., II
India (P) Ltd (2007) 165 Toxman 467 (Del)) source under Section 192( I). (IA), (2), (2Al, or !2Bt ~• uny umc of 111Jlung 1bc
Employer I (El) deduction, may:
Employer 2 (E2) (a) decrease the amount LO be deducted if tax bas been deducted m ~'\Ce>5 m the
Infomllltion regarding salary
earlier months; or
from El is given by assessee to (b) increase the amount to be deducted tf le,; ra, or oo in b3> bccn dolu,:ttd m
E2. Therefore, E2 will deducl tax
from the salary given by El also. ► the earlier monlhs. nised p,o,-idDII fund (RPF)
/ TDS from tlte accumulated ba/anet o,f ecog~pt!SOO who b JIIIJlOI""" .L--'-'
Employee !(Section 192(4)): The trustee ofan RPF or till) balm,.e 10 ;m -,mnlm·~
unutbted T • s.b3f.l
(Assessee) bYthe trust to make payment of the ace I the as.~ w11f'l<.>,.:el.
. !92(1A) and rult deduct tax at the time of payment , ·hof , uch JlllO~•moRPF"· 1.1.u1'lc.uoJtr °Ruic.
~ n,1\nt(nl ...,
, lnfonr,aJion rqardinx Relief under !il'Ctiun 89(1) ISu11on
1UAI y Howevcr, tax shall b.: deductcu ". t r - , 01 i, "itlun c,cmrtc:,l hmn
IO, Part A, Schedule-JV' Tben:torc. " hert !':, m<...1
Where the assessee •~ a Government servant or an employee ID a Comp3ll ' .
Perm11tcd under Rule 10 then °0 ia., s
-hall t,e ucuudcu.
_., ,. r,wiuotion F111ul JS,c.tin11
Corporate: Sector, Local Authonty, University. insutution, or AOPs; ' T DS from contribution pat'd out O,f 'PP'"''CU I> . .>IIPI' . mtc~, on
c,npJ,ncr (ln.luJ1n,
And he 15 c:nutled to relief undL'T Section 89( I); . thf /92(5)): Where any contnhu11on 11],ldc J ~.1on ~ 1, p.iiJ w the cmployc~
Then hc: may furnish . 10 h1~ . employer dcl31ls . of sue h pa rt1cular ,o ,J Sll~n- • 01• vm,:nl
such contribution), 10 an uprll'" . I,( tot' a• ,vuitc ~1tb,· nm, p.l.
pmcribcd fonn (Form No. JOE). nd then n lruSlee of such fund shall J,'tlU<II t « ) 11,.,we,a, w., shJll b.: Jcd~tc'tll
.• ·cc 1c111r <1' • • nJ · 1.1.oblc under " u c
The employer ,hall e-0mputc the: rchcf' on the basb of such por11cul~r n o f such 11moun1 10 1hc .as,,..,,
nro,cd SUr•· ....r:1nJtu-1m•n f u " t.1 n c,c:mptcu
·. ..,. 11m1·1
1 11
shall lake it mto account for making tax deducuon •(it 11 here pu)ment fn1lll the ·.\ P,· . h re p.1, l11l'nl l' "
.. . P""
lfowc:vcr, no rchc:I , I be Jllowc:d 10 the nsscssee under Sccul!n .-utlll 6, Pan B• Scheduh:-1\ ·. Thtt-d••TC ~• c •
11 J,:duct,-u
C:\C'lllption has been allow.:d under sc:tllon t O( toq rein ling tn "'111p<! "' Pernuucd then 110 r11, ,h411 t,c
un.Ji:r Volunury R1:1arcmcnt Scheme.
;--- tli..,11 1
11111, ,,ctl
11' r,inIll11.l huptcr J
'idw,luk I\' Ji,.:11,...:.I in (h;lplef •
S!\4 T1n,11imt,·,
(a.t n1•,J11,·1ra11 at S011rn, & Ta, C
Ch, p 0 11
,. i · ,.,ft ;11 F,,re/Jln (11m•t1r)· (Stctio11 192(6)1 ; \\'he ' 17 , 11 . . ltfl/tJn at Sorirn •
,. TO., , """ "''' ·.•
t,I 1- ,n,1.,__•n nrn-n,·v· 1h_c11 for l
·os h I f ·tc Sal
. I ll va uc o such •ala · an
1blP "'here un appltcu1111n" made bv the . ITDS and fC\) Sk5
JQ)'A c tn ''" • ' f}' •Ji.· ~ b) " ' fi t . P3)c<in I- N
I to gel u ccrtr icate or no tax deduction or d_., orm ' a. IJ In A\st,~rn" Oniccr
cakulatrJ '" lnJm JI tl,~ pro:,cnbcd mt~ of exchnngo: • II be ,uUthon DI th 1 "
,. Ci,mpllllltit1n of raxahlt' Saluryfur TDS: ·,rtt•nl of ncc111nufa1~J bttlullC',• ·• c me'
I I'II.l - uufttJonr I
:O-trp I r ind out sJlnr) wluch rncludcs· ,•JJ , .,0111 t/Ltabk prcma111rc ll'lthdra 11 u/ mp oyr~ (Sto<-11a11 l9'AI .. .
JJl(f<'<I 1 • • • IIU: LI
• \\ ,g~. foe. rnmnnssion, allowances. perqui~11e,. prolit in lreu or j,, trustees of the Fmployecs Provident Fu d Scheme
Anmnl)', P,-nsion, gmtully and leave salary beyond the cxeruptcd lrmit~~ TbC &,;ployecs' Provident f·untb and \Ilse.:~! · . • 19 ~~. fr.uncJ 1111dcr ,;cc1,oa
• f'.m(lloycr"s conmbut1on mexec,, of 12% baste salary of Cll1J)l ; ,4 !ht thoris.:d under the scheme to make"''""'"'ancou.,f Pro,L:i1on, Act, I952. 01 an,·
on au ~., ...,nt o th£ iK
c shall, shall deduct 10, from the ""cum
I -
,_, bat _curm,dmed b.,Jancc Jue to
ln1cre,1 cred11ed m e~cess of the :,pcc1ficd limit . Further - °) " ~ Joyeu,. . . - u13,w

,omnbunons made by Ccntml Government under No111ied Pension • 11 Sc~
• h pcnd11ure actulll) incurred rn payment of rent regarding a res ~ ni.:
accommodat111n where 11 exceeds the specified limi t.

1net de,s
1 tnllal

,,-r 1108 in a I ec;ogn,~d provident rund 1; tncludibt h ,,nee

~~ercd 5 years service (a, owing 10 the pro"i"on.:~; toial_income i.hcn he h.i;
o~~•le 001

to .in employee
t,eing applicable), at the ume of pa)mcni of th•. M01 Pan A ol the Fo"nh
""""" c accumulated balnncc due to
• Value of all tu,ubk perqmsne, under scc11on 17(2) such Rent . ~r~loycc. .
accommod.ition. concession m renL 05 l:?t Raft ofTDS · 111comc-11tx shall be deducted •t the mtc of tea percent
Step II Aggregate salary rccei~c<l from more thun one employer ~~ ord11ctio11. No deduction under this section shall be mad• L - .L. .
·, b. h • "•=• u"' Jmount ul
Step lll Give dt:dual1on under Secuon 16. ,i,h ~)ment or. as Ihe cusc may ~- I e aggregate amoum of ,uch p.l\11l<DI 10 the J ·ce
Q> 1han 1ifiy thousand rupees (f,0.000) • P)
Step I\ ul\·e Dedu:tion under Sections 80C, 80CCC. 80CCO, 800, 80DD
liOE. 80GG, SOU. · p,f '{ 111 Dedllctce: lurthcr tha1 any pcr;on aunlcd LO r«el'e illl) amount on i.bich
• GeMra/(1•, 1111 deduct/011 b allowl!.d u11der Sri:tio11 BOC l!Xct!pl 11;hcn ii I\ m.l<l ul rs deductible undur this s~-.:llon shall fumt~h his PC1TJ1.1ncn1 ,\c.uunt '-umber 10 the
10 the mst,tution where a 50% deduc11on withom a qualifying hmn s aUo,-~
,c!\OJl respoos1blc for deductin~ such ta."
futhog wlucb tall wll be ~cJuctcd ~• 1hc
th,-n d,>duc11on sha ll be allowed 01@50% of the contnbuhon. Another nceptlor. ~i11mum mnrginal rate.
1, "hen 11 1, made to the msuruuon where I00% deducnon w11 hout ttunbiiu \initt period for Lower TDS Ram durto CO\ ID-19 fU ,0510lO 10 31 OJ?ll!ll·
hm11 is nll1m then deduction shall be allowed (a I00% of 1hc contnbution. · •2 \ner the outbreak of the CO\10- 19 pandemic, Go,1 h ,J!(cllicd ~ TDS rate<
Step\ No" compute ln>.able income and ruund ii tiIT 10 the nean:,1 mulhplcof 1 Tht T11u1tioo and Othe r L1111s (RelauUon and ,\,mendmtn1 or Ctrt1ln
10. fro1isions} Act, 2020" In the ca~c ol ll1c pro,i,ionsof,;ccoot\.\ IQJ, IQ.. 194-\, l'l-4(.
St~p \'I Cnlculn1c lat at the rate applicab le for 1he hnancial Year. 1140, l940t\,1941:.l:. 19-IF. 194G, 19411, 194-1,194-1.\ 1114-18, 194-IC. 19-.J. l'l-lK.
S!~p \ 11· Add 2% Educauon ce,s and 1% SIi.EC 1941 A sub-sccuon (1) of section I94l llA dau....: (i) of =•on l'l4LBB. sclH.!cuon t
Step \111: Divide such tnx calcu lated rn 12 install ments. Alier deducungonco1 '1ecuon 194LBC. section, 194M and 194•0 n:qurre ded11.:t1un of b.., ~t source Junng
more m~u1llmcn1~. tb: amount of remammg installments ,hall be intrca:-<d ar :ht pcmxl commencing from the 14th du~ of May 10?0 to lhc :it st 113)· oi ~f.ut:h JO:!l ,
decrea.,cd if there is o change of circumstances. 1icn DOLwithstanding onythmg conllllncd in these s,ctton, the ckdurnon ot u, ,hJIII ~
Ho"e-. er. nn tn>. ,hall be d~duc1,-d -.ide at the rate being th~ three-fourth of the rate specified m tbes.: ...:.:uort-
lai \\ bcrc income computed ilbovc docs not e.xceed the Basic F.xcmp11on ltmlt 1 f.v These concessional rates of TDS were lpp~cable till 31 OJ:!O:!I only tl<ncc oltl
the F1nancml Year TDSrates (prior lo 14 0512020) would be appllcablc"' c.i01.0•l10:!I
/;,~,b. TOS f rom /111eres1011 Securititi [St,rinn 19)(
Ua,lc I u mptlon Limit Any person who ls paying interest on ~unuo.
A,scssmrnl Yur · I Hl.'f and "'hffie Ill< pJ,c.: "
to a resident person other 1han ind111d113 . or , • ·
?022•?3 tndi11dual or HUr then the am,,un_ 101 rnicrc,t 1>' .., 00 or-:,, . .
·h ih.: m1bh, 1, ,uli>1t1J1l1,i > ,mo1,e
' 7
i\ldual ~---
lntcri:s1 1s puy11blc b> n co1llf11ln} mwluc •·- ,
Re,,ldcn1 5~1en1or cni7-.C!!.180 }C<ml or more,)
Rcsiuc111 11C111or cuian (l.O yw, or more bu1 te,,
I -'•""•;; . h , (h-,umcol .
shall deduct lax a1 a rate tn lor.:c e11 er •1
1han kUI 1 1111 • payment in cnsh, cheque or Jr.ill:« .
, ~ ~th~d.~- ~ 2.S the orc:d11 of such mcom~ 1" tu
th ,e11UJll <•I lh< JIii)~•
llmdu und" idcd fu"!!Jy ____ 2.Sv v., Whichever 1s earlier
<<••npa-;,;- - - - - - - Nil
1:inn -_ -- ---.,,..-_--:----::~:-.,.._____-t--- 'Iii
~!~iati<~n o~ni_!lr hocl~!.!!'_d~ual, _ ;--.
~ L<:>C3~~~ho'!!X_ --=- - 2.~0.1100 ! ~•rtlotall _ _ _ _ _ __
llt( 1:.1 ~J
~ ~ 20i~guru
_ _ -- ~ II httpi. '' \CC St\:.lll'm I 'r'
C:\mlii:1al1u11~1culpcrson_ _ _ _ _::--__ 2.S(l,tl{MI U1 lll<l)IIIC·'·" 1,t,,r,i,<lt.ttt•l•··Z02 I.Jlll2 •>.Jfl,:1-20!J.httn1
Tn.t 01tcl11r1inn <1I \'mirtr t\ TtU Co/Ir .
fi1.tt1lldll lcIH ~
''' at So,.,,~ fff)S unJ H'S]
( h?P· 11 011
~86 587
C'h1p. IJ the nmount of such mtercM or . h , a.I t c ca.,e ~-
1111""""" 1 p,.;,.,. I TDS from I ntere~t on se amounb o r MICh interest PJld 01 hlclv 11\J) .,. lhc ~ggrcgacc of lhc
,.- • • L .• for the purpose o 10
11 •,s 1...,,,,.,runt 10 note ""'1 d . · cun t\ \ly thc compnny to such mdivadaml d,;._.., be paid during the fin.,ocul year
.,,. · II b. no surcharge nn<l e uca11on cc,, and sccon-'- 11 lb, hw1drcd rup.!es, °'
11 c,ceed rwo thou-.:inu and fhe
-Hf lhcrc\\l c · · · ""l'}'b •
rate " ' . ll'th•m:inicnl docs not fom1sh his P.-\!'i to the deductor th• the,
cduca1101U1i ,~,
dcJucicJ "' Ih c rate o( ,n
' ,.
.,,.,cent p_.\'s• Of t he dCdUctCC
. ~hOU Id Lue- ment'io
• , ta~ Wdi•
n, i1 ,1ny an1crcs1 payable 10 chc Ltfo ln.,umncc to nu .
1956 mrrc:· ,'°" .t lnd,.ic.tabh,h,;J und,·r
_,. ,- h ned "" 1 the urc lnsuruncc Corporalion Act, 0
- t . . nJ J,..:um.:nt which is cxchnngcd between t c dcductor nnd d•d ~, ~
ro~,--cn<'< 1 ' Uc!~• 11
or tn which tt hns a full beneficial tnccr~1. ~cspcct of any sccun11c, owned by
-, lnt~n.\l In stcuritfo.1 (Sution 1(18)1: It means: ·
~ an} interest payable to the General ln,unance Co . . . . .
ta) lntcrc.,ton any s.:curity of the Centrol Gowmmcnt or Stntc Oov~'Tnmcm, V the four companies, formed by virtue oft~ .c~~tn nl India or to JR) ul
fh) lntm-st on dubentures or othur secur111cs ,_,:,ued by or on bchnll r f he General insurance Busmes (N . med under Secuon 1<,f I l
Juthonty or Ocompany or a corporation cstnblashcd under ~latutory pro 0_. hca1 o t . ·' ' tuaonala:.at1on) Act J9n_ an rc,pc,;1 of nny
secunhes owned by such Corporauun or '>UCh company or an \I h.1c h ,u,11
Therefore, in guMrol, securities ( d1v1ded into the fol lowing t)'J>Cs: corporJIIOn or ~uch company has a full bcnclicaal anter<!>l; or
( 1) ~cunt1es of Central Government or S1111c Go\emment, (k) any payable 10 any ocher insurer an rc,pect of any sccuncie,; owned by 11
m dd1en11ro, or bonds IS,llled by: or m wluch u has a full beneficiol m1eres1.
(al or on behalf of the local authomy, or (/) any mtcr.:st payable on any secuncy ,~sued b~, company. when: such secun11 "
(/,) u company. or an demntcrialw:d form and as lasted on a recognized ;iod c~chilngc m JnJa.; 111
(.-} a corporacion e,,cablishcd under statutory provisions accordance with the Secunt1cs Contracts IReguLuaon) Aca. 1956 and the rul"'
Exctption No tall shall he dcducccd m lhc following cases: mode chercunder.
(<11 Any m1ere,t payable oa 4,,, percent NaLional ncfcnce Bonds, 1972, wberell,c /111ereft crl!dill'd to au account Exp/Jmation toStcrio,1191: Forthc pwposts ,,r
bond, arc held by an individual, 001 bemg a non-resident; or this Sccuon, any mcome b} wuy of m1trc:,1on <et:unlle> "' credited to any
accoun1, whether called "'intere,I payable. accounC or -su,l'(n.,c accounc' or b~
(bl Any interesl payable lo an mdiVJdual on 4 '/4 percent Nuhonal Def~ncc lo:11\ an) other nnme, an the books of account of the per.on babk 10 pa) such mcome.
1%8, or4¼ percent National Defonce Loan. 1972; or
I.hen such crediting shall be deemed 10 be the c:red11 of such ,ncom~ 10 the
(c) Any m1erco1 pJynblc on National l).,,.,1u1mu.·-nl Bunds; or account of chc payee and provtstOIIS of tlm Socnon shall Jpply accorumgt,.
(d) on> lmcrc-t payable on 7-Y ear National Saving, Cenafic111c:. (IV ls;uc}; or , , .. tax sbull be d~ducted at source;
(,•) any 1n1cres1 payable on such d~bcnturc,. issued by any lnstirution or Bu1honl). (ml \\here the applica11on i:. made by the payi:c an Fona No 13 10 the A,ses"ng
or an)I ?ublic sector company, or any co-operative sociecy (including , ro officer to get a ceni Jicncc for no 1.a, dedu,1100 ordeducuon a1 a Wl\\Cr rnae:'
opemliH land mongagcd bank or a co-operauve land dcvelopmcn1 bank I. i, llr (11) where the cotnl mcom~ doe, not exceed b<'}'ODCI e~cmptrd hm11 .utJ co~ on 1111.11
Central Govemmenc may. by nouficolion 1(1 the Official Guzcuc. ~p,:111~ m1h11 mcorne of ihe Previous Year is nil and the p.t)tt g1,c, 3 d~lur:111on m 1he
behalf, pre<;cribcd form and verifkd 111 tile prescnb.:d roaMcr to ah< pa)tt
(/l 30} in1eres1payable on (>', pcrccnc Gold Bonds, or 7 p,!rcent Got~ Bonds. 1r~o.
r.4.c. Ta:c from Dividends (Smion 194( .
when: che Bonds arc held by 11n individua l not being a non-resident, ai)i llx · ru! d ,-,mc,d dt11dcnJ unJcr Secuoo
- Any Domestic comp,m} wh1cb as payt • '
holder thereof make, a declarauon in writing before person ~p<1n11blt r.~
paying tne interest 1hat the total nominal value of che 6'1, percent Gold &,ds. 2(22)(e) exceeding f 500(}'.
1977. or. u~ the cu5c may be, the 7 perccni Gold Bonds, 1980. held h) !Im to u res1den1 shareholder:
, b)· anv ltkidc
{ancludtng such bonds, if any, held on his behalf by any other per.on) did no\~ shall deduct 1a~ at th~ tune of P3)111• 01 •
cath,-r case, exceed tea thou.snnd rup,!e, at nn) time during pi!riod co .b, l>rtport ant •
pomts . h ...., cJu.:;,111111 cc" nnd
the mam~t relates, . , II tic no ,'lllT argc "'"'
,. rDs shall be (ii' 10• •.. Then: "' . -, J.,.,,not fumL.Ji hb Pt\ 'I Ill the
, •s,.. If the m;1p1, ..
(g) any mtcTesl payable on any secunty of che CenlT:ll Govcmmenl llf ilt-
secondory lughcr cduca11on <" the of '0 J'<"n:cn1 P\N or the ucductcc
G,ivcmmenc provided that nothmg contamed in thi~ clnu$c shall apply~
dcduccor. the ta\ "111 be: J,:JucccJ al nd:.:: anj tJ«llll1ent "h1ch "c":h•nged
intcre,t exceeding rupees, ten thousand payable on 8% Sa\'ings (ruxJblel should be mentioned on any corTe>J'O
2003 durmg lhis financial Year; d•Ju·l<C
between 1he d~ducaor nnJ " ' . O"o on di,,dcnd, l"'d ,., iny pcr,on •
fir) nny irncrc,t payable to an md1v1dual, \~ho a, rcs1den1 in India. on dch•:: ° ,. TOS will be dcdm:1cd al chc iate ot I
as,ued b). u company m \\hid1 chc pubhc is substunt1ally intcrc.,t cd. cJ,J•
~cbcmwcs h,ted on a n:cogn11cd stock exchange m India m nccordnncc "' f
Sccunttes C'oncrnct, (Rcgulauon) Act. 1956 and any rule, made thercund•1·'
2 1-'ur tlcan,t, s,:,: """''"" 1'17
• the mtcrc,t- ' P111·dbY Ihc compaoy by an account pJyce chc<1u,,
1· •- :JJtd .I For tlcuul. sw t •>· .\ . 1~ 202ll.
t: .
tv, fl~tlO h) lh< "lt),t)
hn.u"" ' ' '1t>San do\lJ,-nJ
frtr Q(l
"uh,111u1cJ hy Fin,mcc \c~ - -
7i11atlot1 I.a\\' (I r,11 [)1•d11c:titm at Sr,11rre & r,
588 l Qp, 17 17 a.r Ci,//rc11n11 ai $,:
(blP' [£,,:reption: No lax 1s to he dedllllcd · iurc~ (TOS and TCS) SH<>
, E:crtptio11: !\111.1, IS h> t>..· ,kJucicJ
. _ ,, ,~,l j, :1n 1mhndual und fl,I} 1110111 1s 111udc b~
(a) WIK-n: r,;iwc \...1,.1• · • ., a~eou ("r Where the amouni ol' lntc 81 lhc SOl!rcc·
rc,t ttcdu d
p.1wc cbcquc of un a1111111nt k" '5000 . n1 ur pa1 d dtll.~ no1 e~cccd ~ llOO-a e or p;i11d or 1~ hkcl . lo be
u . k.' ' nd p.1ycr IS. } ,rcd1tcd
r \\'hen: the rcc1p1cnt i, UC ,,r (icn~r.1I lnsnruncc Corporn11on of India Or • oan 1ng company where Inlet •
I l c,,,
. r 1 ,~·J t,, th,· ,ch~nw fr,111100 under s~-clton 16 of the G 1111}
. 11 Dcpostt Scheme or en ts paid or payable under lime
n" . . , cne 1
lnsur.m.:c Bu~inc-s l1'lt11inah1u11on) Act, l97": or any other insurer 111
. ~ - •uw ,hin:, 011ncd b} them or in which they huvc a 1., r. .1n
• Post office and tnleresi 11 'd,
n:>(11.-.:, 01 • • . . "" 0c,1c1u1 (Scmor Citimn Scheme. i:,~yablc on noufied Dq,os,1 Scheme
(JI P •t,u,in,,, trusl", as dclin,-J in secllon 2( 13A). by a ~pccml purpose Vchicl
llowcvcr, the amount shall i:c ,
n-fmcJ ,., in the<Jtinn IO scc11on 10(23FC) 1, c tncomc credited or paid by th,,~•ed w11h rtfrnncc 10 the
opera11ve society or the pubti·c lung comp.ny or the co-
Ir\. lln)' other· (ICl'\On n,_ nmy be noulicd by the Central Government I h . compJny a, the
OI c such bank mg company or the co-o ' . ca-e may be, ,.here
Oflici~ C,;uellc in this bclm trl . company has adopted core..__, pclraltvc 50Cltty 01 lhc puhltc
,,. Whm :u, applio."ation is made bv the payee in form No._13 to lhe A«•
v, · •~~sing
"''""'"g so Ullont
,,tlkcr to get a ceru lieu le for no lax dcducuon or deducllon at a low~r raic · (b) Where the amount of 1meres1 crcducd O pard .
or paid docs not e,cced f 50 000 th r or u likely lo be md1ttd
Le) \\ here the 101.11 income does 1101 cxce~d beyond exempted lim11 and tax o, · • m ~ ~ of scnlor citizens and lhe
payer 1s any other person mentioned above.
tow mcomc of the Previous Yca_r 1s nil nnd the payci: give~ a declaration m
1hc 11n:..crib.!d fonn and vcnficd in the prescnbcd manner to the payer (c} Where. m1erest 1s credited. or M,A
ruu O any "·-· o,uuang compan,·, co-
1;.J,d. TDS/roa l ntt!r~11 Oth~r than /merest 011 Sec11ritier jSect/011 194AI operal!VC bank or public financt.11 illSIJIUlioa. 1he Life lns~·c
Corporauon. Unit Trust of India. an 1nsur:mce- companv or notrlicd 1
•\n~ person, other lhan an tnd1l'tdual or I liadu Uac!Jvid~d Family who has not instituuon; ••
required 10 Audit his books of account during 1he Financial Year immediately
~ing Financial Year m which interest 1s credi ted or paid, nnd (d) Where mteresl is credited or paid by Ille- fum ID ns p;umcr;
Who L, pa)ing any 1meres1 olhcr than "Interest on Securities" cxc«din~ (e) Where m1cres1 ts cred11ed or paid by a coopmu,c soX;cry 10 m
, 10.000 or t 5,000; member;
10 a Re,iden1 Pcr,on: (/) Where mtereM i~ crcdi1cJ or paid m re5f'CC1 of dcpuUlS mdrt 1k
,ball deduct tax etthcr al 1he umc of; schemes of Post Office, ~e.. Time Depc,,u S,;.hcmc, Po:.t Otlicc
(Recurring Deposit Scheme), l'O!ot Office \lomhly lnco:x A..--rount
• payment in cash or issue of cheque or drofl or any 01her method, or Scheme, K1san Vikas Patra, \/auon:il Saving Ccrufiam \'Ill h~.
• Ille credit of such amounL and lnd1nt Vilca~ Potra;
wbicbe>o: is earlier (g) Where interest is credited or paid 111 ~ 1 of dept.'''' (odlcr 4
qq· th .....,...,.,.,-.m,· or
l•portJVtt poi.n~ time deposit made on or after July I I .,J "1 a..,_...,, w...,. •
► TDS Rau: TDS shall be @ of 10%. There will be no surcharge and education interest to non-memb~rs on d~po"t I uh u coop,.T.lt1'-r bQnl;
cess and s«ondat} higher education cess. If the recipient docs not furnish hi~ (/1) Where 11m:res11, cred11.:d orpa1J m r,.-,,-rcctofdcpc,it b.' ~
PAS 10 Ille dcduc1or. the tax w1 II be deducted at the rate of 20 perceaL PAN °1 wi1h n pnrnary agncullU!!II soaet}; _ __,_
the dedu~11:e should be m.:mioncd on any correspondence and document \\hich (1)
. .
Where interest ts credlled or p.u ~.
. .d . \ r roll'Sl llO\ (fTll11Clll llllU< '
1s exch:utgcd belw.:en I.he dtductor and dcductec. d1 ITerc.:nt provisions of Otre.:t Ta.,e,,; . ,.-;irJ,oJ b, tbc
' TDS BJ· couprratlvt 10<:itty: A co-opera1ive society (other than a co-opaative · !J p,11d 11n
~ ) _shall be hablc lo deduct TDS while paying mlcrC6t und~r secno~
'° .OJlll'Cll,JIIOII
(i) Where mtcre:,1 is ~ 1 or !al if th~ SJlll>Wll "f r,i)ll!Clll or Ill.:

Motor Accidents Claini:, Tnbur. . ..,, , 1, 00(1- •
l0(~3FC), 1f 11~ 101.11 sale-. exceed SO crores 111 lhc last year and 1f 1he amo~ • ""'~ tk11 C\\'-"\.'\,i \ ~•
aggrcgu1~ amount ot Jl'l~111~ 111 . · . ·Jpiw or ,njnvtnKturt
mtcrc,,t bcmg cn:Jucd exceeds 40,000 ( J 50,000 in case of a ,,.iniot
LI b ;sn 1nfr.l,!Jll\turr • .
(k) Incomc purd 11r 1"1>'3" .:bl ' ~1,,r ,,,m,-. n.,ni· 111 rd.anon w mu coupon
debt /111111 1 "' tiinJ 11r ru 1' ''(lt."15 and
bonds i~~u,,J 011 ,)r Jtk 1 Ju•,? L· .' Ibo: p.l)'« 10 FOfTll So. I!."'
.. , t I ~'-•rUJh.J
(/l "her~ th<' opphc,111,,11 t, nuJ~·. for no.• o, JC'du.-tioo or ,kJucu,m
I lnsmcd by the F11uu1cc Ac1, 2021 w c I, 14.2020 ·\l>.,c~,tll)l Otli.<'r 1•' i;<
l lnscncd by lhc hnanc:c Al1, 2021 w,e.r, 14,2020 .11 a llmer r,1tc';
ford(IJJI ICC $CC!IOn 1'17. ~.ll•~I
Sub'11tu1cd by /'uwnce Act, 2()1() for "/I C1)•opcra11,c Miclc1y (ulhtr th,rn u cu· 01";,11111" ;-----__
IS not l'C<ju11cJ tu dcuu,1 IDS under Scc:tu,n I\141\ ur, rn1c,.,M paid 10 II• mrrnh•'ffl
I f 1<tk,I
. hv' the fin.ut,·<' ,\<I , 2o:t
•lt1.,1, .... ~Cdh>il 1'17
r,11 f)ctl111•11rm ut Sw11·, < & I'll.( (', I/
5'1() T,1,;,1/on l.<11<'> 17 I l'(/11J11 UI ,. ,
th~p. 17 ',r· v•firom 11u1mvnt tu R,•vidt11t C'ontru I ·" "'' cm~· u,iJ TCSJ 591
(n) \\~,"I\" the ll>l.1I 1111,"\lnk: Joe, O\lt n,.-c-d beyond l!\Clltptcd 1i11111 Ulld f ., r I11r Sert'
•H· \y,.<,.
,,~.-there 1, a•contmct bc1.,,cen a ,,,,er
,,., fi um IUq
~n ml.II mromt ,,1 the l'n:.iou, \ e.1r 1s 1111 uud the puycc . ~ iccl pcr,..,n
" ' · ·· J · 1l1ve1 ij ., such ~rcc1hed per.on 1s pa•in•
d:d;u:at,on in the 1m:.,.'nbcJ 1<11111 ,1111! \crlhc III the prescribed I\nu . , ' ',riy ,um (<io I did a omrictor·•
hilh<- ra~cl I .
inunncr contn1ctor or sub•contmcmr c,.cccds r JIJ Q(}O ~ g c ~~rn crcd,~1h!c p;uJ 111 the
1.,) uny ,n..--omc h) ,,a, <'I interest mcnhoncd in section 10 (2)i;C) ,, ,uch ~um,, crcd11cd 01 paid dunng the Hll.'I~ yod "¥&r<g•1c 01 tbc: '"11<1Unl uf
• ta1 C,ll O<tccd f
intcte., t nlC\lmt r,t,~hlc b~ 11 ,pee,~! purpo,c vehicle to a busin•• To J resident contractor for carrytng out v.or\ ~ /,{/(J/JOO,
. . • ...,5 1ni,t in accortlancc •mh h
r .'-.r. rnSJrot,t " i11ni11 ,:jiwn Lotrrry TirAt'ts or Crossword l'11r.;/I! ISrction ,
rhen , uch 5pec1Iitc d person shall deduct tax cn.,,,r
•- .
,tt lite hmc of·
5Ut: comr.. 1,
,\ny ~ 00 "ho 1, p.t)1ng ,my income exceeding r 10.000 by wuy of' ,. or payment to a Resident contractor or -·•
from lom,y 1, or cro""ord pur.1lcs or cGJ'tl games or any ott,ijr gani,
any son.
! •
cheque or dmfl or any 01her method, or
>UO-COnfr.ictor h
'" ~ or muc ol
to llfl)' other l"'TSOn:
, the crcdll of ~uc.h amounl to the accoun1 of contractor
,;hall d.--Ju,1 ta., 1111~ time of pnymrmt. .hiche,er 1s earlier.
1.,.,,..., Pouu., ,,-,1,1n1 Point
TDSrate: TDS shall be at following rate:
; TDS Rate: ms ,hall b~ .11 u nue of 30%. No surcharge or education c~\ will 1
be dcJu.:ied. 1berefor.:. tnx $hall be deducttd a1 the basic rate (al II !he recipient as an md1v1dual or HUF, TDS rate" I'••
; f.xcrprit"': :-Oo ta\ ,hall be deducted where the amount payable 1s upto r /0,000. (h) If the n.:c1p1ent is any other person 11 1, 2•
;. Hua11in~s "'hol/)' or panly in Kind (Prov(m to Section 19'BJ 1lo\\evcr, there shall be no surcharge, educanon ce,,, and s«lllllUr\ higher
When- "mmngs are wholly III kmd or panly in kind and pan!>· In ca.~h. cducauon ccss. If the rcc1p1en1 does nut furm,h ha, PA1' w the o.:.iuiror then
taX sb.~11 be deducted 111 a rate ol'20%. PAN of deduci..-e ,hou.J be mcnnoncJ m
And cash is not ,uffic1en1 10 lll<!Ct the lmbli1ty of ros 1.0 respect of the
,.·bole of\\ anrungs; my correspondence or document which is •~changed bc!"'«n Dcdlll'.1nr and
Then lhc Pa)cr. before rclCL~mg the winnings, &ball ensure tha1 tru. has been
paid by the payee 0% TDS rule M>he11 the rt!cipient 1.r a transpon cvntraaor: Funh<r, J the
1tc1p1cnt is n tntnspon controclOr (ma)· b.: nn mdi,idual. firm., or any
Eu..plr: ', non-rcs1dc111 recc1>cs o Santro Car (Market Value ofr 5 lacs)
other person) and he or ii furrusbes us PAS to lite dl!du.:101 then tn L> COi to be
from • T\ Sho" Payer should recei\e f J,50,000 (~ 30% I 5 lacs) bclo~ ,r
dcduc11hlc. However, PAN ts not furnished then lit'< .. be ikd,s:ubk Al a m
rclas~ that car
ra1c of 20%.
£.z«ptu,n: :--o ta~ is to be deducted at 1bc source where such paymc11 is
apto However, for thb purpose transport opcra10r 1s • pmoo ,.bo ts m ~
f 10.000 business of plying, h1nng or teasing gOO<b for carna~. lkductor ,.1,o ma.:
payments to transporter w11hou1 deducting TDS "111 be miwml 11,, lnlllilJ
Ha,,,:..,n, 11 li not po.s1ble 10 ge1 the payment without a tax deduc11ot or
•llh a lotlcr rau: of ta~. these PAN detail~ to the Income Ta.-t Departm,mt rn tli,; pmrnbcd forn,;,t
1;.,1, TDS[roa "Ulni1111from Hon r Race !Section /94B81 the ' Specified perso11: "Sp,!C1fied pcr.;on" shall mein.
(u) the Central Government or nn} Stllle go,enun,:nt, or
Any penon ";,., 1' a bookmaker or to whom a licence has been granted by fi
Gcwcmmcn1 lllldcr any law ror the ume bcmg in force for horse rocmg or 01 (b) uny local authority; or . •• rr.iJ. <;.ire ttt ,.,
.....,......, A~
.. ~--- ...
&mlDgln{! for ,.-againg or b.:tung in any mcc, and le) any corporation established b} or unckr " l ,n · •
,.bo u paying my 1ncon1e ~ceding ( /0,000 by way o f wmmn . gs from 11111• or
(d) any company; or
IO Ill)' othei pcTlon;
shall deduct tut at the tune or paymcni.
(e) uny co-operaII ve soc.,e.t), or ·.
t, :rr =·
___ ,._ 1,,.. en~.,;:«! cithcr
J:)\ - •
Vl any 11u1horh~ cun,utull-.l in tnJia _~ ~-- 11,.r -L,..;,,m,r•...Lio,,n
• - •
or tor lll<'J_
l• pon11111 Pi,/111: ht ''
deal \\llh 1u,d .
,1111,h• the,
n,"ClI (I' If0( ....,u,
,-·111 ol .:,O(•, IOl't.,
, an
:;. ms lbali be DI U1c n11c ol 30"1•• Nu •utthnrgc or education cc,~ '"11
P lll'Jl0SC of plnnnmg .i,,elopm.:n .
dcducttd. Therefore, IL\ 1h.,1! be deducted 111 the ba>1c mt.: •ill,1g~,. 1,r for tx11h: vr . R ,i,1'3!l<'D ,\<1. l~Oll l" unJOf
I, ' • • 1.a, II
. lo "" 11f' · • the S.,.t~II(', <1' '1$ "r
:.trrr('flon: ,,o L., tlcdu,;1ct1
. ~• 1he ;ource where ,m•II p11Vllt~I-
,. IIll any ,oc1l!t\· reJ:J>l~~d u,,..e1 . . - • in an..• (Qrl ot
upto r 10,000 .It 1111()1 pcm1bk lo gel lite pa)'rticnt wnhout u '"' t I•« lu,11<!1 ' · ...
nny l,I\\ ~,,n~-r••mhns t t \-:1 HI ''"·"
111 1 ••,
wnh lowe1 rite of ..,., th l 1111~ 1ru,1, ,,,
I f OI detail, - IICO>Otl 197A
17 ru., OcduC'tilJII at Snurn & r ..
7iJrnr,-,m /.,'", ( b•P· a.i Ct11/ccr1an at ~
c1ia,1.11 ns 1s the p_crson plnc.,J muu (ms ,ind ro~ 593
"" 10 re1uuo '' · ·
(fl 1111,. Umi criity ~,tuhh,h<-J or m,-ol'(l<lnllccl by or under a Central. S1i1t contained 111 section ~0Afil(b)"' , n 10 the 1SSC1Jee under luc ,. pro\·t,ion~
..: • , 1 \•·t and un in,1111111on dcclnrcd to be a un1,crs11y under S '· or
rill\ UlClw t ' . 1956· · t1t1 ,rork~ C1111tract and Ct>mracr 11,, S
of the t:ni,1:l"Slty Gunh romn11ss1on 1\ ct. • or on J , .· . 1 al~: Works .
,upply of labour for d _worli.~ contrJct is d1ffere (ontr,l(t or COOtr;ict for th~
Vl any 0 ," cmmcnt ,it a forc1~n Stutc or a foreign enterprise or any as%,iat goods. :sccuon I94C ts npphcable v.'hc . mfrom a con1ra.:1 for the sale of
or t,oJ~- ~,iaMi,heJ ouNd<! India. or l°'1 ~ub-comrnc1O1 under " Work; Contruct'' r:,~!meni "rrudc tu 1hc comr.i.:tor 01
Ill any fin11; or works Contrnct". Comraci for lhc ~pply or labour li,r
(/) an) per-on. hcmg un mdiv1dunl . or_ ~ 1hndu_ undivided fomily ur rherefore, it 1s not applicable where pa)'1llent _ d
4._sc,c1311on of p,:r,ons or a body of md1,•1dLwls, 1I ~uch person, a" rs un er lhc contract of I 01•
• J11c, not foll under any or the precedmg sub-classes: and l)ndcr II Works . Cont.met,. 1be m1cn11on is· to -..ecute Ihc conir.ict dSJ e \!000'
()()ds. Huwcvcr, 1f any amcle, lhmg I!> trun.ifmcd dun lhc .in not 10 =fer
• ha., total sales. gross n:ce1p1>, or tumo,er from business or prolc,sio ~ c the ta'I will be deducted at the sourC< , rg t~ca,uon of lhc "orl.J
1111 1
,umcd on b\ him exceed Ing one crore mpt:c,. ID Clise Of hustnc~, "
£xamp/t: Where the •ownership th m rnatenal .- ru,;c,; to the J)i)er onl) at the umc ut.
lilly lakh rupees m ca~c of lite prof=1on1 during the linancial "
"c"' f goods and betore at ownership ~c,b - with the llWIUIJ<lurer.
• . be o
11 ..,11
imm,-diatcly preceding the financiu l year m which such sum 15 Crcd:: d( ll , , , 0
n of sale and not subJect to TOS under Semon 19-IC [CIT \· Sea~ram
, or p:1id tu the account of the commctor.
II lw ,·an be a ut:ipil!nr (payu): The recipient cn~1 be either contrnctor or a ,ul,.
\(an11.facrunng P\11 l,td (2008) 19 SOT 139 (Del)). ·
ronLmcr It 1s stgruticant to know that t:arl1er ddTcrcnt provisions lier
\\ htr~ cq uipments are ~ anufa~lun:d as per design, mgmernr.g. et.: ~ i licd bv u
aprhcabl~ regnrding TOS while making payment lo the contro01or or sube .,,s1omcr It would not re;,ult ma 11,ork, contracl ~alli .,hen ~II ma1enal1 belong 1~ tl
con1r.ic1<1r Ho\\evcr. now the same pro, ision,; are applicable. lllPPlier. Even though It produces a tntlor-111Jdc product { Grid Cnrporat,on /r.Jia
ud v CIT (2007) l3 SOT 347 (Hyd.J and Bangalort Dorna u:,-;;pm,111~ 1/1/1
, Su,pt'nSt' .4uuunt: Where any sum referred 10 m sub-Section ( I ) 1s embed 10
pr(jdlJcl.'r s Sor:i ~I) lmo,1Ltd d TO (2007 ) II SOT 539 tlbngl)
an~ •ccount, ,,hclhcr called "Su;,pcnsc account., or by any other name, in thi:
books of account of the person liable to pay , uch mc-0me, such crcd111ng shall bf Exceptions: No ta., shall be deducted.
deemed to be the cn:dn of such income 10 the nccount ot the payee uad th. (a) when: the payer is an mdividual thndu Undinded fanuly •ho ls not n:qwmf 10
1uo, 1s1cn, oflhls Secuon shall apply accordingly. audn lub books of account, and is paying or crcdi•Ul£ """ i,,r lu, r,:........i
Where any sum ,s paid or crcdued for carrying out any work mcntiom.-d in ,uh. use.
clause (el uf clause (ir) of the Exp/011ario11, i e.. manufacturing or suppl1in~a (bl Where:
product according to the requirements of the specification, etc. tax ,hall he (fl Amount of smglc ,um rn:dttedlpaid to the cODtrn:tor (l[ ,ut,.;:onu:ictor doe.,
deducted a1 the sourc-e:
not exceed t JO.(J(}IJ. and
({I on the invoice aluu excluding the ,alue of mnterial, 1f such ,alut 11 . . h .,,m · ,-ra!i1cJ or paid J = the
mcntiorn:d separate!) m the I m·oice: or
l11) Where the aggregate the amount o.l ,uc = .., or ·
Financial YcurdocsnotcNcceH 1.00. 00:
(ii) on the 11hole of the mvo1ce vnlue. if the ,olue of the mmerial .> net • b . . . , , ~llrng. Junnc. or ls!.L•mg
m.,ntion~d separately III the mvo1ce. (c) When: a contrnctor d_urmg the coUN _· , 01
, \c"'·ount
" """',·IJII'..,.,
.:.. to "-~ .,._:...00
.•.. r- · ....,10,:•
goods carnage,, rum1,hcs bis Pennan,o • '
, ll'orlu Cuntract IF.xplanarilln II ru Sec·tio11 /9-IC]: It is important to not.: lhll
or crediting such ,u111. , . 11 ,,...:ssm" Ol1i.:"1'
the contract include, a sub-contuct also l·unher, .. work" shall include; b th ,u\ (C in f(Jln .' J. . 10 e
fa) od,cni,ioS!. (d) \\'here ,111 applicauon i, m.1dc Y e ,-. J<J ·!NJD ~• , loMr 121.:'
10 get a cen1licatc for nC1 ta~ 1kducuon -,r "'
(h) brua<lc1m;g and telecasting including production of programmes for ;uch /7 I • • n jS(<'11tln /9JO
broadcasting or telcca·mng; .•. /i. TDS from Jm11ra,rc1• Commll"" . • . ,:dill~ : 15.000:
. . n.,UJ ancc , t1n11n~:i-.. 11,,n ... '"r.
fc) c:tniagc of good~ or passengers by any mode of transport other dun b) Any person who" (lll)IDlt ,\JI\ 1
To any resident, .
( d) catning. shall dcdu,1 to'\ e11hc1 ~I th~ ume <•I.
l••J manufJetUl'1n11 "' surplym~ d pruduc1 accordmg• 10 the n:qu,rcmen• °' _ h U!JI 1 ~ ,.,fU(I ,1CC-.1rJ.1ng Iii

$J'«I 1,11110n o f a cu~tomcr by usin~ matenal purchn,cd from ,uc I1 u.s10111<•
•· 'llc\SOCtalc.
· · "''"It
~- u pcr'Dn pIuccd , 11111larly in rek111011 111 ,uch cu,.un)(f
° , • • '(1111 kif -•~··
•,:n,nJI# <~ Sllrt'
. ~,:

• ··-• trom ""'h
ror.:•-• •
or 1..,. Sub,111u1cd bv 1hr F1t1Wl" .\,~ • ( . ..,,,,,n,.~ i,, "' •• •n,.;,e1 o,,-.:1•rd111g Ill II.:
- llf !ror'-,"'< 11·K_•• 11I '""' > ~ •' - urms "' ,,..,
t c- rc~1u1~rn~o1
, '
. ,oatl\.·"--·J UQm • p:r,,oii.
I • :ifl.,nu 1Jt. 1 ttr.aJ' ,.- . ~
t.:H,h11Th:r but dvt-. nol Ull I ~ 1; . ~ l'l\ '1binl n» ·
1 i:u.,Mn" -
... ftqlllh!'IOl'.'nl ,,r "'ri."\'."llk~ill~"' cl
SW>tlnutat b)· the f-ltWK'C Act, 202() lur
. the Wt:ttd "1,
. hoblc
, to u11tl11. ut . 11:1undr,cL1•:i
111,a:l"llll -
(q} ore!Ja11.11: <I•) ol 1<c1Jo11 -l-l 1\1!", H14m ,lH;h rthtunwr
h.\1 ,httull '<t' ''-•~II'"' 197
.. ......... , - - . . - - - - .... ..A.- . . . - • • - 7 -

U.l.n. TDS from Rent (Section J 94-/J

- Any person other than individual or f-Iindu Undivided family \Vbo has coral
sales, gross receipts or turnover of one crorc rupees in case of business or fifty
lakh rupees in case of the profession during immed.Jatcly preceding Financial
Year in the immediately preceding Financial Year. ,vho 1s pa)ing income
exceeding f 2,40,000;
- lo any resident person; and

f'ur detail, see section J 97.

T,n,111, ,,, l.a11'
( 111111- 17 Tiu I kr/11, tum "' .\mirrr &
Ta, r,,lltcr,o~a ~-
r,,, mrn1 mu,1 l>C' n:nt, (d \\, hcri, tlic 1" omc 111' _
•~y cn1i1y
I XJU,C~ ( ms
and 'f( \)

,lull dcdu.'t ti, ltl the ll111C ar IO .111,I 11 1, nut required tO n lllltonrl11tonally
" 'I file the rtturn "°11p!cd under sc,;11on
0 r,,)mcnt m ,-.uh ,,11"m' ,,f ~hcquc ,,r drul\ or LIil)' nthcr mclhod, or (d J ,v 1crc nn ,111phc,,1 11m 11 made tlnda !iccllOn IJ9
Olliccr lo gel n rcnific·uc r by 1hc l>:lycc in form '-o ll , L
• the ~,1 of ,uch 11111<111111. , • ~r no LU .,_, to we As'<: "'"S
prov1 dc, I ,c.,, cond111ons II M Q I ~ or dcduc1w 1 I
wbtchc,cr 1, ,•;u-ltc1, c lallslicd (t> 1 ,. n a a o"n ra~
(c) where the income b nu c .oABJ
y Y,;iy or rem 13 end,
,.,.,.,.,., Ptlial\ h1:ing u rc,11 Nate invc,.imcnt lnnt '!:cl or paid 10 a btnmm lru5t,
,. ra, m1i-t i,._, dcJu,tc,t at the fo11,m ID!! rotes: n:lcrred to
clau!>C C23F(,\J of · " le\pcct of lll'l) real cmic met,
t,l In c.i,c ,,f Rem for pl,111L Machim:ry or ..,qu1pmcn1 2•,0 busmc,s tru\l. 'CtUoti 10 m.ncd dll'Ct11} by such
\ul In ~,c of Rent for land. building funulure or lining, . I 0 o•, /.7 4 n / TVS from Paim,•nt on Irani',,, ,,
I d I{' ,, ,, o, Cfl'laJ11 ~ pr;pnr; tsthrr t/rt:11
Tix-re ,,1\1 b<- 11\l ,un:harpc and education ccs, and second.ii, hinhc ,,grlcllfWT<Jf 1111 >l'fllOII /,,//I ]
. h h1, pAN to I hc duductor, "the r1,1)(
cc-,.., h the m,p,enl d0<.-s not I.umis. eduq~
w ,\ny pcr;on, being a traniferce, lc<iponsiblc "7
JcductN at the rJtc uf 20°·0. 1' -\N of the dcductcc should be mcmion ·d •II I.. referred lO m sccuon 194LA) to H C\idcnt ln::s~) ng to:!icr ibn !he pcnon
~,n,!nlcc ,111d document ,,h1ch is exchanged betu.cen the dcdc on a,'
dcdu..--te.:- UClor and any sum by way or cons1dcra110n for tnnsfc, cf Ill'; ll::r:IO\~h:
than agricultural land), proper) (IJC!Jcr
,. Rmt me:i1ts :tn) pa) ment called by any name, under 11ny lease, ,ub-l .
tt:mn"), ,,r :my other agrc~ment or arrungcment for lhc use or any ca;e_
shall deduct tax ul the umc of
• bod; 01 • payment in ca,,h or 1s-ue of cheque c,r dr.lfi Qr 11:1y OC!C 1111:thod. or
• Nnldmg: or • the credit of such ilmOum,
• Land ~ppuncnant Lo a building (including factory); or \\ h1chcvcr 1s enrhcr
• M:1ch111cry: or Important Poinb
• Plant; or , Tax mu:.t bc deducted at lit of I perceru of
• Equ1rmcn1; or (i) ,uch sum: or
• Funuture; ,,r (11) the swmp duty ~aluc of..uch propcrt)".
• Fittmgs. whichev~r I!> higher
Howc,cr. 11 is immatcnal whether such land, building, clc,, arc 011t1cd by \lo deduction shall be l!llUC "Ahcrt d:< l - '~~ fix !he =fer o(
lhc payee or not (Expla11a1to1110 Scctton 194) immovable property and the ,umr d::ly u.'tr of such propcny lcs> filh
Landing or parkttll,l free of nircrafl 1s rent ,, 1thin Expla11nrio11 (1) to s«lll"II luJ..h rup,.>e,
194-1. therefore, liable 10 TDS ( Lnrred A1rli11t's , CIT (2006) 152 TiL"lWI 156 I he pro,1sions of sL-.:Uon 20}A JulIDOC a.-vlJ. IDJpm.:llm:prcd todcda:ttn
(Del)] following th~ pro, 1,1,,n, ot tlu> >«l!Oll ,_,
,. Si,'fH'n~ ,4ccuunt: Where an) income by way of' rent m:d1tcd 10 an~ u,.:oUlll ,. agricultural land" m(an, ai;n.:ulrurul Lind m~ ool ~ bnd .. ~= o!I •
~ i:,c:Q .Ill\' m2 ,.l!h=, the
whether called ·suspense Aa:ounl"' or by any other name m the b,xll\ of rural area 1.c.. 11 rnu.-1 be !II l!I wbln lll'C:I ,.
account of the person liable to make such rent then such credmng ,hall ""·
dccmc:d to be the credit of ~uch mcome to the account of payee and pro,1>tont•I
1h11 'iccuon shall apply accordingly
di-lance. me.mired 3.:rull)
, c k.,mctm,

=the k>c:tl I lS of ID)
If) not b,:rng more lh.ill : •i:,..'il!\i :ir-J ,. di b H r->p:UD•'rl ol mon: ihan
' l ••cupt1Qn: ll.o taii ts to be deducted; mu111~1paht~ " • :111 •=Oil<' Li.\h: «
t<·n 1h,lll"11lJ l>UI 1t,'1 ,.,:roJing tbc L., ·21 I !lilts of any
(a) the aggregate 111noun1 ol rent dunng a finnncial Ycar doc,, 001 "'"" \ ,u.--im- i:::::i ( thJn
U,4 0,000. llowcvcr, v.hcn the propcny i, jointly owned by 1\\0 or lll(W: (111 not being IIIOI\' tb.ln -~~mJ•!u,:b luHI"~ " moR
111um.:1p;1fm ,-r ,-antMII" b).b;«
f1C™lM and the •hare of each co-t1wn,·r 1~ dclinnc and o-.c:i:rtainnblc th'" ilt <'IW 1,11.h t>ut Pt,11 < ' ~ 11$ l.:11 :t'. 11\'lffl 11tc lo-'11 IIIIUII or An)
lurnl of'2,40,00IJ ilwll upply to c;ich co-owner tb.ln r~bl bioroC!· -•"Uon of more than
(bJ Wbcrc rem 1s paid 10 Cmvcrmncnl or 1 11, 111 i\uthonl" ur ,111~ 111hn n•1n ·11111 m•t t>..•mg nl\'f\' 1'Jllldl1$1•~-•b.L••l'<v-
h ' '
" OSC tnc11mc 1, c~cmptcd urukr 1><:cllons IIJ{20) ,m,1 c2UAI ut lrW 1111
w• l
11\Ull1''1f'-1 II)

\lf l ~·'
_ __._. tO t~ b_,t prCC<'JIIII,\
Act. (fl(,11 t~n IJkh • ... .,,_-..W;,111 oKw•-•li .,,, ·· - iir,1 d.>, Qf
I unhcr • 1"'t'UIJll••n
• ro,,-~• "'' ,..., - ..__ ....
~ tl1lf> bJ,t' "'.. 1 -
",ore ""
r•'--•lllll ,11,
('\~n,u, uf,\h 1~ 111It(' "'" ..a)
- (I: p!Jcitl\ll\
1h~~ ,,re, 1uQ, )t:.lJ' '
C1n:ular No t,9') «utcd /anmry I, Iri<1~
fi()(l n"·,,1io11 I "'n
p. 11
► 111111K1,.ihlc rnip.:rty " mean~ ,111} land (nthc, than ugrn:ultu ml lnnd
Ill a ttirat
arc~,) 01 llll) h11ild1ng rn p;ut of.a hllllu1nµ
imlfridu u/\ (Ir llmd11 1111,livit/td
I :.4.n.11:t).\'Jr,,m /'aym,·11111/ r,·111 hy n·rtui11
1s~.-ti,1n /9,I./HI:
Any r~rson, f'<'rson, hcing an mdi, idu.11 or a I lindu undivide d fomif
cr than
those rcfcncd i., 111 th<: .,.:cm11I pro\'iso 111 :,cctmn 194-1). rc!-ponsiblc ,:,. Coih_ 1 1,,
Jl·•Y ng 8
of' a
an)· in<'•>lll<\ hy wuy of rent l'xccedin g ~ SO.OOO for a month or flan
1ou, year. shall dedui.:t rncomc-t a;,. thereon month
dunn).'. th<· pr,·,
of such rncomc Wherc PAN of the Deduct , .
rn.,· Rut,•: '5 li,e percent Cc IS not
mml.,hh. : rns ralL' i, 20•0
When tax w ht• dt•tlucte,J: It ~hall be deducted on such rncomc at thc t imc of
n:-nt. li.,r thL' last month of the prc,,ous year or thc last month of tenancy, 1r 1he propc . ~;
or at the 11 .:'
,-ac:11.:d during thc year, ,,s the case ma) be. 10 Lhe account of Lhc payee 01
or by the issue of a cheque or dran or by any other mode
paymL'nt ther..:of in cash
whichev er 1s earlier
apply 10
Pronsio11 oJ T t,\ not applicah le prm is1ons of sl!cllon 203A shall not
pcr,-on required to d..:duct tax in accordan ce \\ ith the prO\ is1ons of this section.
17.4.n.J TDS from Payme11t under the specified agreeme nt fSectio11 19./-/Cj:
any person respons1bl..: for pay mg lo a resident:
under !he
any sum by way of cons1d..:rallon. not being a considcr at1on m kind.
agn:eme nt r..:forred 10 in sub-sect ion (.5A) of secnon 45.
the 11me of
shall at the time of credit ot such sum to the account of the payee or at
of a cheque or drnft or by any other mode,
paymen t thereof in cash or by the issue
wh1ch..:vcr is earlier,
deduct an amount.
TDS Rate: 10% of such sum. Where PAI', ofth..: Deducte e 1s not a,ailable TDS
I 7.J.n. TDS from fees for professi onal or Tech11icu/ Seri-it'e.f !Section J94Jj
Any person other than an md" 1dual or llmdu Undivide d family \\ho
has toial
sales. gross receipts. or turnover of one crore rupees m case of business
or fit\)
g F111anci 3I
lakh rupees m case of the professio n during the 1mmed1a tcly precedin
Year in the 1mmedm tcly prcced111g Fmanc1al Year; and
Who makes payment s exceed.m g~ 30,000 cxclusi\' ely for personal pwposcs:
to any r..:s1dent person; and
payment must be a fee for profess1 onal/tech mcal service or royalt)
or an)
whateve r name called. 01 her 1han th("'
remuner ation or fees or comouss ,on by
011 which tax 1s deducub lc under sec1ion 192, 10 a director
ofa compan) -
shall deduct tax at the time of·
• payment in cash or issue of cheque or draft or any 01hcr method, or
• the credit of sud1 a111oun1.
whichev er is earlier.

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