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org © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 2 February 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882


Vivek J Patil, 2Kaustubh V Walunj, 3Aryan K Revankar, 4Nishit A Kusalkar, 5V.A.Upadhye
Student, 2Student, 3Student, 4Student, 5Lecturer
Department of Computer Technology,
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Jawaharlal Nehru Institute Of Technology (Poly), Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract: The Event Notifier Application is a dynamic and user-centric platform, designed to transform event
management within educational institutions, comprising three distinct sections: Admin, Organizer, and
Student, each tailored to specific roles and needs. Additionally, it introduces a Guest Login within the Student
section, providing a comprehensive graphical view of college events. The Admin Section is where
administrators control user accounts, review and publish event details from organizers, and manage their own
profile information. The Organizer Section helps event organizers by making event management and
promotion easy. It also ensures that event submissions meet quality and relevance standards by requiring
administrator approval. The Student Section offers students a user-friendly platform to access information on
upcoming college events, sending notifications and reminders to keep them informed and engaged. Guest
Login in this section allows external users to gain insights into the types and frequency of college events. In
conclusion, the Event Notifier Application aims to foster effective communication and engagement within
educational institutions, benefiting administrators, organizers, and students in managing and staying updated
with college happenings. This comprehensive platform serves as a central hub for seamless event coordination
and interaction across the campus community.

Index Terms - Seamless Event Updates,Tailored Information,College Event Details,Empowering


The Event Notifier Application is a dynamic and user-centric platform revolutionizing event management
within educational institutions through three specialized sections: Organizer, Student, and Guest. Each
section is meticulously crafted to cater to distinct roles and requirements.
The Organizer Section facilitates event organizers in seamlessly managing and promoting events, ensuring
quality and relevance by necessitating administrator approval for event submissions. The Student Section
provides students with a user-friendly platform to access information on upcoming college events, receiving
notifications and reminders for enhanced engagement. A unique Guest Section has been introduced,
allowing external users to explore and enroll in college events, fostering inclusive and community
Administrative functionalities have been streamlined into the Organizer Section, where administrators
control user accounts, review and publish event details, and manage their profiles. This revised architecture
ensures a cohesive and intuitive platform for effective communication and engagement within educational
institutions. The Guest Section serves as a bridge between external participants and college events,
providing valuable insights into the diverse range and frequency of activities organized by the institution.

IJCRT2402492 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e216 © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 2 February 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
1.Requirements Analysis:
Define and analyze the specific requirements of the Event Notifier Application through
surveys,interviews & literature review.
Identify key features for each user type (Guest, Organizer, Student) and functionalities for event

2.System Design:
Develop a comprehensive system design that includes database schema, user interface wireframes, and
system architecture.
Choose appropriate technologies and frameworks for efficient implementation.

3.User Authentication and Authorization:

Implement secure authentication mechanisms for each user type,ensuring data privacy and access control.
Employ encryption and secure protocols to safeguard user credentials.

4.Database Implementation:
Set up a robust database structure to store user profiles, event details, and enrollment information.
Optimize database queries for efficient retrieval of information.

In the contemporary educational landscape, the conventional practice of keeping records of events in written
format has become increasingly challenging. This conventional approach not only presents logistical
hurdles but also exposes educational institutions to potential security risks associated with data loss on
paperwork. The dissatisfaction among students and teachers with the existing event management systems
underscores the pressing need for a more efficient and user-friendly solution. Additionally, the traditional
method of spreading event-related information by sticking photos on walls incurs unnecessary costs and
lacks sustainability. Furthermore, the existing systems' time-consuming processes for spreading event
information exacerbate the challenge of maintaining an engaged and informed campus community.
The amalgamation of these issues highlights the critical need for an innovative and comprehensive event
management solution. The Event Notifier Application aims to transcend these challenges by introducing a
digitized and secure platform that not only mitigates data loss concerns but also addresses the dissatisfaction
among users. By offering an efficient and cost-effective alternative to the traditional practice of spreading
event- related information, the application strives to revolutionize event management within educational
institutions. The incorporation of specialized sections for administrators, organizers, students, and external
participants ensures a tailored and inclusive approach, ultimately fostering effective communication and
community engagement.


 Streamlined Event Coordination: Simplify event planning, submission, and approval processes for
organizers. Enhance
workflow efficiency through an intuitive user interface.
 Effective Communication: Establish robust communication channels among administrators,
organizers, and students.
Implement notifications for timely event updates and important announcements.
 Enhanced Administrative Control: Consolidate administrative functions in the Organizer Section.
Introduce security
measures to safeguard data integrity and confidentiality.
 Inclusive Participation: Create a dedicated Guest Section to encourage external participation. Enable
easy exploration,
enrollment, and contribution by external users.
 Cost-Efficient Information Dissemination: Replace traditional methods with a digital platform for

IJCRT2402492 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e217 © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 2 February 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882
information sharing. Develop features for efficient event detail sharing, reducing manual efforts.
 Improved User Satisfaction: Address dissatisfaction with existing systems through a user-centric
approach. Continuously
gather feedback for enhancements.
 Timely Event Information Spread: Implement features for rapid and widespread event information
dissemination. Ensure
timely notifications to increase participation.
 Digitized Record Keeping: Eliminate challenges of maintaining written records with a digital
repository. Improve
record-keeping efficiency for accessibility and accuracy.


The motivation behind the conception of the Event Notifier Application project stems from a deep recognition
of the inefficiencies inherent in traditional event management systems within educational institutions. Manual
coordination, reliance on paperwork, and disparate communication channels have led to a fragmented and
time-consuming process that hampers the seamless execution of events. Notably, communication gaps
between administrators, organizers, and students have hindered the timely dissemination of crucial event
information, resulting in decreased participation and engagement. The palpable dissatisfaction among
students and teachers with current event management systems underscores the need for a more user-friendly
and responsive solution, one that addresses their concerns and contributes to a positive campus experience.
Furthermore, the motivation extends to mitigating exorbitant costs associated with traditional methods of
spreading event-related information, such as physically sticking photos on walls. The application envisions a
digital alternative that not only proves cost- efficient but also aligns with modern sustainability considerations.
Recognizing the importance of community inclusivity, the project introduces a Guest Section to actively
engage external participants in the diverse array of events organized by the institution. Additionally, the risks
associated with data security and the challenges of maintaining event records in written format prompt the
need for a secure and digitized solution. The application aims to provide a reliable repository for streamlined
and secure record-keeping.
The desire for timely information dissemination also plays a pivotal role in motivating this project. The
existing lag in spreading event information inhibits timely participation, and the project envisions features
that enable rapid and widespread dissemination of event details to ensure stakeholders are promptly informed.
At its core, the motivation for the Event Notifier Application is to create a connected campus community,
where event coordination is seamless, communication is efficient, and every stakeholder feels engaged and
valued. Through innovative solutions, enhanced communication channels, and inclusivity, the project aspires
to contribute to a vibrant and connected educational ecosystem.


The current landscape of event management within educational institutions relies on a variety of tools and
methods, but these often lack the cohesion and efficiency needed for seamless coordination. Traditional
systems typically involve manual processes, physical paperwork, and a combination of disjointed
communication channels. The coordination of events typically starts with organizers manually planning and
submitting event details, often involving paperwork and physical forms.
Communication between administrators, organizers, and students typically occurs through a mix of email,
notice boards, and announcements, leading to potential gaps and delays in disseminating crucial information.
External participants may have limited visibility into upcoming events, with information often confined to
physical notices or word of mouth. The record-keeping aspect often involves maintaining written records,
which can be cumbersome, prone to errors, and pose security risks. This method not only consumes time but
also presents challenges in terms of accessibility and data integrity.
The dissemination of event-related information to a broader audience often involves physical means, such as
posting flyers, sticking photos on walls, or relying on traditional notice boards. These methods can be costly,
environmentally unfriendly, and time- consuming, leading to delays in spreading event details.

IJCRT2402492 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e218 © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 2 February 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882


Organizer Section: At the heart of the system is the Organizer Section, empowering event coordinators with
a seamless platform for planning, submitting, and managing events. This section simplifies the event
coordination workflow, ensuring a user-friendly interface that facilitates efficient event promotion,
submission, and approval processes. Administrative controls are consolidated here, providing administrators
with centralized oversight over user accounts, event details, and profile management.

Student Section: The Student Section caters to the needs of students, offering an intuitive platform for
accessing information on upcoming college events. Through this section, students receive timely notifications
and reminders, enhancing their engagement and participation in campus activities. The platform prioritizes
user-friendly features, making it easy for students to stay informed about events that align with their interests.

Guest Section: A unique addition to the system, the Guest Section extends the platform's inclusivity by
providing external users with the ability to explore, enroll, and actively participate in college events. This
section bridges the gap between the institution
and the wider community, fostering a sense of community engagement and collaboration.

IJCRT2402492 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) e219 © 2024 IJCRT | Volume 12, Issue 2 February 2024 | ISSN: 2320-2882


The Event Notifier Application stands as a robust and versatile platform adeptly addressing the multifaceted
needs of guests, organizers, and students within the college community. The delineation into three distinct
login sections ensures a user-friendly experience, fostering seamless interaction with event-related information.
Organizers benefit from an efficient channel to communicate event details, students stay abreast of upcoming
activities, and guests not only access information but also actively engage by enrolling in events.

The successful implementation of this application as part of the final year project underscores its potential to
revolutionize the overall event management process within educational institutions. By facilitating
collaboration among different user groups, the application not only streamlines communication but also
nurtures a sense of community engagement and active participation. The Event Notifier Application stands as
a testament to the power of technology in enhancing the collective experience within educational communities,
paving the way for more inclusive and interactive event management systems in the future.


1.Enhanced User Features: Incorporate additional features and customization options for organizers, allowing
them to streamline event planning, manage participants, and gather feedback.

2.Integration with Social Platforms: Explore integration with popular social media platforms to expand the
reach and visibility of college events, fostering a broader community involvement.

3.Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system for both organizers and participants to continually
improve the user experience and the quality of events.

4.Mobile Application Development: Extend the application to mobile platforms to provide users with on-the-
go access, ensuring real-time updates and increased convenience.


The authors express profound gratitude to Professor V.A.Upadhye for his unwavering support and invaluable
guidance, which played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of our research and enhancing our
comprehension of the subject matter.

In addition, sincere appreciation is extended to Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology
in Pune, India. The steadfast support, conducive research environment, and abundant resources provided by
the institute were instrumental in facilitating the successful execution of our research project. This collaborative
and enriching academic experience was made possible by the institution's commitment to fostering excellence
in research and education.



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