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The paper

Old English Literature

This paper is composedto meet the task of courseEnglish for literature and

Lecturers of PEngampuh:Dr.Abdul HarisSunubi, S.s,M.pd


Reynandi Salniawan (2020203888203027)

Muh. Galih Tahira (19.1300.092)

English Education Study Program

Faculty of Tarbiyah
Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN)



Praise thanksgivingpresenceAllah SWT has given his grace and Hiday so I

can complete the task of the paper titledOld English LiteratureIt's just in time. The
purpose of writing from this paper is to meet the duty of the lecturer onEnglish
course for literature and culture. In addition, this paper also aims to increase
insights aboutEnglish literatureFor readers and also for the author.
I thank you tofatherDr.Abdul HarisSunubi, S.s,M.pd, asLecturer of the
courseEnglish for literature and culturewhich has given this task so that it can
increase knowledge and insights according to the field of study I am pitched. I
also thank all parties who have split some of his knowledge so I can solve this
I realize, the paper I wrote is still far from the perfect word. Therefore, the
criticism and suggestions are buildingwill beI am looking forward to the
perfection of this paper.

Pinrang, September 262222

The author,

Reynandi Salniawan
NIM. 2020203888203027

Table of contents

Chapter I...................................................................................................................1
A. Background problem.................................................................................1
B. The formulation of the problem................................................................1
C. Purpose......................................................................................................1
Chapter 2..................................................................................................................2
A. History of Old English Literature..............................................................2
1. The social background of the ancient British society...................................2
2. The relationship between peopleCelticand Iberia.........................................2
3. The entry of the Anglo-Saxon tribe toBritain...............................................3
B. Features of the ancient British literary works...........................................5
1. Prose..............................................................................................................5
2. Poetry............................................................................................................7
C. Tokoh-FiguresAncient English literature..................................................8
1. King Alfred...................................................................................................9
2. Aldhelm (650-709)........................................................................................9
3. Venerable Bede (672-735)..........................................................................10
4. Alcuin (730-804).........................................................................................11
D. Examples of literary worksEnglishAncient.............................................11
Chapter 3................................................................................................................14

Chapter I

A. Background problem
The origin of ancient British (Old English) from the arrival of three nation's
housesGermanywho invaded or colonized the British in the 5th century after the J.
The German nation to the North Sea is now called Denmark and Germanythe
North. At that time the pendersUju Uki stilltalk using languageCheltin.Butmost of
the language speakersCheltinit is actually forcedthe sameThe invaders of the West
and East region, which is now known to Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. They were
then called "Englisc", Which is originally from the word" england "and English.
[1]In an old-fashioned English (Old English) in the history and literary of England
experienced several stages of development due to the invasi and other tribes.
Basically this paperwill beDivered on the reader in understanding the
history, culture, figures, traits of literary works and some examples of literary
works in ancient English (Old English). Furthermore, at the end of this paper is
expected to understand the points.
B. The formulation ofThe problem
1. How the British history starts from the tribeCelticUntil the entry of Anglo-
2. Anyone literary figures in an ancient English period?
3. WhatJust the tray of literary works of ancient English period?
4. WhatOnly examples of literary works of ancient English period?

C. Purpose
1. To know the British history from the tribeCelticuntil the entry of Anglo-
2. To know who the literary figures in ancient British period
3. To know the characteristics of the literary works of ancient English period
4. To know the literary works of ancient English period

Chapter 2

A. History of Old English Literature

1. The social background of the ancient British society
An ancient English period (Old English) In English history and literature
experienced several stages of development due to the invalure or invasion of other
tribal. At first the islandsBritainOnly in the same given in the racers, but the
dominant is the Ha Ha Hailed. Maybe the British still has the blood of Iberia is the
scottish and Welsh.
The Iberians beyond various levels of civilization, from the time of rock to
metal times, from the level of life hunting to the targeted level of planting. The
relics of civilization of famous Iberians among othersMaiden CastleA settlement
that is robble, andStonehengeThe large stone is expected where the worship is.
These advances are estimated because the results of direct and indirect
relationships with people who have higher civilization (merchant merchant
merchant) in 2500 BC.
But in the 7th century BC to 3 BC came the burning invasion of the tribes of
the nationCelticAslama is the tribe of the business. Originally inhabited Germany
northwest and the Netherlands, then exploring to all over Europe. Part of the
tribes of the United States finally settled in France, Italy, Spain and Balkan
countries and others crossed the oceans and invaded the islandsBritainCorrugated.
2. The relationship between peopleCelticand Iberia
PeopleCelticwho invaded the islandsBritainIt generally has a bigger form of
body than the Iberian people and the color of his hair is younger. Relationships
between peopleCelticand the Iberians in the islandsBritainIn the beginning is the
relationship between the invaders and colonized, but then their culture mixed.
Cultural elementsThe dominant Iberia is in Wales, Cornwall, Ireland and Scottish
PeopleCelticlive from tangling, breach, hunting and looking for fish, and
they live in small mentioned maid-maidtrevswhich consists of a number of

families. PeopleCelticstill embrace the flow of religionpaganism; they believewill
betherohrohwhich inhabit the hills, caves, water sources and other objects. They
also have a casty of the pastor calledDruids. The priesters are in power to
determine the field of education, justice, and punish someone
withpengusirannyafrom the tribal group.
Because of the peopleCelticin England ever helped tribesCelticwho settled
in France as Rome held a barrier to France, in 55 and 54 BC of the Roman
soldiers invaded England. One of the goals is to be the tribesCelticIn Gaul
(France) now acknowledge the lead of the Rome of Army. Thus the Romanswill
bemore easily subdue peopleCelticIn Gaul and finally with the slang people will
be subdued and in addition to the Gaul people will absorb Latin culture.
In the first United Kingdom was not yet mastered because the Rail of the
Roman soldiers were immediately drawn back, but on the next rare (43) as the
Roman army conquered most of the UK, only tribesCelticwho inhabit Wales and
Scotland who was difficult to be subdued. Rome relics during power in the UK
includeHadrian Wall,A defense wall built along the northern British border in
12th of the Jue; construction of highway networks connecting the
systemlinetheeach ofWaked regular soldiers. This system is often
calledPaxRomana.PaxRomanavery beneficial because the civilization of Rome
can persist to the people's livesCelticIn the UK. One of the most important
influence of the Roman civilization is the entry of Christianity in the 4th century.
3. The entry of the Anglo-Saxon tribe toBritain
At the beginning of the 5th century the Roman army was drawn entirely
from the UK because the state in the center of the Roman government has been
declined and wobbing.The decline is caused by various economic and political
problems, as well as due to tribal attacksGermanikwhich is increasingly gentra.
PeopleCelticFrom the Briton tribe who has absorbed the Roman culture was
abandoned. In the time of the void of the power, came the
invasionbesarbesaranthe tribesGermanikFrom mainland Europe and destroyed the
existing Roman Chats' sistance.

PeopleGermanikwhich consists of the tribes of Jute, Angle, and Saxon
better known asnamethe tribesAnglo Saxon.Tribe of jutemulamulacomes from
Jutland in the northern Denmark, but partly then moved toFrisian, the northern
and regional German coast. While the Angle and Saxon tribes are from some of
the denmark areas of Denmark and North Germany around the estuary of the Elbe
River. Although the Anglo-Saxon tribes havenameWhat differently have culture,
including its almost the same language. They worship the godsthe same, among
others, Thor andWoden. They also have a greeting literaturethe same, for example
about the hero storyBeowulfwhich the story is entirely onScandinavian. This oral
literation is only hundreds of years later written by therokhaniwanChristians.
The anglo-saxons are like the tribesGermanikOthers are mostly farming,
fishermen or pirates. The main purpose of the invalure to England is to seek fertile
farming lands. Their arrival is divided into two waves. The first wave was carried
out by armed groups which was the pioneer and the second wave was carried out
by farmers and his family who came to settle.
Because the Anglo-Saxon tribes are still classifiedberperadabanlow, they are
reluctant to live in cities and prefer to live ingubukgubukWood in the village. At
the time of the rangers of the peopleAnglosaxonMany rome relic buildings were
destroyed and partly destroyed because it was not preserved. In the 6th century the
invalies of the Anglo-Saxon tribes to Britain subsided and arranged these groups
later became the so-called roylesThe Anglo-SaxonHeptarchy,which means seven
kingdoms. The names of the kingdom is among othersNorthumbia, Mercia, East
Anglia, Kent, Essex, Sussex, andWessex.
In an ancient British period of spread of Christianity has an effective
influence in the development of English literature and culture. Christianity enters
among the Anglo-Saxonites towards the end of the 6th century of two major
departments, from the south and from the north. The spread of Christianity from
the southern migrant begins with landingSt. AugustineFrom Rome with its 46
followers in the Kent, South England, 597. In the Kent areaSt. Augustineset
upthrone ofThe Great Diocese in Canterbury as a Christian Religious Center in
Anglo-Saxon and the Parade Better Christianity to all over the country.

While the north of the spread of Christianity began from West Scotland and
then went intoNorthumbriaIn 635 through a missionary named Aidan. Thanks to
the spread of Christianity in the UK by the Church, religious science
orsecularFast-rapidly onNorthumbria. In the Kingdom there is a scientist named
Bede (673 - 735). Bede is known as the British history father
becausesheAuthorities The history of the British, written in Latin and who tells
the history of the spread of Christianity throughout the UK. In addition to science,
literary and art also develops due to the influence of the church. The Anglo-
Saxon's literally-just as the oral-shaped began to be written by therokhaniwan.
Literary works and new writings in native languages are beginning to be
generated thanks to the influence of the church.
B. Features of the ancient British literary works
Ancient British literature is also known asnameliteratureThe Anglo-
Saxonbecause the literature was brought by tribesgermanikfrom his home country
in mainland Europe.[2]BesidesThe Anglo-Saxon literary works can be stored in
the form of writing thanks to Christian monks collecting and writing the results of
the literature. The ancient British literature is divided into two groups of proses
and poetry.

1. Prose
The proning of English prion begins bycodethe law of the kingAethelberhtI
from Kent, written in a few years arrival in England (597) stAugustinefrom
Canterbury. Furthermore, the prose in the 7th centuryyears oldand 8thyears oldCentury,
more emphasizing practical aspects of character. According to Cuthbert a monk
atJarrow, Bede at the time he was just finishedmenterjemahkaninjilfromSt. John,
though this is not sustainable.[3]Two medical channels, herbarium
andMedicinadequadrupedibus, it is very likely to come from the 8th century.

The initialTranslationsinto English the earliest English-sustained prose of

the late 9th century, when the King Alfred wants to improve the ability to learn
languageInggris.alfredHeavors translate The Pastoral St. Gregory I The Great,

The Consolation of Philosophy of Boethius, The Soliloquies SantoAugustineFrom
Hippo, and thetheFirst 50 psalms.[4]

The Prosa's Literary Work by the mid to the late 10th century was
associated with the Benedictine Reform, a movement to uphold order and
discipline in the monastery who was considered to grow weak.[5]The largest and
most productive author of this period is his Aelfric student, a monk atCerneand
then the head of the monasteryEynsham, whose works include three cycles of 40
permission of each (Catholic homilies, 2 vol., and the life of the saints), as well as
the homili not in this cycle; Latin grammar; a treatise at the time and history of
nature; pastoral letter; and sometranslationLatin is included with ancient English
version by anonymous glossarist, giving a glimpsefasci-natingto Anglo-Saxon

Aelfric writes with fancy stains and beauty, using the devicerhetoricalLatin
literature is very often without the pride. In addition,Wulfstan, The Archbishop of
York, writes legal code, both civilians and churches, and a number of homily,
including Anglo advertisingSermoLupi ("addressWulfFor the UK "), a malignant
malnicitation of time. To judge from the number of existing scripts, he and Aelfric
are very popular.
ByrhtferthFrom Ramsey wrote some of the Latin and the echiridion works, the
textbook on the calendar is known forstyledecoration. Anonymous works, some
very high quality, produced in this period, including homily, the lives of saints,
dialogue, and translations of works like the gospel.

2. Poetry
Almost all the ancient British poetry was written in one meter, four stress
with syntax, or the spark between the second and third pressure, and with the
aliteracy that connected both parts of the line. This pattern is sometimesvariedwith
a six-stress line. Poetry is a formulation that describes a set of shares of phrase
and pattern of sentences, applying standard nicknames for various class
characters, and describes scenes with such repeated images as eagles and wolves,
waiting for battle to party caedes, and ice and snow, which appears in the

landscape for sorrow signals. In the best poem of the formula, far from boring,
giving the strong impression of cultural wealth that can be depicted by a
poet.devicethe standardOther poetry is Kenning, the name of the tiga for it, is
usually stated in a compound noun (eg, the goose-path used for the name of the
sea); And variations, repeating from one idea in different words, with each
repetition add a new level of meaning. That this technical technique changed
slightly for 400 years of literary production show conservatismextremeAnglo-
Saxon culture.[7]
More than half the Anglo-Saxon poetry is a religious poem. Most of these
poems are translations and unconscriptions of the Old Testament books and the
new, the story of the saints, and the most important rhymes come from the
regionsNorthumbriaand Mercia and was created in the 7th and 8th century.
The fuel of the ancient British poetry is different in the old American poetry
has the following features.
a. The matra unit consists of one line, which still contains four hard
pressurized syllables, and the number of unsecessary errors.
b. Each line is divided into two parts, each part with two hard
c. Two or three tribe of the pressurized on each line begins with the
same consonant sound, niteracy
d. Poetry poemBritainAncient usually does not have a rima.

Most of the ancient British poetry are maintained in the four scripts from
the end of the 11th and 10th and initial century. The Beowulf Maniscripts (British
libraries) contain beowulf, judith, and three prose channels; Exeter Book (Exeter
Cathedral) is a meeting of various lyrics, puzzles, poetic accomplishments, and
religious narratives; theJuniusManuscripts (Bodleian Library, Oxford) are also
called Caedmon Manuscripts.

Beowulf is one of the literary works in ancient British that tells the battle
of beowulf, a prince fromGeats(A tribe in the area now south of Sweden), against
the Grendel Monsters, the Grendel's mother, and the dragon breathefire. A set of

records of the activity contains some of the best sandstairs of the best roof in the
language, and, by setting out tremendous stories with historical backgrounds
where victory is always temporary and disputes are always updated, poets provide
a whole sorrow. Beowulf is also one of the best religious poems, not just because
of the Christian explicit verses, but also because the terrible enemy of beowulf is
described as the enemy of God and Beowulf himself as the champion of
God.narrativeOther separate heroics. The Battle ofFinnsburhandWaldereJust
enough to show that, when the whole, they are definitely quick and stirring. Some
poems dealing with the English and pre-presented history in Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle, the most important is "The Battle ofBrunanburh, "a praise on the
chance of the Atmel's King's victory over the Viking and Scotland coalition at
937. The best historical poetry is not from Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.The
battleMaldon, which describesDefeat fromAldormanByrhtnothAnd many of his
troops in the hands of Viking invaders in 991, finding a defeat of opportunity to
celebrate heroic, contrasting of many of thesesByrhtnothTo reply to his death or
die in an effort with the coward of attitudes from the other who left the field.

C. Tokoh-FiguresAncient English literature

In the development of ancient British literature, there are many figures who
become a bridge of literary workforce in that time. But, there isSome figures that
are also found well known for his works there is an ancient English.

1. King Alfred
King Alfred is a famous king on his sensiti because he is the first rock-
cutting prime English and then forwarded by Aelfric and Wulfstan. He is a
pioneer of the translation of their works from Latin to the 9th Diabad. At this
time, King Alfred ruled West Saxon between 871 and 906. This translation
process aims to restore the culture of the British nation who is destroyed by
attacks that are inequalized by the Scandinavian. The first book translated
is"Pastoral Care"Pope Gregory's work. Then King Alfred
translates"Ecolesiraltical history of English"Bede.

King Alfred also asked to record the important events that happened and
this record was forwarded to 200 years after the King Alfred died. This note is
called"Anglo-saxons chronicle"the initial prose of the British. Then the literary
works"Universal history and geography"the work of Orosius and"Consolation of
philosophy"Kooksi's goal.

2. Aldhelm (650-709)
He is a Bachelor of Canterbury School graduates. As well as in history, he is
a disciple of Abbot Haderian who is a priest of Africa. Then also regret to
Theodore which is a Greek pastor. In addition to writing prose, Aldhelm is also
known as a poet and knows the popular classic latin poets as the Scriptures. In his
writings both prose and poetry. In writing the law of his literary, Aldhelm many
use a tigulate language such as how to, howables, alligation, and so on.

For example, The Golden Necklace of Virtues, The White Jewels of Merit,
Purple Flowers of Modesty, The Swanlike Whiteness of Old Age, The Opening Of
The Gate of Dumb Silence, The Shining Lamps of Chastity in Which The Oil Of
OfModesty Burns.

The above examples are a metaphor language becauseAldhelm

Comparing two different things or ideas: Necklace (Necklace)
Compared to virtue, virtual (jewel) with goodness
(Merit), purple flowers with paptrunces (modesty), color
White swans (swan) with old age (Old Age), and so on.

3. Venerable Bede (672-735)

Bede is a pricing writer that is from Northumbria. Bede is a great
Christianologist and the historical historian in his day, who has Angle Blood.
However, Bede was raised in Wearmouth Abbey and then spent his teenage in the
Jarrow Abbey. Bede is known to learn a lot of European culture inheritance. He is
a person who has an interest in knowledge of diverse.

In the case of literary works, there is a major work that is a matter of a
mention of the spell, chronic science of the century Christian written based on
astronomical studies, martyrology, the history of the church guardian in
Wearwouth and Jarrow, the history of Sainth Cuthbert, and the Ecclesiastical
History of Angles.

Then, Bede also has the interesting works of history and biography. In terms
of writing, conception and style of writing bede is impersonal, clear, and simple
and very prominent is the level of intelligence.

The best bede works on his day isEcclesiastical History,Where this book
discusses the conversion issue (religious displacement) and power competition
between Rome and Ireland that is ultimately won by the Roman Church. In his
writing, this book uses a religious point of view of the conscience of Julius Cesar
and in 731 which is the year of the death of the bede.

4. Alcuin (730-804)
He is a prosa that comes from the Northumbria and grew up in York. Alcuin
left his country when ancient civilization of the angle will be extinct because of
the race of the Danish (Denmark) people who adore the monasteries and the
centers of the study.

Most of the alcuin works are addressed toCharlemagne

(Charles The Great), with the name of David or compares
Charlemagne with Homer, and himself with the name of the piousFlaceus

The works of alcuinmany discussaboutgramatics, rhetoric, dialectic,And

other works of dialogue or catechism (teaching or testing with many questions).
Sometimes the dialogue occurs between the Saxon Youth and the student of
Frank's young man, and between Alcuin and Charlemagne, or between Alcuin and
Pepin, the son of the Emperor. Often the forms of the question are very similar to
the peduction (a riddles), a very strong evidence of angle-saxon tribe, and the
answers are almost always in the form of paraphrase or metaphor.

D. Examples of literary worksEnglishAncient
Beowulf is a herocenturyMid is the story is known to be a long poetry. This
poem is used as the national poem in the United States to preserve the herd of
culture. In the UK, this poem is also required to read the school students.
Beowulf poem tells the life of a hero of the herogence since he was younger
untilkematianyaThe heroic. Although written in ancient English, the setting of the
place isareaScandinavian, around Switzerland and Denmark. The writer's text of
the poem in this form of manuscript is hymas now unknown.ButThe first owner of
the Beowulf's man's baitulf is a writer of named LaurenceNowellwho lived in the
16th century.
Although referred to as the original manuscript,butmany of the mention that
calls if the script is not reallyasli.naskahFirstly it was mostly destroyed because
the firefife had the cotton library in Ashburnham House in 1731. A translation
was also made by Icelandic nation namedGrimurJonssonThorkelin, in 1786, and
was published in 1815 on the Denmark government support.
HEARYOUNTHY BEAUNFLY is believed toterjaidaround the century 675
m. While the first manuscript was written around the 1000 m's century
fromHistory perspectiveThis story is believed to be derived from generation to
generationberiktnyaOrally by the prayers and the poets. Therefore some alteration
in his story is not measured.
The first changetheIt is believed to happen, began to do when the priest
wrote the Beowulf's story with the divorial of the idiom of the religion.
Nevertheless, the red thread of his story is awake and preserved by anyone who
wrote back it.
The language of the poemusing thealloyWestSaxonAnd the Anglian dialect
from ancient English like most other poems from the decade. Lengthpusisthis
certainly is very inviting the sense of curious people about the contentsin it. Not to
mention the fact that mentioned that although the poem in the form of the poem,
fill inin itthe sameOnce have no Rhyme and not titled at first.

For more than a hundredyear, the studyabout beewulf poeters are more
emphasized on learning about the history of the Germans and the
learningnahasapast. But in 1963, the authorynagwe know the
workmonumentalnyaThe Lord of the Rings,J.r.r.tolkien, change the point of view
of the poem learningmenajdimore on the sideliteraturesince he published a book
entitledBeowulf:The Monster and the Critics. Tolkien even recognized if the
novel Tlor's work, was much influenced by the story in the beowulf poetry.
As the only heroic poetrythe timethe nation of the nationthe Anglo-
SaxonWhat remains, beowulf poetry is namedas aOne of the valuable heritage of
the nation's legal. An excess of ancient site in 1939Then find evidence that
reinforces the beeoul's legend. Remnants of carcasses, swords, helmets, shields,
harp and other luxury items found on sites believedas aa place of a

Chapter 3

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