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Name:Angileka V.



Direction: Answer the following questions. Each question consist of 20 points.

1. What are the legal bases of multigrade program in the Philippines?

-The legal basis of the multigrade program in the philippines is primarily

anchored on the country’s education laws and policies, particulary those that
recognize the need to provide quality educational to all learners, including
those in remote and underserved areas are The Philippine Constitution, Republic
Act No. 9155(Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001), DepEd Order
No.56,s.2011 (implementing Guidelines on the operation and Management of
Multigrade Classes), DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2019 (Guidelines on the Grant of
Performance- Based Bonus to the Department of Education Employees and
Officials for Fiscal Year 2018).

2. What are the different philosophies and principles of multigrade


- Flexibility: Multigrade teaching requires a flexible approach

to instruction and assessment that is responsive to the
unique needs and abilities of individual students.
Collaboration: Multigrade teaching requires strong
collaboration between teachers, students and

II. Select 3 phrases or keywords that are listed in the box. Briefly explain each in
the context of multigrade teaching. (20 points)

Remote communities Cooperative Learning Geographic location

Equitable access to education Differentiated Instruction Peer tutoring

Constructivist Approach Social and Economic Constraint

Right to quality Education

Right to quality Education-The right to quality education is a fundamental

human right recognized by various international agreements, including
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the
Rights of the Child. It encompasses several key principles and
components.Overall, the right to quality education is essential for
promoting individual empowerment, social inclusion, economic
development, and global peace and stability. It is a fundamental building
block for achieving sustainable development and realizing the full
potential of every individual and society as a whole

Peer tutoring- is a teaching strategy where students help and support

each other's learning under the guidance of a teacher or facilitator. In
peer tutoring, a student who has mastered a particular skill or concept
(the "tutor") assists another student who is struggling with the same skill or
concept (the "tutee)All things considered, peer tutoring is a successful
teaching method that raises student engagement, encourages
academic success, and creates a welcoming and friendly learning
atmosphere. It gives students the confidence to take charge of their
education and helps them acquire critical intellectual and social skills that
are useful both inside and outside of the classroom.

Cooperative learning - is an instructional approach where students work

together in small groups to achieve shared learning goals. Unlike
traditional competitive or individualistic learning methods, cooperative
learning emphasizes collaboration, communication, and mutual support
among group members Cooperative learning is a very successful
teaching strategy that fosters critical thinking, social and emotional
growth, and student participation. Students can achieve greater
academic accomplishment, improved retention, and deeper knowledge
by collaborating in groups.

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