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Stutation 1 ( chọn đáp án, giải thích, sao,lợi ích)

- I have a question, How do you learn English (e.g. learning English on a website or app or Register to
study English abroad from 6 to 12 months.or what else idea) - I also agree with this opinion.

-> My personal opinion is to take an English course at a prestigious English center in the country
because it is convenient to travel and suitable for me.

My opinion is to choose to take up English courses at prestigious English centers in the country.
Because I didn't learn English well, especially in the listening and speaking parts. when
recommended by friends to learn English at centers.

Centers often have teachers with extensive experience and specialized training in English teaching.
They can support and guide me, help me understand grammar and communication, and correct my

Studying at the center provides opportunities to interact with classmates, so you can exchange
knowledge, practice communication skills, and build relationships within the learning community.

I went to study English in the country which made it convenient for me to go to the center and go to
study at the university.

Cost: Short-term courses abroad can be expensive, including tuition, accommodation, and living
expenses. So I think I don't have enough money to go abroad. It can take time to adapt to a new
environment, culture and language, which may affect your initial studies.

Time commitment: Committing to living abroad for 6-12 months requires a significant time
commitment, which may not be feasible for everyone.

Buy courses from popular English learning websites or apps:

-Limited interaction: Online courses may lack opportunities for real-time interaction with teachers
and classmates, which can slow listening and speaking skills.

-Requires autonomy: Independent learning requires self-control and perseverance, but this is difficult
to learn on your own

Not all online courses are created equal, so it's important to research and choose reputable

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