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Ferensay Legasion

To : Ethiopian Gospel Believers' Churches Council

Ref: Request for Allowance to Organize a Bible Reading Contest

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you on behalf
of Mr.Beniyam Amsalu with a humble request to seek your support and allowance for
organizing a Bible Reading Contest within our church community.

The proposed Bible Reading Contest aims to encourage and foster a deeper
engagement with the Word of God among our members. By promoting active
participation and enthusiasm for studying the Scriptures, I hope to strengthen our
congregation's spiritual growth and understanding of God's teachings.

I kindly request the Church Council's careful consideration of our proposal and urge
you to grant us the necessary allowance to proceed with the organization of the Bible
Reading Contest. I am open to discussing any concerns, suggestions, or modifications
you may have and are committed to working together to make this event a meaningful
and enriching experience for our church community.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I eagerly await your favorable
response and look forward to your continued guidance and support.

May God's blessings be abundant upon the Church Council and the entire

Beniyam Amsalu
August th, 2023

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