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Abila, Nathalie Ashley M.

In a famous commercial of my favorite ice cream Cornetto, they always say they’re famous tagline “where
can your 20 pesos take you?” For me, a simple 20 pesos can take me to achieve my dreams and goals in life.

As a child, I was full of dreams. Dream of graduating, dream of helping my family and a dream became a
successful person one day. Now that I’m older, I haven’t lost my childhood dreams instead it grew more and
more as if cement was being added layer by layer to create a big and beautiful house. But how can I achieve
my dreams if I personally do not have the self-confidence to reach them? I know for a fact that the only
standing in my way to reach them is me and the only solution for that is to improve myself.

Let me take you to my journey where I overcame my weaknesses. When I was just a first year, I was just a
shy kid back then and had no intention of being known or improve myself. I can still remember what I said
myself back then that “it’s okay. It’s just your first year. There’s still second, third, fourth and senior high.
just improve there”. However, that plan went downhill because of the disasters that happened to us back
With the eruption of the Taal Volcano to the COVID-19 which led us to be quarantined for years, it ruined
the plan that I made for myself.

When quarantine was lifted and the start of face to face classes was announced, I felt nervous. Imagine,
locked in your house for like almost 2 years where you’re only talking to your family then suddenly you
to socialize with a lot of people. That thought kind of scared me. The first day was hard, harder than I
it would be since all of my classmates already know each other and have their own friend groups but little by
little I was able to get out of my shell to get to know them and along the way I got to finally improve myself
in my last year of being a junior high student.

Now that I’m a senior student, I plan to follow the footsteps of my family who all graduated with a business
course. I know sooner or later I will enter the world of business where you’re speaking skills are necessary
and important. As an introvert person, it is hard but just like what other people say “just take baby steps
I can say that I have improved because now I can do the things that I never thought I could do before.
So to my fellow introvert people, take this as a sign to come out of your shells and face your fears. I will
a saying that “no man is an island” to always remember that you can always ask someone’s help since I
seek my friends help whenever I have problems. And just like what Mrs. Susan Roces said to us, “don’t be
shy to ask”. My name is Nathalie Ashley M. Abila, a proud student of Bauan Technical Integrated High
from ABM V hoping that you have learned something that you may apply to your life now or maybe in the
future. Thank you for staying with me until the end. I will cheer for you guys. Padayon everyone!

In a famous commercial of my favorite ice cream Cornetto, they always say they’re famous tagline “where
can your 20 pesos take you?” For me, a simple 20 pesos can take me to achieve my dreams and goals in life.

As a child, I was full of dreams. Dream of graduating, dream of helping my family and a dream became a
successful person one day. Now that I’m older, I haven’t lost my childhood dreams instead it grew more and
more as if cement was being added layer by layer to create a big and beautiful house. But how can I achieve
my dreams if I personally do not have the self-confidence to reach them? I know for a fact that the only
standing in my way to reach them is me and the only solution for that is to improve myself.

Let me take you to my journey where I overcame my weaknesses. When I was just a first year, I was just a
shy kid back then and had no intention of being known or improve myself. I can still remember what I said
myself back then that “it’s okay. It’s just your first year. There’s still second, third, fourth and senior high.
just improve there”. However, that plan went downhill because of the disasters that happened to us back
With the eruption of the Taal Volcano to the COVID-19 which led us to be quarantined for years, it ruined
the plan that I made for myself.

When quarantine was lifted and the start of face to face classes was announced, I felt nervous. Imagine,
locked in your house for like almost 2 years where you’re only talking to your family then suddenly you
to socialize with a lot of people. That thought kind of scared me. The first day was hard, harder than I
it would be since all of my classmates already know each other and have their own friend groups but little by
little I was able to get out of my shell to get to know them and along the way I got to finally improve myself
in my last year of being a junior high student.
Now that I’m a senior student, I plan to follow the footsteps of my family who all graduated with a business
course. I know sooner or later I will enter the world of business where you’re speaking skills are necessary
and important. As an introvert person, it is hard but just like what other people say “just take baby steps
I can say that I have improved because now I can do the things that I never thought I could do before.

So to my fellow introvert people, take this as a sign to come out of your shells and face your fears. I will
a saying that “no man is an island” to always remember that you can always ask someone’s help since I
seek my friends help whenever I have problems. And just like what Mrs. Susan Roces said to us, “don’t be
shy to ask”. My name is Nathalie Ashley M. Abila, a proud student of Bauan Technical Integrated High
from ABM V hoping that you have learned something that you may apply to your life now or maybe in the
future. Thank you for staying with me until the end. I will cheer for you guys. Padayon everyone!

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