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in solid propellants, wherein oxidiser and fuel are in close proximity, combustion takes place at

high pressure. The propellant components react in condensed phase (solid/liquid), vaporize and
react exothermally in gas phase, and transfer heat back to the condensed phase; thus, sustaining
the combustion.

types of fuels
There are various types of fuels in use in the society.

Fossil fuels
• Coal: A solid fossil fuel formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago.
It is primarily used for electricity generation and industrial processes.
• Petroleum (Crude Oil): A liquid fossil fuel composed of hydrocarbons. It is refined into
various products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and heating oil.
• Natural Gas: A gaseous fossil fuel consisting mainly of methane. It is used for heating,
electricity generation, and as a fuel for vehicles.

Renewable fuels
• Biomass: Organic materials such as wood, agricultural residues, and biofuels derived
from plants or animal waste. Biomass can be used for heating, electricity generation,
and transportation.
• Biofuels: Liquid or gaseous fuels produced from biomass sources, including ethanol,
biodiesel, and biogas.
• Hydrogen: A clean and renewable fuel that can be produced from water through
electrolysis or by reforming natural gas. It can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity
or as a transportation fuel.

Nuclear fuels
• Uranium: A radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear power plants. Nuclear fission
reactions release large amounts of heat energy, which is used to generate electricity.

Alternative fuels
• Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): A mixture of propane and butane gases derived from
natural gas processing and petroleum refining. It is commonly used as a cooking fuel and
in vehicles.
• Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Hydrogen gas can be used in fuel cells to produce electricity with
only water and heat as byproducts.

The choice of fuel depends on factors such as availability, cost, energy content, environmental
impact, and technological considerations. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in
renewable and alternative fuels as society seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
dependence on finite fossil fuel resources.

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