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IG: ct_english74

WORD UP X Chris 免費講義

64個實用短句合集 ②

You were set up.

Are you game? 你要試試嗎? 你被陷害了。

Case closed. 事情就這樣吧! Spill. 說吧!(老實招來)

That's neither here

無關緊要。 Fair enough. 說得也對。
nor there.

I’m in. 我加⼀。 Way to go. 做得好!

我請客。 Nailed it. 搞定了。

It’s on me.

Just as well. 正好! Not a chance. 不可能。

I’m in the dark. 我不知道。 Make it/that two.

By all means. 當然可以。 After you. 你先請。

I mean it. 我是認真的。 I got this. 我來⽤就好。

Take a hike. 走開;滾吧! Just a hunch. 只是個預感。

Knock it off. 別煩了! Bob’s your uncle. 這樣就完成啦!

It means a lot to me. 這對我來說

Sink or swim. 成敗全在你。
*動詞配合主詞記得加s! 意義非凡。

My hands are tied. 我無能為⼒。 Live a little. 多享受⽣活吧!

Keep me posted.
Be my guest. 請便。 隨時告訴我情況。
(= Keep me in the loop.)

Mum's the word. 別說出去(保密)。 You are enough. 你(做得)夠好了。

I screwed up. 我搞砸了。 我可以插個嘴嗎?

Can/May I cut in?

IG: ct_english74
WORD UP X Chris 免費講義

64個實用短句合集 ②

That works for me.

(In) the next life. 下輩⼦吧! 可以;沒問題。

Nature calls. A promise is a

我去個洗⼿間。 ⼀⾔既出,駟⾺難追。
*動詞配合主詞記得加s! promise.

I knew it. 我就知道。 Have a good one. 祝你有愉快的⼀天。

You had it in you. 真有你的。 Don’t take it so hard. 別太難過了。

I don't quite follow. 我不太懂。 Keep it between us. 請保密。

I've heard so much 久仰⼤名。 Let me put it this 我這麼說吧!

about you. way.

說來話長。 You reap what you 種什麼因得什麼果。

It’s a long story.

Let nature take its 順其⾃然。 Great minds think 英雄所⾒略同。

course. alike.

It will come to me. 我會想起來的。 That’s the way life is. ⼈⽣就是這樣。

I don’t have all day. 我沒有那個美國時間。 Don't rub it in. 別哪壺不開提哪壺。

請⾃便。 You didn’t have to. 你太客氣了。

Help yourself.

I don’t buy it. 我不相信。 Put it on speaker. 開擴⾳。

It baffles me. 這讓我不解。 我不騙你。

I kid you not.

I can’t take it
What do you say? 你覺得怎麼樣? 我再也無法忍受了。

I’ll say. 我也這麼覺得。 Give it time. 慢慢來;有點耐⼼。

How's life treating you? 過得如何? Force of habit. 習慣了。


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