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1 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

2 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction


At the end of the program, the graduates should be able to:

a. Have the in dements of English language, higher level literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, learning
skills required for life-long learning.
b. Obtain higher order thinking skills that can be utilized to achieve greater heights of human aspiration.
c. Demonstrate skills and knowledge in the educational process related to historical, social and political
d. Acquire authentic experiences relevant to the needs of the society and contemporary world.
e. Practice professional, economic, social and ethical responsibilities to the development of the country.
f. Practice ethical principles acquired to foster harmony.
g. Manifest deep understanding on the environmental, scientific and social trends.
h. Apply knowledge and information through teaching research work and other scholarly activities.
i. Reflect on the significant values of the society which are developed by the interplay of language and
j. Evaluate investigative methods used in social and political history.


Lit. 2 – World Literature


This course offers a variety of outstanding literary works of renowned authors from different
parts of the world. Literary pieces that are purposely sequenced and designed to allow students
explore different approaches in comprehending texts. They will be able to enhance their literary
prowess by exposing themselves to different genres and develop a deep of appreciation and love
for literature. Moreover, this provides an opportunity for students to broaden their perspective
about contemporary issues and equip them with literary skills in evaluating literary pieces. It
supports the theory of multiple intelligences and it is responsible to the diverse capabilities and
needs of the learners.


At the end of this course the students are able to:

1. acquire a broader understanding of values, insights, ideals and sentiments extracted form
literary pieces;
2. analyze literary pieces of various origins, specifically critiquing their elements to achieve
critical thinking;
3. establish authentic activities by drawing implications from the different events, conflicts and
struggles in each literary selection; and
4. generate an individual analysis of required literary pieces to sharpen and apply skills.

Module 1
3 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

Literature: An Introduction


Literature is language in use that provides insights and intellectual stimulation to the reader
as one explores literature, he likewise discovers the beauty of language. It is a product of a
particular culture that concretize man’s array of values, emotions, actions and ideas. It is therefore
a creation of human experience that tells about people and their world.

Lesson 1 – (Introduction to Literature) in this lesson it is all about definition of literature, its
standards, models, classifications, approaches, genres and all comes up with it.
Lesson 2 – (Introduction to the Continents) this is continuation with the introduction,
however, this lesson focuses on the continent that covers the entire course.

Lesson 1

Introduction to Literature

Lesson Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

1. define literature and all that comes with it;
2. identify the terms used in literature in defining literature including its standards, models,
approaches, genres, and literary devices;
3. give the importance of literature in the teaching and learning process;
4. assess the value of learning literature and as a whole; and
5. evaluate each concepts and its relevance in learning literature.


Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer which describes in the following items.

1. It is patterned form of verbal or written expression of ideas in concentrated, imaginative, and

rhythmical terms that often contain the elements of sense, sound, ad structure.
a. Poetry
b. Essay
c. Drama
d. Fiction
2. It is a literary work that is spoken or written with the common flow language in sentences
and paragraphs which give information, relate events, express ideas, or present opinions.
a. Poetry
b. Prose
c. Genre
d. Structure
3. It is the time and place in which the events of a story occur.
a. Elements
b. Conflict
c. Setting
4 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

d. Plot
4. It is the character with whom the reader empathizes.
a. Characters
b. Antagonist
c. dynamic
d. Protagonist
5. An approach which literature is viewed as the expression of “personality”, or “inner drives” of
a. Psychological approach
b. Cultural approach
c. Historical approach
d. Literary approach
6. An approach which literature us seen both as a reflection and product of the time and
circumstances in which it was written.
a. Impressionistic approach
b. Historical approach
c. Moral approach
d. Sociological approach
7. A literary model which aims to promote language development of language like vocabulary in
a. Structure
b. Personal growth model
c. Language model
d. Cultural model
8. A literary standard that has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty.
a. University
b. Intellectual value
c. Permanence
d. Artistry
9. A literary standard which elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to motivate
and inspire, drawn from the suggested morals or lessons of the different literary genres.
a. Spiritual value
b. Style
c. Suggestiveness
d. universality
10. A part of a plot which brings the story back to its equilibrium.
a. Crisis
b. Ending
c. Exposition
d. Flashback
5 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction


Literary Standards

Literary Models

Classifications of
Literature Literature

Literary Approaches

Literary Genres

Literary Devices

This figure shows the whole all about literature in a whole aspect. How this terms define; parts, kinds,
approaches, devices, genres and all it encompasses.


ENGAGE Literature Reviewing

Activity 1. KWL about Literature

Supply the things that required for each column that is ask in the table, you can use the things that
you have learned in your previous subject in Lit. 1 last semester. Make it a sentence in bullets, at
least a minimum of 10 each.

What I Know… What I Want to Know… What I have Learned…

6 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction



Literature comes from the Latin word “LITERA” which literally means an acquaintance with letters,
the root definition of literature. It is a body of literary productions, either oral, written or visual,
containing imaginative language that realistically portrays thoughts, emotions, and experiences of
the human condition.

Literature is an art that reflects the works of imagination, aesthetics, and creative writing which are
distinguished for the beauty of style or expression as in fiction, poetry, essay, or drama, in
distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge.

Literary Standards

Literature, as compared to any other forms of writing, possesses distinct qualities that separate it
form the rest. These include:

1. Universality
Literature appeals to everyone, regardless of culture, race, sex, and time which are all
considered significant.
2. Artistry
Literature has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty.
3. Intellectual Value
Literature stimulates critical thinking that enriches mental processes of abstract and
reasoning, making man realize the fundamental truths of life and its nature.
4. Suggestiveness
Literature unravels and conjures man’s emotional power to define symbolisms,
nuances, implied meanings, images ad messages, giving and evoking above and
beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.
5. Spiritual Value
Literature elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to motivate and
inspire, drawn from the suggested morals or lessons of the different literary genres.
6. Permanence
Literature endures across time and draws out the time factor: timeliness, occurring at
a particular time, and timeliness, remaining invariable throughout time.
7. Style
Literature present peculiar way/s on how man sees life as evidenced by the formation
of his ideas, forms, structures, and expression which are marked by their memorable

Literary Models

The study of literature appeals in different aspects and importance. Some of the noted
ones included.

1. Cultural Model
Literature aims to understand appreciate cultures and ideologies different from one’s
own in time and space.

2. Language Model
Literature aims to promote language development like vocabulary and structure.

3. Personal Growth Model

Literature aims to help one achieve lasting pleasure and deep satisfaction reading.
7 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

Classification of Literature

Literature is classified differently according to its usage. Some classification included:

1. Structure

Fiction is a literary work of imaginative narration, either oral or written, fashioned to entertain
and to make the readers think and more so feel.

Non-fiction is a literary work of “real life” narration or exposition based on history and facts
whose main thrust is intellectual appeal to convey facts, theories, generalization, or
concepts about a particular topic.

2. Form

Prose is a literary work that is spoken or written within the common flow of language in
sentences and paragraphs which give information relate events, express ideas, or present
opinions. It is a literary medium that corresponds closely to everyday speech patterns and is
used to provide detailed description of ideas, objects, or situation.

Poetry is a literary work expressed in verse, measure, rhythm, sound, and imaginative
language and creates and emotional response to an experience, feeling, or fact.

3. Genre

Fiction is a narrative in prose that shows an imaginative recreation and reconstruction of life
and presents human life in two levels: the world of objective reality made up human action
and experiences, and the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and
comprehension categorized either as novel or short story.

Poetry is a patterned from of verbal or written expression of ideas in concentrated,

imaginative, and rhythmical terms that often contain the elements of sense, sound, and

Essay is a prose composition in moderate length that presents a tentative exploration or

evaluation of a subject and thus explain a viewpoint or anything that can be said on a
particular subject.

Drama is a composition in prose form that presents story told entirely in dialogue and action,
and written with the intention of its eventual performance before an audience

Literary Approaches

The teaching and learning of literature according to Maramba (1993) can be approaches
using any of following:

1. Formalistic or Literary Approach

Literature is viewed intrinsically, independent of the author, age or any other extrinsic factor.
The study of the selection is more or less based on the so-called “literary elements.”

2. Moral or Humanistic Approach

Literature is viewed to discuss man and its nature. It present man as essentially rational; that
is endowed with intellect and free will; or that piece does not misinterpret the true nature of
8 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

man. The approach is close to the “morality” of literature, to questions of ethical goodness
and badness.

3. Historical Approach

Literature is seen both as a reflection and product of the times and circumstances in which it
was written. It operates on the premise that the history of a nation has telling effects on its
literature a that the piece can be better understood and appreciated if one knows the times
surroundings its creation.

4. Sociological Approach

Literature is viewed as the expression of man within a given social situation which is reduced
to discussion on economics, in which men are somewhat simplistically divided into haves and
haves not, thus passing into the “ proletarian approach” which tends to underscore the
between the two classes. The sociological approach stresses on social “relevance” social
“commitment”, contemporaneity, and it deems communication with the reader important.

5. Cultural Approach

Literature is seen as one of the manifestation and vehicle of a nation’s or race culture and
tradition. It includes the entire complex of what goes under “culture”—the technological
sociological, ideological aspects; and considers the literary piece in the total cultural milieu in
which it was born. The thrust is to make full use of the reciprocal function between culture
and literature. The approach is one of the richest ways to arrive at the culture of people and
one of the most pleasurable ways of appreciating the literature of people.

6. Psychological Approach

Literature is viewed as the expression of “personality,” of “inner drives,” of “neurosis.” It

includes the psychology of the author, of the characters, and even the psychology of
creation. It has resulted in an almost exhausting and exhaustive “psychological analysis” of
characters, of symbols and images, of symbols and images, of recurrent themes, and others

7. Impressionistic Approach

Literature is viewed to elucidate “reaction-response “which is considered as something very

personal, relative, and fruitful. Unconditioned by explanations and often taking the impact of
the piece as a whole, it seeks to see how the piece has communicated.

Literary Genres


Fiction is a narrative in prose that sgows in imaginative recreation and recostructin of life and
presents human life in two level – the world of objective reality made up of human actions and
experiences, and the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and
comprehension. Fiction is categorized either as novel or short story.

 Elements of Fiction
A. Setting

B. Characters
9 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

Characterization – is the method used by the writer to reveal the personality of the

 Kinds of Character
According to Principality:
1. Protagonist
2. Antagonist
According to Development:
1. Dynamic
2. Static
According to Personality:
1. Round
2. Flat

C. Plot

 Kinds of Plot
1. Linear Plot
2. Circular Plot
3. En Medias Res

 Parts of a Plot
1. Exposition
2. Complication
3. Crisis
4. Climax
5. Denouement
6. Ending

 Literary Devices
1. Flashback
2. Foreshadowing

 Conflict as Part of the Plot

Types of Conflict
1. Person vs. person
2. Person vs. society
3. Person vs. self
4. Person vs. nature
5. Person vs. fate

D. Theme
Principles in Stating the Theme of the Story
1. It may reports for all major details of the story.
2. It may be avowed in more than one way
3. It is stated in complete statements.
4. It asserts a sweeping statement about life
5. It avoids statements that condense the theme to some familiar adage, aphorism,
dictum, maxim, saying, or value.


Poetry is a patterned form a verbal or written expression of ideas in concentrated, imaginative, and
rhythmical terms that often contain the elements of sense, sound, and structure. It is considered as
the oldest literary form.
10 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

 Elements of Poetry
A. Sense of the Poem
1. Denotation vs. Connotation
2. Imagery
3. Figurative Language

Figures of Speech
Types of Speech
a. Allusion
b. Antithesis
c. Apostrophe
d. Hyperbole
e. Irony
f. Litotes
g. Metaphor
h. Metonymy
i. Onomatopoeia
j. Oxymoron
k. Paradox
l. Personification
m. Simile
n. Synecdoche

B. Sound of a Poem
1. Tone Color
a. Repetition of Single Sounds
 Alliteration
 Assonance
 Consonance
 Rhyme
Types of Rhyme
 Internal Rhyme
 Terminal Rhyme

b. Repetition of Words
c. Repetition of Sentences or Phrase

2. Rhythm
3. Meter
a. Foot
b. Scansion

C. Structure of a Poem
1. Word and its Order
2. Syntax
3. Ellipsis
4. Punctuation

11 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

Essay comes from the French word, ESSAI, which means trial or test. It is a prose composition of
moderate length devoted to a single topic from a limited point of view.

 Elements of Essay
a. Idea
b. Motive
c. Structure
d. Evidences
e. Explanations
f. Coherence
g. Implication
h. Presence

 General Types of Essay

1. Strict or Impersonal
2. Casual or Familiar

Basic Parts
o Introduction
o Main Body
o Conclusion

Major Patterns
o Inductive Pattern
o Deductive Pattern


Drama is a composition in prose form that presents a story told entirely in a dialogue and action. It is
written with the intention of its eventual performance before an audience. Drama has two-fold
nature; that of literature and theater.

 Elements of Drama
A. Setting
B. Character/s
Character Aspects
1. Physical
2. Social
3. Psychological
4. Moral

C. Plot
Types of Plot
1. Natural Plot
2. Episodic Plot

Plot as a Framework
1. Beginning
 Exposition
 Unfolding Plot
 Accretive Plot
2. Middle
a. Complications
b. Crisis
12 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

c. Obligatory Scene
d. Discovery
3. Ending
D. Theme
E. Style
Major Dramatic Attitude:
1. Realism
2. Non-realism

Types of Drama
1. Tragedy
2. Comedy
3. Melodrama
4. Farce

EXPLAIN Elaborating Literature

Activity 2. Answer the following question.

1. Is it really a need to know about all of these information about literature?

2. As an education student, how does studying literature helps us to be an effective teacher
3. Are you familiar with everything that has been presented in the ENGAGE part? Why and why

EXTEND My Own Vignette

Activity 3. Write a short vignette. Choose what Genre you prefer to write, and if so state the title of you work
and why you choose such title.

1. Fiction
2. Poetry
3. Essay
4. Drama


Content 30 pts
Mechanics 10 pts.
Organization 10pts.
Total 50 pts.

EVALUATE Analyzing Comprehensively

1. Among these distinct qualities of literature; universality, artistry, intellectual value, suggestiveness,
spiritual value, permanence and style. What is the most effective among the seven, and why?
13 Module 1 – Literature: An Introduction

2. If given a chance to write a piece of literature what would you choose among these three literary
models, what would you choose among the three?
a. Cultural model
b. Language model
c. Personal growth model
3. Do you consider the teaching and learning of literature can you use the following approaches? Why?


At the end of this lesson, they are able to:

 Define literature in their own thoughts.
 Give the distinctions between the different qualities of literature.
 Classify the different models.
 Share the relevance of the approaches for the teaching and learning process of literature.
 Discuss all the concepts involving literature.
 Articulate the relevance of studying literature as future educators.
 Comprehend the complexity of literature.
 Gather data about the learnings in studying literature and comprehend the things they have learned
as well.


Identification. Give the answers on the following identification items based on the description given.

1. It is patterned form of verbal or written expression of ideas in concentrated, imaginative, and

rhythmical terms that often contain the elements of sense, sound, ad structure.
2. It is a literary work that is spoken or written with the common flow language in sentences and
paragraphs which give information, relate events, express ideas, or present opinions.
3. It is the time and place in which the events of a story occur.
4. It is the character with whom the reader empathizes.
5. An approach which literature is viewed as the expression of “personality”, or “inner drives” of
6. An approach which literature us seen both as a reflection and product of the time and circumstances
in which it was written.
7. A literary model which aims to promote language development of language like vocabulary in reading.
8. A literary standard that has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty.
9. A literary standard which elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to motivate and
inspire, drawn from the suggested morals or lessons of the different literary genres.
10. A part of a plot which brings the story back to its equilibrium.


Sialongo, Erlinda B., Literatures of the World. Rex Book Store. Sampaloc, Manila. 2012

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