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Đề: Advatanges and disadvantages of biotech food

In recent years, biotech food is becoming increasingly popular. People hold different opinions about it.
In my opinion, everything in this universe has positive and negative sides, depending on each person’s
perspective. To clarify the pros and cons of biotech food , in the following essay, I will give my own
perspective to analyze in detail its bad and good points.

On the one hand, we cannot deny that biotech food brings people many benefits. First and foremost,
biotech food plays an very important role the economic develop of the country, improving the quality of
life for everyone.Besides, biotech food can proctect people’s healthy because it helps prevent cancer.
Furthermore, biotech food can contribute to reducing air pollution, reducing water pollution, and
reducing environment pollution. Additionally, biotech food can help animals and plans grow. Therefore,
biotech food can provide enough food sources. Lasty, biotech food also contributes to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions into the environment , reducing global climate warming , combats climate
change that is increasingly having a serious impact on human life, and helps proctect the common
ecosystem. It can be seen that biotech food is actually very beneficial in may ways.

On the other hand, we must also admit that biotech food also has various negative aspects. In the first
place, biotech food can create the financal burden because initial investment costs are relatively high.
Last but not least, it is not popular, so many people still wonder whether they should use biotech food or
not. It can be proved that biotech food also has quite a few limitations.

In conclusion, all of the things I mentioned above are just my own opinion on this matter. I think that
each person will have a different assessment of the problem , and it affect each person differently ,
depending on the particular case.But, in my own opinion, I firmly believe that the advantages of biotech
food far outweigh the disadvantages . People should have further consideration on this issue.

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