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Hello Claudia

How are you doing, hope all is well with you?

1. I'm Jose Macheal Carlos, I'm from Mexico in Monterrey but grew up in Los Angeles

--- How about yourself?

A--- I'DSm es sorry for intruding into your privacy, I was actually searching for
an old friend when i came across your profile on facebook suggestion.

B-- I must say your profile looks great and also your pictures caught my attention
too because you look pretty good yourself.

C--- It will be very nice that we both know more about ourselves. Hope you don't

2. Are you married or single?

A---Do you have kids

3. I'm a single dad i have a lovely daughter,her name is Jennyp i've been
divorced for 4 years nw because my ex wife was too abusive and engaged in the act
of injecting hard drugs in to her body

A-- How old are your kids?

B-- My daughter is 10 but will turn 11 soon

C-- Hope you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

D-- I'm 39

4. Are you living alone with your kids?

A-- Well I live alone with my daughter, but right now she's under a military
daycare while I'm in service.


B-- I'm the only child of my parents, my parents tried getting another child though
my mom had a lot of miscarriages before she died

6.So tell me what your occupation is?

A-- I work with the united state Marine,I'm presently stationed here in Aleppo
Syria for a peacekeeping missionI
B..I have stayed here for the past 7 months now but I have few months to complete
my mission here in Aleppo Syria

7. What about your parents ?

A-- How often do you communicate with your parents uh uh ?

B-- My Dad died when I was 25 yrs old, so I had to join the military so I could
take care of myself. I cried and suffered a lot in this wicked world though now I
am in a better situation, because no situation is permanent.

C-- But I have uncles and aunties but we are not in a good relationship, I don't
know the reason but it all started from my Father and i can't question him.

8. Ever since I got divorce, I have been single and faithful to myself. Even now,I
am alone with my daughter....sometimes it is very hard to trust.


10..........I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are,
I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the
fullest, and looking to meet a woman that i can spend the rest of my life with in
good times and in bad times as well,.... A woman that I can love and cherish with
all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me
with that kind of a woman someday in my life.

11. So tell me more about your work ?

A-- How many hours do you work in a day-----How many days do you work in a week ?

B-- Like i told you, i'm on a peacekeeping mission here in Aleppo Syria, here in
the military war camp I work here in the information monitoring unit here in Camp
that's why i have access chatting with you,i lost my phone

12. So tell me, what are your dreams as a woman?

A-- My dream is to find a woman who is God fearing who will love me and my daughter
and take good care of us and I will love her endlessly too.
I am looking for an honest,respectful,careering, loving woman. Without a wife there
is no home, only house,Wife makes it home.Without beloved heart is only a piece of
flesh,Beloved makes it life and soul.I feel my heart is not only piece of flesh. It
is full of ambition, life,prosperity.


Your words and the way you talk to me are very inspiring, I feel I have known you
all my life.

Like I told you, I lost my phone and I'm texting you using the military
device,chatting you here on facebook is safe as long as I don't get caught, but I
would like to have a steady and safe chat with you, please do you have the Google
chat application on your cell phone?

Here in the camp we're only allowed to send mails to friends and families, i'll be
happy if you do me this little favor of downloading the app

(When she gives you her gmail)

--- I already sent you an invitation on the Hangout app to accept it.
(Now on the hangout)
---I would like us to continue our conversation here on Google chat, hope you don't


1. What is your faith?..........Christian / Catholic.

--- I don't really believe in religion, I only believe in the Almighty God.

2. Do you smoke?....nope

3. How often do you drink?.....Not much, only in the company of friends.

4; Do you know what I like about you ?..... i like the fact you're awesome and
caring ... you have the gift of getting into long conversations lol, tho i like
spending my time with an awesome lady like you .

5- What is one thing you were afraid to do, but felt amazing after you accomplished
it?.... i was scared when i was sent to Libya for a mission and i was happy when i
accomplished it

6- What�s one thing you�ve learned that most people don�t know how to do? ....
Making you smile lol, i can make you smile i don't think other can lol

7-So tell me what�s your most terrible memory that you'd love to forget
about?......... I just wanna forget the death of my parents and have rest of mind

8-What has inspired you recently? ....I Think i just found the most awesome woman
ever and that's you

9- When was the last time you cried in front of someone else?.... The last time I
cried was when i lost my friend in Libya , he was shot on his forehead

10- If you were to change things , what would you want to change?...Well i'll
change being the only child, i don't like the fact am the only child

11- ?.....ultimate goal is having a charming damsel like you by my side, who
will suport and love me just the way i am.

12-If someone in your family passed away, which person would surprise you the
most?... i wish no death for anyone i even wish my enemies long life and prosperity
13- where will you love to spend your honeymoon incase you find the right
man?.......I've always dreamed of going to Hawaii for a couple of weeks. We would
stay in a romantic bungalow. Windows open, there would be lace curtains blowing in
a light breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine shining through the lace.
Although this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven just being with the woman
God intended me to go through life's journey with.

14- How is your relationship with your mom?... i had a good relationship with my
mom , she alway proved anything i want , a mothers love i'll say

15-Has another man ever asked you to marry him?.. 'if no ask her why , if yes ask
her and why isn't she married to him?

16 which type of man are you attracted to I know I'm not your type

17-What�s your favorite childhood memory?.. can't forget how my mom hugged me
each day and kissed me on my forehead before i went to bed

18 When do you feel most afraid?-----I feel most afraid when my physical safety
is threatened - ie: hiking in the wilderness and fearing a grizzly bear might
19 Are you a jealous woman? --------Am filled of jeolousy,i will not love to see
my wife hanging around with another man,people do say jealousy deos not matter in a
relationship,but i see it to as my first point,because it makes me secure my

20 If you were giving three chances to make three different wishes in life what
would be your wishes?----I would wish for the world's peace, I would wish for the
happiness of the orphans, motherless, poor, needy and the oppressed and I will also
wish to find that woman who I can love for a life time and who will make my little
child the happy child that he used to be when my wife was alive

21 What are your favorite type of food ..?----My daughter loves eating
rice,chicken, fish,vegetables, burgers and fruits ,


22. Does life look good to you right now Describe your current emotional
health?-----Life looks very good to me right now. I have got a good job and a
beautiful daughter . All that is missing is someone to share my life with.
23. How will you treat your man?.......Although every relationship has its ups &
downs, I will treat my woman with lots of love & respect. I like to hold her hand
while walking side by side, I enjoy the little kisses stolen throughout the day, &
the little smiles she gives me from across the room. I believe a man & woman are to
walk side by side in life & so communication & honesty are very important. My woman
is a woman of God & because of that reason alone I will not have to worry about her
treating me badly or cheating on me. I will be completely faithful to her & will
support her during our lives together. I do expect her to do the same for me. We
don't always have to be together but we'll feel each other's presence even when
we're apart. We will be each other's rock to lean on & we will share dreams & goals
for ourselves & our children. We will also support them & raise them to be the God-
fearing men & women who will have faith and be strong even when life is looking

24.Can you take my daughter as yours if we are meant to be together?............I

love kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my love
& support to them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be.

25. What do you like to do?..................I love being in the great outdoors
seeing the natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of.. I
love snuggling with the ones I love while watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others
& making a difference in the lives of those around me. I recently found out that
some special people in my life really look up to me & the feeling of that is

26. Are you a romantic type?..................I'm a very romantic person... I love

being with my woman & doing little things for her to put a smile on her face. I
enjoy surprising her & doing my part to make her dreams come true.

27. What makes you smile?...................That's easy!!! What makes me smile is

seeing those I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on their faces.

28. What is your favorite music?.........I love music... the songs I listen to will
usually tell you what kind of mood I'm in or tell you what's in my heart when words
can't begin to describe who I am. When I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing
(assuming I know the song). I
think music is a gift many people take for granted. They'll listen just to hear the
beat yet won't stop to feel the power of its words. Music can be soothing to the
soul & can calm the restless spirit. The wrong kind of music can also damage one's
inner being. A person's mind will unconsciously listen to the lyrics which will
either bring death/depression upon them or will bring joy to their soul so they
might be able to enjoy life. As a person's mood changes so does the type of music
they listen to.

29. Do you love rose flowers?.................My favorite Rose is a Purple rose...

they are not as common as the other types. My favorite flowers are Stargazer lilies
& lilac bushes.

30. What does it feel like when you realize that you are falling in
love?..............I feel butterfly

31. What would you consider a real fun thing for a couple to do
together?...................Anything that brings laughter to both people.

32. What is your idea of a perfect first date?............ for I think A walk along
the waterfront or beach... great time to talk & get to know each other.

33. What do you like and dislike?...........I don't like cheaters, liars, thiefs,
or shallow people. Other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much
everything... I'm VERY easy going.When my loved ones are happy & when I have a
woman who treats me like a prince. hehe

34. Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your
feelings?.............I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know
it's not good to keep them locked up. It's important to express to others that you
care for them & are there to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with
the woman I love... It makes my heart happy!



3- My work here is to monitor military Intelligence including network

administration, database management and computer hardware and software
implementation.I also join the combat team on special missions.

We are in charge of bombs,missiles, Aircraft and Guns.

Here we have many departments and social workers who help us soldiers, and the
soldiers here are subdivided into several units, each with a common interest in
fighting terrorist activities. There are military doctors, nurses, qualified
teachers, sportsmen and sportswomen.

5- Right now I'm using a Military Device to chat with you, Because I lost my cell

7- I also want you to understand that chatting with you here in the Military
monitoring unit is prohibited and punishable under the camp rule and Military code
of conduct.If i'm caught in this act, i will have to face a trial or suspension as
the case may be for contravening the camp rules...

8- as long as no one gets to find out about us.

10- Most here in camp we go out to the city, teach the less privileged and also
feed the poor children, while some soldiers go out to the field and low lying
areas, looking for the Terrorist.

11- The Terrorists, they kill innocent people and even go to the schools, kill
students and stop teachers from working. kidnap them too That is why we are here
to fight against them .

12- For me, I work in the camp here in Monitoring Unit Base, I work 17 hours
everyday and also sometimes out of the camp.when i'm out of the Camp i go for
patrol too.

13- When I am out of the camp, I go for patrol , drive around the town, maybe
escort the red cross society people to distribute food and medication to the sick
citizens of Aleppo .

14- During the weekend on Fridays we go to schools and show love and care to the
kids who are in Aleppo and feed some of their little kids too and they love us very
much and most of these kids call us daddy .

15- The kids here keep telling us not to leave them and each time we stay with them
they don't want us to leave .They are wonderful kids and we love them so much .

16- if there is an attack, like a riot in schools, or fighting and killing of

innocent citizens by the Terrorist, we go there and fight against them. It is a
hard job, a life line one and a risky one.

17- I am making arrangements to retire once my mission is Completed, I want to try

and find a lady whom I can settle down with and whom I can love and trust, take
good care of me .

18- Coming to our feeding habits in the camp, It's been a long time since I ate
good home made food, most of our food comes from the US army and Red cross
international, most times canned food. Gaining access to the kitchen at Officers
mess can be wise but most times I don't have that kind of time or zeal to cook,
here in my free time. It pains me a lot that my work is a life line one and any one
can die at any time.

19- A lot of soldiers have died here and some even had mental problems because of
work. Anyone here has an ability to have mental illness because of the continuing
situation of events.

20- Many soldiers here have died saving the world and innocent citizens. Last
months, a soldier died saving a little girl from being run down by a vehicle driven
by isl terrorist group.

21- It's not easy to die for some one may be for a certain reason termed serving
the nation and the rest of the world. Most of us down here have sacrificed one or
two things for our nation.

22- Most times doing it comes from the heart but remembering that we are being used
as machinery in securing wealth, in terms of natural resources in order to enrich
ourselves other than doing the normal serving humanity.
23- Our top leaders have really gone deep into corruption. Most soldiers are not
supposed to be here, some have been deployed here 2 times and 3 to 4 times to other
countries having crises.

24- If you check the statistics and compare human life to our salaries as
soldiers, you will find out life can't be bought with money, and for the reason
every soldier should be given right and treated well and not using them, and
dumping them at the end.

I am first Sergeant in the United States army, I am paid $32,000 + Bonus $10,500
monthly here in Aleppo, Syria. as I said before, not despite that i don't have
access to it because I'm been assigned on a mission which is also the decision made
by the Military Service(soldiers on a mission has no access to his bank account
until he/she is been signed off for leave) so never you think am coming for you

Right now we soldiers don't have access to our money in camp till we all have
completed our mission here in camp and return back to the states .

Sometimes i ask myself what if i die here in a mission who will take care of my

31- life in the military is very risky and deadly. I myself might even die at any
time if not God who gave me a brave heart and also to be smart I would have gone.

32 -I have lost 4 of friend here in Camp

33 - We are restricted sometimes from communication outside to enable discipline

and maintain good behavior of the military authority.

34- Tell me will you love any of your kids to join the Military and witness all we
have been through ?

35- Here in Camp the prayer of my daughter keeps me going .


35. I feel good happy and love chatting with a pretty good woman like you
22..........I don't know how to approach this with you online,I have been fighting
a battle within myself , my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head
tells me not to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and
that you wouldn't be interested.

21....... Friendship must spring up in the mind.

It is very important for me to express how much i feel about you. I wish I could
do this in person while gazing into your eyes,but since we are physically separated
by miles of emptiness.

21........To me, you are first of all my friend and then...... something more
greater in the near future..... God willing. To be honest with you, I am really
short of words here, but one thing I do know is that I have the arms to give you a
hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about through chat, and I have a
heart, a heart that is aching to see your smile. I would like to use this
opportunity to say...I am delighted to have met you.

22.........To tell you more about me, I am an honest, kindhearted, hardworking

person who does need the support of a loving somebody. Ideally, l am someone who is
confident in what he wants and who he is. We all face tough situations in our lives
and we sometimes tend to be misled by it. A lot of times we often tend to give up.
In this life, I have chosen to give up numerous times but I am proud to say that I
have also chosen to stay strong and be patient all these years..... which has now
led to my finding you.

I need a woman for myself, I mean a woman I can settle down with once I return back
from my mission.. A woman that will be there for me and I will be there for her
too. There is a smile of love, and a smile is ever the most bright and beautiful
with a tear upon it. What is dawn without the dew? The tear is rendered by the
smile precious above the smile itself.

......I want to meet a woman that is at a tolerance level and how far she can go
in life , if she is willing to stick around when the going gets tough and she will
be there for me and I will be there for her too when the going gets tough on us. If
she will still love me when I am falling apart.

I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also
encourage her to go out and spend time with friends and pursue her own interests
and hobbies as well.

I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes
the time we do spend together even better. I'm not one who cheats in a

But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person
and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working.
I DO NOT expect a woman to be a servant to me, spending all her time working and
and cleaning; I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize
that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no
problem doing that because I believe and I have being thought by my Father that
it's also man's responsibility to do the house works and house chores as well.

Well I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come
across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.

I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the beginning; that way,
nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt.

I also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a
relationship together; it doesn't mean that it's anybody's fault, it's just that
they're too different to be compatible.

I want to know if you will disappoint me tomorrow, i am not here for a game but
here for a serious thing which will lead to marriage.

However no matter how successful a man would be, he still needs care from a special
loving woman to make his life smooth and enjoyable.
.I am looking forward to a lasting relationship with you and I hope that you would
be able to understand. I promise to be a caring,and understanding man with a good
heart to my woman because now I really need a family. Am in Aleppo, Syria as I told
you earlier and I would like you to tell me more about you. I will be glad to hear
from you soon.Am in Aleppo Syria as I told you earlier and I would like you to tell
me more about you. I will be glad to hear from you soon.


Baby you are the one i want and the one i are the only friend i have got
here...I am not a womanizer.I am a man who will never cheat on my partner because I
believe that God made one man for one woman and so I should be like that.

If you turn out to be my dream you breakfast in bed is such a

romantic thing to do, I will buy a cheap platter from the thrift store (or i could
just use a baking sheet with fabric draped over it).I will make your favorite
breakfast before you wake, with orange juice and coffee.I will place a couple
tealight candles next to your nightstand (they're very cheap) and light.I will then
Place a rose head or other flower head into a small container or glass and place it
on the platter,then open the curtains, and then wake you up

If it happens that you work a lot of overtime at your job and come home absolutely
exhausted. I will get this cute basket and put massage oil, bubble bath, body
lotion, a loofa, those wooden massage things that i can buy, and a few other things
in the basket and I keep it in my bedroom.i will write you a note and put it in
your room where you'd find it which said, "Anytime you need to unwind from work,
just call me and tell me to bring the basket." That way, every time you work
overtime and want to relax, I expect to get a call,and I come over to give you the
most romantic bubble bath I possibly can.You will love it!

I would like to find a partner who is honest, assertive, intelligent, loquacious,

willing to hang in there when things get a little difficult. I appreciate
masculinity in a woman great deal, someone who is in touch with her sexuality and
not afraid to express it. A woman who is communicative, sure of herself and willing
to solve problems when they arise. Someone that is open minded and willing to try
new and different things. She takes care of herself and is comfortable dressing up
once in a while, casual is ok too. She knows she's not perfect and is ok with that,
just as I know this about myself and keep trying to succeed in things anyways.

Most of all, She must be willing to be treated with respect. To be cared for and
payed attention to in the best possible way. She must be willing to be with someone
who is faithful to her exclusively. I am a good man. I have my faults but pride
myself on my honesty and my ability to express my feelings. I am looking for a
mate. I don't believe in cheating on a partner, in other words when I am with
someone I am faithful. I am not interested in one night stands or playing the
field. I am a widower and sometimes I ask myself "Why?" I'd have to say that it was
just not a problem earlier, and I just never seemed to notice that.

I am a person who does pretty well on his own and is not afraid of being by myself,
but the desire to really connect with someone and be in a relationship is sometimes
overwhelming. The loneliness can get to you sometimes.

I am a man of High Moral Integrity, Kind, honest, loving, funny, and very
Supportive. I am a man with a soft heart, caring, compassionate and affectionate, I
also believe in God. I live a very understanding life and am easy to talk to. Am
dependable and Loyal. I respect women a lot, I do not drink or smoke, I am
generally a happy person and I always try to see the best in people. I am very
young at heart, lively, energetic with lots of interests. I'm a man of principles,
broad-minded and romantic, i love to travel a lot.. I'm independent and self-


Trust... You need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust. To
love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your
heart and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you
can't do this. Love is like a wonderful feeling of compassion and satisfaction. It
should be given respect and trust; and it should receive that love back. The best
proof of love is trust. True love is the greatest thing that you can experience; it
can weather any storm. Loving, trusting and respecting each other totally can bring
you to true love and happiness. It's hard to love and hard to trust; but finding
love and finding trust was a gift from you to me. Relationships should never be
taken for granted. The choice of being with another life is an amazing thing.
Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how much you
love someone, if you don't have these ingredients you will never succeed. To be in
love means being patient but to be patient you must trust me first. You can never
find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will never
fade until you die, your heart., Love is like trust, when you find your special
someone it is as if you're trusting me with your heart. Trust is what you put in
someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to. Trust is what makes everyone realize
that you are always there for me. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are
always there to help them in case they need some help. Love makes not everyone, but
the only one in your life who is special, think that you are always there for me,
to be with you, to cherish you, to fulfill your dreams, to share with you and most
of all, to make you realize how much you really love me. Distance doesn't matter if
you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that
relationship to work out. Without romance, love gets dry. Without respect, love
gets lost. Without caring, love gets boring. Without honesty, love gets unhappy,
and without trust, love gets unstable. Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it,
believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give again and again. You
can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from
your heart; it never lies - trust it.There may be many people that are trustworthy,
but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely. To be trusted is
a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you
have nothing. The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your
heart. Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based
on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love. Jealousy is not a sign of true
love; it's insecurities that come in the way, 'cause love has just one important
ingredient: Trust. Do you trust me?🥰 in the world. Love is patient. Love is kind.
It does not envy. It does not boast. I am not proud. It is not rude. It is not
self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongdoing. It does
not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes,
perseveres. Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything
you've got, even when you know it's not going to be enough. Love is not always
fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust
between two people..


I would shadow you and when you are tired, I would lay you down. When you are
Hungry, I will feed you. When you are sad, I would put a smile on your face. I
would encourage you in your hopes and dreams. When you are cold I would hold you
and warm you up. When you are hot. I would take your clothes off, lol.

Like in the winter it's always so cold that I will want to find someway to keep you
warm.Some night I will give you the idea of using the bathtub as a hot tub which we
will put hot/warm water in it.We will both put on our swim suits and climb in.As
time goes on we will get waterproof playing cards for our "hot tubing" experiences.
There may not be a lot of room but it's a lot of fun

While you are in the shower, or bath,i will take your towel and pop it in the dryer
for a few minutes.then i will greet you when you get out of the shower with the
toasty towel. Watch the appreciation and amazement in your face I will make you
feel awesome because you deserve the best. I will also give you some good massage
and romances


Baby i had an issues with my commander this morning when i got back from the
morning patrol, This morning when i got back from patrol i saw him in the front of
my device, he stood up immediately he saw me, so he looked at me with some angry
bad eyes and left. After a while he sent for me, when i went to his office he asked
me how long have i been using the military device to do my personal shits, i told
him i don't know what his talking about, so he brought out a pice of paper and
called your name and some other names and asked me if i understand now, so i told
him you are my old friend that i just found back on facebook and we have been
talking for a while now, so he asking me to leave his tent when i got to the door
his said "Jose i will deal with you". so he gave me 3 weeks sanction.
Amor i could remember some months ago he caught my friend talking with his wife on
facebook he wrote so many things against him and he even created several accounts
on facebook with my friends picture and posted wrong things about his wife an the
wife saw it and got mad and they haven't talked to each other for a while.
I really don't want that to be our story, please amor if get any strange request on
your facebook please don't accept it and don't even talk to whoever it is just
block the person, even if you get a request with my name or my pictures please just
delete the request. I don't know what his up to this time.


Since i first viewed your profile, i felt a great impulsion on me and ever since
then i have been thinking about you , i thought you might be an end to my search or
to say a realization of my dreams because you are just what i am looking for and
you know when i keep reading from you , i feel that is coming to be true and i pray
and hope it does. I will go on the site and delete my profile because this is what
i have been waiting for the past 5yrs and i would not trade this for the whole
world , so i want to see where this goes and being a one man woman , i will give
this a total chance and i am sure it will take me to where i want. I will want you
to do the same and delete your profile on the site to see where we go from here so
we can concentrate on each other and see what we have for each other. When I was a
little boy,I dreamt of that one person that I would share my dreams, happiness and
energy with ... I could not see her face but she was there.I always felt like she
was out there, I just needed to feel her. I visualized the bond we would have and
the courage she would give me to endure life's obstacles. All this years I was with
others, and feeling my way through life, learning lessons that later on would
prepare me to become the person that I am now. I have felt alone and sad. Then one
day my eyes opened and I became that little boy again ... realizing that she is
here now. Here in my world was the woman that I had dreamt of and I'd hoped would
not miss our meeting in life ... that woman is you!

Love and friendship is what I feel with you, it is not just that we are lovers,
we are also friends, and that is what makes our relationship much better. Yes I am
for real .The greatest of lovers don't make the best of friends, remember that, and
when there comes a time when you feel that things can't get any worse, think of me,
for I can try my best to bring you all the happiness in the world. I want to grow
to love you more and more everyday, and I do not know right now what I would do
without you.. Sometimes I would like to think my love for you is like a great
dream, I don't want to wake up because I don't want to lose that love. I will be by
your side whenever you need me and I hope I am and always will be in your heart and
in your dreams forever. I am not going to be afraid to love again. I believe in my
heart that you are serious about us. I will be happy to be your husband.I was
afraid to love again, but God showed me the way so I am going to is guiding me in
the right direction this time. So now I am not afraid to love you and only you

If I haven't told you - I am so lucky to have you in my life. I adore and

love you so much! You are a wonderful woman and words cannot convey how much you
mean to me. Just thinking about these feelings makes me tingle all over - to this
day I still have butterflies in my stomach . I feel like these feelings should be
left for teenagers only - I don't know if you understand what I am saying: it feels
great to actually love and be love in return. I never feel less or more when I am
writing to you; you always make me feel needed.most of all you make me feel
safe,emotionally and mentally. Thank you for being part of my life. I'm very happy
with you and I could not ask for a better woman than you. Thank you for being an
exceptional woman - you are one of a kind.

I could describe you with one word... delicious.I dream of you here with me with
nothing on but our imaginations.I can almost feel you here... caressing me...
touching me..You are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life.In
the deep of the night I dream of your touch.I am dying to feel your touch all over
my body..I can feel the fiery passion of desire begging to be shared in a blissful
night of paradise.I love the way you love me.I want to evoke such a passion within
you that leaves us both breathless..You are the fire that burns the passion within
my soul..Loving you makes me desire you even more.Did you dream of me touching you
last night?The passion we share together just leaves me wanting one thing more!I
want to make love to you every minute of every day.When you can count all the stars
in the sky; that's when I'll stop wanting you.You are mine forever

What does your love mean to me? I'd give you the oceans and the seas I'd give
you all eternity if I could Make life easy for you, I would. I would take away all
your pain Bring you sunshine instead of rain I would take all your hurt away Your
sky would never be gray. I would offer you the moon and stars But you see I can't,
they are not ours All these things I would give to you But My Darling, these things
I can't do. I only have my love to offer you A love that would always be true I
love you more than you will ever know With all I do for you, I hope that it shows.I
hope that my love will be enough for you Bring you happiness your whole life
through And In the end when my time is due My Darling, I will still go on loving

The miracle of life shown in front of my eyes when you entered my life.. Nothing
can be compared to this feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement which
tortures me while waiting for you to send me an email, the sweet emails that keep
me awake even when I'm exhausted to death, because I wouldn't miss a thing. The
feeling that you know every corner of my heart.


All these things are the most beautiful signs of my love for you.every single word
you say is a part of my soul, as if I have already known what you have been about
to say. Every step I make is safe, because you are around me. When we first met, I
didn't even suspect what a wizard you were about to be. But apparently life can
show us such wonders, that we can stay amazed like children, wondering how this
could happen to us! Well, I want to thank y noou for being my best friend, for
being my angel.I have never felt like this before. Nobody has taken me so far,
except you, my princess from the clouds. You brighten my days and give me the
strength to carry on, fighting everyday for you. You revealed the deepest emotions
and feelings I've kept inside of me for so long. Feelings I didn't even suspect to
be. But most of all, you showed me the real taste of love. You are my best friend
and the one I want for life, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow. You are the
one I want everybody to know it! I haven't had a stronger feeling like this one I
have now though,I want to wake up with you....Here it goes like a "Song'... I Want
To Wake Up With You I wanna wake up with you I wanna be there when you open your
eyes I want you to be The first thing that I see... I wanna lay by your side, Baby
I wanna feel every beat of your heart And throughout the night I wanna hold you
tight... All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came
along You can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to
my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I
want you to be.The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you And throughout
the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me
has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that
I've been keeping You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna
reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first thing that I see I
wanna wake up with you I wanna lay by your side, baby I wanna feel every beat of
your heart And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you
All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You
can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to my song I
wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to
be The first thing that I see... I wanna wake up with you Love Always,
Your Prince From The Castle in the Clouds...
Jeff Harrison.

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