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Received October 20, 2018, accepted November 9, 2018, date of publication November 16, 2018,
date of current version December 18, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881535

Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Algorithm

Model in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on
Disease Cause, Location, Characteristics and Conditions
XIWEI HUANG 2 , (Member, IEEE), AND JINHONG GUO 3 , (Member, IEEE)
1 Collegeof Medical Information Engineering, Institute of Digital Medicine, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611731, China
2 KeyLaboratory of RF Circuits and Systems, Ministry of Education, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
3 Schoolof Information and Communication Engineering, Institute of Medical Equipment, University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China, Chengdu 611731, China
Corresponding authors: Chuanbiao Wen (, Xiwei Huang (,
and Jinhong Guo (
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China by the topic of Design of Syndrome Differentiation
and Treatment Algorithm Model in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Deeping Learning of ‘‘Disease Cause, Location,
Characteristics, and Conditions’’ under Grant 81804222 and by the topic of A Methodology on the Construction of the ISO-R Syndrome
Factor Differentiation System Based on the Syndrome Factor Attribution with A Digraph - An Example of Syndrome Factor Differentiation
of Lung Diseases under Grant 81804220, in part by National Social Sciences Fund by the topic of An Establishment of Medical Literatures
Database in Southwestern Ethnic Minorities under Grant 16ZDA238, in part by Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department
by the topic of Development of Artificial Intelligence Diagnosis and Treatment System in Traditional Chinese Medicine under Grant
2018SZ0065, in part by Sichuan Provincial Department of Education by the topic of An Application of Medical Quality Management
Informatization in Traditional Chinese Medicine under Grant SCYG2017-21, in part by Xinglin Scholarship, and in part by the Chengdu
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine by the topic of Design of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Algorithm Model in
Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on ‘‘Disease Cause, Location, Characteristics, and Conditions’’ under Grant QNXZ2018042.

ABSTRACT Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on a unique disease diagnosis and treatment
system that has been developed over the last 2,300 years. In the TCM, ‘‘syndrome differentiation and
treatment’’ (SDAT) is a core method for doctors to deal with diseases. This diagnostic and therapeutic
technique that infer the occurrence and the development of diseases by observing symptoms as a whole,
not only has its own uniqueness but also has been recognized by the public in oriented medical fields for
its clinical efficacy. With recent developments in computer science, the Internet, big data, and artificial
intelligence, a study based on the SDAT algorithm has aroused much attention. This paper encompasses
three stages spanning 30 years to accomplish the following: 1) the TCM data and the modern SDAT system
were collated and summarized based on 35,706 reference data on the TCM, starting from the syndrome
differentiation of four aspects, such as the cause, location, characteristics, and conditions of the disease
(CLCC), we constructed a quantitative model of the TCM SDAT regarding the CLCC of the disease,
collected the symptom information on the diagnosed subject, and transferred them to the SDAT assistant
algorithm for calculation and analysis, to determine the CLCC, Based on the therapy recommended by
the differentiation results in the knowledge base and the prescription and traditional Chinese medicines
recommended by the therapy, any stage of all diseases could determine a syndrome type by differentiating
the CLCC, we constructed the basic SDAT algorithm integrating theory, method, prescription, and medicine
and realized the calculability in the TCM diagnosis and treatment process; 2) based on the SDAT algorithm,
we developed the TCM doctor’s workstation software and introduced it to more than 80 TCM institutions
in Sichuan province, China, we collated a large-scale trove of samples of the TCM data platform that
was established with more than 2.9 million TCM electronic medical records (EMRs) and reference data,
and had the compliance tested and algorithm verified on the 9,300 EMRs of the common diseases in the
TCM; and 3) based on the dimension reduction and degree elevation optimization of the technology with
a directed graph to the basic algorithm, the algorithm complexity was reduced and the accuracy of the
algorithm was improved. It was demonstrated that the coincidence rate of the basic model was 80.47%
and the basic coincidence rate was 96.19%. After optimizing the basic algorithm (for example, for gastric
abscess), the coincidence rate increased by 7.04%. The test results demonstrated the efficacy of the model
study. This model realized a computable SDAT to specify and assist in the differentiation diagnosis and in
the treatment processes of the TCM and improve the service quality of the TCM diagnosis and treatment.
INDEX TERMS Cause, location, characteristics, conditions of diseases, syndrome differentiation and
treatment, algorithm, traditional Chinese medicine.
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VOLUME 6, 2018 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 71801
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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

I. INTRODUCTION TCM using mathematics, statistics, and other methods from

The two basic characteristics of TCM’s theoretical foundation different perspectives, and have made great progress, thus
are the holistic concept and syndrome differentiation and serving as references for our research.
treatment (SDAT). With the holistic concept, a human being Currently, taking departure from symptomatic elements,
is considered an organic whole; therefore, no matter which symptoms and pathogenesis, most of these studies focus on
part of the body is affected by disease, other parts of the the deliberation of a single expert-level issue, or is limited to a
body shall be considered and included in the treatment. The single disease or a single purpose, lacking universality or the
inductive synthesis method used in TCM is an experience- integration of theory, method, prescription, and medicine in
based medical system that focuses on clinical observation, TCM diagnosis and treatment process research. Therefore,
summary, and individual differences [1], [2]. With its devel- under the guidance of the holistic concept in TCM, we sorted
opment as a ‘‘system’’, TCM has been increasingly accepted and analyzed traditional differentiation methods [27]–[30],
and recognized by the world [3], [4]. integrated the common points in the modern differentiation,
‘‘SDAT’’ is the basic principle of TCM in recognizing and arrived at four entry points of syndrome differentia-
and treating diseases. Differentiation refers to recognizing tion, i.e. the cause, location, characteristics, and conditions
the symptoms and signs collected by the four diagnostic (CLCC) of a disease. As a general description of any dis-
methods—inspection, auscultation-olfaction, inquisition, and ease, the above four aspects constitute the differential points
pulse-taking—after comprehensive analysis, extraction and of the disease. Accordingly, we constructed a quantitative
summarization using the TCM theories, to determine the inci- model of SDAT in TCM based on the CLCC of the disease,
dence cause, pathological location, characteristics of disease, provided a diagnostic protocol of TCM SDAT integrating
etc., and finally, reaching a conclusion about the nature of the theory, method, prescriptions, and medicines, expanded the
symptoms and signs. ‘‘Syndrome’’ refers to a pathological TCM doctor’s scope for treating disease, improved their
summary of some stage in the development of a disease. ability to diagnose and treat miscellaneous thorny diseases,
It reflects the body’s ability to respond to the disease, its over- and shortened the time for a young TCM doctor to become
all state, as well as the essence of the pathological changes experienced.
at the current stage. ‘‘Treatment’’ refers to the therapeutic
principles and methods determined in accordance with the II. CALCULABILITY OF SDAT IN TCM
differentiation results [5], [6]. SDAT comprises the entire A. QUANTIZATION OF SDAT IN TCM
process from differentiation to treatment determination. In the TCM syndrome differentiation system, research has
In modern studies on the TCM method of syndrome focused on the key points of differentiation [8], [9], which
differentiation Bai et al. [7] and Meili et al. [8] created a indicates that the essence of TCM syndrome differentiation
syndrome differentiation system that combines syndrome is a classification problem. Therefore, we have sorted out
elements with syndrome targets, i.e., a corresponding differ- and analyzed the methods of syndrome differentiation in
entiation between syndrome and prescription Yan et al. [9] a 30-year study and extracted the core and key
created a syndrome elements differentiation system. points [31]–[33]. Based on the viscera syndrome differ-
Zhou et al. created a pathogenesis elements differentiation entiation and eight principal syndrome differentiations as
system. These modern differentiation methods are the sum- the starting point of core differentiation, we integrated the
mary and development from the traditional differentiation methods of pathogenesis and cause of disease, each attempt
methods, by carrying out TCM differentiation processes at syndrome differentiation reflects the cause, location, and
departing from symptomatic elements, symptoms, pathogen- characteristics of the disease, and highlights the key points of
esis, etc. respectively and takes them as the entry points, conditions during quantification and value input. In this way,
thus providing a theoretical basis for the quantification diag- the differentiation method that integrates the cause, location,
nostics of TCM and promoting the development of TCM characteristics, and conditions of the disease [34], [35] is
informatization. In the 1990s, computer and information finally formed. Such a method is universal and diseases
technology was introduced into TCM, marking the start of treated in various departments, such as internal medicine,
the research on TCM information intellectualization, at the surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, exogenous diseases, and
heart of which were the TCM expert systems centered on internal injury, could be included.
system modeling, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge The TCM differentiation method, based on the cause,
library construction [10]. Early 21st century witnessed a low location, characteristics, and conditions of the disease,
ebb in the intelligent study in TCM, which mainly focused on involves 46 TCM differentiation elements in total. Thus,
database and knowledge engineering [11]–[16]. After 2005, we take the differentiation for the cause, location, charac-
study on neural networks increased [17]–[20] and after 2010, teristics, and conditions of the disease as the key points of
TCM data were accumulated mainly based on mathematical classification.
models [21]–[26]. After four generations of TCM research on Method 1: The ‘‘syndrome’’ is described according to the
information intellectualization, researchers are attempting to following 46-bit differentiation elements that correspond to
conduct objectified, standardized, and quantified research on the above CLCC of the diseases.

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

TABLE 1. 46-bit quantitative code for the cause, location, characteristics, and conditions of disease.

TABLE 2. 46-bit quantitative code of medicinal materials.

1) DISEASE LOCATION OF THE SYNDROME (13 BITS) and bowel, but no effect on the heart, liver, gallbladder, etc.
Heart, liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, bowel, lung, kid- As shown in Table 1, a total of 1,923 symptom codes are put
ney, bladder, bladder, uterus, thoroughfare and concept, in the system knowledge base.
essence chamber and surface. It should be noted that the Method 3: We use quantitative code (D) of TCM efficacy,
disease location of the syndrome is specific to the TCM which is a numerical string comprising a 46-bit decimal
medication rather than an exact anatomic site. number (as shown in Table 2, in which the 46-bit quantitative
code corresponding to the medicinal materials is listed).
2) DISEASE CAUSE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE It is assumed that the quality of the medicinal material and
SYNDROME (33 BITS) the technological process of the preparation are controllable,
Fu-organ, irregularity, heat, heat deficiency, blood heat, body and the 46-bit quantitative code of TCM efficacy can be con-
fluid deficiency, toxicity, pus, accumulation, cold, heatstroke, structed according to the quantification for the TCM efficacy
deficiency of vital energy, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, qi in the known ingredients of TCM. A total of 491 quantitative
instability, vexation, coma (abnormal consciousness), blood codes of medication efficacy are completed in the system
stasis, pulse obstruction, bleeding, qi stagnation, cough, knowledge base:
wind, stirring wind, dryness, dampness, water, sputum, diet,
D = d1 d2 . . . . . . dn−1 dn , dn ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}, n = 46. (2)
and parasitosis.
Method 4: We use B = (O, S, C, T , P, G, Fj∈[1,8] ) as the
Take the numerical value as the basis for determining the
TCM doctor’s workstation, where B indicates TCM doctor’s
severity of the conditions upon assignment for the numeric
workstation; O indicates the patient’s chief complaint col-
coding of each symptom.
lected by the application system; S indicates an assemblage
Method 2: We propose to use quantitative code (V ) for
of symptom names, covering all the patient’s symptoms;
CLCC regarding the TCM symptoms, which is a numerical
i indicates the number of symptoms; and Si ⇔ V si indicates
string composed of 46 decimal numbers as shown in Table 1:
the unique 46-bit quantitative code (V si ) for the CLCC corre-
V = v1 v2 . . . . . . vn−1 vn , vn ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}, n = 46. (1) sponding to each symptom name (Si ):
Among the numbers, vn indicates the degrees of influ- X
ence of current symptoms and the n-th differentiation ele- S= Si , Si ⇔ V si . (3)
ment, ranging from strong, medium, weak to zero. These are i=1
expressed in the decimal numbers 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively. C indicates the name of syndrome type, which is
For example, ‘‘bad breath’’ has a mild effect on the stomach comprehensively composed of several symptoms, i.e., the

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

recombination of symptoms, an equivalent to the syndrome TABLE 3. Total quantitative code of symptoms.
in Western medicine. For instance, fever, aversion to cold,
headache, and floating pulse are all external symptoms and
the syndrome type is characterized by ‘‘wind–cold exterior
T indicates the therapeutic method. It elects a specific
therapeutic rule after determining the syndrome and clearly
investigating the disease cause and pathogenesis. The method
of treatment is also called a basic therapeutic method, which
summarizes the common features of many specific therapeu-
tic methods, and thus has universal significance in clinical
practice. It encompasses the eight therapeutic methods: per-
spiration, vomiting, descending, moderation, warming, clear- FIGURE 1. Corresponding diagram for the total quantitative code of
ing, tonifying, and digesting. The specific therapeutic method symptoms and differentiation elements.

is proposed according to the specific disease syndromes and

as a unique method, each has its own application scope, such
as clearing for heat, warming for cold (clearing heat and Syndrome-diff (V ). V is achieved through a superposition for
removing toxicity, invigorating spleen to promote digestion). all the symptom quantitative codes of the patient through the
Generally, one syndrome type corresponds to one therapeutic function Superposition (V , V ). As shown in the first record
method. of Table 3 and Fig. 1, the heart, liver, and kidneys are the
P indicates the prescription name and G the Chinese main locations affected by disease, while the yin deficiency,
medicine name. There exists the following relationship qi deficiency, blood deficiency, heat, and deficiency-heat are
between the two factors: j is an integer that indicates the the primary causes, characteristics, and conditions of the
number of the Chinese medicines and Gi ⇔ DGi indicates disease syndrome. The combination can constitute a syn-
the unique 46-bit quantitative code of TCM efficacy corre- drome differentiation classification, such as the syndrome of
sponding to each medicine name: hyperactivity of fire due to heart-yin deficiency, the syndrome
of liver-yin deficiency, the syndrome of hyperactivity of fire
X due to liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency, and the syndrome
P= Gi , Gi ⇔ DG i . (4)
of kidney deficiency. Possible combinations are shown in
Tables 4–7: heart, liver, kidneys, yin deficiency, qi deficiency,
F indicates an integration for the operating functions of blood deficiency, heat and deficiency-heat. For combinations
the syndrome differentiation algorithm in the TCM clinical of a single factor (Table 4) and combinations of multiple
SDAT system. factors (Tables 5–7), some are shown as below: ‘‘−’’ indicates
F1 : Function get: O → S refers to extracting the patient’s that there exists no combination of this syndrome type. The
symptom information from results of the four diagnostic presence of multiple words indicates that there are differ-
methods by comparing the results of the four diagnostic meth- ent expressions for the syndrome type in different diseases,
ods with the symptom data dictionary, to extract symptom such as liver + heat = hyperactivity of liver-yang or liver
terms which are associated with TCM disease names and depression of heat or liver-fire excess or hyperactivity of liver
frequently used in clinical practice, e.g., get (O). fire. The combination results can be sequenced according
F2 : Function Refining: S → S refers to extracting the to the numerical value of the quantitative code. The top-
patient’s primary symptom from the symptom information ranking syndromes include the syndrome of hyperactivity of
for improvement of the accuracy of the subsequent syndrome fire due to heart-yin deficiency, the syndrome of liver-yin
differentiation classification, e.g., Refining (S). This proce- deficiency, the syndrome of hyperactivity of fire due to liver-
dure is manually selected by the doctor. yin and kidney-yin deficiency, and the syndrome of kidney
F3 : Function Superposition: V × V → V , D × D → D deficiency.
refers to the new 46-bit primary symptom quantitative code F5 : Function Recommended-treatment: C → T refers
achieved through the superposition of the two 46-bit primary to the recommended therapy achieved by comparing the
symptom quantitative codes (possibly the primary symptom syndrome differentiation classification result with the expert
quantitative code and drug efficacy code): knowledge base.
F6 : Function Recommended-prescription: C × T → P
Superposition(V 1 , V 2 )
refers to the recommended prescriptions achieved by com-
2 2 2
X j
X j
X paring the syndrome differentiation classification result and
= v1 v2 . . . . . . vjn , n = 46. (5)
the recommended therapy with the expert knowledge base.
j=1 j=1 j=1
SDAT is the essence of TCM. As one symptom may cor-
F4 : Function Syndrome-diff: V → C refers to the respond to multiple syndrome types and one syndrome type
syndrome differentiation through quantitative code, e.g., to multiple symptoms, after the syndrome type is confirmed,

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

TABLE 4. Combination of single factor.

TABLE 5. Combination of single–double factor 1.

TABLE 6. Combination of single–double factor 2.

TABLE 7. Combination of double–double factor.

the therapy and prescription would be determined accord- divided into seven syndrome types including ‘‘hyposomnia of
ingly. Therefore, the recommended therapies and prescrip- liver fire harassing the heart’’, ‘‘hyposomnia of phlegm-heat
tions used for the knowledge base were based on govern- harassing the heart’’, and ‘‘stomach gas estrangement’’. Addi-
ment documents, such as Government Document 9 [2017] tionally, the syndromes in each syndrome type are described
and 18 [2016], State Administration of Traditional Chinese in detail. Take ‘‘hyposomnia of liver fire harassing the heart’’
Medicine of P. R. China; Memo No. 83, 114, 93, 9, 141, 147, as an example. The syndromes are sudden insomnia, short
State Administration of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacol- temper, difficulty in falling asleep, and sleep easily disturbed
ogy, Bureau of Medical Administration [2015–2010]. The by dreams, fullness and distension in chest and hypochon-
algorithm was constructed by the ‘‘13th Five-Year’’ projected drium, proneness to sighing, bitter mouth, dry throat,
teaching materials (10th version), including Chinese Inter- dizziness and distention in the head, hot eyes and tinnitus,
nal Medicine, Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, constipation and scanty dark urine, red tongue with yel-
Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Surgery of low fur and pulse string.’’ Each syndrome corresponds to a
Traditional Chinese Medicine. unique therapy. Take ‘‘hyposomnia of phlegm-heat harassing
For example, the disease name ‘‘insomnia’’ in Memo the heart’’ as an example. The therapy is ‘‘soothing liver
No. 148, State Administration of Chinese Medicine and Phar- and purging fire. Each therapy corresponds to one or two
macology, Bureau of Medical Administration [2010] was prescriptions. In this case, the recommended prescriptions

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

are Huanglian Wendan decoction, including rhizoma pinel- TABLE 8. Units for magnetic properties.
liae preparata, Chen pi, zhu ru, Zhishi, Gardenia jasmi-
noides, goldthread, fuling, polygala root, platycladi seed, and
In conclusion, after determining the ‘‘syndrome type
name’’ with the differentiation results, we can pinpoint a ther-
apy in the knowledge base, with at most two recommended
prescriptions. This is why differentiation is precisely at the
core of disease diagnosis and treatment in TCM. A 46-bit
quantitative code is presented in this paper for the purpose
of differentiation, with reference data combined with clinical
medical cases being introduced later to construct a knowl-
edge base, including an introduction to the corresponding
F7 : Function A-custom-action (Fj∈[1,6] ) refers to support
for manual intervention of the algorithm by doctors on their
own. For example, A-custom-action (Refining (S)) indicates
that doctors can extract the primary syndromes based on the
primary syndrome information automatically provided by the
system, to achieve a more accurate primary syndrome by
deleting and adding the primary syndrome information.
F8 : Function Validation:V × P uses the primary syndrome
quantitative code and prescription efficacy to compare the
quantitative code and drug, and verify the anastomosis for
the 46-bit quantitative code regarding the differentiation and
diagnosis and treatment.

Input: Patient’s information on four diagnostic methods (O)
Output: Patient’s syndrome type (C), therapy (T ), and
prescription (P).


The prototype of the basic algorithm was achieved, i.e.,
a TCM doctor’s workstation, which are currently used in
more than 80 TCM hospitals in Sichuan province, China,
and collecting EMR data (i.e., TCM clinical data) from these
hospitals monthly. The most recent data were collected on
April 10, 2018. Moreover, there are more than 2.9 million
real TCM clinical EMRs. We used the 35,706 reference
data and over 2.9 million clinical medical records to estab-
lish a TCM data platform, collected and investigated the
TCM symptom data on the disease using perfect information, minology of Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis and
and preprocessed the data to ensure the data quality. Treatment (Ver. 1997), we obtained 702 TCM syndrome
types, 3,273 syndrome types, 12,113 symptoms, 15,582 pre-
A. DATA STRUCTURE AND STATISTICS OF THE DATA scriptions, and 4,036 traditional Chinese medicines.
From textbooks (Ver. 10) listed in the ‘‘13th Five-Year Plan’’, 18% of hospitals (5 tertiary and 15 second-class hospitals)
such as Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, were found to possess 74% of the TCM EMR data. Therefore,
Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pediatrics of we used this 74% of data, which involved 1,795 TCM doctors
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Surgery of Traditional Chi- using the system, 2.21 million TCM EMRs, 2,258 disease
nese Medicine, Classification and Coding of Diseases in entities, 6,521 syndrome types, 21,246 symptoms, 3,285 pre-
Traditional Chinese Medicine (Ver. 1995), and Clinical Ter- scriptions, and 3,891 drugs as shown in Tables 8 and 9.

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

TABLE 9. Collection condition for the clinical data of tertiary hospitals.

In Table 8, EMR QTY refers to the total quantity of TCM for epigastric pain, 2,096 cases for dysmenorrhea, 2,639 cases
EMRs generated during the diagnosis and treatment using for diabetes, 1,793 cases for pneumonia, and 520 cases for
the SDAT system; proportion refers to the proportion of eczema. The test was conducted according to the following
TCM doctors that use the platform in a certain hospital to test standards of differentiation:
all TCM doctors in this hospital. The average percentage 1) The result will be accepted if the first two items at
of doctors using the system in Tables 8 and 9 is 63.12%; the disease location are fully consistent. In the case of
the total number of disease entities, symptoms, syndrome deficiency of heart and spleen, it is accepted if there are
types, prescriptions, and traditional Chinese medicines only heart and spleen for the first two superimposed numer-
involves the five tertiary hospitals. ical values (achieved from Function Superposition) at
the primary syndrome site. It is basically accepted if
B. PREPROCESSING OF REFERENCES AND CLINICAL DATA there are heart and spleen in the first four bits. It is
There may be input errors, deficiencies, repetitions, irregular unaccepted if either heart or spleen is absent from the
titles, or other problems for the data that cause a reduction of disease location.
data quality and make it difficult to carry out direct analysis. 2) It is accepted if the first three are consistent in the
Therefore, it is necessary to preprocess the data. We retained cause, characteristics, and conditions of the disease.
the patient information, such as patient ID, admission date, In the case of deficiency of heart and spleen, it is
symptoms, syndrome type, disease entities, disease loca- accepted if there are qi deficiency and blood deficiency
tion, disease characteristics, therapeutic method, and pre- in the first three bits according to the superimposed
scription. Additionally, the information is normalized and numerical values (achieved from Function Superposi-
unified in accordance with Basic Theory Nomenclature of tion) of the cause, characteristics, and conditions of the
Traditional Chinese Medicine (GB/T20348-2006) and Clin- disease. It is basically accepted if there are qi defi-
ical Diagnosis and Treatment of Traditional Chinese ciency and blood deficiency in the individual cause,
Medicine–Syndromes (GB/T16751.2-1997) issued by the characteristics, and conditions of the disease. It is unac-
State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the cepted if either qi deficiency or blood deficiency is
P. R. China, and data falling short of the national TCM absent.
terminology standards were dealt with by means of amend- 3) It is accepted if the name of the syndrome type is
ment, splitting, combination, and removal of repetitions. consistent. In the case of deficiency of heart and spleen,
After pretreatment, 422 disease entities, 318 syndrome types, it is accepted. It is basically accepted if the name of the
15,105 symptoms, 2,896 prescriptions, and 2,914 drugs were syndrome type is not the deficiency of heart and spleen,
achieved. but the features of the syndrome are consistent accord-
ing to CLCC (i.e., there are heart and spleen in the
IV. TEST ON COMMON CLINICAL DISEASES first two bits of disease location, and qi deficiency and
Five common TCM diseases (epigastric pain, dysmenor- blood deficiency in the first three bits of the CLCC).
rhea, diabetes, pneumonia, and eczema) were selected for It is unaccepted if the syndrome and the CLCC are
testing. Five-star EMR (referring to all contents of the- inconsistent.
ory, method, prescription, and medicine, i.e., chief com- 4) It is accepted if the prescription name (such as gui-
plaint, symptom, diagnosis, therapeutic method, prescription pi decoction) is consistent. It is basically accepted if
name, and TCM name and dosage) were collected from the TCM compositions are consistent but prescription
the platform as test data between December 2015 and name is inconsistent. It is unaccepted if the TCM com-
January 2018. There were 9,300 medical cases: 2,252 cases positions and prescription name are inconsistent.

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

TABLE 10. Collection condition for the clinical data of second-class hospitals.

FIGURE 2. Data process diagram of data platform.

According to a comprehensive assessment, it is accepted unaccepted if there is any inconsistency in the above four
if the above four assessments are completely consistent. items.
It is basically accepted if there is no inconsistent item and With the test on the five disease entities data, we achieved
any is basically consistent in the above four items. It is the coincidence rate and basic coincidence rate as shown

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

FIGURE 3. Standard procedures for differentiation test.

in Fig. 4. Figure 4(a) shows the coincidence rate and use existing algorithms and models, and their data, usually
basic coincidence rate of the system in differentiating the derived from the references and the veteran expert’s knowl-
disease location. Figure 4(b) shows the coincidence rate edge, are basically devoid of or rarely include clinical data.
and basic coincidence rate of the system in differentiat- Therefore, regardless of the rules and training, the data alone
ing the cause, characteristics, and conditions of the disease. fail to fully reflect the pathogenesis of the disease, thus it is
Figure 4(c) shows the coincidence rate and basic coincidence difficult to determine some syndrome types in practical appli-
rate recommended by the name of the system syndrome type. cation as a great number of achievements are confined to the
Figure 4(e) shows the coincidence rate and basic coincidence laboratory stage. Therefore, no comparison was conducted
rate of the comprehensive assessment on the system SDAT. with other algorithms in this paper.
The coincidence rate and basic coincidence rate of the whole
system can reach 80.47% and 96.19%, respectively. V. DIMENSION REDUCTION AND DEGREE ELEVATION
Currently, there are expert systems established as per the FOR ALGORITHM OPTIMIZATION
single and veteran expert knowledge and the SDAT system A. DIMENSION REDUCTION OF DIFFERENTIATION
established by neural networks and various data statisti- ELEMENTS
cal methods in the TCM SDAT system, with accuracy Three hundred and four dominant diseases in TCM were
reaching 80–90%. However, the methods more often than not identified by Memo No. 103, State Administration of Chinese

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

FIGURE 4. 2,252 cases for stomach ache, 2,096 cases for dysmenorrhea, 2,630 cases for diabetes, 2,651 cases for pneumonia, and 520 cases for
eczema were taken as the disease entities for test and analysis in Fig. 5, and have the coincidence rate and basic coincidence rate calculated
according to the rules for differential test and assessment.

Medicine and Pharmacology, Bureau of Medical Adminis- model [39] for a dimension reduction of disease entities to
tration [2012] and Memo No. 119, State Administration of reduce the complexity of the algorithm and the effect of
Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, Bureau of Medical the uncorrelated differentiation elements of the syndrome
Administration [2012] via issuance; recognized by Memo type.
No. 130, State Administration of Chinese Medicine and
Pharmacology, Bureau of Medical Administration [2012] B. DEGREE ELEVATION FOR THE DIRECTED GRAPH
via issuance, the data platform possessed 205 dominant ANALYSIS ON THE DIFFERENTIATION ELEMENTS
disease data in TCM. The basic algorithm has universal- The degree elevation herein refers to the differentiation ele-
ity and the differentiation element is considered compre- ments constituting a syndrome type under the guidance of
hensively, with a coincidence rate of 80.47%. If further TCM theory. We attempted to use the directed graph to
adaptation to clinical data is required, then the basic algo- describe the relationship among ‘‘symptom - disease cause -
rithm shall be optimized. Therefore, we attempted to analyze disease characteristics’’ in order to form a knowledge graph
the large sample data of the data platform taking the to assist in combination of differentiation elements and to
disease entities as units and applied the differentiation promote the coincidence rate for the degree elevation of the
elements of the CLCC that have a potential variable basic algorithm.
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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

FIGURE 5. Structure for the directed graph of the differentiation elements.

TABLE 11. Comparison table before and after dimension reduction of differentiation elements.

Taking epigastric pain as an example, based on the disease, this paper constructed a quantitative model of TCM
2,252 data points achieved from the data platform between SDAT regarding the cause, location, characteristics, and con-
December 2015 and January 2018, the syndrome type ditions of the disease, and collected symptom information
elements of epigastric pain were extracted and 19-bit new on the diagnosed subject and enter it into the SDAT assis-
differentiation elements were achieved by using the CLCC tant algorithm for calculation and analysis to determine the
differentiation elements of dimension reduction in the poten- cause, location, characteristics, and conditions of the disease.
tial variable model shown in Table 10. One hundred forty-two Based on the therapy recommended by the differentiation
clinical data points on epigastric pain were used to carry out results in the knowledge base and the prescription and tradi-
a repeatability demonstration test on the basic algorithm and tional Chinese medicines recommended by the therapy, any
the basic algorithm after ‘‘dimension reduction and degree stage of all diseases could be determined by syndrome type
elevation.’’ After dimension reduction, the coincidence rate by differentiating the disease cause, disease location, dis-
of the basic algorithm increased by 7.04%, to some extent ease characteristics, and disease conditions (i.e., cause, loca-
demonstrating the feasibility of the algorithm optimization, tion, characteristics, and conditions of the disease). Unlike
which provided an idea for further optimization of other other differentiation methods concentrating on certain med-
disease entities. The specific optimization procedure will be ical records, this system, as a universal model, deals with
introduced in a subsequent paper after further verification. various diseases seen in internal medicine, surgery, gyne-
cology, pediatrics, exogenous and internal injuries. In this
VI. CONCLUSIONS model, a computable SDAT was achieved to specify and assist
By studying traditional and modern SDAT systems in TCM, in the differentiation, diagnosis, and treatment processes of
starting from the syndrome differentiation of four aspects TCM, to improve the service quality of TCM diagnosis and
(the cause, location, characteristics, and conditions) of the treatment, and to shorten the time for a TCM doctors to

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J. Chen et al.: SDAT Algorithm Model in TCM Based on Disease CLCC

JU CHEN received the M.E. degree from Sichuan CHUANBIAO WEN is currently pursuing the
Normal University in 2012. She is currently the master’s degree in software engineering from the
Executive Deputy Director of the Digital Med- University of Electronic Science and Technology
ical Research Institute, Chengdu University of of China. He is currently the Director of the Digital
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a Research Medical Research Institute, Chengdu University of
Assistant and a member of the Cloud Health Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He is also
Branch, China Information Association for Tra- an Academic Leader of discipline focused on TCM
ditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy. She is informatics in the state administration of TCM and
principally engaged in the study of artificial intel- the President of the TCM and Pharmacy, Cloud
ligence of the TCM. She received the Third Prize Health Branch, China Information Association. He
in Sichuan Provincial Excellent Teaching Achievements in 2014, the First is principally engaged in the studies such as digital TCM science, big data
Prize of the Chengdu City Science and Technology Progress in 2015, the First analytics, cloud health platform, and artificial intelligence of the TCM. He
Prize of Science and Technology Progress from the China Association for received the First Prize of the effects of education reform regarding the
Acupuncture and Moxibustion in 2016, and the First Prize of the Science stimulation of practical training system by the thinking of the TCM in
and Technology Progress Award from the China Association for Research Sichuan, in 2011, the First and the Second Prize of the Chengdu City Science
and Advancement of Chinese Traditional Medicine in 2017. and Technology Progress Award in the platform based on the syndrome
differentiation and treatment in the TCM and the digitization system based on
the TCM from 2013 to 2015, the First Prize of the Sichuan Provincial Science
and Technology Progress Award in clinical decision supporting platform
on big data evidence-based acupuncture and moxibustion in 2016, and the
DIANXING YANG has cultivated over 20 master’s First Prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award from the China
and doctoral students. He is currently a Professor Association for Research and Advancement of the TCM in the big data
and the Ph.D. Supervisor of the Chengdu Uni- platform of syndrome differentiation and treatment in 2017.
versity of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
China, the Vice President of the China Asso-
ciation of Chinese Medicine, and the President
of the Sichuan Association of Chinese Medicine. XIWEI HUANG (M’15) received the B.Eng.
He has published more than 10 monographs as degree in information engineering from the
lead author, including Entering The New Era of Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in 2009,
the TCM-Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and and the Ph.D. degree in circuits and sys-
Treatment in the TCM. He has been engaged in teaching, scientific research, tems from Nanyang Technological University,
and the clinical practices of the TCM, oriented in clinical application, and Singapore, in 2015. From 2011 to 2014, he was
the rules of syndrome differentiation, treatment, and research on the TCM a joint Ph.D. Student with the Institute of Micro-
digitization. He received many prizes, such as the Second Prize from the electronics, Agency for Science, Technology and
National Excellent Teaching Achievements and the First and Second Prizes Research, Singapore. In 2015, he joined the School
in Sichuan Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress. of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi
University, China, where he has been an Associate Professor since 2016. His
research interest includes CMOS multimodal sensors and systems design for
biomedical diagnostics.

YUE CAO received the degree from the Acupunc-

ture and the Massage College, Chengdu University JINHONG GUO received the bachelor’s degree in
of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China, in 2017, electronic engineering from the University of Elec-
where she is currently pursuing the master’s degree tronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
in acupuncture and massage. China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical
engineering from Nanyang Technological Univer-
sity in 2014. After his doctoral studies, he was a
Post-Doctoral Fellow of the pillar of engineering
design with MIT, SUTD, Singapore, from 2014 to
2015. He then worked as a Visiting Professor with
the School of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from 2016 to 2016. He is currently a Full Professor
with the School of Information and Communication Engineering, University
YIYI MA received the bachelor’s degree in of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and the Chengdu University
medicine from the Chengdu University of Tradi- of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu. He has published over 70 pub-
tional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chengdu, China, lication in top journal, such as the IEEE TII, TBME, TBioCAS, Analytical
in 2016. She is currently pursuing the master’s Chemistry, and Biosensors and bioelectronics. His current research interests
degree in TCM information alization with the focus on electrochemical sensors and lab-on-a-chip devices for point of care
Chengdu University of TCM. test toward clinical use. He was a recipient of the China Sichuan Thousand
Talents Plan for Scholars Award (2015) and the Chengdu Expert in Science
and Technology Award (2015). He served as a Lead Guest Editor and a Guest
Editor for the IEEE TBioCAS, Micromachine, Electrophoresis, and Sensors.

VOLUME 6, 2018 71813

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