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Project Report On


Developed by
Name: Aniket Bharat Patil (Roll no. 130)

In partial fulfillment of
T.Y. B.C.A. (Science)
“Savitribai Phule Pune University”
2021- 2022
Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society’s



Exam Seat No.: ____

This is to certify that Aniket Bharat Patil (130) have successfully completed the Project
Work entitled “Online Shopping System ” for T.Y.B.C.A. (Science) Sem-VI of
Savitribai Phule Pune University for the Academic Year 2021-22.

Project Guide H.O.D. Principal

(Computer Science Department)

External Examiner:

Internal Examiner:

There are so many people who contributed either directly or indirectly to
complete this project. I shall mention few of them, who personally or
professionally encouraged and assisted us in the entire duration of project a
very pleasant endeavour.

I am extremely thankful to our project guide Dr. Sonali Nemade

Ma’am for her valuable suggestions while the developing project. I am thankful
to our head of Department Dr. Ranjit Patil for his constant motivation and

It was a fantastic and knowledgeable experience for both of us to work

together on project topic given to us. We learnt that ‘A team Spirit nature makes
any difficult task easier and joyful’.

We would also like to thank all the Teaching and Non Teaching staff
members of Computer Science Department who have helped us in this project
without which this project was an absolute dream for us.
SR. No. Content
1 Introduction to System
2 System Analysis
2.1 Existing System
2.2 Need of Computerization
2.3 Proposed System
2.4 Scope and Objective of Proposed System
2.5 Fact Finding Techniques
2.6 Feasibility Study
3 Requirement Specification
4 System Design
4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram
4.2 Data Flow Diagram
4.3 Class Diagram
4.4.Usecase Diagram
4.5 Activity Diagram
4.6 Sequence Diagram
4.7 Component diagram/ Deployment diagram
4.8 Data Dictionary
5 System Implementation
6 Input-Output Screen & Reports
7 Limitations
8 Conclusion
9 Future Enhancements
10 References
This project is a web based shopping system for an existing shop. The project
objective is to deliver the online shopping application into android platform. Online
shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a
seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of
electronic commerce. This project is an attempt to provide the advantages of online
shopping to customers of a real shop. It helps buying the products in the shop
anywhere through internet by using an android device. Thus the customer will get the
service of online shopping and home delivery from his favorite shop.

2. System Analysis
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing
problems and using the information to recommend improvements on the system.
System analysis is a problem solving activity that requires intensive communication
between the system users and system developers. System analysis or study is an
important phase of any system development process. The system is viewed as a
whole, the inputs are identified and the system is subjected to close study to
identify the problem areas. The solutions are given as a proposal. The proposal is
reviewed on user request and suitable changes are made. This loop ends as soon as
the user is satisfied with the proposal.

2.1 Existing System

The current system for shopping is to visit the shop manually and from the
available product choose the item customer want and buying the item by payment
of the price of the item .
1. It is less user-friendly.
2. User must go to shop and select products.
3. It is difficult to identify the required product.
4. Description of the product limited.
5. It is a time consuming process

2.2 Need of Computerization

2.3 Proposed System
In the proposed system customer need not go to the shop for buying the products.
He can order the product he wish to buy through theapplication in his Smartphone.
The shop owner will be admin of the system. Shop owner can appoint moderators
who will help owner in managing the customers and product orders. The system
sore commends a home delivery system for the purchased products.

2.4 Scope and Objective of Proposed System

The objective of the project is to make an application in android platform to
purchase items in an existing shop. In order to build such an application complete
web support need to be provided. A complete and efficient web application which
can provide the online shopping experience is the basic objective of the project.
The web application can be implemented in the form of an android application with
web view.

This system can be implemented to any shop in the locality or to multinational
branded shops having retail outlet chains. The system ecommends a facility to
accept the orders 24*7 and a home delivery system which can make customers
happy. If shops are providing an online portal where their customers can enjoy easy
shopping from any where, the shops won’t be losing any more customers to the
trending online shops such as flipcart or ebay. Since the application is available in
the Smartphone it is easily accessible and always available.

2.5 Fact Finding Techniques

Fact Finding Technique are

1. Sampling of Existing Documents
To follow this particular method of fact-finding, Analyst has to study well existing
documentation, forms, and files of existing system. A good analyst gets fact first
from existing documentation rather than from people.
2. Interview:
This technique of fact-finding is most popular, productive for good analysts and
most probably widely used. Interviews are a fact-finding technique where by the
systems analysts collects information from individual fact to face. Interviewing can
be used to find-facts; verify facts; clarify facts; general enthusiasm etc.

3. Observation:
Observation could be Formal or Informal. This is most effective when and analyst
wants toobtain an understanding of a system. This technique used when analyst
wants either participatesin or watches a person perform activities to learn about the

4. Questionnaires:
This is a special purpose document that allows the analyst to collect information
and opinionsfrom respondents. Questionnaires become useful when a little
information is required from anumber of people.

5. Research and Site Visits:

Analyst has to research with data of the organisation. The data could be collect
from thedocuments, files or from computer. Most organisations like to maintain
their web site. Analystcan get data and information of their existing system from
their web site.

2.6 Feasibility Study

a. Economic Feasibility

The project is economically feasible as the only cost involved is

having a computer with the minimum requirements mentioned earlier. For
the users to access the application, the only cost involved will be in getting
access to the Internet.

b.Technical Feasibility

To deploy the application, the only technical aspects needed are mentioned below:

Operating Environment Win 2000/XP

Platform .Net Framework & IIS

Database SQL Server 2005

For Users:

Internet Browser



c. Behavioral Feasibility

The application requires no special technical guidance and all the

views available in the application are self explanatory. The users are well
guided with warning and failure messages for all the actions taken.

3.Requirement Specification
Hardware Specification
 Processor P IV RAM 250MB

 Minimum Space Required 100 MB

 Display 16 bit color

Software Specification

 Operating Environment Win 2000/XP

 Platform .Net Framework & IIS Visual

 Studio 2008 Database SQL Server 2005

System Design
After carefully analyzing the requirements and functionality of the web
application, I had two important diagrams by the end of the analysis phase.
They are the ER diagram and data flow diagram which were the basis for
finding out entities and relationships between them, the flow of information.

4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

4.2 Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a structured analysis and design tool that can be
used for flowcharting. A DFD is a network that describes the flow of data and the
processes that change or transform the data throughout a system. This network is
constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply any physical

4.3 Class Diagram

Class diagram for online shopping system

4.4.Use case Diagram

Web Customer actor uses some web site to make purchases online. Top level use
cases are View Items, Make Purchase and Client Register. View Items use case
could be used by customer as top level use case if customer only wants to find
and see some products. This use case could also be used as a part of Make Purchase
use case. Client Register use case allows customer to register on the web site, for
example to get some coupons or be invited to private sales. Note, that Check
out use case is included use case not available by itself -checkout is part of
making purchase. Except for the Web Customer actor there are several other actors
which will be described below with detailed use cases. Online Shopping -Top Level
Use Cases View Items use case is extended by several optional use cases -customer
may search for items, browse cata log, view items recommended for him/her, add
items to shopping cart or wish list. All these use cases are extending use cases
because they provide some optional functions allowing customer to find item.
4.5 Activity Diagram
The activity diagram used to describe flow of activity through a series of actions.
Activity diagram is a important diagram to describe the system. The activity
described as a action or operation of the system.
4.6 Sequence Diagram
4.7 Component diagram/ Deployment diagram
4.8 Data Dictionary
1.Customer table- this table contains the information of the
Column Status Attribute DataType Size Description
Not Null Customer_ID VARCHAR 9 Customer identification
number, it consists of
Primary Key
unique number

Not Null First_name VARCHAR 10 First name of the Customer

Not Null Last_name VARCHAR 10 Last name of the Customer

Not Null Customer E-mail VARCHAR 20 email address of the


Not Null Customer_Phone INT 10 Phone number of the

_number customer

Not Null Address_ID VARCHAR 20 Postal address of the


2.Address table- this table contains the information of the flight

Column Status Attribute DataType Size Description

Not Null Address_ID VARCHAR 10 Address ID which is
Primary Key

Not Null Address VARCHAR 20 Address of the customer

Not Null City VARCHAR 15 City of the customer

Not Null State VARCHAR 15 State of the customer

5. System Implementation
5.1Database Design and Implementation

The design of the database was similar to the analysis phase. The database has
been developed using SQL Server 2005.

Figure 5.1 Database Implementation using SQL Server 2005

These are the main tables in the application and others are lookup and query
tables. The tables were derived from the ER-Diagram.
5.2 User Interface Design and Implementation
The user interface of the application has been designed using Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008. The main controls used in the design are Repeaters, Ajax Update panels,
Ajax toolkit controls like modal popup, textbox watermark and Auto complete

5.3Technical Discussions

The products can be filtered based on various parameters like

Manufacturer, Product Type, Operating System supported etc. Initially it
was decided to have the various list items predefined. But with time new
manufacturers and product types could be added. So the values for the list of
manufacturers and product types are loaded dynamically by retrieving from
the database. Also it was decided initially to have a drop down list for price
range and the user could select a price range from the ranges available. But
this would limit the user’s ability to filter the products based on different
price ranges. Instead providing two text fields so that the user can enter their
price range would give them more flexibility.
A product could be added to a shopping cart by dragging it and dropping
it in the cart area. Items in the cart could be removed by clicking a button.
To maintain symmetry and ease of use products could be removed from the
cart by dragging the product out of the cart.
Input-Output Screen & Reports
Home Page

Login page

7. Limitations
This application does not have a built in check out process. An
external checkout package has to be integrated in to this application. Also
users cannot save the shopping carts so that they can access later i.e. they
cannot create wish lists which they can access later. This application does
not have features by which user can set price ranges for products and receive
alerts once the price reaches the particular range.

8. Conclusions
The ‘Online Shopping’ is designed to provide a web based application that
would make searching, viewing and selection of a product easier. The search
engine provides an easy and convenient way to search for products where a
user can Search for a product interactively and the search engine would
refine the products available based on the user’s input. The user can then
view the complete specification of each product. They can also view the
product reviews and also write their own reviews. Use of Ajax components
would make the application interactive and prevents annoying post backs. Its
drag and drop feature would make it easy to use

9. Future Enhacements

The following things can be done in future.

i. The current system can be extended to allow the users to create

accounts and save products in to wish list.
ii. The users could subscribe for price alerts which would enable them
to receive messages when price for products fall below a particular
iii. The current system is confined only to the shopping cart process. It
can be extended to have an easy to use check out process.
iv. Users can have multiple shipping and billing information saved.
During checkout they can use the drag and drop feature to select
shipping and billing information.

10. References
 Wikipedia for various diagrams & testing
 Smart Draw for drawing all the Diagrams used in
this report.
 Google Search

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