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The logo of ‘House of Locsin’ stands as a profound embodiment of cherished Filipino

values, the spirit of teamwork, and the guiding principles of nursing. The logo is a powerful
emblem encapsulating Dr. Rozanno Locsin's Theory of Technological Competency As
Caring in Nursing. Crafted in the form of a badge or seal, it radiates strength and
commitment. At its core is a globe, symbolizing unity on a global scale. Positioned at the top
are two figures representing the interconnectedness of individuals within a community. In the
center lies the poignant image of a mother and child's heart, embodying the essence of
pro-life values meticulously incorporated to emphasize our unwavering commitment to
nurturing life, transcending the clinical realm to mirror the core values upheld by Paulinian

The inclusion of gears and a cursor signifies the integration of technology into
nursing care, underlining the theory's emphasis on the intersection of healthcare and
innovation in using technology and caring as a coordinated interaction in the nursing
environment. The presence of the Philippine flag within the Locsin name reflects the proudly
local origin of the theory. Moreover, the baybayin script spelling 'nurse' reinforces the deep
roots of nursing within the Philippine context. Collectively, these elements illustrate the
resilience of Filipino nurses and the holistic approach to care advocated by Dr. Locsin's
groundbreaking theory.

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