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Paul University Dumaguete

North National Highway, Bantayan, Dumaguete City
A.Y 2023-2024
2 nd Semester

Reflection Tuesdays with Morrie

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in the subject Understanding the Self

Submitted To:
Mr. Mario T. Cual, Jr.

Submitted By:
Shiera Mae R. Bernales
St. Paul University Dumaguete
North National Highway, Bantayan, Dumaguete City
A.Y 2023-2024
2 nd Semester

Tuesdays with Morrie helped me realize a number of things about life,

including how I should value and spend my life in light of the fact that death
is a reality.One of the most important things it taught me was how important it
is to value each moment and the people in my life. In his dialogue on the
importance of love, Morrie encourages us to let go of our fears, including the
agony of losing a loved one. It's essential to embrace love despite our fears. It
serves as a reminder that although suffering loss is a natural part of life, what
really counts and gets us through difficult times is the love we give and

Our shoulders are burdened every day, but as Morrie once said "When you
know how to die, you know how to live." Although everyone will eventually
pass away, we should constantly question ourselves: Have I already lived the
life I wanted? We had always put a lot of emphasis on our careers, finances,
and goals, but was that really what we wanted out of life? These questions
resonated with me. I understood that what truly matters in life is not the
gaining of wealth or honors, but the connections we created and the
moments of joy and love we experience. That is the essence of a fulfilling life.

Most importantly, don't forget that we're not alone on this journey. We rely on
one other for support, friendship, and understanding. It's easy to feel alone in
the face of life's hardships, but we must remember that there are others
walking alongside us. We are all linked together, and understanding this
allows us to find comfort and strength in one another's presence. So never
forget that you are not alone, no one exists alone.

The film serves as a reminder that love does not always go well. It can be
messy, confusing, and, at times, really difficult. Love needs courage,
vulnerability, and resilience, but it is ultimately what makes life worthwhile.
So, despite the uncertainties and risks, let us continue to love deeply and
completely. Because, in the end, love is what gives our lives meaning and

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