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She opened her eyes and saw blue, she moved and green appeared, she danced and

yellow arose, she sang and

violet came to life. She closed her eyes and when she found the courage, she jumped. She took off and flew and
suddenly all the colors of the rainbow appeared, and in that precise moment, she disappeared and became one
with the universe.

Silvia Gonzalez Taylor

@gaiart7 & @silviatay
Moon Notebook

We are cyclical and unique. Each one of us have our own cycles which can manifest externally
or/and internally. Discovering and learning about our cycles is getting to know oneself,
connecting with our ancestral wisdom and the moon. It is part of us and of our own nature.
The moon is cyclical and its energy accompanies us and influences our cycles. Our ancestors
were governed by the stars, mainly the moon, and observing the moon they created a lunar
calendar with different types of energy and archetypes in each cycle. It is not a new idea to
align with the moon, her powerful energy has a heavy influence in our known world, from the
tides, to animals, to our behaviours and moods.
This lunar diary has the objective to help keep track of our cycle to discover and get to know
oneself better. With this tool it becomes easier to observe how throughout the lunar and
menstrual cycles we have different phases in which we have similar behaviors and emotions.
Learning about our unique cycle will help us navigate those natural ups and downs,
understanding where its coming from and why it happens, this makes it easier to permit
ourselves feel whatever it is that we feel and to prepare ourselves for coming phases.
The phases of the moon have 4 different architype associated with the energy of each phase. It
is preferable to try and map out which is our own unique architypes which govern us in each
phase, this can be done by observing what kind of energy is the most prominent in each phase
of our cycle and try giving it a name, “the rebirth”, “the explorer”, “the creator”, “the lover”…
and then we can see if its similar to the 4 architypes associated to the phases of the moon and
the menstrual cycles.

How does it work?

It is essential to try and have a daily compromise and be sincerer with what we feel. We have to
give a daily space to write down what it is we feel that day. The next list is an example of word
to help describe how we feel:
-Energy level
Active, passive, neutral, high, low, liveliness, lustiness, unstable, dynamic, lethargic, etc.
Calmness, anxiety, sadness, happiness, enthusiastic, irritable, impatient, depressed, vulnerable,
strong, outgoing, scared, etc.
-Physical symptoms
Appetite, sleep, physical changes, blood, activeness, heaviness, pains, etc.
Active, receptive, sensual, aggressive, romantic, obscene, intimate, decreased or increased
libido, etc.
-External Symptoms
Creativity, confidence, organization, unstable behavior, concentration, reactions, clothing, etc.

You can use any words of this list and as many more as you wish, using colours is helpful as
well. You can use the lunar diagram however you feel like using, next there is an example of
one of the ways to use it. The first small boxes are used for writing our monthly period days, the
second ones for a colour, and the third boxes to write a few words describing how you felt that
day. It’s easier to understand our cycles and patterns when we can see them spread out on a

1-4 Menstruation

Active, Satisfied, happy

Calm, tiered, pain
Impatient, irritable
The architypes

New moon; The witch, The grandmother (menstruation)

This is the darkness phase, the peak time for intuition, for spiritual practices and inner visions,
dreams and going deep into our inner world. The energy will be concentrated inside ourselves
rather than in the outside world. It is a time to reflect, to meditate and rest from the agitated
rhythm of life, our bodies are more sensitive during this phase so it is an opportunity to deeply
connect with it.

Winter- Dream- Be

First quarter; The maiden (pre-ovulation)

The energies in this phase are dynamic, radiant, active, social and creative, recharged with new
energy. Our emotions are more stable and our energy is growing, like the moon itself. This is a
great phase to start new projects and focus on being productive. It feels like a time of
celebration and joy.

Spring- Create- Do

Full moon; The mother (ovulation)

During this time the energies are still dynamic and focused on the external world and the
willingness to help others and spread love. This is time of expanding. We feel more self-
confidence and higher self-esteem. In this phase we are normally more expressive, empathic
and social. The mother takes responsibility of her projects, and people, and nurtures them.

Summer- Giving- Sharing

Third Quarter; The enchantress (pre-menstruation)

In this phase it is time to go inwards, listen to the magical power of our intuition, and take time
for oneself. On an emotional and spiritual level there is more connection to the mysteries of the
world, intuition starts to grow and guide. The capacity to focus diminish, and we will act more
according to feelings and impulses. Also in this phase emotions mix up very easily and at one
moment we can feel happy and creative and another frustrated and confused.

Fall- Letting go- Accept


She was another flower upon the hundreds that covered the valley. Bees and ants visited her daily, the wind
moved her and the sun warmed her. Her neighbor flowers always started to sing when they saw the sun rise but
she hated their songs. She wanted to move and explore, she dreamed of becoming a bird and flying, seeing
beyond the field. She was unhappy and always talked to herself about her sad and sedentary existence. One
night, out of no where a fairy appeared.
-Why so sad beautiful flower?
-I want to fly and see beyond! I'm tired of being a flower and not being able to move.
-To fly and find peace in you, all you have to do is keep total silence for three days and listen.
The fairy disappeared leaving the flower confused but determined to try to be able to finally fly, it was what she
wanted most and she would do anything to try to achieve it, and well, 3 days of silence and listening shouldn't
be too difficult, she thought.
By the middle of the first day he was already bored. The songs were unbearable for her and the visits of insects
bothered her tremendously. At the end of the day she realized that she had been silent but had not been
listening, she had been in her head all day.
The second day the flower listened. She realized that each song was different and unique, they were all different
melodies but in tune. The ants and bees walked happily and humming, she had never noticed that. She felt the
warmth of the sun with more and more joy throughout the day, and each time she listened more, she was more
present and less in her head. At the end of the day she was surprised to realize that she had barely thought or
talked, she had only listened. She felt calm and happy for the first time in a long time.
The third day she woke up with the warmth of the sun that embraced and the gentle breeze that rocked her. This
time she was happy to receive visits from bees and ants, fascinated by their joy and melodies, she could
appreciate how each being that passed by was unique and unrepeatable. She enjoyed the whole day and almost
at the end of it, she suddenly realized that she was singing, and that her singing was in perfect harmony with the
others. Being aware, she sang louder and suddenly she felt how her singing was elevated and with it, herself.
Her melody floated with the wind and traveled throughout the valley and so finally the flower flew. That day
the flower united with everything and found peace, and from that day forward the flower never stopped singing
and flying with her song.

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