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Test Anxiety Scale - Sarson

This test includes a set of statements about what you think or

feel in certain situations, bearing in mind that every person’s
feelings are different from the feelings of others, so there are
no right answers or wrong answers because each answer
.expresses your own feelings and sensations

I would like to stress that the information collected about your

responses to this test is for self-diagnosis purposes only to
determine the degree of anxiety for you or for those around

Read each of the phrases and put a cross ( x ) in the place

.that you feel represents your true feelings and emotions

Strongly I do not I agree I totally Phrase M

Disagree agree agree
I feel annoyed with every question the 1
teacher asks me to make sure I benefit
.and learn the lesson
I am worried about whether I will be 2
promoted from my current grade to the
.next grade at the end of the year
I feel nervous if the teacher asks me to 3
.stand up and read out loud
When the teacher asks me to solve some 4
problems on the board, I hope to myself
that he will ask someone else to do that
.and not from me
.While I sleep, I dream a lot about exams 5
My heart rate increases when exams date 6
I feel very anxious when I get ready for 7
bed because I think about how I will do
on the exam tomorrow
My writing hand trembles when the 8
teacher asks me to write on the board in
.front of my class
I feel more nervous when the exam date 9
.approaches than my fellow students
When I am at home and think about 10
tomorrow's lessons, I feel afraid that I
.will give wrong answers
If I am absent from school due to illness, 11
I feel that my performance in schoolwork
.will be lower than that of other students
When I think about the next day's 12
lessons, I worry that my performance in
.some lessons will not be acceptable
I feel nauseous, trembling, or dizzy when 13
the teacher asks a question with the aim
of determining how much I learned from
.the lesson
I feel confused and stressed if the teacher 14
asks me a question and I answer it
I feel afraid of every situation that 15
.involves an exam
.I feel very upset before taking the exam 16
After finishing the exam, I feel nervous 17
.about my performance in this exam
Sometimes I feel that my performance in 18
the exam I took was bad, no matter how
.much I studied and prepared for it
I feel that my hand with which I write 19
.during the exam is shaking a bit
I am afraid of failing in my performance 20
if I know that the teacher will give us an
I feel that I forget a lot of information 21
during the exam that I remembered
.before it started
I wish I didn't feel so upset about the 22
I feel anxious if the teacher tells me he 23
wants to give us a test
I feel that I will perform poorly while 24
.answering the exam
Sometimes when I'm on my way to 25
school, I'm afraid that the teacher will
.give us a surprise exam
I feel a severe headache before and 26
.during the exam
My fear of failure hinders my 27
.performance and progress on the exam
I feel anxious. Praise. The teacher 28
announces how much time remains until
.the end of the exam
Feel the fear while waiting for the exam 29
question papers to be distributed
I feel anxious during the exam that I do 30
.not have enough time to answer
I feel anxious while waiting to enter the 31
.exam hall
I feel afraid of school because it reminds 32
.me of exams
I feel uncomfortable while students in the 33
.yard talk about an upcoming exam
Sweat secretion increases on my hands or 34
.face during the exam
I feel stressed and confused as I prepare 35
.for my daily exam
I often feel anxious while preparing for 36
.the exam the day before it is due
I always feel nervous and confused when 37
.preparing for the final exam
I feel anxious when I listen to the teacher 38
announcing the dates of the upcoming

:Grade estimation

:How to answer the scale

The total score for the scale ranges between (38 - 152), given that the rating is from (1) to -

Strongly agree (4) degrees -

I agree (3) marks -

I disagree (2) degrees - -

I strongly disagree (1) - -


and below / The degree of anxiety is normal 75 -

The degree of anxiety is moderate More than 105 / The degree of anxiety / 76-104
is high and this requires follow-up and treatment

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