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Multipath propagation and its influence on digital mobile communication


Article · January 1995


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2 authors, including:

Rune Harald Rækken



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Multipath propagation and its influence on digital mobile
communication systems

1 Introduction amplitude, phase or frequency of this car- Transmitter Receiver

rier frequency in sympathy with the sig- antenna antenna
In mobile communication systems, the
nal from the information source. This
quality of the radio link is the limiting
process is known as modu-
factor of the quality of the end-to-end
lation. At the receiver the
connection. To obtain a satisfactory qual-
information is extracted Transmitter, Receiver,
ity of the radio link, it is of vital import-
from the modulated carrier modulation demodulation
ance to have a good knowledge of the
frequency in a demodulation The propagation
propagation conditions of the different
environments where the systems will channel
operate. In Figure 1 an example of a radio system
is shown. The part of the radio system Figure 1 A radio system
The radio energy propagates both
that is between the input of the transmit-
directly from transmitter to receiver and
ter antenna and the output of the receiver
via reflecting objects like hills, moun-
antenna, is called the propagation chan-
tains, houses, etc. This mechanism is
nel. In a mobile radio system this channel
called multipath propagation. One impor-
is constantly changing. The characteris- the distance between transmitter and
tant difference between analogue and
tics of the propagation channel depends receiver. But for the reflected and
digital communication systems is the
upon the carrier frequency and on the diffracted ones we will have additional
consequence of this multipath propaga-
amount of spectrum that is needed to attenuation in the reflection and diffrac-
tion. While for an analogue system it
transfer the information – the bandwidth tion points. This attenuation depends on
does not matter how delayed the
of the propagation channel. Because the electrical properties (permittivity,
reflected signals are compared to the first
energy will propagate from the transmit- permeability and conductivity) and sur-
arriving, a digital system may break
ter to the receiver via reflecting objects in face roughness of the reflection materi-
down because reflected symbols reach
the environment, it is also strongly als.1
the receiver within the next direct arriv-
dependent on the environment in which
ing symbol. In other words, multipath In the coverage area the field strength
the transmitter-receiver pair is situated.
propagation may create intersymbol will be very variable depending on the
Finally, the propagation channel is influ-
interference in a digital radio system. amplitude of the multipath signals and
enced by the relative speed between
the degree to which the signals are in
We will start by giving a description of transmitter, receiver and surroundings.
phase or out of phase. The reflection
the mobile radio propagation channel.
In this chapter we will assume that the objects hence produce a standing wave
Next, the measurement equipment to
transmitter is fixed, while the receiver is pattern in the coverage area. This pattern
monitor the propagation channel – a
moving. We first look at the propagation consists of fades or holes of varying
channel sounder – is described. Finally,
channel as a function of position of the
results from different channel sounding
receiver, and start by transmitting only
measurement campaigns performed at
unmodulated carrier (carrier wave – 1
900 and 1700 MHz in macrocellular Often in mobile communications it is
CW). Next, we see what happens when
environments and at 1950 MHz and assumed that the received signal
the bandwidth is increased. Finally, we
59 GHz in microcellular environments power is proportional to d–3.5 or d–4
will introduce time, i.e. we let the receiv-
will be presented. where d is the distance from transmit-
er be moving with a certain speed.
ter to receiver. This is however the
2 The mobile radio 2.2 The radio channel as a
total received signal, consisting of all
rays, typically in situations where the
propagation channel function of position direct path between transmitter and
In Figure 2 we see a typical example of receiver is obstructed. Hence, all
2.1 Introduction the situation of a radio connection. Both reflection and diffraction losses are
In mobile radio systems, all transmitter- a direct signal and several reflected and included.
receiver pairs transfer information from diffracted ones are received – we have
the input of the transmitter to the output the situation of multipath propagation.
of the receiver. The input of the transmit- Since the different signals have travelled
ter can be a microphone or any data different distances, the signals will
source, while the output of the receiver be of different
can be a loudspeaker or any data sink. phase, ampli-
Hence the transmitter-receiver pair repre- tude and arrival
sents a channel between the micro- time when they
phone/data source and the loudspeaker/ reach the re-
data sink. In a mobile radio system the ceiver.
transmitter or receiver or both may be in
The received
motion during the information transfer.
signal power of
In radio systems, the transmission each path is
medium is the electromagnetic spectrum. approximately
To transfer information, the transmitter proportional to BS
will have to choose a carrier frequency r –2 , where r is
from the spectrum, and then vary the Figure 2 The situation of multipath propagation

mathematically by regarding large variations in the standing wave pat-
the N incoming waves as inde- tern.
pendent random variables hav-
By measuring the correlation between the
ing the same distribution func-
two signals (frequencies) we get a very
tion with equal mean and vari-
important parameter of the mobile radio
ance. According to the central
channel: The coherence bandwidth, Bc. It
limit theorem the sum of the N
is often defined as the necessary fre-
stochastic variables approaches
quency separation to make the correla-
the Gaussian distribution for
tion between the two signals equal to 0.5.
large values of N, independent
of the individual distributions. Coherence bandwidth is illustrated in
Thus, the received signal can Figure 4, and it is an important parameter
be modelled as an in-phase and because it determines whether a system
quadrature component Gaus- is narrowband or wideband. If the band-
sian random process. If x1 and width of a system is greater than the
x2 are the two Gaussian pro- coherence bandwidth, the system is
cesses,  exposed to frequency selective fading,
and the system is called a wideband sys-
then r= x21 + x22
tem. On the other hand: If we do not
Figure 3 Reflection objects produce a standing wave pattern is the envelope and it can be have frequency selective fading in our
creating fades of varying depth [1] shown that r is Rayleigh dis- system, then the bandwidth is less than
tributed with mean the coherence bandwidth, and we have a
 narrowband system. This situation with
depth – as seen in Figure 3. Typically, · σ (= constant). no frequency selective fading is called a
the fades may occur every λ/2 in any 2 flat fading situation.
If the direct component is present the In a narrowband system we will find
Moving in any direction in the standing Rice distribution has been proposed. Rayleigh fading with deep fades. In a
wave pattern of Figure 3, or just jumping (The Rayleigh distribution is a special wideband system each frequency compo-
randomly from one position to another, case of the Rice distribution.) nent exhibits this Rayleigh fading nature,
we will see that the received signal but the probability that all frequency
In reality the Gaussian components x1
amplitude approaches some distribution. components will fall into a deep fade
and x2 will have a slowly varying mean
If we receive equal amount of energy simultaneously is very small. Thus in a
value due to terrain variations. Then our
from all directions in the horizontal wideband system we seldom experience
amplitude distribution model is a
plane, i.e. all reflected signal components deep fades; generally, the amplitude vari-
Rayleigh (or Rice) distribution with a
are equally strong, and no direct compo- ations of the wideband system is much
varying mean. It seems that a log-nor-
nent is present, the amplitude becomes smaller than in the narrowband system.
mally distributed mean compare well
Rayleigh distributed. This can be shown When the bandwidth of a system is in-
with measurements.
creased, the overall fading behaviour
The standing wave pattern of Figure 3 is thus asymptotically approaches the log-
specific for one frequency – we normal situation.
Received assume CW has been transmitted.
Another important parameter, which is
power (dB) If the transmitting frequency is
closely related to the coherence band-
changed we will have another pat-
width, is the delay spread. To find the
W2 tern with fading dips in other
delay spread, rather than transmitting
positions. This is because the dif-
CW, we must perform wideband mea-
W1 ferences between the multipaths
surements to record the impulse response
have changed in terms of wave-
of the channel. This may be done by
lengths, so the spots where the
transmitting a short pulse. The pulse will
multipath signals cancel each
propagate via the reflecting objects, and
other out are not the same as
B. at the receiver we will receive many
pulses – echoes which are delayed and
When all reflection objects are attenuated. If we plot the power of each
close to the direct path between received echo with excess delay relative
transmitter and receiver, the dif- to the first received signal, we have
ference in wavelengths between found the power delay profile or impulse
the shortest and longest path will response of the channel. The parameter
be small. Then we must make a delay spread is defined as the power
f major change of the transmitter weighted standard deviation of the
B. : Coherence bandwidth frequency to get large variations impulse response (Figure 5). The effect
W2 : Wideband system with frequency selective fading in the standing wave pattern. On of delay spread is to smear or spread out
W1 : Narrowband system without frequency selective fading the other hand, when this differ- the signal. If the symbol duration is
ence is large, we do not need to shorter than the delay spread, we get
Figure 4 Illustration of coherence bandwidth change the frequency much to get

intersymbol interference – the symbols
The delay spread is inversely proportion-
al to the coherence bandwidth. This
roughly implies that if the symbol dura-
tion is shorter than the delay spread, we
have both intersymbol interference and
frequency selective fading. And the
opposite: When the symbol duration is
longer than the delay spread, we have flat
fading and no intersymbol interference.
So far, we have discussed the amplitude Transmitted pulse Received signal
distribution of the received signal. What
about the phase and frequency? Figure 5 The delay spread is commonly used to describe the difference in time be-
tween the first and last received pulse. The mathematical definition of the delay spread
Regarding phase, there is no reason for parameter is the standard deviation of the envelope of the impulse response
one particular phase to appear more often
than another. Thus the phase probability
function is equally distributed within the
interval 0 to 2π. About the frequency dis- fn = (2) a vertical monopole, we will get an RF
tribution we can say nothing at this point, λ Doppler spectrum on the receiver’s input
because so far we have made no assump- The inclusion of time and movement also as shown in Figure 6a. If one dominant
tions about time. Since frequency is the enables us to detect power spectra. component is arriving at an angle α0, the
time derivative of phase, we know noth- RF spectrum will be as shown in Figure
If CW is transmitted, the received signal
ing about it unless time and the velocity 6b.
can be expressed as:
of the receiver is introduced. This is what
The corresponding baseband power spec-
we are going to do next. This also r(t) = a(t) ⋅ e j Ψ (t) (3)
tra – the spectra of a r (t) – are shown in
enables us to present the power spectra of
Figure 7. Note that these spectra drop to
the received signal. where a(t) is the envelope of the signal
zero at twice the maximum Doppler fre-
due to the fading and ψ(t) is the phase
2.3 The radio channel as a term. a(t) can be separated into two
function of time terms: a(t) = a l (t) ⋅ a r (t) the log-nor- We now move on to the e j Ψ (t) term, the
mal- and Rayleigh/Rice fading factors phase term. The random frequency mod-
In the previous section we considered the
respectively. Thus, when extracting the ulation described earlier is the time
observed signal in the coverage area of a
long-term fading factor, we have: derivative of this phase,
transmitter without assuming anything
about how we moved around. At each r r (t) = a r (t) ⋅ e j Ψ (t) (4) dΨ(t)
Ψ(t) = .
location we received a huge number of dt
waves of equal frequency but with differ- The power spectrum of r r (t) is called the In Section 2.2 we stated that the phase
ent amplitudes and phases. If we now RF Doppler spectrum or the signal spec- was uniformly distributed from 0 to 2π,
instead put our receiver in a moving trum. This is the spectrum at the input of but we were not able to say anything
vehicle, we will see the same huge num- the receiver (i.e. at the output of the about the speed of the phase shifts. Rapid
ber of incoming waves, but each with a receiver antenna.). If uncorrelated wave changes are associated with deep fades of
Doppler shifted frequency. The Doppler components of equal mean power are the signal. With infinitely deep fades, we
shift of each ray corresponds to the sup- received from all directions in the hori- can have infinitely fast phase changes.
pression or stretching of the radio waves zontal plane, and the receiver antenna is Hence there is always a possibility of
when we are driving towards or away
from the ray source. We will find the
fades at exactly the same positions as
before and the distribution of the ampli-
tude remains unchanged. The Doppler
shifts of the received rays, however, will
be experienced by the receiver as random
frequency modulation.
Generally, if αn is the angle between the
direction of the movement and the n-th
incoming wave, the Doppler shift of this
fc-fm fc fc+fm fc-fm fc fc+fm
component is:
ν f=fc+fmcosαo
fn = · cos αn (1)
λ a b
The maximum Doppler shift is Figure 6 RF power spectrum of the received signal, (a) with equal mean power
received from all directions, (b) with an additional dominant component received from
an angle α0

dB dB
0 0

In section 2.2 we looked at the mobile

propagation channel when both receiver
-8 -8 and transmitter were stationary, and we
started by transmitting CW. Next we
instead transmitted a short pulse to see
-16 -16 the time dispersion of the static channel.
0.01 0.1 1 2 4 0.01 0.1 1 2 4 Then we went back to CW, allowing the
f/fm f/fm receiver to be in motion. Due to the
a b reciprocity principle it does not matter
whether it is the receiver or transmitter
Figure 7 Power spectrum of the signal envelope. (a) and (b) correspond to the situations in Figure 6 that is in motion. To complete our de-
scription of the mobile propagation chan-
nel, we thus transmit a short pulse and let
p(Ψr) p(Ψ<ψ) the receiver move.
What then happens is that the received
power delay profile becomes a power
100 % delay-Doppler profile, i.e. every received
a ray is characterised not only by its power
1 and excess delay, but also by its Doppler
– 50 % shift. In real life we are not able to trans-

mit an infinitely narrow pulse, hence
every received pulse represents the sum
of all rays that have been reflected from
0 ψr 2π 0 Ψr 2π points within ellipsoid shells with the
p(Ψr) p(Ψr) receiver and transmitter as foci (Figure
10). The thickness of the shells corre-
1.0 1.0 p(Ψ<ψ) sponds to the width of the transmitted
pulse, and rays reflected from one shell
√2 βV p(Ψ) will fall into the same time bin of the
b 0.6 0.6 power delay profile. If a large number
of reflection sources is found within a
shell, the received signal amplitude of
0.4 0.4 this bin may be Rayleigh (or Rice) dis-
tributed, and the Doppler spectrum of
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 this bin may look like the spectra in
ψ/βV ψ/βV Figure 6.

Figure 8 Probability densities and cumulative distributions for the random phase (a) and random When wideband measurements are per-
frequency (b) modulation formed, the delay-Doppler profiles can
be recorded. If the transmitter and receiv-
er are not frequency synchronised (e.g.
by reference oscillators) only power
delay profiles can be obtained. A huge
1 finding any frequency of the random FM,
Sψ(T) amount of profiles can be recorded along
βV but the most probable is the carrier fre-
a measurement route, and often some
quency. The probability densities and
reduction of data must be done. One way
cumulative distributions for the random
to do this is to make typical delay-
phase and the random frequency modula-
Doppler profiles based on the recordings.
5.0 tion of the signal are shown in Figure 8.
These are characterised by the number of
3.0 In Figure 9 the power spectrum of the bins and the delay, average power, fading
random FM is shown. It is a function of characteristics and Doppler spectrum of
1.0 the maximum Doppler frequency. We each bin. These profiles will reflect the
see that the spectrum never reaches zero. situation in specific environments.
0.5 Above twice the Doppler frequency the Another method is to calculate important
0.3 spectrum falls off as 1/f. This frequency statistical parameters based on the power
0.2 is thus regarded as a cut-off-frequency delay profiles and show cumulative dis-
0.1 for random FM, and it is identical to the tributions of these parameters. One such
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 cut-off-frequency for the baseband power parameter is the delay spread which we
spectrum. have already introduced. In Section 3.2.4
f other statistical parameters are presented.
LOG The derivation of these spectra can be
2V/λ found in the literature, for instance [2] or
Figure 9 Power spectrum of ran-
dom FM

quency synchronisation Frequency
between transmitter and
receiver is needed. f0+ ∆f
Tx The frequency sweep technique
is well known from radar theo- f0
ry. Traditionally, in the receiver
a pulse compression filter is
matched to the transmitted f0- ∆f
wave form. The resolution of 2
Figure 10 All rays that have been re-
the measurement system is
flected from points within one ellipsoid
inversely proportional to the
shell corresponding to a certain time bin
bandwidth of the frequency
of the impulse response will contribute to 0 T 2T 3T Time
sweep, and the maximum mea-
the received power of this time bin
surable delay is proportional to
the duration of the sweep. Also this mea- Figure 11 The transmitted signal
surement technique makes it possible to
obtain large ranges between transmitter
3 Channel sounding and receiver even when moderate output
≤ 200 MHz for the 200 MHz channel
techniques power is used. In addition, the method is
sounder), with a repetition frequency
resistant to interference from other ser-
There are two classes of equipment for inversely proportional to the sweep dura-
vices and gives good utilisation of the
measuring propagation conditions of the tion.
used measurement bandwidth.
mobile radio channel. Narrowband
Transmitting the chirps successively
equipment transmits and receives CW (or
a frequency spectrum much smaller than
3.2 Telenor R&D’s channel makes it possible to use a class C power
the coherence bandwidth). This class is
sounders amplifier.
mainly used for path loss measurements. Telenor Research and Development has In the receiver the signal is down-con-
Wideband equipment – channel sounders performed wideband measurements on verted to baseband and sampled. The
– transmits a frequency spectrum above UHF and at 59 GHz. Two different chan- samples are stored in RAM and trans-
the coherence bandwidth, and is used for nel sounders were used, and RF-parts ferred to a digital signal processor (DSP)
channel characterisation. were changed in accordance with the performing a Fast Fourier Transform
desired radio frequency. Both channel (FFT) of the received chirp. This signal
3.1 Different types of channel sounders are based on the frequency is then correlated with a Fourier trans-
sounders, benefits and limi- sweep technique. The channel sounder formed replica of the transmitted chirp
tations used for measurements in the millimetre (multiplication in the frequency domain),
wave band (from now on mentioned as previously weighted by a weighting func-
Channel sounders are often categorised
the 200 MHz channel sounder2 is an evo- tion to reduce sidelobes in the resulting
into three main classes: pulse, pseudo-
lution from the old 8 MHz channel channel estimate. Finally, an inverse FFT
random sequence and frequency sweep
sounder. is carried out and the result is an estimate
(chirp) sounders. The two latter use pulse
of the radio channel’s complex impulse
compression techniques. The signal source is a set of two digital
frequency sweep generators which pro-
In a pulse channel sounder, a short RF-
vide the in-phase and quadrature signal In both receivers several sweeps can be
pulse is transmitted, and the received sig-
components. The signal is converted to added (up to 31 in the 8 MHz sounder
nal envelope is detected in the receiver.
analogue and mixed up to an intermedi- and up to 682 in the 200 MHz channel
Only information about the received sig-
ate frequency before entering the RF sounder) before channel estimation takes
nal amplitude is obtained, it is thus not
mixer and amplifiers. place. This averaging lowers the receiver
possible to get any information about the
noise floor significantly. For instance, if
Doppler spectra. Unless very large trans- The output signal is shown in Figure 11.
ten succeeding chirps are added before
mitter power is used, the distance be- The transmitted wave form is a fre-
channel estimation takes place, the signal
tween transmitter and receiver is limited. quency sweep (chirp) from f0 – ∆f to f0 +
to noise ratio is improved by 10 dB.
In addition this method is sensitive to ∆f (1 MHz ≤ 2∆f ≤ 8 MHz for the 8 MHz
interference from other services. channel sounder, 6.25 MHz ≤ 2∆f An overview of the channel sounders is
given in Figure 12.
The signal used for sounding the channel
by a pseudo-random sequence sounder, is During the channel measurements, in-
the carrier modulated with a pseudo-ran- 2 phase and quadrature (I and Q) impulse
To be able to distinguish between the
dom binary sequence. In the receiver a response samples or delay-Doppler spec-
two different channel sounders owned
sliding correlator, a signal processor per- tra (200 MHz sounder only) are trans-
by Telenor R&D, the channel sounders
forming correlation or a channel matched ferred to the PC hard disc together with
are from now on mentioned as the 200
filter is used to estimate the channel received power and system information.
MHz channel sounder and 8 MHz
impulse response. Using this technique it An oscilloscope is used as an on-line sys-
channel sounder. The naming conven-
is possible to obtain a larger range be- tem status or impulse response monitor,
tion is reflecting the maximum mea-
tween transmitter and receiver. If allowing real time channel observations.
surement bandwidths of the two chan-
Doppler spectra are to be derived, fre- A Multitrip is used to register informa-
nel sounders.

tion about travelled distance and velocity to be able to evaluate the benefits of
Fixed when used in a vehicle. space diversity. The RF part is not inte-
transmitter grated with the IF- and baseband parts of
The digital parts of both channel
the channel sounder, hence it is possible
RF 953 MHz/ sounders are developed by the Nor-
Transmitter 1718 MHz/
to use different RF front-ends to perform
wegian research company SINTEF
1950 MHz/
channel sounding measurements at dif-
DELAB according to specifications
59 GHz ferent frequency bands.
given by Telenor R&D.
The 59 GHz RF part includes a transmit-
Sweep Reflected 3.2.1 The 8 MHz channel ter with an output power of 500 mW,
generator signals sounder with a choice of using either omnidirec-
tional or directional antennas. The former
The 8 MHz channel sounder is
are bi-conical horns with vertical half
described in [5]. The mixers and the
power beam width of 20 degrees. The
Mobile RF-parts are not integrated with the
latter is a horn antenna with horizontal
baseband and IF-parts of the channel
receiver sounder, making it easy to change RF
and vertical beam widths of 90 and 20
RF degrees respectively. The antennas are
Receiver front-ends to perform channel sounding
vertically polarised.
measurements at different radio fre-
Data storage 70/1350 MHz quencies. RF-parts have been assembled To achieve reliable results, the channel
device by Telenor R&D. A brief description sounder is capable of equalising the
Channel will be given in the following. transfer function of the entire measure-
estimator ment set-up.
Table 1 shows how the parameters of
PC 486
Laptop GPIB
the channel sounder vary depending on Receiver sensitivities are variable from
the sweep length: –110 dBm (200 MHz BW, no averaging)
to –141 dBm (6.25 MHz BW, averaging
TX power is 25 W for both carrier fre-
of 42 received sweeps).
quencies (953 and 1718 MHz) used.
Multitrip Vertically polarised omnidirectional and The 1950 MHz transmitter has an output
Fig 11 Række1 directional transmitting antennas with power of maximally 10 W. Receiving
Distance/velocity Oscilloscope 5 – 15 dBi gain are used. The RX anten- antenna is an omnidirectional λ/4 dipole
nas have approximately 5 dBi gain. antenna with 3 dBd gain. Transmitting
Figure 12 Overview of the channel sounders antenna is either identical to the receiv-
Instantaneous and total dynamic range of
ing antenna, or a directional antenna with
the receiver is more than 30 and 80 dB
13 dBd gain.
respectively, and 15 IRs are estimated
every second. Due to 7 dB lower noise figure of the
1950 MHz RF front-end than the 59 GHz
Table 1 8 MHz channel sounder parameters Sampled impulse responses (128 com-
RF front-end, the receiver sensitivities
plex samples in each) are stored on the
Sweep length, µs 128 64 32 16 are also 7 dBs better than at 59 GHz.
disk of a PC, and channel statistics are
Sweep BW, MHz 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0
calculated afterwards. Main parameters of the channel sounder
are given in Table 2.
IR length, µs 100 50 25 12.5
The receiver sensitivity is defined as the
input level where the instantaneous dyna- MA/COM, USA, has provided the
IR resolution, µs 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 mic range of the receiver is 0 dB. Receiv- 59 GHz RF parts. The 1.95 GHz parts
er sensitivities for the 8 MHz channel have been assembled by Telenor R&D.
sounder vary between –130 dBm (8 MHz In addition, 5.2 GHz RF front ends are
BW and no averaging) and –145 dBm under assembly.
(1 MHz BW and averaging of 31 receiv-
Table 2 Main parameters of the 200 MHz channel ed sweeps before channel estimation). 3.2.3 Propagation data analysis
Telenor R&D has developed a compre-
3.2.2 The 200 MHz channel
Parameter Value/range hensive data program to control the chan-
nel estimator and collect measurement
Bandwidth 6.25 – 200 MHz The 8 MHz channel sounder has been data [9]. Analysis of the stored impulse
Instantaneous dynamic range > 30 dB redesigned into a new sounder designed responses is done off-line by this pro-
to suit measurement demands in the gram system.
Total dynamic range > 80 dB millimetre wave band. This sounder is
The program determines a noise spurious
Channel sampling rate max 728 IRs/s capable of performing impulse response
threshold (NST) based on the receiver
measurements at a best resolution of
IR resolution 5 – 160 ns sensitivity applying for the selected mea-
5 nanoseconds, corresponding to a mea-
surement set-up. The NST is used to
No. of samples per IR 64 – 8192, complex surement bandwidth of 200 MHz. The
determine whether the components in the
sounder also incorporates the possibility
Chirp duration (IR length) 0.32 – 163.84 µs estimated impulse response are real sig-
of narrowband path loss measurements,
nal reflection components or due to ther-
Number of averaged chirps 1 – 682 chirps and signals from two separate receiver
mal or correlation noise. Impulse
antennas may be sampled simultaneously

power Interference I
responses disturbed by low signal to A BER of 10–3 is defined as performance Usable signal energy E u
noise ratio or aliasing caused by too long limit in DECT (Digital European Cord-
Interference I
multipath delays, are identified and will less Telecommunications). DECT is one
not be considered in the data analysis. of the strong candidates to radio in the
local loop (RLL), where the idea is to Q 16 = E u /∑I
Important statistical parameters describ-
replace parts of the copper network with
ing the impulse responses are calculated
radio solutions. A DECT implementation
by the computer and may be displayed
not employing a channel equaliser is in
graphically as cumulative distributions. time
accordance with the General Access Pro-
The most common parameters are [4]:
file (GAP) in the DECT specifications. Length of GSM symbol
- Mean Delay (MD): The first order Hence the delay spread gives a direct
moment of the IR; the power-weighted measure of the performance of a DECT Sliding window
average of excess delays. implemented according to the GAP. The 16 µs
bit interval in DECT is 868 ns.
- Delay Spread (DS): The second order Figure 13 Illustration of the Q16-parameter
moment of the IR; the power-weighted Since situations with multipath compo-
standard deviation of the excess nents having excess delays of more than
delays. one symbol interval are common in many
environments, some radio systems use to co-channel interference level is better
- Fixed Delay Window (FDW): The
receivers equipped with a channel equa- than 9 dB. Co-channel interference may
length of the middle portion of the IR
liser to work properly. This is the case be intersymbol interference or inter-
containing a certain percentage of the
for GSM (and DCS 1800) having a sym- ference from GSM transmitters in other
total energy of the IR.
bol duration of 3.7 µs. cells. This means that if there is no inter-
- Sliding Delay Window (SDW): The ference from other cells, the received
The GSM and DCS 1800 receivers are
length of the shortest portion of the IR energy falling within the equaliser win-
designed to cope with multipath profiles
containing a certain percentage of the dow must be at least 9 dB above the
stretching over 4 symbol intervals, and
total energy of the IR. energy falling outside this window. In
the Q16-parameter has been suggested to
GSM the equaliser depth is almost 15 µs.
- Delay Interval (DI): The interval be- indicate how well these systems will
(For historical reasons the parameter has
tween the first time the power of the work under given multipath conditions.
been defined assuming an equaliser win-
IR exceeds a given threshold and the The Q16-parameter is defined as follows:
dow of length 16 µs.)
last time it falls below the threshold.
- Q16 ratio: The ratio of the power
From the description above, we see that
inside to the power outside a window
The five parameters describe the statis- the Q16 and sliding delay window param-
of duration 16 µs. For each IR the win-
tical properties of the channel impulse eters are based on the same ideas, giving
dow is slid to find the position with
response itself. an indication of the performance of a
highest power inside the window.
radio system equipped with a channel
By averaging the IRs obtained over a dis-
equaliser in a given multipath environ-
tance corresponding to some tenths of The idea behind the Q16-parameter is that
ment. The main difference is that Q16 is a
wavelengths, we get the so-called (aver- the equaliser is useful in one out of three
parameter suited to describe performance
age) power delay profile. During the situations: If the multipath components
of a radio system with known channel
averaging process the fast fading of are received within one data symbol
equalising capabilities. The SDW param-
every component of the IR will be elimi- duration, the receiver bandwidth is insuf-
eter, on the other hand, is suited to deter-
nated. Then we can calculate the aver- ficient to resolve the components, and
mine the channel equalising capabilities
aged parameters using the power delay flat fading will occur (situation I). In this
needed to make a radio system with
profile as weighting function rather than situation the equaliser is of no use. If sig-
given characteristics work in a given
the IR. nificant components are received with
environment. Hence, we can say that Q16
excess delays larger than the equaliser
It is often interesting to evaluate para- is system dependent, whereas sliding
depth, these signal components cannot be
meters that give some indication of how delay window is system independent.
utilised by the channel equaliser, and
well a digital radio system will work in a
they hence represent intersymbol inter- The reason for presenting both fixed and
given multipath environment, and how
ference. This may cause severe problems sliding delay window is that the fixed
damaging multipath propagation is for
for the communication (situation III). But delay window (or just delay window) is a
the communication.
if the significant multipath components well-established parameter that is useful
For a given modulation method it is pos- are received with excess delays less than when comparing the results presented by
sible to calculate the bit error rate as a the equaliser depth, but larger than the different authors.
function of delay spread, assuming that a symbol duration, the equaliser will
channel equaliser is not present in the improve the performance by exploiting 4 The mobile radio
receiver. There is for instance a rule of the energy in the multipath components
thumb telling that in a system without (situation II).
channel in different
channel equaliser, using GMSK-modula-
We assume that GSM will work satisfac-
tion, there will be an irreducible bit error
torily in a specific environment in situa- The effort of the propagation measure-
rate (BER) of approximately 10–3 if the
tions I and II, but not in III. According to ments activities at Telenor R&D has until
delay spread parameter exceeds one tenth
the GSM specifications, a GSM receiver now been twofold:
of the symbol interval.
will work properly if the average carrier

BER - Exploring propagation conditions at system [12]. Well in line with the rule of
100 900 and 1700 MHz in macrocells. In thumb, the DECT performance limit of
addition, we have performed parallel BER 10–3 was reached for delay spread
10-1 multipath- and GSM signal quality values around 100 nanoseconds, as
measurements to verify the suitability shown in Figure 14.
of the Q16-parameter as GSM signal
10-2 quality estimator
4.3 Multipath measurements
10-3 - Exploring propagation conditions at in macrocells at UHF
1950 MHz and 59 GHz in microcells. frequencies
We have also performed combined
10-4 Different parameters based on both
multipath- and DECT BER measure-
instantaneous and averaged impulse
ments to verify the suitability of the
10-5 responses were calculated [6], and since
delay spread parameter as a BER esti-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 those macrocell measurements mainly
mator in a system not employing a
Delay spread, ns are aimed at GSM, we will focus on the
channel equaliser.
Q16-parameter (based on averaged
Figure 14 Bit error rate obtained in DECT versus impulse responses, because it is the aver-
averaged delay spread. Measurements with received We will present some results from mea-
age C/Ic that is to be 9 dB or more for
power close to the sensitivity limit have been surements in different environments and
GSM to work properly) and how multi-
discarded within different frequency bands.
path propagation will influence the trans-
mission quality of a digital radio system
4.1 Multipath and GSM signal like GSM. To give an indication of the
quality measurements influence of the equalising capabilities,
we will also show corresponding figures
Parallel multipath and GSM measure-
for the parameters Q12 and Q20.
ments have been conducted to give an
% P(X≤x)
indication of how well suited the Q16- Traditionally, coverage of cellular sys-
parameter is for estimating GSM signal tems has been predicted taking only
quality, and thereby also estimating GSM received signal power and interference
40 Q12 quality of service. level into account. In digital radio sys-
35 Q16 tems, effects of multipath propagation
In given environments along 5 measure-
Q20 also needs to be taken into account to
30 ment routes, coverage prediction based
give reliable coverage predictions.
only on received signal level indicates
25 full coverage, whereas the GSM signal For some measurements, we also show
20 quality was unacceptable in up to 52 % examples of typical IRs. These examples
of one specific measurement route. Also are IRs that we feel are representative for
15 taking multipath effects into account the particular scenario, and we have cho-
10 when estimating GSM coverage by use sen them after looking thoroughly
of the Q16-parameter with a fixed thresh- through the recorded IR files. We never
old of 9 dB gave a correct estimate in show IRs recorded at 953 MHz and
0 82 % of the cases. Using a 3 dB separa- 1718 MHz along the same measurement
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 tion between Q16 thresholds for accept- route, because we do not want the reader
a dB able and unacceptable signal quality, the to do comparisons between the two fre-
% P(X≤x)
GSM quality was estimated with an quencies based on single impulse
accuracy of more than 90 % (with 7 dB responses only.
40 Q12 as lower threshold, 10 dB as upper) [11].
Q16 We want to stress that all typical IRs
35 Hence, multipath measurements prove to
Q20 shown from macrocell measurements in
be a useful tool for estimating GSM cov-
30 the UHF band are under non line of sight
erage in areas believed to have destruc-
(NLOS) conditions. With line of sight
25 tive multipath conditions.
(LOS) we seldom saw more than one
20 path – the reflected ones were typically
4.2 Multipath and DECT BER more than 30 dB attenuated compared to
15 measurements the direct one.
Combined multipath and DECT mea- For most of our macrocell measurements
5 surements have also been conducted. we chose already existing NMT base sta-
Discarding the measurements where the tion sites as transmitter sites. In those
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
received signal levels were close to the cases, the height of our transmitting
dB DECT sensitivity limit, we found that antenna was usually lower than the
even though there was a limited set of heights of existing NMT base station
Figure 15 Cumulative distributions of average Q- measurements spread around the regres- antennas.
parameters for Farm_1 sion line, there was a strong correlation
a) 953 MHz between the values of averaged delay
b) 1718 MHz spread and BER obtained in the DECT

dB % P(X≤x)
0 60
50 Q16

-15 20

-25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a dB
µs % P(X≤x)
Figure 16 Typical IR from Farm_1, 1718 MHz. Total received power
was –84 dBm, 20 dB above GSM sensitivity level 40 Q12
35 Q20
4.3.1 Measurements in rural Figure 17 we see that multipath propaga-
farmland and forest tion may cause problems for GSM and 25
DCS 1800 in between 5 and 10 % of the
Measurements were conducted from 5 20
different transmitter sites in rural areas
with varying degree of open farmland
4.3.2 Measurements in valleys
and forest. In general, for all measure- 10
ments performed in this environment, Measurements have been performed
typical lengths of IRs under NLOS con- from four different transmitter sites in
ditions were 10 µs, sometimes increasing different valleys, with a total of 5 mea- 0
to 20 – 40 µs. From a total of 6 measure- surement routes. Results from two routes 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
ment routes, Q parameters from two are presented here. b dB
routes are presented. Figure 17 Cumulative distributions of averaged Q-
Val_1: A rural area in a smooth “U”-
Farm_1: An open rural area with gently shaped valley, 3 km wide with 350 m parameters for Farm_2
sloped farmland. Scattered residential high wooded hillsides and a 2 km wide a) 953 MHz
houses and trees along the measurement lake in the middle. The TX was placed in b) 1718 MHz
route. Antenna height 8 m above ground the hillside 230 m above the measure-
level. The measurement route was ment route. The route followed the lake
4.9 km long with a distance of 0.6 – 5 km at a distance 1.3 – 12 km
from TX. The direct LOS path was often from the TX. The direct
obstructed by the smoothly rolling ter- LOS path was generally
rain. During NLOS conditions, the obstructed by the uneven
longest IRs were found closest to the hillside. The length of the
transmitter. From Figure 15 we see that IRs were 20 – 40 µs, even
the multipath situation is more severe at right below the transmitter. -5
1718 than at 953 MHz. Multipath propa-
We see from Figure 19 that
gation will cause no problems for GSM
a GSM or DCS 1800 -10
and DCS 1800 along this route.
receiver is not able to com-
Farm_2: The transmitter placed in an municate with a base sta-
open, rural environment with farmland tion situated at the chosen -15
and some forests. The antenna was transmitter site. Thus, if
placed 8 m above ground level. The dis- this were the only possible -20
tance to the measurement route was 0.3 – base station in the area, the
7 km. The route was 16 km long and systems would fail to work.
went through farmland and forests. The It is worth mentioning that -25
forest and small, smooth hills caused an this base station site has 0 10 20 30 40
40 50 60
NLOS situation along the route. The been used for the analogue µs
reflections were generated by other NMT system for years,
wooded 100 – 150 m high hills in the always giving satisfactory Figure 18 Typical IR from Farm_2, 953 MHz. Total received
area. Along this route several of the quality of service. power was –93 dBm
received multipath components were far
below the sensitivity level of GSM. From

% P(X≤x) Val_2: A rural area in a quite steep is of course that the former mainly had
90 (angle 50 – 70˚) valley, 0.3 – 1 km wide LOS whereas the latter mainly was an
surrounded by 700 m high mountain NLOS route. Hence, these routes clearly
80 Q12 chains. Some forest in the more gentle demonstrate the importance of careful
Q16 hillsides. The transmitter antenna was base station site planning.
70 Q20 placed in the bottom of the valley at road
60 level on an 8 m high antenna mast. The 4.3.4 Measurements in urban areas
50 measurement route followed the valley at
Urb_1: Urban environment with typically
a distance of 0.7 – 10 km from the TX.
40 4 – 7 storey buildings, mainly made of
Half-way down the route the valley made
concrete. The antenna was placed below
30 a 60˚ turn, giving NLOS conditions
most roof tops in a small park, 13 m
further down the route. The upper part of
20 above street level. The measurement
the route had partly NLOS conditions
route was 4.2 km long with a distance
due to obstacles close to the road. In gen-
0.1 – 1.3 km from the TX, mainly with
0 eral, we found the longest IRs in the
NLOS conditions. The street width var-
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 NLOS area closest to the transmitter, and
ied between 4 and 10 m. The street pat-
dB as we drove away from the transmitter,
a tern was not regular. We were unable to
the IRs became shorter.
perform measurements at 953 MHz, due
% P(X≤x)
Q16 tells us that in this environment mul- to several GSM base stations transmitting
tipath propagation would cause no prob- in the band used by our 900 MHz equip-
40 Q12 lem for GSM or DCS 1800. ment. The received energy was never
Q16 outside the sliding window length of 12
35 Q20 4.3.3 Measurements in suburban µs or larger. DCS 1800 would not suffer
30 terrain from intersymbol interference in this
25 environment, and no Q-parameter curves
Measurements have been conducted from
are therefore presented.
20 one transmitter site in a suburban area of
Oslo. The area is a smooth “U”-shaped
15 valley, 3 km wide with approximately
4.4 Street descriptions for
200 m high surroundings. The hillsides
microcell measurements
were partly wooded, partly residential We have concentrated on measurements
5 areas. The buildings were from 2 to 12 in city streets and city squares, and have
0 storeys high, mostly made of concrete. partly performed measurements in the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 The TX was placed in the hillside 50 m same environments at 1950 MHz and
dB above street level and was not an NMT 59 GHz. The description of the measure-
base station site. The results were taken ment scenarios for microcellular mea-
Figure 19 Cumulative distributions of averaged Q- from two measurement routes. Due to surements at both frequencies will thus
parameters for Val_1 GSM transmitters operating in the area, be given in this section.
a) 953 MHz we were unable to perform 953 MHz
In Figure 26 the measured city streets
b) 1718 MHz measurements.
and city squares are shown. The receiver
Sub_1: The distance to the transmitter was moving, while the transmitter was
was 0.1 – 2.5 km. Most of the route had stationary. The shaded areas in the figure
LOS conditions, but temporary shadow- represent buildings. In streets A to C
ing occurred when buildings there were 4 to 7 storey buildings, made
dB were obstructing the direct of concrete. These buildings were built
0 signal path. The length of the late in last century or in the beginning of
route was 5 km. this century. In street F there were mod-
ern buildings, made of concrete and steel,
-5 Sub_2: The measurement
often covered with glass. The buildings
route was 12 km long and
on one side of street A were isolated
formed a rectangular shape in
-10 buildings, separated by 5 – 10 metres, in
the bottom of the valley. Dis-
all other streets there were no open
tance from TX was 0.1 – 5
spaces between the buildings. In all the
-15 km. Mostly NLOS conditions
streets cars were parked along one or
due to shadowing from
both sides.
houses and small hills.
-20 The two city squares are also shown in
As we see from Figures 22
Figure 26. All shaded areas are concrete
and 23, DCS 1800 will work
buildings, the building at the bottom of
satisfactorily in Sub_1, but
0 10 20 30
30 40 50
50 60 square I was covered with metal plates.
not so well in Sub_2. This
µs Square J is two-levelled; the street in the
despite the fact that both
bottom of the figure (level II) was about
routes are in the same en-
Figure 20 Typical IR from Val_1, 1718 MHz. Total received 8 metres above the main part of the
vironment. The main reason
power was –72 dBm square. Several cars were parked in both

% P(X≤x) % P(X≤x)
Q12 4 Q12
50 Q16 Q16
Q20 Q20
40 3


10 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0
a dB 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% P(X≤x) dB
Figure 22 Cumulative distribution of averaged Q para-
50 meters for Sub_1, 1718 MHz
% P(X≤x)

20 Q12
50 Q16
10 Q20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 30
b dB

Figure 21 Cumulative distributions of averaged Q- 20

parameters for Val_2
a) 953 MHz
b) 1718 MHz

squares, only a few cars were moving. GSM, and cordless 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Transmitter antenna heights were 5 systems like DECT. dB
metres in the city square measurements. Figure 23 Cumulative distribution of averaged Q param-
The idea is to build
The distance between each IR measure- a microcellular eters for Sub_2, 1718 MHz
ment was constant in each route, typi- DECT system to
cally 0.5 metre. The height of the trans- carry the traffic in
mitter is indicated in Figure 26, the areas where high capacity is needed and without employing a channel equaliser. It
receiver height was 2.2 metres in all propagation conditions are such that they is, however, worth mentioning that some
measurements. In all measurements the can be handled by a system employing a manufacturers offer DECT implementa-
receiver was moving while the transmit- simple radio interface. On the other hand, tions employing antenna diversity to
ter was stationary. where capacity demands are not so high, improve radio system performance.
it is more feasible to let a macrocell
We remember that for a radio system not
4.5 Multipath measurements in based GSM system handle the mobile
employing a channel equaliser, the delay
microcells at 1950 MHz traffic. Work has already started to spec-
spread parameter gives an indication of
ify the interworking between DECT and
Due to the enormous growth in the num- the system performance. According to
GSM in a system employing dual-mode
ber of subscribers to the mobile services, the rule of thumb for performance of
capacity problems are already experi- such systems, DECT performance limit
enced in the GSM system. One proposed From the description in Chapter 3.2.3 we of bit error rate 10–3 will be reached at a
solution to avoid capacity problems is to remember that the DECT bit interval is delay spread of about one tenth of the
offer interworking between traditional 868 ns, and that a DECT implementation DECT bit interval. The maximum toler-
mobile communication systems, like will fulfil the General Access Profile able delay spread for a DECT imple-

dB dB
0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15

-20 -20

-25 -25
0 5 10 15 20 µs 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a µs
0 dB
0 5 10 15 20 25 -25
b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 24 Two typical impulse responses from the suburban Figure 25 Two typical IRs from Urb_1, 1718 MHz. Total
routes 1718 MHz. Total received power was –72 dBm and received power was –92 dBm in both cases
–92 dBm, respectively

mentation not employing channel equali- 4.5.1 Measurement results shown the cumulative distribution of
sation or a sophisticated antenna diver- delay spread from route A2 in Figure 27.
All measurements reported here were
sity algorithm is then below 100 nano-
performed with 20 ns resolution Looking at Table 3, we see that in all
(50 MHz measurement BW). Output street measurements the delay spread is
If the delay spread is larger than this transmit power at 1950 MHz was less than 65 ns in more than 90 % of the
value, DECT reception without an 25 dBm, well aligned with the 250 mW situations along each route. Only for a
equaliser would be limited by multipath output power of DECT. Omnidirectional very small fraction of the city street mea-
propagation. The C/I requirement for λ/4 dipoles were used as transmitter and surements the delay spread exceeds one
DECT is 10 dB (91 % of energy within receiver antennas. tenth of the symbol interval. Using the
equaliser window). Hence, a DECT rule of thumb for irreducible bit error rate
In this section measurements from two
receiver equipped with a two-state for GMSK modulation, we can therefore
city streets downtown Oslo and from two
Viterbi equaliser will work properly if conclude that in city streets, multipath
city squares will be reported.
the 90 % SDW is smaller than the DECT propagation is generally not limiting the
bit interval. Improvements are due to the During measurements, the line-of-sight DECT performance when the line-of-
fact that the Viterbi equaliser, employing (LOS) path was never obstructed by sight path exists.
maximum likelihood sequence estima- large vehicles, but in street A trees some-
From the non line-of-sight case we have
tion, is able to cope with intersymbol times blocked the LOS path.
no experimental results connected to
interference and at the same time utilis-
Since the measurements mainly are multipath measurements, but experiences
ing the multipath diversity (giving
aimed at a DECT implementation not from an ongoing DECT field trial in Nor-
smaller fluctuations in the input power
employing channel equalisation, we have way indicate that shadowing rather than

Street A Street B Street C

23,4 m

78 B1
20 m
16m 22
8m 12,5m
0 28
Tx, h=3,8m C1
8 18 36 m 0
Tx, h=3,7m
Tx, h=3,1m (C1), h=4,7m (C2)
Street F

Square I
178 16m 27m Stop, 752m

55m 50m 410m 703m 362m

Tx, 4m
Parked 7m
bus 90

F 55m



67m 537m 592m 89m

Tx, h=3,8m 105m

13 m

Figure 26 Transmitter positions (TX) and measurement routes in the mea-

Square I
sured streets and city squares. The shaded areas represent buildings, cir-
cles represent trees. All lengths along the streets and squares are in metres

0m 8m 77m
211m 5m 104m

% P(X≤x)
11m Level I
80 67m
60 Tx,h=5 258m
40 14m 14m

18m 81m 18m

20 24m Level II

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 27 Cumulative distribution of delay

spread, city street measurement A2

Table 3 Scenario description, delay spread and 90 % delay window from the two % P(X≤x)
streets and two city squares. All parameter values in nanoseconds 100
Rte. # W Tr. DS DS 90% 90% 90% 90%
[m] 50% 90% FDW FDW SDW SDW 80
50% 90% 50% 90%
A1 1403 36 m 28.1 49.3 60 140 40 100
A2 1391 36 m 38.4 62.6 100 180 60 120 40
B1 2264 23 a 27.5 55.3 60 160 40 80
I 1829 53.4 102.6 120 300 60 160 20

JI 3956 93.8 145.1 260 420 140 340

J2 2000 98.8 148.2 280 420 180 320 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Rte. = Route number DS = Delay spread % P(X≤x) a
# = Number of IRs along the route FDW = Fixed delay window 100
W = Width of street SDW = Sliding delay window
Tr. = Trees: m: along and in the middle of street 80
a: along the street


40 50 %
75 %
90 %
dB 20
97 %
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
-10 b

Figure 29 Cumulative distributions, city square

measurement J1
a) delay spread
b) sliding delay window
-30 nst

multipath propagation is limiting performance in

-40 those cases [13].
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 In Figure 28 two impulse responses are shown.
a ns They are measured in street A2, but give a good
dB impression of typical situations in both streets.
Characteristic for the city squares compared to the
streets is that the dimensions are larger. From the
cumulative distribution of delay spread for mea-
-10 surement J1 and Table 3 we see that the larger
dimensions also result in larger parameter values.
As is seen from Figure 29a and Table 3 the delay
spread is less than 80 ns only in less than 40 % of
the measurements from city square J. The rule of
thumb for GMSK performance gives that in more
-30 nst than 60 % of the intended coverage area multipath
propagation will cause severe problems to DECT
communications. We also see from Figure 29b that
-40 the 90 % sliding delay window parameter (corre-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 sponding to C/I = 9.5 dB) is less than 340 ns in
b ns 90 % of the cases for all city square measurements.
This clearly demonstrates that any means introduc-
Figure 28 Two impulse responses from the city street mea- ed in DECT to make the system capable of coping
surements. Power levels are relative to peak

dB % P(X≤x)
0 100


nst nst 40

-30 20

-40 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 a ns
ns % P(X≤x)
dB 100


-20 40 50 %
nst 75 %
90 %
97 %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
-40 b ns
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
b ns Figure 31 Cumulative distributions for city
street measurement 2A
Figure 30 Two impulse responses from the city square mea- a) delay spread
surements. Power levels are relative to peak b) sliding delay windows

with multipath stretching over some hun- 63 GHz and 65 – 66 GHz, in addition to 4.6.1 Measurement results
dreds of nanoseconds significantly would a band of 2 GHz width around 40 GHz.
All measurements reported in this chap-
improve system performance. User bit rates may be as high as 155
ter were performed with 5 ns resolution
Mb/s. Hence, the system bandwidth will
Two impulse responses from city square (200 MHz BW). Output transmit power
be of the same order of size as the maxi-
measurement J1 are shown in Figure 5. was 500 mW. Directive transmitting
mum measurement bandwidth of Telenor
These impulse responses can be regarded antenna (90 degrees horizontal beam
R&D’s channel sounder.
as typical for all the city squares. width) and omnidirectional receiving
Here we present measurements from four antenna were used during measurements
4.6 Multipath measurements in downtown Oslo streets and from two city at 59 GHz. During city street measure-
microcells at 59 GHz squares. Transmitter sites and measure- ments, the transmitting antenna was
ment routes from city street measure- pointing down the measured street. For
The U-band3 is intended for use in
ments A and B and city square measure- the city square measurements, antenna
mobile broadband services, amongst oth-
ments I and J were identical to those cor- pointing directions are shown in Fig-
ers. In the European research project
responding to 1.95 GHz measurements ure 26.
RACE Mobile Broadband System
labelled A, B, I and J. A more complete
(MBS), studies of such a microcellular During measurements, the line-of-sight
description of the measurement scenarios
high-capacity system aiming at providing (LOS) path was never obstructed by
and a larger set of results are given in
B-ISDN services to moving and movable large vehicles, but in street A trees some-
users are performed [14]. Considerations times blocked the LOS path. The weather
are given to the frequency bands 62 – Only instantaneous IRs are treated, i.e. during all measurements was sunny, and
the receiver moved only a fraction of a street surfaces were dry.
wavelength during each IR measurement,
Cumulative distributions of the delay
3 and no averaging to remove fast fading
The frequency band 40 – 60 GHz is spread and sliding delay windows for a
on each tap of the IR was performed.
called the U-band.

Table 4 Scenario description, delay spread and 90 % delay windows from the four In general, if the streets are empty (no
streets and the two city squares. All parameter values in nanoseconds major reflection sources) all parameter
values will increase with increasing street
Rte. # W Tr. Cr. DS DS 90% 90% 90% 90% widths. In street B, which is a street with
[m] 50% 90% FDW FDW SDW SDW trees along the buildings on each side, we
50% 90% 50% 90% observe parameter values of equal or less
magnitude compared to street E, which is
A1.w 148 36 m s 5.3 14.0 5 25 10 10 a narrower street. This is probably
A1.s 148 36 m s 7.6 16.5 20 35 10 25 because the trees reduce the reflections
from the walls.
A2.w 144 36 m s 12.5 27.9 35 70 25 45
In all measurements we started measur-
A2.s 124 36 m s 12.7 22.7 40 70 30 45 ing when entering or just before entering
B1.w 303 23 a s 4.1 8.6 10 20 10 15 the main lobe of the transmitter antenna
(i.e. the transmitter antenna was pointing
B1.s 273 23 a s 4.2 6.5 10 20 10 20 towards the receiver). We did however
B2.w 211 23 a s 3.4 8.7 10 25 10 15 notice that when the distance between
transmitter and receiver was very short
B2.s 153 23 a s 3.3 6.0 10 20 10 15 (5 – 10 metres) and the transmitter did
C1.w 326 20 n n 8.4 13.1 20 40 15 30 not point to the receiver, bad multipath
situations often occurred. This is because
C2.w 328 20 n n 8.5 13.7 20 40 15 30 in such situations the possible excess
F.w 315 13 n m 3.6 48.3 10 80 10 40 delays are maximised, and since the
direct signal is attenuated due to the
I.s 1238 28.1 76.6 55 195 15 150 transmitter antenna pattern, the LOS ray
J1.s 610 40.8 92.2 45 270 10 135 may be of the same order of magnitude
as the reflected ones. It is important to be
J2.s 483 37.8 83.7 90 220 15 160 aware of this dangerous situation,
because often the antenna patterns are
Rte. = Route name DS = Delay Spread
chosen to get the received power as uni-
# = Number of IRs along the route FDW = Fixed Delay Window
form as possible in the cell, i.e. radiating
W = Width of street SDW = Sliding Delay Window more power to the distant parts of the cell
Tr. = Trees: m: along and in the middle of street than to the part below the base station.
a: along the street
n: no trees Finally, looking at the received power,
Cr. = Moving cars: f: only a few the observed fades measured with
s: some 200 MHz bandwidth were typically 3 –
m: many
n: none
6 dB. (Narrowband measurements show-
ed typical fades of 15 – 20 dB, some-
times deeper.) When the LOS path was
obstructed by a tree, as in route A2, this
measurement scenario in street A are street surface, especially when the dis- resulted in a fade of depth 8 – 12 dB,
shown in Figure 31. tance between transmitter and receiver is when measuring both narrowband and
large. wideband.
In Table 4 the 50 % and 90 % values of
delay spread and fixed and sliding delay In all streets except street F the delay
4.7 Comparison of propagation
windows are shown for the city street and spread is less than 20 ns in more than
city square measurements. The measure- 90 % of the situations along each route.
conditions at 1950 MHz and
ments marked “w” in Table 4 were con- The 90 % fixed delay window is 50 ns or
59 GHz
ducted in March, hence the trees had not less in 90 % or more of all measurements 1950 MHz and 59 GHz measurement
come into leaf. The measurements mark- in each route, except the route in street F. campaigns performed in identical envi-
ed “s” were conducted in June, with trees ronments make it possible to compare
The reason for the higher values in street
in leaf. statistics describing multipath conditions
F is a tourist coach parked as shown in
in the two frequency bands. We see from
In Figure 32 two typical impulse Figure 26. This coach created a stable
Tables 3 and 4 that values of parameters
responses are shown. They are measured reflection, which can be seen on the
describing the multipath situation are sig-
in street A, but give a good impression of impulse response shown in Figure 33a. In
nificantly larger at 1950 MHz than at
typical situations in all streets. Figure 33b the 97 % fixed delay window
59 GHz. This is mainly due to two rea-
as function of measurement number is
Many of the measured IRs looked like sons:
shown, and we see clearly that the main
the upper in Figure 32, i.e. with only one
contribution to the high FDW values is a - influence of transmitting antenna pat-
peak. This peak, however, may consist of
stable stationary reflection source which terns
several rays. The IR resolution of 5 ns,
is passed by the receiver around mea-
corresponding to a spatial resolution of - different reflection properties at the
surement number 160. This corresponds
1.5 metre, is not able to resolve all first two frequencies.
to the position of the coach.
order reflections from the buildings and

dB dB

-20 nst


150 -40
0 50 100 200 250 300 350 150
0 50 100 200 250 300 350
a ns
dB ns a ns
0 450

-10 350
-40 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
b ns b measurement

Figure 32 Typical impulse responses for all city street mea- Figure 33 Impulse response and 97 % fixed delay window as
surements. IRs are recorded along measurement route A2. function of measurement number from city street F. The
Power levels are relative to peak coach parked in the street creates a stable reflection source

During all measurements at 1950 MHz, tions, giving smaller reflected compo-
omnidirectional transmitting antenna was nents.
5 Conclusions
used, whereas directional transmitting The theory behind the mobile radio prop-
In addition, there is an extra signal atten-
antenna with half power beam width of agation channel has been presented. The
uation at 59 GHz due to the oxygen
90 degrees in the horizontal plane was radio channel as a function of time and
absorption in this frequency band. Signal
used at 59 GHz. Use of directional trans- position has been explained in some
components with long excess path
mitting antenna reduces the magnitude of detail.
lengths are very much attenuated due to
reflected signal components originating
the extra signal attenuation of about Then different principles of wideband
from reflecting objects situated within
15 dB/km. This effect is also reducing radio channel measurements, channel
the back lobe of the transmitting antenna.
multipath problems at 59 GHz. soundings, have been introduced. An
Reduced magnitude of those reflected
overview of Telenor R&D’s channel
signal components compared to the direct All these factors would contribute to
sounders for use in the UHF- and U-
one is expected to reduce problems due smaller parameter values at 59 GHz than
bands have been given, together with the
to multipath propagation. at lower frequencies. This is well in line
parameters used to describe the multipath
with results shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Another effect is originating from the situation.
different carrier frequencies. At All these factors tend to give larger mul-
Parallel multipath and GSM measure-
1950 MHz, the wavelength is 15.4 cm. tipath spread at UHF than in the U-band,
ments conducted by Telenor R&D show
At 59 GHz, the wavelength is just above and we have not been able to isolate the
that the Q16-parameter, derived from
5 mm, hence being comparable with the effects of the differences in transmitting
multipath measurements, gives a correct
roughness of many surfaces. Wavelength antenna patterns, oxygen absorption and
estimate of the GSM signal quality in
comparable with surface roughness gives wavelengths.
more than 90 % of the cases.
rise to diffuse rather than specular reflec-

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