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This work was proposed by our English teacher Guilhermina Balde. Is about a mini
inteview with anyone we knew we organised. We decideto interview a driver because
we wanted someone “importante” or someone with useful knowledge, someone that we
can learn something from them. So we interviewed a driver named Wilson and we just
requested simple questions.

Allana- So today we are here with mister Wilson. Yeah! And we`re in the centre of
scuba driving. So what you do for living?

Wilson- I´m a driving inatructon.

Allana- Do you like what you do?

Wilson- Of course otherwise I wasn´t here.

Allana- How log did you study to get here?

Wilson- How long? Well, not that much…Nah not that much. As soon as know how to
speak English or any other language like french or Italian…Huh of course you have to
be…You have to know how to swim. And you have to love the job because is not easy.

Allana- But you kind of need to have the diving experience?

Wilson- Yeah of course. Me as na instructor…huh…To be na instructor is not easy, you

have to be ready because is not just swim and drive. The theoretical part is also resly

Allana- But like, to be a driving instructor you need to do like five sections of driving?

Wilson- Nah, nah, nah, more than that. I did ike four… Four… There years and half to
be a dive master which is the first professional level. I did my drive master in 2011 and
then in November 2014 I did my instructor course.

Allana- So where did you learn English?

Wilson- Huh… Here (Santa Maria).

Marilene- Who you work with?

Wilson- We have Carlos which is our boat captain, there haven´t been our drive master
(main manager) because he he is a freelance, and the other guys and there´s me as the

Marilene- How many hours do you work?

Wilson- Eigt hour for day, normal just like everyone.

Marilene- Would you like to do something else?

Wilson- What you mean? Do something else? Sports, what else?... Taking care of
myself, which is realy importent, and, that´s it.

Marilene- Do you think you will retire from this job? Or thing about changing it?

Wilson- I don´t know yet. I atill my job so…As soon as you are enjoying your life (&
your job)… I don´t huh… I don´t have a raeson to change it.

Santiago- What do you think is the most importent step towards success?

Wilson- You should love your job man! That´s the most importent step. You should
love your job. And if you don´t love it, it doesn´t make since to leave your house. Easy!

Santiago- Why did you chose to be a driving instructor?

Wilson- First huh is a job that huh… I like to do it because huh… Under water its na
amzing place and second it´s a well paid job. Comparing to other jobs that we have
around the Island. The driving instructor have a good payment in the end.

Santiago- Where do you work?

Wilson- Huh here in Santa Maria at scuba team Cabo Verde.

Santiago- Good! Do you like it!

Wilson- I love it man!


In this job we learned that when you like what you do mothing really matters… When
we went to interview our friend Wilson he was totally up for interview but in the middle
of it (in fact I cut that part) Wilson had a phone cal of someone of his work and he end
up letting us there waiting for him until he would finish his phone cal. That´s just a type
of action or behaviour that show he doen´t really care what is on except for his job.
Anyways the interview was very interesting and we had a better idea of what is like to
work as driver and work with people from different places. And if your love your job in
the end of the day you se eis not a hard thing to perform if that´s what you like doing.

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