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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far

- Created my Instagram page (@nailsbyselle_)

- Calculated pricing
- Created policies
o This sets boundaries for my service and ensures my clients and I are on the same page
- Bought materials necessary to provide service
o Client arm rest – for ergonomics
o Disinfectant supplies
 To ensure a clean and safe environment
o Gooseneck UV light – for efficiency
 Using a big lamp for flash curing is very complicated and may be dangerous for
both myself and the client.
o Hard gel
 I have been researching current nail trends and have noticed that 3D designs are
very popular at the moment.
- Practice set on myself (see picture!)
o This practice set is for me to test my own products retention (how durable the nails are)
- Posted my first Instagram post for branding

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

- Open up my business and start to accept clients

o I’m aiming to provide my service to at least one client by the end of the week
- Create something for clients to know my availability
o Saves time and hassle for both clients and myself
- More practice sets!
o This would also help provide more content for my instagram page

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

- Dust collector
o For extra safety for myself. By doing my own nails, I realized that a mask truly isn’t
- Feedback from mentor on my practice set
- Inspiration pictures for future nail sets
Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

- Needing materials ex. Builder gel, but supplies being expensive

o I asked my mentor for assistance.
- Didn’t have any ideas for nail art
o Looked up reference pictures and inspiration pictures online.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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