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The Power of Youth

Being young is synonymous with change, progress, and the future. Youth represents a
dynamic phase of life filled with energy, creativity, and the potential to shape the world.
First of all, youth is a time of enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge. It's a stage where
individuals are open to new experiences and unafraid of taking risks. For instance, my cousin,
at 16, started a global climate strike movement, and this is an advantage for nature and
humans. Nowadays, people prioritize the present over the future due to a lack of concern for
the future.
Youth are the driving force of society, bringing fresh perspectives, and innovative ideas,
driving technological advancements, cultural shifts, and social progress.For example, Mark
Zuckerberg, who co-founded Facebook at the age of 19, is a prime example of a young
visionary who transformed the way people connect and communicate worldwide.
I reckon nowadays there are few young people who want to make a change, and this is a
weakness point because they think only of themselves; but some young adults have the power
to inspire, motivate, and transform the world, proving that age is no barrier to making a
lasting impact.
I strongly believe that every step must be thought about because it can change the world.
Also, today's young people are our future; they will be able to change it, and body politics
should support the potential of our youth for a brighter and more promising future.

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