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Lecturer: Dr. Pham Thi Hoan


1 Trần Thị Tuyết Nhi 21116313

2 Nguyễn Quốc Huy 21116300

3 Lê Viết Anh Khôi 21116304

4 Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà 20116138

Class: PDRP410750E_23_2_02FIE

Ho Chi Minh City, January 2024


Student’s Level of
No. Full name Tasks
ID completion
- Lesson 1: Introduction, Sensory
Nguyễn Quốc - Lesson 2: pH measurement and
1 21116300 100%
Huy Titratable acidity
- Lesson 3: Introduction

- Lesson 1: Test Methylene Blue,

pH measurement
- Lesson 2: Diagram process and
Trần Thị Tuyết
2 21116313 explain 100%
- Lesson 3: Diagram process and
- Editing report word
- Lesson 1: Density, Alcohol Test
- Lesson 2: Date synthesized
Nguyễn Thị
3 20116138 - Lesson 3: Date synthesized 100%
Thu Hà
- Editing report word

- Lesson 1: Acidity Test,

Lê Viết Anh
4 21116304 - Lesson 2: Introduction, Material 100%
- Lesson 3: Material

1.1 Objective .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Overview .............................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Material and Procedure ..................................................................................... 1

1.3.1 Material ............................................................................................................ 1

1.3.2 Methods ............................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 10

References ..................................................................................................................... 10

LESSON 2: YOGURT PRODUCTION ........................................................................ 12

2.1 Objective ............................................................................................................ 12

2.2 Overview ............................................................................................................ 12

2.3 Material and procedure ................................................................................... 15

2.3.1 Material .......................................................................................................... 15

2.3.2 Procedure ....................................................................................................... 16

2.3.3 Changes during incubating .......................................................................... 19

2.4 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................... 20

2.4.1 Total amount of mixture between samples ................................................. 20

2.4.2 pH value ......................................................................................................... 20

2.4.3 Titratable Acidity .......................................................................................... 22

2.4.4 Sensory Evaluation ....................................................................................... 27

References ..................................................................................................................... 28

LESSON 3: CHEESE PRODUCTION ......................................................................... 29

3.1 Objective ............................................................................................................ 29

3.2 Overview ............................................................................................................ 29

3.3 Material and procedure ................................................................................... 31

3.3.1 Material .......................................................................................................... 31

3.3.2 Procedure ....................................................................................................... 33 Mozzarella .................................................................................................. 33 Quarg Cheese ............................................................................................. 36

3.4 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................... 39

3.4.1 Mozzarella ...................................................................................................... 39

3.4.2 Fresh Cheese .................................................................................................. 41

References ..................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 1.1 TH milk ............................................................................................................ 2
Figure 1.2 Color and Condition ....................................................................................... 3
Figure 1.3 The first measurement .................................................................................... 4
Figure 1.4 The second measurement ............................................................................... 4
Figure 1.5 The third measurement .................................................................................. 5
Figure 1.6 Alcohol test ...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 1.7 After 15 minutes .............................................................................................. 6
Figure 1.8 After 1 hour..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.9 After 3 hours .................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.10 pH measurement .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 1.0.11 The formula of titration ............................................................................. 8
Figure 1.12 The result of titration ................................................................................... 9
Figure 1.13 The criteria of titratable acidity................................................................. 10
Figure 2.0.1 The commercial yogurt .............................................................................. 15
Figure 0.2.2 The power milk (left) and fresh milk (right) .......................................... 15
Figure 2.0.3 The vinamilk yogurt non sugar ................................................................. 16
Figure 2.0.4 Yogurt manufacturing ............................................................................... 17
Figure 2.0.5 Pasteurization of milk ................................................................................ 18
Figure 2.6 Average result of pH value .......................................................................... 21
Figure 2.9 Titration of yogurt after 1 hour 30 minutes .............................................. 23
Figure 2.8 Titration of yogurt after 1 hour ................................................................... 23
Figure 2..0.6 Titration of yogurt right after adding culture ........................................ 23
Figure 2.12 Titration of yogurt after 3 hours............................................................... 24
Figure 2.11 Titration of yogurt after 2 hours 30 minutes ........................................... 24
Figure 2.10 Titration of yogurt after 2 hour ................................................................ 24
Figure 2.13 The formula for titration acidity ............................................................... 25

Figure 2.13 Chart of changing of acidiity in yogurt at interval time ......................... 26
Figure 2.14 The graph below depicts the pH and acidity of yogurt during
fermentation ..................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.15 The yogurt 4.5% culture............................................................................. 27
Figure 3.1 Classification of cheese ................................................................................. 30
Figure 3.2 Mozzarella cheese .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.3 Fresh cheese .................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3.4 The power milk (left) and TH true milk (right) ......................................... 32
Figure 3.5 Citric acid ....................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3.6 Rennet ............................................................................................................ 33
Figure 3.7 Mozzarella production .................................................................................. 34
Figure 3.8 Coagulation mozzarella ................................................................................ 35
Figure 3.9 Kneading ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3.0.10 Fresh cheese production .......................................................................... 37
Figure 3.11 Coagulation fresh cheese ............................................................................ 39
Figure 3.12 Final production ......................................................................................... 39
Figure 3.13 Final production fresh cheese .................................................................... 41

Table 1.2 Sensory evaluation of TH true milk ............................................................... 3
Table 1.3 The density of TH true milk ............................................................................ 4
Table 1.4 The result of titration ....................................................................................... 9
Table 2.1 The TCVN 7030:2002 Sensory criteria ......................................................... 13
Table 2.2 The TCVN 7030:2002 Physical and chemical criteria ................................ 14
Table 2.3 The TCVN 7030:2002 heavy metal criteria .................................................. 14
Table 2.4 The TCVN 7030:2002 Bacteria criteria 14

Table 2.5 Total amount of mixture between samples................................................... 20

Table 2.6 pH value of Yogurt sample at interval time ................................................ 20
Table 2.7 Average result of pH value............................................................................. 21
Table 2.8 The concentration of NaOH ........................................................................... 22
Table 2.9 Volume of NaOH use to titrate ai interval time ........................................... 25
Table 2.10 The result after acidity calculation ............................................................. 25
Table 2.11 The sensory evaluation of yogurt ................................................................ 27
Table 3.1 Sensory evaluation .......................................................................................... 40
Table 3.2 Calculation ....................................................................................................... 40
Table 3.3 Sensory evaluation of fresh cheese ................................................................ 42
Table 3.4 Calculation of fresh cheese ............................................................................. 42

1.1 Objective
− Checking the quality of milk
− Use techniques to test and control milk quality
− Determine pH, the titratable acidity
1.2 Overview
− Milk, a nutrient-rich liquid sustenance, is secreted by the mammary glands of
mammals. It serves as the primary source of nourishment for young mammals,
including human infants who are breastfed, until they transition to solid food. Milk
is obtained from lactating warm-blooded animals, encompassing species such as
bovines, sheep, goats, horses, buffaloes, and others. It offers vital elements like
lipids and lactose for energy, proteins for amino acids and amino groups, essential
fatty acids, vitamins, inorganic elements, and water.
− The composition and production of milk exhibit variations among different species,
resulting in a range of health benefits. Lipids present in goat and sheep milk possess
anti-obesity and anti-atherogenic properties, with goat milk also acting as a
prebiotic. Goat milk boasts higher selenium levels, supporting the immune system,
while camel milk is abundant in iron, aiding in oxygen transport. Bovine milk is
enriched with vitamins such as riboflavin, folic acid, B6, and vitamin A,
contributing to hemoglobin synthesis. Moreover, cattle milk supplies folate, and
goat milk is rich in niacin, recognized for its anti-cancer properties.
1.3 Material and Procedure
1.3.1 Material

Figure 1.1 TH milk

Sample preparation:
− Unexpired sterilized TH True Milk
− Purely made with fresh milk from the TH Farm
− Closed and hygienic process from grass to glass
− No preservatives
Table 1.1 Nutrition Information of TH true MILK UHT Pure Fresh Milk Per 100 ml

Energy 60,1 Kcal

Fat 3,3 g

Protein 3,0 g
Carbohydrate 4,6 g

Calcium 104 mg

1.3.2 Methods
❖ Sensory evaluation
− Open a box of milk.

− Immediately smell the milk.
− Observe the appearance of the milk.
− If still unable to make a clear judgment, taste the milk, but do not swallow it. Spit the
milk sample into a bucket provided for that purpose or into a drain basin, flush with
− Look at the can lid and the milk can to check cleanliness.

Figure 1.2 Color and Condition

Table 1.2 Sensory evaluation of TH true milk

Criteria Description

Color The color spans from ivory white to a gentle light cream.

The natural, inherent aroma and flavor of fresh milk, without any
unusual or foreign smells or tastes.

Texture Homogeneous mixture

Impurity for
No appearance

❖ Density Evaluation
Purpose: The purity of milk is assessed using a lactometer test. By dividing the density of
milk by the density of water, it calculates the specific gravity of milk.

Procedure: Fill the 250 mL cylinder with TH genuine milk, then submerge the lactometer
in the liquid.
Result and discussion
Table 1.3 The density of TH true milk

No. Density (kg/m3) Temperature

1 1025 30.6
2 1024 30.6

3 1024 30.7

Figure 1.3 The first measurement

Figure 1.4 The second measurement

Figure 1.5 The third measurement

 Three measurements indicate that milk has a density of 1024 kg/m3

❖ The Alcohol Test
Purpose: To detect abnormal milk, such as colostrums or mastitis milk. It is based on the
instability of the proteins when the levels of acid and/or rennet are increased and acted
upon by alcohol as a result of disturbances in the mineral balance of milk.
Procedure: For routine testing, 5 ml of milk is mixed with 5 ml of an ethanol solution. If
the tested milk is of good quality, there will be no coagulation, clotting, or precipitation.
The presence of flakes or clots indicates poor quality milk.

Figure 1.6 Alcohol test


− After adding alcohol, there is no coagulation or precipitation occurrence for "TH
true milk" that has been pasteurized. This demonstrates that the acidity, calcium,
and magnesium contents of the aforementioned milk are all within permissible
bounds according to milk regulations.
❖ Test Methylene Blue
− The Methylene Blue is based on the fact that the coloring matter known as
methylene blue is blue in the presence of oxygen. If the dye, methylene blue, be
added to fresh milk, it will give to it a blue color. This blue color will remain until
all the oxygen is used up when the milk will almost immediately change back to
white again.
− The larger the number of bacteria in milk, the sooner this change in the color will
take place. Hence the use of methylene blue becomes a valuable test for determining
the relative number of bacteria present in a given number of milk samples.
− Prepare: Methylene blue solution is prepared by dissolving 5 mg methylene blue
into 100mL distilled water. The solution is stored in the refrigerator, protected from
sunlight, and used within 1 week.
Procedure: Conducted under sterile conditions. Take 10 ml of milk and 1 ml of methylene
blue solution into a sterile test tube. Shake by turning it over and over again 2-3 times.
Incubate at 37oC. Shake every 1 hour and check the color change over time.

Figure 1.7 After 15 minutes

Figure 1.8 After 1 hour

Figure 1.9 After 3 hours

− Methylene blue does not change color with TH true milk because TH true milk is
heat-sterilized. The heat-sterilization process kills all bacteria in the milk, so there
are no bacteria to use methylene blue to create blue intermediate products.
− In addition, TH true milk is also processed using ultraviolet (UV) light sterilization
technology. This technology also has the effect of killing bacteria in milk, so TH
true milk also does not change color when methylene blue is added.

− Therefore, it can be concluded that methylene blue does not change color with TH
true milk because TH true milk is heat-sterilized and processed using UV light
sterilization technology.
❖ pH Measurement

Figure 1.10 pH measurement

− The pH of TH true milk is 6.64 (about 6.6 to 6.8). This is a neutral pH, which is
within the safe pH range for human health. TH true milk is produced from fresh
cow's milk from TH farms, which are naturally grazing on pastures. The milk is
heat-sterilized and processed using ultraviolet (UV) light sterilization technology.
Therefore, TH true milk has a neutral pH, which is within the safe pH range for
human health.
❖ Acidity Test
Procedure: 10 ml of the milk measured into the erlen, add the water follow by ratio 1:2 and
3 drops Phenolphthalein is added. Slowly drip down the NaOH 0.1N from the burette until
the mixture appear pink, then stop. The number of mL of Sodium hydroxide solution
divided by 10 expresses the percentage of lactic acid.

Figure 1.0.11 The formula of titration

Figure 1.12 The result of titration

Table 1.4 The result of titration

Replication Fresh milk


Volume of NaOH titrated (mL) 1.5


Average 1.53±0.06

TA (%) 0.137

TA(॰T) 15.3


Figure 1.13 The criteria of titratable acidity

− Based on the table above, the acidity of milk is 0.137 (range 0.14±0.01). The milk
quality is good and not contaminated.
1.4 Conclusion
− Results are presented of the relationship of the formation of lactic acid in milk with
(a) the production of acid-associated flavors, (b) the microscopic clump count, (c)
the methylene blue reduction, and (d) titratable acidity. .
− A general relationship was noted in the lactic acid increases obtained by the
colorimetric lactic acid method and by titration. However, the titration results may
vary appreciably from the true lactic acid changes in individual milks.
− A discussion is given of the limitations and application of certain of these quality
tests in a lactic acid grading program.

1 P. Walstra, T. J. Geurts, A. Noomen, A. Jellema, M. A. J. S. van Boekel, 1999, DAIRY
TECHNOLOGY principles of milk properties and processes, Department of 16 Food

Science, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, Marcel
Dekker Inc.
2 A. H. A. Al-Shamary and N. I. Abdulali, 2011, Detection of microbial load in
Imported UHT milk in Baghdad Markets, Al-Anbar J. Vet. Sci., Vol.: 4 No. (2).
Accessed: 02/28/2023,
3 Food Engineering Progress, 2013, Changes of Proteins and Physicochemical
Properties of Cow's Milk by High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Treatment, Sulhee Lee
and Young-Seo Park,

2.1 Objective
− Describe and explain the yoghurt manufacturing procedure.
− Determine the technical parameters of yogurt processing.
− Applying knowledge to real-world products.
− Examining the factors that affect yogurt quality during production and storage.
− Using ordinary laboratory equipment with mastery.
− Determine pH, the titratable acidity, during fermentation.
− Checking the quality of yogurt.
2.2 Overview
A fermented milk obtained by a simultaneous operation of L. bulgaricus and S.
thermophilus in which the two specific cultures remain active (living) until consumption.
Thermal treatment after fermentation is not allowed.

On the market today, yogurt products are very diverse in terms of standard types, structures,
and flavors of yogurt, which are always changed by manufacturers to suit the tastes and
usage habits of customers in different countries. Yogurt products can be classified as

− Traditional yogurt (set type): the product has a smooth gel structure. In the
traditional yogurt production process, the raw milk is processed, inoculated, and
then poured into the packaging. Fermentation takes place in the packaging causing
the appearance of a curd mass and a characteristic structure for the product.
− Stirred type yogurt: the curd that appears in the product after fermentation is
partially destroyed by mechanical damage. During the production of stir-fried
yogurt, raw milk is treated, inoculated, then fermented in specialized equipment,

then cooled and poured into packaging. Yogurt will not have a smooth and uniform
gel structure like traditional yogurt.
− Drinking yogurt or liquid yogurt: the curd that appears in the product after the
fermentation process is completely destroyed. The product has a liquid form, when
using the consumer does not need to use a spoon. The difference is that after the
fermentation process, people use stirring or homogenization to destroy the gel
structure of the coagulant and reduce the viscosity of the product.
− Frozen yogurt: the product is similar to ice cream. The milk fermentation process
is carried out in specialized equipment, then the mixture after fermentation will be
treated and frozen to increase the hardness of the product and then packaged.
− Concentrated yogurt: the production process includes important stages such as milk
fermentation, concentration, cooling and product packaging. During the
concentration process, the milk serum is separated from the product. Today, to
diversify yogurt even 23 more on the market, people can add flavoring, food
coloring or fruit purée to the product.
− Yogurt cheese: is a fresh cheese created by draining and separating whey overnight.
The flavor is akin to sour cream and has the texture of soft cream cheese. A liter of
yogurt produces around 500 mL of cheese. Yogurt cheese has a shelf life of 7-14
days when wrapped and refrigerated at 4°C or below.
− Dried yogurt (Kurut in Turkey): Yogurt is sun dried for longer preservation.
Quality criteria
Based on the TCVN 7030:2002 standard for yogurt products:

− The sensory criteria

Table 2.1 The TCVN 7030:2002 Sensory criteria

Criteria Requirement

1. Color Milky white color or characteristic color of additional ingredients

2. Flavor, taste Features for each type of product

3. State Smooth, dense

− Considering physical and chemical markers of yogurt

Table 2.2 The TCVN 7030:2002 Physical and chemical criteria

Criteria Requirement

1. Fat-free dry matter, % mass fraction, not less than 8.2

2. Fat content, % mass > 2.0

3. Acidity, ⸰T 75 − 140

− Considering heavy metal indicators in yogurt

Table 2.3 The TCVN 7030:2002 heavy metal criteria

Criteria Requirement

Arsen (mg/L) 0.5

Lead (Pb) (mg/L) 0.5

Cadimi (mg/L) 1.0

Mercury (Hg) (mg/L) 0.05

Fungal toxins – Aflatoxin M1 < 0.5 mg/L

− Yogurt's microbiological properties

Table 2.4 The TCVN 7030:2002 Bacteria criteria

Criteria Acceptable levels

Without heat With heat
treatment treatment
1. Total number of aerobic microorganisms, 104 10
number of colonies in 1 g of product
2. Coliform group, number of bacteria in 1 g of 10 0

3. Staphylococcus aureus, number of bacteria 0 0
in 1 g of product
4. E.Coli, number of bacteria in 1 g of product 0 0
5. Salmonella, number of bacteria in 25 g of 0 0
6. Yeasts and molds, number of colonies in 1 g 10 0
of product

Some commercial products

Figure 2.0.1 The commercial yogurt

2.3 Material and procedure

2.3.1 Material

Figure 0.2.2 The power milk (left) and fresh milk (right)

In this experiment, we used both sterilized milk (11% TS) and milk powder (96%TS) to
make a standardized milk with total solid content is 15%.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are the two major (starter)
microorganisms found in yogurt. The starter cultures' role is to ferment lactose (milk sugar)
and create lactic acid. The rise in lactic acid lowers pH and causes the milk to coagulate,
resulting in the soft gel typical of yoghurt. In this experiment, we utilise the starter from
Vinamilk yogurt (no sugar added). We purchased the product with the most recent
manufacturing date in order to maximise the amount and quality of the lactic acid bacteria
present. The starting concentration is 4.5%.

Figure 2.0.3 The vinamilk yogurt non sugar

2.3.2 Procedure
Calculate raw materials
For this experiment, we used two types of milk: sterilized fresh milk and reconstituted
powdered milk. As a result, we had to calculate the mass of each component in order to get
the final result for a yogurt product with a 15% dry matter.

a + b = 1000 a = 952.94 g
{ ↔{
0.11a + 0.96b = 0.15 × 1000 b = 47.05 g


a: weight of sterilized fresh milk

b: weight of milk powder

From whole cream milk powder with 4% moisture, preparing 1000 mL reconstituted milk
with 15% dry matter by dissolving 47.05g whole milk powder into 952.94 g of fresh milk.
Reconstituting thoroughly by vigorous agitation and allow to stand for about 30 minutes.

Yogurt Processing

Figure 2.0.4 Yogurt manufacturing

Explain the process

− Standardization
Purpose: adjust the fat concentration content for fermentation (0.5−3.5%). The dry matter
content of milk for yogurt production is usually increased to about 16%, with 1−5% being
fat and 11−14% being solids-not-fat (SNF). It also contributes to increased lactose, protein,
mineral, and vitamin content.

− Homogenizing
Purpose: reduces fat globules to <1 μm in diameter, resulting in homogeneous dispersion
of milk fat in yoghurt. The yogurt's consistency improves, as does the coagulum's
resistance to whey separation.

Procedure: to obtain optimum physical properties, the milk should be homogenized at

10÷20 MPa and 55÷80°C.

− Pasteurizing
Purpose: to kill or inhibit the microorganisms as well as the enzymes present in the milk.

Procedure: pasteurize at 80°C for about 15 minutes by water-bath.

Figure 2.0.5 Pasteurization of milk

− Cooling
Purpose: to provide an environment in which the starter can perform optimally.

Procedure: remove the bottle from the pot and allow it to cool slightly at room temperature.

− Inoculation
Purpose: to prepare for the following fermentation phase.

Procedure: prepare an aseptic environment, then weigh 3.6g of starter and 76.4g of milk

− Mixing

Purpose: stir the starting culture with milk.

Procedure: stirring should not be too rigorous or last too long

− Packaging
Purpose: to prevent product loss and contamination from microbes.

Procedure: use lid or food wrap to sealing the jars

− Incubating
Purpose: to improve the texture and flavour of the yogurt product.

Procedure: place yoghurt jars in an oven set to 40oC. After one hour, take a sample every
30 minutes to determine the pH of the product.

− Storage
Purpose: to cool the fermentation medium to stabilize the gel structure of the product,
while slowing down the rate of lactic acid biosynthesis of bacteria.

Procedure: put the jars into refrigerator (at 2 – 4oC).

2.3.3 Changes during incubating

− The pH of the milk base drops (from 6.7 to 4.6, which usually takes 2 to 6h) → the
net negative charge on the casein micelles decreases → the rate of solubilized
colloidal calcium phosphate increases → The removal of the ‘hairy’ layer of k-
casein→Decreases in electrostatic repulsion and steric stabilization and increases in
casein–casein interactions→ The formation of a three-dimensional network
consisting of casein clusters, chains, and strands.
− Partial conversion of lactose to lactic acid (lactose fermentation)
− Decrease in pH
− Release of volatiles
− Growth of starter bacteria
− Aggregation of proteins and formation of a gel network

− LAB are homofermentative, i.e., producing one primary end product (95% lactic
2.4 Results and Discussion
2.4.1 Total amount of mixture between samples
Table 2.5 Total amount of mixture between samples

Sample Culture (4.5%) Milk Total weight

1 3.68 76.27 79.95
2 3.9 76.74 80.64
3 3.82 76.89 80.71
4 3.65 76.32 79.97
5 3.51 76.72 80.23
6 3.73 76.43 80.16

2.4.2 pH value
Table 2.6 pH value of Yogurt sample at interval time

1 2 3 Mean

0 6.12 6.11 6.13 6.12 ± 0.01

1 6.12 6.12 6.13 6.12 ± 0.0071

1.5 5.92 5.94 5.92 5.93 ± 0.012

2 5.73 5.75 5.77 5.75 ± 0.02

2.5 5.09 5.11 5.12 5.11 ± 0.016

3 4.85 4.88 4.86 4.86 ± 0.016

3.5 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 ± 0.00

After 12 4.7 4.66 4.68 4.68 ± 0.02

The table below shows the pH values after taking the average and presenting them as a
95% confidence limit (CI).

Table 2.7 Average result of pH value

Average result of pH value

Time (hour) pH
0 6.12

1 6.12
1.5 5.93

2 5.75
2.5 5.11

3 4.86

3.5 4.71

After 12 4.68

Figure 2.6 Average result of pH value

From the table above we can see the change in pH of yogurt over time as shown in the
chart below:

− Overall, the pH of all samples declined considerably after storage. In yogurt,
microbes convert lactose to lactic acid.
− After adding the starting culture to the milk, the pH of the product was 6.12 and
stayed constant for the first hour. The pH value begins to fall to 5.93 at hour 1.5,
and it continues to fall over the next few hours. From there, it is clear that microbes
have to adapt to their surroundings during the first hour, after which they begin to
develop and convert lactose into lactic acid, causing pH to fall.
− After 12 hours in the refrigerator, the sample's pH continued to decrease. The stater
remains active at chilly temperatures and may produce lactic acid by lactose
fermentation, leading in a pH drop, but this process is slower.
2.4.3 Titratable Acidity
Titrate NaOH with 10mL of 0.1N HCl solution and phenolphthalein as indicator.

Table 2.8 The concentration of NaOH

Sample 𝑽𝑵𝒂𝑶𝑯 (ml) 𝑪𝑵𝒂𝑶𝑯 (N)

1 9.3 0.108
2 9 0.111
3 9.2 0.109
The average concentration 0.109±0.002

The concentration of NaOH is calculated by the formula:



C – the concentration of the solution (N)

V – the volume of solution (ml)

− Titration of milk at time points:
➢ Milk dilution ratio 1:2
➢ The indicator is phenolphthalein

Figure 2..0.6 Titration of yogurt right after adding


Figure 2.8 Titration of yogurt after 1 hour

Figure 2.9 Titration of yogurt after 1 hour 30 minutes

Figure 2.10 Titration of yogurt after 2 hour

Figure 2.11 Titration of yogurt after 2 hours 30 minutes

Figure 2.12 Titration of yogurt after 3 hours

− Volume of NaOH used for acid titration
Table 2.9 Volume of NaOH use to titrate ai interval time

1 2 3 Mean

0 3.1 2.7 2.65 2.82 ± 0.25

1 2.9 3 2.85 2.92 ± 0.076

1.5 3.7 3.6 3.75 3.68 ± 0.076

2 4.55 4.65 4.8 4.67 ± 0.13

2.5 5.7 5.55 5.2 5.32 ± 0.20

3 5.8 5.3 5.6 5.53 ± 0.21

3.5 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.73 ± 0.12

After 12 8.2 8.35 8.1 8.22 ± 0.13

− The acidity can be calculated by:

Figure 2.13 The formula for titration acidity

Table 2.10 The result after acidity calculation

Time V NaOH (ml) Acidity (ºT)

0 2.82 31.1

1 2.92 32.2

1.5 3.68 40
2 4.67 51.1

2.5 5.32 57.8

3 5.53 60

3.5 6.73 73.3

After 12 8.22 90

− Graph illustrating acidity fluctuations during yoghurt fermentation.

Figure 2.13 Chart of changing of acidiity in yogurt at interval time

Figure 2.14 The graph below depicts the pH and acidity of yogurt during fermentation

− The graph below depicts the pH and acidity of yogurt during fermentation.

− The acidity of yogurt changed proportionately with time, as seen in the graph when
microbes were eliminated first. Specifically, the acidity was 32.2 0T in the first hour
and rose to 73.3 0T after 3.5 hours.
− Based on the chart, it can be seen that the pH after 12 hours decreased slightly,
because the yogurt was refrigerated at 4 oC, slowing down the fermentation process
of the yogurt at 4.68. In contrast to pH, acidity increase rapidly reach at 90 because
Lactic acid bacteria in yogurt continue to work and convert lactose to lactic acid,
even at low temperatures. Refrigeration only slows down the fermentation process,
not stopping it completely. Therefore, the amount of acid in yogurt will gradually
increase over time during storage.
− Through that, we can see that the correlation between pH and acidity in yogurt is
inversely proportional.
2.4.4 Sensory Evaluation

Figure 2.15 The yogurt 4.5% culture

Table 2.11 The sensory evaluation of yogurt

Criteria Yogurt 4.5% culture

Apperance White milk with a smooth velvety appearance, and not exhibit excess
whey separation.

Flavor Slightly sour, with a pleasant milk and fat aroma, and a fatty flavor. Has
a mild, greasy aftertaste.
Texture Having an opaque, custard-like body with a smooth, uniform texture.

1. P. Walstra, T. J. Geurts, A. Noomen, A. Jellema, M. A. J. S. van Boekel, 1999, DAIRY
TECHNOLOGY principles of milk properties and processes, Department of Food
Science, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, Marcel
Dekker Inc.
2. Fisberg, M., & Machado, R., 2015. History of yogurt and current patterns of
consumption. Nutrition Reviews,
3. W. J. Lee, J. A. Lucey, 2010, Formation and Physical Properties of Yogurt,
4. Chen Chen, Shanshan Zhao, Guangfei Hao, Haiyan Yua, Huaixiang Tiana, and
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7. Chandan, R. C., & Kilara, A. (Eds.). (2013). Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented

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3.1 Objective
− Understanding the fundamentals of fresh cheese production.
− Understanding mozzarella processing.
− Applying knowledge of fresh dairy products to a real-world procedure.
− Evaluating the quality of mozzarella.
− Understand how to regulate, measure, assess, and explain the parameters of a fresh
cheese product.
− Understanding and operating the Moisture Analyzer to measure the total solid
cheese. and raw milk for cheese yield and cheese solid yield calculation.
− Ability to use the tools and instruments in laboratory area.
3.2 Overview
Definition of cheese
Cheese is a dairy product made by coagulating the milk protein casein and available in a
variety of flavours, textures, and shapes. It is made up of milk protein and fat. Milk is often
acidified during processing, and either rennet enzymes or bacterial enzymes with
comparable activity are used to force the casein to coagulate. The solid curds are then
separated from the liquid whey and squeezed to create finished cheese. Aromatic moulds
can be found on the rind, on the outer layer, or throughout the cheese.


Figure 3.1 Classification of cheese

− Mozzarella
Mozzarella is a southern Italian cheese originally prepared from Italian buffalo milk using
the pasta filata technique. Fresh mozzarella is typically white, but when seasoned, cheese
changes to a bright yellow depending on the animal's nutrition. Because of its high moisture
content, it is often served the day after it is produced, but it may be preserved in brine for
up to a week or longer when sold in vacuum-sealed packets. Low-moisture mozzarella may
be refrigerated for up to a month, although certain shredded varieties have a shelf life of

Figure 3.2 Mozzarella cheese

up to six months. Mozzarella is used for most varieties of pizza and various pasta dishes,
or eaten with sliced tomatoes and basil in the Caprese salad.

− Fresh cheese
Fresh cheese refers to cheeses that have not been pressed or matured. Fresh cheese, which
is produced all over the world and widely used in cooking, is a leaner option for cream.
When the texture is gritty, it is called cottage cheese, and when it is smooth and creamy, it
is called cream cheese - or quark when the fat level is minimal. The mild, somewhat
savoury flavour pairs well with a wide range of foods and components.

Figure 3.3 Fresh cheese

3.3 Material and procedure

3.3.1 Material
− For mozzarella production: Raw milk (No sterilization process) was purchased in
Nông Lâm store (84ATô Vĩnh Diện, Phường Linh Chiểu, Thủ Đức).

− For fresh cheese production: In this experiment, we used both sterilized milk (11%
TS) and milk powder (96%TS) to make a standardized milk with total solid content
is 14%.

Figure 3.4 The power milk (left) and TH true milk (right)

Citric acid
Citric acid (E330) is used in cheese making to coagulate or bind casein. Adding citric acid
to milk to adjust the pH, increasing acidity, is an important step to create optimal conditions
for rennet enzyme activity in the following step. The outer layer of casein is made up of a
negatively charged protein called kappa casein which is why under normal conditions all
the negatively charged casein molecules are discharged and move away from each other,
exactly like the pole magnet. By adding citric acid, the pH is neutralized and the casein
coagulates by generating more H+ ions (positive charge) to neutralize the negative charges
of the casein.

Figure 3.5 Citric acid

− For mozzarella production: Our team uses 6% citric acid concentration
− For fresh cheese production: Our team uses 2% citric acid concentration
Rennet enzyme
Rennet casein is an enzyme responsible for coagulating milk to separate curds and whey,
as well as initiate cheese production. Rennet includes an enzyme (chymosin) that breaks
down the negatively charged kappa casein protein chain, allowing the cathode to dissolve
into the liquid (it will leave with the whey).

Figure 3.6 Rennet

In this experiment, we solely used rennet to make mozzarella.

A salt, also known as an ionic compound, is a chemical molecule made up of an ionic
assembly of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, resulting in a neutral
substance with no net electric charge. Furthermore, adding salt to cheese enhances its

3.3.2 Procedure
Mozzarella Production Process

Figure 3.7 Mozzarella production

Explain the procedure

Prepare the acid citric 6% solution: Weigh 6g of citric acid to 100mL in a volumetric flask.

− Acidification
Purpose: creating a Suitable Environment for Coagulation Enzyme

➢ Acidification lowers the pH of milk, creating an optimal environment for the

coagulation enzyme (rennet) to function effectively. This enzyme breaks down
protein bonds in milk, forming curds and whey.

➢ The level of acidification affects the speed and firmness of the curds. Higher
acidification leads to faster coagulation and firmer curds, suitable for hard
cheeses. Lower acidification results in softer curds, ideal for soft cheeses.
Procedure: slowly add citric acid until the milk reaches a pH value of 5.9

− Coagulation
Purpose: It works by altering the casein proteins in milk, causing them to link together and
form a network. This network traps fat and other milk components, creating the base of the

Procedure: add 1 drop of rennet enzyme to milk at 37oC for 15 mins. Under the action of
gastric enzymes, casein is converted to paracasein and then paracasein combines with
calcium to form a milky white paste. Purpose rennet breaks the phosphate amide bond,
releasing paracasein.

− Curd cutting and whey separation

Purpose: whey drainage: cutting the curd increases the surface area exposed for whey to
separate. This expulsion of whey concentrates the remaining milk solids in the curds,
creating a base for the cheese.

Procedure: after the milk has curdled, cut the milk into small pieces of different sizes by
type of cheese. The purpose of this step is to speed up the whey separation. When
separating whey, remove as much whey as possible and recover the curd.

Figure 3.8 Coagulation mozzarella

− Kneading and Molding
Procedure: after the whey has been removed, the curd is kneaded until smooth, elastic and
free of lumps. Add 6% salt to water then kneading, instead of draining. Note this step must
be done carefully which can take a long time to avoid incomplete integration. Water
temperature at suitable conditions is 80oC. If the water is too low, the curds will not be able
to flow completely for spinning, leading to curdling.

Figure 3.9 Kneading Cheese
Quarg Cheese Production Process

Figure 3.0.10 Fresh cheese production

Explain the procedure

Prepare acid citric 2% solution: Weigh 6g of citric acid to 100mL in a volumetric flask.

For this experiment, we used two types of milk: sterilized fresh milk and reconstituted
powdered milk. As a result, we had to calculate the mass of each component in order to get
the final result for a fresh cheese product with a 14% dry matter.

a + b = 500 a = 482.57 g
{ ↔{
0.11a + 0.97b = 0.14 × 500 b = 17.44 g


a: weight of sterilized fresh milk

b: weight of milk powder

− Homogenization
Purpose: reduce the loss of fat in whey (increase in cheese yield); improve texture of soft

Procedure: use a milk homogenizer for 5 minutes at a temperature of 55 degrees Celsius.

Then turn off the machine and skim off the foam on the surface.

− Pasteurization
Purpose: destroys microorganisms and enzymes that are harmful to ripening; removal of
pathogens (Listeria; Clostridium, ..).

Procedure: pasteurize the milk at 85°C for 15 mins. Then cool the milk to room

− Coagulation and Whey separation


➢ Coagulation: It works by altering the casein proteins in milk, causing them to link
together and form a network. This network traps fat and other milk components,
creating the base of the cheese.
➢ Whey separation: Whey is the liquid that remains after the curds form. It contains
mostly water, lactose (milk sugar), and some minerals. Separating the whey
concentrates the casein, fat, and other desired components in the curds, which
become the foundation for the final cheese.

Figure 3.11 Coagulation fresh cheese

Procedure: slowly add citric acid until the milk reaches a pH value of 4.5-4.6 and let
the milk sit for 30 mins to coagulate. After 30 mins, when the milk is completely
separated, separate the curd and whey with a filter cloth
− Molding
Purpose: creating the shape of the fresh cheese

Procedure: after removing the whey, shaping the cheese by pressing it in the mold for 1

3.4 Results and Discussion

3.4.1 Mozzarella
Sensory Evaluation

Figure 3.12 Final production

Table 3.1 Sensory evaluation

Criteria Sample
Appearance Creamy white, light yellow.

Smell Light milk aroma, no strange smell.

Light creamy, and buttery, with a gentle sweetness that lingers on the
Flavor tongue. A slightly sour taste in harmony with sweetness, with a light
fatty aftertaste that is not harsh.

Texture Dense, elastic, on a smooth surface.

Determination of cheese solid yield (CSY) and total solids (TS) of cheese
Table 3.2 Calculation

Masses Sampple
𝒎𝒓𝒂𝒘 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒌 (𝒈) 300

𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕 (𝒈) 30.57

𝑽𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒅 𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 (𝟔%) (𝒎𝒍) 5

%𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒌 14.5

%𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒌 51.835

H (%) 10.19
CSY (%) 36.427


𝑚𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒 - weight of obtain cheese (g)

𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑘 - weight of milk (g)

𝐻× %𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒
CSY= × 100
% 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑘

% cheese yield (H) = × 100


− According to the table above, the yield of cheese is from 11.65- 13.2%. However,
the yield of the mozzarella cheese from the experiment is lower (10.19%).
− Cheese yield is influenced by a variety of factors, including raw milk composition
and quality, milk handling, cold storage, pre-treatments including standardisation
and pasteurisation, cheese-making parameters and equipment, and technology.
− It is possible that the folding process used too much power to push out the whey, or
that the curd stuck in the container or splashed outside the draining cloth.
3.4.2 Fresh Cheese
Sensory Evaluation

Figure 3.13 Final production fresh cheese

Table 3.3 Sensory evaluation of fresh cheese

Criteria Sample
Appearance Ivory white, the surface is smooth, not speckled or watery.
Smell Normal aroma, no strange smell.

Flavor Sour, fatty, and slightly sweet. Has a light fatty aftertaste.

Texture Thick, smooth, without lumps, and fairly wet.

Determination of performance of fresh cheese

Table 3.4 Calculation of fresh cheese

Masses Sampple
𝒎 TH 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒌 (𝒈) 482.35
𝒎reconstitued milk (𝒈) 17.65
𝑽𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒅 𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 (2%) (𝒎𝒍) 81

𝒎 fresh cheese (𝒈) 65.43

Y (%) 13.086


𝑚𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒
Cheese yield (Y) = × 100 %
𝑚𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑘

Based on our group's calculation of cheese yield of 13,086%, comparison with the research
results by C. Dadousis et al. (2017) shows that the yield typically obtained in fresh cheese
production ranges from 10.2% to 20.5%. Thereby, it shows that our group's performance
is within the above range.

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