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Name: Samiling Jerimiah Section: BH501P Date: 22/11/23

09_Activity 2
Case Study: Which Approach is Best?
Mark Berry, Sandra Griffith, and Juan Carlos are seniors at Florida Tech University, majoring in Industrial
Technology with a quality emphasis. The three (3) hope to be quality directors after graduation. Mark
said that he will use the DMAIC Approach when he graduated and land his first job since it is simple, easy
to use, and effective. Sandra argued because she thinks Six Sigma Approach is better and much reliable.
Juan Carlos joined in their debate and said that he is going to make a master list of improvement
strategies including Kaizen Approach and he will use whatever is best for a specific situation.

Answer the following (2 items x 10 points):

1. What approach do you think is best for promoting continual improvement? Explain your answer.

Personally, I believe in a versatile approach that combines the strengths of different

methodologies. I resonate with Juan Carlos's idea of maintaining a master list of improvement
strategies, including the DMAIC Approach, Six Sigma Approach, and Kaizen Approach. This allows
for flexibility, ensuring I can choose the most fitting method for a given situation. DMAIC's
simplicity, Six Sigma's data-driven precision, and Kaizen's emphasis on continuous small
improvements collectively create a holistic and adaptable culture of continual improvement.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches mentioned in the case

The structured nature of DMAIC can be perceived as rigid, making it less adaptable to
rapidly changing business environments. This lack of flexibility may hinder its
effectiveness in dynamic industries. Also, DMAIC tools and techniques may be
overwhelming, especially for smaller projects.
- The informal nature of Kaizen may lead to a lack of formal documentation and structure in the
improvement process. This can pose challenges when it comes to replicating successes or tracking
Rubric for grading:


Content Provided specific related answers with 8
related details
Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, 1
spelling, and capitalization
Organization Expressed the points in clear and 1
of Ideas logical arrangement of ideas in the

Goetsch, D. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality.
United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited

09 Activity 2 *Property of STI

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