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Girls Secretly Want a Guy to Do

It’s much more difficut to satisfy a woman in bed than a man. Many
representatives of the stronger sex can not find the approach to their partners,
especially when they are shy and secretive. Not all girls are trying to talk about
their preferences and wait for a man to take any initiative and give them an
unforgettable orgasm.

For most part of the fairer sex intimacy is something special. Girls do not want any
rough copulation, they long for romance, tenderness, caresses and kisses. In order
to deliver your favorite a real pleasure in bed, you have to create a romantic
atmosphere, give compliments and tell sweet words. You need to determine where
there are your woman’s erogenous zones. This can be understood by the moans,
sighs, rapid breathing and reaction to touching a particular body part.
Girls’ behavior in bed is directly linked to her emotional condition and the events
that have taken place in the afternoon before. There is such a thing as a female
potency, which is influenced by stress and argues. And if after the tiring day or
noisy scandals the partner does not take affection, you should not be surprised.
If you indeed want to have a very pleasant evening, you need to prepare for it in
advance. Female desire starts in the head. Woman is excite by romantic gestures,
unexpected gifts, kind words. Each representative of the fairer sex knows when a
man really wants making love and when he was just doing his duty. Do not forget
to give her favorite flowers, sing songs and make surprises. These actions will not
just make them happy emotionally, but also radically change the behavior in bed.
Most women love persistent, self-confident men. Don’t give up in the case of
refusal.Many women just want to flirt.If a man will make more efforts to achieve
his lady, the sex will be enjoyable not only for him but also for her.

It is important to give a sense of love and companion care to show how much she
is sexy and desirable. Declarations of love will make intimate moments sweeter. It
is really necessary to support your passion in all endeavors in bed, so she will not
be so shy.
The foreplays are of great importance. The fairer sex needs some more time to
reach the desired condition before intercourse. But this does not mean that the
affection should be standard, memorized. Look for unexplored places on the body,
try new contacts and positions.

The kissing process is a very intimate and important moment for any woman. Sex
can not happen without the sensual touch to the mouth. You can start with a kiss on
the lips, and then move on to the neck and chest. But petting should be intense and
not break off for a moment. The girl shouldn’t lose excitement. Of course, you can
not hurt and leave marks on the body.
If this is the first sexual intercourse and you do not know what zones are
erogenous, focus on the chest and nipples. These parts of the body are the most
sensitive. Neat affection of such zones can cause a strong desire.
If a man uses imagination and shows determination, he will obligatory meet the
expectations even of the most demanding partner.
If a man uses imagination and shows determination, he will obligatory meet the
expectations even of the most demanding partner.
The main thing is to experiment as often as possible and to pay attention to her
reaction. Women are very thin and delicate creatures. They need to be delighted
and amazed.

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